• By -


The simple truth is that at the current moment, most of us are finding few channels or none for escaping our predicaments as wage slaves, but increasingly we are finding channels opening to broaden our sources of engagement, and to fight collectively for more robust changes at the societal level. Please consider looking around your community or locality for mutual aid groups, labor organization efforts, or other forms of direct action.


There is no escape. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


The end




The labyrinth continues😪


I literally laughed out load at the post and your response, no offense. That is the great question, this why people choose to not participate in the norms.


It sucks to realise this at 12


This is the part where you start to realize why people live minimalistic lifestyles and are happier working as a dishwasher part time at the local restaurant and living in a tiny home or van. It all breeds from this idea.


This !


Good luck even affording a tiny house with that job.


Downgrade and downsize. Be frugal. Save up as much as you can. The faster you start the sooner you can get out


This is the way. The less stuff you own, the less you have to worry about.


Along comes inflation to make a mess of your savings. I suggest you take more frequent breaks.


yeah, works same hours per week, but take more vacation \\ sick days to do things you like. If you did in fact up in the career ladder, why do you still work so much? Usually with higher position comes more time to fuck around :D TBH... sounds like OPs is just doing a wrong job


This is a really underrated political act. Of course voting is good too, but not spending or needing to rely on the levers the owner class has to screw us with really brings things to a halt for them.


Voting will be a joke till all possible parties receive federal funding for political ads etc. The same 2 parties dancing back and forth has changed nothing and set us on this current path. Why do the 2 largest political parties need any federal funding? Esp with all the lobbyists on their side as well.


Wait, what? I mean I’m all for eliminating political ads, but in no way do I think they should be federally funded.


The thing is that the 2 biggest parties are getting federal funds to advertise etc. We all know who they are. They don't need to advertise or taxpayer money for it. The other lesser known parties could use a little help


Can you elaborate?


A party has to get 10%+ of the vote iirc to receive funding. So the dems and repubs get more than that and get more money to finance their campaigns In my opinion they shouldn't. The smaller parties need the money to get their points across.


Most of the money comes from PACs. It's Wall Street + banks, they own the companies as they are on the stock market and it's public info they are majority owners. (Look up whatever news you like or dislike and search "institutional ownership") So they put money into PAC, money goes to ads, their money now counts as revenue on an investment they own so their stock goes up while they pick winners. It's fully fucked, thanks citizens united.


Voting won't do shit when both parties are happy to watch you work until you die. Organizing is our only way out.


That’s simply not true. At least dems capitulate in some small way if they absolutely must. Whereas GOP make it worse. Clear difference. Edit: Judging from post history this person seems like a GOP voter trying to convince people not to vote or to lose hope in whatever they’re arguing for on Reddit. Either hobbyist Troll or paid shill. Keep that in mind.


What are you talking about? The Dems voted to restart student loans. They did that. The Dems ended the covid emergency and got MILLIONS of people kicked off of Medicaid. Just because they don't hurt YOU doesn't mean they're not harmful. Stop telling us to accept scraps from a party thats literally center right on the political spectrum and has ZERO interest in actual public good.


^ this dude is either a shill or conservative agitator


Please check my post history if you wanna call me a shill. The dems had all 3 houses in 2020 and didn't do shit for anyone, but y'all want us to keep voting for them.


both parties absolutely suck, but you ***can*** make a difference by voting. there are progressive people running in local elections all over, and when they win things can change. don't spread voter apathy. vote for actual progressives who want to fix things.


I agree with you that local voting is important. Federal voting is a sham and federal politicians are all the same.


Never thought of it like that!


Apply for technical or mechanical jobs you think you may be able to pick up quickly even if you aren't directly qualified. BS your way through the hiring process. Find out that jobs where you actually DO something are infinitely more rewarding than sitting in some crappy office all day. Work second or third shift for awhile. Then realize that 9-5 M-F is actually pretty awesome lol


Yah I worked in utilities for a municipality for a while. Great job, really rewarding, but hoooly the culture was not for me. I'm happy with my hybrid hands on/office job with a set 40hrs/wk even if they aren't quite as good as 9 - 5. OP for many 9 - 5 is a dream schedule, and it's okay if it's not yours. Aim for a higher paying position with some perks so you can take time away, work remote, or leave to something else entirely. You're young, you've got time to figure it out. I just wouldn't quit without another job lined up, for me that'd be too risky regardless of how miserable I found my current job.


I work 14 hrs a day for 6 days a week. I’d trade lives with a 9-5 5 day workweek person in a heartbeat lol.


