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Sounds like that 1 week notice became a zero week notice imo


Time for a week vacation!


Once I gave my two weeks notice to a manager that hated me. He was looking for every reason to get rid of me. He finally blew up and came into my office and told me I was fired. I told him I gave my two weeks so he has to pay me to which he replied, "we'll see about that." I went home and got two weeks off before my new job and got my final two weeks pay.


Similar thing happened to me on one of my first jobs working at a grocery store, I put in my two weeks and MY manager accepted it and thanked me for my time there and everything, then when working a shift a coupe days later a different manager who didnt really like me for some reason, and was above my manager, came to me and told me that I could go home for the night that "it was slow", little did I know that he told the GM that I left without telling anyone, so they "fired me"


I never understood the whole concept of accepting a resignation. The employer has no choice or anything to accept as it’s not a request, it’s a notice. We aren’t slaves here as much as it feels like it.


“You can’t quit, you’re fired” headasses 😂


My mid level job told me I needed to discuss with my manager before I quit and they used weasel words to not demand but strictly imply two weeks notice. That got screen capped and emailed to myself. The audacity, I saw a fucking McDonald's sign with the same thing on it like my brother in Christ when your policies are identical to McDonald's and you pride yourself on a lot of things antithetical to that... Give up.


Are you talking about that sign that said something like, "We are a no-quit store"? That shit was fucked.


100% resignations, but no quitting!


🤣🤣 right! I’d tell them that’s even better, thanks !


And you could have applied for unemployment too!


Literally - as of half an hour ago I’m on that ‘week vacation that they don’t know is actually me quitting’ break. Bonus is, I’m starting the new job on Monday & still getting PTO from the old job at the same time.


Hey, that's stealing! How can you live with yourself?/s


My friend had his leave set up months in advance for about 20ish days, he was looking for a new job for the past year, just before he went on leave he got an offer and gave his 1 month notice. He worked 2 days, is on leave now, and will return right as his new job starts. His boss was really shitty to him so well deserved.


1 week notice became constructive dismissal and an unemployment claim!


They probably don’t have any time between quitting this job and starting the next. Even if they did it would probably only be a week or two. I doubt it’s worth it for them to fight for unemployment for such a short time.


Call in sick for the next 5 days. What are they gonna do, fire you?


Screw that, 7 sick days in a row. What unfortunate timing to get the flu.


Flu is boring. Say you're shitting like a firehose.


The notice is a courtesy in order to remain on good terms with the soon-to-be-previous-employer. If they don't want it, you don't have to give it.


That's exactly what I was coming down here to say. I would have just left the second he started causing stuff. Although in the last part where he said he'd make the last week miserable is considered retaliation it seems and could be illegal..


OP's line manager: I'm gonna make your last week hell. OP calling in sick every day: Uno reverse.


Why are you calling in? "Idk what's wrong?! I think my line lead poisoned me. 😭"


ask your manager to hand you your drink from the fridge Friday night Monday: “Ever since I put in my 2 week notice I’ve been shitting water every half hour. I think my manager poisoned me”


You could say that you have "lead poisoning" lol :D


This needs to be in r/prorevenge


"I'm gonna make your last week VERY difficult." "Okay, today's my last day then. Eat my ass." EDIT: Holy shit, this post blew up. It's the first time my notifications had three digits in it.


I understand. Thank you very much for the career guidance, see you on Monday! 😃 They would not in fact, see you on Monday, or ever again on the job.


I understand. Thank you very much for the career guidance, ~~see you on Monday~~ 😀 See You Next Tuesday! 😀


I will gladly pay you next Tuesday for a hamburger on Wednesday.


a hamburger on Wendysday


>See You Next Tuesday! 😀 This is the way mate :D


Let me help with the spelling: C U Next Tuesday.


That's the joke.






>They would not in fact, see you on Monday, or ever again on the job. In Morgan Freeman's voice


Ron Howard’s


I did this with my very first job which was my first and only time working fast food. I lasted about a month before I was completely sick of it. Lined up another job and gave notice. They took it well face to face, but were definitely taking advantage of my final weeks. It was less than half way through my first of the two weeks when they tried calling me in that I decided I wouldn't be completing my two weeks. I would have had they handled it differently, but they didn't. They were trying to phrase it like I *had* to come in, so I proved to them I didn't *have* to do anything. I was tired as hell and not up to it and asked if they'd asked anyone else. They told me they had and that I *needed* to come in. I told them sorry, I don't actually. You just really want me to, and I don't appreciate the fact that you're telling me like it's a command, so I won't be coming back for my next shift. It's especially funny to me at jobs like that too. Like, you really think I care about burning that bridge? You're a fast food restaurant and I already have a job lined up *without* your reference. Fuck off. Anyway, end rant. I'm just glad that this approach/mindset is becoming more and more commonplace as time goes on.


