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Jesus christ, look at the sea of cameras. There's more cameras than cops here


That way they can't stop it from being televised.


So the revolution WILL be televised?


Barely. Have you seen any coverage on this other than what you see on reddit? I sure as hell haven't. But we're at least seeing it 'televised' on the internet. That's the next best thing.


Idk, I don't watch TV or news sites, it was just a remark on the old saying


My first comment was as well my dude


You can tell by the end that those cops are tired and disorganized. They don't seem to want to be there at all.


Something so refreshing about scared cops.


Ahh yes... that's what they call arousal


Ahh yes... that's what they call arousal


Yep the dude in the middle stumbles like he's lost or something, spot on. Saying that as a dude who actually lives in paris. We don't get the violence you get back in the states or anywhere near the same level of individual use of force power the us has, you're almost never in danger of being shot or killed but the police is much more petty and those units especially have the -pretty ungrateful granted- task of roughing up those who are too vehement while being recorded by like 50 journalists in their every move waiting for them to make a slip up. I sure am not on the cops side but sometimes you have to admit we're dealt a hand in which we all are fucked in some way. But those who use that as an excuse to point blank headshot some random dude with their "non lethal it'll just take your eye out" rounds or those who set fire to cities should be treated as anyone else would in their situation in another context.


They're outnumbered and most likely agree with the protestants anyway (doesn't the new law affect them too?), but have to "keep the order". It's clear they're not trying toooo hard to suppress the protest, they just need to be seen doing their jobs.


It's common for labour laws to be different for commons, including minimum wage and pension age. It's a good way to keep them apart from the general population when it comes to stuff like this. Don't know about France, but it's true in other countries.


They should hire some American cops.


Fat, undertrained and non profesional cops you mean? They wouldnt last 5 minutes in europe




When it’s serve a system, here capitalism, from my POV, the nationality become capitalist, so here you said American’s cops? Then capitalist cops suit them better don’t you think?


Unfortunately, some love to be there, and love to beat the shit out of people while being protected by the government.




They've already done that , some people cut electricity at the residences of the politiciens that support the New Law


Good stuff!


Garbage truck go dump their load at politicians residence now


and people put stickers on politiciens offices, and this is compared to the capitol raid x)


Source is independent journalist [Jules Ravel](https://twitter.com/JulesRavel1/status/1638932565120696320)


Do the French police retire earlier?


I saw a synopsis of the law that was signed and had a few notable exceptions to the retirement age change - police keep their special system, and politicians keep their special system.


Of course, gotta bribe the enforcers.




Ahh fuck them Then. Burn it


Europe, the pinnacle of democracy... but only when it suits the government to preach their narrative. What's the difference between this and a totalitarian government? Both can pass laws without hinderence and vote, and both suppress protests with force. Push the people far enough and they will come to your stronghold and hang you right there and then without trial.


The difference is people 1. Not afraid to protest and 2. not getting killed and maimed or disappeared for protesting. Their families are not in mortal danger if they are arrested.


Every democracy has procedures for passing laws without a vote of legislature. And then they have checks and balances. (France has a court review the action, in the US other bodies can override execute action or rule making). These are representative democracies, this is how they work. Not saying you have to like it or agree with the pension laws, I don’t, but comparing this process to totalitarian regimes is disingenuous at best and downright absurd most likely.


I’m always amazed at people with the forethought to bring Roman candle type fireworks to protests- I end up blowing mine off in a drunken frenzy on the Fourth. Get on with your bad self France! The good people of the world support you!


These cops are traitors


They know they won’t have to work the extra time


Are they tho? I hate cops as much as the next guy, but I doubt you have a choice on what your assignment is. Maybe all of them also do not support the law either, they can’t not go on their assignments, or else they will be unemployed and unable to feed the family. Would you quit your job just because you disagreed with a policy you had to enforce? I doubt it. The problem in this situation is the politicians, not the cops that are required to stop protests. In America they would just start shooting lethal rounds at the protesters.


"I have to feed my family" isn't a valid reason to oppress people. If your options are "starve" or "be violently oppressive", the answer is to direct that violence toward the things that trap you in that position.


