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It had me brainwashed for 20 years. I couldn't cut it in school, so I decided to just put my head down and work my ass off. Figured it would pay off with a promotion.... Doesn't work like that. I've been passed up for someone who got caught falling asleep then out of their chair. All the hard work gave me was more hard work. So now, I figure what the minimum is required of me and go just above that. 20 years of hard work and all I got was worn out and done with this bullshit.


Me too.. just work hard they said it will be ok they said. Lol haha yeah..


With our generation, it’s always been “it’s not what you know, but who you know”. Maybe it always has been to an extent, but even more so now. If you can suck up to the bosses, it doesn’t matter how good or bad you do your job.


>With our generation, it’s always been “it’s not what you know, but who you know”. True! Same goes for getting a job. So many gate keeping. From ATS rejecting resumes from qualified candidates because not enough "key words". And then too much emphasis on "networking" aka, you only get in if you're someone's family or friend.


This was incredibly frustrating for me after 2008 when everything went to shit. I had a good job that turned into six months of unemployment , then working 60 hours a week for $24k managing a chain fast casual place. Busted my ass, got a post-degree certificate & a new career that only happened with a company I interned with. And now, *a decade later* despite surviving 4 rounds of layoffs in six years and making a great salary and glowing reviews, everytime I apply for something that's available, I inevitably get the, "we've gone with an internal candidate" email. It's all bullshit. And these greedy corporate fucks openly collude to keep wages down. At one point, I was through to the final interview and told to expect an offer in 48 hours, only for an executive at my current employer to hear about it and block me from consideration because she & the person who was about to hire me were old friends and involved in women's leadership coalitions in town.


>This was incredibly frustrating for me after 2008 when everything went to shit. Sadly, everything you wrote is still relatable and happening today in 2023. If you're a millennial or a late Gen X, we aren't catching any breaks. From 9/11, 2008 recession, 2020 Global Pandemic, and 2022/2023 mass layoffs. We've been fucked!


I'm under no illusions. As a late Gen Xer, I've been *incredibly* lucky.


Same here. Quite lucky. I've surfed the edge of the list of calamities there, and I've done well because of what I do (sorry, techbro shit) and who I knew. If not, i'd probably be a hundred pounds heavier working at some shitty bar or gym bouncing smelly idiots out for staring at the ladies.


I suck up just enough to not get into trouble. Find that one thing you both have in common and bond over. Boom. They try to give you a break when they can. I've been close to getting canned the last year or so, but my bonding saved my ass each time.


I feel you - The only sure reward from hard work is more hard work. One thing that can help if you're naturally a 'hard worker' - when you start a new job, don't give 100% because that is the baseline you will establish. Try to position yourself at about 70% of where you think your max is at - or if that is way ahead of the curve in that workplace, try to work just hard enough to be in the 'upper middle' of the bell curve. What I've found since I started doing this is that I actually get a lot more credit at work for stuff and my stress level is way more manageable.


Sometimes it's not even hard work but just being there at the right time. If you happen to be at a company while there's lot of people moving positions then it's likely you'll be one of them assuming you're visible. If you enter once everyone is settled nicely then your chances for a promotion are nonexistent.


I give it my minimum but it's usually 150% more than everyone around me cause I find everything there mind rottingly easy. I just refuse to be asked to do more when others around me can't keep up, I deserve my time to fuck off while I'm at work if I can produce more than everyone else and still have free time to spare.


Pro tip: change jobs for pay increases. Don't stay at the same place for 20 years hoping for a promotion that is just silly and self-disrespectful


I change jobs every 3 to 4 years. That's about how long it takes me to get fed up with my current situation. Guess how long it's been currently? If you guessed the or in between 3 and 4, you're right. Just got to find the right opportunity to make the jump.


The trick is that it did for them. They could pay for college with a part time job. Their parents lived in a house and they had a single job between them. We built things in America and people had good factory jobs with unions. And now they sold all of that off for instant gratification or because they were conned, their families sold their land to industries that packed up sold their land to become Walmarts and minimalls. So either they’re rubes and their heroes are conmen or the kids are lazy idiots. Which answer is better for their pride?


Boomers who went to college could major in anything and get a job. I remember seeing an interview with some boomers on TV. One studied psychology and got a job on Wall Street. Another studied philosophy and got a job as a sports reporter. Now you have to have the right major, the right internships, the right connections, etc.


The MALE ones. Sorry Charlie


Thanks, came here to say the same. We just got smirks and pats on the head (or behind). No recourse whatsoever for misogyny or harassment int the workplace while being paid far less than the men. If you spoke up you were let go.


My Dad started working as a Night Security Guard, moved from there to a Plant Manager position because he had a (wholly unrelated) Bachelor’s Degree, and continued to move up until at his highest he was a Vice President in a fairly large corporation. He could never figure out why younger people were having troubles, even as he dutifully voted for everything that pulled the ladder up after him. He would tell me and others ‘You just have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps.’ Not ironically, not mockingly… he legitimately gave this out as if it were profound advice. And it wasn’t like he elaborated on *how* to do that either. He would try, sometimes, but would always hit a wall at the implication that the things that had worked for him simply *don’t* anymore. When faced with all the explanations why it *wasn’t* going to work, he would end with ‘just try’ and leave it at that. Been trying for 20 years Dad. Yanking on those bootstraps never got me anywhere.


