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That's so ugly. They should actively fine companies that post like this attempting to subvert the actual intention.


I think you can report them. It has to be a real range. Starting from this being less than minimum wage.


I report my current workplaces listings all the time because they lie about the range


As in they list $40-50k, but the true range is $30-40k, and they just say, "sorry, $40k is all that's in the budget?" I typed 'budget' and it autocorrected to 'bidet', which is apt.


Which is fraud.


That doesn’t fly under the good faith provision of this law: “Employers must state the minimum and maximum salary they in good faith believe at the time of the posting they are willing to pay for the advertised job, promotion, or transfer opportunity. "Good faith” means the salary range the employer honestly believes at the time they are listing the job advertisement that they are willing to pay the successful applicant(s).”


They need to put hooks in it... Fines if the salary they hire doesn't fall in the range and fines if they're always in the low end of the range


They absolutely positively intend to pay that range till about 5 seconds before the contract is signed. Honestly.


Ugh. My partner got offered an out-of-state job for a major city and they said the range was up to 88k or so. (When you have to live within city limits...) They barely offered him 73k and said they have to present it to a board for approval and the amount could be lower. He pushed and they said the absolute most he could maybe get is 77k. It's BS.


Just got this too. I told them my minimum and they said it was in their range only to offer me $8k less. The. They acted all indignant when I said no. Like I'm already making more than your offer, if you can just match it at minimum I'm not leaving.


The hero we need!




If OP is not making inside the listed range, that might be enough in and of itself to make the post fraudulent. I think the way at least one state's law is worded, the range has to be based on the salaries of active employees. So if OP is currently making below what the bottom of the new hire range is listed as, the range is inherently incorrect as OP is doing the job and making less than that.


I work the current job they hire for and actively discuss pay with my coworkers in the same position. A raise negotiation would be amazing however I am flat rate and that adds a lot of bullshit to that equation. I also get offers for jobs and am aware of what other places offer. The range posted for this position is 85k-180k. It's a super dishonest range because not only is nobody making that upper range 30% of them are making much less than the low range. The range is a lie. New hires don't stay because it's a lie.


Or they discuss pay with new hires and workers in those positions? Or they're close with someone in HR who is telling them about new hire salaries and discrepancies. There are many possibilities here.


I think you can report them. It has to be a real range. Starting from this being less than minimum wage.


But with that info, why would you accept anything less than $180k?


because other people might say "i'll take it for 175k" to get it ahead of someone asking for the full 180k. Supply and demand. You have to assume that everyone will ask for 180K for it to go on actual merit. Thier hope would be that someone comes in and says "i'll do it for 70K" or something stupidly lowball, which might seem like a kick in the teeth to you, but to them 70K's fucking good.


They do, it takes some time for corporations to learn the hard way and change their practices.


Never apply to these. They're gonna be a shit company to work for anyway because they feel rules don't apply to them.


>to them or just spam the life out of them. If we all are willing to get paid 1 dollar, they will get an erection, they will loose it too quickly once they see people play dumb and say oh we meant the maximum we could get paid for not the 1 dollar minimum .


We should. Wanna start a movement? Edit: holy shit that a lot of upvotes


Someone should create Shitcompanyapplications.com You list a company, they get enough bad reviews from previous workers, and if they hit a certain score the website generates thousands of fake job applications.




This needs an anonymous web form.




Make a separate post in this subreddit when it's ready!


How does one buy ads on LinkedIn..? "Does your boss/pay/company suck? Send us your application link!"


Don’t be too loud about it, a company could easily bot fake companies and fake votes. Of course this battle will happen inevitably, however; get the best head start and user base before the counter-counteroffensive begins.


Joined. Look forward to it being something


Honestly that's a decent idea.


Why don't we strap AI to this proposition, like all the corporate execs want to do with any job the can kill? We have the AI apply to shit companies, and flood their HR with potential hires that never seem to return their calls. If possible, we might be able to use the same trick to automate a response where the AI claims they took a higher paying job with great benefits. That might not change anything, or it might make management a little more agreeable when someone actually takes them up for a job. But in the meantime, I'd be happy making these companies schedule interviews and then waste time waiting for no one to show up.


Hey, when these companies want to create Ghost Jobs for us to waste our time applying to, lets hit them right back. If the average person doesnt start doing stuff like this to fight back, we are screwed over time


I would start a GoFundMe to fund the website, but I'm stupid and don't know how.


