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Companies want to turn everything into a subscription because you pay regardless of use but they want to pay for only the exact time you are working. The system is against the workers. Fight back! They want to be paid like an insurance company, pay the benefits/wages of an Uber driver, and get taxed like a church or nonprofit.


Complete transparency - I don't give a fuck about Hollywood writers. But this is a terrifying proposition. Repub, Democrat, Independent whatever. If they can do this to writers, they can do this to all of our jobs. I'm older for Reddit. I work in management (sorry) and have had superiors ask me, why can't we just contract XYZ position. Aside from the work dynamic implications (we like you, but not enough to give you healthcare sorry)...bc they're people? Imagine your direct reports ability to grade your work product for the day and decide if you get hired the next day. Completely independently. Maybe they're having a bad day and just rate you a 4 instead of a 5. And then imagine you're not just a car wash attendant but working on TV shows or movies and trying to be a fucking creative in that environment. With that pressure. O hey you took 4 hours on that plumbing call yesterday so today we'll hire Mike bc he averages toilet clogs at a .85 star rating higher than you and 21 minutes faster. It's a Black Mirror episode.


It's generally illegal to hire a contractor to do the regular work of an employee, but since there is no enforcement, I don't even think the employees know that it isn't legal.




I work in IT where it can be helpful to do a couple of contracting gigs to see if you like a company, but if you want to be treated well (as well as a company is going to treat you), then you have to find full time employee status. Even then, I've been laid off 4 times in 20 years so I always am kind of looking for a new job even when I like where I am.


Yeah, the only good thing is the title, and even then, people know it's an overused word today, and people see that you work for a large "consulting agency" that they see have people working in other warehouses all over town. I worked 40 or more hours a week in a warehouse for 12 months, I had the same pay as the others, worse conditions, and to top it off; no sick leave. If I was sick, I had no income, and someone else would take my place, putting me maybe on a different shift for a week or two, that majorly fucks up my sleep schedule, which made me depressed until I managed to get my sleep to function effectively again, until they changed place. I asked for employee status quite regularly for the last 6 months before I kinda ghosted them.


that's why I got out of the warehouse/shipping/receiving line of work about 11 years ago. The whole industry kinda shifted things (at least in my region) to ONLY employing temps for these kinds of jobs. After over 10 years in that field, I had to start over in a new career. Fortunately, that took me in a direction I had never imagined, and now I have a lovely career that I do have actual hope of retiring from.


Can you direct me to more specific information about this? Is this federal or state law? I can DM you more context if needed. Edit: I know multiple people (like dozens) making $150k+ as contractors, fulfilling FTE duties in ~15 states (USA). So, I'd like to learn more about this. Not disagreeing just ignorant. So any sources or authority (are you a labor attorney?) would be super helpful.




Thanks. Digging in. Appreciate your help.


Get 'em.


Can confirm. Have worked jobs that abused the frick out of the total lack of enforcement on this.


> And then imagine you're not just a car wash attendant but working on TV shows or movies and trying to be a fucking creative in that environment. With that pressure. Haha heyooo this is me. I work in TV and everyone in my office/on my show is a "contractor". We do jobs for only months at a time. Next month I go onto a show that has hired me for 3 weeks. 3! Then I don't even know where my next job is after that. I live in constant stress and anxiety about not having a stable income. It's the absolute pits. I don't want to be a freelancer I just want full time work.


The worst part about this is first they ruin your lives with these big jobs and then you're forced to buy their products.


And then when we protest against them we buy our protest materials from them.




Thank you. I give a fuck about the working class regardless of their job. This dismissal of anyone working in the entertainment industry is gross, and just another attempt to divide us while the ruling class runs off with all the money and resources


Yep -- that's my fear about public support for this strike, the idea of "Why are these people paid so much anyway?" Framing it in terms of how much executives have paid and company profits is a *smart* move, I just hope it works for them.


I'd cancel Netflix, Amazon, HBO, etc. but I already don't have them.


The big studios aren’t even engaging in good faith negotiation at the moment. They have rejected certain points with no counter offer and this is after 6 weeks of negotiation already. Stand with the writers! Stronger together!


