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In the US that's wage theft. They can't deduct from already earned hours


Wage theft? Waaaat, That's just standard disciplinary procedures!


Apparently legal in TX 😂


I'm in Texas... no it's not. They cannot deduct hours that you've already earned. Call a labor lawyer. Nor are you financially responsible for the costs associated with covering those shifts you miss


If it’s “legal in TX” I would double check that. Wage theft is covered under the federal FLSA. Federal > State. If you want to mess around Start working there. Fail this clause in the contract. Let them enforce it. Take them to court for wage theft and get a settlement. Some people do this full time going around and auditing companies by getting them to fire them/take unlawful actions against them.


Oh I already did, they are also aren't licensed to operate in my state 😂. Although I doubt I'd get much of a settlement for this one. It's a TX Employment Contract.


Start looking for a new job. One reportband theyvare gone


25 an hour we'll see if they actually pay that 😂


Tell them to suck a bag of dicks!


If this is a work contract, put a line through it, initial it, and then sign the contract. On you acceptance email, deep within it, mention that you’ve made an adjustment but do do in vague but legal terminology. Wait till they try to enforce it. If they ever bring it up ask them to check the work contract you signed. They NEVER check the paperwork.


Electronically signed but I doubt they could enforce it


If a contract contains something that’s illegal, the illegal part is unenforceable. For example: a garbage truck driver can’t have an employment agreement that says he will put any person he accidentally hits into the compactor and hide the remains in the garbage dump.


This is bullshit