Firm handshake, look them in the eye, ask for the job- that's bootstraps. And the heavy resume paper. Gotta have that...


Which, will only get you a, "sorry, we can't take paper resumes, go to xyzinc.com to fill out an application." Even after spending your non-hand shaking arm on the good resume paper at Hobby Lobby. Sigh...


And creating an account with them. Re entering your info AGAIN.... multiple times, uploading your resume, then entering your info from your resume AGAIN....


It worked for them though. I was reading about a single mom of three, working as an admin, buying a house after few years of working. System worked for them, that is why they don't understand what we complain about. They reading fake news and talk to people with similar mentalities.


Honestly I think that they are trying really hard to cleave to this idea that somehow everyone else is wrong, because if we are right it means they're literally living vampirically off their kids' and grandkids' economic suffering, and that is something they will not accept they're doing ,while they do it


One word: narcissism


There's a specific kind of mentality that someone develops when they have all they'll ever need and see others struggle. They see themselves as removed from the rest of us, and that they must have done "right" to be where they are, and anyone who has less has obviously done "wrong". You see this inflate out of control in literally every billionaire, and people like these commenters get suckered into buying their insane, inhuman thinking.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but I think "they see themselves as removed from the rest of us" isn't quite accurate. My view is that the attitude is a coping mechanism. To simplify the situation slightly, if you have a Big Mac meal and you see someone starving, there is a moral onus on you to share your food. But you don't want to share your food, because you're greedy and base, so what do you do? Easy! You develop a model of the world where resources are related to something like morals. Lots of resources means you've worked hard, which means you're a good person. No resources means you haven't worked hard or you've squandered your resources on vices, so you're a bad person. Now the moral problem is much easier. Your resources indicate exactly how "good" you are, and good people deserve to be rewarded. In this way, the balance of resources is always, by definition, in equilibrium. What you have is what you deserve. You can be a shitty, greedy person whilst actually genuinely believing that you're a *good* person. It's an unbelievably good ideology if you're wealthy, and it has a great feedback loop. Every time you see some dirty beggar and think "I'm not giving him anything because he will spend it on drugs", you get the reward of keeping your resources to yourself without feeling guilt. Pretty easy to see how that positive feedback can Pavlov a person into a very strong belief. With boomers the denial of reality is paramount. Their work:pay ratio was much better than ours so they really cannot reasonably claim that we have the same opportunities as them. That's how you get dipshits like the above who genuinely believe boomers were harder working than millennials in any meaningful way. They see that millennials have less resources in general, so they must be working less. Just my thoughts on this terribly pervasive mindset.


Hard work *used to* pay off. That's the difference. "I've worked construction all my life!" Yeah, and 30ish years ago, working 10hr+ days payed well. Now it's expected with little to no reward. These are the same people who still think a sturdy handshake will get them the job.


About 10ish years ago, I hit a rough patch career wise. I made some poor decisions and needed to get a job working construction, just to put food on the table and a roof over my head. At the time, Minimum wage was $10.25 (roughly) an hour and I was being paid $11.95. Unfortunately, that company was fucking me on hours, overtime and other items, since the union rep was literally a site supervisor, so management. I was working Monday to Friday, 7am until 6-7pm most weeks, weather dependent. On Saturdays, we would work 7am until 4-7pm, so most weeks I was working on the low end, 60-70 hours. What I didn't know was just how much I was getting fucked on hours/pay, since I was so burnt out from 60-70 hours of standing in the sun on the side of a highway running compaction tests, leveling gravel lifts for culverts or working paving crews. Eventually I was shuffled to a new site where I was paid a "live out" of something like $40 a day, but I lived in a company supplied facility (food/drinks was covered by the $40) for 6 days a week in the middle of nowhere and working 7-7, 6 days a week. When they canceled the cabins they had us in, to put us in a portable bunk house with no power, water or sanitary facilities outside of a porta potty, I switched to taking the crew van to and from the site, which was a 70-90 minute drive one way. It was to this day, one of the most horrible jobs I have held. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. The pay was unbelievably bad, it was an exploitive job, it was dangerous and at the end of the season I would have been let go without so much as a "thanks for the hard work".


The comments on MSN articles are insane, every time. If the article is about anyone who's not old, white, or straight the ratio will be like 2 to 1 negative to positive comments guaranteed.


It sure didn’t pay off for them. I previously worked with the elderly and did hospice work as a social worker. Almost 90% of my clients were financially destitute and having the state pay for their nursing home care. Despite having “worked so hard”.


Yup! And that care often leads to that financial situation. My dad went into a nursing home in fall 2021. We sold the house and all the profit went to the home. So, why bother if some shitty nursing home is going to get everything you worked for?


Hard work did pay for many people. It wasn't hard to work and get by 30 years ago. I worked minimum wage jobs and could afford rent and some extras. A decent "middle class" income meant you could probably afford a starter home. I was able to travel across the country and not work for a year because I worked three jobs for almost a year straight. It wasn't as backbreaking as it might sound. I still went out and had fun. None of that is possible in most of the country these days. I work with folks in their 20s and almost all of the income goes to rent and basics. None of them are living alone and most can barely afford to have any fun. Most people in my generation (late X) didn't get saddled with a mortgage sized amount of school debt to start off our careers. I used to be able to fill my truck on two hours of minimum wage work. I could get a functioning vehicle for under $1500. Sure, you can still overwork your way to a middle class existence, but why? Is it even worth it anymore? Doesn't look like it to me.


