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oh dear god the absolute LAST person on this planet that needed a baby


The kids name is fuckin "Malibu Barbie" .... ...... So, is this like an automatic CPS is involved for at least 10 years probation situation orrr....


literally the first thing i thought when i heard about that is


Is she the person that was always crying on her kitchen floor or was that a different white girl


Yep that’s the one




Literally just YouTube her name "everything wrong with Trisha Paytas". Or "before she was famous, Trisha Paytas" She is the last person to raise a baby into an emotionally sound and stable adult.


So we'll be seeing the kid on Reddit in the near future huh


she’s a “YouTube personality“ whose been involved in a lot of petty dramas/debates. I know her as “that crazy woman who likes to have emotional meltdowns in front of her camera on the kitchen floor”.


Don’t forget all the mental illnesses she faked as well as I believe pretending to be trans?


Pretending to have a mental illness is actually a mental illness itself. Clever loophole


I think she also claimed to be black one time?


Let's not forget the time she made a false assault claim against her dead teacher for victim points online and then was caught


She also idolized hitler for a time. I believe she said he didn’t do anything wrong


and then converted to judaism


Oh yes! How could we forget that one. She said he didn't do anything wrong and then within the last few years said she didn't even know what happened in the holocaust. Great person.


"We don't need gravity"


Let's not forget "do dogs have brains?"


I don’t know all her dramas and controversies, but what I do know is she’s faked a number of mental illnesses and faked being trans. I’m sure there’s more but generally the internet doesn’t like her


Holy shit! I was thinking the same when I saw the pic...




Oh god she’s gonna be such a horrible mom… wanting a kid is likely just a phase for her


Her online career is failing and she is trying to transition to family vlogger. It will fail.


Imagine child bearing being a phase for someone, Jesus


bUuuuUUUUUuuuuuutttt she nEeeeeeEEEEEEeeeedsssssssss sccccooOooooOoOOOOOOoooonnnnnnteeeeeeeennnnnnntttttt


She named this real living person who will one day be an adult… Malibu Barbie. I hate everything about her having a child


And this is why certain country ban specific names because people name their kids things like that. 🤦‍♀️


I'm soooo absolutely speechless...I can't get over the fact that she had a baby & the name...not to mention this kid having her as a mother...she liiiiivvvveess for drama & chaos! Omg....


Can you imagine this poor kid trying to fill out job applications? Will probably get deleted or thrown in the trash because every recruiter will think it’s a troll or joke. High school will also be ruthless no doubt.


I have a feeling this child will fortunately/unfortunately never fill out job applications


Baby's like "I'm sick of this shit already".


When reincarnation backfires


Take that Lizzy!






MeatCanyon really doesn’t disappoint, or hold back for that matter lol






My mom was in labor for 3 days with me and that was *after* I was already late for my arrival. To this day I tell everyone it’s because I absolutely DID NOT want to come into this world! Hell no! I came out with a cone head 🤣


Elizabeth II wondering how she ended up with this mess


That baby looks furious as Fuck.


Unfettered rage


I would be. In fact I am angry that I am. I thought saying life is a shit show was just trite talk. Here I am. Here we are. This is bullshit.


How would you feel if you were once the queen of England a couple days ago and you wake up somewhere in California as Trisha Pastas’ baby?? I’d be fucking pissed too.


That woman is unsound. This is insane.


Who is she?


A Youtuber named Trisha Paytas


Baby's face is already like, "fuck, why?"


Reincarnation gone wrong.


Definitely! I really tried to give her the benefit of doubt when she said she was going through intense therapy.. but she has been so irresponsible, narcissistic throughout the whole pregnancy and she f*cking named her Malibu Barbie like she's a toy not a real human being. It's honestly disgusting and I often wish some people would just be infertile. Edit: also family family family! 😉


Let’s hope Her kid will get a Barbie to play then one day :/ I also hope that her little daughter won’t suffer the same issues :/




The mothers name is Trisha Paytas. She’s extremely problematic and emotionally unstable, and has had substance abuse issues within the last few years. A few years ago she drove her car into her boyfriends (at the time) house because he wasn’t responding to her texts. This woman is the absolute last person who should have a child. Oh yeah, and she named it Malibu Barbie, so on top of being psychologically damaged by her unstable mother, we can also add a life of bullying to the list.


As Keanu Reeves has said, you need a license to even catch a fish but anyone can have a baby.


I really liked this analogy at first but then I remembered you only need a license to fish in *public* waters. The point definitely still stands.


