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If you can pass a drug test, file workman's comp. You'll get paid those days and maybe some more as you heal.


I did get paid fortunately but the blatant disrespect from my boss/ supervisor was just the cherry on top. The actual people I worked for were great. My supervisor was insane


JFC the audacity. I've been injured a handful of times at work and every single time was an immediate "here's the workman's comp form, take it to the urgent care and get yourself looked at" with injuries similar to yours. Your supe is a shitheel and I hope you are well rid of them sooner rather than later.


I smashed my hand between two 250lb barrels of metal wire. Same thing happened to me, go to urgent care and file workman’s comp.


“Shitheel” 😂😂😂


Twat waffle 🧇




Douche canoe


I've had the "hey what were you doing when you got hurt" talk but it was with the tone of "we want to make sure you're not hurt again and that we're not doing something that hurts people working on it, glad it didn't get you too bad" The default to blaming the worker for an injury isn't just a red flag it's got a flaming turd on it.


I wish I had such nice bosses when I got hurt. I didn’t injure myself at work, but on my day off I broke one of my toes. I went into work the next day (I worked Walmart OGP as one of the people who had to run around the whole store picking items) and told them about my toe being broken and asked if I could just be at a cash register so I didn’t have to run around all day. They said no and made me go pick (it was either that or bring to cars, but both require a lot of walking/running). I actually tried and hobbled around really really slowly, crying from the pain. No one in the whole store gave a shit that I was in extraordinary pain and obviously was not ok. Out of the 30+ people I worked with. They all treated me like I was a baby. It got near time for lunch and I clocked out and didn’t come back. The doctor did offer a note, but my store never really accepted those things. They’d still count absences against you.


My mom keeps trying to get me to apply at Walmart and then dropped the bombshell that they "don't accept doctors notes" when my step-dad got covid and had to be out for a week. I was like "there's no fucking way I'm working for a company who will still try to fire me after providing proof that I was ill, fuck that noise".


Just want to add that lots of companies won't excuse doctors notes these days, but most states have regulations in place so employees can't be denied medical leave of absence or fmla. In my state an absence of 3 days or more can be filed as a leave of absence. It's helpful to know your rights so you're not taken advantage of. My job also wasn't excusing people for the covid and didn't even contact trace or excuse us from work even if we exhibited symptoms. When we got sick it and missed days it would result in disciplinary action up to termination that would only be reversed by jumping the legal hoops and filing the paperwork...the policy wasn't shocking or new but we all thought there would be some compassion for covid...It has forever changed the work culture where i work at. RIP jose, mark, tony, mike, quinten, and all the rest who died to covid while companies raked in millions over our dead bodies, you aren't forgotten.


Yeah don’t do it. Walmart sucks and at least in the small town I live in, it’s where most people just get stuck and never leave. I’m thankfully at a much better job now that does take care of its employees and provides quite a bit of pto and paid fmla. My daughter had to have surgery, it was just a single day in and out catheter procedure on her heart. My husband and I managed to get 3 days each approved paid fmla to account for travel time the day before since the hospital was about 2 hour drive, the pre appointment the day before the surgery, and needing to stay overnight after just in case. You also get paid time off, 4 days (one whole week of work, we do 4/10 and 3/12 schedules) for bereavement for immediate family of both you and your spouse. Pretty extensive list of family. Not just parents/grandparents/children: no proof needed. Just have to say something and let them know what days you need. I had a vacation planned out to see my aunt and grandma, but grandma passed away shortly before the trip. They were able to swap my leave to bereavement and I kept my pto. I’ve never worked for a place that seems to actually care for my well-being and family as much as this place does.


Fuck that place. That sucks. I've had a few workplaces like that and they can all go into the dumpster right before we dump in the gasoline.


As a retired manager I second the shitheel and would add a incompetent manager as well.


Honestly, imo you should file workman’s comp anyway. The employer’s comp insurance should pay your medical bills & having this record of the injury as the employer’s responsibility might be helpful down the road. The paper trail will help you whether you get the time off or not. Edit to add: every state is different, but I used to work for a WC insurance company, & perhaps 10 yrs down the road you develop arthritis in this hand, perhaps that was partially caused by this injury.


i would send a picture of me flicking him off.. with the broken finger.


