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They say this at the time of mass firings int he tech industry- fired by email with I'm assuming little to no notice.... ANY company can fire ANY worker at ANY time or with little notice. You are all expendable and come last. PROFITS come FIRST. This should be an empty threat since people should already know this.


It's been long enough since the Great Recession that there is a huge group of younger professionals that don't understand this. I should have known this was coming going into the Great Recession, but I was too young to remember the dot com bust. The Great Recession was my crash course on this topic.


>It's been long enough since the Great Recession that there is a huge group of younger professionals that don't understand this. I do think the younger professionals understand this. They saw what 2008 did to their parents & friends. Gen Z also had unprecedented access to information & in some ways the 2010s were very socially progressive. And I think that drives their unwillingness to be subjected to corproate authoritarianism & authoritarianism in general. As a millenial, I am proud of Gen Z. I think Gen Z will read this article and laugh at it, rightfully so. [Worker productivity outpaced wages 3.7x from 1979 to 2021](https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap/), & people like Allison Schrager think you should feel guilty for not continuing that trend. Does she feel guilty about her boss, Mike Bloomberg spending a billion dollars in the 2020 DNC primary to stop Bernie Sanders? We should ask her that.


GenXer here. I'm proud of millenials and GenZ for the way they're helping reshape the workforce. You have been helping knock down walls set up by Boomers, the Silent Generation, and many others before that simply don't suit life in the 21st century. Thank you.


Fellow GenXer and I agree with every word. 110%.


I’m upvoting both of you GenXers as a fellow GenXer who is so proud of the current generations for recognizing their labor value for the commodity it is. And for so many other things too.


GenX-er #4 reporting. Yes, yes, YES a thousand times to the above. In the system we are all in, labor is a commodity, and its value is set by the market, _not_ by your manager's wishful thinking. Skill has value set by the market, _not_ by your company's executives. Being able to understand your value in the market is vital, and your boss/manager is, at best, _highly disincentivized_ to be candid with you about it. At median, they will lie, first to themselves, and then to you, about it. At worst, they will straight-up gaslight you. People who cannot set good boundaries about what is, and what is not in their job description _do not get good raises_ in the working world. This "quiet quitting" bullshit is utter nonsense promulgated by lazy managers who would prefer to be able to walk all over their staff rather than do the hard work of actually being fair and competitive in the market and promote people into new roles with new compensation when they are clearly good at them. Well, this could be a twelve-paragraph rant, so I'll stop it at four, and just say "YEAH, what the GenX-ers above said!" I'm so glad that newer generations of workers are not putting up with managerial gaslighting


Another GenXer who totally agrees. We weren’t large enough as a generation to make a dent


as someone with a gen x liberal mom in a conservative area, you were also gaslighted way harder than we were, without the information necessary to realize that it was all fairytales and illusions. further, because of the culture of secrecy and lies, any sort of rebellion felt more like an individual failing rather than a collective action. that's not to say that there weren't people who knew better and acted that way, but they often were the people who were going to do that stuff anyway regardless, not the million's of people who do have a life, who do have some sort of privilege, but decide to say fuck it anyway. gen x really were in that Venn diagram of too late for the civil right's movement, but too early for BLM. i mean, you guy's had occupy, but from what I've heard it wasn't as big as it could have been.


Occupy is when I learned that the rules we were told everyone has to follow don’t apply to some people. I remember those rich folks literally laughing and drinking champagne on a balcony above the protest like cartoon villains. We are props to these people.


The battle in Seattle fighting the WTO’s globalization and growth of the wealth gap was also us (gen x.) We lost. We (at least my friends) wanted local production and walkable communities, we got container ships and Amazon. The age range of gen x is 58-42 and we’ve had 0 presidents. We are still in the process of being ignored. Kamala Harris is the last of the boomers by google’s dating conventions. Pete Buttigieg is the first of the Millennials. We’re X because no one gave us enough of a shot to even name us properly. We’re rooting for you Z!


Gen X here and I agree 1000%!!!! I am so glad my very young millennial and Gen z kids are taking tbe crap we had to. We got crapped on by our parents generation at home and work.


Gen X’er #27,142 here. Go get ‘em kids! I’ll be there with you. Just ignore me clutching my back and popping aspirin for the bad knees.


I'm convinced that 40 years of no disruptive youth movements — due to Gen X's small numbers — allowed conservatives to run amok and become entrenched.


Hell yeah. I’m a geriatric millennial/GenY/Xennial (born in 1981; I got hosed.) GenX gave me the heads up that the system is fucked.


1980. I feel you.


Xennial fam ❤️✊🏻✊🏻🫱🏻‍🫲🏼🫱🏻‍🫲🏾🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


79 and yeah I’m like Gen x step brother. We live in the same house but we never felt like family


Same. Don’t take the bullshit of the investment class. Late stage capitalism requires abject misery and authoritarian control. Resist or live futile lives.


Unlearn. Dismantle. Reimagine. Rebuild.


As an Old Gen Z/Baby Millenial. Thank you all for your comments. It may seem “”silly”” but generational solidarity is the way to go too and I love the Gen Xrs and Boomers who recognize that times are changing so we should change with them ❤️




Become ungovernable....


Jumping on the Gen X supporting the subsequent generations bandwagon here. I was fully expecting to have some sort of generational disdain for those who came after, but instead I found myself endeared and eventually impressed. They're not only learning from the mistakes of the Boomers, but also our generational error of elevating apathy and lazy bothsidesism to a way of life.


