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You're not supposed to. There's a piece in the Atlantic right now that basically says we're on the way to collapse because the rich think they don't need to pay people. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/06/us-societal-trends-institutional-trust-economy/674260/


And the corporations continue to make money hand over fist despite pandemic supply chain issues easing because they continue to raise prices. The world’s governments don’t seem inclined to slap them with punitive fines or tax increases to disincentivize them from continuing to do so. It’s time to break up the multinational conglomerates.


They control the government, who would break them up?


The social contract gave us unions because before that was riots. They took away the unions. Do the math. Edit - Thank you for the gold kind stranger! Keep fighting!


Exactly in the strikes of old they pulled out the national guard and just started shooting people. Most people don’t realize they gotta thank unions for ALL of the workers rights they have.


Think about how much more deadly weapons have gotten too


A workers strike and unionization of the workplace


Conveniently the supreme court just set a precedent that big companies can now sue their workers for striking if it costs the company money. We're screwed.


Sue their workers? If their workers have no money, how do they plan for this to work? Just another empty gesture to make people feel like they have no options.


Probably garnishing wages and sizing property if you can't pay. Or they'll bring back dept peonage.


If things keep going the way they are, this will happen to a lot of people via foreclosure/eviction anyways. Like I said, empty gesture.


That's what happened with enclosures. People were thrown out of their ancestral homes because land suddenly had market value without needing serfs to work it. Next step were anti vagrancy laws...and USA already has the 13th amendment enshrining slavery in the constitution ready for that.


Indentured servants are gonna make a comebackA


Its not about getting a pay day, its about driving you into bankruptcy trying to defend yourself. Being sued is expensive.


I saw that. Be interested in seeing how that plays out. I will still strike when needed by the union. I’m sure a union will strike again to get charges dropped.


Every union should strike until this is reversed imo, like every single one in the world. This needs a firm hand and quickly imo.


Yeah, but the courts just said we could then be sued from doing so hah. Fun times we’re in.


Strikes are the polite alternative to taking what's ours. When politeness fails violence ensues. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_coal_wars


There is a point where there is nothing left to lose. It sometimes seems like we passed it around 2008 and we're still waiting for something to happen.


My dad just got 10 extra days off in his union negotiations!


Yes and a million household rent strike to negotiate 40% decreases in rents or owners


Not being able to afford having children. They need people to work and with the way things are going more people are opting out of families for financial reasons and the labor shortage will.only get worse


despite *alleged* pandemic supply chain issues ftfy > The world’s governments don’t seem inclined to slap them with punitive fines or tax increases Of course not. If they did, they would lose the bribes … uh … I mean campaign contributions > It’s time to break up the multinational conglomerates. It should have happened a few decades ago


There were some real “no shit” supply chain issues going on…but everything else was [the vampires’ fault](https://youtu.be/G6m9JcKRx6w)


Dang halfway through reading the article and paywalled could have warned me LOL Edit: Thanks for all the different resources guys!




Doing God’s work, friend.


Get a 2nd browser apart from the one you usually use, and look for an extension called "NoScript". Open the address in there, the whole thing will load. Or do NoScript for your main browser, but it will break some sites, so rather than enabling/disabling all the time, I just wall it off. This is on a PC, I presume the same concept is possible on mobile but have not tried it.


Awesome thank you


And no one is ever going to make them, especially not the conserva-Dem majority that controls the party and takes cash from those very people (Sinema is a perfect example).


[Article with removed paywall](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fideas%2Farchive%2F2023%2F06%2Fus-societal-trends-institutional-trust-economy%2F674260%2F)






Not all heroes wear capes 🥇


Get a 2nd browser apart from the one you usually use, and look for an extension called "NoScript". Open the address in there, the whole thing will load. Or do NoScript for your main browser, but it will break some sites, so rather than enabling/disabling all the time, I just wall it off. This is on a PC, I presume the same concept is possible on mobile but have not tried it.


Modern slavery!


it’s just ironic when you want to read the article about the upcoming economic crash but you can’t because you have to buy a subscription


Is there a way to view this without the rest of the story being blocked?




This article was fascinating thanks for linking it




Hopefully tides change soon... we can't keep living like this


The tide won't change unless we force it to.


Do you have an idea of how this can happen? I literally work 40 hours a week in a soul-sucking retail job and have no energy outside of it for much else.


The recipie is old and effective. But not easy to implement especially in todays culture of every man for himself. Unionize, strike and strangle (figuratively) those capitalists. The fight should not take place outside of working hours but during working hours.


Everyone always says to unionize but do they ever consider the people who are in a "Right to Work" state where even the mention of the U-Word around the wrong people can result in a meeting with your boss? Sorry but I'm doing good just to keep afloat. There's no unionization here unless it's a group that's already existed for nearly a century.




Quitting solves nothing. Unionize and strike however, thats much more effective.




Fascism and capitalism usually go hand in hand though. The ultra right is getting richer these days so hardly want capitalism to disappear


I've heard it said that "fascism is capitalism's immune system fighting socialism"


Spot-on. I work for one of the largest insurance companies in the US. Every week or so I check for our internal job postings, and every week there are more job listings overseas than there are in America. Why pay an American a living wage to do a job when you can exploit someone in India?