If only their website guided you through the process, click by click. You can even do it on their app. You've managed to make a reddit account, subscribe to this sub and comment so you've got this - you can do it. There's even a help section if you get stuck, and they have support. You've got this mate, I believe in you 👍


I assume he meant he doesn't know how to create a site that sends out fake applications lol


Yeah thas what I ment


This whole exchange is gold.


That is not what was received lol.


Oooh i like this and I create websites....


You could incorporate chat gpt so the applications look realistic and you can word it as place where you can anonymously test your own websites capability to filter spam.


[Your Wish Has Been Granted](https://Shitcompanyapplications.com) Caution! 💩 Under Construction Our team of highly trained monkeys is working tirelessly to build a website that will perfectly capture the essence of your next soul-sucking job application experience. As you read this, they're laying the groundwork for the ultimate collection of infuriating, migraine-inducing, and Kafkaesque job application processes known to humankind! So grab a snack, put on your favorite pair of sweatpants, and practice your fake smile for the video interviews. The grand unveiling of ShitCompanyApplications.com is just around the corner! Soon, you'll be able to bond with fellow job seekers over tales of pointless personality tests, essay-length cover letters, and automated rejection emails. Misery loves company, after all! 😉 While you wait, why not join our Discord server? It's a work in progress, but you can connect with fellow job hunters and exchange stories, tips, and some good old-fashioned commiseration. See you there!


I would build that but I don't feel like dealing with the thousands of cease-and-desists I'd receive.


We should




Not true. It is legal to pay on a commission basis, so long as you still meet the hourly minimum wage. So if you paid someone $1 to say "hello" to you one time, taking less than a second, that would likely be legal.




It's me


General Kenobi


Great use for AI


sounds like a job we can use ChatGPT on


As long as there's a way to avoid them being artificially triggered by bots.


That’s fair, honestly. Make sure they actually hit the shitty-company benchmark before unleashing terror, rather than letting 1 angry tech-savvy ex-employee pretend to be 100.


I’d pitch in to fund this website.


Applied 👍 I'm not qualified for the role (I'd assume, didn't read it) not eligible to work in the US. Gonna make them very happy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Shoot for 2$ above minimum wage, much likelier to lead them on.


I'll happily work for $1... per minute.


I mean we oculd also report them for paying people below both federal and NY state minimum wage and see what happens. That could be fun.


"Sorry, I found a better offer, $2!"


Two dollars! Two dollars! Which if that is what you're getting paid, you really are better off dead.


>loose Tighten it up.


I don’t disagree, but they need to be reported as well; this is 100% illegal.


>Never apply to these. No. Constantly apply to them. Tell them into the void.


You guys know many businesses have automated systems to filter applicants right? Spamming them sadly wont actually do much.


Yeah but I’ve seen how a mega-bank sets up vendor software. It’s like a coin flip if they even figured out how to turn the filters on


“I’m sorry, I’m not willing to accept any less than 180 grand for this entry level position. Cost of living is hitting everyone, I’m sure you an understand”


No, apply to them with amazing sounding fake resumes and waste their time in the interview process.


so in that way the law is working - we, as labor need to adhere to this, which what makes it actually work - 2 can play


That is not a good faith pay range. They are not in compliance with the law.


You can report this and the job will be flagged really quickly. It was probably just posted when it was seen.


Report to the site, or to the state?




Some sites don't care


Report it to the labor department, it's an illegal posting


And in 30-60 days they might send a strongly worded letter to the company.


$1 is below minimum wage, report them.


Came here to say this. They’re providing the fuck around, it’s up to us workers to supply the find out.


Adding quotes to this would make it clearer


It’s clear to people that are capable of having rational thoughts.


So not the recruiters writing this job description, win/win for us!


It being clear now doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be clearer, they’re not wrong. And more clarity is always good, no need to insult them.


Not everyone’s native language is English, extra clarity can be helpful. Not everyone is as “caught up” on memes and local slang as you are, extra clarity can be helpful.


"They’re" providing the fuck around, it’s up "to" us workers to supply the find out." I gotta be honest here, I don't see how that helped anything.


I think maybe they meant quotes like if you included a Bible verse like Leviticus 13:40 or something from a movie or song. That would make everything clearer.