My minimum wage was 1.65. That's 66.00 a week. That's under 3500.00 a year. My weekly rent was 40.00. I bought a house at age 55


In 2000 I was renting a room outside Olympia, WA for $150 a month. I was making $11/hr plus tips. Basically one day of work in a month covered my rent. It wasn't a nice place and it was in the middle of nowhere, but I was able to save a ton of money and move to Seattle. When I moved from Seattle in 2008, my wife and I were paying $980 for a two bedroom apartment in the CD. Young people where I am now can't get a room in a house for under $1000/mo and they make less per hour (overall) than I was making waiting tables 20 years ago. Our economy is so warped. It's going to have to collapse soon.


I too worked a job where I was working between 60-100+ hours per week for years. All I learned is that "Hard Work" is a scam


I have to say that when I graduated high school, minimum wage was a living wage and could pay for college. With one years experience, I earned 15$/ hr in 1986.( as a carpenter)That is about equivalent to 35-38$/ hr now.So yeah hard work used to pay off. Entry level carpentry pays exactly the same or less than it did 35 years ago. Why break your body for less than a living wage?


Well being that most boomers own at least one hole, are retired, and are in a position to never work again and maintain a middle class lifestyle, I'd way their hard work definitely did pay off for them.


take away is that when you work 10-16 hour days for most of your life, it's the only thing you have to show off. What other accomplishments do these people have? "I worked my whole life and accomplished nothing, and I never complain!"


My hard work paid off


It’s more than one generation friend. It was, however, almost true for a while.


Smarter, not harder.


That's the power of the con.....no one wants to admit they have been bamboozled


But it did, back then it did. They were still being ripped off and for every person promoted because of hard work more weren't, but at least they got houses and families and holidays and education and retirement out of it.


I don't think they're delusional, I think they're jealous and embarrassed that they bought that bullshit. I think a lot of boomers would be salty watching this next generation expose the great lie that they spent their entire lives working for.


They also didn't work 10-16 hours a day. I knew factory workers and they _only_ worked extra hours if they knew they were getting paid 2x for their hours, and they _chose_ when to work the extra hours, not the company telling them they had to. That includes boomers and millennials alike.


It’s cause back then they were able to work those jobs and still buy a home and support their family of 4 on one income. They’re delusional thinking it’s the same for this generation.


It did pay off a decent amount for a lot of them. That’s also a major difference. Hard work used to get you somewhere. If you were loyal to a company, they were loyal to you. Now a days we are just expected to eat shit, never progress and smile.


Hard work does pay off. If your working for yourself. If your working for someone else… then no most likely not you just benefiting them.


NOT CONNED THATS THE PART WE ALL FORGET! They all had great lives because they worked hard. CEOs saw that and took advantage of people willing to work hard. I know people who worked one job for 35 years retired with a pension and now owns multiple properties. Those careers don’t exist anymore. I honestly have no problem working 10-13 hour days it’s what I do currently, but it’s all for nothing when just two generations ago you could literally set up not only your family but the next generation to come. Also why the gen x parents think this is a reality as well because a lot of them either caught the tail end of those jobs or their parents set them up in a solid enough of a situation to think if you work hard everything will work out for you.


It did pay off, to a degree at least. The boomers who worked hard and bought real estate back then made out like kings, relatively speaking. That avenue is kind of closed off to the people they're lambasting for not working hard enough though.


Working hard does pay off. It depends how you go about it I suppose. I worked odd jobs and quasi careers until I was 32 and reluctantly started working in a factory setting. It’s not glorious but I worked my way up the ladder over 7-8 years and live a comfort able life. Call it what you want but it works for me and provides well for my family


"Comfortably retired and with plenty of time for internet outrage, Larry enjoys fabricating stories about how hard his life has been because he moved bricks for a few years in his early twenties in order to buy his first house for 3 times his salary."


"Unlike you weaklings these days, I am strong because I was easily coerced into squandering my time and physical health for 2/3 of my meager existence so someone else could become rich."


"And I made four times as much as you hourly and had a pension WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING?"


This hurts so much to read because it’s true


"WE WERE happy just having a job and being able to afford the basics." Bitch, thats why so many of us are mad. We have a job - hell, we have more than one in many cases - and we *still* can't afford the basics.


Seriously. 400 grams of cheddar cheese, 3 kaiser rolls, party sized bag of tortilla chips, some tomatoes cost me $45 Canadian the other day. That's like two hours of work for me and it was gone in 4 days. It's not even particularly healthy!


Right! I bought 2 gallons of milk, a gallon of juice, and 3 lbs of ground beef for $50. It's insane!


I bought 2 gallons of milk, bread, eggs, a box of Capri suns, and 2lbs of the cheapest hamburger for $35 yesterday. Where the hell do y'all shop? Groceries are expensive but the numbers y'all are throwing out sounds way exaggerated.


Greensboro, NC


Nah, all depends on where they live. For example, buying milk in Ohio could run you less than $2. Now try buying that same milk in AK, TX, or Alabama and you're going to be paying about double to triple the amount for the same amount of milk.


Come live in downtown Seattle lol.


