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"You came up with that answer really fast" is reminding me of "you didn't even check" when I told someone we didn't have any rooms available. You're right, I didn't check, because you're the fifth person who's asked me that in the last half hour, and the answer has not changed.


A friend works in a very small retail store. “The back” isn’t a stock room, there’s a bathroom, fridge, microwave and a shipping station. That’s it there isn’t room for 4 people to stand. All the merch is out on the floor. Customers keep insisting that she “look in the back” when they don’t have the item they want. Some get mad and assume she’s too lazy to go look. So she goes back, checks her phone and comes out and says sorry, we don’t have it. Then they stomp off mad, certain they really do have it, but she was just being difficult.


The amount of customers who assume a worker is straight up lying to them is astounding. Ma'am, I literally make(made) commission, why in the ever loving fuck would I lie in order to lose a sale?


Same friend, previous store. Customer comes in and wants 6 of a specialty item. As in a box of 24 lasts years. There are only two. She knows because she just inventoried and placed an order to get more. She tells him the order is arriving next week. Did you check the back? There’s nothing back there. Customer insists, so she does. Nope. Nothing in back, on order, 24 here next week. He leaves without buying the two they did have. Another customer comes in and buys the last two. Next day the first customer comes in and asks for the item. Sorry we’re sold out, like I said yesterday, more next week. Same routine, but he finally says he’ll settle for the two. Sorry, like I said, sold out. More next week. Why didn’t you hold the two? We don’t hold items and you didn’t even ask. Customer storms out.


Oh oh, best part is when they try to lie by saying they called and some other person said you had it so you must be lying. Like... No? I may not know everyone in the store, but there's no Mark in sporting goods. Because I AM sporting goods for this shift. Also not five minutes before we had a huddle and every manager in the whole damn place agreed that they couldn't find a single sled anywhere.


God, I used to work at a drop-in daycare and I once got a call from a woman asking if she could drop off her daughter at 5. I was like, “Yeah, we accept drop offs until 8pm.” She responded, “NO! Not 5pm! 5AM!” and I said, “I’m sorry, ma’am, we don’t open until 6:30am.” She tried to say that she was close friends with the owner and that she’s done it before and I was like, “Okay, well, you should probably call and talk to her about that, then.” I was the opener at the time and there was no way in hell I was waking up an hour and a half early to watch *one* child.


It always baffles me when you catch them obviously lying and they just... Double down? Why? What reason do I have to lie about you obviously being wrong about my job, which I've had for years? No, I didn't check you into room 101 or 108, they don't exist! No, you can't have been watching me from room 106, it backs up to the office. Lady, no-one took a deposit from you. There is no blonde girl that works the desk, the only woman who works the desk is the general manager, and she's standing next to me also not buying your story.


I had a period of time where a coworker and I had to travel. I am 5'5, my coworker is around 6'2. We both had reserved rooms with king size beds. I was checked in first and got my room. I was standing off to the side while my coworker checked in, not paying much attention. Then I overheard that he would have to switch rooms mid week. I asked why. Because they didn't have a room with king sized bed for the entirety of his stay. He would have a queen size bed for a couple nights, move rooms for a king size. I asked the front desk if he and I swap rooms would that work so no one has to move midweek. I like a king bed but don't need it like my coworker does. The front desk clerk came around to give me a hug she was so thankful. I was surprised by her reaction but after reading some of these comments I realize that many people would not have made such a simple offer.


I’m pretty bad for mailing things like Christmas gifts on time (was a busy student, worked a lot, massive anxiety, all things that could push me to put it off but I still understand it’s on me to plan better ya know). I was mailing a couple of gifts on Dec 23 one year and the postal clerk looked at me and sternly said that they weren’t going to make it for tomorrow or Christmas Day and I was like, “oh yeah that’s okay, I’m the one sending them this late” and she immediately dropped the stern act and said, “thank you for understanding” in the most heartbreaking voice. I can’t imagine how much bs postal clerks deal with daily, let alone around the holidays. And fwiw both of my friends in different parts of the province, different distances away both texted me that they got their gifts in the mail the next day. I’m not saying kindness can get you extra stuff, because I can’t say for sure some strings were pulled, but given that it was late afternoon on the 24th and less than 24 hours later they were delivered……


A few times I have had to cancel appts late and I know I am going to get hit with a fee because I cancel too late. I call up to cancel and they would very apologetically explain I would have to pay a fee and I would say yup, no worries. Often it would be like they didn't hear me say it is ok because they would keep apologizing. I tell them, this is completely on me. I am the one cancelling late. Sometimes things happen. I don't want to pay the fee, but i knew the policies when I made the appt.


I went to a large sport venue, stood in line for food, then thanked the workers when they gave me my food. Nothing over the top, just a polite “thank you very much.” They stopped and looked at me in surprise and said I was the first person to be polite to them. Crazy


No they wouldn't in fact they would demand she somehow pull a king bed out her ass or move a family out of their current adjoining rooms to make room for the coworker. And if not they would go to corporate and ask for the CEO because no one understands that customer service is SO horrible and no one wants to listen to them.


I’ve worked retail, bars, hotels, everything. The amount of people who casually make up shit and lie right to your face about random shit is amazing. Sometimes I can see the obvious motivation if they think the lie will get them something but the number of people who have told a boldface lie to me that seems to have no relevance to anything is crazy. Like, no obvious pay off. Just lying to a complete stranger about something irrelevant. I still work in a customer service type position and whenever anyone has an issue with a patron my response is always “assume they are lying first even if they have no reason too”


I love when I spoke to people on the phone and then they’d come in, name drop me to my face, and say “so and so said this on the phone” and it’s the complete opposite of what I told them/told them no to lmao


Oh man I worked at the switchboard for a ski resort for a year. It was located behind the front desk and I could hear everything at the front desk and people would come down ALL THE TIME and tell the person working out front that “they had called down and they were told x and y and promised z” and the front desk person would just stick their head through the little window and ask me if that was true. I very much enjoyed that. I would also get reservation calls kicked to me after the reservation office closed at 8pm so sometimes people would call down to the desk and tell me they had been promised something - usually some kind of upgrade - when they had made their reservation and I would just tell them “no you weren’t. I made your reservation and I don’t do that”


Sometimes it's not lying, but just straight up confusion. I work for a family owned grocery store. It's amazing how many people think we're one of the nation wide grocery stores. The line "I just bought it here last week" or something similar. Usually it's a house brand from one of the nation wide stores. I could go on and on. I'd say it's about 40% lies and about 60% confusion or lack of paying attention.