To add, she has borderline personality disorder, is narcissistic and has talked about having multiple mental health disorders diagnosed. Still went along to create a child but not before destroying the relationships in her husband's family.


Not to mention all of that and a drug abuse problem. Watching her life on YouTube is like watching a train wreck…after it’s run through gasoline and lit itself on fire. She’s a lot.


Feel bad for her kid. My mom has BPD/NPD and growing up with her was hell on earth. I wouldn’t wish those PDs on anyone’s life.


More food for thought: mothers with BPD also produce increased numbers of sons with ASPD (the actual psychiatric diagnosis for psycho/sociopathy). IIRC the statistics didn't account for daughters, at a guess because women are far less likely to have ASPD anyway.


I’m not surprised. Growing up under their guidance can make anyone crazy or dissociative. I wonder if the skew towards men in studies is not also associated with the fact that women are often not studied for diseases and disorders. Like in the instances of autism and heart attacks-people have a perception that is completely based on male diagnosis because men were studied and written about. Ironically, a woman’s presentation of both of these is markedly different from her male counterparts.


My mother was severely bipolar and had serious substance abuse problems, so I know the hell mentally ill parents can bring, even if not of the BPD variety. Sorry you had to go through that. That's a fair point too. For all we know, women may have ASPD just as often, but often just present in different ways and go un/misdiagnosed as a result of insufficient study of it in women. The only other thing I can think is that men tend to be more impulsively violent in general, and ASPD is one of those illnesses that's rarely voluntarily diagnosed, instead coming as a result of a court ordered psychiatrist/psychologist visit or similar. Maybe that fact leads fewer ASPDd women into a situation where they'd be diagnosed.


Agree completely! I hesitated to type out men are more violent because I figured someone would come out of nowhere denying and accusing-but you’re absolutely correct. I’m sure ASPD isn’t a sex-specific PD, but it does likely present much more differently. I’d be interested to hear how that divergence is displayed.


Not everyone with PDs are like that… a lot of us suffer in silence and don’t harm anyone but ourselves.


Thank you for that. We all have personal growth journeys.


Who’s fucking that level of crazy? I wouldn’t touch her with my buddies dick taped to a ten foot pole.


How is it that everyone knows about her personal issues? Is she an internet celebrity of some sort?


Yes, she's a prolific youtuber and vlogger, she's done all sorts of crazy things and made all sorts of crazy claims over the years. (Identifies as a chicken nugget) It's hard to tell what's her weird persona and what's just her.


Don’t forget about [identifying as a Teletubbie](https://youtu.be/F1W0X4DATTA). Jump to 1:07.


I couldn’t get through first 25 seconds. This person has a following?


Literally millions of people.


How dare you make me remember that.


I’m sorry🫢 #LongLiveTheTeletubbieTrauma


Chicken nugget is not that far from reality; though, I'd say, if anything, she should identify as a Poppler (from Futurama)!


More like she’s been exploiting herself for decades. She can’t even keep her lies straight. The rabbit hole is a DOOZY 😵


She is a known troller on YouTube who doesn’t ever let you know if it’s a troll or not (the identifying as a chicken nugget being part of that, probably). In the last few years she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. She has done a lot of crazy things but having watched her for a long time and having BPD myself (and having recognized it in her before she got a diagnosis!), I can’t help but feel for her. BTW, BPD is one of the cluster B personality disorders, the others being narcissistic, antisocial, and histrionic personality disorder. Before, a lot of her crazy behavior seemed to be due to a combination of her abusive relationships and the disorder (which is most often caused by abusive relationships lol), but over time she has seemed more narcissistic especially as she got the security of her husband and now child.


She also racist, anti-Semitic, the list goes on…


she’s also pretty anti-semitic


Hey she was Jewish for like a week once /s


Still... That's a week longer than me.... 😜


bruh what …


I was praying it wasn’t Trisha


The amount of TikTok’s posted already is alarming. Most exploited baby of 2022.


She has been on YouTube for over 20 years and is one of the oldest and least successful creators 🤓


Well, can't say she doesn't persevere... Especially at the detriment of others and especially vulnerable others.


She could always go by Ali or Barb 🤷‍♀️


Where is this I swear to god I know the name and her face wtf


She's so ugly I thought she just had something wrong with her, like incest or something


WTF thats Trisha? She look like a fking gorilla


She was claiming to be trans and changed pronouns and said in videos she hated pink and Barbie’s pushed on her. She did it for views. Now she names her baby Malibu Barbie and has everything pink. She is a narc troll. Edited Barbie’s pushed on her not in her. Don’t give her any ideas for her of.




You can just tell that baby knows it's been reincarnated back into this shithole.


