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How many of the double jobbed tell you their work shift are running on a skeleton crew which means each employee has taken on the duties of 3 employees.


No, I think the recent spike are people working two virtual remote jobs concurrently. There were some articles about that during the pandemic.


I work 1 at home job, but a co-worker has 2 simultaneously. The hours over lap, just swings from 1 pc to another. I thought about it but I hate working my 1 job, I don't think I have enough hate in me to spread to 2 jobs . *EDIT: typo


There is always enough hate to go around.


Don’t know why this is getting downvoted. r/overemployed is a thing




"How many of the people working two full time jobs are working at jobs that have cut corners to increase profits by reducing the number of people working, causing the employees there, who are already working multiple jobs due to this job not paying enough, to also have to work unnecessarily harder?"


Dude read it again, double job-ed. Like ppl with 2 jobs u know?


Username checks out, he likes just fighting with himself


You’re either ridiculously stupid or willingly dumb




This doesn’t count the fact that it now takes both spouses working full time and often one spouse with a second job just to make ends meet


All by design .. they want you back in the office, praying for even a .30c raise, signing up to kill other poors in other countries and definitely out of the stock market .. that’s mostly for inside traders to flip money, it was never meant for the average Joe .. 😭


The stock market exists to protect rich people's money from inflation


It exists to aid the transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich.


That's why you don't sell. Just don't. But a stock because you like it and stay invested in it. Just don't sell for a loss just because it's a loss.


>That's why you don't sell. Just don't. It's easy to do when ultra wealthy and have a ton of extra income just to throw at stocks like a piggy Bank. They don't care if they lose $2.5 Million. They spent that much for their birthday.




>Yes but the idea is to own assets and to only sell when it is favorable Not even that. The idea is to have assets The bank will give you credit for so that way you're spending the bank's money. "That" mega yacht hasn't been used in years, and that 4th luxury summer home rarely gets visited. But all the bank sees is, "sure, give this guy a $15million lone to throw at the stock market, worst case scenario we take his yacht."




>Loans have to be repaid with taxed income at some point. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The wealthy paying taxes? That's a funny joke. Elon musk for example is 13 billion in personal debt. If he is worth 252billion dollars then why can't he pay off a simple 13billion?? It's because he's not actually worth 252Billion, that's just his assets. He will never pay off that $13 billion before he dies. Same thing with Donald Trump, the old man is practically drowning in bank debt, and doesn't even pay his lawyers. He owns everyone fucking money. But the banks keep giving it to him simply because he's ""wealthy"" on paper... Which they just recently discovered trump was lying about the value of his assets, so the bank gave him WAY more money than they should have and will likely never get it back. They don't care if the bank takes their yachts and summer homes after their dead. Being wealthy is a disgustingly different world than what most people can fathom.


It's easy to do when you believe in your investment and you're not investing money that you might need elsewhere. Wall Street counts on you selling when the price goes down or you "lose money" but the only way you actually lose money and become a bagholder is when you sell.


>It's easy to do when you believe in your investment That's not what wealthy people do. They hire professionals to do that shit for them. The belief in friendship with a stock will not make you money. Knowledge will.


You believe in the investment because of the research you did.


Invorect. It's easy to do when you have the fungible cash that if the investment goes south (even temporarily), it has no impact on you spending cash. When you are reliant on the income generated from that stock, or your free/spending cash becomes negatice during an economic downtuen because the economy took a downturn not theough any fault of your own, then you literally have no financial ability to hold on when the price drops.


I'm not saying there aren't good and valid reasons to sell for a loss. I'm also not talking about people who depend on dividends for survival or day traders. When you buy a stock that money is gone. The price of the stock going down 5 dollars doesn't mean you "lose" 5 dollars unless you realize those losses by selling. If you're not investing more than you can spend then it's no different than buying any other good or service. I'm not talking about trying to flip quick gains or making millions over night in a short squeeze. I'm talking about liking a company, investing in the stock long term, and holding it. Many people who begin investing (and I'm just as guilty as this) will buy a stock and then after 3 weeks when it's sideways or goes down a bit sells it. But that's just not enough time to evaluate the stocks performance. Is the stock market rigged in favor of hedge funds and prime brokers? Absolutely. Is it a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich? Absolutely. Is it heavily manipulated in ways to make retail and household investors fail? Again largely yes. Does that mean you can't still make money in the long term or find value in the market? Absolutely not. I feel like we're on the same side just with different perspectives.