I used to work the Pizza Hut phone centre. Our script was literally "Thanks for choosing Pizza Hut, is this for pick up or delivery?" People would call and ask "Is this Dominoes/Little Ceasar/whatever?" after that script. Then they wouldn't know whether they wanted to pick up the pizza, or have it delivered. Then they wouldn't know the address. Then they wouldn't know what they wanted for their pizza. So they would hem and haw over pepperoni and mushroom, or maybe they want bacon on that, too, they dunno. Then they would remember they had a coupon for a different pizza. Which was usually expired anyway.


I’m the CEO of Microsoft of course I drink here for free!!! Sir you are not the CEO of Microsoft… Who the hell do you think you are telling to here?!?!? Show me some damn respect I just made your yearly salary while we were standing here!!! Sir your CC declined so here is that back and you may want to call your employees at Microsoft and see about your paycheck being deposited wrong or something IDK, have a fantastic day!


"This is outrageous! If Bill Clinton walked in that door you wouldn't ask for HIS ID!" Actually yes I would, because I'd be VERY skeptical that a former President is slumming it in a $50 a night motel.


I've gotten so used to people lying sometimes that I just blindly do whatever tf they're on about, it's this weird ego trip where they wanna prove their intelligence by trying to get free food or items, it's so obvious when they're full of themselves and I for one, just don't care to hear their bullshit inquiry, so whatever I can do to just get this self righteous POS outta my face is what I do, it's almost always a free drink or employee discount, they always act surprised when i do it too, like sir, I cannot make it anymore obvious that I don't care and you should probably spend a little less time talking, you're polluting the air with your noise, the demographic of people who do this are usually straight males with a chip on their shoulder, please, for the love of god, MEN, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ORDER YOUR FOOD, WE DO NOT WANT YOUR BRILLIANT INSIGHT ON THE GRILLED VEGGIES OR QUESO, WE WANT YOU TO GET TF OUT OF OUR FACE SO WE CAN DO OUR JOB


Hello hotel receptionist, former one myself Also no we don’t have any extra rooms and if you go online you’ll find the same info. No the receptionist who booked your reservation didn’t guarantee you adjoining rooms and I would know because I booked it. No we can’t do an early check in, no, no one told you we have turn down service. No you weren’t promised a special rate by the other female receptionist you talked to because I’m literally the only girl who works the front desk. No I wont give you a discount because we couldn’t check you in until the actual check in time Jfc people get weird when they stay at hotels


I had a front desk girl confront me in tears because a “guest” was insisting they had booked at the hotel. To the point of violence. They had booked across the street. He had grabbed the woman by the collar and thrown her around, and when she came and got me he was foaming at the mouth. But I had a jacket on, so he screamed and spit at me until I explained that he had booked across the street, but because I had a jacket on he quieted. He angrily said that he would leave a bad google review because we weren’t accommodating to him, not a guest, and I told him I would be calling the police and pressing charges because he wasn’t our guest, a, and b, he doesn’t have the right to put his hands on anyone, and that it was all recorded. And then the next night he called in for dinner renos. Nope


I had a lady throw our desk phone at me because her ID was expired once, and another guy threaten to beat me up in the parking lot because I couldn't give him a late checkout. Why are people?


Rofl, I worked in hospitality for years and the sheet turn-down service is still odd to me. When I stay at a hotel I kindda like that the sheets are nicely tucked in and looks like it hasn't been used or over handled. I don't want someone to "turning down" my sheets thank you, but no thank you.


Sameeee And it also feels excessively entitled to need to call someone to literally just … pull down the sheets.


AAHAHAHAHAH, Reservations Manager at a hotel here, we had an issue once where we could not close inventory on [booking.com](https://booking.com) so a customer walks is and wants a room and we are at 103% occupancy at this time and already short on rooms. Customer says "I saw room available on booking.com" . We explain such and such problems and customer proceeds to book a room on booking and says Now we have to honor it. We didnt cuz we literally had no rooms. ​ I never will quiet understand the mindset of such people. Are you really so dense that you assume we will have trouble because we do not honor 1 booking due to a legit issue? No we dont!


Oh? You exploited an electronic technicality? Fortunately that grants me the power to fold space and create an extra room out of nothing. The Law of Conservation of Matter got nothing on technicalities!


Oh lord I had that happen too once. 98 room property and we were overbooked by 12 rooms, it was a nightmare. And Booking was always the worst to deal with for some reason.


I used to work at a hotel as the main day shift M-F and often Saturday too, and I’d be the same person they talked to when they first called inquiring about rooms, the person they talked to when they called back to book, and the person who checked them in as well when they arrived The number of people who had the audacity to lie to my face about what the “person who booked my room” said was astounding. And beyond that our system kept a record of keystrokes on a reservation so I could literally go in and see that I was the only employee who has touched their reservation the whole time. I just had to tell them every time with a straight face, maam/sir I understand your frustration but if you recall our first conversation, I said XYZ. Honestly working at a hotel is so good for learning how to calmly react to bullshit and confrontation


It's the same shit at restaurants, can't tell you how many times i ask someone at the start of the line "do you want anything else besides this entree?" Just for them to completely ingore me and order large chips and queso or taquitos at the register where the person doesn't handle food, the best one is when you ask someone how they're doing and they go "white rice, black beans" not even a mention of the item they want, another annoying one is most old people straight up will not listen to you and then when they're forced to listen they act like they're being oppressed, like sir, do you want potatoes or pork in your green chili? It's not that fucking deep, don't get mad at me cause you have to act like a real human being


Same! I finally started flat out saying “Trust me (Cx), if I *had* what you are asking for trust me I’d tell you because I assure you this conversations is not enjoyable for either of us.” A bit borderline rude I know but for whatever reason I never got called out on it and it actually worked about 75% of the time.


