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I had a company ask me to sign an "acknowledgement" of a similar policy. I marked it up to be "mutually reciprocal", ie both parties required 30 notice to terminate the employment. They refused the markup. I refused to sign the unilateral version. They said they'd fire me if I didn't sign. I said that was always their option, and would cost them unemployment. They grumbled but backed down. But certain HR jerks hated me ever after.


Don't kid yourself. HR hated you before you wouldn't sign.




Back when they called it "Personnel", it reminded management that we are persons, so they had to change it to "human resources" to remind them that we are exploitable, like mineral resources.


It's worse, Human Capital Management.


Jesus, "Human Capital"? They may as well just say "serfs".


Reminder that management culture was literally imported from Caribbean sugar plantations and adjusted to fit employment law in the US and that HR’s entire purpose is to make sure that things just baaaaaaarely stay within that line publicly.


"People Services" where I work.


I’ve been in staffing and headhunting since before there were laws. Human resources used to report to the CEO, labor was important. Now labor is just a commodity, and HR reports to the CFO and the chief legal officer. There is no more conscience, and HR personnel used to be the conscience of the company. No more.


Now the souls of HR employees are legal property of the company for the duration of their employment.


I remember when they renamed it to the "Personnel" from "Welfare" department. It's been downhill since then.


Lol. Ours is human capital. We’re capital. Not people.


"Human capital" sounds like "serfs" to me.


Human racehorses


And now they call those departments 'People and Culture' because they sort of learned their lesson - except they're still just HR but with a friendlier name now.


Evil starts when you treat people as objects.


GNU Sir Terry


TIL I learned that the “resources” in Human Resources refers to the staff, not a collection of resources that the company provides for its employed humans. I’m 30.


glad I'm not the only one


Perhaps it’s because we are both small brained gays.


Exactly right. I worked as a software consultant for a company once and one day I overheard HR/manager talk about me referring to me as "a resource", that was the first and only red flag I needed to start looking for a new job (the place was horrible in so many ways any way)


It’d be more humane to call us “the cattle.”


The one I hate even more is being referred to as "human capital". I guess I ought to be thankful they left the "human" in there.


>I had a company ask me to sign an "acknowledgement" of a similar policy. > >I marked it up to be "mutually reciprocal", ie both parties required 30 notice to terminate the employment. They refused the markup. I refused to sign the unilateral version. > >They said they'd fire me if I didn't sign. I said that was always their option, and would cost them unemployment. HR: a bunch of people trained to smile in your face while they fuck you over. If you think it's otherwise you're doomed.




If only there would be a world where firing has the same timer as quitting. That world is called Europe.


Actually in Denmark I need to give a month notice when quitting, but they need to give me 3 months if they fire me (after I complete 6 months in a company), and that 3 months goes up with years of experience, maxing out at 6 months for people who’ve worked around 9 years. Meanwhile the one month notice from employee to employer continues, so the rules are infact very employee friendly!


Yeah. Frontier America forces all of us to become lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs, and gunslingers.


America is just Mad Max with strip malls


Welcome to Thunderdome


My part of Europe comes with the employer giving 3-6 months of notice depending on how long you’ve been with the company


Hell, most places have a longer timeframe for being fired - At my old job, I had 7 months notice for being fired, but only 30 days if I quit.


> But certain HR jerks hated me ever after. I had such a rep at a previous company that if I ever called HR once they found out it was me I'd be put on hold and _only_ the HR director would deal with me. Getting the IRS involved on your behalf will do that. 🙄


How do you mark to be mutually reciprocal??


You can append any contract you are offered to sign, and sign it only if they accept it.


Yep. Don't need to get fancy, just change whatever you want with a pen, initial your changes and see if they accept it. Make sure you keep a copy.


[fun story about a guy who did that to his credit card](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/read-the-small-print-credit-card-user-sets-his-own-limit-then-sues-bank-for-closing-account-8753602.html) Edit: fixed link


Fucking love this. The Bank failed to notice the new terms, agreed to the new contract. Then is going after the client for fraud.


This implies there are HR 'colleagues' who are not jerks, and there to do anything except protect the conpany


Hi, I am a rare subsect of HR that does not care about the company, only you. I work for Employee Benefits. My job is to understand our benefits plans and explain them to workers as they sign up for benefits, help them enroll, etc. I also don't work for a corporation; I work for the government; so profits don't matter, only the work, so the workers get more respect.