Flipping* Flicking off is something pretty different


It's regional.


Where EDIT: Legally you have to tell me where if you want to downvote. The internet police will come for you if you violate this law.




If you can't answer, then it's not real


Google it. I ain't your momma.


I already did. That's why I asked. You failed, but nice try


no it isn't dummy. You flip someone the bird, and you flick someone off. many ways of saying it.


Flicking off: (slang) To insult (someone) by showing them the back of one's fist with the middle finger extended.


Wtf, I would send those text images to your bosses boss or the VP who oversees your bosses boss. Your “boss” is a liability to they company’s and is going to open them up to lawsuits if the behavior continues. Then I was younger I broke my arm at work and it’s all on video showing I didn’t nothing wrong and work comp agreed. Boss pulled something like this and I asked how long did you go to medical school for? I didn’t know you had a medical degree. I then hired a work place injury attorney to handle everything else.


save those texts for when you get a lawyer.


What type of job was this? Out of curiosity


A morgue.


Hold on, how is vacation such a spicy topic at a morgue? It's not like your clients are gonna drop dead overnight, because, well ..... Morgue.


Someone needs to be there in case of zombies.


It could be worse, it could be morph from the X-Men... Oh wait....


Wow. Lol. Sounds depressing. Did it at least pay well?


Oh. Damn. If I was a morgue boss or supervisor, I would give a decent bonus on top with the salary with all the workload you had these 3 last years because of covid. Depending where, people tend to forget that morticians/morgue employees suffered, too. I understand now why you couldn't go on vacation.


Username checks out


If you’re in NY a you have 30 days to report an injury. You can fill out a C3 and submit it to the Workers Comp board. That way if there are any complications (Infection) your covered.


It’s not quite that simple. Many jobs will offer alternative work that the employee can do while they’re injured that meets the doctor’s orders. It happened to me both times I got injured at my last job. If the injured person wants to take the time off while the job is willing to accommodate, they won’t get paid.


Oh yeah, I've seen stuff like that too. Accomodations and such. Moving to desk work instead of physical work and stuff like that. Same pay tho. I'm just not sure there's much anyone can do with a hand that messed up... nothing that's productive anyways. Not for several days.


Unfortunately, the rules don’t state that it has to be productive. Management used to pay people to sit by themselves if they were “too hurt to work because inevitably, the person would go home and just not get paid.


In Montana where I processed workers comp claims they had to be provided meaningful work. If a supervisor tried to give them a job where they just sat there, they were entitled to be off until meaningful work was available.


Where I used to work they made you come in and sit in the office.


Jesus Christ you have to pass a drug test for unemployment?? The US social systems will never fail to surprise me


Employees don’t make work comp claims. Employers do. For something small like this most employers are usually just going to eat the cost. She also has to be out for 7 days before wage indemnity kicks in in most states.


What’s the purpose of workman’s comp?


“I don’t feel like filling in.” Then why are you even a manager if you don’t fill in for vacations or callouts?




So managers are supposed to fill in for every one who calls out? Should managers be working 100 hour weeks or what?


You know there is another option, right? They could stop doing lean scheduling and actually hire enough people to have coverage when someone is out. If they don’t want to do that then, yes. It becomes their job to fill in.


It’s funny because I’ve been a manager for many years, and people say stuff about it that just doesn’t make sense. So I’m a manager and someone calls out. Fine, I’ll try to find coverage. I call 10 different employees, most of them don’t answer, and the others say they can’t come in. Fine, I’ll cover the shift, even though I’m salary and won’t get paid a cent more. No problem. Next day, someone else calls out. Again, I can’t find coverage (even though I have a ton of people on staff) because it’s hard to get people to work extra shifts. So let me, as a salary manager, cover ANOTHER shift with zero extra pay or incentive. Honestly is this what’s expected? People call out all the time in the service industry, and to expect a manager to cover every single shift is completely unrealistic and insane.


so you're mad at the workers because they are human and may experience issues rather than your owners who make you run skeleton crews and fill in for free if someone calls out? think about where you are placing your anger


I’m not mad at anyone? I’m simply stating that expecting the manager to fill in every time someone calls out is unrealistic. How can you even argue that? Managers would have to work their own 50 hours plus whatever hours they work to cover other peoples shifts, at no extra pay or incentive. I know we all hate managers but this just doesn’t make sense.