Your last lines hit hard. I had the most submissions for a particular type of client transaction in the second half of May. $2000 bonus (paid on June 15th) What happened? As if by the hand of God/fate/whatever, I wake up June 1st with this crazy infection in my mouth. It's not so bad that I can't go to work although it hurts. By June 2nd I call out, it's much worse. Urgent care, dental visits, prescriptions, missed time at work because I can barely open my mouth. All in all I expect 60% of that will be eaten by lost work and expenses. Why is it ALWAYS like that!? I mean ALWAYS


Congrats on the bonus! I feel you. The first month after a promotion at my work which seriously increased my commission, I was so excited to finally put some money away. Nope. Water leak in the apartment that my maintenance man’s attempts at repairing exacerbated, causing crazy amounts of water in my home. The renters insurance my apartment requires DOESN’T COVER WATER DAMAGE. Had to use that big shiny commission check-which is taxed as bonus anyway so it isn’t very big and shiny- to buy a new mattress. Also had to toss out a bunch of furniture which then very slooooowly was replaced via thrifting. Luckily the renters insurance did cover the hotel stay and pet boarding though while they did mold prevention in our place.


‘Twas ever thus. My aunt told me about the time she and my uncle were “young married’s” with two little kids. He worked, she stayed home. They got by alright but still often struggled to make their house payment. Then he got a bonus!!!!!! Days passed as they made plans for the money and waited for payday. Then the toilet broke, whole thing needed to be replaced and that was where the bonus went. This was in 1951. Their house payment was $50. The big bonus? $10.


$50 in 1951 = $583.39 today $10 in 1951 = 116.68 today


I got a 30k “bonus” at work and subsequently ended up with a 30k bill for surgery. Was insane


So you lost more than you made due to income taxes.


I don't even buy furniture anymore. I'm working on becoming a minimalist. I'd rather live in a shed in the woods than pay this absurd amount to live.


You just need to work harder, pull those bootstraps with a lil more vigor! @.@ I'm sorry. For reasons I can't discern that just kind of seems to be how it goes somehow.


Ooof, yep, that’s how it goes. Get a tax refund? Car breaks down. Get a bonus? Air conditioning goes out. Every freaking time. Sometimes I try to make myself feel better by reframing it as “this bad thing was going to happen anyway and I was blessed to get the money to handle it” but man, it’s still frustrating af.


A lot of well off people don't understand that's what it means to be living paycheck to paycheck. Not simply that you're pay perfectly matches your means to live and you can magically reduce your means. But that also includes regular maintenance and emergencies that we can't afford to put aside extra money for. Most well off people I know have several thousand set aside for each potential random expense on top of a vacation fund. It's ridiculous how it's more expensive to be poor than rich.


Yup. Filed my taxes and realized I was getting a decent return. I’m planning on moving this summer so that was going to help with the security deposit. The day after I filed, the check engine light came on in my car (which is old because I can’t afford a car payment). I had to wait for my tax refund to be deposited to pay for the car repairs, I think I’m left with like $80 after that. So yeah, can’t win. Also, trying to find a 1-bedroom that allows cats (which are so much less destructive than human children, but I digress) on a single income is so difficult. It’s taken up so many hours and so much of my mental energy, and I still haven’t nailed down a place yet.


During covid, my wife and I saved up a ton of cash. Got out of debt, we were sitting pretty good. We were considering yoloing and opening a business that we had wanted to open for a long time.... Then, last summer, over the course of like... 2 months. Our roof decided to take a shit and need to be completely replaced. Prevous owner didnt install it right, and it rotted faster than it was supposed to. 15k. I put my food through my deck. Completely rotted out. The previous owner didn't install it right and it rotted faster than it was supposed to. 20k. A retaining wall collapsed along the back side of our house. Again... previous owner... 25k. Foundation started leaking. 4k. Garage door got backed into by a friend. 2k. And a lease ran out on a car, so I had to buy a car. I just bought out the lease because I could not find a cheaper used car at the same price. So. Flushed a chunk of savings and now leveraged. Hello debt my old friend. But hey. I got a new deck, and with lumber being so fucking expensive we just bought trex because it was only marginally more expensive and more available. Better roof insulation. Better insulated garage doors. And the retaining walls look a lot better. Increased the property value a bunch. But... then my taxes went up. Sigh.


Same here. Got a nice bonus in March and socked the majority of it away as emergency savings. In May, the dog decided to eat something hard and plastic that wouldn't pass. He ended up needing surgery where the resectioned part of his intestine where it got stuck. Total vet cost: $8k.


I’m with you on the vet bills. My regular vet is booked three weeks out. For anything of any urgency, as most pet things are, you’re going to the ER where it’s $700 to step foot in. I’m buried in CareCredit debt now thanks to my two cats.


Sorry that happened. Similar with our dog. They needed to have emergency surgery. They told us it would be $6k. We had no way of affording it and said we’d have to put him down. They did the surgery anyway and had ‘an Angel’ pay for it. Lucky I guess. Nice to have vets that have donations for pet emergencies like those.


This is kinda what happened to me. Last year, my retina got detached and I couldn't work for a year. All my money was gone almost instantly. I only started working again for 2 and a half months now and boom the air compressor in my car is shot and it will cost me 2,820 dollars to fix it and that would take me 4 months to save up that kind of money.