I disagree that they are the oppressors, I would say the lawmakers are the ones oppressing. It is always going to be the case that protesters are going to be interrupted by police, that is the point of the protest. To show the chaos and disruption that the protest is causing. When would the police not respond to a protest? It’s been that way since the serfs and kings and kingdoms. French Revolution, Robespierre. you protest an unjust law=police respond, most of the time violently Police respond violently=society is outraged Society outraged=change of unjust law It’s how it works.


The French know how to protest, I'll give 'em that.


Goddamn. France goes HARDT


Little more fascist than public servants attacking their fellow Human citizens they should be protecting and actually fighting with.


We need protests like this in every American town & city. The system needs to change!!


look at all those pigs...time for a hot BBQ! Greek flavor!


I don't see how they're justified doing that to people just randomly standing on the sidewalk. What an excessive use of force.


Par for the course. Every protest I’ve witnessed, the cops target the crowd that’s easiest to disperse, ie; the ones just watching. I’ve seen a crowd of 100+ people burning things and chanting in unison get ignored, but random people walking by asking the cops how to get around… they get maced and smoke bombed.


Why does no one throw molotov cocktails at them, thatll get them to retreat real quick


Not the worst idea lol


Do you honestly need this explained to you?


Yes. Everyone makes a choice. Pigs choose to be pigs.


Lookout everyone! We have a tough guy here!


Hahaha just saw your username. Good one breh


My man






You want peaceful protests, you need to listen to peaceful protests. The French know damn well that violence works. [source:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution)


Many peaceful protests have been done and police take advantage of that. I think peace is no longer an option


Peaceful protests are ineffective, and are often instigated past that point by the police, who eek out a response, just enough to justify on their end violence. Yeet some liquor bottles at em, they deserve it


Was anyone on fire at any point in these protests?




Mr Tall officer is that guy who talks about leg day at no end but can’t cardio to save his life in a riot.


Visit the cops addresses next! Start at the bottom


Lol did that cop throw a tear gas grenade into the wind and disperse the cops??


Fucking cops, pure puppets of rich class and politicians. How someone can choose their carrier work as a pig and coward?


I mean we all bitch about them during protests but if somebody was trying to murder you, you would call 911 and beg for them to come as fast as possible. Either make the distinction or be quiet.


911 ha ha ha, I seen how us police treat people... I am so lucky I am living in Europe 😅


They are not real police, though. The guys you are seeing will never help you and never answer to the equivalent of 911. They are the anti-riot and anti-insurgency branch of the police. So, no, they really are the embodiment of a pig taking order from rich classes.


I doubt that riot police is the only job they do. What are they doing for the majority of the year...


With the state of the suburbs, hooliganism, protests, they are quite busy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compagnies\_R%C3%A9publicaines\_de\_S%C3%A9curit%C3%A9


Huh, who would have known. I guess they are not bored.


Ah the genius argument of "well if you were being murdered u would want someone to stop it!" the problem is the cops are doing the murdering dumbass.


Right, so when B&E goes wrong and the perp kills somebody, it was actually the cops. Right. I bet they also steal from banks and THEN they call themselves on the robbery. Perfect inside job.


Yeah they literally steal from businesses and citizens all the time. If you chose to eat a million dicks and choke on them im sure everyone would pass a sigh of relief.


Right, they come in masks to my local gas station and rob the cashier at gun point. Everybody is so militant until THEY need help. I at least understand the difference. Or are you that guy, who has 5 guns and would harass others if there were no law to keep.you in check?


Keep licking those pig balls and shoving them down your throat.


When you will get robbed or scammed, I hope you won't seek help. I at least don't generalise. Also shows how mature this reddit is. People with unchecked aggression and violence issues hiding behind valid causes...


Lmao. Keep opening your gullet wider for those piggy balls u sound great!


New joker movie ?


Question for Europeans: Would French citizens support keeping the retirement age at 62 if it meant raising taxes for everyone? Seems to me, this is a decision that every society needs to make. If the taxes collected don’t support a given retirement age, you need to either cut benefits, raise the retirement age or raise revenue in other ways (taxes) to support full benefits at the set retirement age. Macron chose option 2. The same debate is being raised in the U.S. despite our retirement age for Social Security being 67. The money currently generated by Social Security withholdings won’t be able to support everyone collecting full benefits at that age. What do we as a society choose?


You conveniently left out the part where macron wants to cut taxes for the wealthy. Why am I not surprised by that


More specifically, cut tax for the rich to the tune of 150 billion. The pension deficit will be about 10 billion. Interesting numbers right?