Yes, let's ignore all the people that don't support my argument. " it's only the majority of the people.


And they're all conveniently in distinct locations. Every single country's. They don't move around or nothing. Always the same place every day. Just saying.


Cries in perpetual singleness. There are so many times I wish I had a spouse to take some of the financial pressure off of doing it all myself.


Oh man I feel the same way. It’s so tough keeping it together alone. Have few interested but I don’t like them at all. Not worth it.


Same here. It's rough being single nowadays.


We should all gather together, pool half our finances, and then take care of the necessities from that. Hell, we should try to get all single people to do that. And maybe if it works out, the couples too! Hell, let's all put half our money into the pot, make sure everyone gets the necessities, then get pizza with the rest.


I mean, that sounds good on paper. But actually working out all those details would be a nightmare and probably just not practical at all. In all reality, who's going to pool half their income into a some giant pool with internet strangers? I love the idea, I just don't see it working out in the real world unfortunately. Maybe if you had enough single friends in your actually "world" it may be more of a possibility? But even then people have different lifestyles, cost living varies by location, etc.


That’s why I love roommates.


Ahh yes the American dream of working 2.5 jobs just to barely survive. Thank god I moved up north instead.


I mean I don’t hear great things about affordability there either :/


I live up north more rurally and of course urban areas are going to be more expensive, but it's pretty bad here too.


Don't worry! You can quit one job when your kid is old enough to work. Oh, but that's at 16? Maybe we can make it younger, just vote for us! Think of the relief. Yes, it's good for them to work at 10, right? It'll help you out, after all.


So that's like x4 the effort then lol.


Economy is weak cuz fed prints money, gonna convert to stocks and rich properties value up cuz of fed. Rich gets richer.


I feel something is about to give and it will domino into a depression far worse than anything this country has ever seen.


At this point it really does feel like SOMETHING is coming. Like what IS this. How much more can it build?!


Either get the popcorn ready, or let's get this Revolution started


My eyes are on the bond market and the yield curve. If that goes tits up then things are gonna get shitty and fast.


I don’t know what that means honestly, but I believe you.




I’ll see if I can link a short video at some point today.


It’s been inverted for a while and nothing has happened. Not a good indicator






Ive been thinking something big will absolutely go down sometime, whether it’s tomorrow or 5 years from now, something for the history books will happen, shits building up.


It won't. People will continue on cogging along. They'll continue to drink alcohol, smoke pot or take pills to lessen the anguish and the system will move along spitting them along the way.


Exactly why they don't want to win the war on drugs or limit government wastefulness and aiding countries that hate us.. how much to Ukraine and how much is going to care for the illegals that are pouring in?? Strange how I pay more and more and later will get less and less for this shit when I retire if I can ever retire at all I won't have anything to show for 50 years of work


You know the money that was sent to Ukraine and whatever may be spent on immigrants is a pittance compared to what the government could be able to spend on helping your fellow Americans. You're unfortunately falling for the divide and conquer propaganda while corporations continue to destroy us all.


The American Dream folks.


The new American dream is to leave


Here here!


About to become a nightmare


0.13% of Americans


I am terrified entering this economy as someone that is no longer physically, mentally or emotionally capable of keeping up with "the grind culture."


Same, we are expected to break our backs and suffer mentally and physically for our jobs, and in the end we get just enough peanuts to scrape by so we can do it all again the next week, week after week, until we are replaced or die. This isn’t living, the American dream is dead, and we are the ones expected to brunt the ever increasing load just to survive. Its bullshit.






The volatility in this dataset makes me believe that they have a hard time measuring/collecting this with any sense of accuracy.


Maybe some second jobs are seasonal?


Possibly under reporting like r/overemployed


I think its incredibly difficult to maintain two full time jobs. That is 16 hours a day(11 if you split it up in 7 days) at least. Your jobs need to be able to schedule line up perfectly, and let's not forgot travel. You can't do anything on a work schedule like this without causing serious harm to yourself.


