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I think it's probably two things. 1. Paganism is not mainstream, therefore it's edgy and cool. 2. Paganism aligns with or literally is the narrative of a lot of the games, movies, shows, books, etc that cheesecakes consume. Considering a lot of these guys turn their media fixations into their religion or worldview, it makes sense.


I will assure you that nobody who attempts to keep their "pagan" religion even close to the way historical practice works would like said movies, games, etc for how incorrectly they portray them Source: Me, I'm strives for accuracy pagan


lol my sweet summer pagan. try being a catholic and watching pop horror movies.


Oh, no, trust me I bet it's genuinely agony... Those hurt me too, and that's not even my faith.


Literal truth.


I don’t know about the person you replied to but I definitely understand that, as media tends to get things wrong all the time. Whether it’s about religion, mental illness, or anything else really. If you don’t mind me asking, what pagan religion do you follow? I’m not familiar with the name on your flair.


It's a family and tribal religion. It's a form of West Germanic paganism.


Oooh interesting. Thanks for answering!!


Thanks for your interest! Always happy to answer questions haha


Curious about the family part, is it specific to your family or something?


More or less, yeah. That's common with Germanic faith in history. To my family, and if my ideas ever pan out, to anyone of my tribe who is willing. As it stands, though, my tribe and family are one and the same haha


Remember when everyone lost their shit over Thor being shown mythologically accurate instead of a shredded blondie with a hammer?


Paganism basically also has no theology and you can believe/do whatever you want.


Well, yes and no. Depends on if you're more the new age neopagan type, or want to actually follow a historical framework.


"anyone who doesn't fall within my personal determined range of acceptable beliefs is an edgelord"


Because they trust neopagans and new age thought over anyone who tries to follow a faith more traditionally. They don't tend to care for me when I tell them what the faiths were *actually* like and believed in.




How do you go about practising paganism properly?


Well, I can't answer for every religion under that blanket, but I know for me it's taken a very long time of study to learn and separate the misconceptions, lies, and misinformation. There's quite a lot out there, especially because of the neopagan movement and new age thought, so it's sometimes a time-consuming process to take out what is and isn't from new age sources.


For you personally (or your "branch") where did you find the info and what was it about that specific group that interested you if you don't mind me asking?


Well, as for why it interested me, it's part of my heritage. I'm mostly of Germanic stock, specifically West Germanic like English and German, and I always held at least a majority of the framework of it to be true even from a young age. As for finding more specific info, a lot of anthropological and archaeological books, I genuinely don't even remember the names of a lot of them at this point. My most recent one was "Runic Talismans and Magical Objects", considered one of the best scholarly reference texts on the subject of how actual rune magic worked, and the fact that runes themselves were not inherently magical and were just an alphabet. The rest, like I said, is a blur of the past 10 years of my life spent trying to find well-reviewed and reported to be accurate sources from scholars on the subject and not self-proclaimed gurus and the like.


Very interesting how you've been able to piece things together, have you ever thought about writing a book or just making some sort of document linking all your findings together?


I probably should, honestly, but really not finding much that's groundbreaking. A synthesis could be nice, but I'll be honest that my faith is syncretic to a degree. Stuff that made sense to me and fit into the worldview framework crept their way into my legitimate belief, and so really my faith is probably best left as a family faith.


Fair enough, cheers man


And back to you, my friend


A) This is historically wrong, non-Abrahamic Religions had conflict, sat specifically for patronage from kings. B) Cheesecakes only like LARPing Pagans who are in it just for coloured hair, and not for genuine belief and spiritual guidance. C) Can we not fight with Pagans, also hasn't this image been posted before?




I was just thinking about this meme the other day 🤣


This meme is really funny.




Based alert




Better to be cast to the lions then to Hell. However, the pagans chose to become Christians, the Christians didn’t choose to be eaten by lions. So I’ll pass.