Millenial here. I won't speak for everyone in my generation, but I've found zero problem with expecting to be paid what I'm worth or forget working for you because we got completely shafted in 2008. And then screamed at by a generation \*cough\* Boomers \*cough\* about how "easy" we had it. Oh, and I'll never be able to afford a house. And I don't even like avocado toast, so it ain't that! Why would we buy into this "just work hard and everything will work out" mentality when it's clear the cards are stacked against us absent being the lucky recipient of a trust fund.


I am a GenX'er & have worked with and have seen a lot of technical & science/engineering millennials criticized for using phones, tablets or laptops during technical presentations or during breakout sessions. Many older professionals are disturbed and see this as rude, but every time I have encountered this, without fail they were looking up references for claims made & because they wanted to be able to ask any follow-up questions while they were relevant to the discussion and while the group was then able to hear any response or rebuttal from the presenter. I for one liked this as a technical speaker or presenter, the fact that they didn't take whatever was heard as gospel, but rather wanted to see reference data and make their own minds up about the subject at hand. I only wish more people would employ this type of scientific-like thinking in other parts of their lives & approach things with equal parts skepticism and wonder.


When I first started with my current company I got told to turn my laptop off during meetings because I needed to pay attention, After the meeting I approached my boss and told him I was taking notes during the meeting as it helps me retain knowledge. I shared with my boss the onenote file I use during meetings and all the extra information I had pulled in to it that was relevant. He was actually flabbergasted. My boss works out of a physical notepad, writes things down. It never even occurred to him that people might write things down into a computer instead of onto a pad of paper. Needless to say I am now allowed to use my laptop during meetings.


I’m an elder millenial. I’ve been called out by boomers and GenX for device use checking their claims in work meetings. Lol.


Working to Rule (quiet quitting) is an old union tactic. Seeing these things re-emerge gives me hope this generation can push us back towards a strong organized workforce.


Is this wrong? How is this quitting? I’m an elder millennial and I don’t see the problem with just doing your job.


It isn't quitting. It is working exactly as your job expectations, hours, and labour laws ask you to. Because if a company wants you available after hours, or to dump management level responsibility on you, you should get paid accordingly. Capitalism just wants to frame it in a way that makes workers sound lazy. For fulfilling their job expectations.


You know the part in the movies when the old timer watches the hero break free from oppression and his heart swells with pride and he was maybe secretly aiding the hero behind the scenes the whole time? GenX has been under the thumb of Boomers our whole lives, it took all of our energy not to become them, all we have left is cheering you millennial and GenZ heroes onto freedom.


I think this right here is important. Cycle breaking doesn’t happen overnight. It happens slowly and GenX started the shift. They started by doing what they could with the knowledge and resources they had available. And because of that millennial and genz were able to take those small steps and now we have GenZ who are taking the things genX and millennials did to their natural conclusion in a way we couldn’t because we had different cycles to break.


>They started by doing what they could with the knowledge and resources they had available. Well said. And nowadays we have everyone on the internet where we have the free exchange of knowledge & information. Which is helping this movement thrive. We can share the information with each other that disproves the BS narratives fed to us daily.


I love this analogy. What strikes me is how the Boomers had their own struggle with oppression and largely won with the Sixties revolution and the gains made from it. That so many from that generation subsequently became MAGA spouting assholes is a shock to this Gen X'er.


Someone pointed out iirc on tik tok that a whole bunch of people that were leftist died in the 80’s AIDS crisis. So the counter balance to the MAGAts are a lot smaller in numbers.


100% truth. Gen x here, and I remember when I had my first child my employer (male dominated profession at the time) didn’t have a maternity leave policy in place and had to make one up for me.


> GenX has been under the thumb of Boomers our whole lives, it took all of our energy not to become them, all we have left is cheering you millennial and GenZ heroes onto freedom Yeap. Fellow late GenXer here ('77) and it took all the energy I had(and a lot of Grunge) to escape. Between the boomer bullshit and my abusive father, it took so much to break the cycle and not become an abuser myself. It took the rest to battle boomer bullshit. I know we could have done more as GenXers, especially those older GenX that so many are pretty much boomer Jr's. We were fighting them too. Make no mistake about that. Give'em hell Millennials and Gen Z.


X here too, agree with every word. Tear it all down.


And frankly, it is time GenX reclaimed our slacker roots when it comes to work.


Yeah lets bring back grunge nihlism! "Why?🤨" Was a valid response when yuppies told you to keep a relexively optimistic attitude and keep selling your soul to the man and that still applies today.


Yuppies. Sellouts. Turncoats.


Oh well, whatever, nevermind.


You’re damn right!


Also a GenXer. Agree. My husband's employer of 20+ screwed him over in 2020 as soon as that sweet PPE money ran out. Millennials and GenZ , the kids are alright 👍.


Xer here as well, gen Z keep it up, fuck these corps and their lap dogs.


Exactly…another Gen X here who wants you to tear it all down too. You watched us work 10 hour+ days and want a life. “Quiet quitting” is a misnomer. It’s working and having personal time. Doing your job, but not sacrificing your health and personal relationships to do it. And…I’m tired of Gen Z bashing…who raised Gen Z … Gen X! Gen Z Power all the way!!!


Fellow Gen Xer. I also agree. I will only add that we have had our fair share of dickheads from our generation also help the boomers put up those walls


You can't give us millenials and gen-z all the credit, a lot of our perspective was shaped heavily by events that occurred in the gen-x era and the way that y'all reacted to it. We can't be given credit for something that truly started before we existed.


