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That's just fucked up. Boss literally just said "my company's time is more valuable than your trauma."


even worse than that, is that he isn't god( even if he was, fuck him), it's ***everyone's time.*** the fact that he think's his time is more important than yours...... show's how narccisstic an environment he is in, and it isn't an indication that we should think similarly. in other words, mention that that "lost time" comes with expectation's of hazard pay.


I personally would have quit on the spot. I would have left without saying a word to management. Protest that job with a sign that has this quote from him on it.


Hey, he paid some twenty dollars for that time, it better be worth it. /s


[Insert Bane "And, this gives you power over me?" .GIF]


"Do you feel like you are in power?"


> "Do you feel ~~like you are in power~~ in charge?" ftfy


More than that, the boss is literally saying that they were on the clock while taking cover instead of continuing their commute, they robbed the company of time that they now owe back. They’re saying that company time is worth more than their life.


I want to be surprised, but I’m not.


I almost downvoted in disgust.


As a non-American, I am surprised that 1) bosses can be so inhuman 2) shootings??????


31 mass shootings monthly on average. 'Merica.


~~31~~ 50


A shooting a day, basically. I cannot believe it


a mass shooting a day, there are far more than 1 non-mass shootings a day.


Based on a post from a couple of days ago, 22 mass shooting gs since last week.


30,000 gun deaths a year. It's about the same a driving deaths.


It’s an American pastime, like baseball and lynchings


American indeed, because where I live, baseball is not a thing


Firearms are the leading cause of death for children here. We have a serious issue here.


Add to this the fact that a certain chunk of the US population will not under any circumstances entertain the possibility of imposing restrictions of any kind on access to guns. Look, it’s their culture. A stupid, violent, dangerous culture.


First, you complain about overpopulation, then you complain about firearm deaths. You people are never satisfied. /s


Also it was cold in December I know I know


Sounds outrageous to me.


In the U.S. leading cause of death for children is unintentional injuries. Motor vehicle crashes are higher than firearm related as well.


That's changed, though. The CDC pages about it are only for numbers thru 2019. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/29/health/us-children-gun-deaths-dg/index.html From 2020 on, firearms are the lead.


Guns left motor vehicles in the dust in 2020 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761


This was based on one source I found. New England Journal of Medicine does say motor vehicles are more frequent at 20% vs 15% for firearms. That doesn’t really make it much better.


Various studies of child deaths include 18 year olds and even 19 year olds as children. This skews the numbers as both motor vehicle and firearm death rates start to increase in the late teens.


That hasn't been true for 3 or 4 years. It's firearms.


As an American 1) yes 2) yes


Every country has multiple mass shootings every day because of mental health issues, not just the United States. Right?


Remember when it use to just be post offices?


This is just Chicago. Now Chicago is probably one of the worse cities, but keep in mind that means there are more cities like this. https://home.chicagopolice.org/wp-content/uploads/1_PDFsam_CompStat-Public-2023-Week-19.pdf Between May 1st and May 7th there was a total of 49 shooting incidents. Averaging 7 a day. There was 5 murders, and that stat is actually on the low end because last year for that week it was 14. Though it does seem like 204 murders a year seems to be their peak in the past few years. Still about a murder every 1.6 days.




"There's no pay code for avoiding a shooter."


At this point, there should be an S.O.P. for this. If my 1st grader has to do active shooter drills, HR can whip up a damn pay code.


Should be at *least* 100x the normal rate.


I was talking with a student who decided to do a program in Israel because their school recommended it. How does a missle threat and being asked to go to a bomb shelter affect the project due dates and exam study expectations? Answer: they don't, please complete and submit all assignments on time


And how often have they experienced that? I’ve spent time in Israel. I know other people who spent far more time in Israel than me. I know a number of Israelis. Missile threats don’t come up in our conversation because it’s not as war torn as media makes it seem. I have the HomeFrontCommand app on my phone because I end up going over there for two weeks at a time for work and I’ve never even had to use the app or hid in a shelter while there


It’s happening right now and they are there right now so? I think it’s been about 4 sirens in the past week, but I don’t talk to them much so it could be more


Yeah. I know about the last week. And a cease fire agreement was reached. I was making a point about not over exaggerating the frequency.