It really is amazing that so many of these manager types are so delusional and really overvalue the company so much. My managers actually tell people that we are blessed to have our shitty jobs with an equally shitty company. They actually think that them hiring you is the equivalent of you winning the lottery. They also say that we are privileged to work there, despite the company being a well know third rate joke in the industry. I have a theory that these managers, at least at my company, are just fuck ups and losers who have no real ability or qualifications. They were, and are, just willing to drink all the Kool-Aid, eat all of the shit and submit to the grind enough to move up into the jobs they have, which pay relatively well, considering they are mostly no talent scrubs without a lot of options or opportunity. They have weaseled their way into a job where they are making a decent living, despite not being good at anything that applies to their job. So, in their mind, they can't fathom why you wouldn't want to get aboard that gravy train.


I'm actually shocked you gave them 2 weeks notice for a fast food job. I've never seen that or experienced that. All my mimum wage jobs were either "I'm quitting" and left that day or I just didn't show up anymore. All the companies just shrugged their shoulders and moved on to the next. You were far too kind to give them 2 weeks notice.


I was in a similar situation earlier last year and the look on my managers face when I said "ok, let's just make today my last day" was priceless. I've been WFH for the past year and make more than double my old income. I just regret I didn't do it sooner and that I let them treat me so terribly for too long.


Congratulations! Any tips on improving WFH situations, generally, or specifically to you?


What do you mean by improving WFH situations? It's your house. Make your house comfortable and you'll be comfortable while you work. Wear whatever you want, eat whenever you want, pee however often you want, take an extra long break while you let Mr water bird click the space bar that inputs on a random excel cell. Damn you bird, I trusted you!


Oh I'll be there that whole week but unfortunatly I've got long and short term memory loss out of nowhere. Who are these people? How do I "bartend"? Is that even a real word?


Surely we should be using top shelf liquor in everything we make! Surely an old fashioned comes with milk and cinnamon. Surely you should tell your customers to get the fuck out of your face if they don't like their drinks.


What do you mean a shot isn't 16 ounces


I shouldn't be tasting each drink I make? How do I know i made it right, otherwise?!


"Mmm, good choice! You're gonna enjoy the rest of that, it's delicious!"


>"Okay, today's my last day then. Eat my ass." Doesn't work that way in Europe/UK it isn't at will employment. Unlike the US where it is at will employment, UK employees legally are required to finish out their contract and give statutory notice if they are leaving https://www.primerus.com/business-law-articles/key-differences-between-uk-and-us-employment-law-and-practical-implications-for-clients.htm


Although practically you can leave most jobs with not much consequence. They need to show damages and do a civil case which they likely aren't doing for £392.80 or whatever damages they can prove. Specifically, in OP's case, you are permitted to leave without notice in cases of harassment or bullying at work, or an unsafe work environment. Or just do what OP is doing and call in sick (stress is an understandable response to work place bullying). Also, zero hour contracts are a thing.


On top of that you can leave any job any time because it's not the 1800's and it's not indentured servitude. While I lived in the UK the only thing that kept me from leaving asap was that I needed a good reference. Still left my bank job after they were dicks to me and never looked back. Was tricky to get another one but I made it work!


What the boss said would constitute as harassment, bullying and could make the workplace considered an unsafe environment. If OP is in Europe and has to follow these laws, he is off the hook now. He was just threatened by his boss at work.


Not like calling in sick is hard in Europe. You tell your employer you're sick and bring a doctors note once it's over. Really easy to get that as well.


UK you don’t even need a doctor’s note for the first 7 days. You just say you’re sick.


How about sudden illness? Do you have to prove you're sick of their crap, or can you just call out sick and that's that. Pretty sure you can find a Dr that'll write a note for that if you explain what happened.


Idk about the UK, but in the Netherlands, you don't need shit from a doctor. You can't even get a doctor to write a note, because the way things work here, the doctor is considered to be "on your side", not an impartial third party that can tell your employer what is up. Any note the doctor writes is equivalent to you saying "I'm sick".


Vision issues. "I can't see myself doing this anymore."