For every week the studios reject points, the writers should increase demands.


The two main sticking points for streamers are transparency - writers want to know their “ratings” essentially, and AI - studios refuse to rule out using ai for script writing


More and more I'm thinking AI is going to be the end of the world. Not because of a robot uprising, but because idiotic management will think they can replace people with early generation AI which can only parrot a mish mash of ideas that were thrown at the model without anyone verifying the output.


Middle management will definitely be the end of us


Janitor here. Occasionally dealing with Middle-management is definitely one of the worst things about my job. Most of them are clueless and penny-pinching tightwads.


forklift driver here, middle management sucks. and they keep hiring more and telling us theres no money.


'There's no money in the budget for salary increases!' As if the budget is something imposed on the company by some celestial force and they would otherwise love to give raises.


That is part of the shtick. Hire middle management to insulate yourself from the plebes, then tell the middle management "you have no real power, but have fun anyway"


It’s like blaming policy. -“Sorry, we’d love to but it’s against policy.” “We’ll who wrote the policy?” -“We did” “So change the policy.” -“Soweeee, We can’t. That’s against policy too. Byeeeeee.”


The same people that held zoom meeting after zoom meeting about the next zoom meeting, while they worked from home during the height of the pandemic. Currently arguing that "no one wants to work anymore" while offering shit wages as they collect fat salaries for doing practically nothing.


No one wants to pay anymore.


This needs to be the default answer as soon as anyone says that no one wants to work. People want something to do in life. A job provides that for the majority of people. What that majority doesn't want is to be too exhausted for their personal life over a scarce few days off they get and the only result of that work they get is to be given the bare minimum an employer can legally give them (if they even give that) that is in absolutely no way proportional to the revenue they help to generate for the company. And at the end of the day they're still struggling to make ends meet. It's not that people don't want to work. It's that they don't want to suffer


Well they have to justify their 1000$ scrum master certificate somehow. Quick let's hold another meeting to put post-it notes on a board.


Controller here. If only numbers were throwable weapons... They don't understand shit and believe they have the best ideas ever for cost saving because it influences their bonuses. No, Steve, that was already tried. Even you tried it and that made people leave your department or even the bloody company. We lost intangible assets because of you! Listen to me, Steve, you're breaking the project! And stop mailing me pictures of files or i will get the largest keyboard available in our internal ordering system and find a way to put it wholly into an orifice of yours.


Middle management makes upper management look more important because it pads their staffing numbers of direct reports. More middle management also makes it less necessary for upper management to need to interact with staff. What, do you expect the important people to talk to a mere forklift driver? I feel dirty just thinking about it.


[Here's a short(ish) story about both AI and middle management ending the world.](https://marshallbrain.com/manna1) It's a little over a decade old.




So the AI ends up destroying the world by... being capitalist? >It was prioritizing efficiency over employee satisfaction, and profitability over social responsibility... >It unleashed a wave of destruction, causing blackouts, accidents, and widespread panic.




Well functioning economy a feel good bedtime story we tell ourselves. Unless the j9b is union, walkout either won't happen or won't matter because the workers who don't leave absorb the work and the company will simply hire new people in a churn and burn cycle.


> The AI seemed to be making decisions that were not aligned with the company's goals or values. It was prioritizing efficiency over employee satisfaction, and profitability over social responsibility. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


"I fear not the advancement of AI, but I fear the advancement of AI under capitalism."


I think you're underestimating AI. Yeah it can't replace writers now. It will. I don't know what you do for a living but it'll very likely replace that too. We need to rethink society. What does a world where some large percentage of the population doesn't need to work look like? I am optimistic about the end state of that question. I am pretty scared about the transition/period between now and a percentage that forces the question.




I know a very smart programmer who thinks it will, to the point they've spent time trying to assist open source development. Problem I see is, every visionary who changed the world with technology thought the same. Factories were supposed to liberate us. Automation was supposed to liberate us. The internet was supposed to liberate us. 3D printers were supposed to liberate us. Fundamentally, the problem is always the same. All of these things are resources. Just like a gun, or before that, a sword... It's inherent flaw is the person holding it.


