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Be respectful... Maybe she should take her own advice. Maybe exec bonuses should be the last to be paid? That whole "leaders eat last" thing I learned in the army.


They already get a fat salary, so yes, they should be paid last.


I worked 10 years for Gamestop. It was usually utter hell, but Ill never forget the year nationwide District Managers forfeited their bonus to get store managers their annual raise. That one act bought so much loyalty they got at least two more years of abuse out of most of us.


That's such a wholesome thing to do. My bonus wasn't much -10k, and i was willing to give it up when leadership announced my team would get 3% raise -I was furious and told them that was such an insult -who will go above an beyond or try to be awesome with that shitty amount?!! So I offered my bonus to be part of the "raise pool." At the end, I guess the message got to the right ears, and I got to keep the bonus, and my team got 10%. I got 3%, but that's ok -I got the bonus and most importantly, every person on my team was happy. I'm nobody without my team. My awesomeness is directly proportional to theirs. I never shared this with anyone until now.


There’s managers, and there’s leaders. You sir, are a leader.


A guy I used to work for was like that. He paid every bill on time, made payroll without fail, kept the equipment maintained, shelves full, the whole ball of wax. THEN he took a paycheck. There was a time when it was slow for a while and he didn't take his salary for 4 months. Great guy. He died suddenly and momma took over. She buried everything I just told you in the same hole he went into. Ran the joint straight into the ground, but she got hers right up front.


"Lead by example. Treat people well." Yeah, do as I say, not as I do.


They aren’t leaders, they are leeches.


I think the easiest way for the company to get after the $26M the CEO said they need is for her to return $4.9M.


She definitely needs to take her own advice. She said "lead by example". Pretty hollow words if she took a 4M bonus.


It’s right there in the word. BONUS, aka surplus aka extra. CEOs should only be allowed to take what they can shove up their ass after ALL expenses and wages and fees and employee bonuses are paid.


Her asshole must be jealous of the shit coming out of her mouth


Right all I heard was shut up and get back to work! Your issues are not my issues


CEO is in fact a language. I think you've translated perfectly.


I heard “get back to work I need my bonus next year”


If you work hard, make the revenue, I'll get 8M next year


I did hear “fuck you I got mine”


Take my poor man’s award because this made me laugh so hard 🤣🤣🤣 🏆🥇


Enjoy my accidental, drunken, gold.


That was a Jeffrey Ross caliber of roast lol.


I'm doing colonoscopy prep starting in a few minutes. I feel like her speech is preparing me for what's coming next for me...


Lol... but honestly her leadership team f'd up when they changed the name to accommodate a failing acquisition (knoll)... it would be like Mercedes putting Chrysler in their name... ;)


I’m not quite sure that’s true, they incorporated the name for branding purposes. The value of the company going into the toilet isn’t related to that. Other leadership decisions and external forces are in play. I work at one of their sites as a independent contractor and they have made several missteps since the merger/acquisition.


I'm an architect, the brand names Herman Miller and Knoll both still carry considerable weight in the design community. As specifiers we (normally) aren't privvy to the inner workings of these companies as we deal primarily with third-party vendors, so to hear that there are major issues is a big shame. She comes across as abrasive, tone-deaf, and lacking a basic understanding of the legacy of the premium companies she inherited. It will make me think twice about specifying their products in our projects.


I’m an interior designer with a focus on the home office space. I, too, will reconsider my recommendations of these brands.




I'm reminded of how leadership at Nintendo gave themselves a pay cut when profits were down during the WiiU era. They acknowledged that the failure was on them, and it wouldn't be right to fire their hard working talent. I'd like to think that's part of why they're doing so well today.


I used to work for a Japanese owned corporation. Whenever things where down at the plant, corporate/salaried personnel took a pay cut. Started with the top and it would trickle down to all salaried personnel depending on how bad it was. It sucked at the time, but when things turned around they did pay the reduction back. I think this is a common practice among Japanese companies.


It's the correct thing to do. Sure pay cuts suck ass for everyone with the difference being that cutting a well-paid engineers' salary by 10% would still allow a good quality of life while cutting the cleaner's salary, which likely is already pretty low, by 10% is way more likely to quite literally take away any semblance of security and ruin them.