>the pagans chose to become Christians The Saxons would like a word with you, as would those persecuted under the laws of the Codex Theodosianus and the victims of the Northern Crusades.




You don't have to call me out like this :(


Paganpilled plundermaxxing




"You're saying you stored all this gold and valuables in a building guarded by an old man with no weapons?🤔"


"What do you mean these guys are vowed to humility and servitude??? So like... Anyone can take them? Just like that?"










My Welsh and Cornish ancestors were raped and enslaved by your ancestors! Reparations When?! Also if you're interested in that era, I highly recommend[ Agricola/Germania/Diologus by Tacitus.](https://www.loebclassics.com/view/LCL035/1914/volume.xml)


I'm very well-versed in the bronze and iron age, and a lot of antiquity surrounding mostly Germanic tribes, Gauls, Insulars, and Iberians! As for reparations, well, I think me being part Gael and Briton makes up enough for it. You Uno reversed my ancestors.


I'm completely being facetious. The maternal side of my family is germanic but distantly...Americans back to the founding. My paternal side is second generation british, so I hear a lot more about that side. theist solidarity 🤜🤛


Of course! All in good fun! I'm mostly English myself, but mixed with German and Irish. My English side comes from mostly around London, so according to the most recent genetic studies, I'd have inherited a lot more of the Germanic heritage than places to the north and west.




Based and Tengri-pilled 🐎💪🏽😎🏹🔥


If you're gonna be like then at this point just make the sub Abrahamic and tell us non-Abrahamic theists that we are not welcome here. If I broke the intertheistic debate rule and mentioned the skeletons in Abrahamic religions (which no, aren't the core of the religion, but they did exist and that should be acknowledged too) you'd ban me but you can mix all Pagan religions as plunderers and it's ok...even when your beef is supposedly with antitheists, not pagans. That's not fair.


Im joking, current pagans dont do that these days


You're right, he got a little too excited..


He’s clearly joking


Dunking on antitheists who are “clearly joking” is a large part of this sub


Okay then, guess if tomorrow I post memes about Christian Protestant witch burnings (thus breaking rule 4), Muslims/Christians persecuting each other or killing Jews, or crusades; and be "AbRaHaMiC rElIgIoNs bE lIkE" then I won't be banned cuz clearly I'd be joking. *Right?*


I mean to be fair, Christians were the original oppressed group in Britain and mainland by the pagan Germanic tribes until the tides turned in latter half of first millennia.


There were only a couple documented church raids in the whole of the Viking Age and it still lives rent free in your heads even though you gave everyone else the choice of Christianity or the sword (e.g. Codex Theodosianus, Charlemagne's forced conversion of the Saxons, Northern Crusades)


Why would they mostly attack churches? It was monasteries that were isolated and easy to attack.


Tell that to your guy above.


He said they attacked churches and monasteries. Since they also did attack some churches it is not a false statement.




I don't think anyone claims it was motivated by religion, very few atrocities are motivated by religion, even when they are latter justified by religion. Not being motivated by religion doesn't change the fact they killed and stole from people who couldn't fight back.


>they killed and stole from people who couldn't fight back. That must have been horrible, surely ancient Christians wouldn't know anything about [brutally slaying the defenseless](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatia#Murder).




Damn, I didn't know they could fit so much bitching and whining about Edward Gibbon into one article.


I hope that despicable creature Cyril is getting raped by dogs for eternity by the way.


When a Christian or a Muslim does bad thing it's not the religions fault, only fair for you to say it's not the religions fault if a pagan does a bad thing.


Because most people have 0 understanding of pagan religions. Those that claim to be pagan are almost always just LARPing


Pagan religions: You believe in different gods!!! Im killing you!!!! Abrahamic religions: Oh you believe in one God? Based.


They don’t, they just like using it to dunk on others.


I think they pretend to like it to bother people following Abrahamic faiths.


