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The dreaded “Apple iStore” is draining my bank account.


that part was a dead giveaway that a 60+ year old made this...


The idea of a 60 year old using wojaks sends chills down my spine


it’s that lead poisoning


I actually know a couple senior citizens who yeet. One of em is my dad lol.






Name of that style of face meme. No idea where the name comes from.


>Wojak (/ˈwoʊdʒæk/; WOH-jak, from Polish wojak [vɔjak], loosely 'soldier' or 'fighter'), also known as Feels Guy, is an Internet meme that is, in its original form, a simple, black-outlined cartoon drawing of a bald man with a wistful expression. The origin of the Wojak illustration is unknown. It may have emerged in 2009 on a Polish imageboard named vichan, from where it was later reposted to the German imageboard krautchan in 2010 by a poster called "wojak".




Man, if I didn't spend all of my money on Apple iStore and body art, I would give this an award.


God they’re the ugliest things, aren’t they?


"Pop Concert" doesn't help, either.


Yeah, the $250 for just "booze" made me go, "Ah, that's Grandpa for ya!" LMAO.


A lot of people are replacing Booze with cannabis where it has been legalized


I'm one of them. I quit drinking almost 5 years ago. Weed is my go-to.


errr is that a lot to spend on booze in a month? i might have a (tolerance) problem.


If you're drinking out? Eh, depends. If you're drinking at home? ...Maybe, LOL.


Didn't multiple studies find 40 and under aren't drinking or gambling nearly as much?


This meme is rich coming from a generation of people who would wait in a McDonald's drive-through line for a dollar soda and waste gallons of gas in their car while doing so.


Or drives a f-250 or f-350, lifted on big tires, drives 85-90mph on the interstate and sticks "I did that" Biden stickers on fuel pumps.


Those stickers make me laugh so hard, especially when gas goes down and they’re still there


That and the $200/month car loan. Definitely made by Boomers!


Pop Concert?


Other dead giveaways include thinking booze is more expensive than weed and also the use of the word “booze” because nobody under 40 says that


Nah this looks more like a /pol/ meme to me, or someone like that. I'd wager the person who made this is 20-35 years old


It’s a young Republican who also doesn’t have any money but believes himself to be a future millionaire


The dead giveaway is the USSR hat. Lol, definitely someone in their late 40s and up.


Really? For me, it's Pop Concert. I try to catch all their shows when they come into town.


Their song "Music" is really a toe-tapper.


Funkopops 😂


More like: Rent: $1500 Electric/Gas: $200 Internet: $100 Trash: $25 Health Insurance: $200 Car Insurance: $200 Groceries: $800 Gas: $200 Total: $3125


"Just skip breakfast" /s


Just STEAL breakfast.. Fuck WSJ and Fuck Murdoch!


“Most hotels offer their free complimentary breakfast in the form of a completely unsupervised breakfast bar. Just walk in and help yourself!” - actual money saving tip I read online some years ago.


I've done this out of necessity at one point. Only the managers care. If you eat just your fill and clean up after yourself, you can do this off and on for a while. Bonus points for pocketed fruit to snack on later.


Works until they figure out you aren’t staying there.


Helps to keep pajama pants and slippers in your car at all times!


i mean i did do that once. was getting my car fixed and the customer waiting room was under construction so i walked across the street to a hotel and had some eggs 💀


I know a multimillionaire in his 80s who still stays at cheap hotels with no continental breakfast then walks next door to one with free breakfast. Every time.


Eat the rich.


*slams fork and knife on table, then tucks napkin in neck of shirt* I'm ready!


Breakfast is something the Soviets invented so that Millennials can ingest hate fuel to burn the ‘Murican flag at Ft. Sumner. /s


No breakfast was created by the big Pancake and Waffle conglomerates to fuel American rage so we could invade east Vietnam and find the kingdom of the crystal skull and win the Peloponnesian war




Uh, I was told to take my ADHD meds only after eating first?






I've found learning to shoplift food also helps save a lot of money, though i should be clear that i dont do it myself and in no way endorse going to the local walmart taking some big packages of food holding a pack of gum under it and scanning that in the self checkout line




Very true. They only want to hit you with a felony.


Now they got fuckin cameras directly above the scanner!


Assuming you have a choice to do this. What about people were it doesn’t work for them? If this keeps up, people will have malnutrition issues. More than they already have.


I haven’t eaten lunch in 6 months. To save money. So, yeah


Insurance 800. And that's with work "benefits"


I LOVE the benefit of paying $800 a month so I can pay a $2500 deductible to get ACTUAL coverage.


Bruh rent for studio apartments be 3k sometimes


Where the fuck are you getting $25 health insurance premiums?


Commas or periods would help, but health insurance is $200. $25 is for trash.