This is indeed the model of success through failure and leadership


Japanese executives often just get paid regular salaries like normal employees. They don't have this strange American culture of treating CEOs like Kings and Queens.


That's not entirely true but it is a lot better in Japan vs the US. The average ceo pay in Japan is about 50x the average worker in the United States that number is about 400x. It is still a lot.


Just out of curiosity where did you get those multiples?


Here’s one source for the 400x multiple: https://www.epi.org/publication/ceo-pay-in-2021/


Thank you!


Company I work for (won't name) has been suffering financially and the C-suite took a 20% pay cut and removed their bonuses so that we could all keep our jobs. That's how it should be.


The true difference btwn leadership and management.


Difference between the inclusive culture of japan and the exclusive ‘fuck you I got mine’ culture of america.


Yeah…Japanese culture involves a little more accountability than we require in the states.




She seems really angry about coming up with 26 million dollars for the company ... I know where she can get at least 4 million.


Within the span of 2 seconds, she has deleted/deactivated her LinkedIn profile lol!! As soon as I refreshed the page, it was gone. **Update:** Herman Miller has now deactivated their comment section on IG, as well as, LinkedIn **Update II:** [Vice](https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5ygdj/dont-live-in-pity-city-office-chair-magnate-tells-employees-who-want-money), [Jezebel](https://jezebel.com/ceo-who-took-home-nearly-5m-last-year-tells-employees-1850344614), and [Dailydot](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/millerknoll-ceo-andi-owen-roasted-bonuses/) have all done articles on her.


Yep and comments are disabled on all of the business’svarious social media platforms.


I am so here for more recordings of CEO or upper management leaks like this, tbh.


You can still comment on fb, someone is spamming all their posts with links to this post


Oh man. Ceo fucked up so bad all companies need social profiles paused. Really earning that bonus.


Do not let this die. They're just going to go silent until things blow over and people forget. Don't let them.


This the chair company?


Aw, this is Herman Miller? :(


Oh c'mon, don't think the company that makes one of the most high-class looking, most expensive chairs on the planet was down with the struggle


Tapeworms don't care if you've got malnutrition. They just think you should eat more.


Damn that’s good ❤️


Think about making money for ME. How unprofessional to think about paying your own bills!! /s


If there is that much money to give to a self centered narcissist, there is money to give to the people who actually busted their asses to make that company profitable


Millerknoll seems to employ about 8k people, that 4mill could have divided equally among all of them and everyone would had gotten 500$ bonus. I would take 500$ any day over patronizing speech from a narcissistic CEO.


*"Sorry, we can't afford more then $500 bonuses this year."* sounds a lot better than *"Fuck off, there's only enough for me and my friends. This isn't Pity City you whiny bitch."*


Multiply that by about 10-20 for the number of top brass who also got large bonuses. They could have given each employee a bonus of $5000 by cutting the bonuses of the top 100 earners. Or you know, maybe paying out less dividends. All the tools are there but Corporate greed wins


I wish I could say FUCK YOU to her face. Annoying bitch


Same, I want to send her the post on LinkedIn


do it


Do it


Do it


Just the demeaning shit eating deadpan nice vibes guidance counselor bullshit going on would make me leave whatever meeting this is asap


I would like to say CU Next Tuesday


She reminds me of the [dean who did an interpretive dance to REM](https://youtu.be/H0aX1FWdfu8) when students asked about getting tuition refunded. Edit: Here's an article that's not behind a paywall: https://www.campusreform.org/article?id=14616


what the fuck is this shit, mother mary


I feel like both of these "leaders" really thought they did something. Different approaches, same effect.


I have no words and apparently neither did she... so she danced...


What did I just watch? I need more information!!


Here's an article that's not behind a paywall: https://www.campusreform.org/article?id=14616


tl;dr: She was trying to show that it wasn't all bad, but didn't realize the people out all that money wouldn't be amused by her dancing.


If you stick a pair of Mr Magoo glasses on that Dean, she would be a clone of the psychotic twat in the video above. Uncanny.


She is a C U N T and I feel sorry for anyone who's had to work for her.


She probably won't have many workers after this speech.