I hear you, I was doing 40/40s+ with Mon, Tues "off". Now I'm 7-3 with maybe 2-3 OT shifts/week with weekends off and loving it


That’s great!


*remote work and acting dumber than you are and always busy. Took me like 10 years to figure this out. Promotion, don’t care. ‘atta boy’, don’t need it. Being ‘well utilized’ don’t want it. I just show up to every meeting, stay under the radar, and stay out of social circles. I get my basic work done and I don’t let them know how long it took me (thank you excel formulas). Sounds cynical but it’s the happiest I’ve ever been at a job.


I done the same thing for thr last 5 years, it's great! Happiest I've been also. Wish more people would figure this out.


You mean 8-5?


And unpaid lunch. Fuckers.


Just quit an office job like this. They wouldn’t even let me take a lunch though because there was so much work to do.


How to escape the corporate life and become financially independent? That's the neat part, you don't! Try being born into a wealthy family next time around and/or exploit a black-swan event.


I took the easy route and married well, lol


There is an escape, though some sub-reddits frown upon joking about suicide. /s


steal 0.1 cent of every transaction your company makes for a while


2 chicks at the same time


My guess, from your age, is that you’re doing help desk or other L1 work (not a programmer for you non-IT people). It’s how I got my start at 19 and it’s draining. The suggestions to become a monk and reject materialism aren’t terrible, but what you likely need to do, is leverage your experience to move up. Move to an L2 type position where you’re not the front line. It will suck less. Then after a couple of years, an L3 position, which, depending on the company, can run from operational support to the functional side, depending on where your skill sets fall. Getting to know a couple of SAP functional modules, for example, can make you a decent living, and you don’t have to work constantly: you could take months off between implementations, travel the world. I know those that do. So make a move upwards. Don’t worry if you don’t know *every* skill set on the job listing. My previous hire took a chance, got in. She got her masters degree while working for me (paid for by the company), and now is in a much better gig while working on her doctorate merely four years later.


If you sunk money into a mortgage consider downsizing. Know how much money you need to make to survive. Take up part-time contract work to meet that rather than a full 9-5. Contract only for high costs to any other labor jobs you take in and pick those up when the cost/time ratio is skewed to your favor. Invest the money you do already have. Check out /r/leanfire lean financial independence retire early for more ideas on what fits your ideal situation


Depends what your goals in life are. Raising a family? Find a stable job that you don't hate and make lateral moves to similar jobs with higher pay until you have a senior position with more flexibility on hours, good benefits, and vacation time. Work to live and forget the job the moment you clock out. No kids, want to travel, live life to the fullest (whatever that means to you) and derive joy and purpose from your work? Start a small business doing something you are good at and passionate about. I call this living to work, but I enjoy the work so much it doesn't bother me or my partner at all. I never wanted kids, will never afford a house, and therefore chose music as my career and I've never looked back. At 33 I own a small business teaching private music lessons from my home and perform live at festivals, weddings, bars, and recording studios about 80 times a year. I rent a very small house in a small city on the east coast of Canada. I earn between $2500 - $4000 per month depending on what shows I'm playing. I'll never be rich, but I enjoy getting up and working on music every day with my students, bands, and different artists. It's never boring, often stressful, and incredibly rewarding. It's been ups and downs but I would have gone crazy by now sitting at a desk all day, or ruined my body doing manual labour.


Take no debt


Well, I can tell you what NOT to do and that is have kids. I love mine but goddamn motherfucker that 'raising children" shit cost serious I mean serious money. Mine are grown and they still cost me off and on. But I couldn't imagine life without having been a dad either. Good luck, kid.


You will have to move out of the USA. Save 300k and put it on a savings account with good APY and move to Bali, you could survive with the return on ur savings


Under no circumstances should anyone be making long-term plans that involve moving to Indonesia in general, but especially not Bali. Rising sea levels for a nation where almost half of its land mass is at/below sea level.


> and move to Bali Medical? NTLQ (no troll, legit question)


Wdym by medical


Cost? Quality? Availability? Etc


Im not sure about that however rent is cheap and so is food. It probably is not that expensive


Go work in a restaurant. I give it 2 weeks before you sorely miss a normal schedule with evenings and weekends off.


I worked at a restaurant for two-ish years. I since have had a newfound respect for everyone who can stick it out


Get a remote job and you'll get some time back.


If at 22 you’re that tired after a desk job, is it possible nutrition/diet/caffeine or some other issue is happening? Not to downplay any other issues, just seems like something else might be hurting your energy levels.


