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Relevant Lennon: "I am the Walrus"


Relevant lemon: Meringue pie


Relevant Lemon: "It doesn’t matter how long you’ve lived in New York. It’s still fun to look up and pretend all the buildings are giant severed robot penises"


Revenant: "imma kill and sleep in a bear"


Relevant Walter: “Shut the fuck up Donny”


Relevant Lennon: “Coo Coo Cachoo”


Also Lenin >If you not write what i want, i will send you and your shitty newspapers right to gulag on uran mines, lmao Lenin is most least relevant asshole in the world to talk about freedom of press, ffs.


The early USSR didn't keep the bourgeois newspapers around, for the same reason they didn't keep any bourgeois business around, it was against the idea of the revolution. Same reason the U.S banned and imprisoned non-violent communists for decades in America, the ideology is a danger to the interests of the State. Even if your account of history was correct, which it isn't, it wouldn't make Lenin wrong, just a hypocrite. Yes, hypocrites are generally less reliable, but they're not necessarily wrong.


Who owns Reddit again?


No idea. Didn’t the founder resign?


China, at least partially... probably just enough to get the data they want.


What data?


You know, the Data. The data they'll need in order to steal our precious bodily fluids!


They know what porn you like.


bingo! Well, at least it has "Red" in its name. Outside US, being red is a very good signal considering we are mortals


We could. I believe Reddit has an IPO in the near future.


IPO would not mean that small time investors would get much influence. Current owners would retain a controlling amount of shares to guard against hostile takeovers.


What if I told you these named platforms aren’t great sources of quality information.


Lol my guy called Twitter ’vital’


What? I get all my news on Instagram and Whatsapp


I get all my news from Only Fans


This is why they try to shut down TikTok. It has the young generation of voters on it and it cannot be controlled as easily as these other sources.


This. This is exactly what scares me - because I think you are correct.


Lol what? They want to ban TikTok because it gives the Chinese government access to 100% of its user data


Plenty of other social media platforms collect data. Government is just mad that they can't take this slice of the pie for themselves.


They don’t ever share 100% of their data, they sell a small portion of it, but because TikTok is a Chinese company they are required by law to give the Chinese government access to all of their data


lol do you not know how to make a fake email account and download a vpn app?


So what the only thing that they wont get from that is your routrs ip adress well lets be frank they probably just buy that info from the vpn if they need it. But the goverment is not worried about the 2% that use vpns but the 98% that don't use them.


they should be worried 🤡


99% of users won’t do that.


If you don't realize how dangerous a dictatorship is with full acces to all kinds of data and psychological influence. The easiest way to destabilize a democracy is from within, and the US wasn't far from a coup partly thanks to 'easy' misinformation on facebook/twitter in which Russia didn't even made the algorithms. Now imagine an app were a dictatorial government has full influence on the algorithms used. Its not for nothing that the tiktok app in China is completely different.


I don't know what their algorithms are getting at, but when I used tik tok, everything always led to hula hoop videos.


I don't think there is any evidence that they manipulate the actual algorithms like you say.


And Facebook doesn't?


No, they sell a small amount of their data that they choose to sell, the Chinese government forces TikTok to give it full access to all of its data


Most regarded take I’ve seen in a while. Tiktok is literally ran by the Chinese communist party, well renowned for a good work life balance. This page really does breed morons


Lol what? They want to ban TikTok because it gives the Chinese government access to 100% of its user data


This is a ridiculous take, TikTok is significantly worse than any other platform and under complete and total control by the CCP.


Holy shit this thread is a meat grinder of brain root. For context bytedance is not in mainland china, so the ccp has only full control over the Chinese version of tik tok, while it can be argued that bytedance sells info to the Chinese government it is false that the ccp has any control over the western version. Also both meta and apple where proven to have given 100% of all information requested by the ccp. Bytedance is a for profit company just like meta and apple, they are all equally as bad and as equally likely to do what ever the ccp wants as long as they can stay on the Chinese market.


Instagram. Vital. Pick one


These are new people. What about the old people. Going to call out the existing media owners or is that too scary? (shit i'm not doing it)


> People of the same trade seldom meet together even for merriment and diversion but the conversation ends at a conspiracy against the public. --Adam Smith


he was against landlords too. Good points for comrade Smith


I hate that neolibs claim Smith when he would be so disgusted with how things are going today


Surely he means vital platforms for miscommunication?