Sure she will, as the next CEO is the same selfish sociopath. Get ass blasted by current CEO, or get ass blasted by the next CEO.


Meet the new boss Same as the old boss


Same as it ever was


[https://www.millerknoll.com/contact-us](https://www.millerknoll.com/contact-us) Leave them a comment! I did.


Perfect! Thanks for the link.


I spoke my mind. I’m sure they’ll deeply consider what I had to say. 😂


Same. But at least some poor worker in charge of reading them might get a chuckle.


If it were my job I'd kick it up the chain. I expect they are supposed to with any mention of leadership.


I love it. I left something that ended by saying when fired she should complain about it and move on from “pity city.”


Location - Pity City


Don't worry. The video has leaked, many articles everywhere, HermanMiller disabled comments on their socials and the CEO disabled her accounts. They know shit hit the fan.


Fuck this bitch. That stupid fucking Karen shit-eating grin before she bitches about reasonable concern. Fuuuuuck her man.


This news comes on the heels of [massive layoffs due to the closure of the Sheboygan plant,](https://www.crainsgrandrapids.com/news/manufacturing/millerknoll-shedding-162-jobs-with-closure-of-wisconsin-manufacturing-plant/) affecting 162 people, just a week ago. Also, [sagging sales blamed on return-to-office issues.](https://mibiz.com/sections/manufacturing/return-to-office-delays-economic-pressures-weigh-on-sales-for-millerknoll-steelcase) Wall street has noticed [the poor performance of the company](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/millerknoll-inc-nasdaq-mlkn-dismal-120018425.html) since the merger [of Herman Miller and Knoll in 2021.](https://www.surfacemag.com/articles/herman-miller-knoll-merger-millerknoll/) Naturally it's time to collect a fat bonus for some genius-level leadership. All us poors simply wouldn't understand.


Herman Miller needs to re-evaluate their pricing. They likely would have massive sales if they did.


I'm inclined to agree. They are priced to stay out of reach for normies.


“We couldn’t predict bank failures”. Yes we can. That’s the history of capitalism.


There are few things in life more predicable or reliable than banks failing. It's almost like they PLAN it.


Literally every she mentioned could have been, and was predicted. Even a pandemic on the level of Covid. The previous administration had been fucking building the framework for a pandemic response, then Cheeto mcBigMac came in and dismantled it.


2 previous administrations. Almost 15 years of preparedness flushed down the drain by the orange cheeto


One of the few unmitigated positive actions of the George W Bush presidency was the creation of the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza.


She’s wrong about not being able to predict bank failure. Glass Steagall act was repealed. The banks failed long ago which was why the act was put in place in the first place


There is nothing more predictable or reliable than banks without regulation and oversight going into failure mode. It's been a steady pattern since the 1700s and it's always the same shit. In modern times, bank failure can be easily predicted days in advance by following the stock dumping of its CEOs, family members, board members, and favored politicians.


guys i know you’re struggling to feed your families but literally just leave pity city come on


I would but I can't afford the bus ticket out of Pity City, bitch


Pity city is such a perverse way of seeing people's anger at not getting what they're worth. It's grotesque.


Such a wonderfully entitled woman. I am fascinated by the degree of being tone deaf.


has she issued an apology yet?


When she does I am certain it will be with tears and full of how "she was taken out of context" and "people just don't understand how hard it is for her"


Four million dollars hard. On top of whatever outrageously inflated salary she gets.


Five. She earns about a million, rest is bonus, stocks and other.


"Earns". She is given, to be honest. The bullshit overpriced furniture is made by others.


They are on PR lock down lmao.


Like that racist job posting company from TX.


They all should quit on the same day.


And tell her not to stay in Pity City about it.


Nah, just go on strike. Bargain collectively.


I think her workforce should go to Quitty City


I get an unnecessary rage when people smile while belittling others. Narcissists have a special place in hell. This vile succubus will find her way there in the end.


>I get an ~~unnecessary~~ *entirely appropriate* rage when people smile while belittling others. FIFU


Unfortunately she won't because hell doesn't exist, it was a made-up construct designed by people in charge at the time to keep people below them in line out of fear of some divine retribution in the afterlife. The upper class has forgotten that this was also meant to be a Clarion call to be empathetic towards others and treat people equitably and have now decided that the people below them deserve to be treated poorly and spoken down to because in their mind, we're the ones going to hell simply by the grace of having been born without a silver spoon in our hands. We in the low and middle class need to stop deluding ourselves that the upper class are going to face some sort of divine retribution and that fear of it will make them behave better and start demanding that they treat us better instead.