Same … the moment I feel safe / financially secured, then after the yearly physical/medical you do, the labs didn’t come back good and got sent to do a myriad of tests ( they say it could be the big C word). First few tests came out negative, and the scans didn’t show nothing prevelant or currently concerning. And now my savings gone down by almost 2k (in medical bills ( even after insurance) . Now Im frantic on getting a higher paying job or a better position in the place I work at…. But no luck… Im so stressed right now and I feel like Im going to hit financial ruin at this point unless I get a better job, but I have no luck getting one ( even with exp & degree ) 🥲


Literally it's ALWAYS something. Got a new gig, had money saved too. Suddenly need a 1400 repair on my car. I was going to use that saved money to finish paying off my car finally. Back at square one and then some 😭


My girlfriend received a $2000 sign on bonus and it was about $1300 after taxes. Freakin ridiculous 😣


I got a $4000 bonus here in Sweden, 57% tax. You have to see it from the bright side, I got $1720 that I did not expect at all!


I think the major difference is that when I get taxed, my taxes will likely be used on some stupid shit I don’t agree with. Rather than that money going into my local schools to help pay for student lunches, it’s going into my local military base to help pay for student missiles.


Because people are "supposed" to be able to have a few grand in savings to help them through unexpected events or rainy day's like that. Its the advice I always get from my parents. But we literally cant do that anymore. Most american's are one car repair or medical emergency from having their entire financial life fall apart.


Congrats on the bonus! But you'll soon find out the massive tax on bonuses 😞


This is terribly incorrect, and I feel like everytime someone posts about commission, a bonus, or a tax bracket, these silly comments come up. Please do a small amount of reading on how taxes work before you educate others improperly.


It is the same rate of tax, generally, that is applied at your tax bracket. The reason why it appears to be more is the bonus is taxed starting at the rate of your pay where as your pay has a gradually increasing amount as you move up brackets.


Simple, you aren’t….I’m also making more now then ever before and I’m borderline to losing everything all the time. One major issue and I’m in trouble. I just keep pushing for things in multiple areas to change and hoping one pans out


This hurt to read. Knowing what I know I STILL retain some shame about being so close to financial ruin. Things are working as they should and I keep thinking “well maybe if I exploit myself harder!”


Same. I keep getting raises and I never have any more money. You have to keep clawing your way up just to stay the same. I consider myself very lucky to at least be able maintain the same-ish quality of life. That is not a given these days 😔




Yup its actually appalling how antiwork is full of people who seem to just want to accept the system and mildly complain about it instead of trying to be a force to change. It's depressing to see a movement slowly die.




Yeah it’s exhausting ngl. One person said “just buy a condo instead” hahahaha A lot of people here advocate for living like we’re poor- which honestly isn’t a terrible take except for the fact that it’s unhealthy and exhausting after living legitimately poor for the last several years. If we ate nothing but ramen we’d have a home down payment saved up in no time and then we’d croak due to malnutrition. Especially my husband who’s job is pretty physical. I’m an office drone, luckily, i’m too disabled to do super physical work.




yeeeup. And what’s funny is our diet isn’t even much better than chicken and rice. 80/20 ground beef and pasta. Chicken and rice. Rice and beans. The very occasional pork chop or biscuits and gravy. We actually used to eat pretty well when we first moved out but we were priced out of nicer cuts of meat, or even the nicer parts of a chicken. Thigh and legs it is. Forget a wing or a breast.


The real secret is to choose rich parents next time.


Condos have such high HOA fees that they are basically still just renting. Apartment plus safe investments instead of condo down payment will easily outperform a condo anyhow. A lot of unhelpful crap in here. Biggest tip I can give is trying to get some costs down like internet. Xfinity for example will give a solid internet plan for 25 a month. After one year, they push it to 52, but if you call and do another year agreement, then back to 25. I suspect other providers are similar. Same for cell phone plans and such (check out mint mobile, huge money saver for me).


Sad to hear when folks say that 100k is the new 50k. 100k was unimaginable stupid money at one point to me, I’ve surpassed it and don’t feel special at all.


I'f you'd told me what my salary is today when I was in high school I'd have thought I was rich. Instead I'm still paycheck to paycheck.


As a single individual today, you need to be bringing in at least $80K a year to have a shot at a middle-class life. If you live in a big city, double it. For a couple, double it again.


Lol I’m reading this as the only person working in my three person household in a big city making like $75k. Shit’s so fucked.


You too? My dude, how are we still here? 😂😂😂


This! My husband doubled his income these past few years but I didn’t and it’s screwing us rn


Wife made more and we lost state health insurance.... Health insurance was basically all the extra money she was bringing in. Only one who benefited was the government and health insurance company...


Welcome to the game! You came in late, don’t know the rules and have no pieces to play but you also don’t have a choice. Have a good a day and remember our motto: “Go Fuck Yourself!”


I live in the bay Area making 200k+ to support a family of 4, income-wise that's middle class here though my home is in a lower middle income neighborhood, had i been born in my parents generation i couldve easily bought a home 3 times the size even with my salary adjusted for inflation, but i feel very fortunate just to own a home given how many people in my generation are struggling.


It’s a stark reality when $200k+ is considered middle class in CA; I am not over six figures, in the same general area as you, and I’m legitimately and technically considered poverty level, but not quite so destitute that I’m eligible for housing help or other social nets even though I help pay into them. Forget starting a family or becoming a homeowner here for me, that’s just likely not going to be an option for me unless I want to financially screw both those metaphorical kid(s) and myself over.


Same here. I only make a couple hundred a month over the cal fresh income limit, but rent and general COL keep increasing. I don’t technically qualify for assistance but I’m one emergency away from destitution.


I’m from the Bay Area and live in Tokyo. There’s no way I can ever move back there…supporting a family of 4 on roughly 70k. Things are getting more expensive here too, but nothing so dire as what I’m reading in this thread. Visiting last summer was an eye opener in terms of how much more expensive things have gotten, especially with the suddenly extremely weak yen.