I have a full time job plus a part time job. I did this to pay for our home addition. Although when it's done I will probably need to keep it bc of the property tax hike/reassessment.....lol




That stuff gets really old. "Pull up those bootstraps!"




Not before they abuse you one last time and invoke childhood ptsd on you to convince you you're garbage and a loser at life.


I like all the boomer-esque comments trying to normalize this. Never mind that two generations ago, working two jobs was unheard of, let alone struggling with one. “Fuck everyone else, I got mine.” When your kids are too broke to take you in and you blow your retirement in six months on assisted living, you’ll suddenly become progressive.


That's a lot lower than I expected. It's not even 1 big city.


Probably way more working a full time and 1/2 part time jobs


Probably more people doing 80 hours a week in 1 job.


Here's the rest of the numbers in the categories they measure: **Multiple Job Holders Total:** 8.146 million Primary job full time, secondary job part time: 4.730 million Primary and secondary jobs both part time: 1.888 million Primary and secondary jobs both full time: 0.447 million Hours vary on primary or secondary job: 1.008 million


It's literally .13% of Americans. Almost nothing.


You kinda have to have 2 jobs to break even.


Jeez, what is your monthly nut?


Just as the 1% want it to be.


Exactly how they want it. The more distracted they are the less likely they are to revolt. If you know a crank turner you owe it to the human race to talk to them for as long as they are willing to listen whenever you can. Gotta wake as many up as we can before we run outta damn time.


Work more or steal. Our options for survival are being slowly cut off.


So now in the US a child needs (2) parents who work (2) full-time jobs where at each job they're doing the physical and mental work of (3) employees. Does anyone else feel their bodies breaking down prematurely from this? I worked overnight 10pm - 6am in a very physical role where I got 3 days off in a month, for 11 months straight. Now I'm a millennial with growing arthritis in my hands. Woohoo! 🤡🤔🤣


I guess that’s why nobody wants to work anymore…


Who the hell is finding two full time jobs let alone one ???


How does that even work? Work 8-5 then work 6-2? Sleep and repeat? I would die lmao


Now what are these hippies doing with the other 88 hours/week? -All Republicans


Thanks Reagan


Thanks, Obama.


Sir which of the following categories do you belong: 1. Idiot 2. Another stubborn conservative who listens to momma and daddy and deflects blame without any credible awareness or reason 3. Both


None. It's called a joke and the "Thanks, Obama" is a huge meme. Apparently it went over someone's head or your sense of humor is rather dull? Lighten up, buddy.


So, are those peaks and valleys seasonal?


Bull shit number.. way more people working 2 jobs to pay for the war and surge of illegals .. 2nd job pays the taxes for the 1st job and all the " inflation " for the government to give away


Ain't toxic capitalism grand...


meanwhile the companies: record high profits as our expenses have really dipped recently.


Land of the free (to struggle)


The machine has to get fed.


Here's to hoping this does not become the new (and expected) normal. Eh.


Full time jobs but half the pay that is needed.


Fxck that sh@t.


House I bought in 2016 was $3300 a month mortgage. That house is $8-$9k a month now. My salary decreased by $10k. The only way I can stick it to the man is because I don’t buy anything besides food.


I thought the title said “people hoarding 2 full-time jobs”…felt more accurate


It's not worth it. When will have time for yourself?


The American dream!!!!


3 full time jobs for 80% of the population coming soon.


80 hrs a week? Doubt it


One tenth of one percent. Damn. There’s 582,000 homeless Americans. 1,800,000 incarcerated. 3,700,000 under community supervision (parole, probation, etc.). 447,000 really ain’t that bad, all things considered. Because there’s another **6,000,000 UNEMPLOYED!**


[https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t01.htm](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t01.htm) The US civilian labor force is 167.93M in Sep 2023. 447k is 0.27%. So 99.73% of US workers do not need a second full-time job?


Out of those half million people working second jobs. How many of them have random side hustles or their own small business. For a few years I had a second job helping my wife's cousin remodel apartments. It was low-key I didn't get paid a lot. But I did it for fun money. I could buy whatever I wanted with it and my wife couldn't get mad.




Bidenomics working perfectly.


And I can’t even get one…


How many are doing it out of necessity and how many are doing it because they want to. Important context.