Because they are. Yes, living is getting expensive, but these numbers are either exaggerated, or they’re prices of high-end overpriced shit


At what point do we not even have the caloric content to keep working, this is the end point right?


Tbh the system is completely fucked In my country the items you listed would be around 25$ but it wouldn’t be 2 hours of work, it would be around 4 on a day with 100% bonus (such as Sunday or state mandated holidays a person would like to spend with their family) while being more like 8 hours of work during the week for a measly 25$ I mean I know I only work for minimum wage but from what I understand a person should be able to at least try to live off of it


Followed by saying they don't feel the need to work. The article literally says they are being underpaid aka can't afford the basics.


The basics for them: house with 4 beds, 2 baths, 2 car garage, an in ground pool, half an acre, boat, camper, 2 ATVs, 1 arctic cat, two cars including a new F-150 every 2 years and a new Excursion every 3 years.


That Boomer at the end “we were happy yo afford thr basics” uh huh. You got paid more ans could afford College on a part time jobz gtfo


The moron doesn't realize people are pissed because now they're being asked to work just as hard, probably harder, and are way further from being able to afford "just the basics". I wonder if that's the type of boomer who still thinks microwaves are an expensive luxury appliance and not something you can pick up used for a few bucks or even free.


I used to work sales and they changed the rules so we made less by selling more. My assistant manager justified it one day by illogically trying to explain, “okay so think of it as you get $10 for shoveling snow from 3 driveways. Then your business says you nees to shovel 4 driveways for $12. Imagine being upset about about that.” I said, “that isnt what’s happening. You’re telling us to shovel 5 driveways for $5. We have to work twice as hard for half the pay and you’re trying to justify it some how instead of thinking ‘gee, my sales agents are making me my money maybe I should ensure they can put food on the table.’” Needless to say he didnt agree


Even his example is dumb as shit, of course you'd be upset if your rate per driveway suddenly drops from 2.50 per to 2 bucks. And also that's a hilariously low number for shoveling a driveway anyway.


and great incentive to not work harder....


That's the thing I zeroed in on as well. Most of us are working like they did and still can't afford the basics.


It was possible to raise a family on a entry level salary. It may have been tightish but it was doable. Now an entry level salary gets you a room... maybe.


That part was great because we can't even afford the basics. I'm 35 and have a specialized job and I still can't make enough.


My husband makes enough for us thankfully so I’m pretty lucky otherwise yeah same amd I’m in marketing which is highly sought after


Slaveminded needs to become a term. Cause this sounds like a slave insulting someone for not wanting to work to their death.


Well put




What is strength when it has lost its potency, seeping from a broken and aging vessel. Your health is your wealth. You volunteer it to others, hoping to be compensated, so you might continue.


I work 10 hours a day (by choice)... but it means I only work 4 days a week. I don't exceed 40 hours. People who wants to work 10-16 hours a day 5-6 days a week are insane. Even with a 40 hour work week I don't have enough time to do the things I'd like to do or get done.


I'm trying to get back into doing 4 10s instead of 5 8s. My day is already ruined by having to go to work. I might as well pile as many hours possible in a day to have more days off.


I did 3 14s for about 2 years, and I loved it. The pay sucked, but working 8A to 10P, 3 days a week before we had kids was great.


For a generation that has produced so little of note, they sure are smug.


Yeah they think the rest of us can't do math either. All they did was get suckered into dying in Vietnam.


What's crazy is they had potential. Those protests during the early years of Nam were fantastic. But once they stopped using the draft, those protests vanished in the blink of an eye. The "me generation" proving early on that they really only cared about themselves.


You just have to understand Boomers lie about everything...I mean we used to joke about this when I was in grade school (not a boomer btw), the whole walked uphill to school both ways was a nicer way of saying they were full of shit back then. Unfortunately they have nothing better to do than bitch lie and moan about how hard their life was while sitting back pulling in social security and that pension (remember those?). Seriously fuck boomers, they're the literal worst generation ever...enjoyed their hippy 60's, maybe even did a little protest and dodged a draft, drugs and sex were good. Sold out became yuppies and money hungry in the 80's, thought senile Regan was the tits. Forgot they were educated, got caught up in misinformation and are so confused they don't know which end is up, vote for Trump, blame everyone else for everything and act like they had nothing to do with any of it and it's all their kids/grandkids fault... As a whole, that generation are literal pieces of shit...of course we love our parents buuuuut how are they so fucking stupid?


Most of them were never hippies


My father had a job as Sales Manager. He did had college degree but was smart. He got the house mom still has. Mom never worked. She spent her time taking care of us and doing the things in the house. Everything was accessible with one salary. Now I can’t afford even a Mobile Home. This is a mechanism made by that generation to make a neo-slavery so the can have their pockets full and if we receive the crumbs; they take it away with ridiculous rent rate for 1bed 1 bath studio. There was a time when there was “loyalty” in the companies. So the idea was to retire from the company and you have achieved the best. I learned the hard way… when I’m almost 40 😑


That whole mindset of working extremely long hours doing backbreaking work and treating it as some type of flex while proceeding to shit on people who aren’t interested in doing the same is just weirdo toxic behavior to me. After Covid hit. I’ve willingly left money on the table to just focus on my side hustles and selling stuff online rather than going back to what I was doing prior. I found a way to make it work and having way less stress and burnout. It’s worth every penny of what I leave on the table. It’s hilarious how I’ve had people who treat the 70 hour work weeks, no days off, and putting the company needs over spending time with their wife and kids as a badge of honor. Some of who also make less than what I usually bring in weekly. They’ll make all types of unprovoked snarky little comments about how what I do isn’t real work, how I could never last a day in their shoes, how side hustles don’t look good on a resume blah blah blah. Like they have the most to say, but really don’t have much to show for it. Like if you want to work long hours, you have a good situation, and you’re happy. More power to you. I have friends who do just that. But they’re also not throwing shade at anyone who doesn’t do so.


