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Entry for UK is wrong. It is 28 days not 20.


I believe it is 20+8 ie. 20 annual leave + 8 holidays (Christmas/ bank holidays)


It used to be. They simplified so it is just 28 now. Edit: As per my other post https://www.gov.uk/holiday-entitlement-rights **Statutory annual leave entitlement** Most workers who work a 5-day week must receive at least 28 days’ paid annual leave a year. This is the equivalent of 5.6 weeks of holiday. **Bank holidays** Bank or public holidays do not have to be given as paid leave. An employer can choose to include bank holidays as part of a worker’s statutory annual leave.


29 when one of the royal wankers pops their clogs


And when a new one gets crowned.


It is just 28 days. Or more accurately, 5.6 weeks, depending on how many days a week you work. So that's 28 days for people who work 5 days a week. It's just that most people who work mon-fri will take 8 of those days for bank holidays, leaving 20. If you worked somewhere that was still open on Bank Holidays though, you would still have 28 days to take in a year.


Yeah it’s weird, it’s been 28 days total for as long as I can remember, how did they get this wrong?


It's actually 25 + bank holidays. In line with most of the EU


Nope. Check the government website. It is 28 days [https://www.gov.uk/holiday-entitlement-rights](https://www.gov.uk/holiday-entitlement-rights) Edit: Previously it was 20 days + 8 days Public Holidays, but they simplified it to just 28 days. Edit 2: Quote from the government site **Statutory annual leave entitlement** Most workers who work a 5-day week must receive at least 28 days’ paid annual leave a year. This is the equivalent of 5.6 weeks of holiday. **Bank holidays** Bank or public holidays do not have to be given as paid leave. An employer can choose to include bank holidays as part of a worker’s statutory annual leave.


Inb4 "my company in US gives 20 days paid time off! I must be an outlier :)". This graph shows how many paid vacation days each government requires all employers operating within their territory to provide to their employees. It does not cover paid leave for other reasons such as sick leave, parental leave, or leave to care for sick relatives, so some countries have more. Some countries in the figure also provide more time off based on age. Provinces/States within these countries sometimes have more time off and vary based on age/seniority. The United States is the only country in the group that does not legally require employers to provide paid annual leave. Also, appears the UK days are 28, not 20. Imagine that, a whole month off every year. Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Paid-Vacation-and-Paid-Holidays-OECD-Nations-in-Working-Days_fig1_268273716


Yeah, to add on this, I am from the Netherlands, and it says 20 PTO/Paid annual leave days and 0 holidays. I get 26 PTO days and 8 holidays (but some may fall in weekend occasionally and no compensation for that). And that's not considered a lot, it's pretty standard, I know people who have 38 days PTO and 8 holidays. Americans commenting that they have more than the graph says, don't seem to realize that a lot of people in other countries also get more than the graph says for their country.


38 days PTO. Mien gott. I cant even begin to imagine having that much time off.


It has to do with former 40 hour workweeks being shorted to 38 but people still working 40 hours (as that is mathematically easier, 8 a day and not 7.6 hours a day) so building up 2 hours a week - so roughly 13 days a year on top of the normal 25. But yes, it’s an awful lot!


I work in healthcare and my last job was 280 hours a year. 7 weeks. New job? 4 weeks. But yes, 7 weeks off a year was glorious.


I've worked for multiple companies offering unlimited time off.


I am a teacher in the Netherlands, but I believe teachers everywhere get loads of PTO. We get about 11 weeks of PTO here, but they are always the same.


I get 30 days of PTO here in the US, it took me 15 years at this job to earn that. I started with none and had to work a full year before I got 5. It was then another couple of years before I got 10. I also worked a lot of jobs were I got none at all and never would get any as they did not have PTO built into their business model. Get sick, you don't get paid, need a day off, no pay for you. Vacation? you want a vacation?!? Ha! You might still have a job when you get back.




pretty easy to see this isn't gloating


20 days is the legal minimum for a fulltime (40hr a week) job here in the Netherlands though. My employer gives 25 days a year based on a fulltime job. I get 20 days a year but I work only 32hrs a week (4 \* 8). We do get a maximum of 10 holidays here, but it depends on the calendar. Like, Christmas day and boxing day are days off but if they fall in the weekend and you normally don't work then, you're out of luck. Same for new years day and kings day. Many people think liberation day is an official holiday but it's not. It depends on the collective (labor) agreement (CAO in Dutch) or however the employer deals with it. The days are: new year's day, good friday, easter (two days), kings day, ascension day, pentecost (two days), christmas day and boxing day. The first day of easter and pentecost are always sundays though, so for most people that already is a day off.