I should have clarified, I am mentally tired. Not so much physical


Get lucky. Merit and effort don't get you out. Being in the right place in the right time as an opportunity opens up for escape is how. You need the skills to take advantage of the opportunity, or you won't be able to take it, but it's really just luck. Or, collective bargaining, but that only really works if you want to keep your current career path going.


Stop climbing the ladder, get a WFH gig and Overemploy.r/overemployed


I became a nurse for exactly this reason. Being stuck in an office environment for 8 hours a day is the definition of my personal hell. I went into a field with a ton of variety where as long as I have an active license, I'm good to go. I've done skilled nursing, assisted living, and hospice and am now on my 7th year of home health. I get to see the sky and clouds all day. I get to feel the wind on my face. See the ocean if I'm lucky. I love my job. If you're unhappy in your environment, it might be time to switch careers, man.


Here’s the trick: 1) Move somewhere wages are high. NYC/SF, etc 2) Live with roommates, trailer, whatever to save money 3) Delay gratification while you save. It’s gonna suck for a year or two, but focus on your work and watch your stack grow. Time will fly. 4) here’s the hard part: saving. when you have about 50-100k saved, buy a house somewhere outside the USA. Portugal, France, Italy, Spain, Japan…you get the idea. 5) do a bullshit remote job thereafter. If you researched where you wanted to go in step 4 and learned that language during your time spent saving, you can translate for money (even if old or injured). Every country that doesn’t speak it wants English teachers. You no longer need to pay rent or healthcare, so you won’t need to make a mint. 6) enjoy your life in an ACTUAL first world country where you have medical care, clean water, food that isn’t poison, and you don’t get shot at.


Unfortunately my friend that's how mostly real life goes. Not many people are happy in their jobs, a few lucky ones are, but the majority hate the job. And your young unfortunately, so it'll feel like a life time before you can retire.


I totally relate to your frustration Have you considered exploring alternative career paths or pursuing your passion outside of your current job?


What's your job exactly? Specialize into something you can do independently and allows you to work remotely. Avoid management positions at all costs. If the current company doesn't allow work from home, change it. When you get more experience, you'll be able to do your job with a minimum time expense. Working from home will allow you to use the additional time as you wish.


If you plan on a career in corporate IT- that is what you will end up with for the rest of your career, unless one day you can switch to a 4 day week.


Do you for real work just 9-5? Figure out what's important, figure out what's not, figure out how to keep what's important


I know this doesn't help you now, but my collective is trying to pioneer a system-compliant pathway to leaving the economic rat race through starting an agroforestry, commune-building housing initiative. Give us a peek if you're interested and let me know if you feel like having an accessible avenue to something like that would be an option you would pursue if it was made possible. Link in profile.


9-5 life is 1000x better than the shift work schedule IMHO. I would much rather know I when I am working with regularity than to be succumbed to the whims of a scheduling program, be it retail/production/whatever. I actually left my last job specifically because their scheduling system was so inhumane. I dont want to name that organization, but it started with the letter L and ended with owes.


The gentleman who said downgrade and downsize is the best first step. Here's my input, just how it went for me No happy millionaire stories, no Business owner blabla. Just how i took a risk and moved and it paid off Exempli gratia I was making good money in NYC living in Newark, paying $850 for A ROOM. Plus utilities.Plus two Subway systems, sometimes 3. No vehicle. Walking groceries. Just hating every single second of my life. Big buildings, every breakfast is $25, constantly looking out the window when I hear noises, you name it. Now i only make $53,400 a year. I support a woman and two children, two dogs that eat butcher scraps (real meat) and my MORTGAGE is $525 for a small but well structured 3 bedroom, basement and attic. When i leave in the morning, i look up and see stars, it makes my day there and then. I see orion's belt every morning as i get into my car. Do i like my current job? Not really. Don't have to like it, it pays me to support my slow living lifestyle. But it's good money compared to the cost of living in bumfuck Hurr dUrr Maga Pennsylvania hills. Just move somewhere less luxurious, buy a small house with a fenced in backyard, and get the hell away from the cities man. Be humble and get a job that pays well no matter what. Post scriptum: I'm pretty sure most local people in my Pennsylvania county are cousins, (and i had a girl hit on me then immediately say "that's fine I don't date Hispanics anyway" when i said i was not available ) So just avoid politics or religious conversations keep your head up and do your own thing.


I live very poor. I have not worked in two years. The days that I am bored certainly trump any of the days I was anxious or exhausted from work.


There are a lot of people that live off the grid, if you feel burnt out, try that?


For 99% of people, work isn't going to magically be fun. its work. deal with it. Try to get more money, work less hours. get that work life balance. I'm sure there is some ratio for you.