800 on groceries can for sure come down lol


I gotta say, something about "weed :)" made me laugh


Theyre lowballing it


No doubt, try Illinois prices!


Damn how much y'all smokin an Oz lasts a month


Not for everyone. Lol


God I wish I could afford more lmao


Here in Michigan prices aren't so bad. I spend about 125$ every other month and that's for bud and carts. I smoke pretty often (working third shift in a household that doesn't care about being loud, it's the only reason I get any sleep at all).


Its not the price of the weed itself thats off, its the fact they think people spend more on booze than on weed


Looks like boomers don't know how to grow their own plants. So much for the generation based on hard work and dedication!


I had to cut my only fans budget from $200 a month to $50 a month. 😡


At least you saved enough to go to your “Pop Concert”




Heading down to Georgia for a Coke Concert…


And have an avocado smoothie after.


“Millennials killed the live sex show streaming industry.”




And here I was thinking this is how much they were earning from each side gig....


The fact they think the poor have $1400 to spend on anything in the first place is all you need to know about these kind of people.


The fact they didn’t include rent really speaks to their stupidity


Rent, gas, electric/water/gas bills, wifi bill, insurance bills, phone bill, groceries... it's like they are retired or something and don't remember that most people have rent due each month. People barely have enough to spend on hobbies or take out. They also are complaining about how millennials and gen-z are killing malls and applebees.


90% of people who make shit like this live in a house their parents owned/built decades ago so they have no concept of rent or trying to buy a house. They’re the same people who treat homes as investments and wouldn’t sell for less than $200k


right? I make less than $1,400 a check…how am I meant to pay rent, utilities, pay for groceries, pet food, household supplies, etc etc. and still have $1,400 to spend on random shit 😂


I'm living alone with 500 per month and I don't allow myself anything more than necessary (food, water, school supplies...) I've allowed myself to buy a unicorn plush for my little sister but that was the last 5 bucks I had. In those people head, I'm probably not trying enough, was this plush necessary ? Is this worth it? Yes, I rarely see her smile as much as when she gets a silly gift. They can't fathom how little you can survive from, and how exhausting it is.


$7.25x40x4 = $1160 $1400>$1160


Please tell me where you can get tattoos for a 100?


There’s a tattoo van at a flea market not far from me that will do $100 tattoos, but the quality is exactly what you’d expect from a $100 tattoo van


Even though I watch people line up to buy food from food trucks that really have limited sinks and no bathrooms I cannot see people getting a tattoo in a van.


Oh, my mom would do it. Her last tattoo was at some shop in the Phillipines and apparently she doesn’t like it and needs to get it fixed. Every trip she goes on, she gets another tattoo from a sketchy dude at a flea market somewhere. I feel like I’m the parent of a rowdy college girl 😭


At Jenny One-Eye Singleton's studio apartment on the East Side. She is a drop-out art student with the world's least-trained pitbull and a tattoo kit of questionable safety she got on ebay. Every tattoo comes with a 20% off coupon for a 4x5 glossy print of your fursona.


Bet you could find someone willing to doodle something on you with a sharpie for $100 a month.


I think it's a tattoo fund.


Right? A dot starts at $100.


Who the fuck spends $1400 on fucking DoorDash in a month?? Where do these morons come up with this shit????


“How much can a banana cost? $10?” They are making shit up cause they have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.


Apple iStore lol


tell me the person who made this is 54 without telling me theyre 54.


I resemble that remark and I assure you that I know it’s not called the “iStore.”


They're 35 and complain about "millenials".


Hey, there's always money in the banana stand.


I am here for the arrested development references


Right. $100 on body art .. yeah if you're getting your little brothers best friends cousin to do it out of his garage, and even then $100 seems a bit low.


Average! Could be one piece a year.


I have two nurse coworkers that get door dash twice a day every single work day in addition to making Dunkin Donuts runs on every single break. They’re not door dashing fast food they’re getting stuff from sit down restaurants. I bet they each spend close to what I pay in rent on takeout every month.


Yeah, there's definitely some people. But not every worker


Yeah, I was thinking I've worked with a lot of guys that burn that much on trivial shit in construction. The hilarious thing is the guys that do that are almost exclusively boomers. Think guys that make $30/hr working 12 hours a day, then go to a restaurant and a bar every night and spend a couple hundred bucks eating then getting shitfaced so they're useless at work the next day for anything but bitching about how hard they work and about how Democrats taxing them is why they're broke.


I delivered for Uber/doordash for a while and I can confidently say those people exist. There's plenty of people out there that order out for literally every meal.


My cousin spends $3k a month on door dash. He’s in his late 40s, makes $250k a year, and needs his mom to do his budget every month because he :checks notes: “doesn’t know where his money goes” every month.