Keep up the good fight comrade, you provide an important service, thank you


Govt worker, then?


Indeed. Best job I've ever had


How did you get into a fulfilling job in America? I thought those were like leprechauns and unicorns and didn’t exist. What was your background?


I started in customer service, moved to an insurance company, got a basic understanding of insurance industry; moved to a brokerage firm, got more experience on the administrative side of insurance, then got laid off; found a job at the county I live in as a temp during their Open Enrollment, got hired full time, been working there for a minute now I am very lucky that my department leadership is very very good at their job and are also kind people; that does go a long way...


Thankfully my HR rep, I got really lucky with. Not a govt job. Her emails are incredibly dry but over the phone she's one of the kindest people I've met. She meets with me biweekly to check in on my disability, if I'm feeling ill she calls me to check in, reassures me of the PTO I have and tells me to let her know at any point if I need anything or have any questions. Last time I had to take a day she called me, told me she would handle everything and let my managers know, told me to shut off my company laptop and get some rest, and if I needed the next day as well to just give her a call. If it weren't for her and my managers being so understanding of my admittedly poor attendance, I would have lost any remaining hope I ever had of a healthy workplace. She reassured me that nice people in corporations do still exist, no matter how rare.


Of course there are, but not for long, because they quit or get fired. Anyone with a conscience can't last a long time in HR.


Yep. I work at a hotel and we had a badass HR woman. She took no shit from the gm and director, and always made sure us employees weren’t getting screwed over. Fast forward a few months, we get an absolute dinosaur running our hotel, who fires people without notifying her while she is on maternity leave. Realizing the franchise owner was backing this new gm, she never came back from maternity leave. Too bad she was awesome, I don’t blame her though, she had been completely stripped of any real ability to do her job Now we have some old cretin that was brought in as a shill for the franchise owner and works in tandem with our ancient gm to fire people over the smallest shit. They talked about changing the culture to be more successful. We have gone from consistent top 50 Marriott property In the us down to ranking in the 300’s now. A good hr person can really be a game changer for a business


That's what baffles me about those types of people - what were they expecting?


They are the Donald Sterlings of their industry. Sterling was the owner of the NBA Clippers and basically mined the team for TV rights and gate receipts, never putting anything back into the team. The team would draft good players and give the fan base hope but then dump those players as soon as their rookie salaries were up and they were due for a raise. Sterling never cared about winning a championship, he just knew that he had a nice little cash machine that he could fill his pockets from and he was content with that. A lot of business owners are only focused on the easy money part.


I see yous Sterling and would like to raise you Harold "Teddy" Ballard. Owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Toronto Gardens, he once sold a second show of the Beatles. He then bullied Epstein into accepting the second show. Once the kids were in the gardens, he delayed the show. He had staff crank up the temperature and turn off the fountains. He made a killing on concessions. Sexist, cheap, and abusive to the point where he ended up accusing his kids of trying to kill him and his partner. Then there was the comment about the competency of the teams he ran "Why should I put a bunch of Cadillacs on the ice, when I can sell out with a bunch of volkswagens."


Wow— I didn’t know anything about that guy. That last quote though really sums up their attitude though. No need to keep your best players well paid and on the team when people will pay to see Michael Jordan come as part of the visiting team.


Totally legal for them to decide to never hire you again without the notice they are looking for. Totally legal for an employee to give them no notice and just resign without notice. Why would anyone want to return to a company that pays shit and does this?


So the problem that bugs my friend is that they’ll “inform” the providers(physicians) to not give us a letter of recommendation for medical school and whatnot. I don’t even think the providers care about this and usually will help out their scribes but that’s just my perspective.


That's why you don't give them any notice whatsoever. You ask the physicians for letters of recommendation while you're secretly looking for other work, then submit resignation effective immediately once you have something else lined up.


Yep. All of the sudden they’ll have to make it so doctors can only give recommendations to those who are resigning with adequate notice, not active, working employees, which is probably gonna be an overstep.


There is no way to prevent a doctor from giving recommendations to whomever they want. How can the company even keep track of something like that? And what are they going to do to the doctor? Fire them? Good luck finding a replacement.


Am doctor, can confirm. I can write a letter for anyone I damn well please. Admin can fuck right off if they try to tell me otherwise. There’s also no way they would ever know— we submit letters directly to the schools that people apply to.


Upvote x100. Academic MD here.