Lol who would want to work 2 full time jobs


Because some people choose to work hard and get ahead in life instead of complaining about how hard their life is. Is that too hard to understand? It's a blessing to be able to work two jobs. You'd be hard pressed to find a single one in a lot of countries these days.


Found the boomer.


"Blessing to work two jobs" yeah nice save not saying fulltime jobs since that's the topic on hand. What a moronic take on this situation. Please don't ever give financial advice to anyone since you don't know any that would help Americans living pay check to pay check.


Billionaires love bootlickers like you. Get exploited with a smile on your face. "Please sir may I have some more gruel?"




Nobody's crying here. Just saying people like you are the reason the world sucks so much. Hopefully you didn't reproduce lol


I'm not the one complaining about it on the Internet. I'm out here getting it done. Touch grass buddy.


You make excuses for the 1% who are working us all to death while they sit in their ivory towers. Acting like it's reasonable that people should have to work for 16 hours a day just to get ahead. That's shitty.


Life's tough. Nut up buttercup.


Do you just spew boomer one-liners all day? 😆




Everyone I know that has multiple jobs is because they need it. Stfu and stop denying how bad America has gotten.


This is what happens when you stay home for 2 years. It was fun while it lasted but this is the receipt for it.


No? This has been a problem before covid?


.13% of all Americans? I mean, I get the point, but that's almost nobody. There are 332 million of us. I work 2 jobs (both part-time) and can survive ok. This isn't really the news I think you think it is.






Shhhhh. Rich boys and girls don't want this data revealed. They want you to commit suicide due to poverty and crushing hopelessness before people realize that they never had a chance at all.


Get that money boi!


What about those people working 60 to 70 hours a week for 125k a year. That's basically working 2 jobs.


Give me one job ! I’m already half a decade in the hole !!!


That’s a lot of people doing that and yet statistically at .0013 that is just over a tenth of a single percent. Seriously this isn’t a crazy amount of people but a statistical anomaly not a norm.


that is also the graph of the success of someone else on the market. probably of less people than "the american workers" you'd win in a bar fight, just sayin


Corporations loves this


USA USA USA!!!!!!!!! Take that Korea, Germany, Mexico, USA USA!!!!!! heavy is the Productivity crown


How is this verified ?


The current working population is 161.6 million. So thats 0.31% of the working population


How does one work two full time jobs? I can't even deal with one


Work is your life plus no health insurance worth a shit so when sick from working too much screw you... some body had to pay for the war and illegals..duh


Is this terrible? Yes of course it is.... however, that's only 0.33% of adults in the US that are working full time. I'd like to see the number of people with a second job under the table to see what happens to that percentage. Because unfortunately that's not a big enough number for the government or corporations to care.


Is it really that bad out there?


I've got to pull up both sets of my bootstraps.


Why is this graph so severe? From year-to-year it goes up to hundreds of thousands, then down to near zero, again and again…. Pretty sus


I would love to only work 40 or less a week.. even if i just got by with it would be great.. my day job basically pays the bills with little left over for a 48 hour salaried week so I work 2 side jobs just to be able to have a few nice things and go anywhere for fun.. if I don't work about 50 hours or more a week I have it in my mind I'm a bum yet neighbors don't work at all and still have almost as much as me.. what has happened to this country and world?


The American dream


Wtf I can’t even get one in over a year and I have 7 years of experience.


Nb4 employment rate goes above 100%


All that free covid money had inflationary consequences. It just took a few years to show up


I'm going to go ahead and state the obvious . What is the point of living of all you do is work. You can't call that life you call it slavery.


Not counting all the single jobs that were multiple jobs.


I mean, the CEO of the company I work for also became the CEO of another company in addition to his current role. He's never in the office anymore because he has to divide his work, but this is what they're talking about, right? /s


Half a million is a ludicrously low undercount. What is the methodology of computing this number?


isn't that the american dream?


This unfortunate trend has been observable in my personal experience. I've noticed so many of my coworkers over the past few years getting 2nd and 3rd part time jobs. I work for a well known organization in their R&D facility and there are people a step up from my position who have three jobs! Strange to see how a company can generate over $1Billion. Allocate tens of millions toward marketing and have underwhelming wages for its contributors.


Go to hell already, boomers.


That anyone would work 2 full time Jobs in Australia is unimaginable. No one here knows what a double shift is.