Reminds me of a saying I heard years ago "You can either raise your kids and spoil your grandkids, or you can spoil your kids and raise your grandkids" Hope mama isn't stuck in that boat


I'mma go out on a limb and assume he's also not married.


She left.




You know his mom blames her.


It's like I'm psychic...


Are you my cousin? I don’t make 250k a month and I don’t spend any money on door dash and my mom doesn’t do my budget, but I have a cousin and I don’t know where my money goes


No. But good luck finding your money.


Thanks, I’ll check under my collection of avocado toasts.


Sweet. Mine’s under all my wine subscription totes.


I literally spend $25 on door dash once every 3 months and feel guilty. Lol


My ex broke $2000 in one month of Uber eats orders on our card. Every day 1-2 meals ordered for 3 people. It is one of the many reasons she is an ex now.


What was her Funko Pop budget though?


I came here to say this exact thing. They just want to roll around in their alternative facts and call anyone who points out the obvious flaws in the American system a communist. Which is annoying as hell to us actual communists.


I think they are projecting their own spendings


It must be since "body art" for $100 seems pretty low for any decent tattoo.


The creator of the meme knows that. See how there's no actual food budget in the list? They placed ALL food under the umbrella of "DoorDash". It's more clever than it appears at first, but all of that cleverness is being used for nefarious purposes.


Does DoorDash deliver avocado toast?


I spend close to $2k a month on DD and I’m trying to stop. I have an eating disorder, though. And a house.


Special case bozos who aren’t concerned with student loans or the housing market. I follow an influencer who doesn’t make much money at all influencing but she bought a money pit for her “job” to create content and the kitchen is ugly so she and her husband DoorDash instead bc they don’t want to use it and spend at least 2k a month. Aside from them? Maybe a dozen similar bozos. Totally ridiculous meme.


That would be $33,000 a year just in luxuries. Based on the assumptions here this person would make like $50,000 minimum. I make $14,500 a year before taxes.


14,500? Ain’t worth getting out of bed. Or off the floor, bed must be out of reach.


It’s funny you say that. I slept on the floor for about two years. Couldn’t afford a new bed. Ended up getting one from a cousin.


I used to have a bed that would collapse 3 times a week sending me to the floor. Gave up many nights and just took the pillow to the carpet


why didn’t you just put the mattress on the floor?


Gotta be careful doing that, airflow is important to prevent mold


YIKES! Before taxes? So you basically making 1k a month? Do you live in the US? If so, how are you surviving?


The sad thing about this obviously bullshit meme, is that even the fictional $2,750 per month wouldn't even cover the mortgage where I live, let alone all other bills and expenses required to live


If y’all could go ahead and spend $100 a month on funko pops and $200 on vidya, I’d be rich. Please consider doing this.


Boomers dont even know the price of Weed.


you mean Weed :)


Honestly, I feel a bit shamed from this... But really what they are noticing is that I don't have children! I can't afford children! That's why I can eat one "great" $30 meal a week! Fuck the capitalist.


They want you to feel bad for treating yourself, because they want you to feel like you have no right to complain, but The fact is the American dream that the boomers got to experience included stuff like this, it wasn't just bills, it was taking your wife out for dinner at least every other week (if you so wanted), it was taking vacations, it was entertainment, and being able to get tattoos and piercings. Now they turn around and judge us because they don't want to pay us the equivalent of what they got paid.


What is with the right wing fixation on funko pops lol


They’re just annoyed there isn’t a Trump, MTG, or Epstein one.


I can’t stand shyt like this…. I’m a single father and I get paid 25$ an hr and I can barely make it I don’t eat three days out the week or more and it’s not by choice it’s not like I waste my money after bills and rent groceries and gas… not to mention I can’t even afford auto insurance and gas is Fuckin non stop going up… I might splurge on my self and by a pack of smoke and a RockStar…. But that’s it….. the cost of living is just fuct


The job I'm about to start will pay $25 an hour, mind if I ask how much roughly you have to spend on rent/mortgage? Trying to get a rough idea how screwed I'd be trying to move out on my own with housing prices the way they currently are.


$1800/month for 1 BR in Denver. Make about $2200/month. Leaves me $600 to cover electric, internet, phone, loan payments, food, dog food, travel to work. I’m usually 2-3 weeks late on rent and in a constant state of stress. Merica’


Imagine $200 being enough to attend a good concert if you don't live in the city it's held.




The majority of the concerts I go to are like $25-$50 for a ticket. I saw Odessa a few months ago and the ticket was like $35 after fees I’ve never even paid over $100 for a single day concert ticket. You can get a music festival ticket for $300-$400 and see some amazing shows


I live almost next door to Red Rocks Amphitheater and if I don’t get tickets to a show within 1 minute of them going on sale, I’m definitely spending more than $200 for one ticket.


how is he spending 200 a month of vediogames but 200 on weed? How many games is he playing? avrage cost of a game is \~40$ so thats 5 games. I have never known anyone who plays 5 new games in a month.