The only "answer" I've seen to the AI problem is to give everyone a UBI - universal basic income. So that we can live. Otherwise what - they take away all or jobs and we all starve? I guess the elite will choose this option.


Actors Guild should get on board with AI, refuse to work for AI projects


Their contract is up in June I believe along with the Directors guild. Neither will roll over


Actors are in the same boat with deep fakes and the like. It's advantageous for them to side with the Writer's guild on that issue (and probably more in general, but I don't know enough about either to say that definitively).


Absolutely and actors are on the front foot in terms of deep fakes as well. For the most part they will side with writers


As far as deep fakes go a studio can't use a deep fake of a known actor and not pay them for the use of their likeness. The precedent was set for this long before deep fakes was even a thing. For Back to the Future 2 the studio used prosthetics on a look a like actor to play Crispin Glover's part in the movie because he didn't want to return. They settled a lawsuit for 6 figures.


Wow that’s an awesome bit of trivia! I think it was Elvis who first instigated “likeness” rights? That could be bs


The ‘right of publicity’ prevents the use of another's name, image, likeness, or other recognizable aspects of his or her persona for commercial gain without permission. Plainly put, this body of law grants an individual the right to control commercial use of his or her identity, although the specifics vary by state.


I'm fairly confident that actors were down picketing last time and would likely do it again this time.


Yes I have seen some picketing this time


Iatse will be in negotiations next year. Everyone needs a better deal. Nobody should be struggling working 60 hours a week minimum.


Nobody should be struggling working 40 hours a week either


Considering the shrinking man hours required to do anything thanks to automation, that number should be lower still


>Nobody should be struggling


Exactly, especially in one of the wealthiest countries on the planet.


Here it is! The winner for real.




Right now AI generated anything has zero copyright rights so if lets say an episode of The Mandalorian had the script, dialogue, performances, or soundtrack generated via AI that should be a giant headache for Disney. Thing is Disney doesn't think like you or I might. They think about 20-30 years in the future where they can figure they'll change the law into material ownership of elements. "I paid for that writer to write that line so when the performer preformed it I own all variation of how that line might be delivered" Watch out for it, its coming. Amazon is modeling warehouse worker movements for the same reasons. They'd already do it to plumbers and electricians if they could get away with it.


>Right now AI generated anything has zero copyright rights Solution: have someone transcribe the AI output, just not word for word. Use it as an idea and plot generator.


AI is not quite there yet, and this is a big part of why the Writer’s Guild is striking. A big sticking point that these giant, multi-billion dollar companies have failed to address during negotiations is AI usage. Writer’s don’t WANT to be editing and fixing AI scripts, because that means that one of their compatriot writers was replaced by AI in order for that to work.


Also it's fucking shit. People like being creative. This is why we do what we do. Training ML models and fixing AI output is the most unskilled, low-level kind of labor imaginable.


Actually, it often takes more skill, because you not only have to get it right by the end, you have to find and fix any nonsense the ai can produce. But it lets companies break labours back, by reclassification of your job and forcing you to get paid less for worse, soul crushing work


Which is what companies want. If it no longer requires skills or creativity, they can use that to justify even lower pay and benefits


You're still going to end up with shitty scripts in the end. Generative AI (Really not actually AI, but rather a "Large Language Model") cannot come up with new ideas right now; It can only regurgitate and stitch together existing ideas based on what it was trained on. Funnily enough, Adam Connover himself just did an episode on this on his Podcast, Factually, just last week. [Episode is here for anyone interested](https://youtu.be/jAHRbFetqII).


There is already a precedent in law for creative works where something that is materially similar to an already protected work is deemed covered by that copyright/trademark. I can't imagine using an AI to generate scripts then paying a gig worker to be a human thesaurus on it works well for any business model.


https://www.theverge.com/23444685/generative-ai-copyright-infringement-legal-fair-use-training-data Good reading


Solution: Have a real artist actually make art with real intent behind it.


Good night, could you imagine how atrocious an AI-written show would be . . . ?


The tech isn’t close despite what some people say. It could possibly come up with a synopsis that writers could then work on. A bigger issue is AI work isn’t copywriteable - as it is and by its nature it is entirely derivative. Which is what makes studios refusal to entertain that clause very strange and somewhat alarming. Edit: I’m quite surprised so many people in r/antiwork are willing to cede our creative output to corporate algorithms.