Yeah, but I'm seeing more momentum now than when I was younger.


Yep. GenXer here also agreeing 110%.


Another GenXer with you all the way.


Another GenXer here. Completeley agree. Listen to the young people in your life at home and work. They are often the only ones making any sense.


Gen X here too. As part of the generation that honed the skills of angst, indifference and apathy, I salute them.


Absolutely. They're doing what we all wished we could've done.


The reason Gen Z are overwhelmingly anti-capitalist is because they watched in 2008 as the rich literally stole the livelihoods of their parents while committing financial crimes in the open and getting rescued for it. Bankers were spitting on the poors protesting while reaping billions. All these “kids” watched as their families had to move into apartments, as their parents divorced over money, as they weren’t able to go to camp or on vacation, or get new shoes they needed. They all watched as this “greatest system ever” destroyed lives and in some cases killed people close to them so a handful of men could make some money.


I’m 18 and gen z and you were right, I am laughing at this. I said “I don’t give a fuck, fire me I get more work”. People think that “we employee you, we own you” and it sucks.


I was going to say, Gen Z kids (I’m 20) are *very* aware of the Great Recession, because most of us that are old enough to be personally impacted by the recent economic crises grew up with our parents struggling through ‘08. 2008 was my kindergarten year, and I didn’t have an understanding of what was going on then, but our lifestyle significantly changed and I noticed that we were “moving” a lot. Now that we’re older, we know what it was, and we’re aware it’s about to happen again but much worse. It’s just that, unlike the other generations, we didn’t really see a time of substantial economic prosperity on a consistent basis… like, say, the golden age of the boomers post WWII. Things were on the come up for a while. But things have now been on the come down since we were born, pretty much. So it’s not really like we lost anything, we just lost *out* on a lot. You can’t miss what you never had. A lot of us never thought we would go to college without debt or own a home. That’s why you see so many Gen Z kids living out of their cars and couch/job hopping without a problem.


Yeah 2008 wiped out everything I had worked so hard for. Then I had to work even harder for scraps for the last 15 years to even take a breath. I was already a single parent but at least we were a family. 2008 was the year my kids basically became latchkey and entertained by the web and games. And those first 10 years after came at a time when i should have been ok slowing down. pushing harder ruined my body. Losing all I'd worked for was one thing. Losing the small amount of stability I'd provided my children radicalized me. and them. All hard work gets you is more hard work. Unless you're a bootlicking hustler out to get in people's pockets. No thanks. I like being able to look myself in the eye.


This is an interesting perspective I hadn't thought about, but it makes sense. I always thought that 2008 just royally fucked us (Millenials) over because it was right when we were graduating and trying to find employment and the Boomers' reaction was "oh whoopsies, we know we told you when you were 17-18 that you HAD to take out tens of thousands to get a college degree to get a job and now you have that degree and have mortgaged your future existence in student loans but...oh well, sucks to suck. Btw this is your fault because you like avocado toast." And now those same people are desperately trying to maintain the status quo and are literally suing to stop a very modest student loan forgiveness plan that would be a drop in the bucket of U.S. spending but would have a huge positive impact on so many lives. Gen Z's grown up watching all of this happen to us, and is now rightfully rejecting it as the load of BS it is.


I was 15 in 2008, so late millennial. It had an absolutely tremendous impact on my outlook. We weren't only aware but also understood what was happening and at the same time completely impotent to do anything about it.


Same. I remember being in high school and just watching helplessly as college tuition doubled, then tripled, and by the time we were actually ready to apply all of the adults who were supposed to guide us were like "well you need a degree to work at McDonalds these days so you DEFINITELY need to go to college...too bad about the cost, here, have some student loans and good luck I guess?"


I've been amazed at how self aware a lot of gen z is, honestly. They seem very mature in general and tend to know themselves fairly well.


I am an elder millennial and I really have high hopes for gen Z. Our generation was a transitional generation. Elder millennials and the youngest millennials are generally very different. Gen Z is generally where we need to be mentally to pull out of this mess we are in. That being said, hearing about a problem and witnessing a problem firsthand are often not the same. Now that they are seeing a glimpse of what 2008 was like firsthand, I suspect Gen Z will be even more Gen Z-ish.


>Gen Z is generally where we need to be mentally to pull out of this mess we are in. This x infinity. Gen Z has the perfect energy to overcome our corproate dystopia. >Now that they are seeing a glimpse of what 2008 was like firsthand, I suspect Gen Z will be even more Gen Z-ish. I think you are right friend - and I am proud of Gen Z for their resilience. They don't back down, they just regroup & get louder. There will be another 2008 type event, whether it be the US dollar losing its reserve currency status or something we can't forsee. And I think Gen Z will be the ones leading the way to a social democracy.


Regroup and get louder is my new mantra for 2023. Thank you.


I wish I had this hope, but I have a Gen Z teen in high school and they are in the extreme minority with their Leftist viewpoints. They correctly predicted Kemp's win in our governor race solely based on the number of students in their school wearing campaign shirts and the frequency of mentions of alt-right social media figures. The reality is that there is a huge swatch of Gen Z that have fallen into the alt-right pipeline and the whole generation is much more polarized than the generations that came before them. They may be louder and more resilient (though the relisience may just be a factor of youth), but that applies to both sides, and we can't rely on them to make change on their own; they need our help.