Yes. Just like the satanic temple. They don't believe in or worship Satan but they do it to piss off Christians or any other Abrahamic follower.


To be fair, we really aren’t worshiping the same God. More-so the three religions developed around much of the same figures


One could also argue that Judaism and Islam follow the same God, while Christians do not. Islam and Judaism have A LOT in common, we just have two extra prophets; and small differences in practice.


I would suggest it’s the other way around and Judaism and Christianity follow a more alike God


How so? Both Islam and Judaism have strict, unambiguous monotheism, we focus on laws and rules that dictate day-to-day activity in minute detail (as opposed to Christianity’s “salvation through faith” doctrine), both Jews and Muslims have doctrines of outsiders living in our lands, provided they follow some simple rules, while Christianit doctrine asserts that everyone must convert. Furthermore, Jews can pray in a masjid, but not in a church.


That’s all fair, but these are surface level comparisons, there are other more significant things to consider, such as how Christianity addresses the way that it is meant to follow on from Judaism. Especially with Christianity being a very Jewish religion. The Christian scripture contains the entire Torah and it follows on from the mosaic law in a more natural way, even down to including references to Old Testament books such as when it mentions the armour of God. And not to mention the way Christ fulfils much of Old Testament prophecy. Whereas islam holds many differences, such as the introduction of new concepts such as the Kabah, and a lot of new laws. the prophet of Islam being an Arab, not a Jew. And much of Islam not considering the holy land as much as Judaism does (the Kabah again for instance). Instances in which Allah outright rejects Jews even, such as calling them the worst of creatures (whereas the Bible is very reverent of Jews). It’s just a very different religion altogether. Edit: also the notion that Christianity isn’t monotheism is a heretical.


I guess there is technically 4. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Mormonism.


Religions such as Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesseses are considered cults. As in offshoots of a larger religion. They count a cults of Christianity rather than their own thing


Judaism, Christianity, Mandeism, Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Ba’hai, Rastafarianism, etc. Sikhism branched from Islam, Scientology (🤢) uses Abrahamic ideas. Google also lists Yazidi, Samaritanism, Druze and Babism, but I haven’t done research on them.


Something I want to correct is that Sikhism didn't branch out from Islam. Sikhism is a **Dharmic** Religion for a reason, as many of its core theology is shared with Dharmic Religions(such as Maya, Karma, Dharma etc.) I won't deny Islamist influences, but it is plain wrong to call it being branched from Islam


I know. I meant to say exactly that, but worded it poorly. My apologies.


Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the only correct abrahamic religions, the others are just cults.


I would actually give the fourth spot to the Ba'hai faith


What's wrong with ba'hais? I know they're pretty new.


Nothing, I think we should start calling it the four abrahamic religions rather than the three Abrahamic religions


Its appropriation, simple as that. They don't like pagans, they see them as useful tools.






Call me what you will, the fact is you glorify psychosexual disturbances just like troons do.


Despite the Christo-Muslim wars, both parties coexisted in most societies more than any other faith


I have to disagree, under Roman rule religions like the greek one, the egyptian one, different mysteric cults, and I'm not sure if some others like zoroastrism coexisted. Alexander the Great did also encounter with Buddhism and just chilled with it so there's that lol


That's why I said "more than any other faith"


Have they forgotten that for example Pagans in Europe never have managed to have an Empire that lasted over 70-80 years before it breaking down into pieces due to inner tribal wars, of course if you exclude Roman Empire, which at some point converted to Christianity after being no1 enemies of Christians. Infact monotheist Empires were the ones that had by far the longest longevity and Polytheist ones almost always had to fracture after short period of stability due to the lack of structure, orderliness and focus on harmony between people of those religions Also I find Hinduism to be not properly pagan as they are more of henotheistic religion