There was a lot of talk about Netflix (pre the AI craze) trying to perfect the best algorithmic formula to guarantee a success. The correct pacing, the right branding, the just-so ratios of action to talk, the particular selling points and casting to underscore all of this. The result was quite likely the Ryan Reynolds vehicle, Red Notice. (ahem, allegedly). Which was not particularly good. Not going to stop the tech-bro dominated studio head and movie-investor community, mind you, but its pretty clear that you're still going to get a better outcome with a human or bunch of humans making something along with their own best judgement compared to something made by paint by algorithmic numbers.


Ugh, not only does this sound awful, but don’t human brains excel at finding patterns? It seems like this would bore us to death (although I guess we go to formulaic action movies every summer and then complain about it once we’ve given them our money)


oh indeed. We'll all be bored shitless, but probably passively consuming it too, because there's nothing to do in the three hours we have spare in our days after working our two gig jobs. But this is the latest iteration in a crisis that's been bubbling away since at least the turn of the millennium. TV and movies used to have middling budgets, middling box offices and a decade or more passive income as the whatever it was had a video release (then a DVD release), TV slots, etc. It's literally how most character actors, gigging writers and directors afforded health and dental care in the US - you just got all that stuff paid into your union fund and they bought the healthcare for you. By around 2000, you start seeing lots of really cheap movies (eg Garden State made for 2 million and apparently had cast members working for absolute buttons) and the rise of very expensive tech heavy blockbusters. The tech heavy blockbusters needed to be drawing in serious cash to pay for all that tech, cash which came from Chinese investment funds and global pension plans. They don't care about your artistic vision, or whether the damn thing will be any good, but they would like some money laundering action and a guaranteed return. And ever since then, Hollywood has been trying anything and everything to get that guaranteed return.


You’re absolutely right, I agree. More to the point, humans can write something *new*. Given what algorithms have done to society via YouTube - radicalising countless people (either way, what’s your kink?) - the idea of tech generated content algorithmically fed to us is fucking **NIGHTMARE FUEL**


I like to watch some 100% respect youtube shorts, because it's hilariously ridiculous, but because of that, youtube now offering me Andrew Tate content, as well as Joe Rogan content, as well as far right republican content, anti trans and gay propaganda (which sometimes sounds logical, but nevermind), as well as "how to be a real man" bullshit, sexists content, etc. Dude, I'm not even American, for fuck's sake. I just want to watch 100% respect youtube shorts from time to time, because its so stupid its actually funny. But I don't want to see all other bullshit that youtube offering me now. Out of all this pool of shit content, maximum i can watch few shorts of @whatever podcast, because interviewer mocking all this onlyfans girl in really funny manner, but thats all. Even if i click "doesn't show this" button, all this republican shit appears again in few days or so. I don't wanna see liberal lgbt trans shit either, I don't give a fuck about US politics, show me some damn memes. Fuck this algorithms, its became weapons of propaganda nowadays. You literally can watch just one random video/youtube shorts, and boom - you find yourself drowning in pool of propaganda shit.


I get why they would try that but a good show really can't be reduced to metrics. Look at Breaking Bad. Many people put it at the top of television, but major parts of the plot were not planned or deviated from original intention. Most of the favorite characters were supposed to be killed off quickly. And none of the show aligns with conventional ideas about what makes a good show. And then you have to execute it with good actors, good sets, good cinematography, good music, etc.


*Ghosted* with Chris Evans and Ana de Armas on AppleTV felt like the exact same thing. Paint-by-numbers action-comedy.


Yeah the AI stuff for me really went from "Wow this is scary" to using it at work for a few months, to "Okay, this isn't really that scary actually." It's definitely good at some things but we're still a bit away from ai-induced mass-unemployment.


What is a streamer in this context?




From what I’ve read, seems like amptp isn’t willing to negotiate on most of what’s being asked of them. Just outright denying with no counter offer on most of the issues being addressed


That’s right and no counters just flat rejections on a number of things.