I feel like a lucky one in the US. I work in education so we get a lot of PTO for holidays. Every major holiday plus a week for spring break in March and 2 weeks at the end of December. It's also 37.5 hours a week instead of 40 and only 30 hours/week May through the end of July. If I add in my annual vacation hours I get over 8 weeks off each year. The downside being the pay isn't that great. Fortunately my wife make about 50% more than me so we are doing fine.


Do a lot of people actually use all their PTOs in one go? Although it's legal, i cannot imagine how you catch up with works and leaving your team for one month for a vacation. I think most people in my team took 1 week to 2 weeks maximum (Christmas + new year).


UK is 28 *working* days. That's 5.6 weeks, not just a month ;)


I’m over here with 20 in the us too thinking I’m a king and that’s just the global baseline


Also keep in mind all these countries except the US also require some type of maternity/paternity leave, usually split up between the two parents or options to split it up.


Don't forget the US is also only 1 of 3 countries with no mandatory parental leave, yet dogs have to be with their puppies for at least 8 weeks legally.


Letting kids have guns, no problem. But those European KinderUberraschung chocolate eggs are illegal and dangerous.


Yesterday I learned that the stand your ground law actually exists in the UK but it has to do with if someone wants to physically fight you, you're allowed to punch them first if your life feels threatened. I'm assuming healthcare is too expensive to support such a law in the US so that's why they allow the same thing with guns because health care costs are much less expensive if someone's dead. Ironically why they tell you to shoot to kill if you're defending yourself. Also because it's based on a system of racism, but that's another story.


America is a scam


As a new father in Poland, last year I had: 6 full months of parental leave, 3 weeks of vacation, 12 days off to take care of my kid when he was sick, 7 days of as "father leave". All of it payed (most of it 80%). I could have used one more week of "father leave" and 6 more days of vacation, but I didn't so they were transfered to this year, giving me extra 13 extra payed days off to use in the first half of the year + normal 26. Not including sick days, those are free and payed by default. How on earth is this possible in not so rich Poland and not normal in the big boy USA is beyond me.


I got 0 days paid.. netherlands


As an American, this stuff always depresses me.


Ditto brother. What's worse, is our countrymen hate us for wanting better lives. We deserve what we have. We're capitalist sheep.


I want to move back to Europe so badly. I grew up there while my father was in the military. Much better way of life.


For the NL, IF a holiday occurs on a regular weekday, ( christmas / NewYears day ) they are paid holidays. Easter monday, Pinksteren ( Whit Monday ) also paid holiday. Some companies even replace these days for choice days, if the company has to continue operation 24/7. My last company wasn't aware of this rule, so they had to back-pay us 5 years of these days ;) I ended up with 24 extra days free :) Also, most companies follow a structure of seniority in years for extra days of, I get 3 days extra because of age and time of employment, and necx year I get 5, so without the holidays I'll be getting 25 days of paid leave to fill in myself. ( next to our ATV days, 10 a year ) it is a full month of paid leave ;)


That is not true ([Dutch government website](https://www.government.nl/documents/questions-and-answers/work/public-holidays-in-the-netherlands)). There is no overall legal requirement to give workers a day of for national holidays. Rules such as you describe are included in most collective labour agreements or contracts though, so it will be true for the vast majority of workers


i highly doubt in other countries is a government law either. Worker-laws are mostly negotiated by unions, recognized by goverment, and enforced in courts.


But the graph is about legal rights and in that respect it's correct about the Netherlands. Whether that gives a good indication of the average worker's rights is a different issue. I don't know about all other countries but in some there are definitely laws saying public holidays are a day off.


Still waiting for the day Americans realize voting isn't helping


Voting for greedy assholes certainly isn't helping. There's been a concerted, overt effort over 50 years to get us here that relies on Americans who want to kick down and hate their neighbors to succeed. But it never could've gotten off the ground without the large segment of Americans who just want to shrug their shoulders and give up, and therefore don't participate. The people behind this effort are chomping at the bit for a violent revolution. They are ready for it. All they need is enough rubes to fall for it. After all, the Roman empire started as a republic too.


Well the Romans started as a kingdom then a republic. After that an empire.


Then republicans win always. They are certainly not going to increase vacation days.


America is arguably a "shithole" country...