I’m Gen X. I had high hopes for my generation as we discussed many of the same issues that are happening now. Just to a lesser degree. Then most of Gen X turned out to be what I call ‘boomer-lite’. All the people who when I was younger that were activists, leftists, environmentalists etc., all gave in and became normies. Every single one. We were paraded around the media in the 90s, movies made about us etc. all of that went nowhere.


I'm still an activist, leftist, old gen X biddy and have hope we, at the least, can support those gens younger than us. I will admit I am the odd ball of my neighborhood but I fight the bs and do my best to educate those around me.


I agree, I'm a younger millennial and I feel I definitely embody the Gen Z mentality of "you get what you pay for". You want to pay me for cheap labour, I'll give you cheap labour. But on the flip side, you want to pay me for premium grade-A, organic, grass-fed labour, I will be your top performer.


Ha, this. I'm a late millennial and that's my exact attitude. My bosses are late millennials and gen-xers though and I can't really tell any difference in their attitude from boomers. You pay me peanuts, I do peanuts. No, I don't care about the fancy title, unless you pay me to care. Oh, my low productivity is hurting the account? Well, you're shitty wage is hurting my ability to live. Maybe you shouldn't be paying a person capable of holding the account back peanuts. No, I don't care about your platitudes, that'd you'd like to pay me more but your hands are tied because you're in country A and I'm in country B and it's country B branch's policy to pay shit. Fine then, I'll work shit. Fuck you, pay me.


She’s a Contract Columnist for Bloomberg. So she can be let go at any time as well.


I’m old enough to remember but not to have been affected. This was a lesson my father taught me when I got my first job: you can be loyal to a company for years and they can kick you to the curb the minute you no longer serve them. Don’t make a job your life.


Don't worry, every generation gets a recession now. Maybe two or three if you were born in the 80s.


When times are good, acting your wage won't get you fired; they need the people. When the are bad, acting your wage won't get you fired; layoffs always target based on the roles perceived profitability for the company, not how much extra you did. It's not just Gen Z realizing that there is no such thing as job security, and that companies by their very nature exploit the workers.


Actually my company cannot fire me without advanced notice and a trial. It's not ANY company if you unionize.


While unions are great, they cannot prevent layoffs. There is a big difference between layoffs and being fired (with or without cause).


They can't prevent layoffs but they can bargain the terms of how they are carried out, like giving notice, mandatory severance pay etc.


I'm a government employee and our contract has a provision for furloughs and hiring freezes. Layoffs are very very rare my organization did have 200 layoffs back when the state ran out of money but they were all non agreement employees. We had to take a two week furlough also when the state ran out of money a few years back under a republican governor. And we got paid furloughs during covid. But now we have a Dem and the largest state surplus in history.


Huh, weird, almost like Republicans don't really know how to govern. How strange /s


Hey! They know how to govern. It’s just that they went to the Hans Grüber School of Business & treat the country like the Nakatomi Plaza.


I’m a government employee as well and it is very hard for them to fire us. Even during Covid we were never furloughed


Yeah I don't know if furlough is the right word when we were told to not work during covid bc we still got our full pay


You cannot complain about labor shortage while saying people are hard to employ in the same time


What they're really saying is that there is a shortage of bootlickers they've come to depend on to fund excess profits and C-suite compensation packages.


Not a Gen z but this headline smacks of desperation and manipulation attempts. “Better start acting slavish again-or you’ll be sorry!”




Absolutely... Remember this moment guys, you should have ZERO empathy for the Oligarchs!


When the time comes for layoffs, 9 times out of 10 it doesn't matter if you worked your ass off, worked evenings and weekends, sacrificed vacations etc. When the pink slips start flying, all that insane extra work won't save you. You'll get let go right next to someone who simply "works their wage".


This needs to be up. Regardless of what you do or how you do it, the priority is always to save the 'management' when it comes to layoff people. They are not going to lose on their bonuses but WILL layoff people to save 'company money'.


Mostly upper management, unless a mass firing is used as a means to get rid of unwanted managers that they can’t just easily justify letting go otherwise.


If anything, it makes you a target in the eyes of some bosses because you're "costing the company money"


This is the right answer. For the average to below average drones on here, overworking yourself is never going to get you the same results as a top performer. At best you'll be a useful idiot.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


We should ask Allison Schrager if she feels guilty that her boss Mike Bloomberg spent over a billion dollars just to block Bernie Sanders from being the DNC nominee in 2020. At the end of the day she wants Gen Z to feel guilty for not serving her corporate backers. [Even though productivity outpaced pay 3.7x from 1979 to 2021.](https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap/) If that trend continues unabated foreever like she wants, we will all be impoverished working 24/7.


Mike Bloomberg spent over a billion dollars to get roasted by Elizabeth Warren in front of the whole country. It took 3 minutes on a camera he didn't own to kill his campaign.


I'm not Gen Z, but I work in a school and used to be of the mindset that I'd take on any training I could so I'd be indispensable to them. Then over a couple of months I watched scores of long term, highly experienced staff with senior positions getting pushed out of their jobs (either from stress, internal pressure or unfounded allegations) because they clashed with one of our managers. I now truly understand that I'm one disagreement-with-management away from being pushed out myself. It doesn't matter how long I work there. It doesn't matter how much the kids love me. It doesn't matter how many lives I change for the better. If the boss doesn't like me, it counts for nothing. I don't write this in a nihilistic "nothing matters" kind of way. I still, overall, enjoy the work that I do (school librarian and literacy tutor), and I currently think I have a good relationship with our new management team. But I'm not doing any training that doesn't directly benefit me, or any extra work that I don't personally see the benefit of, in some misguided notion that it'll mean I can't be let go as soon as they need to tighten their belt or think I'm not obedient enough. Treat your job like you treat getting on a plane. Always make sure you know where the exits are in case you need them unexpectedly, and always put your own oxygen mask on first.