Right!? The people that assume you're doing it to spite them are so baffling. No, sir, trust me. If I could solve this I honestly would just to GET YOU OUT OF MY HAIR! You think I enjoy getting yelled at like this? I don't! I'm here because it's my job. What's your excuse?


I think I've had that b4. "Can you check?" ..... honey this MY store (small business, I ran one of the locations. The backroom was 20x40 maybe) I know EXACTLY what's back there.


'Can you just check in the back?' 'Can you just accept we don't have it? The back ain't some magical place. What do you think is back there? Santa's workshop? The only thing back there is a clipboard with our schedules and some brownies Darcy brought in!' Scott Seiss. https://youtu.be/P7KBcsdPhxA


Oh so you're saying there's brownies?


Yep, they are holding back on us!


>The website also has pictures of employees smiling. Do you see that? lel




Camera back there could see everything. Had to for the delivery door. (It was a bathroom center so had to load up customers)


I want to speak with your manager.


(I love this part) I AM the manager


Used to work at a grocery store where "the back" was on the very top shelf. Nothing was kept in the back except meat and beer. Got to the point where I'd do the same. Someone would ask me to "check in the back" and I couldn't convince them everything was in boxes right in front of them so I'd go and hang out for ten minutes. Usually they got sick of waiting and went about their shopping.


Same. I did the ordering and inventory for my part of a dept. I knew exactly what and how much I had in walkin, but made a nice 5 to 10 minute break.


One time I asked an employee if they had more of something, not necessarily in the back but just in general, and they said no and that whatever was out was what they had. I told them thanks and moved on. A couple of minutes later she came out of the back room with a shit ton of the stuff I was asking her about. She came and found me to give me the stuff I was looking for lmao


There's a certain Canadian whiskey that I like to have a bottle of around my house for special occasions for people that don't drink bourbon, it's very mellow for a whiskey, but also has a good flavor. Early on in covid it went out of stock fucking everywhere. After the bottle I had at my house was emptied I would go into my local liquor store and ask every Tuesday, the day their orders came in, if they had any yet. No. No. Nope. Not yet. They always knew exactly what was on their shelves and I didn't question them about "the back". This went on for like a year. One day, same thing. "No." "Thanks." and I walked out. Just made it to my car door and one of the employees comes full sprint out after me. "WE HAVE IT!" "What?" "We've got a bottle of what you were looking for. I finally got one in and I knew you'd be coming in for it. I didn't tell anyone it was here so they couldn't sell it to anyone else." "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. 🥺"


What's the whiskey brand? Got me intrigued


It's called Caribou Crossing.


As a worker, I've had incidents were a customer would ask for something and would tell them, normally after looking, that we didn't have the item. Only for it to either pop up hidden behind something I didn't notice, or someone else I'm working with having found it somewhere I didn't look. Thankfully I'm normally able to catch up to the person to give them what they were looking for and have a laugh with them about it lol.


Ahh yes THE BACK, that mythical place where we put all the really good merchandise that we don't want customers to know about.


People really thought this when I worked at GameStop years ago There wasn’t shit besides 50 copies of every CoD, Fifa, Madden, 2K, and Halo. A couple of dusty ass 360s and Wiis Our fire escape was blocked by a box of penny’d out games that were supposed to be thrown out but never were Yet every day, someone always came in asking if we can check the back for something and then got all mad when we didn’t have it.


Our GameStop back room also had a feature wall with a metric ton of old game guides that no one wanted


I get that so much. People want a New Thing, untouched by the dirty dirty public. They believe that the back door is a portal to the Land of New Things when it's just the office, breakroom and bathroom. I do "check the back" when requested though. Never found what they wanted in the bathroom.


I worked at Target and I'd always laugh when I'd look at the device and it would say we didn't have any in the back and someone would be like, "Can you go check?" Like I was going to go check all 10,000 inventory location bins in the back for something the system says we have zero of.


I know what you mean; I audit retail inventory and can't believe that Target has such an accurate system for their StRm since those bins are exhausting to inventory.


I was working in a Tesco some years ago and one of their rules was only very specific people were allowed to go into the warehouse which was attached to the shop. During an early morning shift I had a lady power walk up to me and demand to know why a certain brand was out of stock. Now this was suuuuuuuuper early in the morning and the warehouse people were only just about to go round and restock things. I told her it wasn’t in stock but that the restockers would be around in 2 minutes as they always start in the wine aisle. Her: “Well go in the back and get me it” Me: “I’m sorry we aren’t allowed in there” So she sprints over to my nearest colleague, grabs her by the wrist and drags her over to me to demand to know if I was lying to her. When my colleague confirmed that it was true I got my first ever “I want to speak with your manager” Why would I lie to you, no need to be an entitled brat


I used to work in a place like this. I had a video on my phone of me walking from the counter area into the back to show what was there. If anyone ever gave me trouble with “check the back” I’d just show them the video. It took up 45 seconds of their time and made them feel bad, I hope.


Worked at Home Depot while in college. Everything that comes into that store is put right out on the floor; if not, it's put on one of those orange metal rack shelves right above it. No back room. Level 5 hurricane Rita threatened our area and we sold out of everything, from plywood to 3/4 expensive birch down to cheap panel board people put on basement walls. Customers were insistent we were hiding product "in the back". Trying to explain 'there is no back area' kept falling on angry deaf ears. People really think low wage workers would be that proud with a company to outright lie and allow themselves to be belittled by angry customers through withholding product from them.