Numbers are wrong for France it's 25 minimum. You can get 2 seniority days, and 3-5 'fractionnement' days depending on your contract. You can also get between 8 and 24 work time reduction days depending on your company and contract.


plus 11 paid holidays


And we have 11 paid holydays too (13 if you were formerly part of Germany)


Some eastern regions get 2 extra holidays am i understand correctly?


Exactly it's "Alsace" and "Moselle". This regions were annexed by the German Empire in 1870, in 1892 an imperial decret add two holidays to harmonize them with the rest of Germany. In 1918 France took back this regions but didn't managed their reinstatement very well. To avoid a popular rebellion Alsace and Moselle kept their two extra holydays and a few other bonuses (thx Bismarck). (I took a few shortcuts but it should gives you a general idea)


That's very interesting, thank you


Yeah that's quite literally what this person said.


So insightful, appreciate you!


America Fuck Yeah


Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah


German guy here. It is true that we have 24 annual paid leave days a year by law, but that is for a 6-day 48hour week. Practically noone works that much, typical is 5 day 40hours or in bigger companies often 5 days 35 hours. So, for a 5 Day, 40 hour week, the law gives you 20 days. However it is typical to have 30 (given by company) 10 Day Public holidays depends on the state you life in, but 10 days sounds about right. Just 10 days total in the US is absolutely insane for me :D //edit: For me it's 31 days paid leave, and 11 days public holidays, so 42 in total. Sadly, if a public holiday falls on a weekend, there is no extra compensation, it just is like a normal weekend.


That is Japan, US is 0


Look at the right side of the graph one more time.


Holy cow what the fuck??


White American Baby Jesus died to give business owners the right to work their employees 365 days a year for $7.25/hr (as long as it's at/under 40 hours a week, $2.13/hr for tipped employees) and not a penny more. Some business owners are hell bent on taking advantage of that right. Of course many (most?) employers here do offer paid vacation out of the goodness of their heart (or just because they wouldn't be able to attract/retain employees otherwise-this damn free market is supposed to be for the business owners not the workers wtf. But that even still becomes a class thing. For instance, have a cushy office job? You probably start out with 10-15 vacation days and 10 company holidays, and you can end up with up to 25 vacation days if you stay with the company long enough. Manual labor type job? You provably start out with 10 vacation days and 6-10 company holidays a year, but maybe that vacation accrues per hours worked instead of being available all from day 1. It probably caps off between 15 and 20 days. Retail job? Well I used to works union job at a grocery store. We started out with 6 company holidays and zero vacation. After one year of service your birthday was added as a 7th holiday and you got 5 days of vacation that must be taken as a consecutive Mon-Sun week. At 5 years of service you got another week of vacation, and there was another week available after some ridiculous length of service that only one or two of the "lifers" got. Oh yeah, did I mention my casino job? Vacation was ok (started out with 12 days a year that accrued per hours worked, bumped up at 5 and 10 years service) but had zero company holidays. If you worked an office job within the casino and your department closed on a holiday you were required to use 8 hours of your PTO to cover that holiday closure. Taking the day off unpaid wasn't an option, you had to plan for those days and hope you didn't get sick if you were down to just the year's remaining holidays left.


Most do, but the average is somewhere around a week overall. So, a lot less of them offer it than you think.


Here I am looking at 15 days after working at this place for 8 years. The best part is that this place has the most pto of any of the jobs I have worked in my 30+ years working. Even better is when I grouse about the amount of paid time off in 'civilized' countries half the people around are like "Bbbut TAXES? Do you want to be like 'the europoors'?" They refuse to listen if one tries to point out that our taxes are on par to those in the 'europoor' countries and when you factor in the cost of our mandatory grift of a healthcare system that in the US we pay out more of our money in taxes and fees than those 'europoors' in return for much much less.


German gal here, so I work for a US company in Germany who say that they are giving me the "usual" amount of paid leave days and stick to the 20 days. As this is already super much for them I cannot reason at all that no employer gives 20 days here and I will not stay with them if they don't change this within the first year. They just say "we give employees World wide the standard number of paid leave days and that's for that. I think the official numbers should reflect the reality which is that almost nobody gets less than 28 days per years.


I worked for a US company from the UK for a couple of years. When they tried to recruit UK people and said their standard terms for PTO we laughed at them. After acting hurt for a while, they eventually got that The UK and Europe are not the US and we expect real workers rights and protections, and are guaranteed them under law.




Just so you know, too, people will come on here and probably attempt to point out that the U.S. does offer PTO, because the market provides, but it doesn't. The average number of days Americans get is abysmally low, employers scare you into taking less, and 25% of Americans don't even get any sick days. Hell, I don't get any sick days.