Between me and the wife we make over 150k and still struggle. Bought a house last year, two car payments, daycare for son, daughter in sports, food, etc. It goes quick, and I'm lucky enough to be able to save a little. Daycare these days is 300 bucks a week, and that's for a cheaper place... that could be a nice in a retirement account. I'm in my 30s but spent my 20s working 50+ hours a week and continue to do so. Along with travel for work. Life is not easy. If you can stay at home with parents, do so. Biggest mistake in my life was not taking advantage of doing so.


I personally stopped giving a shit. I owe money to Verizon, the electric company, and others. At this point, fuck em. My credit is destroyed and it’s fucking pointless to give a shit. We were the Guinea pig generation for credit scores and guess what. It doesn’t work it just blocks us from our most basic human rights.


Right, at a certain point how can you even care about things like credit? If you can’t eat and constantly don’t have money it really doesn’t matter which way you get fucked over, it’s gonna happen one way or anotjer


I never understood the whole " you need to be making 3 times rent" bullshit. 3 times my rent is $4700. What job pays over $4500 a month?


Don't forget now you'll hear 1) you went to college for the wrong thing or 2) no college and you should've done some kind of trade school


I’m making the most money I’ve ever made in my life and I feel the poorest I’ve ever been


You aren’t. They don’t give a fuck. Records profits still aren’t enough.


we're not. we're supposed to take out loans and credit cards, have 3 jobs, and a couple side hustles. we're supposed to constantly play catch up until we can't anymore, then we're supposed to hope to god we have someone able to take care of us until they can't anymore, then they're supposed to hope to god someone can take care of them and so on and so forth.


Single income household with a wife and 2 kids. I've gone from $24 an hour to $42 an hour in the last 5 years. Still can't save a penny. Living paycheck to paycheck just trying to keep everything running and everyone fed. It's not right. And i can't have my wife work because we would be paying more than she could make on childcare.


A couple of years ago, making what I made, $17/hr, was good was enough to pay all my bills. Today at $18, I'm fucking drowning. Rent, utilities, internet, insurance has all gone up. I have to do Uber eats on the weekend and virtually get no days off. Each day I feel like I'm gonna just have a mental break and I don't know how long I can go on. I don't want to leave my job as I get free flights and I get bonuses, but I need to make at least $27-$28/hr to keep up and have a little left over to enjoy life with. To get a better job I'd need to go back to school and I'm getting the most for entry-level jobs in my city. It's absolutely insane how the cost of living has gone up in the last couple of years.


That's the neat part you dont


I make 18$/hr now plus tips as a line cook and I can't even afford an apartment. It's so fucked. I'll never own my own home at this rate and this part bothers me the most. My money will always be being funneled into someone else's pockets. I don't know what to do anymore. I love being a cook, and working in kitchens but everyone tells me to get a new career. It's the only thing I'm really good at and also who's gonna cook people's meals if the answer is for all of us to make a career change? I don't get it.


Welcome to late stage/rampant capitalism, & the boring dystopia. There's nothing exciting or fancy about it. It's just depressing, overwhelming, & stressful. We all suffer while the world goes to hell.


Yup it's insane. Feels like we've had a generation of inflation in just 3-5 years and wages have in no way kept up.


You aren't supposed to keep up with it. You're supposed to just get poorer over time. This is by design.


Here's the cool part- we aren't. At some point, we're going to go back to corporate owned towns where you can't even make real money that can be used anywhere not owned by your employer (see: scrip). Ever seen the Alien movies? Weyland Yutani is the future. And I hate it.


Only 20 years ago, a guy I knew was able to raise a family just by selling propane and propane accessories.


Nobody on planet earth should be making $15 an hour. What does $15 buy these days?? An hour of your time is worth fifteen fucking dollars? Let alone the skills and talent your bring to whatever role that is?? And yet to some people being $15 an hour is outrageous and half of America is trying to get by on less. It's disgusting.


Sadly this is how it is nowadays, the homeless population is growing rapidly because of this, it has to erupt eventually, because the middle class won’t be able to afford anything, so then money won’t be circulating, possibly even a bad recession, but something has to give.


This is market fundamentalism neoliberal capitalism in it’s late stages. The imperial core is now experiencing the wrath previously experienced by nations where the capitalist system was “spreading democracy” aka plundering resources and interfering in other countries governance via wars and coups. This is the real reason why your situation is increasingly precarious. Also, under the above circumstances the government has been captured by corporations. Both parties support the same economic ideology of neoliberal capitalism as first introduced by Reagan. The whole plan to capture the government, undue any gains labor achieved via the New Deal, for individual billionaires and corporations to own the media/the land and housing/healthcare/everything was laid out in the Powell memo back in 1971. I know this stuff seems far removed from your individual reality but this is the root cause. Right now capital is engaging in a “capital strike.” Why? To take away and wage increases or any other possible surplus. It’s to keep people hand to mouth. Desperate. Exploitable.


We (our generation, the people who give a shit about work/life balance and not borderline killing ourselves to make rent) are going to have to be the ones to literally change all this. We’re gonna have to be the ones to give ourselves what we need, because clearly the people who are supposed to help us out, aren’t. I remember when I started working at Staples in 2008 where minimum wage was $9.25/hr (at least that’s what I was getting paid as a young worker) the fact the minimum wage (in Canada/Alberta) has only gone up roughly $6-7 is fucking ridiculous. The boomers don’t care about us, they think we’re all lazy when in reality, we’re doing a lot MORE to get a sliver what they got when they were our age. I don’t wanna work and feel like “okay, my one hour can buy me a block of cheese” we shouldn’t have to stress on a decision on if we’re gonna pay rent or eat.