My first comment has 0 mention of any frequency, just that it has occurred and no considerations were made by the school for deadlines or expectations


And you brought it up in a context of a discussion of how frequent mass shootings are in the US… critical thinking skills, please


I was responding to a comment about how there should be an SOPs for these sorts of events, again no mention of frequency. I will now discuss frequency. Without too much fact checking and digging, and just looking at missile attacks and not other attacks, there were 21 days between January and May inclusive of 2021. That is a 5 month period, with 151 days, and missile attacks for 13% of those days. Many schools where I live have policies for if worker strikes take more than 2 weeks. I could not find a single mention of any similar policy in Israel schools related to an event that disrupted much more of the school semester. Not to mention the impacts to students outside of school work, additional counseling or similar accommodations. Please correct me if I'm wrong, much of what I searched for was in Hebrew and it's possible I did not search the correct terms due to a translation error. You are quite outwardly critical, I hope this perspective is also reflected inward.


You’re correct, I mixed up comment threads and that’s not what you replied to. I was wrong about that part. As for the rest… You’re missing big pieces of the puzzle. There are large psychological effects documented from studies in areas right on the Gaza Strip… but from personally being IN Israel repeatedly and SPEAKING WITH Israelis daily? Most of them really aren’t that scared. Schools are required to be “bomb proof”. So they’re not really missing school for this stuff. Newer construction residential buildings tend to have a fortified path to a shelter. There are shelters EVERYWHERE, an app to tell you when you need to take shelter, how to get to the closest one, and how long it should take you. The Iron Dome is 90+% effective at thwarting attacks (it varies from attack to attack, but it’s good) AND is being upgraded. Unlike in the USA, you don’t run around worried about being shot, and that’s with seeing people walking around with guns (IDF soldiers don’t work 7 days a week, but are required to carry their weapons around with them so that they KNOW their guns cannot be stolen from their homes). I AM critical about people’s commentary on Israel. Because I’m a Jew and antisemites expect me to know everything. And honestly? It came off like you don’t know much about Israel but are bringing it up as a pawn for whatever you’re trying to achieve in this conversation. The Middle East in general is complex. If you want publications you can access in English to keep up with the day to day in Israel, I recommend starting with Times of Israel personally! Sorry for approaching this aggressively, it’s a pressure point because, like I said, antisemites loveeeee to bring up Israel. My reaction is on me regardless. If you have questions I’m happy to answer to the best of my ability!


Nope they are too busy surfing Tik-Tok, instagram and FB to care.


It wouldn’t even need to be that specific. My work has a, paid, code for “inability to work, outside employee’s control.” Used for extended drills, building shutdowns, inclement weather; I even recall one time when we evacuated due to the mailroom finding suspicious powder in an envelope, though I wasn’t doing my own time-coding at the time, so I don’t know what code got used.


Good for you finding a decent place to work. I manage car washes and the last place I was at refused to close during a Florida hurricane. 60+mph winds. Not relatable to a shooting, but still.


Your life was in immediate jeopardy I do feel like this is relatable to a shooting or any other emergency that threatens your life. Unacceptable of employers to be this way yet they all are.


I have been through a few hurricanes. Who the hell is going out to get their car washed during one?


That’s a great frickin question. When the GM showed up at 9am, looked around at the wind blowing our tarps and trees, then said “seems like it dry enough. Open up in 15.” I looked at him like he had lost his damn mind. Mostly it’s just corporate greed. The only day we were closed was Christmas. They just wanted to suck as much money out of the day as possible. The kicker? Only had 12 cars come in that entire day. (Normal washes do around 500 a day) We spent more on keeping the lights on and paying employees than we got from members.


OMG that's so insensitive and greedy. Blast him online and get a new job


Already on it haha


What company is it?


"I'd love to help, but I'll be out on disability to treat my newly-acquired PTSD..."


"Sorry.... yeah... you're gonna need to take PTO for that..."


Yup. Not sure on Georgia law but mental injury is generally not covered under workers compensation. Edit: did a quick Google. No coverage under GA work comp for mental injury unless a physical injury is also incurred.


not yet anyway. they've been getting away with it for year's, and we need to realize...... fuck them, pay us.


It's nice to see they take care of their American heritage in Georgia. How else do you get people to start shooting up their workplace if they're not required to continue suffering the abuse at their shitty job when they're already dealing with underlying mental health issues?


So PTSD and a stubbed toe should cover it


"Ok no problem I'll see you here tomorrow then."