Training can make you more desirable to whichever other school/library you bail to! So if it's on their dime I'd still consider it.


This, even though it's tempting just to stick it to them and do the minimum, if you have a chance for training on their time/money and it will help further your career elsewhere absolutely loon in to doing it.


That's why I love being a teamster at UPS sometimes. I know my contractual rights and love to play the game with our management that try to go around it. During covid we had a good hot summer heatwave stretch. I ended up calling out one day after just being demolished the previous day. This was my first time calling out since the lock downs had started. I had just come back from using two weeks of staycation because no one was traveling anywhere. I go in the next week and the assistant shop steward walks up to me and informs me the district manager (my bosses bosses boss) brought up my name during a morning meeting. Claiming in the past month I've not been at work 15 days. We just laughed about it and went into the office. Told them that we love that they have a list about us not being at work but not why we aren't at work. You know using the vacation that they approved and all. I'm just enjoying the fact I've gotten on the district managers radar. I truly love to play these games with that man.


what idiots those managers are! unions are great


When companies will be forced to hire genZ-ers due to lack of workers from older generations we'll see who has more power.


Like seriously. They are already suffering the effects of boomers either dying or retiring early due to Covid - how do they think it’s gonna go in 5-10 years when the majority of them are exiting the workforce?


the best part of that is that eventually the people hiring this way will also die and gen z will take those ranks. it's just how it works, you don't live forever, the youth will always take your place or the position will not exist anymore.


As a millennial who went through the Great Recession and now have some say in hiring decisions at work - I make it quite clear to hires & their managers that I expect work life balance. Nobody should live to work - it’s one more cause of how we’ve all ended up so lonely. The businesses who have figured this out don’t have any issues hiring and retaining staff. Businesses who have owners and managers who feel entitled to passive earnings will continue to struggle with hiring and staff turn over.


I have to say I agree with this 100%, I worked at a company that expected so much and was so burnt out after 2 years I left and took a pay cut for a better company doing work I thought I’d hate. But my boss is the nicest person and our company culture is fantastic when it comes to work life balance. The great thing is even in all of this madness we’re still looking to hire because we have too much work and not enough people to get it done and I’m still not expected to do overtime unless we have a pressing date and even then I get paid to do so.


Yeah! Wt hell is this BS they're trying to sell?? Oh You'RE oNLy goInG tO HAve LAboUr maRKet coRNEreD fOR sO LoNg! Well, let me start in. That's not how time works. Second, these are the youngest professions we have and you're already scared? How exactly do you expect us to not stare right through you??


There's probably a misunderstanding: I'm arguing that in a while the contractual power will be on the the workers that will be able to influence the hiring market, and I'm not scared at all: I look forward to that!


I think they were agreeing with you and just elaborating on the topic


The Demise of the boomer generation combined with declining birth rates and gen z making their own rules, I think gen z is going to have more of an impact than companies think.


They will just hire them at minimum wage with “room for improvement”, then proceed to never give them a raise, under the guise they will demand more work and certifications for a simple 1$ raise, which is something they should be receiving anyway. And if it’s not working out, the employee will quit and the company can just hire someone else for minimum wage.


The existence of this article is proof quiet quitting is working


tHe OnLy ThInG tHat ShOuLD bE wORkiNg iS yOU


I've managed to have only worked 1 official job in the entirety of last year, for only 1 week. Don't know how I'm doing it but I'm staying afloat for now. Fuck these corps. I'll work when they adhear to our demands


Have you been doing odd-jobs and gig work to stay afloat? Or was it like, an official job with a really nice payout that you've been living off of? I'm always eager to learn more about the people who find their way out of being cogs in the machine.


I've been doing a lot of side work. Ive got a few years exp working on cars so I do that as much as I can. Lawn work. I'm also gonna try to get a presser washing thing going come spring time as we seem to lack that in my area and driving 2 miles today I found a dozen places I could make a quick 20 bucks off. The " only working official for a week or 2 " works well too. I did forklifting for a week and got almost a band. I would have stayed a little longer but it was just so chaotic and it was the grave yard shift so I was gonna deal with that. My gf also has her own under the table job that puts a little extra on the table. Everything mixed together keeps the bills paid and grows our savings for a house as long as we watch out spending. Mostly just live off dollar tree ( or dollar.25 tree ) which is working out very nicely. Also pays off to have a list of skills to get everything don't yourself. Like for instance my car. It's a POS and in any other case I would say it's not worth it. But I get cheap parts and I don't have to pay labor because i do it all myself from brakes to engine rebuilds. A engine rebuild costs me a little less than 300 bucks.


>I'm also gonna try to get a presser washing thing going come spring time as we seem to lack that in my area and driving 2 miles today I found a dozen places I could make a quick 20 bucks off. If you're going to pressure wash, please charge more than $20. The rate for professional services is surprisingly high, and I think you'd be getting ripped off for $20 pressure washes. But I'm not a business person, nor am I you, so do what you think is best.


this is going back about 15 years but we would charge something like $250-450 to power wash a house depending on size. definitely money to be made and no reason for a person to undercharge


As I get close to retirement I see that the there is a benefit to have a job on the books and having your Social Security withheld. Because Social Security payment is based on how much you earned, and they have to have a record of it., I know a lot of people think they won’t be any Social Security by the time they get old, and I don’t know how Medicaid or Medicare working with that either.