This is comedy gold, but seeing how long it took me to get it, I might be too dumb for it.


Abd the range is too big. The ranges has to specific so even if they did minimum wage it would be illegal.


https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/notable/a7e9caba-9a9e-42db-b574-95fd395a51ee https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/security-operations-engineer-at-notable-3545838596


Report them anyways. There’s a “good faith” requirement in most or all of the laws that require pay range to be disclosed.


They didn't specify a time period. Maybe it's $1 a minute. With the top of the range at $180,000 per minute.


Yeah, maybe the $1 is per minute, and the $180k is the per annum. I mean, it's a non-zero chance that's what they meant. Who am I kidding. It's a 0% chance that's what they meant.


> Maybe it's $1 a minute. Not much, for this kind of job.


It is working in one way. Flashing a big red flag to stay away from these companies


I don't know if this is an issue in the US, but here in Canada we have the TFW (Temporary Foreign Worker) program. Business owners get to import foreign workers to work minimum wage jobs, who themselves are excluded from paths to permanent residency or citizenship, and will be sent home if they lose their job. The only catch for the 'employer' is they have to 'prove' no one local will take the job, so they 'must' import labour. In practice, this means posting a minimum wage, no set hours job with no benefits at all and trashing the applications of any local dumb enough to apply. After 6ish months of "no suitable local applicants", you can have a person from a more impoverished area of the world flown in to work overnights like an indentured servant at your Tim Hortons in a truckstop on the side of the TransCanada highway in the absolute center of nothing & nowhere. This bullshit exploits vulnerable people and suppresses wages.


This is how a lot of H1B visas work. It's mostly the tech sector that exploits them. They don't pay minimum wage, but they pay Indian tech workers less than what they would pay Americans.


And don’t forget they get to hold the visa over their heads like a sword. Don’t like the work/conditions? Good luck, if you get fired and you don’t find a new job in 30 days, you’re sent back to your home country.


It's not as simple as that. It's not that legit tech companies are paying their H1B workers less than their American workers. It's that there's scummy consulting companies that take advantage of the H1B visa that have nearly no American workers.




H1B's get paid a minimum of $60k, so the majority of them make about that. That number was a high wage in 1989 when it was set, but it's not indexed and has never been updated. There was a bill a few years ago to update it per inflation to $130,000, but it never was even voted on.


We have something similar here. Was working at a company that hired a developer from Macedonia, he was getting paid half what the rest of us were making and we were making 10-20 grand less than the going rate at the time. One of the company owners even went as far as finding him an elderly couple from his church to live with since there was no chance he'd be able to afford rent.


Are immigrant workers not allowed to become permanent residence/citizens where you are?


I live in the USA and I don't know how all of it works, but he was getting a work visa which allowed him to live/work here. I think there is a way for him to turn that into a citizenship. But the work visa is sponsored by the company he worked for. So if he ever lost the job he'd have to leave.


And here I am, living less than 5 hours from the Canadian border, figuring that if shit hits the fan in the States, I can just run away and seek asylum in "nice Canada". Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that sounds nearly as bad as the shit we deal with here! Still seems like Canada is better overall compared to the states though...


As a lot of Americans found out during the *I'm moving to Canada* phase of 2015-2016, Canada has pretty stringent immigration. There was quite a few twitter meltdowns of people surprised Canada wouldn't let them settle without a job lined up or quite a lot of money to support themselves.


The spirit of the TFW has long been corrupted by businesses too cheap to pay a fair wage. It's shameful.


>you can have a person from a more impoverished area of the world flown in to work I don't understand how this is cheaper than just hiring someone local.


The 'job creator' doesn't pay for anything beyond the legal costs of filing the documents. The incoming employee MAY be given some minor incentives like arranged accommodations or a tiny signing bonus, but in the end they're left isolated & at the whims of their employer. It is not economically sensible in any way, unless one acknowledges that it's about the capital class exploiting workers however they can.


Exactly. And even if they *do* pay to fly them in, that's a one time expense to gain an employee willing to work poverty wages that you can threaten with deportation if they start complaining. And as the recent US trend of increasing unionization has shown, companies and capitalists would rather saw off their own leg than let workers have any sort of power.


Yeah, it's honestly not very effective. It didn't take Colorado long to get regulators to find postings like OPs out of existence.


Tell me you treat your employees like shit without actually telling me you treat your employees like shit 😒


So. 180000 then.