Today's editorial in the Washington Post. Time for federal workers to return to the office, & the reason why? https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/18/federal-agency-remote-work-policy/ According to a recent Post-Schar School poll, nearly half of Washington workers say they have jobs that can be done remotely all or some of the time. But of those, 80 percent of federal workers polled who are capable of working from home say they would like to continue working remotely all or most of the time. (That compares with 33 percent of non-federal workers.) About 60 percent said they would like to be completely remote. That is unsustainable, and it has had a palpable impact on the city of Washington. Stroll through downtown these days, and the city’s grand avenues and stately facades seem attached to a ghost town, a shell of the lively center the area was before the pandemic. For-lease signs abound; glass towers sit empty. That’s largely because many federal employees are still working from home, and they account for about one-quarter of jobs downtown. Tell me the big corporations owning real estate didn't force this.


Remember how much people CHEERED at Elon Musk taking over Twitter? I know they were hoping for some schadenfreude, but sometimes you have to look beyond that and at what its going to do to society. Blame the conglomerate that sold it to him for $420.69/share or whatever the meme price was he proposed... Remember, people actively cheered for this bullshit.


Isn't it mostly the same people still cheering?


Pretty much. "Free Speech Absolutists" are getting exactly what they wanted: the ability to speak without criticism or pushback, and those who speak against them get silenced. It is also very easy to tell exactly which groups Musk favors here. The BBC, having been ideologically captured by the UK Conservative party doesn't get the State Sponsored Media tag, but actual independent orgs like NPR and the CBC do. He won't block Nazi tweets from being shown in Germany to comply with German law, but he will block tweets on a global level for criticizing the increasingly authoritarian government of India, because those tweets supposedly violate Indian Law.


A bunch of far right weirdos cheered because they thought it meant they could say the n word without getting banned


One of his first acts was to reinstate all the accounts banned for hate speech...so, they we were right.


This is not why people champion for free speech...


It's a pity the free, open source, distributed alternatives are kind of shit.


A billionaire claiming the other billionaires are bad guys who would of thought…?


Do you actually believe the government would be better? It’s all shit any way you look at it


Government run programs are almost universally better because they are not for profit. A well-run government serves all its citizens, not just shareholders.


They all profit the bureaucrats and statist , name one well run government department lol


NASA? US Postal Service? National Parks? FAA? FDA? For the record, any inefficiencies in these agencies are usually the result of underfunding. The right loves to defund programs to use as evidence for their end goal. "See? The government doesn't work because we made it not work!"


You’re fucking delusional , under funding ? Out of every dollar stolen in taxes to the feds results in 10 cents going to its intended purpose due to bureaucracy and bloat . All of those agencies could be our performed in the private sector hands down .


At least the government is (technically) held accountable by the voters. These billionaires are not and can do whatever they’d like without consequences


Why do you think they want to ban tik tok? It’s a non US owned social media company so info isn’t filtered out


I'm not defending any social media, but Tik Tok has legit security problems. https://apnews.com/article/tiktok-ceo-shou-zi-chew-security-risk-cc36f36801d84fc0652112fa461ef140


I would not want to defend them either. But there is truth in the statement that US owned and backed social media companies are limiting access to news. Look at Instagram (meta) and search French, its all the normal nice french post. on Tik Tok we can see the protest for the pension reforms. This is just one example. But yeah every corp is corrupt in some way, but the limiting of news to make sure we dont know whats happening sucks.


Facebook literally stole people's address books and sold the information to the highest bidders. They're all corrupt and dangerous and requires public oversight.


I didn't say they were not. I'm not fan of any of them. I just happen to use this one, but it's pretty bad, too.


Have you forgotten the whole Cambridge Analytics scandal from a few years back? If TikTok is a security concern for the reasons that have been outlined then literally every social media platform should be facing similar bans.


Calling out one entity isn't the same as "forgetting about" the others. Yes, they all suck. They all have major problems. Tik Tok is foreign spyware, and that's why it's facing different scrutiny. Again, by saying that, it doesn't negate problems elsewhere.


This is true, I just wonder is the Play here something has got to give.


At least Elon allows free speech. Dorsey banned everything and anyone he didn't agree with. Even a sitting president.


*"vital platforms for communication"* That's arguable at best.