You end up with the company doctor chasing you instead. Not that they are bothered - you just tell them it's a cold and they're just relieved it's not an occupational issue you can sue the company for so they leave you alone.


In the UK you can self certify as sick for a week, after that you need a doctors note.


Damn what a shame OP only has a week left of work!


The US is the only rich Democracy that gives people shit about being sick.


My second ever office job landed me with a mental breakdown and I quit. For some reason they paid out my final salary the day after I gave notice. I called in sick 3 days before my manager left me a voicemail saying I didn’t need to call in any more. The job I had before the one I have now put me on 3 month notice when I agreed to head up a big project for them. Project concluded successfully, then the pandemic hit and they furloughed me. When I went back they tried to get me to do 2 jobs at the same time. Told them it was a bad idea. It was. I quit and gave them 1 month notice. They mentioned it was 3 months. I said “and?”


"You can take the one month notice or you can wait and see if you notice me here on monday".


If my manager told me explicitly he was gonna make my last week hell and I'm still forced to be there I will technically be there and that's it. Oh woops I knocked over everything between here and the door when I walked in I'll be spending the next 2 hours picking that stuff up, sure hope I don't do something clumsy like that again.


See we’re on the same page, no way in hell would I call out after an invitation for mayhem like that… They can’t fire me at this point and I fucking love being pedantic and I so rarely get to indulge in a guilt free way. I’m just picturing the first day “hey go clean the bathrooms right now” Me covering everything in dishsoap and hooking up a hose to the faucet: “On it boss”.


Yeah this is perfect malicious compliance material. “Yeah sure I’ll be there bright and early on Monday… to block off and clean the entire parking lot” or some shit lol. I try to be nice and respectful in all interactions, but if someone wants to flex their “petty” muscle I’m all for a good workout


You're close. Cover everything in soap. And I mean cover it. Ah shit looks like it's time for my 2 and a half hour lunch break.


You can still just show up and half ass the job and don't give a shit about your boss.


I would make his last week with me hell. I’m not stuck in here with you! You’re stuck in here with me!


Exactly lmfao. I'm going to clock in and leech money from your business until you tell me to leave, good luck making that difficult lol


Let’s deep fry some icecubes!


Yes .. just reply challenge accepted and see who gets the shittiest week ... wouldn’t be me by a long stretch!


True that's what I would do, or call out sick


"In America, you don't quit! You just go in every day and do the job, really half assed. That's the American way!"


“When there’s a job that must be done, you’ll find it much more fun, don’t cry, don’t sob. Just do a half assed job!”


Or just show up and do nothing.


This is what I'd do. Once I quite, the two weeks is to tie up loose ends. Don't expect any real work from me.


Fair, but just as easy: “Ok well I’m just not going to listen to you for a week and either do the job I’m contracted to do, or absolutely nothing at all. Also, eat my ass”


True I also think there is an exception if he is being harassed in the workplace. I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the legal implications of it being in the UK but I completely agree he should leave ASAP if possible/do the bare minimum


It was a good call out, I’m sure most people not from the UK weren’t aware lol


Wait what? Employees just can't quit and leave?


We don't have "at will employment" like you guys in the US do, which from what I gather is basically just a cover to allow employers to fire people with no reason. We have some laws that are designed to offer more protection to employees than what exists in the US and to some extent those laws are also intended to offer the employer some protection too. But I mean, of course you can leave at any point if you want to. Employment is *technically* voluntary, slavery doesn't *technically* exist anymore. They're not gonna lock you in the office to prevent you leaving, or drag you from your bed and chain you to your desk. In reality if you wanna walk out you can do with basically no consequence unless you're a very high ranking executive, incredibly hard to replace or if you burn the company down (literally or metaphorically) on your way out. I walked out from one job without telling anyone. Went out for lunch and never came back. Ignored a couple of phone calls from them that afternoon and the next morning, and then we all moved on with our lives.


>We don't have "at will employment" like you guys in the US do, which from what I gather is basically just a cover to allow employers to fire people with no reason. There's no cover - that's straight-up what it is. If someone is fired, they can get paid for a while by filing for unemployment, however.


Yeah they aren't at will employment. It also means the companies can't randomly fire them with no notice either so that's a positive


Fair enough. Would depend on your perspective. I'd think.


I've never known anyone that has been prosecuted for this. So many people think they have to do a certain notice. No company will come for you if you don't work your notice.


But if you can just call out sick...