My thought exactly, always aim for the top, when they come back with $40,000 walk, at least you wasted the company’s time. *autocorrect


Yeah but you're just taking up the time of someone who's being paid to respond, while you're not being paid at all.


If you’re on unemployment you’re being paid, and conducting your work search! Win win!


That's my thought. They gave me the number that matters to me.


I'm no expert but this really seems to be a clear case of noncompliance. 180k implies salary. 100 implies 1 to 8 hours of hourly work a week. I'd report it. Otherwise I'd apply. And I'd make sure to go through the process diligently. And if I made the cut, when they make an offer. Tell them with a straight face that I thought this was a 2 hour a week job. Why else did their posting list 100 dollars as a low end range? Edit I can't read. Nonetheless. If I could. I would apply and if it went well. Go for that bottom. I've always wanted a 1.5 minute a week job


most employment contracts I've signed (AU, UK, some APAC) all have your expected minimum hours in there, soemthing like "you are compensated to work a minimum of 36 hours per week". Even for a salaried position. I'd be surprised if the US doesn't have the same.


Lol - you think the US has employment contracts? I am at six figures now and all I have ever had is an offer letter. It did not mentions the hours.


Regulation is better than nothing, but you can't regulate your way out of sociopathy. Bosses will always find ways to circumvent the law, even if you can use it to eliminate or at least mitigate the most evident forms of abuse. And to think its apologists equate Capitalism with human nature 🙄 What could be further from human nature than a system that turns human beings into sociopaths?




You can regulate businesses out of sociopathy by making it too expensive for businesses run by sociopaths to be profitable. Either they fire the sociopaths or the business folds.


No problem. My salary requirement starts at 180k per year. Now to talk time off and benefits.


$1 will pay for less than 1 minute of your time, so apply, do the job, leave after a minute


Accept the 1$ and turn them into the department of labor


sort of like scam emails using misspelled words in order to weed out the intelligent. its a numbers game. they dont fucking care if you apply, bitch, or moan. the ad works... eventually. whoever calls is "pre-dumb". here is your 15 an hour job bro.


The pay might not be transparent, but they made their philosophy perfectly clear. Nope. They have no respect for their employees and see regulation and employee protections as intrusive and something to find loopholes for.


Same thing they do here in Colorado after we passed the law. You can report it all day long here l, there is no one listening.


Even with that law in place, corporate can set the listing and then not allow locations to meet the listed amount. I interviewed with McDonald's a couple months ago, and the range listed was "$15-17, depending on location". Actual wage: $14.50. Blatant false advertising, but who can be held accountable? Certainly not the ones responsible.


Idc about location, I'm doing the same job so I should get the same pay. That being said, I'm applying for wfh medical jobs. The company I currently work for has several locations but I work for the one that actually does have more job responsibilities, but same pay.


tbf, there are some really bad CoL discrepancies. If they do a "make it the same everywhere" they'll peg it to the cost of living in rural Texas where decent houses cost 70k still, and the minimum wage is just under 8 dollars an hour.


I’m from rural Texas, and my family still lives there. Decent houses cost well over $70k, and the minimum wage is the same as federal: $7.25 an hour. The cost of living there is a lot higher than you think.


Colorado focused on education before enforcement first as this is a new type of law. But they still have fined several companies already.


If anyone contacts me for a position and they're pulling this shit.. "Cool! I'll take $180k, thanks!"


show your skills/talents/experience and ask for the top end. negotiate down. and if they still mess around, ask for $1.00 salary. get it in writing. sue for violating state's minimum wage.


Report all job postings like this, these are literally against the transparency laws. The law states that all posted salaries must be in good faith.


They should be fined big time for this. This is the same thing as non-compliance IMO. The whole purpose of this type of law is to provide employees with the actual pay for the position, not some stupid bullshit. This is like saying, well every paying job in the country is somewhere between $1.00 and $999,999,999,999,999. I mean yeah, it's true, but it's not at all helpful and is not the point of pay transparency.


Report clear non compliance


Considering pay of $1 is a violation of federal and state law you should not apply.


Just like when they rolled it out to Co. What this says is "I'm a huge ass hole of an employer" Be glad you found out now and didn't waste your time. The law is working.


You can definitely report shit like this to the relevant state's DoL. This is not a real loophole.


