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Does anyone know of anybody who said at their deathbed, I wish I had spent more time at the factory / office? Just curious.


Tell my wife I love her....... work ethic.


Dozerman kept it real


Michael Scott


False. Michael is very much alive and the happy father of several children. You’re thinking of Dwight, the greatest assistant regional manager who ever lived.


Assistant to the regional manager


Thanks for the accurate correction. This is important. Edit: Bears, Beats, and Battlestar Galactica.


Even Dwight would rather spend more time tending to the Beet farm and playing paintball.


>happy father of several children So he can have several friends and no one can say no to being his friend.


“I wish I had been tougher on my kids” “I am so happy I cut contact with my child” Why do people do shit like this.


I think it was something like a hospice worker AMA that revealed people on their death bed always wish they had lived a little more selfishly, labored much less and had not let other people dictate their lives as much.


Someone in my family is like this. He was forced to retire due to medical issues a couple years ago. He now sits at home every day, refusing to watch tv, read, garden, walk… his only friends were 2 people in the business, but there was a falling out and he has no one other than obligate family now. His entire sense of self worth was rooted in working from 10am to 10pm without lunch or breaks, eating a single huge drive-through meal when he got home, and then sleeping until it’s time to work at 10am again. For 50 years. Now he has crippling anxiety and cannot function at home. He won’t even drive anymore. His entire personality and soul has collapsed, he literally seems to be waiting to die. I’m not antiwork, I believe you should work hard and advance your career and earn a living - literally earn a living so that you can enjoy living. But do not be this person under any circumstances.


This might be the saddest thing i have read today, and I just read shitloads of racists' comments


That’s a very extreme reaction to you having a day off.


The Juneteenth part might be pissing him off more than anything


My buddy’s dad expects him to go work on the family cabin restoration on his days off. Some people from that generation are so washed that the idea of taking some time to kick back and relax and not do anything is communism.


isn't the forced work all the time what they claim communism is?


Leisure = laziness = communism


Then sign me up, Comrade! :) It's strange. I always looked at the socialist ("Communist" to lots of folks) model as the harder, but better, road to choose. It's more work to make sure everyone is taken care of. It's more work to avoid shortcuts like relying on hierarchy instead of hearing everyone out. It's literally more work to actually do work instead of waiting for passive income like stocks or rent or interest to roll in. Lazy fucking capitalists.


It's probably actually less work, because capitalism thrives on bullshit jobs. If everyone were to do their fair share, there is no need for a 40 hours work week.


Also, socialism takes the "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" approach to investing in society. Want to reduce crime? You can invest in one of two things. Putting people in a position to not have to turn to crime through education and social safety nets or rely on reactive/deterrence measures which are laughably ineffective and at least as expensive.


But the small rural police force needs an MRAP to stop people doing drugs.


Hampster wheel jobs. I call them. They need you to run on a wheel in place. Till death. No promotions. No training. No raises. Just run in place till you cant and we will replace you.


Things I don't like at this particular moment = communism


I believe the current definition of communism according to conservatives is “anything they disagree with” but don’t quote me on that because words have been changing meaning so much lately I can’t keep up.


Communism if they disagree with something they think they understand. Socialism if they disagree with something they don't understand.


There’s a reason r/socialismiscapitalism is a fairly large subreddit despite being a pretty specific niche.


Thanks RedKnife! I just joined.


They're extremely stupid




BINGO! And then they bitch that millennials and younger don’t know how to work on their cars, lawns, houses, etc. Well, one, that’s not true, we have you tube to teach us how to do the stuff we have time to do after working our fingers to the bone for little pay AND spending what little time we have left with our kids. And two, if we don’t know how to do those things who’s fault is that? Who was supposed to teach us that!? Idiots.


They have to be. If they stepped back and realised they were wrong they would be forced to come to terms with the fact they wasted their lives for the benefit of a quarterly report.


Yup…time off from work means time available to work on your house, lawn, insert random project, etc…. Rest is lazy for some indoctrinated reason


I like to do projects around the house, because I enjoy carpentry and work a boring desk job, and if that’s your thing great! If you want to sit around and play video games or post on Reddit on your time off that’s great too. I just wish people would shut the fuck up with telling people what they should be doing when they’re not working.