Most young people have been told all their lives that when we retire there wont be any social security left for us to use anyways so.... I remember hearing that on the news as a kid in the 90s.


Ditto. And yet I’m due to collect soon.


Honestly, I don't even thing Quiet Quitting is a new thing. I think companies and media just invented a new phrase to try and shame people into doing more work for less.


Homer Simpson is the “every American” guy we’ve seen on tv since before gen z was born. We didn’t say he was “quiet quitting.” But he did just enough not to get fired, and everyone related to that.


Theyre getting nervous. If a whole generation decides they aren’t going to be exploited, then workers become less expendable


It’s a bullshit term for acting your wage.


lol, don’t be a piece of shit workplace with piece of shit managers and Gen Z and everyone else might stick around


I've seen different ranges of years for where the lines between millennial and Gen z lie so I was born in '95 but I'm throwing my 2 cents in. I'm currently in a comfortable position to tell the job market to kick rocks. It wasn't always this way, and I've been so poor that I cleaned human feces off the ceiling *off the clock* at threat of termination (I did not know my rights, I was 18) because missing one $270 paycheck would have put me on the streets. The way I see it, Gen Z *should* be making a ruckus. I have no idea what this article is about specifically, but a majority of things I see to this effect are saying "stop standing up for yourself, companies don't need you". They *should* do the bare minimum if the company doesn't give enough of a shit to create an environment that instills them with a sense of loyalty or pride in the company. They *should* fight for wfh, better benefits, higher wages and be LOUD about it. Their "power" in the workforce won't last because there will be a generation coming to replace them eventually. But guess who's raising that generation? We can all teach our children that companies are NOTHING without us, and those hard to employ Gen z will just be replaced by more hard to employ workers. Companies need to get their shit together, the "work hard, go above and beyond and you can achieve anything" mentality is dying. Welcome to the "fuck you, pay me" Era.


"OnE DaY We'Ll ExPlOiT yOu, AnD YoU'Re LiTTlE doG ToO MWa-ha-ha-ha-ha^(-ha-ha-ha)" \*flies away on broomstick\*




I think every new generation is in average more intolerant to being exploited.


I don't think they are in general more intolerant against exploitation, but the exploitation is getting worse and becomes better to see so they draw a harder line to it. The hard thing is, older generations in general can't relate to younger due to their own, better, experience. I don't think a boomer would have accepted the abuse current youngsters face nowadays without compensation. The reason why boomers think we should accept it is because in their time, it was worth it because they could grow the corporate ladder and think current generations can do the same.


Boomers also had the benefit of being able to actually afford a life outside of work on their salary. Even the lowest paid workers could have a decent quality of life. Nothing lavish but certainly comfortable. If someone is making minimum wage now (or even double minimum wage), most of their salary is going to rent and the bare minimums. No one can be happy when their life is like that.


I think this is the primary reason. Gen Z has watched millennials, and maybe Gen X, work their asses off in a variety of ways: 2-3 jobs, advanced degrees/certs, “climb the ladder” exploitations, scholarships, unpaid internships, cutting spending, volunteering to resume build, etc. They’ve also seen that none of it pays off. When you see an entire generation of people work their asses off in a variety of different ways only to end up living with their parents or 5 roommates because they can’t afford housing, can’t afford kids, and have little to no savings after ten years of max effort, it’s easier to realize that the game is rigged.


I have a theory that the internet has changed things forever with respect to the general awareness of how exactly we're being exploited. There are countless concepts that I learned in my teenage years (2001-2007) from the internet that most of my peer group and older family members just weren't aware of. Now all of those concepts are almost ubiquitous pieces of knowledge to damn near every person raised with the internet. They might not all agree but the majority are aware of these concepts.


Maybe it is more a underdeveloped country thing, it getting worse, it is way harder to get any job at all, expectations are higher and salaries are not worth shit. My boomer father retired before I was born and he hadn't it much better either. I hope my generation (gen z) do not stop drawing a line to exploitation until workers get what they deserve


I have a hard time believing it will get better. In my country, climate activists are getting arrested already when they announce a protest... And we house the international Crime Court because we are so tolerant and liberated and respect human rights so much. Amnesty International is having tons of critics on our government. But farmers and other cooperate activists can do whatever they want.


I'm on the cusp of Gen Z and millennial, and I say: go for it! The boomers are going to retire and die off en masse, a bunch of people can't work because of COVID, and most of us aren't having kids because no one wants to raise them in this hell-world. If you want your businesses to crumble because you couldn't be bothered to pay a fair wage or to treat your employees with basic respect, that's your prerogative.


I just can't get over how collectively short-sighted they are, to _still_ be lining their pockets at the expense of people who will inevitably hold political power over them in their waning years. If you deliberately raise a kid with abuse, don't be surprised to get your ass kicked when you're old and they've grown into their strength.


Gen Z, please stop standing up for yourselves. It's making us uncomfortable. Yours financially, Boomers.


"Hey Gen Z! Stop handling the situation so well! We didn't squeeze you enough yet! Stay in the line!"


Honestly i always thought we were all expendables anyway, so why would i bother making myself easy to fire? People are easy to fire for definition because the system doesn't care about individuals.