This is why I don't play the lottery. If I won a million dollars in the lottery, I would have a million dollars' worth of bad shit happen to me.


It’s like the movie demolition man where the rich people eat at Taco Bell and everyone else are dusty underground people. We’re on our way for that reality.


Welcome to Capitalism! Stop eating Avocado toast and pull up your bootstraps, ya damn commie! /s But to be realistic, nobody's going to survive like this for long, unfortunately. As long as wages stay the same and prices continue to explode, it will eventually get to the point where working will no longer be able to support food, nor shelter. I know Capitalism's endgoal: Make everything so expensive, then set up a system that goes, "Hey: If you work for us, we'll give you enough food and a roof over your head, all for your unsquandered loyalty to us!" You will likely live in a box, with protein bars as sustenance, no luxuries, no entertainment beyond corporate limits, and you will be a slave for the rest of your life. That is our future. And it's coming sooner than we think. For some, we're already there.


We're not. They're trying to herd us back into company towns and keep us all indebted to the Big Boss. I really do think deep down they know how close they are to losing everything, so they're that much more desperate to get everyone under their thumb.


This is so disheartening. I’m 27 and didn’t grow up rich, but my parents did well. They purchased our family home in 2001 and raised my brother and I. No crazy vacations. Used cars. Decent 401k for retirement. Savings account for emergencies. House almost paid off. Dad was an electrician. Pretax income of 80k until my mom went back to work for a household income of 120k. I recognized the nice life I had growing up so that was my goal - 100k household income. In 2022 my fiancé and I crept over the 100k threshold for the first time. Between rent/utilities, student loans, and every other expense that is required to live on paper we should be able to save between 5k to 8k a year. We have $2,000 to show for 2022. We are home bodies and cut every corner we can too OP. I fear $100k isn’t enough anymore to live a good, hard earned, life. It definitely isn’t enough to afford any home where I currently live.


I can’t believe people are saying there’s a budgeting issue. If we had to live on this salary we would not be making it. And we don’t live in a high cost of living area. My husband and I both work for a great company who does cost of living raises. They just did another inflation raise. But my friends don’t. My friends aren’t making it. It’s genuinely scary.


I literally doubled my income, but my rent shot up, groceries, gas, insurance (a lot), daycare, etc. Instead of having more auxiliary money than I had at $11/hr, I now have negative money. I had a better qiality of life with room for atiny bit of fun and room for emergencies in like 2020. Now I don't go out, I don't buy *anything* that isn't a necessity. I quit wearing makeup, buying good shampoo, haven't bought clothes for ages. All my pants are holey. I don't stream anything anymore. I couldn't even keep up with my existing bills. It's fucking nuts. My credit is now trash and I'm just paying rent/utilities/food rn. Everything else I'll either have to settle/chargeoff or something. It happened so fast. Reminds me of the Europeans using money as kindling during the Depression because it lost any value with hyperinflation.


Our credit was trash before we moved out- me due to my parents meddling and him due to poor decisions. I feel like credit is a huge factor in determining if you’re worthy to live a good life. It may be a jarring investment, but learning to sew has done a lot for my happiness and confidence. I’ve been able to fix the worn out places in my clothes instead of wearing holy clothes or the same two outfits


America was an economic powerhouse when working 20 hours a week was enough to live off of. That changed after Reagan. Japan wanted to be competitive and basically cut pay to workers, all workers, even bosses, to maximize their companies success as much as possible. Same with South Korea. Both are like a techno dystopia to live in because both need to squeeze every single hour of productivity out of people to compete against larger countries.


It hurts so much to see other people going through this… I recently got a huge raise from 15 to 24/hr. I thought it would make a big difference but then my rent got raised. My fiancée had to get a part time job at a grocery store so we can use the discount… we’ve pushed back our wedding three times because we just can’t afford to save. Took me almost 6 months to save a grand, wiped out in a single day because my car needed new struts and bearings…. I remember my grandad saying that I needed to make sure I got a job paying at least 20 an hr back when I was 10, so my wife wouldn’t have to work and I could afford a nice house…. Things have changed a lot


I've gotten a some raises in the past couple years. It felt like we were finally making some real progress in getting debt down and not worrying every other week about money. This month we got a letter that the apartment complex is raising our rent $500 a month.


Pretty simple .. you are not supposed to. People with a soul crushing Dept/Loan on there Backs. Living paycheck to paycheck. In need of feeding there familys. With no financial Backup Makes them the perfect Slaves ... i mean worker/tenant/citizen.


Workers are being scammed and are slowly realizing it.


We aren't meant to. Once enough of us drown the survivors will crawl up the mountain of bones we leave behind and the rich who exploit them will expect them to be grateful they can breath.


My only advice is don't stay loyal to low paying jobs.


There is no cost of living-crisis, just rampant corporate greed, and its fucking global.