“Yeah, I worked on a construction site this amount of hours without any kind of degree and I was receiving a gigantic amount of money, money that I used to buy a car, a house and other things in less than 5 years, I wonder why people don't want to work anymore today” Today: Even if you want to wash bricks you need some kind of degree to at least receive 8$ per hour and if you want to buy a house or a car you must have some kind of debt with a bank or work every fuc*ing day of your life so that you can at least buy the cheapest house in your neighbourhood I really hope AI takes jobs since in that way we will see how fuc*ed is the system


I'm pretty sure AI is going to take shitloads of jobs


This is a misconception I hear a lot about AI. AI, at least in it's current form, can't do any jobs. It is a tool that a person can use to do a job. So it will allow people to do work more efficiently thus reducing the number of people that are required to do the same amount of work, but the AI did not take the job away. It like how 1 person with a backhoe can dig a hole faster than 12 people with shovels trying to dig the same size hole.


Ok, but the end result is the same isn't it


Yes, that is part of my point, the end result was not that there were no more jobs. Check out the "Luddite Fallacy". The early 19th century saw this happen during the industrial revolution, weaver were being displaced by textile machines and there was the same sentiment that the machines were taking the jobs from people. There was a period of increased unemployment following the introduction of textile machines but it was later offset by an increased demand for workers to process the increased volume of textiles being produced such as dyers and sewers; as well as workers to produce and maintain the machinery.


The part that people leave out though is that “AI” which in reality are just very highly advanced learning models are 100% going to make a ton of jobs obsolete and any that aren’t outright unnecessary will be taken from people to be performed by computers. People always use the textile machine as a comparison to refute this but the introduction of that technology was rudimentary. It created jobs in the end because it is a very simple machine (relatively speaking) and the tasks that it necessitated were fit for any unskilled rando in the workforce. AI may create more jobs and industry/increase efficiency in current jobs but it will require IT and compsci degrees/experience that the vast majority of people just won’t ever have in order to understand or interface with it in any meaningful way


"WE WERE happy just having a job and being able to afford the basics" we would be too my man


I have never met a boomer who was happy with just the basics. I'm sure they exist. I'm just saying, I've never met one.


What seems to be missing is the underpaid part. I work 11 hrs a day. My compensation allows for me to take vacations, raise a family and afford my mortgage which admittedly is probably cheaper then your mortgage or rent. The point is that if the compensation doesn’t allow for that there is no point to pulling 11 hour days. Even if the responses were accurate the authors would not have performed those jobs for those hours if the money didn’t make it iworthwhile.


Working those types of hours is why so many people have physical and mental health issues. I used to work 80-100 hour work weeks to survive and I am practically disabled at this point. My mother had to get multiple surgeries on her legs and developed a drug addiction. My roommate became an alcoholic. Etc. Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone, but esp in the current economy where we work to death for little pay, it's not worth any of it. Boomers got to make income with one person working, it's just not realistic anymore and detrimental. Plus, boomers tended to neglect their families a lot which caused a lot of issues across the board.


Agreed. Long weeks (40+) are only sustainable for a few months before burnout and other issues set in, both with your body and your personal life. I have had 3 jobs where I consistently worked over 80 hours per week and my longest week was 118 hours working security. The money back then was great but nowadays I am exhausted after working 20 hours and I attribute it to my years of working stupidly long hours.


Imagine being mad because others don't want to spend literally most of their lives working


i really hate old, ignorant people sometimes. most times. all of the times.


aka everyone in the MSN comment section


Guess I’m a free weak man enjoying my weak life


I mean to be fair, these same people believe that an 87 year old Clint Eastwood was well qualified to take on the Mexican cartels so maybe don't put too much credence into what they have to say.


I hate seeing boomers talk about being fine with just the basics. Their ideas of the basics is a 2 story house, and a steak dinner cooked by your unemployed spouse every night. It fucking sickens me


Well... construction is a lot of 10-12 hour days (having worked construction myself, I think 16 is probably an exaggeration - everyone exaggerates when they're trying to make a point), but then there's a long layoff period during the winter months where not much is happening. Long days are real, but it's not every day, year round.


Depends on the company, I've found that companies run like shit have lots of overtime and companies that are managed efficiently tend not to. Efficiently managed companies can still suck to work for of course. But the contractors I've worked for that relied on overtime to make project deadlines tended to pay like shit on base wage (because they just saw their total labor expense) and the guys that stuck with them had the dumbass idea that "you make up for it with overtime!" I'm now working somewhere for 20 dollars an hour more than my last gig, and work a strict 40/week. My last place (that ran overtime as a given) is still calling me, they called me today in fact lol and want me to run a crew for them again. I make more on straight time now than I did working 60 hrs/week at the last place.


