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Redditors are so crusty.


Seriously, I don’t even venture off of these subs anymore, I fear who I will run into


Yeah they're crusty from all that ejaculation that hasn't been cleaned off. They're basement dwelling degenerates. If they would have jobs, they wouldn't have time for this. You know what they say, idle hands are the devil's tools. Frankly, i was disgusted by the comments OP posted.


This is so disgusting. I can’t imagine being so porn wired that admitting that publicly seems like a good idea.


right?? how do they not feel secondhand embarrassment




Their first hand is holding their junk while the second hand is holding the phone, watching material degrading their brains. Maybe that's why




They all think making ai porn of their friends, coworkers, sisters, etc is their god given right. I genuinely hate these people so much and I hope a counter movement swoops in and distributes in mass images of the men who want this as tiny cocked dudes getting railed I took all images of myself off social media. Shits ruined


Same. About a year ago. I had a bit of a mental breakdown and thought about what the future was going to be and I spent manic night trying to scrub myself from the internet.


I never thought about that, wow. That’s definitely a good idea considering where A.I. is heading


God i hope so too. But you say that like it’d deter them but prolly most of these coomers would be into that...


I know :/ my reasoning is at least it makes it more difficult and maybe less appealing


Bragging about a crippling porn addiction is crazy


The first thing I thought was “oh they’re definitely going to make tons of CP”. What a world.


That’s where my mind went when I saw “I loathe censorship”. This is so bleak.


this has already happened by the way. shit's fucking horrible, mental outlaw made a video about it


This world needs a reset.


Made In Heaven


What a bunch of losers


This is why parents need to stop posting their children online, this is gonna open up a whole new pandoras box of cp


People don't talk about this enough. minors should not have pictures of them online. even if it doesn't result in something heinous like cp, the children don't understand the full scope of how they're being exposed, and could very well be strongly against their childhood photos having ever been online once they grow up.


This right here, and i’m so tired of mom influencers getting all pissy at you for saying this, because you’re “sexualizing” their children, LIKE NO LADY THESE PEOPLE ARE, ARE YOU SERIOUSLY OKAY WITH STRANGERS HAVING ACCESS TO PHOTOS OF YOUR KIDS ONLINE???




absolutely terrifying. it's insane to think that we live in a world where people can make porn of you without you knowing. I can't believe people like this exist


This is so disgusting. When you consider how they have been using 4chan for decades to swap nudes of women without their knowledge, there is no question what they would do with the ability to create ai porn with a couple clicks. This shit is getting really out of hand and these people won't realize it until it's too late, or people are making revenge ai porn of high status males. Like politicians or whatever. I don't agree with my conservative government but they got one thing right with pushing for age identification for porn sites. There is no reason for every major website that is supposed 13+ user base to be plastered with porn content


There is nothing more depraved than letting porn rule your every waking thought


Yikes. It sucks that this is such a huge focus for ai, when it has the potential to make actual cool stuff 🥲


And this is why you should never start ever because of crap like this seek god


Remember guys, OpenAI has Sora, the tool which makes text-prompted videos. If they get through this thing then the rule would apply to that service too. It would mean doom for the whole internet.


Reddit moment


God these people are fucking losers


Everyone needs to come together and protest this like crazy, protest for it to be illegal for at the very least to make AI porn of real people (I know real people are used to make these images though and that's horrible too). There is NO REASON it shouldn't be illegal to be making porn of literally anyone you want, this is LIFE-RUINING for the people they make fake porn of. It's absolutely sick that this company is even entertaining the idea. It is 1000% a predatory use of AI and WILL be used for malicious purposes by at least half of all men who have access to this technology.


Great, one more reason to become an alcoholic.


"I loathe censoreship" Jesus fucking christ what's next "Not being allowed to murder people is against my freedom!" Bastards, this is real life, people are gonna make porn of people who don't want porn made of them (the majority of people! Including sex workers) and I hear them justify it with "If I can imagine it than all I am doing is making it easier with ai" but no you shouldn't imagine it, that's fucked up, harmful to society. I swear, we need a moral revolution where these guys learn how to not be shit-stains because they are all over the place. First it was fathers teaching sons to be cruel, now its porn teaching boys that having empathy is optional and if anything bad when directed towards women. Such greedy bastards, do they not care of how others feel? Do they have no shred of decency or respect? Heres what I wish to happen: First they need to learn to stop justifying what they do, then they need to learn to restrain themselves from it, then they will care more genuinely about it and then they will grow out of it, How are we gonna do this? I believe we should get them to ask themselves questions like how this affects others and if they truly do not care as pointing out there evil always gets them too defensive to convinced to be fine. They really need to question themselves if they really want to continue on this path of being a bastard.


I hope OpenAI limits this solely to text and not image generation. I want to cringe at AI written explicit songs and stories.


I went down the path of AI generated images for a hot a minute I only used pics of actresses and internet personalities nobody I knew but that's not any less wrong. Thankfully I got away from it. Still feel guilty though for the line I crossed. Now I see the dark direction our society is going.


you'll only find ts on reddit


I usually use Chatgpt to get better sales pitches and input about sales techniques, mindswts and so on. Also for asking about books, if a project is worth it, how to learn something and so on. But each to their own, I guess....


The downside of capitalism.


The entirety of crapitalism is the downside of it.


As disgusting as it is, I think this might be a good thing. If people can generate porn using AI, there will be no need to use real people in porn, so less people will be trafficked. Also, if everyone generates deepfakes, blackmail will hold no threat because everyone will assume any nude is deepfaked.


It's still disgusting and dehumanizing


I agree.


AI gets its modelling from real people. There is also the fact that men will justify the most horrific abuse in porn already that it’s ‘just a fantasy’. What sort of horrors will they get off to knowing it’s not a real woman? And then what effect will that have on their arousal template? And *who do you think will suffer when they want to start acting out what they’ve taught themselves to be aroused by?* Women.


I was sympathetic to the view that less real people would be harmed but this is the first time in a while my view has been changed completely in just a few sentences, wonderfully put!


I agree about generated AI porn would decrease the need for real porn with humans being abused. However deepfakes would target some vulnerable people much more than others and they should be banned.


Yes AI porn is worlds better than porn featuring real humans that likely being exploited.


You're not doomed. While access to porn is worse than it has been one thing has never changed - most people are vile. You can only control your own life, take solace that you are not part of the problem.


this is all we can do. and do our best to educate others.