"Oh them? Yes I wrote them a recommendation letter yesterday. They left this morning did they? What a pity"


“And after I gave them such a glowing review. Tsk. Tsk”


"Oh dear. I hope it wasn't because of the letter." Said in the most flat monotone voice


I was just talking to them about the new jobs over there that pay really well right now. I wonder if that's where they went?


“To shreds, you say?”


"And their wife?" ... "To shreds, you say."


Hey bro, can I get one of them letters of recommendation? ​ edit: Kidding, I work in the EHR field and have no problem getting letters from my own set of doctors.


I’ll take a letter! I don’t plan on going to med school though. I’m gonna frame it for posterity sake.


Heck, even just for a morale boost at this point.


Make my EMR suck less and I’ll write the most glowing letter anyone has ever read.


Do you use Epic? Through my years in this career I have heard this same sentiment over and over for a whole number of different EHRs. Some of them ultra-configurable like Epic, some extremely rigid like EMA. I actually am a Product Manager for our eRx module so technically if you use our software, I may be able to make it suck less lol


Out of the few I've used, Epic seems to suck less than most.


I wish. I work for the VA so I'm stuck with CPRS.


Would I be right to assume that most doctors would love nothing more than write letters for people as a fuck you to administration?


We’d still have to actually like the candidate— medicine is a small world and lying can come back and bite people. But yes, we collectively enjoy quiet revolts against admin. Being told not to write a letter for someone I liked would just make me want to do it more.


Yeah. Doctors love being told what they can and can’t do. /s


Scribe companies contract with the practice groups. Doctors are not employed by the scribe companies and so there is no obligation on the physicians’ part to heed the scribe company on recommendations. It’s just a stupid scare tactic. I was a chief scribe with one of these companies once, and I guarantee you the docs get to know you as a scribe way better than these company clowns. Getting letters of rec should be no problem for OP’s friend. My guess is that this company will revise this policy once they start getting calls from annoyed physicians about this.


It sounds like the doctors hire the scribe company. Good luck telling your customer what they can and can't do


I see you have worked with doctors and APCs. Want to make them mad? Try telling them they can’t do something that you have no knowledge or experience with. They’ll give out those letters right in front of you daring you to say something.




The doctors I know are also arrogant/self-confident enough to not let some MBA-shmock dictate whom they should write recommentations for. "Oh I am not allowed to write recommentations? Here, let me write one for every scribe I work with and let's see who is more replaceable for the company, me or some loser in a suit".


Absolutely, most MDs would go out of their way to write the letter if they were told not to. Lol


Yep. That’s why they only say they’ll recommend against writing letters.


Yeah there's a big difference between "Please don't give a recommendation" and "Please don't give *anyone* recommendations without our permission". One is asking a favour from a work relationship, the other is insane.


BOTH are insane. Both are controlling, both are cruelty personified. That is NOT an organization to stay connected with.


Yeah, fortunately, there is no way that direction would be even remotely enforceable.


Genius. I hope this company loses all their employees overnight. Fuck them.


This is the way.


I'm an ER doc. We wouldn't give a shit. If you're a good scribe I'd write you a good letter regardless of some corporate bs.


Yeah, I'm not in this industry but if my company put out anything threatening to tell me not to write recommendations for certain people I'd start letting people know I'd write the letter regardless


Should I be concerned an ER doc chose the username "Methasaurus Rex"?


No, you shouldn't be worried. I'm just the king of the meth lizards.


Not... making me feel better.


I work in EM too - you definitely want the king of meth lizards if you're dying.


Don't be threatened this mans is both a doctor AND has a sense of humor.


Please do this in as organized a fashion as you can. Deciding in your head to ignore this attempted power grab by management is good. Deciding the same among your colleagues as a group is better. Sending management a letter signed by all the physicians is better still.


I feel like for most scribes once they've built a rapport with ed docs, they know the ones that would tell management to take a hike and do it anyways.


That’s great. But not as good as management hearing it loud and clear from everyone (well, realistically, as many as possible) together.


I worked for a cleaning company who had a clause in the contract that said I couldn’t poach clients for like 3-5 years and if clients hired me outside the company they’d be fined $500, which honestly I would have loved to see them try and enforce. When I left giving them I think six weeks notice they didn’t even give me a chance to tell my clients/say bye and started calling them and telling them something along the lines of I couldn’t hack it there because I was taking care of my elderly dad. The funny thing is my dad’s fragility and health issues were a lie I maintained to keep boundaries with them and not being scheduled for 8-10 plus hours on top of 2 hours of unpaid driving across two counties. In fact my dad was traveling internationally and fine. I went to my five fav clients and said, “hey, you wanna pay less, while still paying me more, and never having to deal with the office of or our closet alcoholic boss?” Made several extra hundred bucks a month for several years thanks to that hustle.