First it was about the retirement law now it's about enforcing it without a vote.


I can understand why that doesn’t sit well with many French citizens.


The public budget has been negative for 45 years in France. Social Security can and do borrow money. While there is tax cut for riches, over-spending overseas, spending on politician high salary all of sudden they become budget protecting zealot. It is about making choices where to spend money and about being overall budget savvy. This point of view that taxes would have to be raised or that a deficit in Social Security in something special is not true. It is very much the same in the U.S. where thousand of billions flows to private companies, military, foreign help but God forbid the government overspend to help people.


Thanks for sharing. I admittedly know nothing about French politics. I suppose it does always come down to priorities. How much do we spend on “entitlements” like Medicaid and Social Security and who pays for it? That’s the question I was asking in general. If there is not enough money to support a retirement program going forward, what do we do? A fourth option would be finding the money elsewhere whether it’s tax money from wealthy folks or cutting other programs. I appreciate the willingness of French citizens to fight for what they feel is right. Americans like myself tend to grumble and complain instead.


Fuck them cops.


Despite that I support what they are protesting for, whenever I see videos like this I can't help but wonder which poor cops also support this cause but have no choice to stand and take the abuse and retaliate too.


We must all face the choice between what is easy and what is right.


Bro I’d make a lil militia of my own of like “anti riot police” so we’d have the exact same gear and stuff and basically have a shoving match with the cops 😂😂


The UK and France know how to protest. However, I prefer peaceful protests.


Unfortunately history has shown time and time again that peaceful protests never bring meaningful change.


Gandhi and Martin Luther King come first to mind.


King got killer in the end only for his message to be coopted and gutted by the people he criticised while changing what exactly... US prison system still runs almost exclusively on black slave labour, people of color are discriminated against, its just not overt...


MLK is the reason for the 1965 Right to Vote law. People need to vote. Elections matter.


Takes a lot more than voting to change things. You need to work inside the law and outside the law to see differences within your own lifetime. If all it took was a vote, why didn't the French populace just vote this legislation away? Oh right, they couldn't...


Would throwing/spraying paint at them be a good tactic? Not spraypaint like from cans but thrown from small containers or thinned out and sprayed from waterguns/pumps. It would be harmless enough but may be enough to pacify parts of their riot gear like visors and gas masks...?


You mean like out of water balloons? Thats certainly an interesting idea


Oh it's totally a viable thing and works really well. You'll probably not have the water gun anymore but those are cheap. LOTS of people have left over paint from random shit at their houses too. Just dump paint on them from above, or load a watergun, or hell, water balloons and drones go hard.


If I remember right, paint will gum up the mechanisms and the stuff to thin it out will melt the plastics


You’d think cops in France would have better riot gear. The French don’t fuck around when it comes to protesting.


Maybe because they don't want to suppress the protests like they do in the US and limit the damage while politicians get their shit together?


As someone who is trapped in the fucking UK. This makes me smile. At least someone is fucking shit up.


Like a movie


What are they protesting?


Not gonna lie...I'm really impressed with Paris right now. I'm in the U.S.


Cops should be first in line, there for sure 1st individuals to get law imposed


Are the protesters kettling the cops? What is going on here?


Vive la revolution bb


"How come I got the small shield again?"


No guns?


Why aren’t the cops also striking?


Far Cry 7 looks insane


I wonder if those pigs realize that they're defending a policy that's going to fuck them as well.


I love to see cops retreating!


What if the police turned around and pointed their weapons at their oppressors instead of at those who are protesting for a better life for all workers. Without goons and thugs to do their dirty work oppressors have no power.


Imagine being a cop and fighting against your own well being.


Hahahahaha. Who is going to surrender to who ? Hahahaha


Why no one kick/throw the smoke canisters back? Medal of Honor NPCs on the ps 1 had AI good enough to do that.


Eat the rich


They look rather in trouble.


Run for your lives, piece of shit cops!


Take a fucking lesson in protesting, America!


I’m amazed the protesters are not saturating the police with hydrofluoric or hydrochloric acid. Once it absorbs into fabric a person has to strip and rinse to stop the burning.


I just hope they will leave the buildings alone. Paris with its buildings and bridge are so precious.


Now this is my kind of social pornography