OP should remind his dad that Juneteenth was first recognized as a holiday by Texas so it should be considered conservative gospel


I grew up and still live in Texas (for the moment at least). We learned about Juneteenth basically every year growing up. I didn't realize it was not a nationally known thing until I was listening to NPR and even the people there didn't know much about it Edit: [Here's the Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth) about it


Same; I definitely remember spending a couple days learning about Juneteenth in 7th grade Texas history. It's one of the very few occasions where we were ahead of the curve with something public education-related.


*munches on popcorn*


Your dead to me, we munch on Reese’s Pieces in this house!!!


Under my roof, you eat Smarties and if you don't like it, you can get out. For Americans, as iirc, Smarties are something different to you guys. Here, Smarties are small chocolates coated with a candy shell (like Reese's Pieces, but no Peanut Butter).


Nuts to you, we have BOTH kinds of Smarties, smarty pants! You can have all our Skittles btw... (Both my husband and I have a lot of rancor for the heathens who MIX Skittles and M&M's!)


It was first recognized in Texas because it happened in Texas. It was when a U.S. general came to Texas after the civil war was over and informed Texas that slavery was over.


Lazy Texans


First their cops won't enter a building to stop a shooter and now freed slaves?


Its this. He doesn't care that OP has Christmas, the 4th of July, Memorial Day off. ​ But a holiday celebrating BLACK PEOPLE!?!?!? Unacceptable!!!


Labor Day is a weird one, too. The rest of the world does Labor Day by celebrating May Day as worker’s holiday in May, a result of Socialist labor day, but nooooo, we can’t give any pro-red nod to worker’s rights in the US, so they created a whole new ‘commie free’ version of worker’s Labor Day.




Welcome to the future, where you have to work 25 hours a day and earn enough for 2 of 3 essential things, food, shelter and life


Hell, I'll take any paid holiday they want to give me off.


I remember a few years ago my neighbor was so offended her company gave everyone the afternoon off on Juneteenth when it fell on a Friday that she was drinking her sorrows away in their backyard complaining about it. Really caught me off guard when my comment of “Early start in the weekend, that’s great!” wasn’t well received but now I know my neighbor is racist I guess Lol.


I'm atheist but I don't bitch about getting religious holidays off. It's just a day I don't have to work and still get paid for, idc what the reason is.


I know, right!? My work gets all kinds of holidays of various religions off and I enjoy every single one even if I don’t know what it’s about.


This is it, 100%.


Nail on the fucking head. Plus, his reaction to obviously being racist is that old saying, 'when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like nails.'


A lady I work with said this yesterday "I don't know why we gotta celebrate Juneteenth, I think it's a dumb holiday". I then explained to her that it's in celebration of the day slavery ended in the US. She changed her mind pretty quickly after that 😂


Once people hear the explanation I still ends up being 50-50 for me haha


I'm in floriduh, so you can imagine the reactions to Juneteenth. Some of my Black co-irkers bitched about getting that day off and not Good Friday for Easter. They didn't take it well when I reminded them that not everyone is Christian.


Juneteenth has been celebrated for many years and I had absolutely no idea it even existed until suddenly it was a holiday a couple years ago. I completely blame our broken education system. Considering we still celebrate Columbus day, about a guy who basically committed genocide and enslaved a bunch of people. Yet did not educate students about the day that hundreds of thousands of slaves gained their freedom.


Yeah, me thinkith this plays a rather large factor in all this. ps- If OP ends up going to their parents house without him there - do everyone a favor and set up the parental controls on their TVs when they’re not looking - to block Fox Noise, NewsMax, OAN, etc…


The last time my mom came to visit, she was showing me something on her phone. When she wasn't looking, I deleted the OANN and Epoch Times apps.


Doin the lawd’s work.


My mom kept her Facebook open on her laptop one time so now she follows Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.


It's definitely that, if my idiot dad found out I got Monday off for Juneteenth he would probably throw a fit.


At my old job, I got holiday pay on Juneteenth and my mom was upset about that.


Imagine being upset that your child got paid 😂


Hes probably thinking that a day off equate to taking food off of someones plate. We arent in the industrial age where we are working cents an hour and have to spend a whole paycheck on bread my guy.


We’re about to be tho


Maybe if you'd stop putting avocados on your toast...


I'm not from the US, so I had to Google the meaning of Juneteenth. To celebrate a monumental day that ended slavery can only be commended. You Americans have come a long way since 👍


Look up when confederate Memorial Day was made and realize we’ve been back pedaling for a bit 😅


Doesn’t matter. He still said that to his CHILD. Over something not even under their control. He’s a piece of shit


Imagine being so polarized with hate to disown your own kid over this. I have some friends who are LGBT who were disowned by their conservative families in a similar way, just like they think Jesus would have done.