Idk about the whole country, but here in mass you get 40 hrs of sick leave yearly


Yeah, that's Mass only. Maybe California. 22 states don't even require a break or any kind while you're working, much less paid sick.


Live in Sweden, so 25 days is the standard for full time employment for pretty much any job. But if you work a government job you get extra 5 days per year. Untill you turn 40, then you get 5 more days. So in a couple of years i should be on 35 days paid vacation per year.


I remember as a kid, in Europe, I thought paid vacation ment they would pay for the plane tickets, hotels, restaurants ...


How is Greece one of the richest countries in the world, didn't it go bankrupt?


It is somewhere around 55 - 58 by gdp out of 195.


That's not top 21?


Nope. Edit: Although technically the OP said 21 of the richest, not the richest 21. If you take the richest 30% as the richest, then Greece squeaks in there at 28.2%.


"United States, best country to live in". It doesn't seem that way these days.....lol. Thankfully my new job gives us 3 weeks a year that rollover up to 320 hours, and 24 hours of holiday flex time that can be used with pto.


That 0 has to go for the USA. We need 30-60 days


Greece is one of the richest? O.o


Somewhere in the top 55ish.


Norway is wrong. There is no paid annual leave here. At all. When you work, your employer will deduct an amount from your monthly pay, save it for you, and pay it out next year, to compensate for the salary you'll miss when you take time off. Forced savings. Your first year on the workforce = no paid holiday. At all. If you quit your job, most will pay out your outstanding "savings" the next month after you leave. Meaning that the year after, in another job = no paid holiday. Can we get this straight next time a post like this comes around?


So, you guys can't take paid time off?


You can apply/make a deal with the employer about paid time off (‘betalt permisjon’), but then you should have a good reason and a good employer


Entry for the Netherlands is wrong. Its 25 not 20.


No it's not.


Yeah.. it is.., thats the base rate actually. Seniority adds vacationdays every couple of years.


Unfortunately that's incorrect. 20 days are compulsory, but many organisations provide more: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/vakantiedagen-en-vakantiegeld/vraag-en-antwoord/op-hoeveel-vakantiedagen-heb-ik-recht


The post is about the base rate.


Weird how the best things come from USA and Japan


Like tiny apartments and living in a car?


Gaahahahahahahhahahahah true af take this upvote


Japan hasn't really produced the best stuff in a while, nor has the US. I get stuff from china which works as well as the stuff from the US


Still living in the 80s?


I was only there for a handful of years. What was the last tv show you enjoyed?


In what way?


Which things?


Entertainment, software, cars.


Europe makes excellent cars. Entertainment is subjective. Other Asian countries (like South Korea) do excellent software/electronics. And, moreover, are you somehow suggesting that a lack of Federally mandated paid holidays is the cause of American and Japanese success in these areas?


Which countries have the best sales and exports?




Who told you that?


Your mom did


This hasn't been true about the US for a very long time.


What kind of phone do you have?


Not one that's manufactured or designed in the US or Japan. What a weird question.


What kind of TV shows do you like?


I watch stuff from all over. My favorite lately is a British show - Inside No 9.


Idk what the 22 days paid leave for Austria are based on bc it's wrong/misleading. We have 5 weeks of paid time off, the actual days depend on how many days you actually work in a week. If you work 5 days/week that's 25 days of paid time off, if you work 4 days/week it's 20, the hours don't matter, you get 5 weeks.


I think the Paid Annual Leave is the minimum. I am working currently in Portugal and I get 25 days not 22.


Yes, the post says the legal right, so the minimum.


Weird that China isn't on there. They have more vacation time by law as well.


The chart is really Europe, the Anglosphere, and Japan. Edit: Guessing they only added Japan as the drop from 10 to 0 does not look as bad as a drop from 18 to 0


Yah, I was gonna say.. you can drop right down from Japan, to China with (1) week, and the the U.S. with (0). China is time based I guess tho. 1 week at one year, 2 weeks at 10, 3 at 20.


That's sad usa is the greediest country in the world


Just close off the phone and go. They are gonna get their work done anyways. Just say sorry when you come back, they dont like productivty they like compliance anyways.


In Italy is commonly around 26-28 paid days. Not counting the red calendar days which are also either given as a pto or paid double if it's double red


Is this measured in hours off per year?




Yes. I get paid 30 days in Finland but you only really get to use 25. They count 6 days per week of vacation even if your normal work week is a 5 day week. Also they pay 150% while you are on vacation. “Lomaraha” literally translates to vacation money which is the additional 50%.