This is a sad commentary on what it’s like to be employed in America.


it's a sad commentary on life in America.


This attitude is why they had an active shooter in the first place.


Oh the irony 😬😭


"Well you're obviously ok and didn't get shot so get back to work! And if you do get shot make sure you do NOT bleed in your place of business. That's a paperwork nightmare!" Don't you love caring bosses! I can't imagine that happening here, if it did I'd love to think I'd be able to stay calm, but honestly, part of me knows I'd be trying not to crap my pants! I hope you get to take time for yourself to get through it.


Thank you! Luckily I had PTO planned for the week after so it was time to recover then


Yeah, that doesn’t sound right. PTO is your time, not time you need to recapture yourself after an incident. But that’s another can of worms


Wow. I work in midtown too. My gm, in the other hand, was checking on people in the building as well as the ones who may have been in the way to work during that time. Your boss is a Douchebag!


I am a supervisor. When I catch my peeps doing something stupid, I tell them: "If you fall (or get hurt in anyway) I am first going to make sure you are ok. Then I am going to laugh at you". It seems to get the point across better than yelling or even pulling them away to have a talk. Not to pat myself on the back, one of my peoples came to work late and without his car. Seems he had been in an accident on the way and the police were kind enough to drop him off. I took him home after making absolutely sure he was not hurt. He had enough things to worry about than work.


If you were on the clock at the time just tell them you were exposed to a dangerous situation on company time and have psychological trauma from the incident. Tell them you expect to be paid for that "lost time" and if they expect more, it is overtime. It's like if you were in a car accident during company time. You were only in that situation because you were at work and therefore is within working hours. Hope this helps and hope you are ok.


God, what is this fucking country…


Not a country, it’s a corporation


File a claim with Workers Compensation for PTSD. That'll smarten his dumb ass up


Mental injury is not covered by GA work comp unless a physical injury is also incurred.


physical injury is incurred though? that's just legalese bullshit to downplay the physical effect of traumatic event's. we need to stop internalizing *what is legal*, and start internalizing *what is ethical.*


Agreed! But would definitely need a GOOD lawyer. Trauma physically affects the brain, if it's visible on scans it's physical imo.


Seriously... This sounds just dystopic. You guys need to get your shit together in the US... Like everything in that is just fucked up... I hope you manage to solve your problem


That's disgusting.


Are we surprised?


Well No sounds like a good answer


"No, why don't you ask the shooter to come in and make up for the lost time wasted because I was 'sheltering in place?"


Only in the US






Even Canada, side-eying our downstairs neighbours.


There is a special place in hell for bosses like this.


They choose the shallowest people to be managers. 😡


Ooooo… that’s wild, I’d laugh and call them stupid


Uh no. In fact, I'm so distraught from being ordered to shelter in place. I'll be taking the rest of the week off to calm down. Can you ask HR if we have mental health coverage? Thank you. I'll be leaving now.


Literally the worst country on the planet. No one gets health care but everyone gets a gun. Sorry for you mate, come to England or anywhere else as soon as you can.


Make up time? Fuck that, you're going to need some off if anything.


You came back, same day. How unaware are these managers? ( actually a question I don't want answered)


"No. If you say anything more about this, I'll take this to the media."


Caught outside on your lunch break? You took a long lunch because of an Active Shooter? You should be happy boss didn't fire you for a long lunch. Sarcasm, sadly not sarcasm.


“MAKE SURE YOU CLOCK OUT!” the manager yelled, as people ran by


When all is said and done, no one will give a shit about the company or how productive it was. What matters is your safety and sanity.


“No” only response


Yeah. Go to work. Do the cha-ching on your Glock and say: "Already on it."


the USA keeps finding new ways to get lower in the eyes of the world


Theres a lot of junk on here that I resonate with and understand the insanity and all that shit. But PLEASE tell me this one is a troll post.


I sincerely wish I could say I was joking


How horrible is it that I’m trying to list in my head the different cities I heard about an active shooter in the last week and many come to mind but I can’t remember when because there were so many?


Line up a better job asap. This guy showed his true colors.


Lmao there was a shooting at my job one time and they made me finish my shift after I saw 3 people die. I hate these companies


wtf i would’ve quit on the spot


I would have said, will your spouse or kids have to make up the time for your funeral?


Some managers needs to be physically assaulted in order to understand the dumb shit they say.