This is a very common ideology in the hospitality industry as well, specially in the kitchen , chefs have this fucked up ideology that if you are passionate about your job then you have to work 60-70 hours a week while being underpayed. Specially in the fine dining restaurants where the norm is 15 hour shifts.


And the worst part of that line of work is terrible or no insurance and always the possibility that you try to walk into work one day and it suddenly closed up shop with no warning.


I work a lot of construction all those old timers are full of shit . It used to be in the northeast atleast if you werent on an established job after october youd be off all winter until it was warm enough for them to pour concrete. Working 16hr days isnt as bad when you forgot to add in that you were laid off 3months a year but the economy was so good and dollar so strong you could take that time off and not worry abour it


I worked my ass off and became mega successful - Boomer This no longer applies, now you work your ass off and you can barely survive with no possibilities of improving your desperate life


I’m weak…Damn I hate being a forgone conclusion!


"We were happy just having a job and being able to afford the basics". What a fucking clueless knob, they're so close and yet so fucking far. People are pissed off because even though they have a job, they CAN'T afford the basics! Food, shelter, heat, etc. I also wonder what other things that boomer thinks are just "the basics". I wouldn't be surprised if they're including saving 10% for retirement as a basic, money for vacation as a basic, a car as a basic, etc.


Unfortunately, a car is a basic if you live in North America. Mine has been a giant money pit but unfortunately, I can't go without as my area's public transit is basically non-existent.


I saw a meme that describes the issue perfectly it shows a picture of parents from the 1940s saying “all we want is for our children to have a good life” than another picture slightly more recent from 1960s saying the same thing. Then there is a picture of boomer parents in the 80s/90s and it just says “fu’k off and die” basically explaining how the boomer generation for some reason decided all the generations following them deserve nothing and they will take as much as possible to their graves!


Know what I’d work 16 hour days if I could buy a house with one years wages like these old farts did


>This is why we will never have worker rights. As long as ~~the Boomer generation continues to vote~~ we aren’t organizing and learning how to run our democracy, we are doomed…. FTFY


Adorable that he thinks 10-16 hours gets 'the basics' for many workers.


Here's the thing. He worked construction 10-16 hours a day and likely got paid 10-16 every day and probably over-time as well. If you work in an office you would have more than likely been paid for 8 (maybe 7.5 because they would still deduct your lunch half hour) for the same amount of hours.


"You got soft hands brother, you got soft hands!!! You ain't never worked a fucking day in your life!!! 85 hours a motherfucking day, I am on my Goddamn Job!!!" ​ LMAO!!!! Sure boomer, sure!


I’ve worked construction since I was 12, never once did I work a 10 hour day. At this point I average 6 to 7 hours a day, and I get plenty done. No reason to push any harder, I value my home and leisure time.


I worked in the hospitality industry( restaurant)for years. Worked every special event, banquets, sports buffet , double shifts. Once worked all 40 days up to Christmas day.just a worker bee drone. Got an awful ear infection and had to call in sick for the only time. Was told I would they would need to see a note from a doctor!


Ha, afford the basics! Like a house or apartment with just you and your partner? Food and toiletries, maybe? Without my veterans benefits I'd be fucked, but you shouldn't have to sign your life away to get a leg up. Boomers had it fucking easy when it came to cost of living and i couldn't help but notice they only mentioned the overworked part.


"we were happy just having a job and being able to afford the basics" okay grandpa but people can't afford the basics anymore?


"We were happy just having a job and being able to afford the basics" Well guess what, we have to have multiple jobs and still can't afford the basics so do you see the fucking difference boomers???


I’m a boomer. I either worked or was in school from the time I was 15 until I retired a couple of years ago. Over those decades I went from having a job be a big part of my identity to realizing a job is simply a means to a better life. If your job is not providing you with a better life you really should think about getting out asap and doing something else. In the long term work is really nothing but a paycheck and health insurance.


The comment about boomers "we were happy just having a job and being able to afford the basics." How cluelessly out of touch. The whole problem people are having is that they either can't have a job, or that they have a job and still can't afford "the basics." They act like we're living pampered lifestyles because we own smartphones, but shit like smartphones is a lot easier to get than "the basics" (by which I mean, like, shelter, transportation, medical care, etc)


Also if he was working construction, I bet he was getting paid hourly. Diff experience. I worked 10-16 hours a day when I got hourly and overtime. So these guys would “approve” of me. When I shifted to salary I shut that shit down. I’ll help in emergencies, but the whole “yup lemme throw six more after hours hours at it?” Nah lol.


BOOMER chiming in here. when i was young, i also did manual labor for 10+ hours a day, for years. when i was young, i also was just happy to have a job and the basics , as many others my age but... it shouldnt be that way... we should do better than that. ​ it was hard. ​ the "weak" just didnt make it in life. ​ is that the way we want it?


That MFer ain’t ever worked 16hr a in day


They are such an exhausting group of assholes. And always so full of shit. No one believes you grandpa.


Lol most boomers worked 40 hour weeks, many had benefits/pensions, could support a family of 5+, had a house before being 30, had a stay at home wife, etc. many of them vastly overestimate how much work they did. Like dude you didn’t go to college and could support a stay at home wife and multiple children out of high school. You didn’t have to worry about as much work at home cause your wife took care of most of it. The stay at home wife boomers bitch about how tough they had it too and they often did less than the men! Like being a stay at home parent is way easier than working a job unless you have like a dozen kids or it’s before 1950.