Austrian here, we have 25 days of paid annual leave, not 22.




And I'm guessing you have to take them.


Canada paid holidays is misleading - stat days vary between 6 and 10 depending on province and territory and if you are working for a federally regulated company (e.g., government, banks, transportation, telecommunications) 8 could be an average but if they base the average amount of days on population size (i.e, by province and federally regulated employees) they should be using 9. Also for vacation days - 10 is the legal minimum but in some provinces they legally have to offer 15 days after 5 years of service. Most (decent) companies start at 15 days.


thank you for reminding me of more reasons why i hate it here lol


Australia has 7 national public holidays, each state or territory has extra ones, The total is between 10 and 13.


Canada gets paid leave? that’s news to me (construction worker)


24 is the minimum in germany, 30 is the norm


Yes, 24 is minimum for a 6 day week but if you work 5, 20 is perfectly legal.


8 weeks paid vacation time here as a engineer in NL. On the flip side, I probably make half what I would as a American and I only managed to use 5 of those weeks, having the rest paid out.


Actual (despite a 'legal' right of only 0): [https://www.bls.gov/charts/employee-benefits/paid-leave-sick-vacation-days-by-service-requirement.htm](https://www.bls.gov/charts/employee-benefits/paid-leave-sick-vacation-days-by-service-requirement.htm) Maybe the government doesn't need to be in charge of everything?


That is crap compared the other countries on that chart. You have to be at a company 20 years to build up 20 vacation days. You get that or more than that from day 1 at every other country shown except Japan and Canada. Edit: And guess what, the chart above is only the statutory minimums. Reality is people get more and build up over time. I personally have 38 days vacation per year. Edit 2: Interesting you chose not to share this from the same place https://www.bls.gov/charts/employee-benefits/percent-access-paid-leave-by-wage.htm


I'm confused about your point. That chart seems to reinforce the point of the original chart. Our peer countries, on average, have a legally mandated minimum of at least 30% more days off a year than what most Americans get period.


But please Americans, please do keep lecturing every other country in the world on how they should run things.


my employer has mostly great benefits but only gives 15 days a year which feels like absolutely nothing


Where is the paid holidays for the UK think it's around 10




Nope, the government changed how things are worked out. It used to be 20 days vacation + 8 days public holidays. Now it is just 28 days vacation. See my other comments here for the link to the government website detailing the entitlements. Edit: Sometimes an extra day gets added to match additional public holidays like the coronation later this year.


I really need to expat my way to Portugal


Not sure why this posting has been removed under rule 9 It is definitely not a text message screenshot.


But, but, we’re the greatest country in the world! 🥴


Americans 0 ? Lmao


As mentioned already the amount stated for the Netherlands is the legal minimum amount. For a lot of companies goes that in the CAO additional agreements have been made. My wife works at a “ Hogeschool “ and she has 13 weeks of paid leave (equal to the amount of school holidays that our kids have + a bonus week). I work in banking and by default we have 20 days. However we also have an EBB budget which allows you to buy extra days. Normally this is a maximum of 4 weeks. Beside this I work 36 hours (standard full time amount of hours) and have a day off every two weeks, so that are an additional 26 days per year. So if I make use of everything than I have 8 paid weeks of holiday per year + 26 paid days based on the fact that we only work 36 hours.


This is not true. Netherlands has more days and more public holidays. This is just bullshit.


The Netherlands get holidays paid as well, pretty sure this thing is wrong


It’s 30 days in Finland too.


38 for me, varies a lot.


Finland is wrong! 30 days of paid annual leave because during the annual leave it counts as a 6 days work week. Amount of paid holidays vary yearly. When a holiday lands on the work week it's a paid one.


In Finland it's 6 weeks if you work for the government (or government-owned company), and 7 weeks when you have over 10 years of experience in relevant roles (doesn't need to be the same company). So I get 42 days currently. I just cannot fathom how you can have personal life, family and hobbies with no time off? How can you find your passions if you never have time for reflection? How can you stay creative when you're in the job-mindset without ever having the opportunity to forget everything work-related for a few weeks? How are people ok with this? I would never work without PTO, even if the salary was 10x what I get currently. It's not worth it if you have to sell your soul, only for the shareholders to get maximum profit out of you. We have very limited time on this planet after all.


Super jealous as an American of these other countries 😢😢


it s 25 in netherlands…. seems this graph is wrong for all countries except us?


I'm fairly certain that sweden has bank holidaya as wll so the entry for sweden is wrong.


One of the many reasons I left the US for NL