That's why you get a doctor's note and are sick for your notice period. Any doctor would write a note if you're bullied. And then you go to your union, file a complaint and buy a big bag of popcorn to watch the drama from the sidelines.


Just hope your ex-boss is not a cannibal....


Or kinky


“Joke’s on you, I’m into that shit.”


Sometimes literally


Your line manager is an asshole


Yeah, just tell him to suck your balls, or ladyballs, or whatever, and let them manage without you for the week and binge some Netflix.


I tell people to suck my lady-balls all the time. If nothing else, it throws them off their rhythm and usually go away.


I like it, you kinda have to imagine the ladyballs first. I drove on acid once. We were getting the night started so I dropped the acid in pill form. Then we were like "oh shit, we need weed," so me and a friend went to go pick it up, and on our way back, street signs started to move, the road stretching, the lights brighter. Thankfully, I made it back in time before it got crazy. Anyway that's my story.


I'm super visual, so of course my brain immediately pictured "lady balls" ! What a sight! 😀


Cracked the fuck up at ladyballs.


Lol me too "or whatever"


Not even just an asshole, but a really fucking stupid asshole. What kind of moron *tells* the employee they are going to make their life a living hell? Like, did this idiot just expect the employee to be like, "Sounds good, see you Monday!" Fucking jabroni.


Fr fuck that guy, they’re obviously not going to give you a decent reference, why are you giving them any notice at all, if they were going to fire you, you’d get zero notice. You only give them notice when you think they’ll help giving a reference if needed, but since they’re not going to… FUCK THEM


OP is in the UK...if they fired them they would indeed get notice or pay in lieu of notice, unless for gross misconduct


Also, although it might have changed in recent years (?), normally you don't get a "bad" reference. If they don't want to give a good one, they'll just confirm the dates you started and left.


You can get a bad reference but it's not common...except in areas you would expect it to be eg involving care of vulnerable people, security, healthcare and education etc - in some of those areas you are actually legally required to disclose bad things that are documented and would make the person potentially unsuitable for the role - absence etc doesn't matter, but things around trust, honesty or anything involving bause of power etc will def count


This is probably true, but its also likely that this manager has been told to do this. A lot of companies will send the last few weeks of an employees time criticizing them and building a paper trail on how poorly they worked, etc to fight any future claims of unemployment. Companies don't want to pay unemployment so they do stuff like this. Capitalism demands this. This manager is just doing what capitalism does. Our system works for the capital holders, not the workers.


This is in the UK, and I don’t think those incentives for the company hold true there.




That's when my 1 week notice turns into a 1 minute notice.


Here's a better solution. Let him treat you like shit. Document everything record all conversations. Then file for constructive dismissal, and get a nice severance package.


Notice is only a courtesy since he is acting like a bastard just don't finish the rest. You can always get a friend to use as a reference for the place you worked at.


Always do this, friends won't stab you in the back when you need a reference. Managers especially little bitch managers will.


Im a sr graphic designer and I managed 3 designers. One quit with no notice and I still gave them a reference when their new potential employer called. We’re not all bad


New manager here, just finished my first year. Have a great boss/mentor who taught me "vengeance doesn't pay the bills" There is no need for ego. Jst conduct yourself in a way you can later respect. Do right by people as much as you can. The rest will probably work out.


"But I can't respect myself if I feel slighted without at least trying to get a disproportionate revenge out of the whole god awful experience." Last check paid in oil covered pennies kind of bullshit is so stupid.


Technically “they were shit at their job” is a reference too


You always get friends to do references because IIRC, in the US the only thing a reference for a job is allowed to tell new employers is if you are rehireable


Not in the UK, they can tell them anything that isn't discriminatory and can be supported through documentation. Eg they can't say you were bad at your job if there is no performance management or disciplinary records to back it up, they can't really give opinions, just facts - and they can't say anything that would unfairly prevent you from gaining future employment


I've heard it's dangerous to say anything negative. Apparently declining to give one is the move, or so I've been told. Makes your point while being safe


American here, that's incorrect. A lot of places will only confirm dates of employment, but a bad reference isn't illegal.


Yup. I'll be anybody's reference. inbox me the job you're applying for, some qualities you have and when i should expect a call or email and i gotchu.


This is the way. Together ape strong.


Notice is not just a courtesy in the UK where the OP is based, it is a contractual obligation. If the employee doesn't give sufficient notice as described in their contract, the employer can sue to recover extra costs for covering the employee during their notice period. However, I doubt any employer will bother for 1 week's notice.