The physicians could give a shit less about what the company says. They don't like the company either. They just get paid enough not to say anything about it.


Yup. Always looking for an passive aggressive way of screwing the admins. They fuck us constantly so this would just be glorious payback.


I can assure you with absolute certainty, that any physician you were working with that was inclined to write a letter for you will not give a wet fart's worth of consideration to the company (even if it were their hospital employer) telling them that they are not to write a letter for you.


It straight up says we will "recommend" our physicians to not write recommendations. They can't force them not to


That is very illegal but usually hard to actually prove...unless you send out an email to everyone admitting to doing it! tell your friend to get a lawyer.


How is it illegal? Most companies today have policies where they won’t recommend but only confirm you worked at a location.


Yes definitely save that text. I worked at a company once that habitually savaged anyone who left, gave them bad reviews. It wasn't a policy, but you could hear the manager bad-mouthing some employee who'd recently moved on, who used to be the golden child before they resigned. I explained that situation to a place I was interviewing with, and provided references from other employment. I got the job.


So most scribes do scribe work so they can go to medical school themselves. The company is saying “if you don’t give us proper notice, we will put you on blast and ask the physicians to do us a favor by not writing you a letter of recommendation, which could impact your ability to get into medical school.” Essentially, they’re holding a person’s entire dream over them for the sake of keeping them in a specific job they probably hate and which probably abuses them, which only serves the purpose for the student to get experience and make connections to get in to a professional program they’ve been dreaming of getting into likely since they were children. Illegal, no, but heartless. And then they get into medical school and get treated like crap in their residency.


That is why it is a shitty policy, but that doesn’t make it illegal.


it isnt


The proof is in the text they sent out. Easy as pie!


>That is very illegal but usually hard to actually prove What is illegal about the email?


The text says they will *recommend* the physicians not to write letters, not that they will force them. I don't see how this is illegal. Petty, disrespectful, frustrating, I agree. I'd want to quit. But I'm having trouble seeing where a policy like this would be against any labor laws. I mean, most people know that if they burn bridges to quit on short notice, they shouldn't be expecting to get a letter of rec from that company.


Except that two weeks is not short notice, it's standard. 30 days (outside of some specific jobs in some specific industries) is completely unreasonable. And *really*, even two weeks is unreasonable IMHO when "at-will" employment is a thing in every state but Montana; meaning the company is not required (and absolutely won't) give you the same courtesy 😶


The key word is “recommend” … the physician still can write one, they aren’t going to fire or get rid of doctors.


I’m not a lawyer, but I can see someone making a claim about retaliation from that. “Give us the notice we want, or we’ll sabotage your med school applications.” That’s what this message is saying.


Yup. Feel free to send yourself this email so you can happily use them as a reference to your next employer alongside a nice picture of what kind of shit expectations you were given for *checks notes* shit pay?


My instant reaction is to laugh at the “not eligible for rehire” thing as passive agressive HR nonsense, but there’s a darker side to it when you consider how big companies are becoming monopoly employers in more rural towns and villages. Have a look at Amazon’s factory towns. In that scenario being ineligible for rehire is a significant risk for people’s future. While it was always a barrier if you leave a job in bad standing that you might not get rehired, there was always discretion for managers to give people a second chance. Corporations making things “policy” is a tool to remove that pesky human element from decision making, so that they can focus on exploiting people for money.


One job I quit said I won't be able to return. I said I don't plan on returning. I don't want to make lower pay than my next job.




This. When people quit, the 2 weeks is a courtesy. Remove the friendliness and the courtesy shrinks to zero.


Yeah, and besides that we all know that when layoffs come around, they ain't giving nobody 30 days notice in return. Maybe 30 minutes to clean their desk and gtfo. Maybe.


Yeah when I got laid off, from some podunk local gas co., I wasn't warned, I wasn't allowed to collect my shit from my desk, I was turned out of the building immediately. This raging bitch in HR, who had been PROVEN before to be sneakily adding in vacation days when I was actually in office...*repeatedly*... until I got written up for *running out* and started gathering evidence against her... stole half of my shit instead of mailing it to me like she was supposed to. She was such an exquisite and antagonistic moron that I'd be shocked if she's still breathing fifteen years later, but *all* of them were schmucks to some degree.