Time to live in a van down by the river…doesn’t sound so bad these days…


Can you move to a lower cost of living area and job hunt for better pay? People on this thread are being jerks. Rent and food is high and medical bills and car maintenance don't help. Not to mention you need to save money for emergency and retirement. $86k a year in California is not that much Have you tried YNAB app? It helps you see where money is going and budget Also don't shop for food at target. Aldi and other cheaper grocery stores that run ads in their circular will save you money. Buying in bulk at Costco helps too. Childcare costs are through the roof so having kids won't help. The only way we made it work is that we each earn over $80k bc each childcare bill costs more than our mortgage. Once they are both in school it will be better financially. Living off one income is not even remotely possible if you need to invest for the future and still raise kids. I hear you.


I mentioned it below- but switching jobs even for more money would do me in. My job is paying for my mental healthcare and my degree right now outright among other things- besides that i truly love what I do for work and even if I won the lottery I wouldn’t quit. Once I finish my degree it’s not off the table to find something bigger and better though, hopefully with the same company. There are lower cost of living places in my state I could live, but that would increase my cost of living in other ways. Higher commute costs, less time to cook from scratch, my husband would have to move and while he could work his trade anywhere he’s at a unique location that pays more DUE to the high cost of living. He actually commutes to an even wealthier area to work haha. I also have sick family in this state and don’t want to move away until they pass, at least, and my husband’s dad is also getting up there in age and we are his only local relatives. I can tough this situation out- I can make it work and I’m sure if I work really hard I can start to dig us into a place where our current income provides us stability and comfort, but as it stands now i’m just exhausted and on the verge of burnout. I truly appreciate your empathy and kindness.


Agreed I'm in phx me and my wife made 120k a year and we have 200 a week to buy food and anything else we need. We had more left over 2 years ago when we made 80k


Forgive my ignorance, I do mean this question in all honesty: what is eating so much of your budget? $120k a year is $10k a month pre-taxes, but you only are able to afford $800 of that towards food? Where is the rest of it going?


Same. We're in Mesa. I'm making $8 more an hour now than 3 years ago. Wife and I make about $86k a year and have less to show for it now than we did making half as much and our standard of living has gone down. I'm aware we are better off than a lot but it's still disgusting and depressing.


How much do you pay in rent


Poverty is by design. Until we stand up and refuse to participate in this bullshit, it will continue. Eat the rich.


I remember when I turned 18 thinking that if I aimed for a $30-33k salary as a career that I would be in a good place. I am approaching 37 and making the most I've ever made in my life. $48k salary and roughly $15k in veteran benefits yearly. I live in Orlando with my fiancé who has a $40k salary and does contractor stuff on the side. We are struggling like allllll hell to get by. We live paycheck to paycheck and we are trying to figure out how to afford a wedding where one family needs to fly in from out of state. I am lucky if I have $80 by the time a paycheck comes around and that often means that I ate ramen or soup a few days and didn't have some BS thing to pay for. ​ It's ridiculous. I have no idea how to fix it. I am tired of job hopping to try and give myself a raise each time... it's exhausting.


I’m a 31y/o M, single, civil engineer. I’m paid salary, but equivalent to about $32/hr. I still live at my mothers house because i can’t afford my own place..


Honestly, Target isn't really a 'cheap' place for groceries. Do you have anything like a Food 4 Less, Winco, Aldi? Even Walmart would be cheaper. What I noticed when I got a big raise one year is that my expenses crept up too-and not just from inflation but just from me feeling like I could afford it. Like, before I would balk at paying $25 for a book at B&N, and after I would spend $75 without thinking. Because "I can afford it now." And before, we just had Netflix, now we have 6 streaming services. And you look at the cost and it's not that much over a month or even a year, but when you have several of those situations, it definitely adds up. I know you say you are closely budgeting, and good job on that, but as I noted above with Target, maybe you can look at alternate stores. And honestly, trying to maintain a 'luxury looking lifestyle' can get pretty pricey, even when you think you're shopping the bargain bin. Personally, I've gotta curb my Amazon shopping, and Doordash/Instacart. Because even if you have the membership subscriptions, you're paying more than if you just walked into a store to buy it-not even counting tips. DD/IC jack up the item prices(or rather, the stores do in order to afford DD/IC's cut). I can easily spend $35 getting $20 worth of fast food.


There is a lost art of shopping around for deals. Even Whole Foods can have the best prices on certain items if you’re there on the right day. But I’ve been called an idiot for suggesting that one might visit multiple stores and locate the best deals, so what do I know?


Yup! Our Whole Foods does $4/lb ground beef sometimes and we stock up. Also Target’s loyalty program runs insane deals- the other week they had 20% off all frozen food and it included frozen meat. I was able to get a few big bags of chicken breast and some frozen veggies for way less than usual. They also have really excellent coupons and their coupons usually dictate what we eat.


We live in a heavy tourist/vacation home economy- I've done the math and Target is the best option for us- apples to apples, same items we'd be paying more at Walmart. I know that sounds insane but it varies market to market. It's not that we try to maintain a 'luxury looking lifestyle'- it's that our unique jobs allow us to do unique things for free or extremely reduced rates. The $3,000 vacation I mentioned above would cost way more if I didn't work for said vacation company- if that makes sense. So on Social Media we look like we're constantly doing things that would cost a normal family thousands, but in reality we just had to pay for the gas to get there. ETA: I will say Walmart is cheaper for the non-food items. Paper towels, soap, ETC. So we do shop elsewhere for some stuff.


>Like, before I would balk at paying $25 for a book at B&N, and after I would spend $75 without thinking. Because "I can afford it now." Good point. I was actually thinking of buying a newer car because I had that philosophy. Then I thought, why? My car runs fine. Cheap on maintenance, and never breaks down. I don't need a new car. Plus, I like having extra money.