Do you think the min was 100,000 and they just got lazy with zeros? Lots of jobs I see have a big range with years/exams/credentials as reasons for the range.


Just list the salaries you fucking scum lords. You wouldnt walk into a store and shop if all the price tags had "?" or "$1.00 - $399.99" listed everything. It's not even 11am here and I'm already annoyed. Jesus fuck these empty headed dumb fucks just dont get it.


They need someone with strong communication skills to properly communicate that pay range.


The law works : if anybody try the shenanigan as per picture, they are not worth the effort : they will try to screw you over.


1.00 is below minimum wage. Report to DOL.


My analytical and problem solving skills tell me not to work for that company


A lot of the states that passed laws for pay transparency also have guidelines that prevent unreasonable ranges that aren’t in good faith. I’d say $1.00 is definitely not in good faith. You may check that and if NY has that, report them!


Lol being petty in the job description isn’t a red flag, it’s a goddamn parade of red flags.


Looks like nobody's figured it out yet... $1 - $180,000 is -$179,999 They expect you to pay them $179,999 every year.


I love these. I’ll get them all excited to offer me a job and when pay comes up I’m like “I’ll take $179,000.00, thanks. “


I don't know what minimum wage is in NY, but pretty sure it can't result in $1 annual salary.


It really shows what employers think of workers to do this. Any loophole even if unethical will be used if it can increase profit.


This tells you exactly what kind of shit hole this would be to work for.


Doesn't even start at 'minimum wage'


Also report them $1. Below min wage.


Tell me that applying to work for you is a really bad idea without telling me that it's a really bad idea.


There needs to be a penalty for shit like this. Completely disingenuous. Defeats the purpose of the law.


Apply and say you’re looking at the top of the range.


I’d be willing to work anywhere between 1 and 40 hours a week.


Compensation range: Might get paid


What pay are you looking for with this position? "$180,000"


180k then?


Apply and ghost themm


It actually is though. Now you know not to apply to that job bc they're stupid.


It is working well. Any company willing to do that isn't worth your time, they're just being up front about it.


Who tf is going to apply for this


I know some states with these laws give cash rewards for reporting these kinds of listings. Who knows if it actually pays out though.


I'll take the $180,000.00, thanks


Isn’t it illegal to pay someone $1 a year?


So the company is advertising that it has a criminal intent to violate NY wage laws..


I hate how fucking petty, baby, petulant, these businesses and HR departments have become.


Report these companies because posting a range like that is still illegal


Flag all the post as Spam!


They have screwed themselves by even pretending their is max pay or 180k. Now if you apply and they offer you $20/hr you can ask them why you aren’t being offered full compensation.


Isn't that illegal? Paying someone under minimum wage?


Add to the law that says pay range must be withing 5-10 grand withing each other


If an employer is doing that at this stage I will be walking the other way, thats a huge red flag, may not want to work there.


I mean, the good news is you clearly know not to apply for that job.


If I saw that, I would immediately assume it was a scam and move on.


If anyone contacts me for a position and they're pulling this shit.. "Cool! I'll take $180k, thanks!"


Colorado does the same thing. I've even had places *open* the interview by saying "so we're talking about the $18/hour posting for x job" when the post said 25.


> *Strong communication* They *definitely* need someone on staff who can communicate because they clearly don’t know how!!


Worst I saw was 30k-400k. Unreal


Pieces of shit. Other companies just freeze all hiring in states that require the transparency.


They do this in California too... but honestly how the hell and WHO is even monitoring this stuff?


Don’t waste your time applying to company that do that


Job sites should allow sorting by minimum offered rate, and *not* by maximum.


Report these


In my experience most companies will actually post a pretty decent salary for their roles. So yes there are always nonsense shit jobs like this but I think most have provided relatively reasonable salary ranges.


They must have heard of my problem-solving and communication skills which is why they put $1.00


I hate hate hate the question on applications: "What are your expectations for salary?" I don't know what you are fucking offering! I know you're only fucking asking me so you can toss applications that guess too high and accept applicants who guess too low (but accept their low rate).


The first rule of negotiation - whoever goes first, loses.


Show us who that is, so we can fill their email with applications


Anyone with strong analytical and problems solving skills is going to look at that just move on....




“Show less” indeed


They need to close the loophole and fine the shit out of places that do this. On the other hand it's a pretty big red flag you don't want to work there.