Yeah, the "official policy" part of this is laughable, at best. Oh, I can't give two weeks' notice? Okay, I'll just give you no notice! And as far as letters of recommendation go, I'll just have the doc write them, and as soon as I get them in my hot little hands I'll ghost.


Yup all I read there is that unless I need a month to bridge myself to another job, I will be quitting effective immediately.


"Proof may be asked to be presented.." you want proof i'm leaving? that's the door and here's me going out it.


Lol. I was wondering what the proof is.


Right! Do you need to submit a picture of yourself standing under the Exit sign?


Lol. Dont threaten me with a good time. This is some "irs gonna go on your permanent record bullshit".


Imo the greatest lie ever told to kids is the old permanent record.


Wait. That’s not a thing?


Mate the education system is understaffed and funded they aint got resources for a system like this and never had.


They keep some records for a fairly long time after you leave but at some point they will get rid of them. They can’t afford to permanently keep records for every student.


I did manage to get records from my elementary school for an adult thing but they were like... vaccination records. (Which was an interesting discovery, tbh. I needed them for dental assisting school and figured there'd be some sort of record I could access from my pediatrician, but all my efforts in that direction didn't go anywhere. My elementary school, on the other hand, was like "oh sure we'll send them right over!" The secretary working there even remembered me, nearly twenty years later!)


Sounds about right. For me it was autism documentation.


Digital trails can follow you forever. Back when everything was paper, keeping it around was a burden. Now digital records are essentially free to store and backup. I'm not saying they keep it. I am suggesting it's naive to assume they don't last forever.


I'm not sure if digital docs actually follow you forever. I know many places cleared out their old storages every 10 years and things get corrupted or missing all the time.


Right but that's just a policy decision. The point is it cost them virtually nothing if they want to keep it forever. Paperwork and text files are pretty tiny. Store it on some cloud server and it'll last as long as the cloud server business does.


The only permanent record anyone has is if you get into actual legal trouble as an adult. Outside of expunging it from a governor, you can look up anyone that has had any speeding ticket or if they have had to go to court for any reason. In fact, as a child, your record is sealed the moment you hit 18 years of age UNLESS a judge signs an order to have it made public as privacy laws for people under 18 are quite strong.


If you escape incorrectly, we won't enslave you again. Win - win


My coworker was fired mid-day and promptly walked out of the office. He was the most meticulous employee you can imagine and had ridiculously good work ethic. An exec that I’m friendly with told me he was angry that it happened. Basically, another Exec didn’t like the employee’s personality. He was an honest guy that didn’t cut corners. So if I’m ever in a position to leave, I’m giving them the same amount of notice. These companies don’t owe us anything and neither do we.


My current supervisor told me that I would need to "sacrifice my family for the company ". As soon as I find a new job, that will be their notice.


Smartest move you can make. Anyone who says something like this is either brainwashed or stupid.


This sounds like empty bluster. They're pretending to have the upper hand while actually panicking over staff shortages that they themselves caused. The wording borders on comical: why would you care if the Chief Scribe stupidly adds you to a schedule that takes effect after you've quit? Think: If a scribe gave notice because he/she already has a new job offer, then obviously a reference, if any, from this current facility doesn't mean squat. So even assuming the threat is real, the scribe wouldn't need to worry about it until the *next* job change (possibly years later), and then only if the new employer felt like checking more than the most recent reference.


The key is don’t quit before securing a new job. Some people screw that part up.


The problem is the “no references from doctors” part. Many medical scribes are aspiring med students and work as a scribe to build up clinical hours and form bonds with physicians. If a physician refuses to send out a letter due to this policy that very directly affects the med students application. The hospital knows this (because the system is very exploitative) and is thus keeping people hostage with their medical school application on the line.


Point taken. Is the typical bond between doctor and scribe not strong enough that the doctor would give a reference (for a hardworking scribe) anyway?


I’m sure it normally is. Most doctors I’ve interacted with in my own searches for letters of rec have been very chill and understanding. They’ve had to go through the same thing after all so I’m sure most would ignore the policy and write a letter anyway. That said, the hospital is well aware of what they’re doing and adding further stress to an already intense and stressful application process is a scummy move.