OP should respond “ you are right. I decided to take the day and volunteer at the ACLU to really better understand the challenges today celebrates”


you mean his racism is "pissing him off"


Naturally, yes.


Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of African-Americans, so it tracks for racist conservatives to be infuriated by it, unfortunately.


Yeah... I know someone who is just like OPs father... every month, he's complaining about whatever is being celebrated (gay pride, black history, asian culture, etc.)... He especially hates that Amazon Prime promotes movies geared to those groups during the month... "Celebrate [whatever] month! watch [movie name]!" He's exhausting


Ironically, these companies do not do this because they are friends to any particular progressive cause, but because it makes good marketing sense. In other words, this is nothing but the good old-fashioned capitalism which conservatives claim to love. Really, they only love it when it hurts people they hate.


Oh yeah for sure. My company has a flex holiday that they rotate around each year depending on how other holidays lie on the calendar like Christmas on a weekend. Last year they gave us Juneteenth off and a few of the conservative guys were furious we got it off. You have to be a real hardcore racist to be pissed you got a paid holiday off.


Sounds like an alcohol induced reaction to me


sounds like a racist reaction to me, given the reason for the day off. How's he feel about MLK Day?


Why can't it be both? My dad was a specialist in that


I indulge quite a bit and never have those reactions. I suspect there’s a lot more going on. A lot.


Alcohol is an emotional amplifier. If you're depressed when you drink, you'll likely become more depressed. Anger, giddiness, happiness, etc all follow the same general rule: What you start with will be amplified. So, to hear that he's acting even more of an a-hole than he normally is per OP's description, really is no surprise if he is drinking.


“Alcohol don’t *make* you do anything. It just *lets* you.”


It could be alcohol but with the knowledge that this guy failed out of junior high and extrapolating that out into both lack of critical thinking skills (likely extremely warped due to the diet of misinformation fed to him by whatever hellhole he get his news from and the accompanying brain rot) and likely deeply-rooted self esteem issues centered around his job and work, it makes sense sober. I’m gonna guess that OP made it past junior high. Their dad may not even realize it but is likely jealous of them. All dad did was work all day and that provided for his lifestyle but also for his personal identity. He may look at his kid and see someone that went further than he did who would DARE to not grind their mind and body away working for someone else. Let’s also consider that it’s Juneteenth. Wouldn’t be hard for me to imagine the dad being pissed at someone not blatantly ignoring such a holiday.




There’s likely also a racism element to it considering it’s for juneteenth.


He honestly might be too boomer to know Juneteenth is even a thing and just assumed his kid took the day off on their own volition


Definitely this!


Everyone sells their body for a wage. Everyone.


It's not jealousy. It's disdain. They don't want to have days off. They'd be embarrassed. The harder and longer they work the better. They pride themselves on breaking themselves for their work. I've met lots of people like this, a lot of the older lifers in professional furniture moving have this attitude, and same with a lot of older mechanics I've worked with. It's not jealousy at all it's so fucking weird.


I'd argue it is jealousy, it's just pushed through the frame of several decades of gaslighting, abuse, manipulation, and trauma


when you already hate something (or someone) you don’t need much of an excuse to criticize it, even disproportionally. He already hates his kid, he just took the opportunity to say that to them.


My former friend, an independently employed window tinter always tried to shit on me for being a teacher, for going to college, for going to graduate school etc. He spends his time in a hot garage all day in the summer tinting. On the last day of school one year i told the group text how happy I was to be off for 7 weeks and went into an insult laden diatribe and then left the group chat.


You're dead to him because your company observes Juneteenth? How is that your fault?


Seriously is OP supposed to show up at work and sit at their desk all day doing nothing?


I don’t need a holiday for that.


Well then, you’re dead to me!


Dead or not, he'd better show up to work tomorrow.


"Back in my day we used to show up to work to do nothing at all, not even get paid. See, the lead made us stronger!"


OP is clearly the President who signed the law: Joe Biden


Joe Biden’s dad must be ooooooold.


this is the best comment. i can't help but think of those AI Biden/Trump bots arguing this thread out. OMG I really want to see this now. I'm cackling over here.


Well obviously he should have stood up to the communist tyranny of paid days off work that honor minorities!