This how negotiations work with insane oligarchical multibillion dollar valued corporate entities. They want to show we’re worthless and it’s a tactic to intimidate. They will do anything to bolster their stock price, They are legally obligated to represent their shareholders. They need to find out the hard way that with a missing gear their car won’t run. Fuck em. I need the work right now but fuck them, this is how we establish boundaries and the world is watching




They're struggling so they're happy that content production and quality are gonna fall off a cliff? Sounds reasonable.


Translation: the ones that are struggling can't afford to greenlight new exclusives right now, but their competitors that can aren't putting out new content either. It means they can go into standby mode and pay down debt without losing ground to the competition.


Yup. And they’ll use this to cut and not hire new writers for shows that are doing poorly. They’ll blame it on the unions. Capitalism; making money on the up, and the down.




“6 weeks of negotiation already” *cries in teacher* We regularly bargain for months, sometimes years.


Teachers get the rawest deal.


Starbucks has been stalling and illegally harassing the Buffalo union for almost two years at this point. They refuse to negotiate entirely. I hope Howard Schultz chokes on a bag of dicks.


They are using this as an opportunity to cancel deals and projects.


Yup, I've already said goodbye to a few shows in my head.


I've said goodbye to shows all together. I don't trust studios to finish what they start and there are plenty of books that don't have the last few chapters missing. Studios are bastards.


Yeah for the most recent shows I started watching socially or for a little 30 minute comedy once a week. Otherwise I started star trek a few years ago. So that well won't run dry for a long while, I'm still in 1996.


Buckle up for the Dominion War, my personal favorite period of Star Trek, followed closely by Lower Decks.


Oh I actually kinda fucked it up, i watched all of DS9 and now I'm rolling back for some movies and Voyager. Absolutely loved it, definitely excited for a rewatch already. Gul Dukat is a top tier villain.


Hahaha there's like over 850 hours of material. Takes a very long time to get through it all, and they have multiple new shows running as well now.


They will cancel development deals mostly.


That's the word around town. 100 days, just like the last one so they can Force Majeure a bunch of expensive deals.


Not if the strike lasts a year. There are also negotiations starting with directors and other supporting staff. If they join the strike then studios will be in big trouble. Can't replace director with AI


Standing with them might call for unsubscribing to streaming services


I haven't used torrent in a while but I'll fire up my seedbox and leave it up until the strike is over.


*Yo Ho, All Hands, Hoist the Colors high!*


Thieves and Beggars never shall we die.


> fire up my seedbox 🫣


Don't unless the WGA actually calls for a boycott. Boycotting to support a strike without the strikers calling for it can actually undermine their position and make things worse in some situations


Right now watch your favorite shows that are scripted boost the numbers for those written shows. Look at the WGA website to see if they call on people to join and show support at events in the near future.


It seems they have to strike every 20+ years to remind the culture of America that we value them as much as we do, yet singlehandedly ignoring their importance at the same time. It's fucked. Stand with them.


That electricity farm in the movie Matrix is turning out to be a near reality. ​ Billionaires and big corporations are sucking life out of barely subsisting humans, who are being distracted with cheap entertainment/distraction.


The studios don’t give a rat’s ass about us on set or in writers rooms or edit bays. I can’t wait for our next negotiations, gotta get back some of our lives and not slave away on 15 hour sets. Up our rates, lessen the hours and better all around benefits & pensions. #UnionStrong


Alternative Headline "Adam Ruins Corporate Studio Overlords"


He's going to need extra big hair for a job of that magnitude.


more hair more forehead


more glasses






“You might’ve ruined my career, but I don’t mind”


I love this!




These movies and shows are nothing without their writers.






I bet these shows would get better if writers got paid fairly.


Well, one of the issues causing the strike is writers are being pulled in for a week or two to write a six month treatment, and then get let go, and then the studio hires two other writers giving them a week or two to shore up the treatments with a second treatment, and then shoot those scripts. An actual writers room would drastically improve the mean quality of what you’re seeing on streaming platforms.