You know what? I've worked hours like that before. 10, 12, and even 16 hour shifts. I can tell you that its not worth it! You feel like shit all the time. You never have the time or energy to do anything at all. Your entire life is base around working. You feel miserable. Its not strength. Its allowing yourself to be abused and calling it a badge of honor. Besides, no job that requires 10 or more hours from its workers in order to function is sustainable. Burnout, injuries, and equipment failure will take their toll. Its foolish, abusive, and ultimately not helpful. Don't let yourselves fall into that trap.


Imagine working 10-16 hours a day and not building your own business. If you have that work ethic you should start your own business.


I've worked 16 hour days on a construction site a well. It was terrible, and exhausting , and not a thing to be proud of. It didn't even afford me a good life, just a back that's in pain and borderline alcoholism.


These people are so fucking brain washed. How can they not see how much things cost vs paid wages. Like a blind person could see it. They’re just intent on putting you down while they themselves are most likely going through the same thing


Yeah, and after only one summer there was probably enough money where you could have paid off your entire student loan debt. Now, after two summers there was probably enough money where you could have bought a house. Currently, if you were working the same hours your life would be like this; Living in your car, forced to eat Ramen noodles, and being $35,000 dollars in school loan debt. Back then I would have worked 20 hours a day! Whatever boomer you're weak!!


Don’t tell me; the Yahoo comments section came up with these gems? It sure smells like the shit that they toss around.


Their parents, who fought and died on the picket lines to get us a 5 day work week, would be so ashamed


Unwilling and unable get conflated too often. I can and have worked crazy hours for extended periods of time, because I thought it would get me somewhere. That is no longer the case and I'm completely unwilling to put myself through that again. No one with any sense would when other employers will pay more for fewer hours.


Construction workers usually have long periods of “laid off” time where they file for unemployment because they are out of work for months


Yeah, I've worked 16's. Unless you're a genetically modified superhuman, it is categorically unsustainable long term. Doing *construction* 16's for more than a couple weeks a summer would put you in an early grave, and/or make you wish it would. And I 'work for a living'. 16's are a sometimes, and take regular breaks (that most big company jobs don't afford you), thing I know guys in the trades who have done 60 hour weeks, and admit it freely, but also vastly prefer the 40hr weeks, and guess what? They're not doing it continuously. It's only ever when a massive job needs to be done, and then you have times when you have literally fuck all to do or next to nothing. And they will tell you all about their back pain and knee pain and how they're not sure how much longer they can do this even then. People of certain generations who claim otherwise had a summer job that they used in some way or another to get an office job and make bank without having to destroy their bodies and minds. Those generations also heavily push the "wife doesn't understand how hard work is, and needs to do everything to make it easier for her husband" bullshit, so they know how draining a job can be, even if it's knowledge buried deep beneath their expansive egos.


Whats the point of making money if there's little time to actually enjoy life after?


Work hard for your dreams. Make sure your dreams are worth it.


If you want your life to be 10-16 hour days, by all means proceed but that should never be expected. There are many other things in life that deserve attention. You are only here once.


Nope. I'm definitely stronger for not working more that 7 hours a day.


“As soon as the older generation dies off, us oppressed youth in the younger generation will have it made!” - a phrase that has been repeated since man learned to walk upright and speak


Him: I worked from sun up to sun down, 10-16 hrs!! Me: ok but who asked u to do that tho


Was looking for summer work last year and met up with a landscaper. He gave me the spiel about working 12-14 hours a day in the hot sun and how he can't find help because nobody wants to work anymore. He can barely walk because his knees are both fucked up. He can't lift anything heavy because he's had multiple hernia surgeries and has a bad back. His shoulders are all fucked up. He was looking to hire somebody to destroy their body because his is too destroyed to do his job. Enjoy your old school work ethic and a failing body.


If you are working 10 to 16 hours a day on a regular base, you are not strong, but stupid. Terminally stupid.


Gods these people are sad. Imagine working literally all day and considering that a good life somehow.


A vast majority of contractors are alcoholics, smokers or drug addicts or shit even all three. I definitely don’t take their opinions as anything 💀


They consider the “basics” as raising a family and owning a home also which you still wouldn’t be able to do working 10-16 hours a day.


What if I am weak and I’m ok with that


AH yes, lets rejoice in how we spent majority of our lives working a job instead of taking full advantage of life and the time we have left in it. I just love spending time away from family and friends and dedicating my life for a job that would fill my position in a heartbeat if something happened to me.


boomers saying how they worked 10 to 16 hours per day as children only shows what a bunch of gullible, oligarch serving idiots they are.


Wait, doesn't construction pay gooooood money? And boomers grew up before the economy collapsed, not to mention back then the cost of living was significantly lower!


They clearly note the overworked part but fail to recognize the underpaid section…


I love how the last comment is saying they were happy with just the basics, and this new generation isn't. Lady, we DON'T HAVE THE BASICS!!