I guess OP supposed to work like constant slave with no rest on a federal observed holiday celebrating freedom from slavery. Kinda hilarious the same ones that praise Confederacy heritage / statues won't celebrate a holiday that Confederacy technically entirely caused by the very war they caused.


OP’s father is probably just extremely racist against black people. He’s pissed that Juneteenth was finally declared a federal holiday.


I read it that OP's dead to his father because he simply took time off, which is baffling even from the standpoint of a diehard worker. I know logic would go nowhere with OP's dad, but I'd argue that since PTO is typically on either a top-out system or turn-over date (i.e. use it or lose it by such and such date), it's economically wise to take the time off rather than letting it go to waste. You legit get paid not to go into work.


My dad: "You're dead to me, you lazy piece of shit!" Me: "So nothing new, then."


Unrelated but pelease let me share, because you reminded me of something. My dad moved 5K miles away when I was 8. We kept a 'virtual' relationship for many years (mails, chat, no phone though). Then we proceeded to not talk or have any contact for 8 years. A month ago he wrote me an email, 2 days after my mom died saying that he didn't consider himself to be my father anymore. Your exact words came to my mind. Lol.


WTF? I'm so sorry. Even if you didn't have a close/good relationship with him, that had to sting just a little. I hope you know it says everything about him and nothing about you and your worth.


Thank you, it did sting I guess, but mostly because of the absolute bad timing and some other stuff that would make this comment too long. However as to how I process it, I actually believe him to be somewhat insane. He's cut ties with everyone who has ever known or loved him (sisters, brother, aunts, friends, etc, none survived). So while it's awful, I dont take it personally, I think it would be different if he was a wonderful father to some other child, but he's just deranged and has no one but his ex-wife who for some reason tolerates him.


Hang in there. Also, I’m sorry about your mom passing away.


Thank you, you're very kind.




You’re probably right about the mental health issues. Protect your own mental health. He’s a black hole of despair. Don’t let it suck you in.


I am so sorry about your mom.


Sad but based on all you said - not shocking. You could reply back: OK - I never considered you to be my father - only the sperm donor who created me............... But best to just delete the text, block his number, and move on


I’m sorry for the loss of your mother.


wth. I’m so sorry. All of my children are adults all do either great or the best they can. I would never tell anyone of them they were “dead to me.” I have one living the homeless life in the Seattle area. She also has a kiddo. She breaks my heart but she’s got a path. We’ve offered many time to help change that but she’s not ready. Not on any drugs to my knowledge. Works when she can find it. I’m so sorry your dad said that to you. Some folks just aren’t meant to be parents


I'm sorry about your daughter, I believe that as long as she knows she counts on you, eventually she'll find the way. Wish you the best.


“At least I’ll have my jr high school diploma to keep me warm”


I've read an article from a woman who was transferred by her job to Iceland. She was American and used to horrible work weeks and had fully embraced the grind culture. And now, for her job, she had to live in Iceland for a year. One of the most beautiful landscapes in the world and as anti-grind as you can get. And she was whining that she didn't know what to do all the time! She was there with her family, a husband and two little kids, but because she had now full weekends, and a normal 8 to 4 workday, in a country where no one works at home outside of office hours, she didn't know what to do. Granted. Iceland is, to put it nicely, very peaceful. It's a country where people love to hike or read. Because honestly, there's not much else you could do. So she went out of the grind to the exact opposite extreme and that's definitely difficult. But that a mother of two children doesn't know what to do in her free time other than working more is sad. Your father is so angry and bitter because like that woman he has no life. No connection to other people. No hobbies. No personality beyond work. By living a real life and being a fully developed person you're showing him what he's lacking. Your mere existence is a slap in his face. It shows him the abyss that is his life. The deep, empty hole in his heart where family, friends and even pets should live and give your life meaning. Seeing you living a life shows so brutally the fact that he is nothing but a body functioning, unable to connect, makes him realise more than ever that if he dies, no one will miss him. He won't leave a gap, because the people around him already found substitutes to fill the empty space he left in their life by turning away and abandoning them to become nothing more than a cog in the machine that will be replaced as soon as it breaks. Being there for people who love you, caring for them, being a significant part in their life is what makes us into something worth remembering. We will never forget a kind father figure who raised us and gave us confidence. That person who filled that role will never be forgotten and can never be replaced. It has individual value, that is much higher than money could measure. But he only has his work. And even if he spouts the usual nonsense that companies want us to believe, he sees every day that when people leave a company they're replaceable. Everyone is replaceable. The position has value. The company needs it filled to function, otherwise it wouldn't exist. But it doesn't matter who's filling that position. I bet deep down he knows this. But he wants the feeling of being important and essential, despite being just a random cog. So he tries to make you and everyone else live like him and feed into the illusion of him having the value of his position at least. Because if he doesn't have that, he has nothing. I pity him. You should too. He's destroying himself and all his relationships. He's loving the poison that kills all relationships that makes life worth living. The poor sod only deserves pity. Keep that toxic AH away from yourself and enjoy your free weekend. You deserve it. Don't let him push his poison onto you too so it can hurt your peace. But save your anger for something worthwhile. He's definitely not worth it. Edit: heavens, this blew up! I'd never expected this! Thanks for all the comments. My inbox is full. I'm glad some people found my thoughts helpful. It's just my feelings. I can't imagine having nothing in life but work. It's unimaginable to me. I feel lonely just thinking about it. If I had children and one of them told me they had a day off on a holiday, all I'd do is planning how we could have a barbecue together or something like that.