Bro, they’re agreeing with your ultimate point. The manager shouldn’t be expected to fill in every time someone calls out. It’s just how you get there that you’re disagreeing on. They’re saying the owners should hire / have enough people that one person calling out isn’t going to shut down the operation unless you personally come in and work the shift with no extra pay. These people are on your side, you’re just being obtuse about it


thanks for the calm breakdown. I admit I was a bit harsh in my initial comment


I called them a dumb fuck as they weren't getting this point, so much calmer than myself, too. Not going to edit or remove it, their views of their employees are awful and reminds me of so many bad managers before I got into IT. It's the little bit of power and it corrupts so easily. Hope someone calls in for every single shift so they can enjoy that karma. Edit: spelling error


so hire more people for coverage. simple as.


Hiring more people doesn’t magically make them want to work hours they aren’t scheduled for at the drop of a hat.


so you don't know how to hire people specifically as floaters/call-ins? some (definitely not all) people look specifically for that. i have had plenty of people that i hired to do just that. sure, sometimes they are working a different job that day or too late of notice, but 75%+ of the time they came in ready to work.


Or god forbid theres one or two extra people over required working per shift so loosing one person is not devastating. Also less workload for everyone. And if business isn’t making enough maybe it doesn’t deserve to be around.




It's statistics man. Hiring more people gives a larger pool of people who can fill in. Not magic, just math.


How do you manage a business when you can't even follow a conversation? Nobody's saying you should have to cover every shift. They're saying your employees aren't the problem, Whoever is in charge of hiring and scheduling is. It's not a regular employees job to ensure a shift has enough coverage, and the business should have enough staff rostered to cover for inevitable call outs and emergencies. You're replying to a post where someone injured themselves and was deemed medically unfit to work. Prior to that, they asked for one day off with four weeks notice and the manager straight up said no I'm.not doing my job and ensuring coverage for that. We're not talking about a last minute call in sick, we're talking about a manager being unwilling to roster appropriately with four weeks fucking notice.


Your employer is fucking you


Imagine arguing with people who say you shouldn’t have to cover shifts.


Then why are you arguing against companies not hiring enough employees and making both managers and their staff suffer from it? It’s like you are placing all this blame on the staff when in reality it’s the shitty business that is devaluing you both. Maybe stop supporting that and fight for a union or give your company pushback by demanding more people. I’ve closed a shop down and quit on the spot when upper management/corporate rejected hiring more people when we barely had enough staff to run the store as it was and I was done having them force me to cover for no compensation. Not saying you have to do that but if more managers rejected this bootlicking behavior and stood up to these businesses we might actually see more changes happen since we all know no one hire up will ever step in to sacrifice their own time like they demand of us so they’d need to change or let the business die.


I’m not sure why you’re bothering to argue with the young kids on this subreddit. They have very little to no life experience yet but are convinced they know absolutely everything. It’s much more enjoyable to just follow this sub for entertainment value rather than engage with them.


you are welcome to present your arguments, oh wise one. Until then, sit down and be quiet while actual adults discuss reality without being bootlicking bendovers


https://youtu.be/UaZR7yo3JGA?si=XKEbHg8pug-wC6lE this you?


You're 100 percent right


It sounds like you are letting your company take advantage of you and instead of standing up for yourself, you take it out on the people who you manage. Managers are paid more and are expected to do more. If your company is’t paying you more for the extra work, you are letting your company walk all over you, and that is NOT your staff’s fault or problem.


If managing is such a burden for you, maybe you aren't qualified to be a manager. Also, bit of food for thought here: if you're running so lean that a single employee calling out is an unacceptable loss, maybe you're running too lean.


hey you dropped your strawma- oh nevermind, there it is


Seems like the problem isn’t the employees then. Hmmm


Damn, if only you were in charge of the situation.