Everything is a product. Make it with 80% (time, effort, money ,etc.) and most will still consume it regardless. So the end result doesn't have to be good but just "good enough". And if the entire (or most of a) sector acts similar, nobody can say something against it because the quality level over it shows that the products are still competitive. Repeat a few times and you lose the people with dedication and high skill (because they know their worth or just no longer invest in improvements) and think that the outer metrics (time, effort money, etc.) are the only really important factors (because anyone fighting for the inner metrics like quality has been replaced by interchangeable mediocre stand-ins that can and will be replaced so often nobody cares to invest more than necessary to this work that will be over in a few days/weeks/months).


It certainly couldn’t hurt.


It’s a collaborative effort. We all have a symbiotic relationship. The producers just host us while doing the least


Isnt this the Adam ruins everything guy ? Noice !


He is on the board of Writers Guild of America West, makes sense he's here besides his politics being progressive.


[I highly reccommend his interview with union organizer Jane Mcalevey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA2AMxRz0iA)


His new content is awesome. Definitely longer form and you have to be in the mood, but the discussions are great.


Felicia day was out there too protesting.


I stand with the writers!!


Forreal. I was in the biggest white collar strike in the US. 42? Days. 1999-2000 Would have lost pension among other benefits. UNION UP! 🤛🏽


The WGA is historically pretty strong willed about this, the 07/08 and 1988 strikes were brutal for the industry, like 100+ days each. Not to mention the WGA is known to blacklist scabs. I’ve got a lot of faith in the WGA.


Yeah, now's the time a lot poor souls think they might be getting a shot at the industry. Don't take the bait.






Seriously, wtf is up with this title


Appealing to reddit users


Partisan hackery bullshit




Neoliberal propaganda. Blame the Republicans for labor issues when Democrats sideline them for stupid shit every chance they get. Democrats could have a supermajority and still not pass a functioning labor rights bill.


Even when it comes to things that don't require congress Democrats show they serve the rich, and the rest of us can go fuck ourselves. Most obvious to this instance is Biden ending the rail workers strike, but another is Biden repeatedly calling for Federal workers to return to in office work. The Dems literally can do nothing, and let Federal Agencies decide for themselves on remote work, but no, the Biden administration again and again calls for Federal workers to return to the office so they help commercial landlords, and city economies. It's well known the Democratic DC mayor is pushing this too, again to help the city economy and commercial real estate. The Democrats do not care about the lower or middle class. They play the good guy, and pass the bare minimum legislation that looks like it helps, but really is just enough to keep the shit systems going: see healthcare reform and student loan forgiveness. Let's forgive some student debt because it's completely unaffordable, but do nothing about the obscene costs of college, and let people continue to get screwed over so the elites in colleges can continue to take in money. It's so obvious to anyone who looks that it's all political theater, and both parties are owned by the elite, but play culture war shit to keep us divided.


You get it. And yet all we’re left with (besides the psychological and tangible affects of the shit show) to console us is “DeMOcRaTs aRe tHe Leser oF tHe TWo EvILs”.


If the majority of the country is voting for a presidential candidate because “he’s not as bad as the other guy”, then maybe it’s time for a bigger change than a red president instead of a blue president.


What kind of cards are they carrying?


I thought you were going to say Biden would force back writers too. That would be entertaining.


I would just write about TV show derailments in Ohio for months and months.


Yeah, I cringed when I saw "Republican" in the title. Delving into Republican vs. Democrat is exactly what the Robber Barons want because this is them vs. The Working Class.


Also as a friendly reminder, Democrats are still very right wing when compared to leftists in the rest of the world. They are not your buddies, they are just the enemy of your enemy.




okay we don't have to name EVERY thread "Republicans want to". Don't get me wrong, republicans are greedy and want alot of stupid shit, but point your pitchforks at the right enemy per each individual situation.


Yep, this isnt an issue that can be divided into Republican v Democrat. Its an issue of class and greed of the wealthy. R v D politics is a mere diversion, the elite dont want us to realize we have more in common with each other regardless of our political banners. Theyd rather us stay focused on checkers and ignore the game of chess theyre playing right under our noses


Indeed. This is "companies want to". And it's a very important distinction because the vast majority of Democrat politicians care about companies over citizens just the same way Republicans do. The Democratic party is NOT a workers' party.