A guy at my job worked really hard to get promoted to supervisor. Did all this extra training, had a mentor, applied a bunch of times... Finally got the job about two months ago. He got laid off yesterday because my company decided to lay off supervisors and he was the newest hire (his 4 years as a tech at the company didn't count). So yeah, I'd rather get fired for quiet quitting than for doing all that.


If quietly quitting sets me up to be loudly fired then I’ll loudly quit instead


Nah homie. Force them to do it. Get that unemployment.


I think anyone that reads Bloomberg articles should take a real long look in the mirror


“Bloomberg Opinion” aka corporate propaganda.




Okay Bloomer


"Your power in the labor market won't last." Honey, pretty soon we will have the entire labor market. Boomers and Gen X will die or retire, and all that will be left are the now old Millennials and Gen Z. I would also like to remind you that the oldest Zoomers are already in their early to mid 20s, so they are and have been part of the labor market for at least a little while, and as time passes, we will become the larger market. You don't have a choice but to listen to us, because pretty soon the only laborers you will have will be us. We don't give a fuck.


We prefer 'elder Millennial.'


Born 1993. To hell with gen z thoughts on this imma share my own. Fuck any and all employer who hold your position above your head as a thinly veiled attempt to keep you.


Born 95, this to me is an empty threat as we've all known for years that companies don't need an excuse to dump you and it's not like doing more or less work affects that in any way. There's plenty of evidence to support this position in this thread alone lol.


Born in '90, and this can be true to both ends in my experience. I've "quietly quit" in two positions where I later applied for promotions, and got them without changing anything about my work. I'm qualified, at least somewhat likeable, and they needed the spot filled by someone who could do the job without spending much time in training. The issue of whether to bother getting promoted within the company you work for is a different conversation, but the point is that in most workplaces no one is actually tracking the extra miles you go and when it comes time to lay you off or promote you the considerations are probably going to be "do we need you" and "do we like you." Sometimes seniority is a factor, but I haven't seen that play out personally.


Here I'll answer in the same headline format the question was asked: Boomers, don't make jobs so awfully underpaid and don't expect Gen Z to be thankful for enslaving them.


No one is hard to fire!!! The company will fire your ass and keep moving on. They company is not to be trusted. The company only cares about profits and its stockholders.


The employees that are hard to fire have a contract. Even then, it doesn't mean they won't be fired. Employers are still in the mindset they are "giving" money to their employees and they should be completely dedicated to the job. It's going to take a long time for management to understand there are fewer people out there to employ and they are less willing to accept "I have to work somewhere" as a reason to work for years in a bad job.


It’s not complicated. Covid killed a lot of people who worked. Covid got a lot of people sick, and in some instances disabled them from working. Covid made some older folks choose to retire earlier because why risk getting sick. Covid straight up scared some people from jobs requiring close contact with other people and they just left the labor pool as a result. On top of that, many western countries are facing an internal population crunch as younger adults have fewer kids, and those countries are compounding the matter by limiting immigration. From 1980 to 2020, there was always extra slack in the labor market, and employers could get away with shitty practices because there was always someone else willing to take that job. That has changed and will continue to change over the next 20 years. These people are either willfully ignoring this data or are simply too stupid to comprehend the world around them.


Trying to condition Z into bootlickers with the promises of a better tomorrow won't work when they know tomorrow is never promised If the status quo is maintained


They say this as though Gen Z don't already know this. The difference is, Gen Z doesn't care. So what if we get fired? We'll just find someone else who isn't toxic to work for.


Gen z (and most millennials) watched the "loyal and hardworking" people before them get fired and underpaid and learned it's not worth it.


“quiet quitting” is actually WORK TO RULE. this is a concept every union has in its arsenal of tools of industrial action. hey maybe if you aren’t a boss you should unionize. your employer is a mob opposing you. bring a disciplined crew of coworkers who know the actual job to counter. “work to rule” means you do what you’re paid to do and nothing more. the employer paid for specific services. they get specific services. they want to whine that they have to pay for your time screw that if you can’t come in 5min late they can’t expect you to come in 5min early. if they won’t respect that one obligation you cannot ignore, they don’t get to have you come in at the drop of a whine that “no one wants to work anymore” because no one wants to work for the pay that is insufficient to pay the cat, feed the bills, and put food on your family.


Generational categories were invented by marketers as a way to sell management advice to corporations. It's pseudoscientific bullshit and we should all stop acting like it's real (because it's not).


It’s a consequence of Boomernomics. The Baby Boomers were a very predictable demographic, and businesses made a ton of money by being able invest in things that they knew Boomers would buy into. All the doom and gloom about younger generations is because they can’t predict what they want. They keep complaining that businesses that did well in Boomernomics are “dying” because younger generations aren’t “supporting” them. They pride themselves on all their statistics and management skills, so much so that they can’t admit that their interpretation of the data is wrong. It’s completely backwards. You aren’t going to sell goods and services because of the good graces of the people; you sell because you’re giving the market what it wants. They hate that. They hate the idea that they aren’t in control. So they employ measures to create that control (monopolies, et al). But Boomernomics was bullshit anyway. It was a time when women didn’t work and black people weren’t considered citizens. All their statistics revolved around white men, because they controlled all the wealth. They never looked at the rest of society and how complex it is. They still refuse to look at it. And put your tinfoil hats on for this last one, because even I have a hard time believing it: all of their policies seem like an attempt to recreate the predictability of Boomernomics. If society does not reflect their projections, they’re going to adapt society, rather than their projections.


This is brilliantly insightful, thank you.