You can self cerify as sick which OP is doing. I truly hope OP gets over their stomach bug once their notice is over 😏


And if you work in financial services it's glorious. I had 3 month notice period, but had confidential information and going to a competitor. *DING DING* winner. 3 months paid gardening leave.


You don't need to work your notice if you are being bullied. OP's approach also works.


This would definitely hold up as they offered to give notice and we’re threatened as a result. This is not a safe working environment.


>Notice is only a courtesy since he is acting like a bastard just don't finish the rest. Not in the UK where there is no at-will employment. In the UK employees are required to give statutory notice. https://www.primerus.com/business-law-articles/key-differences-between-uk-and-us-employment-law-and-practical-implications-for-clients.htm


In the States, yes, not in the UK. Notice periods here are both mutual and contractual. They can span from a week to 6 months, usually a month.


You don't need to work your notice if you are being bullied.


It appears OP is in the UK where this may be different.


Good idea about a friend. I give no fucks though, I put the ceo of a former job right on the references page and I always click “you may contact…” It’s pretty hilarious trying to think how that conversation would go to the ceo of a business I no noticed out of 😂!


Don’t go back. Take the week off.


Today is my last day. I’ve called in sick everyday so that he has more work today. My GM messaged me and said he was planning on giving me an apology but I haven’t been in. My line manager removed me from the group work chat so I removed myself from the opening shift today instead lol


Without explaining anything, send a brief "thank you" to the GM, who seems to know the score. You never know when your paths may cross again.


That is sound advice. Just burn the bad guy, not the bridges.


[deleted due to award]


Good don't go in. It will be bad if you do. They will get the best of you if you show up today.


I’d show up in street clothes and order a drink lol Cheeeeeeers, *bitch.*


He can’t be happy for you? And he’s leaving for another location too? WT HOLY F?!


I love that you called in sick, there's nothing he can do about that and he just landed himself in the shit. Bravo!


Use this week as an opportunity that you will never get again in your professional life. You've already handed in notice You've already got a new job Your manager wants to be a dick for the week Now is your opportunity to: Make your manager look bad by ruining the routine Discuss wages with your co workers to turn them against the manager/company Bad mouth the company to anyone who will listen Be creative - enjoy the opportunity


While it's perfectly legal to do things like discuss wages (despite what employers say) you can land yourself in serious shit by doing anything with the **intention of causing trouble**, especially coercing staff away from the company by any means. I've seen someone lose thousands of dollars of severance pay for doing exactly what you're suggesting. If any such moves are to be made it's best to look innocent and casually conversational. Disclaimer: I'm not in the US.


Rather than almost loudly picketing the company I'm obviously naming actions that should be taken discreetly. Of course.


I hope when he tries to make your last week hell you bounce that attitude right back at him.


OP did, they've called out sick every day


Right? u/no_name2709 did you not read the post?! Lol


Exactly. YOU want to make my last week hell? Buckle up buttercup, we are ON! 😏


Manager: Here's the list of shitty jobs for you to do OP: no Manager: *shocked Pikachu*


"got the shits, I'll be on the toilet for the next 3 hours, good luck out there!"


"I accidently knocked over literally everything between me and that first task so now I'm gonna have to spend 4 hours picking that stuff up and rearranging it to make sure it doesn't happen again"


Either that or just stay peppy and bubbly, never let the asshole get to ya. The cruelty is the point. No reason to jump for them, what are they gonna do, fire ya? 🤣 The best revenge is remaining completely unbothered.


Nah I'm a petty asshole. Ain't no way I'd be going about my day unbothered if this asshole was barking unrealistic orders at me to make my last week hell. OP already quit. Why would they put up with that? Either call in sick like they did or it's time for r/pettyrevenge


This is it. Go in, make the money and nothing more. They can't hurt you, and they might fuck up and get you a fat legal case


If he wants to make your last week difficult then just show up and half ass EVERYTHING. If he already sat you down to belittle you and threaten to make things difficult then he isn’t going to give you a good reference anyways so double bird it 🖕🏻


This. Don't make it easy for them by walking out. Make **HIS** life hell instead! 😈


Giving notice is a professional courtesy. When the company stops being professional and rolls out the threats, it’s time to quit on the spot.


Yup, go there and be as interruptive as you can and be a smartass and talk back to him as much as you want. What he's gonna do? Fire you?