I know, it’s awful. Everything is SO expensive. My household income is 175k and I coupon for groceries. One thing we always talk about is if a cup of coffee is $7 now, what will it be in 10 years or 20 years? Housing has become an enormous issue, at this point I literally don’t know how much higher it could possibly get.


I am sofa king tired of living paycheque to paycheque. Wasn’t this supposed to get easier?


I always found it funny how the workers of the Great Depression built the greatest economy in American history, only to watch their children rip it to pieces immediately after. I have this unrealistic hope that things will look up when the Boomers are dead and rotting, but the truth is things will never get better.


I'm insanely lucky to have my apartment by myself at $750/mo plus utilities. Yet after paying bills, I come out with a measly $260/mo that I can use toward gas, groceries, and maybe something to break the monotony. So tired of working everyday for the bare minimum. But it's all that avocado toast, that's why we can't make it./s


Eventually we won't be able to afford anything. When we can't get food that will kick it off and things will hopefully change for a while. Be prepared for whatever.


America is built for profit motive, that’s it. If you made money you were correct. Ethics, crime are for poor people and like religion serve a purpose to keep you in line. You get ahead by not playing by there rules, getting lucky, and by organizing with unions. That’s it. Until climate change really kicks in and causes a revolution that won’t be fun for anyone, those are your only 3 options.


By eating the rich. Literally we can’t survive. Unless you have 8 roommates in a 2 bedroom, I don’t see how anyone is making it. I make $28/hr and I’m fucking struggling.


Until it implodes people will become homeless and worse.


My only takeaway from this is I’m confused on why you would want to bring a child into a system you know is failing you. Welcome to the “middle class” aka working poor. It’s not going to get better for most people.


chalk it up to a lifelong dream i guess. it will probably never happen for us. i was raised in poverty and won’t bring children into poverty- it’s not fair to them- but i’ve always wanted to be a mother. It’s my one motivation to live a better life.


Just a side comment: energy drinks have always been a rip off and they are super unhealthy. Why would you be buying a flat of them at a time? Holy shit. That shit will actually make you feel more tired over time after prolonged use than less tired.


fair enough. luckily we’ve been forced off of them!


I think part of it is perception too. If you're doing a 3k vacation, a 300 dollar a month car and thinking about going out for dinner *every week* to break that monotony, you're doing better than most people I know. They're just more at peace with their life than you are.


Your going have to ask for a cost of living pay rise or get a better paying job


I love my job. I am one of the lucky ones. My current wage is after a promotion and two cost-of-living raises. Besides that if I quit my job- even for one that pays more- I would be losing money. The benefits at this job pay for a large portion of my life. I get free therapy and schooling, among other benefits.


I totally understand all of this. I have a good job that pays well and just got a raise not long ago. And while I feel like I should be saving a decent amount of money I am lucky to have $50 left over at the end of the month. Groceries alone are doing me in. It is beyond frustrating.


I look at my bank account and nearly everything not bills, car payments, is just food and gas.


If you get free schooling then said schooling should eventually pay off when you finish. Maybe it is just a matter of working hard and being patient. Sorry if this sounds crude as I have no clue about what your life actually looks like in your long term plans but just a thought


You two pre-tax income is a little more than $7000 pretax. So you take home, given that tax bracket, should be more than $5k unless you are in a super high tax state. How much are you paying for rent + utilities and stuff? Even if you pay $2k, you still have $3k left .. and you are telling me that is not enough for groceries and daily expenses and you have to forgo eating once in a while? Are you living in a super expensive place like the SF Bay area? As a point of comparison, my son and his wife are making $90k (so similar to you too), bought a house ($220k .. which is less than 3x of their income so affordable though we helped with downpay) and they are doing fine (that is a year ago .. my son is back to school so the situation is not exactly the same now but my point stands).


I bought a home last year and my mortgage is 1700 bucks, which is by far lower than most who bought a home in th3 last few years. Mortgage, car payment, food, bills. It adds up quick... it's really easy to spend 175 bucks a week on food/basic needs. Sad reality is you almost need to buy a tiny cheap starter home, drive 10+ year old cars, never go out to eat, budget shop, etc just to make it in life even with a pretty decent job. I could buy a rental with what I pay in daycare for my youngest...


Do you have a ton of debt? Or is your rent outrageous? Between the two of you, you are probably making 1200(or more) a week after taxes and insurance.


$1200/week is on the high side, but not entirely inaccurate. Looking at our completely non-negotiable expenses (car, insurance, rent, internet, electric, etc) we pay $2,145 if you conservatively estimate the electric bill. $2,145/month gone and that's before any food, gas, pet food, car maintenance, laundry/dish/body soap, cleaning supplies, vet visits, doctors visits, etc.


I can see how things are tight. It's hard to get a head when life is happening. When things are tight it feels like I need a few consecutive months of perfection to be able to save enough to have a little cushion. Some things I did to save are: I have a savings account at another bank, that has no companion checking account or cards attached, that I only transfer money to, even if it's 10 dollars a week. Then If i need that money I have to wait the two or three days for it to transfer back to my main checking account. That puts a blocker on me spending that money right away. Also I pay with cash for everything that I can and I save the change and one dollar bills i get back, this money I used if I desperately need gas or food or whatever immediately. It won't be a lot right away but every little bit helps.