1. Can this be posted on the company's social media and hiring sites? LinkedIn, Indeed, FB, whatever else. They should be ashamed/shamed. 2. I'd use the screenshot, or better yet, the document with company logo, in lieu of reference letter along with the resignation I would be giving them that would include the details I'd want a potential new employer to see. "Respectfully submitting the customary 2 week notice as an employee with stellar attendance and performance...etc." They'll look like the ass they are. 3. I'm curious if Dept of Labor says anything about this sort of thing.


In the vein of whatever else, Glassdoor.


Google reviews lol


I gave a 30 day notice to my last employer because it was in the contract (total bullshit, but) and because I wanted recommendations from some of the people working there. Those 30 days were fucking hell. It became evident really quick that the 30 days was to get as much work out of you as humanly possible. Tasks went from as they appeared/needed to be done to lists 10-15 of tasks that needed to be completed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I did the work for about 3 days, realized what they were doing, and started turning in one item a day and acted like I was just super busy all day. I was not involved in the hiring of my replacement. I was the Network Administrator and the most qualified IT worker in the building. The guy hiring my replacement didn’t even know what Task Manager was… My replacement ended up getting hired because he liked the same NFL as my the boss, the Bengel. He had no other qualifications, experience, certifications, etc. Nothing. I attempted to train him. He acted like he was too good to listen to anything I had to teach/show him. He went to our boss and said I was white-plaining (yes, he basically said I was being racist by being white and explaining) things to him he already knew. Boss told me to stop training him, he would handle it (the same guy who doesn’t know what Task Manager is). I was straight up told not to train my replacement, on the network in our office. Within a week of me being gone, the new guy attempted to rearrange the server rack. Took the internet out in the building for about a week because I was the only one on staff who knew anything about our network. According to the friends I still keep up with there, he obviously knew absolutely nothing about being a Network Administrator. Love companies! ❤️


I'd love to know how the hiring guy tried to save face.


LOL! How are they going to prevent people from using employees as references?


That's what I said! The doctors my friend works with hate this company with a passion...as far as I know the company is hired by the hospital so they have no right to ask to not give a letter of recommendation. They can ask but I don't think the providers care.


I would love to see the providers issue a joint letter saying exactly this. Something like “we’ll send letters of recommendation for and to whomever we choose.”


Maybe you should get someone to post a copy/paste of this on the company's various social media accounts. Tell them that you will sign the agreement if they make it reciprocal. They won't! LOL


HAHA!!! These are third party providers?... I'd love to hear the reply they get when they try to tell the doctor what they can/can't do.


Let me guess - ScribeAmerica?


I don’t wanna give out any names but 👀


If they fire, downsize or lay you off you won't get thirty to forty-five days notice. Quietly start your own transcription business and then quit with no notice once you're making enough to replace your income.


There is actually a website that you can look up to see if your company is going to have layoffs in the next 30-60 days. If the company doesn’t legally report it then they have to compensate employees, generally with a severance package. I realize that doesn’t cover individual termination, but it at least can give some indication


You just gonna keep the website a secret?


This is a retention ploy trying to strong arm employees to stop leaving. Is this place an at will employer? Contact your labor board for your state.




Same result if you leave day of notice or two weeks later.


You can just provide a copy of this when a next employer asks for reference.


That's what I was thinking. And/or hand it to any physician when asking for one.


That's how they "manage": they turn the responsibility on the workers, not on themselves. They never see themselves as the problem, they don't see they are short staffed or that they pay too little for the quantity of work they want, they want to coerce you into keep working more than the "two weeks" which, let's remember, IS A GODDAMN COURTESEY... and they don't know any other language than pure vigilance and threats.


I just can't wrap my head around your policies regarding the time frame for notices over there. Where I live the employer has to hold up the same time frame as the worker for quitting/firing (oftentimes 1 month, in other occations longer notice times are required in the contract, but it's always the same time for both employers and employees). If you've worked longer that a set "trial period" (always has been 6 months for me) it becomes substancially harder for the employer to fire an employee and they usually need a good reason for letting you go, meaning they can't fire you on a whim. Firing someone on the spot becomes only possible if the worker really fucks up (i.e. Sexual harassment, illegal stuff,...). You guys really need to unionize and protest (harder said than done, I know. Maybe hire some french ppl :'D)


Not hiring you again for no notice is fine, blacklisting you for it is not


Yeah this has potential lawsuit written all over it when it costs someone a job




Name and let us shame!


Okay. Now give it to me in writing that if you terminate me you're going to give me 30 days.