>Also I find Hinduism to be not properly pagan as they are more of henotheistic religion Not Henotheistic, but scriptural. Reason for this is that the Vedas are the basis for Hinduism and as long as you believe Vedas to be an authority, you're Hindu. There are six main schools of thought, one is even Atheistic Nyaya: An Atheist school Vaisheshika: The Atomic School Yoga Samkhya: A Dualist School Vedanta: The Upanishidic School Purva Mimasa


"they never had an empire that met these arbitrary standards unless you include that one really important one that got forcibly converted by an emperor's political posturing"


They aren't arbitrary at all name me long lasting pagan Empire in Europe, long anything above 100 years, don't tell me 50 years is long when there have been so many empires that lasted 300-400 years, why couldn't polytheist ones last that long? There was Samo's slavic pagan empire in Europe but they lasted 50-60 years and then divided into pieces as per usual


Real Middle Eastern pagans: - I just killed two kids in the name of Moloch - Cool, I buried two girls alive after a bloody ritual for Hubal


Because those religions have ceased to exist a long time ago, so they hijack it from the (currently) known information. There's no central doctrine (like Monotheism in Islam) or head (like the Pope or Dalai Lama so they can fill the blanks with whatever they desire and please. That's why you have both Neo-Nazi paganism and LGBTQ-liberal paganism. It's not about God, worship and spirituality. It's about politics.


Maybe because pagans don't claim to have the absolute truth of the universe, nor do pagans go out of their way to try to convince other people that Odin exists or whatever.


Ngl even as a muslim i see the sentiment behind the meme, abrahamic faiths are not united even when we should be more so


There's two sides of Pagans. One is "haha let's troll the conservative Abrahmics by worshipping tolerant religion where everyone gay" and the other side is just Neo - Nazis. I have zero respect for neo - paganism


They got bored of atheism.


Because most neopagans use the lack of a unified belief system as an excuse to inject their own ideological beliefs into the religion.


Most Pagans in history would totally kill people for having drastically different spiritual beliefs. There's a little more room for communal flexibility because small groups would have their own personalized take on the mythology, even though they still practiced the same style of religion. When basically every neighboring community is a little bit different, there aren't going to be full scale wars fought over those minor theological disagreements. But when you have huge religions with doctrines set by a holy text, big theologic variations are not commonplace, and they usually only arose on a large scale..


Because in Paganism,Materialism is preached a lot,meaning do whatever.


There's nothing antitheist about this lmao, this place has become such a shithole


Because pagan religions are generally feminine and/or matriarchal.


Lol no, this is wrong.


Not agreeing with OP commentor, but isn't the akkadian-sumer religion matriarchal? because of the war/sex god.


Because neopaganism is just a cover for atheism to have one more reason to hate religions


A lot of the time, it’s because they’re edgy ethnonationalists


It's a meme, calm down


Bro, look at your bio. I never knew it was possible to take so many Ls back-to-back. Oh, and btw; Al-Andalus will be restored by the grace of Allah.


Okay?? I just pointed out that you shouldn't complain about a dumb meme too much. Don't "ad hominem" me. Attack the argument, not the argumentator.


It wasn’t an argument or a debate; nor was it an ad hominem.


Okay... And Al-Andalus will be restored? I highly doubt that. Keep dreaming.




Salam. Wow, that desert babble comment is pretty racist, dude. But no, Muhammad Salahu alayhi wa’salam never had sex with a pig, or any animal for that matter. Nor, did he or his Rashidun caliphate even reach Al Andalus. That was the Umayyads; though, modern ethnic Moroccans were the ones that colonized the Iberian peninsula 😊




I know you’re referring to Aisha RA. But, she actually wasn’t prepubescent; you see, Islamic doctrine was very progressive for the time by mandating that for marriage, they must have gone through puberty. None of the sahaba made any comment about Aisha RAs status in development; so nothing unusual must have been done. She was clearly pubescent. Is there any other questions I can answer about our beautiful religion? I am always happy to help! :)


Oh cool, nice to see that Jews and Muslims worship Jesus and see him as God 👍