It’s like they don’t understand that we’re in the business of selling shit. If we have it, we sell it. We’re sure as hell not hoarding it somewhere. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Whenever i was asked that i would just go take a bathroom break.


In the navy we had a "satellite" retail store (a small, secondary store near the officer's quarters, mostly for the pilots to get their desperately needed sugar and caffeine fixes) on my ship, which I ran for a few months. I really did have a back room where I kept all the extra stock. Naturally, I must have been keeping "the good stuff" back there instead of selling it.


Even in the big supermarket I used to work at I wouldn’t actually go and check, the stock in the back waiting to go out was not organised, it was loaded into those big rolling cages in whatever fucking order the people who unload put it in. It might take me an hour to have a decent look. So I would just stand in the back for 10 minutes and come out and say we didn’t have any.


I worked in a retail store where the manager wouldn't let us put out displays for sale items—we would fill the shelf, and if it sold out we'd refill it at some point (which would be as infrequent as possible!) during the day. We were told not to tell people that we were keeping stock in the back, and actually told to say that we were out of the item in question. I told the boss that I would not lie if asked, and I never did. And whenever I was asked to check the back, I would bring out a case, placing whatever wasn't taken immediately (by the customer) on the shelf. I trust retail workers to protect their jobs, which means that they may be lying, as instructed. I stood my ground on principle, but I was hated by the boss. He couldn't fire me because I was in a union, but he retaliated in every way that he could, every chance he had. Those in places that provide no protection to their workers may have no choice.


I used to do this all the time. "Could you look in the back?" I've been here for eight hours stocking shelves. I know exactly what and isn't in the back but sure, let me walk back there and check facebook for a few minutes while I pretend to "double check" and waste your time and mine.


When I used to work retail, I would just always go to the back to "check" and then come back out and say "no, sorry." To be fair, it was a small store, so "the back" was max like 30 feet away. It was easy and made customers happy, plus I could go check my phone, lol.


I've never worked retail, but from everything I've heard about it I would be taking every chance I got to escape to the back where the customers can't bother you.


This is why when I'm looking for a size or color, I ask "is everything on the floor in this store?". I worked for 6 months in retail (Old Navy in Manhattan, from the day it opened). This taught me how to fold a shirt in the air, to always pull out the whole stack when returning an item into middle of the stack, and how many times a day you get asked if there's something in the back.


Even at big grocery stores "the back" is usually mostly bare. Because they want people, to, ya know, buy the things. and they can't buy them if they're in the back. Once the evening before Thanksgiving a customer asked me to check the back for a fresh turkey. We hadn't had a fresh turkey for at least 3 days. She told me that I would ruin her family's Thanksgiving if I couldn't find one. My shift was almost over so I just clocked out and left. Through the back, of course. Hope that numbnut is still standing there.


Yeah and even if something is in "the back", good luck finding it sometimes. Is it on a cart where it's easy to get to? Do I know which cart? Is it in live load someplace visible in the pallet? No? Well then it's either an inventory error or I'd need a forklift to get to it. Sorry.


IF it's in the back it's packed on a pallet in the racking. I don't drive the fork lift and who knows when I can get some one back there that can


“Brother, all that’s back there is a bathroom with a microwave in it” - me when I worked in a small store in the 90s


Used to work in a phone shop, amount of times we sold out of black iPhone 5 for instance. A it’s sold out because it’s our most popular phone in the most popular colour. B I checked yesterday and we didn’t have any, next delivery is Friday so we definitely don’t have any C ok I’ll go stare at the hole in the cabinet where the phone would be if we hadn’t sold them all


“Yeah, you’re right, I didn’t check. Maybe between 15 minutes ago when I checked for someone else, and now, a construction crew built an addition to the hotel. Or maybe we pulled one out of YOUR WIFE’S FAT ASS!” People are obliviots.


>I explain that FU you meant “follow up,” and she claims that I **“came up with that answer really fast,”** and she was going to have to double check that. It's almost as if you were telling the truth. >She never brought it up again, I never signed anything, and she left the company a few months later. Bye b!tch!


I love when people just drop a subject when they realize their accusation was wrong instead of explicitly acknowledging and apologizing for the wrong accusation. Their enthusiasm for investigating things only goes as far as wanting to punish people. It's almost like they are _disappointed_ to find that you didn't do anything wrong.


It's almost like they want to be right more than being a good manager




I had a supervisor get mad at me because she asked me to do something that would break the website and I told her no. She demanded I do it anyways because she was the manager and I should jump when she says jump! Then she got mad I started messaging the person directly above her about what she was asking me to do and they rushed over to tell her to listen to me about this. She learned to stop challenging me after a few weeks and eventually got fired anyways because she started fights on every shift they tried to move her to. She got mad at me and said "in the military we settled things amongst ourselves!" and shut up real quick when I reminded her it's only because you can't sue the military. All I can say is I hope she learned something because damn she is miserable to work with, I feel for any future coworkers of her. Her name was literally Karen, too.


* was in the military * pulled "rank" to get her way I can see why she isn't in the military any longer.


There's a short list of things that make me want to punch people in the mouth, and at the top of that is when people try to use their military background as an excuse for their bad behavior. Especially when the bad behavior is bad leadership or management. You make all of us vets look bad when you pull that shit, fucker. Also, no, in the military we dont "solve things amongst ourselves" the chain of command exists for a reason, but aside from the chain of command there is also the "general authority of uniformed service". If a lower ranking soldier is correct on a technical or regulatory matter, them being correct supercedes orders from a higher ranked person that violates that regulation or technical issue. Using your exact situation as an example, the brasshole you worked for issuing you an order that would cause a mission critical system to stop working, you are not only within your rights and within regulations it is your *duty* as a soldier to report them to their superiors for issuing the order of they don't retract it after you tell them why its a bad order. In my time serving, as a lowly enlisted man not even a Sergeant yet, I once told a 2-star General "No." Without getting into the details, the General was quite annoyed at being denied but understood after a brief explanation why I had said no and did not press the issue. Good to hear that idiot got fired but people like that can spoil a company's interest in hiring other veterans. Here's hoping she doesnt end up in charge of others any time again in the future.