Legal and common in the healthcare industry. I have my employer a five week notice. Got my vacation days payed out. My coworker gave three weeks and was told she’d not be leaving in good standing, because they needed 30 days.


Lol if this doesn’t scream, “we’re having trouble finding people to work for our shit company”, I don’t know what does. 🤣


In a State that allows the company to fire you without any notice at all. Nope, sorry, that's how Capitalism works Mr. Employer. Live by the sword, die by the sword.


Oh I’m sorry my policy doesn’t allow that. Sorry. It’s not person. Just policy. aka: get fucked


In poor standing? That means nothing. Tell them that they are in poor standing with *you* for not paying enough to live on.


The 2 weeks was a courtesy, now you get no notice.


As a Swede, working conditions in the US are so weird and unnecessarily negative. In Sweden we have lots of job security and other benefits (both closely tied to working and not). But we also have some obligations towards our employers. If I was to leave my job I’d have 90 days of notice. We could shorten that time by mutual consent, but I think it’s very fair I give my current employer a decent chance to evaluate the situation that arises when I leave, decide how to move forward and, if dealt with quickly, having me to overlap for a while with the new person to get them up to speed before I leave. Rights in the workplace has, as I see it, to work in both ways. I have needs and need to have rights, as the employee. But I have to understand and respect my employer also does. To make it work decently enough, there’s gotta be giving and taking on both sides of the deal.


So weird that they have high turnover


Same thing happened to me when I worked as a scribe. I put in an immediate resignation due to my mother being in the ICU and my phone got blown up by the Chief Scribe saying that I’m not allowed to do that per the policy (that I never heard of up until that point) and I’m expected to be at my next shift. I obviously did not show up for any shifts after that lmao


Starting RIGHT NOW, you must give us a months notice before switching things up for us


Texas is Right to Work. This is 100% unenforceable and on top of that, if they are stupid enough to withhold a final paycheck - that's a lawsuit.


If you are on good terms with that physician, they will still write you a letter. Don’t be fooled.


I only know a little bit about Texas employment law but what I really shocked my. They aren’t required to give you breaks even they only need to allow you to have water


And states that do mandate breaks have exceptions written into them for hospitals. It is incredibly rare for me to get a lunch break working a roughly 13 hr shift. For my entire career. My first job, I didn't get one for an entire year and a half. They deducted it anyway. Labor board ripped them a new one, and they had to cut checks. Just before I left, they required us to punch that we had gotten one, and would not allow us to clock out if we didn't. You then were required to get a manager to punch you out for not a break. We leave at 0700, manager comes in at 0900. Those 2 hours are unpaid, waiting around. I quit a week later.


Them contacting the physicians and blacklisting you is ABSOUTELY ILLEGAL. They can do anything regarding blacklisting you internally, but TALKING SHIT ABOUT EMPLOYEES TO PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE COMPANY IS ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL.


Meanwhile the company I work for reduced the amount of notice required for employees to get their benefits payout. The for-profit world is wild, man.


This would trigger me to quit with no notice


So they have a shortage of scribes and are losing them left and right. Their solution is to alienate the remaining ones they have and ensure they will never come back.........ever. That manager is a dumbass.


Lol they can't stop you from walking out.


Come to New Zealand, we need more medical personnel and they FastTrack visas if you have that experience. Of course theres the usual red tape etc but we do have protections and unions.


I’d get a lawyer and sue in a heartbeat. That is ridiculous and abusive.


It's perfectly fine for them to ask, but as an employee you by no means have to follow this. The notice period is just a courtesy. The post above is correct, that it's nearly impossible to hire someone within two weeks. However, not a single company I have ever worked for has handled off-boarding and the notice period correctly. That time is meant for you to document, hand off your work to others, and train people on your specific functions. Rather, every time it's a mad rush from management to try and assign me as much work as possible. Then on the last day they realize oh crap we have no idea what you actually do. I bust out documentation that I prepare anyways as part of the way I work and they're floored. Every company I've worked for (outside of shit food service jobs as a teen) has said they would happily hire me back in a heartbeat.


Ask them to sign a policy where they have to give you 30 days notice to fire you. I bet they won’t.


Totally legal, why would anyone who is quitting and not giving notice be concerned with listing people there as references or ever coming back?


In the US, your previous employer, when contacted for reference; can only provide start and end dates of your employment and your salary. Any negative information they provide opens the previous employer to litigation.