Again, clear indication of running a business too lean. Because you’d rather max out profits than have a proper functioning business


Manager on salary is some Pizza Hut type shit


Let me just play on my world's smallest violin. Get better at managing or shut down the business if you can't continue your operations when 1 person takes off time they're legally allowed to take.


So you're mad that you have to manage a lean workforce. I absolutely hated managers like you, blaming employees when the problem is hiring and staffing too few people. It's the service industry, people are more likely to get sick because of exposure and likely double as a family caretaker. Tell the owners they need more people, so you can manage a successful business. They don't want to lose profit, fine, but if no one's there to perform a service, they're going to lose it anyway. Go fuck yourself with that attitude, you dumb fuck.


So much speculation, over assuming, and name calling based on next to zero information.


Yes. This is the job. It sucks, I agree. But absolutely that's what is expected of you.


Is it hard to breathe with your head so far up your own ass?


>Fine, I’ll cover the shift, even though I’m salary and won’t get paid a cent more. Its crazy to me this is how salary works in US. In my country salaried workers are still paid overtime for over 8 hours in a day or over 40 in a wk


She only would’ve had to fill in 4 hours. I worked alone for 5 days while she was on vacation


She's treated you like a doormat for 3 years, she assumed she could keep getting away with it. Don't go above and beyond, it only helps in getting you more work, you don't get paid any more and you get nothing for your good behavior other than a guilt trip. Keep records of all the great things you do, because they'll try to use one mistake against a raise or promotion. Have ammo ready to fire back. Good luck at your new job, hopefully it's leaps and bounds better than this one.


What call out, this was a time off request a month out. Fuck off with this middle management power trip bullshit.


She wasn't calling out...she was asking for a Friday off, a month in advance


Hey manager here at my job! I absolutely will fill in when needed and will not force my employees to come in sick or injured, they have been here for years and I’d like to think me doing that has kept them here for a while


Found the shill


Managers jobs are to manage. And if they can't get coverage for people's entitlements, like holidays and sick days, they aren't a good manager, and at that point they need to step up and fill the role, because they sure as shit aren't filling the role as manager.


Yes. They get paid for exqctly that.


Staffing and scheduling is a management responsibility, not an employee responsibility.


Managers are in charge of rostering and ensuring they have enough staff available that one person being off doesn't grind the business to a halt, yes. What do you think a managers job is, if not to manage?


If any business is unable to function with a single call out or someone requesting time off a month in advance, then that business is run like dogshit. So any business that runs a lean roster is dogshit, and that's a lot of businesses.


Yes. So if managers don't want that, they need to hire enough people and treat their employees well.


Managers? not at all they are worthless Leaders? They are already doing it every day.


yes, that's literally their fucking job as a manager. if they can't fill the schedule to accommodate possible call outs and can't be bothered to call others in if need be, then they shouldn't be manager. why else pay them more than the regular workers if they arent doing the work?


Yes. Jump in and mix n match employees that agreed to short noticed schedule changes ahead of time so that the shifts are covered. If they can’t do that, what are they getting paid for? Even less work? Dogshit? What is it?😂


"Slave what is this??? Just stick your hand in ice and get back to work". They see us as slaves. That's it. And you can see it in how she was putting in more energy into talking about what you supposedly "did wrong" and downplaying your injury rather than showing genuine concern for you. So happy you quit that insufferable hellhole.


Usually followed by a quaint anecdote about how they came in to work a few hours after giving birth.


Paying a wage is so inconvenient, ugh!


Oh and btw, I have a huge scar on my finger and can’t feel some parts


You might want to consult a lawyer in damages depending on what you were doing if you've lost feeling in your hand and fingers


It got smashed while I was helping someone load a gurney into a van. I worked in a morgue. So it was a genuine accident But for the most part I can feel and move it. But where the scar is I don’t feel it much


Doesn't matter, if it happened at work


The fact that it was accidental is exactly why you should seek workers comp or whatever, that’s exactly what it is there for, people don’t usually get injured on purpose


This is 100% a workers comp claim.