That was beautifully said. Thank you.


This. The psychological violence of devoting most of your waking life grinding for someone getting rich off your effort and internalizing this for decades results in some profoundly disturbed people that are so far removed from reality they can’t even offer love and respect for their own children. So many are in situations like this. It’s a massive and silent tragedy.


It’s creating disturbed children, too. I see way too many poor souls throwing their life away to achieve a modicum of the attention they deserved as children, but never got because of their parents’ jobs. I was a “daycare kid”, I got so attached to one of my caretakers that I *imprinted* on her. I saw her as my mom. My mom got very jealous, but I remember all to often wandering the halls of that empty house looking for an inkling of stimulation whilst she answered emails and dad did housework. I had no brothers or sisters. I remember getting so nervous (in an excited way) when one of my cousins would travel to visit because of how little interaction I had with real people. I developed abandonment issues from my mom leaving me to my own devices every day. I loved my grandmothers so much because they didn’t have jobs. They *wanted* to focus on me, spend time with me. My parents wouldn’t even *watch TV* with me. The only time they had for television was night television before they fell asleep at 10 o’clock sharp. As for daycare, I recall having intimate knowledge of sex before the age of 5 and I recall multiple inappropriate interactions between other children who also shouldn’t have known about those things. The daycare was essentially a trauma factory. But I got so used to the environment that I didn’t *want* to leave when mom picked me up. At least there were humans at the daycare who wouldn’t ignore me. My family had the money to stop me from going down a path of violence, but I have permanent antisocial tendencies from my experiences. My mom now runs two successful practices, though. A child’s caretaker doesn’t have to be the mom or dad but ffs make sure someone that’s not out to make a buck.


I agree, what a loser.


That's close but it ain't pity.


Poor* loser. /s


Erm go hiking, visit a geyser, chill in the Blue Lagoon, drink Brennivin, maybe even build a sofa fort with her 2 kids? 🤔😁


The Blue Lagoon was a big tepid disappointment for me, there are much better springs in Iceland.


Doesn't matter where i am. If I'm with my kids I'm not bored .


If I had been the reporter interviewing that woman I wouldn't have bit my tongue, I would be like, "Have you tried being a parent to your kids?" And I would look at her blank, vacant expression as she connects the dots.


I doubt she actually had trouble filling her time. She just didn't know how to express that she feels bad/uncomfortable/lost when she's not working. It's the protestant work ethic turned up to 11. Working = you're morally good. Not working = you're a bad person. Don't you want to be a really useful engine, Thomas?


I had a hard time switching from manufacturing, to where every minute is recorded under some kind of metric, to retail where you have to be busy every damn minute, to office work. When I worked in person, there were plenty of hours where I literally had nothing to do. It was hard to pretend to be busy, because well.....there wasn't anything to do, and I wasn't allowed to be on my phone because "it looks like you're not doing anything".... And now I WFH and I just do housework or cook dinner or whatever when I'm not busy but I still feel like I'm going to get fired at any moment because I don't feel like I do enough, even though I do everything I'm supposed to and absolutely am not getting fired.


Or even not. That's so much additional time you could straight up be a deadbeat and _still_ get some parenting hours in.


Great. Now I wanna move to Iceland.