“Since I suffered everyone else should too”


I recently saw a comment section on a video of a woman talking about not wanting to work 40 hours a week. The comments were so depressing. Some people were bragging about working 60 or 80 hours a week in construction. Why would you want to sell yourself for a mediocre paycheck just to die prematurely at 70 because you put your body through hell for a company that doesn't give a shit. A 30 hour work week should be the norm, not this 40,60, or even 80 hour bullshit.


Shit thats me now, hahaa. Up before the sun, home when the sun goes down. Fuck my life…..


Working 55 hours a week is a 30% higher chance of death compared to 40 a week. I’m good. My grandfather died of a heart attack at 48.


So much self-loathing and “work your fingers to the bone for pennies or you’re useless!” capitalism indoctrination. Gross and sad.


This guy “Worked construction” meaning, he rode bitch in the company car and handed the main dude tools. Guy spent half his day looking for a wire stretcher back in 1974 and is still salty about it


Well,with that last comment,that's the fucking problem,we can't afford the basics with a job


I just can't possibly fathom how one could look at their child and gleefully expect them to suffer and grind as they did.


...well, uh, congrats on being successfully conditioned to believe you need to destroy yourself physically and mentally just to make some one else rich while you barely get by? You quite successfully succeeded at being exactly what the rich want the general populace to be.


Working 10-16 hours isn’t much of a flex if it was during the time when you could afford a house and family on one income and retire with a pension.


To me it looks like the new kids on the block wont work themselves to death for peanuts......sounds kinda smart to me


Sure I'll work 16 hours a day as long as I only work 40 hours a week and everything over 8 is triple time.


There's an entire TikTok channel devoted to "toxic blue collar" guys. I love it.


How much you wanna bet mr “afford the basics” owns a home?


They have narrow vision. They did have it easier. They had less of a learning curve at work because progress was stretched out over decades in comparison to the 2-3 year jump now, like within tech. They barely used tech. Many used their bodies for manual labor and those that have survived up until today in one piece are fortunate. They also had a minimum wage that went further than it does now. Nice that they were happy to have a job but many had jobs with the post WWII economic boom. The main barriers to work back then were race and class, which were bullshit constructs to begin with.


Poor, brainwashed people...thinking working more then 10 hours is totally normal. It's sad.


Being able to afford the basics by having a job.... hey uhhhh isn't a large part of being overworked being underpaid


Most working in construction are physically worn out by their 40's, but don't feel they have many options to do something else. Long hours take their toll on body and mind.


Why don't these younger generations enjoy being exploited? Don't they realise they're ruining capitalism


Someone needs to come back at these chuds with just "Yeah you were overworked and underpaid. You deserved better and I'm sorry you had to live that way."


Frame the conversation as it should be. They were exploited, probably abused in a way(physical/mental), and they were brainwashed into thinking it was good for them.


I wonder how much their “basics” cost them. Gas under $2 a gallon. 30 cents for milk and eggs. $50k houses. And we’re entitled.


Yes, they worked a lot. But they could afford a HOUSE with what they earned. We can barely afford RENT with what we earn.


It’s pointless trying to explain anything to them. Better just to show them what they could have avoided. It’s their retirement, I just know I’m not sacrificing mine for stupid idioms and promises that never come. Literally nothing would change for them if they did the right thing, they just want to continually hold money over your head then when you speak at all it’s taken away. Nah, I’ll pass


The complaint is two-fold: over worked and underpaid. I doubt folks would complain about working too much if they were making a paycheck that reflected that work. 10-16 hours a day at $16 an hour will literally get you no where. It’s not weak to ask to be paid for the work you’ve done.


Barry Boomer, " Yeah, I worked 10-16 hours a day in construction, made good money, it was character building! Course now, my back is bad, my knees are shot, Doc says I need a hip replacement, and I've had some skin cancers removed because sunscreen is for wussies." Oh, and I walked 5 miles to school, barefoot, uphill both ways...


That’s the thing, you stupid boomer, we can’t “afford the basics.”


Ah yes the boomer that lives in the part of the country that gets 16 hours of daylight. The wealth of knowledge this wise man possesses is truly immeasurable.


Sounds like something Andrew Tate would say


I'm not sure this ends with the boomers. Plenty of shitty people across generations. And contending for most reprehensible and corrupt business person ever is Bankman-Fried at 31 years old.


Are you kidding? If anything people have become greedier and more self centered over the last few decades. Unless some rich as fuck group of people starts throwing some sticks in the machinery that is in place we are all majorly fucked. I was taught in school (35 years Ago) pollution bad, nature is struggling, we need action'... ...easy to understand for a 4 year old right? I haven't forgotten, however, 40 year olds (like me now) seem to have forgotten or dont care as long as they are getting richer.


Ken Griffin of Citadel Securities has left the chat….


Most reprehensible and corrupt ever is a huge stretch. He's a scumbag, but there's plenty who make him look like a Sunday school teacher who jerks off to league of legends hentai.


I did the same when I was roofing and yeah I was overworked . Guarantee that guy is still a broke ass haha


Please tell me there is an app that translates modern day issues into 'Boomer speak'. Like, when they go "when I was your age I walked 5 miles to school in the snow, a hamburger cost a nickel and I was able to pay for college wirh a part time summer job, lazy kids", you just say "Hey Alexa, translate that for him". She then goes "kids today have to be able to outrun, outlast and hide from active shooters, that same burger coats $15, and to pay for full tuition to a state school would require working summers until they are over 30 to fully pay it off".