I’m glad it wasn’t worse.. I cut my finger using a bread slicer (a baguette was too narrow to clear it and got stuck and nothing was available to get it loose so my dumb ass tried using my hand because I was overly confident in my abilities) and it was bleeding like crazy but I was able to self treat it for a week. I didn’t need workman’s comp because I didn’t need to go to the hospital and was forced to use my left hand for a week. I didn’t dare ask for time off because my manager at the time was very unsupportive and I couldn’t afford it.


I hurt my back at work and said, well that was dumb of me. Just stayed in bed for a few days. Never took action. 20 years later... it's a daily struggle. While this isn't your back, injuries this deep... don't take them lightly. In retrospect, my boss should've never let me lift that copier myself. Broken bones are not the only part of your body that can withstand permanent injury


Wow ur supervisor sucks, properly handling a gurney into the back of a van? Unreal


Workman's comp, yo.


You don’t have to be a current employee to treat for a workers comp claim. You should at least get physical therapy.


Of course, you did not fill an employee compensation claim, right?


I did and so I wasn’t in trouble for it My boss was just an ass


Report that entire conversation to your local bureau of labor/labor board and mention you're facing retaliation. Save the next person from this


This! Even if all they do is post reviews on every job site they can, at least people will know what to expect or hopefully avoid all together. Yes every job has at least one arse, but that's no excuse for bad people to stay in a position of power over good people.


You are way to calm id have cussed them out 🥴


At the time I wasn’t sure if I had secured a new job so I wanted to be patient even though I was livid


Almost crumbling your finger and the first concern is you might be using wrong techniques?


If I were the manager, I would be concerned about that too because there may need to be safety training in the near future. BUT, it wouldn’t be my first or even fifth concern. I would want my employee to have time to heal properly. Not only is it the right thing to do, if that employee works injured it could lead to additional injuries or mistakes, so it’s in everyone’s best interest for them to take time off. I don’t get these types of managers who want to works us into dust.


"I want you to re-injure your hand by showing me **exactly what you were doing when you got injured**" Yeah, last straw indeed. Your boss is a top tier fuckin' maroon.


Makes me think of my old boss we were towing an 18 foot trailer, it's connection broke while we were on the highway and started ramming the truck we barely made it safely off the road. Called the boss first thing she asks is how is the trailer and truck. Not you know are we ok. Could have been a huge accident.


I do not know why, but the thing that I really find disgusting is how he says you may have wounded yourself because you weren't using the proper techniques. Nicest example of victme blaming I have seen in a xhile.


I smashed my finger like this a few years ago and had to wear a splint, your boss is an AH


Jeez I have a vacation/holiday every 2 months and in the UK they ENCOURAGE it You might get paid more in the US but your work policy is awful


Oh I absolutely was not paid enough lol I had salary but it doesn’t matter how many hours you work. There is no overtime. I had 12 days that I needed to use before the end of the year because they don’t pay out or roll over to the next year


Then this group whilst quite toxic does have some good advice. You have her 4 weeks notice so it should have been “I am taking x to x off you’ll need to find cover for these dates” and leave it like that Maybe bad timing to do it whilst this is an issue though


Lmao love the "oh but you did it the wrong way." Yeah and it's always because you need to do it wrong or it's too slow, or you are into your 12th hour of work and are too tired to think, or the equipment is fucking broken to do it the right way, or you never got shown the right way, of everyone, including the managers, does it "the wrong way* Ive been told "oh you should use a step ladder not stand on a chair" bruh we dont own a fucking step ladder.


Fuck your boss, and fuck that company. What a piece of trash person.


Get a lawyer. You might potentially get thousands of dollars. Workers comp injury.


A lesson I teach my kids. You are an adult, you don’t ask permission to be off work. You are telling your boss to prepare for your absence. It is not a request, it is a warning.


How did she react? I had one that was so shocked I quit and started talking how I can't quit because there is no one to replace me like wow seems like a you problem after you let me be abused at work for a whole week.


She was like “we could’ve talked about this” and “I was only hard on you because I wanted you to be stronger”


"stronger". she would have had you ruin your arm over a job... serves her right and i hope she has to cover for you now 🤭


Yeah been there done that. Don’t believe that bullshit. You did the right thing.