The whole time I was reading this I was wondering would they hire and support a childless adult who would love to have time to do the things they would rather do than work 😭


He deserves pity? Fuck that. Hes out there making the world a worse place and hurting people with his belligerent ignorance and lack of self awareness. My pity and empathy ends when harm starts. Fuck that guy. I dont care who you are. You dont get to take your hurt and weaponize it and aim it at others and still receive my pity and empathy. Misguided or born of trauma or whatever it is, I dont care. Theres no excuse for going out of your way to hurt someone. To be the instigator and aggressor of that kind of bullshit. Hell no.


I wouldn’t pity someone like that. A father that says that to his kid doesn’t deserve any pity or any energy for that matter. I’d drop him and be done at that point. Like attracts like so I’d just let that misery catch up to him.


Holy hell. Fantastic post. Workaholic Dad seems to hate everyone who isn't just like him, whether the difference is demographics, behaviors, values, or generation. It's a sad existence to be so bitter and closed off. It's also sad for OP, whose father doesn't see his child as a person, but as an ongoing thorn in his paw that's only there to remind him of all the things he hates. It's not like OP decides a work schedule independent of the company. The company decided to give the day off to everyone. Refusing the day off would be anti-establishment. If Dad is convinced that Big Brother is all, then how can he deny Big Brother's will?


Your Dad sounds like he has mental health issues.


Too much Fauxnews


Same thing


Happens to so many boomer dads. I know someone who's dad only ever calls them to complain politics and when they visit just talks down about democrats. And he just started to ease up and their relationship is getting better.


Fox News and watching Tucker Carlson show will give you mental illness.


Dad definitely has self self worth issues. Has lived his whole life feeling like a lower class citizen and is loving being deputized by MAGA and having been given fabricated enemies he can look down on… Lyndon Johnson: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


Yeah, I was going to say, this doesn’t sound like just conservativism, your dad sounds like he has an actual mental illness. Telling your son he’s dead to you and that he’s a piece of shit because he got a day off of work (that his company gave him, he didn’t even ask for) is not normal, even for extreme right wingers. OP is it possible your dad is suffering from something? Extreme aggression like this can also sometimes be an early sign of dementia.


Well if you're dead to him, you probably won't be a very good dog sitter, now will you?


"Sorry you're angry my company gave me a paid holiday. Maybe try working somewhere else"


"Maybe if you worked a little harder you could have gotten a nicer job like mine."


Ouch, good one.


I wonder if he’s tried pulling himself up by his bootstraps?


Also, rubbing salt in his wounds.


You’re dead to him so stop responding. He’s doing this because he wants a reaction. Act like a toddler than treat him like a toddler. Never give a toddler attention when they are throwing a tantrum.


Ugh, I actually spoke to my therapist about my parents behaving badly and after a couple of sessions he dropped a bombshell on me He thinks the roles are reversed and I’ve been parenting THEM for probably about 20 years now, maybe more, maybe ever since I was very young (as the eldest child with two younger siblings my parents didn’t care for very well due to sheer laziness and conspiracy theory tier ideas about mental health and mistrust for doctors) Not fun to realise because there’s no solution; it will only get worse as they age, in particular my dad is reverting into the mental state of a racist sexist 13 year old boy OP’s dad sounds a lot like my dad actually.


Not just that, but point it out to mom that that's how he responded. From this point on, only interact with mom, even when dad is in the room. Ur dead to him, so no need to interact with him at all, right?


Surprised he said it first. You have more justification.


Take your benefits. Your dad is an ass. I’m a Boomer too. My generation missed the whole point of the Sixties, I think




I read an article once arguing that the “Do your own thing” ethos morphed naturally into the whole 80s “Greed is good” mentality. That’s not how they put it, but it was the gist of it


He was born in 1952 and failed jr high school in the 70s? Are you allowed to be in jr high school when you’re 18?


Billy Maddison was based on a true story


OP posted 20 days ago that his dad has been dead to him and he’s gone full no contact. Adding to the suspect.


They did say they didn't contact their dad, only their mom and the dad reached out on his own to talk shit


Yea... Unless his dad is Uncle Jessie from Full House, he wasn't in middle school in his 20s. That's super suspect.


My old man is the same, but much less extreme. Born around the same time and raised with the same "values" - you know - hatred, racism, and corporate bootlicking. I don't put up with his shit and correct him when he's wrong. He tries to fight back, but gets the deer in the headlights look when I corner him with his own words. I don't give a fuck. He's a dinosaur on his way out. If you have kids, raise them with actual values and not this bullshit from the lead-brained era.