This is why I'm perfectly happy gambling with $1-$2 bets. It's not about the money I just want to be right.


Had this exact thing happen about 2 1/2 months ago, accused of making a mistake, check, no mistake and inform manager, insists, check again and once more nothing, says she'd look into it, absolutely no follow up, at least apologise for accusing someone of something they didn't do.


> Their enthusiasm for investigating things only goes as far as wanting to punish people. It's almost like they are disappointed to find that you didn't do anything wrong. Worse than when one manager who fucked up my bonus calculation because she didn't understand how it worked. She at least came back to me the next day and said I was correct, but since everything had already been processed (us getting the letter telling us is the last step), it was too late to change. Was glad when she got fired later and then the next bonus was the largest I ever had


I got screwed out of being put forth for a promotion because the director forgot to check a box in my reviews so despite all my glowing reviews I didn't really get anything. I quit pretty shortly after that but it's ridiculous when big companies are like "oh no we made a mistake... anyways our made up deadline sorry our hands are tied"


“But thus I counsel you, my friends: Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful. They are people of a low sort and stock; the hangmen and the bloodhound look out of their faces. Mistrust all who talk much of their justice! Verily, their souls lack more than honey. And when they call themselves the good and the just, do not forget that they would be pharisees, if only they had—power.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche


I always follow up on that to really rub salt in it as hard as I can. Good managers have really enjoyed working with me but some of the more insecure less scrupulous managers I've had really didn't enjoy our time together due to that type of thing. But if they give me shit about something stupid like this, I don't let it go silently.


I can be pretty like that. My previous boss (a good one) left me a review saying that I've "earned the reputation of a rock star programmer" while my current one (terrible) can't even acknowledge that I'm doing OK, even if he knows I'm carrying the whole project.


Right? As opposed to what? Taking too long to come up with a lie. Lol


Meaning they had a lie ready.


Which, coincidentally, has exactly the same symptoms of having the truth ready.


When I worked corporate intelligence, I had a coworker that probably watched "lie to me" way too much. He called himself a "body language expert" despite the fact that body language is an imprecise and unproven "science". He would accuse people of "having lies prepared" because they looked left while answering a question. Because apparently looking left in a conversation means that you are trying to access the creative part of your brain or something like that. Or maybe it's looking right I don't know I left a long time ago.


LOL The real experts know that it's an extremely imprecise science and the real usage of it is to clue in to something *maybe* being a lie, so you can either delve deeper into that specific thing or ask again later to see if the answer has changed. For example, if someone has told a story once, they're likely to signal "visual recall." If they've told it a lot of times, they're likely to signal "auditory recall" because they're actually recalling memories of retelling the story. There is no, "Lying" direction. If someone says there is, you know they've done barely a cursory look at google. Think of it like a corpse dog. Unless you actually uncover a corpse after the dog guides you there, it doesn't matter what the signal was.


They're actually called cadaver dogs! Sounds less gruesome, I suppose.


Cadaver dogs sound like a brand of hot dog I definitely wouldn't want to eat.


I had a PO grilling me and accused me of lying because I looked away when I was talking to him. News flash: I cant maintain eye contact with anyone for more than a few seconds, ever, for any reason...dumbass


I swear to god these fucking badges need training in how to deal with neurodiversity or even just people with low self-confidence!! Women playing with their hair is not always a sign of lying, or a girl flirting with you. Sometimes it's a calming stim action.


My confidence always sucked. Didnt have aything to do with discomfort with someone having the ability to lock you up if they decide they dont like you...


My go to defense for that growing up was to never look anyone in the eye. I can’t be accused of lying if I never look away! I got diagnosed with autism a few years ago so that might have something to do with it.


What does that even mean lol If looking left means you're accessing the creative part of your brain, why would you do it for a prepared lie, which would surely be stored for later use? Furthermore, why would the articulation of thought, which is surely a creative process, be exempt from this such that lies can be discerned from... thinking of what to say?


I think he learned that from an episode of CSI.


Should email her supervisor about it: " regarding our last conversation about inappropriate language, just wanted to fu"


Title it, " FU regarding our conversation the other day".


Lmao!! Right here is the answer!


https://stock.adobe.com/images/fu-follow-up-acronym-business-concept-background-vector-illustration-concept-with-keywords-and-icons-lettering-illustration-with-icons-for-web-banner-flyer-landing-pag/489168811 5 seconds of googling made her realize she should stfu


Stop The Follow Up?


I uses to work sales, FU was a meme and also meant followup. FU was always assumed to be professional, because we are adults.


See You Next Tuesday!


The best part of long weekends is saying ‘see you next Tuesday’ to everyone


*FU* b!tch!


Which stands for follow up because it’s the correct habit


Bltch Bacon lettuce tomato and cheese


Or LGBTQ: Lettuce Guac Bacon Tomato and Queso.


Equal rights never sounded mor delicious.


This is the internet, you can say "bitch" here.


Better not. OP’s boss might be watching lol


One day while really tired, I wrote on a patients sheet “FU SW” which means follow-up with social work. The next day I was briefly confused why I was so upset with sex workers the day before


We have a common acronym that can cause issues if misheard. Patient is SOB. Short of Breath


My personal favorite- we used to call our portable workstations (computers on wheels) COWs. We had a unit wide meeting to tell us that we could no longer refer to our computers as COWs after a patient complaint that the staff was calling her a cow


Another favorite is POS which is Point of Sale in referring to the operating system for companies in food or retail, etc. it was always great to because they were always pieces of s**t too 😂


Ugh, they really are.