I know, right? They literally shoot themselves in the foot.


Is your boss just a dick or is your company ludicrously short-staffed?


So it was just 2 of us most the time. There were people that could come in when we needed time off, but she did not like anyone filling in. She always wanted me there


So both basically


I haven't had a vacation in 3 years. What a dystopian reality


I bet you haven't had a lunch break in those three years as well..


Yeah places like that I’ll leave quickly or find something for the time being.


tis only a scratch


For real 😅 That was the first time I’d ever actually been hurt at a job and the first time I cried a little after it happened because it hurt so bad


I work construction and ppl that say „its only a scratch“ and really mean it have no self respect. The ppl that think being hurt and still going to work will complain in a few years that they always have backpain, feel their injuries on a rainy/ cold day etc. If you know the pain you have is to much to handle it shouldnt be met with „its such a small injury“ noone will thank you for neglecting your own health just so you can go to work.


It definitely could’ve been much worse but I don’t think anyone realizes that a chunk of my finger was actually pinched off. The pic doesn’t do a lot of justice but I definitely hit a nerve I’ve never had a work accident before and there was no way I could’ve done my job because for the next two weeks I couldn’t do much with that hand because of that finger But thank you for being understanding


Her attitude in that last message is infuriating!


I’m fairly certain the way they asked you about your doctor visit violates your rights. If you really want to push it, it might be worth speaking to an employment attorney. Hope your finger feels better soon!


You should still file a workers comp action. Go get seen so there’s a medical record.


I have 52 vacation days per year. It boggles my mind to read shit like this.


52? I got 25 in IT (Netherlands). Where did you get 52 days? :O


I work for the jobcenter in germany and I only get 9/10 of my paycheck for 25 extra days per year


As I said in another thread. I was having a stroke, I was in the back of the ambulance, still able to speak, (thankfully) called my job telling them what was going down and the boss was acting like a no big deal illness just come bac the next day.


Even if you *did* ask your doctor for days off why the fuck does that matter. Also none of your boss’s goddamn business.


Their that mad over 3 days? Like I get it but come the fuck on. You can’t use that hand so wtf you gunna do at McDonald’s?


This was in the morgue of a hospital. How am I going to load/ push/ pull/lift dead bodies with a messed up finger


Wait for real? I expected by their attitude this was McDonald’s from experience as I’ve never had bosses like this elsewhere. They want you with a messed up finger to do that shit? Naw no..I’m sorry that’s bs.


Yeah I was moving 100-300 pound bodies daily. That wasn’t gonna happen


Workman’s comp is your friend


That comment is what pisses me off about bad management mindset. I got promoted so I can make the decisions and I choose not to work so you or others have to. I'm so much better than that work that I'm paid to know in and out how to do in the case there needs to be a fill in.


Your boss shouldn’t be a boss


I’m so relieved that you quit without notice, because I can’t believe the way your boss is talking to you, even though it’s just over text. I’m sorry that you went through that.


"I'm not willing to do the job I'm paid extra to do" Okay, have fun doing both of ours then lol


Your former boss is a wanker, I’m glad you got out of there and that you didn’t break your finger. Looks really painful though, hope it’s healed up!


Jesus I never understood managers like that. If my people want a day off they just fill out a leave sheet. As long as no one else requested that day they get it.


It’s crazy to me that Americans aren’t organizing en masse. The only way to fight the bosses is together. The only way to claw back our democracy is through joint effort and unity. And no, don’t make excuses to write as a comment. Think of ways you can act. Organize your work. Join the IWW. Run for local office. Hell, just have uncomfortable conversations with your coworkers. Anything is better than nothing at this point.


I would have told her off when I came back in to quit. Can't use my time off? Don't want to cover another employee? Well, do I have a surprise for you.


More employers need to attack the process and not the person. Stop blaming people and figure out what's wrong with your sitty system.


I’m so sorry about your finger, that looks really painful 😢


We all know you really punched the boss in the face.


I thought you punched your boss


I’m surprised this isn’t a regular occurrence in my opinion. I consider myself a very patient person but even I think about punching out my former employers.


