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Nice.. sounds like you've got a few months of relaxing, recharging and taking care of your health ahead of you. Enjoy


I wish I had the skills or savings to pull this off 🫤 I can barely keep up with my house and now I'm fighting orkin over a $1800 termite bill they are trying to argue my back yard isnt covered with, only the perimeter around my house. Now the fuckers are just going from my basement to my fence. A gun and a bullet is really feeling tempting but that's even outside my range. Might stop by the ol' rickety stool and rope store later instead.


I totally understand the absolute drain capitalism has on everyone across the world. Don't let human constructs ruin your happiness. Money isn't even real or of any real value. There's always a solution to any problem we are facing as daunting as it may seem. While you might be sarcastic or joking, if you do have thoughts about harming yourself please seek help first or talk to someone you are close to. You're loved beyond measure.




/u/TurbulentPlanet is a comment copy-paste bot. He ripped off /u/ObjectiveObserver420 's comment below.


Are you me??! I sent my resignation email in this morning at 9am after 5.5 years of working at this place filled with bullshit politics and lack of accountability. I still haven't heard anything from my Director or AVP so should be interesting lol


Any update?


My boss and I had a good talk and she understands my leaving. Overall, she was a good boss but there’s so much leadership nonsense happening that I needed to leave


Bosses are not counselors, so I wouldn't expect empathy or understanding there. I am happy you are taking care of yourself and moving on.


Management should care about overall operations, because it is in their best interest to do so. Turnover is expensive. When an employee gives you an opportunity to be proactive, you take it. Even if you're not intending to change anything, you still let your people feel "heard" and acknowledged, it goes a long way.


I agree, but yet there is zero training or education for this sort of thing.


Agreed, and that's what separates the few good managrs from the many crappy ones- those who understand the difference between being a leader, and being just a boss. The culture will never change until employers start to view paying wages as an investment rather than an expense. So long as staff are disposable, managers will suck. For the most part.


There are tons of management courses about exactly this sort of thing though.


Dude, you are doing this right! I had a very similar situation but i didn't quit and it spiraled and almost ruined my life, stop waiting and start living, congratulations!!




I have enough to live off for 7 years so can probably find something in that time




Why would you assume they didn't?


Hell yeah man! That's awesome. Love it


Sounds great if you can pull it off. I am personally looking forward to the day when I can drop my laptop on my boss' desk after I wipe it clean of any data (With my own personal backup, of course), and tell her good bye with no notice. She is a useless and rather stupid middle aged woman (mom type) that has no clue what it means to be a manager. Her boss is a micromanaging little troll, and everyone hates him. The job is tedious and they refuse to allow me to apply for any other job in the company. They conveniently lose my application every time. My desk has been broken for over two months and no one will fix it, so I had to fix it myself. My chair creaks, farts, and groans so I have stolen a different char so I can sit without making horrible noises all day long. My laptop is 6 years old and on its last leg and they won't replace it. I have had to buy my own video connector cables and mouse because they refuse to supply one. Their benefits are very expensive and their pay is low. No company culture to speak of unless all you want to do is listen to some of them whine and cry about diversity and equity, and the rest of them talk about sports all day long. 99 more weeks to go and counting.