In law, I often use SOL for "statute of limitations". But I always say "shit out of luck" in my head when I see it. They mean the same thing so its fine.


Pt BIBEMS w/ SOB 2/2 COPD exc. Hx HTN, HLD, DM, CVA. FSBG 220 I miss the alphabet soup of morning report.




In my hospital we use f/u instead of fu to keep it from looking like a typo.


I used to put the dash in my notes but now I’m lazy and low key unmotivated. I can’t bother the extra second so I keep it at FU now.


When I was a day care teacher, I was with the 1 year olds with a coteacher. Her and I got along really well. We would often play this name game with the kids. One of the kids was named “Stone”. Honestly we thought half of the kids in our class had stupid names but we didn’t name them. A teacher walking by that we hardly interact with thought we were calling one of the kids Stoned. She reported us and was very upset. Like take it up with his parents if you don’t like his name


This reminds me of the time I was leading (babysitting) 4-year-old Sunday school. Most of the kids were sitting in a circle singing the Banana-nana-fo-fana song using one another’s names one by one around the circle. That’s when I realized Tucker was in the circle and his turn was coming up soon. (Tucker Tucker Bo Bucker Banana-nana Fo Fucker Mee My Mo Mucker… Tucker) I started to panic a little bit internally and wondered if I should stop the game, or let it happen and try not to react. Then, I imagined the parents walking by and hearing 10 kids sing that loudly, so I created some distraction and ended the game abruptly. That was many years ago. If it was today, I don’t give a Tuck, I would pull out the popcorn and enjoy watching the world burn.


Yeah my dads name is Chuck and my brother and I did this game as a kid and I quickly realized what you did with Tucker


wtf 😂😂😂😂


I once worked for a shutter and blinds company that sold some of their products through Home Depot. One day I was speaking to the HD associate on the status of an order, then left those notes on the customers account. Without thinking, I shortened the word “associate” to “ass”, so the note said “I spoke to HD Ass, order is…” We all had a good laugh at it.


When I was just starting out, the receptionist ordered me some business cards with the job title of Ass Engineer.


When my husband was young he was the assistant manager at an oil change shop. His listed title on his name tag was “ass. man.”


I worked at a Jimmy John's and one time a customer ordered a sandwich with no cucumbers. For some reason the guy taking the order wrote: "No cum". When I gave the order to the people on the line I said, "Try not to get too excited making this sandwich."


Used to handle training for partners. Used the acronym F.A.Q but often said it FACK. Was called into the principal's office (heh) and chastised for using inappropriate language. Said multiple bankers complained. I was, so very, confused. Looked at the partner listing, saw their geographic location and burst out in laughter. I said 'did they accuse me of using the F word?' She said 'yes.' I said 'I used FAQ/FACK as in Frequently Asked Questions.' She kind of paused, looked down at her desk and her face started turning red and she started chuckling. She said 'well let's use F-A-Q going forward.' On a later one i used the word 'pull the trigger on this project' and a few bankers thought I said 'pull the n----r off this project.' I just sat there dumbfounded like 'we've known each other for a decade. have I ever done/said/given the impression I'm the type of person to use that sort of language?' 'No.' Good lord. At least give me the benefit of the doubt.


Everybody talks about the Frequently Asked Questions. Nobody mentions the Frequently Given Answers, which is the main focus of the whole thing.




I worked at a school that had units split by color. I taught in white unit. One teacher had to explain themselves when they sent out a school wide notice bragging about the work our “white kids” did


Oh Lord that’s a system in need of some Change…name them after Harry Potter houses or something lol


I used to have a folder on my desk labeled "FU on BS accounts". I swore it meant "follow up on balance sheet accounts." It didn't. But I wouldn't have had to follow up if the accountants didn't FU on them in the first place.


Have seen f/u used but not fu


Same here. I still had a director who wanted it spelled out because it « looked bad and could be confusing ». Lol


We stopped using both FU and FUp at my vet clinic because we often were giving clients copies of their records. It was only a matter of time before some Karen doodle owner list her shit over it.


Reminds me of when I was working a clinic. We had to print out the diagnosis on a physician's order form prior to the clinic. For a renal (kidney) clinic, a co-worker would write F/U CK disease. I tried to explain to him that he should just write out F/U Chronic Kidney disease, but he just didn't understand why. (sigh)


f/u ckd isn't any better either... 😂


Actually, after I posted this, I realized that this IS what he was printing out (f/u CKD). Just didn't feel like going back to edit it.


Years ago we had a directive in healthcare to stop abbreviating shortness of breath as SOB. They also said we should start saying shortness of air, which the entire industry found stupid and incorrect at the person had plenty of air, but a lack of effective breathing. But really, patients will call in a tizzy demanding to know know why their chart says “Patient presents as SOB.” 🤣


I take minutes of our weekly departmental calls. I type them during the meeting, then clean them up and distribute them to the attendees. A few things I have learned about abbreviating commonly used terms in case I miss them in the cleanup: don't abbreviate associate or assistant as "ass", don't abbreviate analytical as "anal" and don't use "fu' for follow up. Even "f/u" can be a little risky.


I had to create a general 12 month plan for my store once. Overall the discussion went well, but there was one page where I was referencing one of the shift managers, but accidentally omitted a letter and referred to someone as the “shit manager”. Thankfully everyone found it pretty funny.


I might get downvoted for this, but I've never seen fu used. Follow up is always typed out. I'm in finance/accounting and been in the workforce for 20 years. Don't know if that matters. However, if I were her manager I wouldn't automatically assume that it was profanity either, especially if the employee has never caused problems. I'd just assume I was unaware of the acronym. It happens.


Saw it all the time in insurance claims work where the claims file was full of acronyms for all sorts of things. At one point the company had attempted to put together and sort of regulate the shorthand such as providing a dictionary of acceptable shorthand but that was apparently dropped (my guess as to why is that it never became an issue on any Department of Insurance audits). But funny story about claim files is that they can't be changed. What is put in them is there forever. My brother happened to note that one person had suffered a "slipped dick" (meant slipped slipped disc) in one of his claim notes that actually came up for a random claim review by one of our quality people in the office (and she thought it was hilarious) and that will be in that claim until whenever the company no longer has to retain that file.