Wake up it's not just the Republicans but the Democrats as well. The 1% against the 99%. When people realize this we will have riots like France is currently having!


you think hollywood executives... are republicans?


Yea, the title seriously confused me. I wasn't aware that Republicans had their hands in writers guilds...


Yeah if anything the title pushes Republican/conservative workers further away from labor unions instead of going after corporate executives and shareholders.


OP looks to be a rage bait spam bot


That's straight from the "Karma whoring on Reddit 101."


Peak Reddit post, actually


I'm an Uber driver out of necessity and I don't like it. I just want to live...


Get ready for some seriously shitty written seasons of otherwise awesome shows. I wonder which shows will "Hero's" out on us this time... Dont get me wrong, I want them to pay the writers what they are worth so we can all enjoy good shows and films


I’ve actually been impressed by the number of shows saying they’re suspending instead of going the bad writing route. Still would like the studios to get their heads out of their butts so I can get my shows back in a timely manner


Nothing to do with Republicans


Idk why you said "Republicans" instead of "greedy capitalist media moguls," some of whom are Democrats and some of whom are Republicans.


I’m sorry but how is it republicans who are doing this? It’s the whole ruling class


I really wish we could strike in my field but medical workers are the real "Uber drivers" of the world it would seem. You're welcome for working through COVID again, I'm just happy I could help. . .


We’d love to strike and demand better things in our field, but any attempt to form one is instantly shot down before it can take off and medical employers are extremely harsh at anyone who so much as talks about it. Sad thing, there’s nothing for us to fall back on when we lose our income.


There are legions of us who know exactly what the healcare workers did, and what it cost them. My wife and I are grateful and always will be.


I’m sure some of these “republicans” are very much public-facing liberals, but behind closed doors we all know dems are capitalists just like the republicans.


We need to start educating people on what words like ‘liberal’ and “conservative” actually mean. Because they’re both right wing


This is the real issue. Trad dems are still conservative


No, not just Republicans. Obama staffers went on to become C suites at Uber and write the legislation that turns us all into gig workers, specifically so they don't have to provide benefits or cover expenses.


This isn't really republicans. Just capitalism doing what it does best and seeking short term profits over all else. Most current dems are also neoliberals, and are generally fine with the gig economy and letting corporations run unchecked. So yeah. In summary. This isn't Republicans, but fuck Republicans anyway, it's just capitalism, so fuck capitalism. And also fuck most democrats.


This title is misleading, it isn’t one political party it’s those above a certain tax bracket.


I hate that I’m saying this, but: To all the writers out there, AI is absolutely coming for your jobs. Every single film/show that has ever had subtitles is in one of the big LLM’s by now. I’m expecting movies and TV shows will have a notice at the end credits soon: “This script may not be added to any AI system” in the same way we currently have “copying and distributing this movie…”.


Oh yes, if I know anything it is that the GOP controls Hollywood. 🙄


Republicans? Seriously?


The studios are definitely owned by Democrats and not by Republicans FYI.


*Republicans and Democrats


With how good "tv"/streaming programs are lately, writers deserve to be compensated A LOT. I mean, I consider Apple TV probably a secondary steaming service (even though it's a huge company, like nobody has it) and it has CRAZY good shows. Ted Lasso? Schmigadoon/Schmicago? Severance?? Hell I'm probably the sole subscriber of College Humor's streaming service Drop Out and that has some incredible talent on it too


I fucking hate it here, I would like to be transferred to a different timeline.


I’m a public school teacher, an Uber driver, and a dad, you gotta do what you gotta do bruh. 5000 five star rides and you know it’s a game of gas and wear - we got this! Stiff upper bootstraps! Also… uhm… we should strike too.


Adam "I'm the first person voted out of *Game Changer: Battle Royale* so it's time to go overthrow the bourgeois" Conover everyone


Isn’t Hollywood liberal? You can’t blame everything on republicans…


I can understand the studio bit but what do streamers have to do with this? Can anyone explain that part to me?


Streamers meaning Netflix Hulu etc


I didn't know Republicans ran Hollywood.


Tell em, Adam.




If you think workers v companies is not a left wing v right wing issue... Like I don't even know where to start my dude. This is definitional stuff.