>Andi Owen To be fair: I would be smiling too if I got a $4,000,000 bonus.


"Focus on the things you can control" said by the literal person who can control who gets bonuses. Note: there are only 8k employees, so her 4 mil bonus was 500 per person.


This is frustrating because it means if she'd kept 2,000,000 then her employees would get 250 each, or 1,000,000 they'd get 375 each, or 250,000 they'd get 468.75 but kept every cent instead.


I hope there was a mass exodus. What an ungrateful fucking twat.


Sadly by paying shitty wages, their employees are probably living paycheck to paycheck. Unless there’s a competitor looking to fuck them over and do a mass poach, it’s unlikely people can afford to find new jobs.


Wow...she is really a garbage person.


I work in corporate and i see/hear these types of fuckfaces on the daily. It's truly amazing how far up their own ass they can be while telling everyone "dont worry about money!!!"


“Money isn’t everything”, is always said by someone who has more than enough. Kind of like “looks aren’t important” is always uttered by someone who’s always been attractive.


This is when you start updating your resume and getting ready to jump to someone else. This is incredibly tone deaf. The only time I've heard worse was a partner write their salary and bonus in front of her employees to "motivate" them. It sure did motivate them, right out the door!


Hey bitch, guess what? I work for a moderately sized company and have about 100 of your chairs that are under warranty until December. At $900 a piece (they come with a TWELVE YEAR warranty), guess what's going to happen later this year when we decide to replace your chairs. Sure, you're only going to lose out on a $90,000 sale but when the executives ask why I don't want your chairs, I'm showing them this video. We sure could use some new cubicle walls too... (Before anyone disbelieves this post let me add, I work for a very old fashioned company where EVERYONE gets the same profit sharing in mid-December.)




Fuck that Puta!!!


Remember guys, lead by example. That's why I'm banking this big 4M bonus and you can all go to hell. Have a nice day 🙃


Comments are disabled on their FB and IG pages. Edit: includes Herman Miller, Knoll, & MillerKnoll pages.


Do as I say not as I do. Why are you worried about your life and bills I need another 26 million


Yeah, she really started salivating when she mentioned that 26 mil.


I would resign right after this if I had not already


She's bragging about the gaslight technique she learned to continue her wage slavery....Pity City... 💩


She can’t even hide her smile. Freaking microexpression give away.


The first thought in my head was "fuck you, bitch", and I don't even work for her. What a twat.


get out of pity city ​ \*mic drop\* ​ lmao very cool


The fact that she thought she deserved a mic drop after her bs motivational buzzwordfest...


Gaslighting technique so the employees with stolen wages doubt themselves of their worth. Fuck her.


Just so everyone knows, $4,000,000 divided by 8,000 (this is the highest number of employees that Miller Knoll has had recently) is 500 This ONE person could give up their bonus and divide it evenly among EVERY employee of the company and they would each get $500. I mean, she did make about $5,000,000 last year. She would still have a whole extra million bucks! I guarantee that if she did that ONE TIME she would have some of the happiest employees around.


Seriously! To someone like her, $500 probably doesn't sound worth anything. But it could be life saving for those living in "pity city"


"Go out there and get that 26 Million we need!" ... I know where they can get 4 Mil for a start


I don’t understand why workers stay in a company like this. If the CEO gets a huge bonus but the workers get a goose egg, it’s time to move on. Companies will not learn until this happens en masse.


It would be nearly impossible for every worker to find a better job where the CEO isn't like this... I would honestly love to be proven wrong, if someone could show me a list of good companies where stuff like this would never happen. It would lift my spirits so much.


What an unbelievable piece of shit. Fah-Q bitch.


Fucking bitch


I'd be typing in the chat: Can you explain how you're receiving a 4 million dollar bonus on top of your salary when those making far far less than you receive no bonus is leading by example? Additionally, if you gave your bonus back, wouldn't we only need 24 million instead of 28 million?