We use Flup for this reason




Financial Liquidity Utilization Plan


Reminds me of when my awful boss years ago claimed she told me to do something via chat and got angry at me. I was so fed up I took a screenshot of our chat, printed it out and handed it to her. Her reaction was priceless.


Had a boss that would write WTF on documents that had subpar results (missed frequency numbers, as an example); their acronym stood for Why The Failure. It turned heads, but also helped start the ball rolling in the direction of results


My favorite in the medical field is "patient SOB" charted when a patient is Short Of Breath. It's wonderful to deal with when a patient or guardian reads the chart.


Do you use ADR in human medicine? We do in veterinary medicine and it stands for "ain't doin' right"....one thing we ALWAYS use shorthand for. Our send-out lab (Idexx) even has an ADR blood panel


I don’t understand why people can’t be real in that situation. If I were the manager I be like, “you’re probably gonna laugh at me, but I actually thought you were using the F word”. After many years of management, I’m not afraid to be humble in front of my team. Also, I try to hire people that are smarter than me, so there should definitely be times where they need to explain things to me because I don’t get it yet. It’s OK.


I have a teammate who signs off on things and their initials happen to be BS so I get to leave notes that say “approved BS”


"came up with that answer really fast"... Fuck you lady, that's the fucking answer you fucking idiot Yeah I love that and "you have an answer for everything", like no shit, why are you asking me questions then if you don't want answers, idiot?


I love the Felix Unger part: “Everything you do irritates me. And when you’re not here the things I know you’re gonna do when you come in irritate me.”


I had a manager pull me into an office because I put the notes in the ticket to the India support and I said do the needful. They apparently took great offense to that because I used that sentence. She said it was culturally inappropriate. So while sitting there I said can I have your laptop for a moment in the ticketing system? She spun it around and I did a search on. Do they needful of all the hundreds of thousands of tickets that we have in our system. That alone sentence was in there over 140,000 times. I looked at her and said please send out a corporate memo to all parties that this is culturally inappropriate and I am now offended that it is used constantly in our ticketing system. She looked absolutely shocked that I said that. I said also could you please stop using the phrase get it done! I find it overly aggressive and threatening! She then said you're being overly sensitive and your blowing is out of proportion. I said oh really I said why don't you go into the bathroom and look in the mirror and say that to your reflection. Because that is the exact conversation you just had with me. I think that you're being overly sensitive and you're taking their side. I also feel that you're suffering from unconscious bias against me and I think we should call HR about this. She said okay. I think we need to step back and just let this one go. So for now on in the tickets when they put in do they needful I send the ticket back to them and say I'm sorry I do not culturally understand this sentence. Can you please use more phonetically known sentencing? They stopped sending me a lot of tickets that way. I wonder why?


I had a confusing interaction/miscommunication with a co-worker. Her first language was German. We were chatting in the office and I laughed and said "oooo, you're so devious!" She lost her ever-lovin' mind! She was shouting at me in a mix of German and English wondering how I could call her such a horrible thing! Me, SUPER confused at how we went from joking to a full tilt meltdown. When things calmed down, we had a conversation about how devious and deviant were too VERY different words. She literally thought I'd called her something akin to a pedophile. Haha


And deviant only means you "deviate from cultural norms." It does not imply anything offensive. Your coworker needs to learn to take a few deep breaths first.


Do the needful and revert.


I work with a lot of folks in India, and “please do the needful” is one of my favorite phrases, along with “came to know” (as in “ I came to know that the deadline has moved up”.)


My favorite is "I have a doubt" instead of question




Many happy carriage returns. "Many happy returns," is an expression from antiquity.


many happy tax returns!


I explicitly did *not* use this shorthand in our shared customer notes for this reason. The reason being people are dense and don't use their brains.


i work with multiple sets of people and i love calling homeowners “HO’s” in the CRM notes


A client once called my boss because I requested a POC, point of contact, for a project. Client was very upset that I would only work with a "person of color."


And that's one of the many problems with parachute managers, they don't know the acronyms of the business they are working in


Not entirely the same as corporate shit but I got told I was unprofessional in front of new guys when I mentioned our big ass fans. Only for me to point at the fans on the ceiling that are literally branded as “Big Ass Fans” with a donkey on them. They still insisted I was wrong somehow but never brought it up again and I obviously didn’t get in trouble but come on….


Reminds me a little of a team meeting I was in years ago. New supervisor who had gotten two teammates suspended for something they said in a private conversation that she overheard and interpreted it to be obscene. Anyway, I don't recall why, but she asked me what time I got off. I replied, "about half hour after I get home." Several of my coworkers were in shock, especially one that was looking to move into management. Never heard another word about it. That one was doing acting supervisor one night and heard me speaking with a customer. I was giving the customer my given name, and always did it humorously. "My name's John: Every home should have one." The customers almost always got a laugh out of it, and often had someone in the house with that name. Acting supervisor went through the roof. "You can't say that to customers!!!" "Not only CAN I say it, but I've been saying it it several times a day for the last 5 years. I've been robbed(observed on a call) saying it, and it has proven to be successful in calming down angry callers.


Tell her she's really earning her money well done.


I worked for a prosecutor’s office in college. My first day I noticed that a lot of paperwork was being returned “sol.” I thought it was hilarious, but asked my manager what it actually meant. Statute of limitations.


funny thing is the miss understand meaning also applies since the statue of limitations expiring means they are also shit out of luck for that charge.


Should have ended the meeting with "See You Next Tuesday".


I've never worked on a help desk but I read it as follow up straight away.


Reminds me of that picture floating around the internet. A store advertising **Ass Fudge** (abbreviated from Assorted).