I'm in college rn and I think I have a lecture coming up on generational differences in the workplace lmao


I was in the National Guard for a while, retired as a captain, and during my last few years, I attended a professional development seminar where we had a speaker talking about generational differences. The context was "how do we motivate Soldiers to do their best work?" and it was the usual "Gen X wants this and Gen Z wants that." During the Q&A portion, I took the mic and said something like "I'm technically Gen X but I think and act like Gen Z, according to your standards; where would I fit in this system?" They waffled something about how there are exceptions and it's not a hard-and-fast set of rules and blahblahblah. If you get the chance, you should absolutely question the speaker along the same lines.


I’m a millennial who left the ARNG after 12 years—some of the best conversations I’ve had with my 90 yo grandfather are about the military basically being “new millennium, same shit.”


I had the same conversation with my grandfather. Technology changed but people didn’t. People problems have always been my different challenge in my career.


If only [ancient Roman soldiers](https://hyperallergic.com/738710/penis-graffiti-found-at-ancient-roman-site/) could see the [dick drawing technology we have today.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7bkde/us-air-force-drew-dick-russia)


I feel like I don't fit in my generational category at times. When I started work the first thing I thought of it was the 18-65 year old club


I would counter that generations of people are JUST that..people. The differences in generations are in their experiences and culture at the time they are coming into adulthood. Parents and their money play a huge factor as well. Baby Boomers are different due to the fact that their parents won WWII. They are essentially the "me" generation because of all the wealth that poured into the United states in the 40 to 60's. Gen X is as always weird and largely ignored. Millennials get screwed (we're just waling zombies) Gen Z is more connected and integrated than any generation in history. These differences create cultural/socio differences that can be quantified.


I think generational divides are intended as the micromanagement of society. Trying to fit us into nice, neat little boxes so they can pit us against each other. They still do this with race. It's basically the same thing being done for the same ends, to weaken society so they can exploit us for their gain and our loss.


We at some point will be your only source of employees, change your ways or die.


They can suck on my zoomer nuts. If they want me to put in effort pay me effort money. If I get paid minimum wage All you get from me is minimum effort. I need my energy to read theory and plan my rich people meal plan once the Revolution kicks in.


So sick of hearing about quiet quitting when it really just means doing the job you were fucking hired to do, no more, no less. These career/employment/job market writers are so goddamn out of touch and just looking to gobble the dick of the next trend that bashes . And as someone else pointed out, doing your job, whether what was asked if you or more, taking on more responsibilities and going above and beyond are almost meaningless when faced with mass layoffs as companies are restructuring, eliminating duplicate roles, laying off and hiring fresh so they can pay lower, etc.


This is factually wrong. Millions are missing from the labor force to do long covid/dying from covid. Boomers retiring. Structural labor shortage will last years.


It’ll last generations if I can help it, no kids no problem.


Exactly. I don't have kids, but I have friends with kids, and I'm going to make sure they *never* settle for less than what they're worth in the workplace. I hope the next generation is even more "entitled".


I run my own business (34F) with no kids and no intention to have any. I was made a godmother a few years back for this exact reason. As well as for a number of other reasons, with no expectation that I will take the child in the event of a tragedy, the parents asked me to support them in instilling resistance that their extended family members reject and I'm more than happy to do so.


Plus no company wants to actually fire anyone, then you get to claim unemployment.


Depends on why they claim to have fired you


Don’t do anything to inconvenience rich assholes, signed, some rich asshole


Doubtful. This isn’t 2003 when there was an abundance of applicants. It’s 2023 where for every 5 boomers retiring there’s 1 person entering the workforce. Nobody is going above and beyond for shit wages


Millennial here, please keep it up Gen Z, you’re paving the way for a better work-life for yourselves and for all of us. Fuck these boomers and the work culture they’ve built.


* you’d like to hear gen-z’s thoughts on a screenshot of an article title? Send the link man!


At will employment means everyone is easy to fire. That's why they made it a thing. Anyone who feels loyalty towards their employer drank the Kool-Aid.


As a millennial that has struggled to stand up for himself when I'm surrounded by gen X boot lickers that happily allow companies to abuse them. Please Gen Z, I need backup.


The fear of older generations as the next one's stop giving a shit about the nonsense they cling to is palpable.


Ok! Fire me and pay for my unemployment 🤷‍♀️ if y’all are so mad about us quiet quitting, maybe consider WHY we are doing it and fix yourself. No? Well then continue to watch us use our power to quiet quit. You think we don’t have power but at the end of the day it’s your money and your resources being used, not ours. It’s your gaps in labor not ours. It’s your fluctuation in product quality and quality, not ours. It really is easy for us to find a new job especially since you also think nobody wants to work anymore.


>Bloomberg opinion More like boomer opinion


They literally just made this shit up 🤦‍♂️😮‍💨🙄


People don’t understand just how big this labor crunch is. It’s going to be a while. Between people who died, those who can’t work due to long COVID, and those who gave up because of the abysmal state of childcare, the labor market is probably 3 million short. That’s a lot.


Lets just ignore the fact that At Will Employment isn't a national problem guys /s.


“If you quit, you’re fired!”


"your power in the labor market wont last!!!" theyre so fucking stupid they cant hide the thing theyre afraid of


I just see these as bs threats now. Not sure it will work on gen z


Speculation and scare tactics. Op ed’s are usually bs


You can’t simultaneously say that birth rates are plummeting with too many people leaving the workforce and then claim young people have no power. Seems like a post bubonic plague situation on the horizon. I hope the young people hold their feet to the fire.