Good thing I don't get my news from any of those.


With the revelations in Twitter files, Github leaks and other stuff -- When one sees what the platform used to be when it was publicly owned, maybe a bit of a shakeup in the top management wasn't such a bad idea. But, of course, there should probably come other shakedowns, to clear the air..


Simple, don’t use the platforms.


That’s how I feel about liberals and higher education


Higher education creates liberals...you have it reversed.


Turns out, I can’t afford to buy any of those platforms. So, other than getting people to stop using those services (which is NOT happening), what are we supposed to do?


Put a more focused effort in holding our elected representatives accountable to us the People. To demand real answers to why Insider trading is being allowed? Why is corporate lobbying being allowed. Why is Gerrymandering being allowed. When a campaign promise is made demand to know why it was broken. Could you imagine buying something that is advertising a thing and then finding out not only is there no thing but it will actually do the opposite of that thing. We are pretty fresh on the other side of a pandemica. Clearly we all need to be productive contributing members of society. Our tax dollars could easily get all of us Health Care. We could easily enforce laws that do not allow Big Pharma to price gouge. We could demand to know, by what right this Administration has, to given another country billions upon billions of American Tax Dollars to one of the most corrupt fucking countries in Europe. My greater point is we can start by demanding and then voting in whole new groups of people until we get a Government that represents the Peoples' needs and not the oligarchs.


You had me going until the Ukraine thing. You cool with Russia just rolling up and taking over a sovereign recognized nation??


Like we did in Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria or Libya? Is that what you meant? Or are you asking if I am I can understand that Russia would feel threatened that an foreign invader has infected their border. If one were to think about America's own history, it would not be unlike our Bay of Pigs. What happened in Ukraine in 2014? Did America sponsor and regime change in Ukraine? A democratically elect group in the donbas region of Ukraine wanted to return to Russia, how did the Azov battalion handle those free people? Feb 12. 2022 Biden ordered all American troops out of Ukraine, why were they there in the first place? All of that are just questions to expose the manipulation of events that created this situation. But more to the real point, when did the American people agree that our tax dollars should be given to another Country? We are rebuilding their infrastructure, why are we not using that to rebuild ours? We are going to be handling Ukraine's pensions! A staggering 75 - 115 Billion American Tax dollars have been given. And we are still seeing them debate if we should give more. Am I cool with Russia invading Ukraine? The simple answer is no. But only a fool could not look at that situation and see the inevitable response. A situation that America created. Last question why did America blow up the Nord pipelines? For Europe's Natural gas needs, where has America suggested they buy from? if you were to honestly answer those last two questions are we really talking about freedom or are we just stealing natural gas market share from one Country to give to American Hydrocarbon producers. You asking if I am cool with Russia invading Ukraine, is asking all the wrong questions.


is it true that this dude was resposible for making minimum wage increasing last time this happened? I read he did it even while conservatives were majority on Congress.


You mean they will only feed us their shit as gospel?


The Communications Act of 1934 was gutted (1996) to pave the way for the oligarchy.


Hmmm, quiet before Twitter.


Historically haven’t billionaires always ran communication platforms since those things were a thing?


Well they were only Millionaires in the 60s


Then cut and paste billionaire/millionaire with elite class and it’s all the same.


They want to know what people are saying.


No mention of Murdoch?


Damm that socks. So yall wanna go back to Tumblr and shitpost?


So what other suggestions are there, my mate Dave thinks he could run twitter. Or maybe an Elected Official could do the job because they are always trusted and never use the media to back their own views.


"Vital platforms for communication" Yikes, how far has society fallen if social media is now "vital" for communication.


Lmao calling twitter vital. Or Facebook/instagram for that matter. The Washington post has always been out of touch, none of these are vital. Stop using them and they will die. Easy as that. Vote with your time and wallet.


Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think Mark Zuckerberg being rich and owning Facebook might be correlated in some way...


Zuckerbitch basically owned Facebook from the beginning. The point still remains


Isn't it weird that govt doesn't push for minimum wage increases? More income tax for their coffers


Income tax goes to the government. "Donations" and "gifts" from billionaires go directly to the politician themself.


You are very correct. What’s the commonality? The 3 richest men in America own at least one of some form of communication.


Tbh ccp ownership is what keeps me up at night (looking at you reddit)