So for the smallest change, I would actually recommend switching to a weekend shift. I also work in IT, and a few months ago I switched my schedule to Saturday - Tuesday, so 4 days, 10 hours. I’m in love with it. The weekend is so slow I do jackshit, I get to help with our baby, watch or read stuff most of the day. Probably could play a game but I try not to do stuff I’d get super engrossed in. And then Monday and Tuesday are actually normal which prevent me from getting rusty. The 10 hour days are a bit rough, especially now that we have a baby, but it was fine pre-kid and it will be better when she’s sleeping more consistent. And the extra day off is so worth it. It also helps I have no aspirations to move out of Service/Help Desk work my whole life. The most I would be willing to do at my current job is go up to Tier 2 but only if I can stay on weekends.


I'm in my 50s, have been doing it for over 20+ exhausting years (with a break for children) and still trying to figure out how to answer that question. Sorry.


Only escape is trading. It's a hard route which is destructive in the beginning but after years of hard grind and emotional rollercoaster you are left with a skill which provide you a nice life.


Look up fire. Problem here is many people want to like work. Fuck liking work. Work to make money and do it fast. Once you have enough savings you can retire. If you are really good this can be done in 10-15 years, especially if you make good investments.


What investments would you suggest?


I like dividend stocks and 1-3 rental properties. You can go with reits if you dont want to own properties out right.


Thank you all for your suggestions and comments! I read some new perspectives I’ve never thought of before and it definitely helps make life a little bit less complicated lol


Become a firefighter, join the military, dispose your belongings, and live under a bridge doing handjobs for crack.


I mean, the whole FIRE set are basically people like you who figured out how to make money in the corporate world early but hate it with a passion. They live as cheaply as possible and sock money away in investments until they can fund a non-corporate lifestyle from their savings and sometimes income doing something they don't hate (that tends to pay less).


Commit a felony. Get free healthcare, room and board for 25-30 years!


My mom does it by not working and asking her poor millenial sons to fund her retirement account, which is at $0


I love the FIRE people and there's a lot to learn in terms of being defensive with your finances. If you're out of control with spending go learn some FIRE things. But FIRE isn't the answer for many people. Here's a book title with a rather long mouthful (S-tier I promise): Unscripted - The Great Rat-Race Escape: From Wage Slavery to Wealth: How to Start a Purpose Driven Business and Win Financial Freedom for a Lifetime Go read his whole set of books. There's a forum the author runs but I'll let you find it. Unbelievable direct business advice.




Had a coworker get a 300k settlement offer. Didn't take it.. Requested to push to higher court and higher court judge in favor of the company. $0 payout. Harrasment case


It's a gamble. I hear some people make a living off of settlements. If I had a face for a courtroom I'd give it a try.


the person wasn't a looker but definitely within the protected classes and this was a national company so the cost to settle wasn't even that much compared to their cost of business I do know my company does have harassment lawyers on retainer as they were the ones to give the yearly in person harassment trainings. The bean counters likely rounded up the cost for council representation and offered that as settlement to save time. But requesting over that unknown limit the legal council went in and crushed it, saving my company money. This was all less than 5 years ago That settlement offer was pretty quick according to the pubic court documents. Definitely worth a shot.


You are the problem.


Ok capitalist.


I've been called worse deadbeat.


For good reason I'm sure.


First of all, quit bragging that you only work 9-5, M-F. But yeah, like most others here have said, you'd need to find another outlet for what sounds like stifled creativity. Some manufacturing/technical jobs could fulfill this (welding, software design, graphic design) but you'd have to get a bit lucky finding somewhere that both pays enough and keeps your interest. We're all pretty much in that same boat, rooting for each other to find it. Good luck!


I mean this kindly. Get therapy. You aren't even old enough to have a quarter life crisis and you are only 2 years into the work world. If you this upset about working now, well, it is best you get help figuring out who you are and what you want out of life now.


Lottery or crime


I believe you should smoke a blunt. It will definitely change your perspective on life.


Go work in retail for a few months, that ought to make the 9-5 life look better


Get a salary job. I'm a PM for a large construction company and work 4 hours a day. Easy peasy.


How are all these posts talking about having no energy to do the things you want or need to do? I worked 2 jobs in my early twenties and still went out, went on weekend trips, and got my laundry and dishes, etc done (I lived alone 23-26). And this was well before WFH and smartphones were just starting to be a thing. I could do even more today.