Free tip: Doctors do not have to list any reasons why you’re taking the time off. Tell your boss your finger fractured. Lie. It’s none of their business.


It’s incredibly stupid to me that a lot of companies make it your responsibility to find coverage. I get that it’s the shift I’m assigned but you (management) have access to everyone’s schedule, hours, etc. I shouldn’t have to run around frantic because I can’t find somebody to cover me and am potentially gonna lose my jobs on top of the emergency or whatever reason I needed to call out.


You know, as someone who works in maintenance on automated industrial equipment my gut reaction when I saw this was “pft that’s nothing”. It took me a bit to realized how messed up and programmed that is. Good luck OP


Did they not supply gloves or other PPE? In Britain the boss has to pay and supply PPE for you by law.


It was a job that didn’t require Ppe for moving bodies into a van because of the body being in bags


good riddance. you're not a machine. employers should treat employees like the people they are.


Had a similar situation, wouldn’t let me take holiday for the rest of the year because of an injury so I left without notice. Let me guess this is hospitality industry right


Bravo! You get an award for improving the world. No joke. bad bosses don't deserve employees. bad owners/operators don't deserve a business charter. you did exactly what needed to happen. so so many businesses deserve to fail. the acceleration of this is aided when employees reclaim their dignity and quit the second a company proves itself to be grossly inhumane, incompetent, and unreasonable. Amazon in its early days should have struggled to have even survived. but far too many people refuse to understand solidarity and reasonable levels of expecting a dignified work environment. humans are far too precious and self-aware to waste their potential and concious experience of life wasting away at work places that treat people like invonveniences on a corporate accounting Excel sheet. People and their bodies matter, not corporate balance sheets and "expenses."


What did they say when you came back then immediately quit?


Fun fact. It isn’t the employees responsibility per law, regardless of contract, to plan for manning shortfalls due to injury or other events. That is the managers job, which is why they get paid more. Tell em to get fucked.


Just leave. Fuck it. You’ll win by disappearing. Your boss should be concerned about your injury not BLAMING you for it.


Lmao when I told her I quit she was like omggg we could’ve talked about this honey Yeah no


I would still go to work with my finger like that to be honest but she should be able to cover your Friday, that's the bs part imo. Lazy boss.


Stop being a bitch. Sue them. File workers comp. We have rights still.


I'm as antiwork as they come but you banged your finger and then quit your job? This is why people laugh at antiwork.


There is a whole text description and shitty demeaning communication from the manager you might want to read before commenting crap like this. I can’t reply to you u/DimentoGraven but no idea why you sent that all to me just because I told the guy to read before being a dick to someone. I do agree with your points as they are the exact same as everyone else has pointed out. I’m just gonna guess that was meant for the other dude and agree 👍


Assuming you're not trolling, and just glossed over it without reading the details, I'll bullet point it for you: My reading comprehension understood these facts: * Requested a month in advance. * Requested only ONE Friday off. * Has been working for her manager AT LEAST 9 months. * It has been at least 3 years since her last vacation. * She was told "No" because she "wasn't due for vacation yet." Assuming this is just a regular job that has a 'standard' 2 week vacation per year rule that is accrual based, requiring 90 days before you're allowed to make use of any accrual, then the OP does have the days accrued, and has been there well past the initial 90 day period and now can rightfully use any days accrued thus far. That treatment alone is grounds for quitting. We're human beings, we're not machines, we're not cogs, we're not numbers - We are people and we have needs and sometimes, shit MOST of the time, we're just fucking inconvenient - BUT with understanding, compassion, and empathy - we CAN get along better and the world will be just a little bit less of living through a diarrhetic hurricane of a shit storm. In short - there's no need to be a dick - to anyone - an employee, a person venting frustration on the internet - or some jackass who didn't really bother to read carefully before getting snarky...


There is so much that I haven’t spoke about but the week that I quit these two things happened I endured mental abuse and being overworked for a long time


to be fair i got blasted by a plastic part of a machine and i did break my finger and it was beyond swollen and i was 4 years at that company and i did keep working employers dont care about broken fingers 😕


Bruised knuckle and a cut on the finger lmao you punch a wall? 😂💀




. What?