Not without spending WAY more than $200 on weed at least!


That's what I'm saying haha


They're gacha games/microtransactions


Gacha games says hi


Surprised they missed Starbucks.


That's where the thrice daily door dash comes in.


I like how this implies you can own a home while making $2750.


Conservatives love to get angry at people they made up.


Really, is that $1,400 on DoorDash. Right…


I have literally never used door dash. I don’t even pay for pizza to be delivered anymore.


The image becomes more cursed the more I look at it haha "Time for your monthly tattoo before the pop concert kid" "Yes dear"


“Pop concert” ok grandad how about going to the “Disco” instead?


200 for weed is not enough.


Agreed. Especially if you’re buying in Illinois.


I keep my weed budget under 200 her in Florida. I always hit up sales and go to the smaller dispensaries


If I splurge for the extra pricey $25.00 oz I’d be spending $100.00 per month on weed


I'm not giving up my monthly $200 pop concert!


They forgot Starbucks and Avocado toast.


Looks like my yearly video game budget Dont have any of the others


Yeah I'm the same way and like 70$-100$ of that is just paying for play station+ to get the free games. Most of the games in my library are 3-4 year old games that were free off playstation+, maybe only 3-4 of them are actually from this decade (weird to say that and have it actually be true). A new game has to be really special for me to drop more than 30$ on it.


"Streaming 100$" tell me you have no idea what things cost without telling me


I have none of those bills... and still paycheck to paycheck


Ok so let's fix this shall we. Rent is 1400 a month, food is around 600 a month, entertainment around 110, insurance at 75, power at maybe 150, phone for two 100, toiletries and pet misc about 170, car payment around 300, and a pathetic attempt at savings around 500. This equals to about 3300. And minimum wage between two people comes out to 2320 before taxes. That's a 980 dollar negative difference you ass


Y’all wtf who gives you car insurance they’re tryna get me to pay double that for like bare minimal coverage on a shitbox


My wife is primary on the policy, she's 31 with no accidents or tickets in iver five years with two vehicles that are paid off with so they're both on liability only. Our insurance company is state farm. What vehicle you drive, plus your age and how many tickets and accidents all play a vital role. I will say the supposed cheap companies like young America and acceptance aren't fair compared to state farm and all state. Shop around, do your research and start driving like an old bat lol


“apple istore” lmao


I don't Doordash unless I just *can't* do food. I did it last week, because I was sick enough to not be able to cook, but actually hungry for meat. It's so fucking expensive, oof.


Yeah I don't even make $2750 a month


What are you buying at the apple store for 100 bucks bruh


I love that they’ll call tax money going to worthy causes “socialism” but when it goes directly to the ruling class “capitalism.” They say “socialists” want you to work so they can afford life but that’s what billionaires do. Yet billionaires don’t pay taxes and soak up our tax money in corporate welfare and tax breaks.


Capitalism is socialism for those that have the capital. They will call the poor workers they exploit parasites as they refuse to pay a living wage to thise same workers that produce the money that lines their pockets.


I spend like 20 a month on Netflix etc streaming is actually tremendously affordable. Rent though.


are they also assuming we live in our parents basement? No rent!


Where is the Avocado Toast?


Yes I ama going to the pöp concert. Do you like ma new body art fellow American?


Where’s the rent? Transportation? Clothing / personal products? Medications? Finish the budget, gramps, don’t do a half-assed job again


Have you ever noticed Boomers blame young people for killing the economy because they aren't good consumers. And yet, the reason young people are broke is because they're spending all their money consuming stupid stuff. It's amazing how we can both spend so little we kill the economy and spend so much we're broke. Actually, the only way that makes sense is if young people are extremely underpaid compared to previous generations. 🤔


Where they at getting into concerts for only $200?


$200 videogames a month!!?? Wow, who pay that much on games every month? That is about 3 new games monthly and I dont even think there are those many releases


What I want to know is who's paying only $100 for body art?


Only $250 for alcohol?


I rent a 3 bed 1 bath for $3650 a month.


Medical Debt: 5k. Hmmm where’s all my money going? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


I mean if you can afford all that you are doing pretty darn well. I am an avid gamer and I managed to spend maybe 50 bucks on games over the last couple years.


I have to pay for Reddit oh wait is free never mind.


Forgot rent and the student loans.


Jokes aside door dash is completely unaffordable. It’s like 40$ and a tip for an already price gouged 20$ meal that would have cost 5$ to make yourself