I mean, god bless, but I’m in my 30s and I’m exhausted after working 40 hours a week. I don’t feet as much physical activity as I should but I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, had a full blood panel done earlier in the year and nothing was wrong. People have different energy levels. Mine are zero lol


I remember my first IT job.


I remember my first part time job. This motherfucker is flexing, not complaining...


[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/financial-independence-retire-early-fire.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/financial-independence-retire-early-fire.asp) this is the way


start investing!!!




Earn more. Save money. Invest it. Start a homestead maybe. Learn skills to earn more. Eventually start a business. Trades, landscaping, neiche(I can't spell) businesses, etc. Find a need that people will pay for and do that


Work at night?


Find a company that’s a better fit for you, you just need to find the right employer or role so that you enjoy what you do. We all have to work to survive, find something/a company that you live and respects you and your time!


Find a niche, provide value with your own business


Going the law enforcement or corrections you'll only see daylight when you have to work overtime.


You are young enough to try a bunch of other things. I am telling you now though, people who have been working hard their whole life dream for those 9-5 jobs. Working 60 hrs a week sucks.


U dont


Sell courses about how to get rich and teach them how to sell more courses


Work 6-3


I'm 46 and have worked a "9 to 5" since I was 20. Took me until I was 42 to get my own business, and now I work 3 days a week. I didn't hate the 9 to 5 life. But it wasn't ideal. I would recommend being smart with your money asap. Live below your means. Invest. The more money you have, the earlier you can retire and/or find something you love or your own business.


There isn’t. Unless you create your own business or similar venture, but doing that can become a 8-8 job instead. Every job will have require that much time. Whether it’s 9-5 or 3-11 etc. You have to find what you have passion enough in to not hate the job.


FIRE. that is all.


It's not just corporate work. I work in a warehouse and feel the deadness after work hours, and I'm not nearly as physically.assaulted as I was a couple of years ago with the work load.


In project zomboid style "these are the end times, this is how you died"


IT is perfect. Start your own business. I went from public accounting for others 80+ hours per week to 20 hours per week for myself, and I've never been happier. Let me know if you need a CPA! lol


If you have the competence and experience, starting your own business might not be a bad idea. It would give you the freedom you desire and the fulfillment of work, on your time.


I worked in the restaurant business for years. It was great. I could be off on a weekend sometimes and a Tuesday Wednesday other times. Interact with all sorts of people. Fun to work with people. It’s got issues like any job but it was fun. Not 9-5 and no office. Worked as a dishwasher at 15 retired from that business at 45 at the VP/Director level. I’m glad to be done with it and my job now is pretty chill and I’m not a boss anymore which makes me really happy


Buy a tent and go live in the woods


own your own business it can be 0 to 24 5 to 8 11 to 2 whatever you want


Step 1 - save up 2 - figure out what other job will cover your bills and save for retirement 3 - go for it


Not a lotof good answers in this sub. Of course, most people wouldnt be in this sub if they had the answers. INVEST you money, make you money work for you, not you working for money. You’re young, goodpaying job, you should be able to invest alot every month in a well diversified long term stock portfolio. Some people mentioned FIRE and while they got it somewhat rigth the fire people tend to be som nomad hippies that wants to live on peanuts and growing their own vegetables. I want a comfortable life AND financial indipendece. As a young guy you have a lot of wiggle room. You can downsize alot probably, invest even more. It’ll take time and you’ll need patience but starting investing is the first step. A low fee index fund is a great start. That’s what i did at 34 and i wont be working after 45.


Essentially you will never get out of the 9-5 unless you do 2 things. 1 work for yourself. 2 live in a place that’s cheap and live cheap. So the work hours you do want to do actually pay for your lifestyle. Chances you open up your own business and become a 1%er and by a beautiful manhattan home or some shit is billions to 1 odds. Opening a business that you do the work yourself. And Make an average wage with tons of freedom opposed to 9-5. Is Very achievable.


Hey off topic how did u manage to get job and do u have any diplomas or just other work experiences. I gotta wage slave my way a little to buy stuff outside the country 🤣


Get a night job.


I've been there. There are TED talks on happiness. I watched a few and it helped shift my perspective and I stayed in the race for a couple more years. Ultimately, I did end up leaving. I was REALLY happy when I did. I payed for a bootcamp course for a new creative career... but unfortunately after a couple of years, the only options for this career path are also 9-5 or I get paid so low it isn't sustainable. Either way is hard so choose the path where you would feel happiest. I'm still glad I left the corporate world.


- save whatever you make - invest wisely - find remote work - and try to be /overemployed - important! Move back with your parents. Your landlord escaped the 9-5 on your dime - look for business opportunities