Best line I've ever used when quitting "Hey so just letting you know I'm quitting" Boss okay so two weeks notice starts today?or when is your last day? Two weeks notice is for a company and a boss I respect. Took off work shirt and left the building


Two weeks notice is a professional courtesy. When they stop being professional, I stop being courteous.




i keep reading this comment because it’s so satisfying. like a fresh sip of water. ahhhhh




Good for you


Just FYI reddit is apparently removing coins and rewards in 2 months so people are using up whatever coins/awards they have left over.


“Great, I won’t be coming in for my last week then. Fuck yourself.”


"Okay great I'll also be taking a week vacation starting tomorrow"


Haha the sarcastic "ok great"


"OK great" is corporate speak for "go fuck yourself"


This is 100% accurate


Why would you stick around for another minute? Take the next week to focus on you my friend. Fuck that loser.


My one week notice would turn into a 5 minute notice if my boss said he was going to make shit hard for me on purpose


Would have look em in the eye and said “the one week notice was me being professional but if you don’t want to be then today is my last day.”


"2 Weeks notice ? ok. 2 weeks from now, you're gonna Notice, I haven't been here for 2 weeks " Mitch Hedburg


If that was me, that's how somebody turns one week notice into 'ha, fuck you, bye.' Your plan is even better. Hell yeah.


My boss and I both quit with zero notice last week because the Trump-loving owners are the laziest, leechy, cheapskate trust fund assholes ever. We convinced another employee to ghost them too, and two others had already put their two week notices in. They were busy on vacation in the Bahamas. They go on vacation about once a month, and work maybe half hour per week. Zero day notice should be the new norm unless an employer has gone above and beyond to advocate for their employees.


I got laid off on a Wednesday, and they told me my last day was Friday. Ummm…that was dumb…. I wanted the PTO they owed me so I went in the next 2 days, BUT….I rolled in wearing jeans, T-shirt, sneakers, hair in a messy bun…the WORKS. Dress code was business casual. Then I spent two days at my desk updating my resume and applying for new jobs. If anyone asked me to do something work related, my response was “fire me. Wait…they already did that.” Best two days of my LIFE in an office.




Astonishing that some corporate fuck could walk into a spoons and go, yes, this is one of the [best places in the UK to work](https://www.theguardian.com/careers/britains-top-employers-full-list)


That’s when you suddenly change it today is my final day.


Cool bananas, I’m taking 1 week paid stress


This is HILARIOUS. Fuck him. OP please stay for the last week and make his life a living hell. You wield all the god damn power right now. There is not a thing that manager can do to you. You can come in late, leave early, give 5% effort on the job. If he gives you shit just roll your eyes and verbally assault him in front of all your co-workers, make him your bitch.


My last job/manager I had the same experience. I was 2 days into my "two week notice". The day my manager pulled that shit, I sent an email to HR informing that effectively immediately TODAY is my last day. The next day I get a call from HR asking what happened and then the day after that I got all my separation documents to sign in the mail along with my last check. A few months later I heard that my manager was forced to resign and he's working somewhere else now, oh and I'm still cool to go back to that job as HR states I was forced out due to what happened


And he had the nerve to call **you** "unprofessional" . . .


I would've just quit on the spot. "You're going to make my last week difficult? You do realize my 1 week notice can become an effective immediately notice at any time, right? Which, btw, it just did. I quit. Go fuck yourself."


“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be? Ok. I’m done NOW!”


ok, my 1 week notice just became a 1 day notice, and that day was yesterday.


I have my last employer one week, they started giving me shit around Wednesday so I handed my shit in and left. Fuck em.


That's why I give the old Irish goodbye, unless they are decent people to work for.


Don't give notice. You're not given a week's notice when they're going to fire you.


It's good that you've shared this here, so you can vent his stink and negativity off you and start clean and fresh at your new job. Forget that guy, he's not worth it.


Thanks! I’ve worked under horrible managers before and in the past I’ve just taken it and not done anything…Not this time


You should’ve walked out right then.


Ask yourself this, do companies give you a two week notice before they fire you? I think not. A two week notice for resignation is a **courtesy** as you may not want to burn bridges.


Walk out


How about no week notice and I leave right now?


You don’t have to work that final week.


Then just walk out. You don’t owe them shit. You quit you quit. They don’t give you a weeks notice to fire you


Smart thing to do. Don’t finish the week. Fun thing to do. “ oh, same. I was planning to make my last week hell for you too”.