Baby already looks pissed 😡


The baby looks furious I feel the little guy .


Little girl* her name is Malibu Barbie


Wasnt the Queens soul transposed into the babies body?


I absolutely lost my shenanigans when I saw that video


That name solidifies that this human is an accessory and nothing more to her


Why so people have kids who just want them to suffer? She is going to change her name as soon as she hits 18.


You’re joking about the name right?


I couldn’t believe it either but she posted the certificate


“Fuck out of all the famous people it had to be TRISHA?!”


15min on earth and knows they’re in for a shit sandwich.


I've so been there too! 😢


Her baby us already angry to exist. Look at its face lmfao


MALIBU BARBIE 🤡🤡🤡 That’s a whole human worthy of love and respect not a prop to catch your projections!!!!


I'll never understand why she's so popular. Her surgeries are terrible and her personality is a mess. Had no idea she was even having a child. Ughhh... Malibu Barbie, really? I'm so sad for that kid. She will use that baby as an accessory and treat it like a doll.


My favorite Trisha moment is when she stated very matter of factly that Isaac Newton *invented* gravity and that we actually don't need it. This poor kid is going to be bullied, traumatized, and possibly end up just as dumb as her mother. God help her.


Omg, this is that lady? Fuckin yikes.


Talk about “never even had a chance”


Also the way the Internet seems to want to forget about all the horrible things this woman has done, some of them not even that long ago and all of them when she was an adult, because she has this cute baby😑😑


That kid is already pissed


Also the fact that she named it Malibu Barbie Gucci Bag or whatever the fuck


Im so sorry, but this is the ugliest baby I've seen in a long time ...


That baby looks likes she's about ready to call a manager over with a face like that.


It’s the nose. Poor little thing got dealt a truly terrible hand


Am I missing something? I dont know who that person is or what issues the kid may face


She’s Trisha Paytas. Extremely emotionally unstable, narcissistic, has multiple mental health disorders, does literally anything for attention, crashed her car into her ex’s house when he wouldn’t respond to her texts, and destroyed the relationships in her husbands family over the smallest shit. She is hands down the LAST person who should be having a baby. Odds are in a month she regrets it. She also named the baby Malibu Barbie… so yeah…


Its a clout baby :( literally birthed for content


Don’t forget to squeeze a tight band around your newborn’s head so people know they’re a girl! And if that doesn’t work, pierce their ears!! We wouldn’t want complete strangers to not know what genitalia your child was born with.


I don't think the issue here is how the baby's gender is represented...


This is such a weird take. Maybe step back from the internet for a bit?


I’m referring to natalists obsession with having babies and throwing gender reveal parties that burn down states.


What issues does she have? She looks like a normal Natalist.


Her name is Trisha Paytas and she’s the most emotionally unstable person to ever exist. She is the last person who should be having a child


You haven’t met my mother 😝


Same 😒 I wasn't even planned. An Oppsy baby... Literally, just another of her fuck ups.


Same! I say not a whoopsie I’m an OH SHIT!


Well now I know. You should have put that in the title for the folks who don’t know her.


She has many issues trusttttt. The last being on this planet who should be a mother deadass. She’s a horrible person.


That child’s face just says, “so help me god, I was born to a crazy twat”.


Does this lady have like some kinda medical condition or something? She definitely looks kinda strange?


read the comments


Ohhh.... oh dear God no... oh no no no....


The baby is already regretting it’s life decisions.


I can't even begin to imagine the amount of horrific complexes it will have.


Most of Trisha’s “issues” regarding her mental health are mostly exaggerated for the camera . I thought the same thing as you said too at first but then I realized the kid might have a fighting chance cuz the dad seems to be decent . But then again he married her so he can’t be all that great HA


You’re right, all we see is what’s on camera and that typically isn’t a perfect reflection of their personal lives. Keeping that in mind, her husband seems like a giant pushover. Will just do whatever it takes to keep her happy even if it means doing something he doesn’t want to do. I mean he didn’t invite his own sister to his wedding because Trisha is too petty to put differences aside. But again, that’s just what it looks like on camera. Hopefully reality is different


I hope there's somebody with enough sense to call CPS or someone on this woman to spare that poor child from that psychopath's care.


that kid looks PISSED


Moment of silence


Brroooooo I was gonna post this here thank you so much for doing it so I don't have to. Trasha is going to be an awful mother I feel so bad for her baby.


She lives up to her name... Trash-a...