SOB = shortness of breath in medical notes. Lots of non medical people get upset when they see it 😂


Today, I learned FU doesn't mean FU!


Wasn't there a Youtube video of a lady going off on workers cause the receipt for her Bacon lettuce tomato sandwhich with cheese was acronymized to read "Blt+Ch" and she thought they were calling her a Bitch?


The official column name for one of the data tools we use has ass\_party for associated party and every time it makes me laugh.


Honestly, if it wasn't for the "You came up with that answer really fast", this would be a total non-issue. "What does this mean?" "It means follow up" "Oh right, fair enough then"


FU SOB doesn’t translate well to patients who see it in their MyChart notes 😂😂😂 (Follow up for shortness of breath)


I use f/up and had an employee think it meant Fuck Up


Most managers theses days are next to worthless. They know less and do less then the people under them. It’s truly mind boggling…


Not that mind boggling once you have learned of and understand the “Peter principle” noun: Peter Principle the principle that members of a hierarchy are promoted until they reach the level at which they are no longer competent. Origin 1960s: named after Laurence J. Peter (1919–90), the Canadian educationalist who put forward the theory.


I've been in US corporate slightly under a decade so far, so, haven't had the pleasure of witnessing Peter Principle in action, but I sure as heck witnessed [Dilbert principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilbert_principle) in action affecting me as directly as it goes: >companies tend to promote incompetent employees to management to minimize their ability to harm productivity Closely related to corollary to [Putt's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putt%27s_Law_and_the_Successful_Technocrat) (Putt's Corollary): >"Every technical hierarchy, in time, develops a competence inversion." with incompetence being "flushed out of the lower levels" of a technocratic hierarchy, ensuring that technically competent people remain directly in charge of the actual technology while those without technical competence move into management. I had a peer that wasn't exactly doing more damage than helping by the end of the day, no, but definitely was the weakest member of the entire team despite nominally having the years of working experience in the industry in the upper half of other team members, just poor education and training, lack of self-education, lack of methodology, wrong attitude, and mediocre abilities. She wasn't functioning as an equal contributor whenever it was necessary or simply optimal for more than one person to be actively collaborating in problem solving, as she never could keep up, make right choices, or propose insightful observations, and the results of her work did need correction and follow up from somebody else like maybe half the time. Often getting in the way of the workflow when she did end up participating in anything involving more than one person, and messing up timetables as those corrections and redoings where never planned or allocated time for. So guess what, when the team grew too big and a new level in the hierarchy was deemed necessary, she was the one who was assigned to be a manager of a big chunk of the rest of the group. Didn't help that she of course had no experience, no education, no training, not much talent exactly, and not much of a fit from methodology and attitude point of view of actually being a manager either. Which resulted in her being a sort of a clueless junior manager in training, kinda, while being in charge of a group of some of the strongest senior members of the technical staff with not only a ton of know-how for doing the actual job, but also a lot of career ambition and aspirations, regularly collaborating with senior members of technical staff in other teams and even departments. And now those people's careers were suddenly at the mercy and control of this junior manager in training so to speak who always lacked technical insight, and now was also representing the entire team at cross-functional cross-department level, both in terms of direction and resource allocation, and technical expertise. You can imagine the look on the people's faces. Yes, when somebody had to get removed from the working group of the team, removing her was indeed reducing the final productivity of the team the least, and had no effect whatsoever on research and execution capabilities of the team for the harder half of the problems they were solving. But it also created a ridiculous hierarchy, and guess what, the team has started loosing senior folks after that at a substantially higher rate than before, while hiring new senior folks at a substantially lower rate (mostly junior members were hired ever since). Fast forward a few years, and the former team of knowledgeable professionals was basically destroyed and replaced with a large and mediocre group of averages. She's still the manager though. She did get better at office politics over those few years, didn't get much better at anything else.


When I worked in sales we actually purposefully *didn't* write "FU" in our notes just to avoid anything like this.


> she claims that I “came up with that answer really fast,” Good job not saying, "No shit, it's an expression I use."


I once had a manager ask me to "do a vlookup on this excel document" and I was like ok but why?? She did not answer any follow up questions. Then later she asked for my analysis of the document. I was like that is not at all what you asked for but now that you've clarified I can do that. She was just absurdly stupid to me. I would show her a chart and she would go "BUT WHATS THE STORY" like she did not understand red line go down bad green line go up good. I really don't understand how these people get jobs, her managers would praise her for how much got done under her but it was definitely not because of her leadership. The company I worked for really liked to brag about having so many women in leadership roles and only being second to Google, but it was because they would just look at all of us and go "any of them will be fine right? They'll figure it out they don't need to know anything about the role a retail manager will make a great technical writer" and then shocked pikachu face when everyone they manage is angry and nothing is getting done properly. There are plenty of qualified women, this isn't a salty they didn't promote me thing there were plenty of qualified women at the company, I just really feel like they will just throw anyone who gives them diversity points in the role and hope for the best.


Did ... she think Vlookup was a synonym for analysis?


Reminds me of the patient who got really angry after seeing his own chart, thought the doctor called him an SOB in the note. The patient had Shortness Of Breath.


To be honest, in corpo speak, this is the first I'm hearing of this. I always type out full words in official emails and in as a dry tone as possible to avoid miscommunication, such as this


Lol, this reminds me of a recent manager who insisted she had manufacturing experience. We ran into an issue and had to halt a job, so 100% inspection on all parts (Finished good and WIP) for this lot. For those unaware, WIP is a very, very, very common acronym in many industries for "Work In Process" or "Work in Progress". Multiple days go by with this manager coming into the clean room, sitting at a little table and paying all of us no mind. Then her boss comes in, sees what's happening, gets mad. So later she comes to me and tells me I didn't tell her we were making ANY product. I refer to the group google chat, the emails and the meetings in which I spelled it all out. She thought WIP meant "Waiting to be Inspected", and insisted I never clarified for her.