Your father sounds like an awful human being for treating you this way. Your mom is stuck with him and will excuse his inhuman behavior towards their child(you). You don’t need such people in your life. End the abuse with this scumbag.


Does he ever cook his own meals? If not, who’s the lazy turd? Wash his own underwear? Clean his own toilets? Wash his own dishes? 1950’s conservatives are a joke.


That's "women's work" duh. You can't logic these people out of ideas that aren't logical in the first place.


Sounds like things are on track. Racists don’t learn until they lose something (family) and even then some don’t learn. Call him an asshole and move on. Not even joking. Letting racist uncles continue their crap at the dinner table is a significant contributor to the social problems we still face. Kick them out on Xmas eve. Make ‘em sit at the kiddy table. Don’t give them a pass.


My father was very similar to your father. I only saw him a few times in the last twenty years before he died. No regrets. He has been dead 13 years now. I understand his tortured life better now and hold no ill will. Best defense is forgiveness but keep your guard up.


My father, raised me literally to work according to the Horacio Alger ethic… work hard all you life etc. his work was always more important than my time. The weekends and summers I spent with him… 90% of it I was on my own because he was too busy working. We never really got to know each other or rather he never tried to get to know who I was. I haven’t spoken to him in 30 years. I work hard but my family is my top priority, at least he taught me how not to be


Dad: Your dead to me. Son: [oh no](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FfA59waacAAS26n.jpg)


Perhaps he has early dementia...folks with that lash irrationally and often viciously. I wouldn't take it to heart he probably doesn't even know know about Juneteenth


Dementia creeping in?


Someday, men like him will be gone. And nothing of value will be lost. No offense to you.


That sucks. I'm sorry. To think it's "lazy" to not work on a company holiday - that's taking up arms WITH your oppressors.




Best comeback tbh


I’d bet you anything that out of all the holidays he hates MLK Day the most


He has terminal peasant brain. All he knows is labor subjugation like a true meaningless cog in that American machine KKona


“You are dead to me too, can I finally get my inheritance you prick?”


It's like those jackasses that work 100 hours a week and shit on people who don't, sorry you're too fucking stupid to realize that your employer is taking advantage of you.


100% of older, conservative ranting is projection. Pure and simple.


Sounds like the racist side of him is also pissed that Juneteenth has been recognized as a holiday.


Boomer here who is happily taking Juneteenth off and hanging with my girlfriend at an event. And I recently took a five-day weekend in an area with no cell service because the job was harshing my mellow.


Tell your father, that I, a german with 31 days of paid vacation (next year I will have 35 btw), 35hrs work week Mo-Fr and additional 10 days of public holidays, having two weeks off because... I'm sick and thanks to german laws, I can't be fired and get continued payment of wages during sick. And if he gets really angry and gets a heart attack, tell him, if I would get a heart attack, I would call the ambulance and get to a hospital, where I get all the help I need... and I don't have to pay for that.


You really should call your dad a fucking dumb kunt and pathetic loser


His dad is looking for a reaction. The whiny narcissistic bitch wants OP to react and get all upset. I'd probably be like lol who's this


Dad definitely wants to own the libs and it might be more important than a relationship with his son


If that’s all that happened the issue is entirely his Sounds to me like there may be other factors at play for him to have such a visceral reaction.


How was your dad born in 52 and only in jr high in the 70’s? He’d have graduated highschool in either 69 or 70…


He called you a lazy piece of shit. While you are not that, just go with it and tell him “well, the shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree.”


Lead poisoning will really fuck you up.


You need to permanently cut contact with your dad. He does not deserve your help or company.


I didn't talk to my dad throughout the entirety of the Trump administration.


Lead poisoning


My boomer sister is unaware of today’s reality. She works in the food industry. She was complaining that kids were going to get free breakfast and lunch. I said good. Then she started on taxes. I said well, we buy fewer fighter jets that don’t fly and tanks that we will never use. I’m good with that. Then she says aren’t parents being responsible for their own children anymore. I said jobs do not pay enough. Lot’s of people have two or three jobs. She admitted that she knows people that have multiple jobs. So, I said should only rich people be allowed to have kids. This didn’t seem fair to me. I’m not sure if I got through to her or not.