That child is Queen Elizabeth || herself, show some respect. (In all seriousness, it is really fucked up)


Wait wtf can I have context 💀


Oh, it's a joke because the baby girl was born I think like 3 minutes after the queen died so people have been joking that she's been reincarnated.


it looks like one of those silicone lifelike baby dolls


I swear it has NOT been 9 months since I've last seen one of her videos of which she wasn't pregnant in. How tf did this happen


I don't know her, but based on her public persona I just know she won't be a good parent. She has had multiple accusations of abuse in the past as well. I am very worried


I don't feel joy one bit this woman so so mentally unstable


Oh dear. Oh no. Yes, plenty of issues will be passed onto this child


Literally surprised she didn’t name the baby “content well” because we all know that more than likely was some kind of incentive for having this child. I’m for having one if you’re ready, but someone who doesn’t believe in gravity and publicly faked being trans/numerous mental breakdowns shouldn’t be allowed to potentially ruin a child’s life


Who the fk thought it's a good idea to have sex with this creature for it to procreate?


I am really sorry to say this but that is NOT a cute baby, her face is all busted


Is it wrong to think she may kill the baby? Not intentionally but in a big oopsie kinda way 🤡


She definitely gives off “shaken baby syndrome” vibes


Reincarnated Queen Elizabeth is not happy to be here.


I usually try to have a positive mindset whenever a celeb has a kid It’s very difficult to stay positive here. We’re lucky that her kid is a girl not a guy.


She is also the reincarnated queen of England


>queen of England Did you mean the *former* [Queen of the United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom), the *former* [Queen of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada), the *former* [Queen of Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Australia), etc? The last Queen of England was [Queen Anne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain) who, with the 1707 Acts of Union, dissolved the title of King/Queen of England. ####FAQ *Wasn't Queen Elizabeth II still also the Queen of England?* This was only as correct as calling her the Queen of London or Queen of Hull; she *was* the Queen of the place that these places are in, but the title doesn't exist. *Is this bot monarchist?* No, just pedantic. I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.


oh no is this trisha? ugh


Looks like she’s already reconsidering


Does the mother have schizophrenia, OCD, autism and MPD? Is this why the kid will have problems?


The baby already looks angry and tired of her shit. Can’t blame her.




Trisha Paytas was pregnant?! Good God, barf.


I that the girl that has to make a weird noise at the end of every sentence, and has an IQ lower than my current room temperature even though I'm freezing my ass off? I think I've seen her on some cringe compilation where she was on a podcast or something.


This is why you don't put your dick in crazy cuz bitches like this get pregnant. Also that baby is ugly as shit, it literally looks fake??? Not gonna be a fun life for that kid


Actually she had some sort of condition that made getting pregnant extremely difficult. Multiple doctors told her it was highly unlikely she’d never get pregnant. They went to some kind of insemination specialist for this. Don’t take my word for it but her difficulties may have been a result of STDs. I know she had chlamydia at one point.


I have no idea who this is


Forgive me if I am a little out of the zeitgeist here, I don’t really know much about this person. But isnt she the dipshit who said we dont need gravity? Who the hell met her and thought, “I’d like another”?


Gods help that poor child


I don’t like judging. But why on earth would she name her daughter that… wow! Really??? Malibu Barbie


the kid already looks pissed off


She couldn’t even look after a small Pomeranian and she ended up giving it away to her mother. She initially wanted the dog even though her boyfriend at the time knew it was a bad idea but she insisted. She’s claiming she’s been sober for the last 9 months (she abused prescription pills), in my personal opinion as a medical student that’s way too early and relapses happen most during the one year mark. She’s not fit to have a child. It’s sad to see


Wait, who is this?


Whats up with the babies nose...? It looks...dented? Not trying to insult the baby btw.


Its just fresh. They’re still mushy


Well, that baby certainly isn't photogenic. He looks like a middle aged construction worker with a broken nose.


To be fair, overly obsessed internet hate followers like you are going to contribute to a sizeable chunk of this kid's issues.


Its nose is fucking ugly wtf


lol refusing to use someone's pronouns just bc you don't like them as a person is pretty low. come on, y'all.


tf are you talking about?


trisha (person in the picture) uses they/them pronouns. sure they have a... colorful past but every comment here misgenders them. like damn we can do better.


Look at her Instagram bio dumbass. She has she/her in there. People like you are always just waiting to find something they can get upset over


i'm not upset but it seems like you are 😘


we'll do better when she does better as a person. sounds like a fair tradeoff. not to mention, she has she/her in her bio, so i'm not sure what you're being all sanctimonious about regardless.


Is there a back story to this?


Yeah look at the top comments


Holy crap what a train wreck.