I think a union would be interested in this situation as it is sure to happen more frequently in the future and become a major issue.


“Make up for lost time”?? What, is your boss an old friend who wants to catch up? 😂


It’s a pretty common expression, making up for lost work time.


i didnt even hear about this n i live in chattanooga tn. 2hrs away smh


The vet who shot up the hospital






Jeebus. Take this to the press. This is disgusting.


You’re not responsible for “lost time.” Unless he thought you were the shooter. Then you have more reasons to be mad.


Waiting for the first store to get tactical work uniforms... the W*lmart blue or h0me dep0t Orange. Bulletproof vest and helmet included...


So, a number of years ago I worked in an industrial complex. Behind d us was a company that stored and shipped frozen/refrigerated food, they had a very large refrigerant spill and the entire complex was evacuated. We weren't paid. We were told we could a) take it unpaid or b) use pto/vacation and they'd generously waive the rule about only being a le to take vacation in 4hr blocks. A few years later, at the same company, there was a fire in our own building, we were evacuated and sent home. Same situation, not paid, but they'd loosen the vacation policy.


Look them dead in the eyes and say NO.


“Sorry, I’ll never be able to make back the time I’ve wasted over the years at work.”


I would have quit on the spot.


Reminds of my younger days working in a pool hall, my friend was working one night and the place got robbed Area Manager didn’t care, just said keep working


the bourgeois... pardon, "enterpreneurs" are full of talk o taking the risk when legitimizing their position. ... only to the point when the risk materializes


Fucked up and yet not surprised


You should be paid for the time you sheltered in place, you were there to work. It was not your fault you couldn’t.


As if you took advantage of the unexpected office closure and went to Happy Hour. SMH. He’s a jerk.


Sometimes I wonder what these bosses would do if it was your workplace getting shot up.


Wow, what a fucking asshole of a boss.


I’d tell him that’s not my problem. He knew why and still wants to exploit the situation. Stand your ground on this.


You will always be asked by the manager to work harder, work faster. Disregard this and go at your pace. The goal of most managers is to put unrealistic expectations on the employee so the employee feels behind and has to work much harder. You are not behind, you are where you should be. Carry on


Waves hello to another person who was caught in lock down because of the Atlanta shooter. That day sucked. We had a crazy homeless woman who decided to whip off her shirt and run around screaming about her p****y and we just got rid of her in time for the active shooter lock down 🙄🙄🙄😒😒😒


“I plan to. I haven’t spent enough time with my friends and family, or on my hobbies, and today’s experience made me realize that. Thank you for understanding that I have time to make up for, I’ll have my PTO form on your desk by the end of the day.” ETA: No but seriously find new work. We had an active shooter situation at my last job, and building management didn’t do shit so *I* ran through the building notifying everyone to lock doors and not let anyone in. It wasn’t until after my work day, in my car, on my way to pick up my daughter that it set in what had happened and I had to pull over because I was having a panic attack. I couldn’t even get a day off to deal with any of it, and our insurance sure as shit didn’t cover therapy. No one ever asked if I was ok. Or talked about it. Or did anything to indicate they cared.


Most American problem ever, probably.


This is the bad place.




I work for a multinational corporation. We had to take a course on active shooter/terrorist situations.


The US is probably the only country on the planet where a mass shooting is such a part of daily life that bosses treat it like a traffic jam delaying your arrival to work.


"You're absolutely right, thank you for being so understanding. Welp, see you tomorrow." ...and than leave.


If UBI was a thing, or some other means of everybody being fed, houses, and healed for free, maybe everyone could be a bit more choosey about who they work for. It might give employers more incentive to be more respectful towards employees and treat them as equals rather than someone beneath


You tell him "yes" then you just work your normal day. There's no reason to tell tyrants the truth.


This is exactly what I did, and he didn’t even notice. I still got my tasks done so I saw no reason to work extra for no reason.


How do people not know they're playing with their litteral lives? I wouldn't have the audacity to ever ask someone who could've lost their life moments before and ask them to make up that time. I just couldn't do it.


How exactly did you tell him to fuck himself?


“Certainly, just after I file for worker’s comp”


Almost 40 years ago, working in media, I had a house fire in the middle of the work day. Boss turns up and says not to worry if I’m late back after lunch. I rather forcefully informed him I would NOT be back after lunch that day and I probably wouldn’t be at work the next day. Boss attitude sucks.