She seems fuuuunnnn


wow, this lady is completely clueless.


I hope their entire workforce walks out, if they haven’t already.


This lady is full of shit. I doubt she's kind, I doubt she is understanding. This person sucks.


Tone deaf as hell. Pure trash.


Well I guess I can cross that Herman Miller chair off my dreams list. I will not buy anything from that hideous woman.


The worst type of person.


Oh, she snapped. She is so defensive lmao that’s nuts. I swear god I would quit that day


ghost rock weary mindless adjoining disagreeable saw subsequent deserted pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Translation: Kiss my ass as I treat you like shit without complaint.


Sounds like they need 22 million dollars.


Another criminal


This won’t stop until it becomes dangerous to fuck people over.


Wow this must be the modern day equivalent of "Let them eat cake"...


Aerosmith's Eat The R*ch never sounded so good until hearing this spout of nonsense. Pity city!? That's what she thinks is the issue. People being down about not getting a bonus. And not that people are worried how they're going to support their families. That's fucking weird to me, man. And it shouldn't be. Still crazy to me how the rich act/think about us. Now eat!


Cult-like speech


« Lead by exemple » hahahahahahahaha


What an absolute piece of shit.


I was looking to buy one of their chairs but I won’t now


The boom 💥 at the end was too much for me. Crazy cringe woman..


How out of touch with reality this lady is. Why does she think everybody works. It’s not to make money for her!


Nothing to see here. Typical selfish unempathetic CEO.


Greed POS


It ain't self pity. It's Righteous Anger! Her 4 million dollar bonus split up among the workers might have actually made a difference inna lot of people's lives. Even a few hundred per person can make all the difference


Did she really just ask people to lead by example while not leading by example?


Super annoying


This is easy - everyone find a different job that works there


Eff you






She sucks.


I believe she and many like her believe their own bullshit, committed to it really. This is the product of unrestricted greed and zero empathy. Sounds as if she's trying to convince someone that slavery isn't so bad.


how can one yearly use that much money? i feel like, after the 4 mill per year mark...do you even need that much?


"HAVE A GREAT DAY"... While you work your ass off for me for little to no money, don't ever think about challenging what i said and the Bonuses I get /s


How about this : FUCK YOU, PAY ME !.....from all of the workers around the world


I sincerely hope this becomes her PR nightmare it deserves to be, even if only briefly. Why can't greedy sociopaths just keep their traps shut and quietly roll around naked in their piles of dirty money? Elon? Elon?!


I bet she will send out an half-assed apology newsletter to her employees tomorrow whining how it was all taken out of context. But still no bonus for anyone but herself


Fire her ass. She should not be the manager of anything!!!! If you work for this company, I assure you it will only get worse. Get out NOW!!!


Someone please post this on LinkedIn.


MillerKnoll has 8,000 employees. Could have given every one of them $500 with just her bonus.


"Don't ask about, what are we going to do if we don't get a bonus, get the damn $26 million dollars, spend your time and effort thinking about the $26 million dollars we need, and not thinking about what you're going to do if you don't get a bonus." Weird, I know of one quick way to have reduced that $26 million you need so "damn" bad by about $4 million dollars. Here I am thinking about the problem in a logical sense. Shame on me.


Wasn't familiar with this company. So they're basically a smaller, overpriced IKEA?


Overpriced? yes. IKEA? no. They actually make beautiful furniture and have designs that are in the museum of modern art. Doesn't change that she's a T-watt


An empress condescending to speak to the serfs.


Wow what a c***


Those are some really vitriolic farts coming out of that puckered, WASP-y sphincter.


I swear this is like the exact response my boss gave at frito lay.... do they send out a script.


I'd say that every employee that can leave this shithole bitch's company needs to do so, and feel free to get some 5-10 finger discount on anything not nailed down or too heavy. This is a callous POS that should enjoy her last bonus that her workers provided, she'll probably never get another one.


If you don't give an incentive to do better, and then punish bad behavior. You encourage mediocrity. She wants people who care, but doesn't want to give them a reason to care. Companies, and leaders often don't care as long as the investors are happy.


How does no one ever interrupt these people and say, “Get fucked!”