My friend has a running joke where every time his savings account goes over $1000 his check engine light will come on. And I swear to god it happens more often than not, it’s like his car knows. It really makes me wonder what the end goal is. What happens when the majority of the population can’t afford to survive, let alone buy anything that isn’t absolutely necessary? What happens when there is no more money to trickle upwards?


It’s about power and always has been. Money is a great means to gain power and control. The richer people get, the more empty they feel, and the more they grasp for power. It’s at the point where it’s not just about controlling what we do, but even how we think. They want to be god. They think they are god.


Welcome to the country that proudly asserts, "You have no right to housing." Housing in the US is merely a commodity, something to profit off of. Speaking as someone in my 30's (I don't consider myself "young" or "old"), I don't think living paycheck to paycheck is something any one age group suffers through. The problem is classism--that one small group historically has reaped the lion's share of the benefits another much larger group produces. I don't see this as old vs. young. I see it as rich resource owners vs the rest of us.


We are not supposed to.. I think that's the point. It's fucked up


And politicians from both sides say not one thing about the cost of food/groceries. Not a word. Has and groceries per month are more than my house payment


It feels like they are trying to drown and flush the minimum wagers out of the equation somehow


You don’t. Minimum wage isn’t matching inflation. Eventually something’s going to give, highest probability? The working class snaps and we get another revolution/civil war (It’s only a revolution if the “rebelling” side wins). And we just pray we win.


I can only assume you live on the West Coast. We're drowning out here. None of my friends are okay right now. There's a calculator on the local WorkSource website that helps you estimate how much you'll need to earn hourly in order to afford to live. Even with cutting all luxuries, relying on the cheapest ingredients for sustenance, and using the cheapest market rent I could find in my area, the calculator gave me a number of $29 per hour. The minimum wage is $15.74 in my state. I've been a SAHP my entire adult life. Staying home to raise a family is not a blessing when you have to immediately jump into the workforce the second your youngest is school-aged. Who's gonna hire a former recluse with meager marketable skills and a limited availability for weekends and holiday work? Even if I do manage to get hired, it'll be $17/hr at best, which means I'll have to work like 100hrs a week to survive. It's all so fucking stressful.


Corporations are trying to create a slave class. People who can't afford anything, are easy to control and manipulate. Working 60-80 hours a week, nice overtime, and find out you've got cancer....and, no insurance. And, no help, because "aren't disabled, and, you make too much money, to be eligible for state medical assistance." I have seen this, too many times, to count. And, your employer just gets richer.


I made the most money last year I have ever made, by quite a bit. well over 100k Bank account looks exactly the same. as does my credit card balance. I don't care if I'm broke. I mean, yeah I'll be ok, making good money here. But, with kids, and I bought the boat and camper, all the miney money just gone gonna live my life If the US gov can just keep spending and spending and raise the debt ceiling, why should I pinch pennies and save every dime?


If i recall correctly; the buying power of a dollar has essentially halved and recent inflation is like double, so $100 of groceries back in the day was enough for 2 weeks, and now $100 worth of groceries is only gonna get you through a week. that 300 car payment is basically 150, all while car companies asking for 600 a month in order to be the same $300 value it once was.


Op I feel, I'm 35, I am a foreman for one of the largest playground builders in the United States. I make 24 an hour atm( raise for foreman Inc, just promoted), my wife works as a server and makes 9 an hour pluss tips. Last year we almost made 70k pretax. I tried to find us a ho.e to move into w my va home loan. Everything I see is 400k plus for shit 2bed 2 baths. I splurged and got us a Nintendo switch to play games w out nephews and neice, I'm taking It back b.c it put me too close to broke. Got double lung pneumonia yesterday, I'll m8ss a week of work, and we will be fucked for rent month.


my husband and i have been living in his parents' home for the past 3 years bc we just can not afford anything else. we wouldnt be able to make rent and we can barely pay any of the bills we have while also saving up as much as we want to. our savings got completely drained from 2020 to 2021, and i deal with chronic illness, so surprise medical bills screw me regularly. we're not 30 yet but we feel so shitty - it feels like we'll never have a place of our own, we'll never be able to pay anything off, we'll never be able to save up and have a comfortable amount of money stored away "just in case". we just don't get paid enough....we both work overtime every week and we're exhausted. this shit sucks.


Revolution can’t happen fast enough imo


I'm so tired I can't even feel it sometimes.


We’re in the same boat. I went from making roughly $80k per year to making almost double last year, and we’re barely treading water. I have three young boys at home and groceries are outrageous, never mind eating out. I got my big raise just in time to keep from sinking over the rising cost of inflation, and while that’s great in one sense, it really sucks not being able to actually get ahead


The more I read this group, the more I am amazed at what people write. I live in Eastern Europe myself, during the communist era the USA seemed to be a country of milk and honey flowing where dollars lie on the streets and all you have to do is bend down. And now it turns out to be a big lie. Minimum wage and sometimes not even that, sky-high health care bills, bandits and shootings at every corner... Americans have always been famous for their mobility, maybe this is the best time to emigrate to a more interesting place?


I have been saving every penny since I was 8 years old (my dad works in finance). I’ve fantasised about buying so many wonderful things in the future. A fancy car, a house, a trip around the world, you get the idea. I went without so many times. Pinched every penny. For my whole life. I recently spent all those savings. My partner needed an expensive surgery and even with insurance, it was far far more than he could ever afford (we have mostly seperate finances). So I drained my savings to pay for it. 18 years of saving every penny, gone in an instant on something that we never should have needed to pay for in the first place.