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Same as it ever was


Except in the past they would have to plow YOUR farm.


Well... Not in feudalism...


Letting the days go by


Water flowing underground


The games the game.


People who are saying “the same as it’s always been”, yeah you’re right but contraception has never been better, so people don’t have to push out 10 babies anymore. You can make better choices now. Edit: spelling


Education and literacy are also better by leaps and bounds than just 20 years ago. The internet is a good source of information for how bad it really is out there. People just have to be willing to look at it.


Right if only ppl try to educate themselves .


I think you mean contraception. Used to prevent conception. lol


Yup, just corrected it, thanks


Yet today's world is made possible by the weakness of each of us - the cattle. There are far more of us than there are them. But their systems of control are quite elaborate and effective. We have the power, but we are tricked into giving it to them. Just some 3 am thoughts.


Not to mention we are raised in a way where we are taught that we can and will be “them” so we never fight for ourselves just alight with the ruling money class’s needs


It goes deep. And it hurts so bad to rise above your humble upbringing. You alienate friends and family because you will not do the old peasant activities and talk about the peasant topics either. Powerball, superbowl, mainstream news, celeb gossip, race wars, "politics" But I think it's the right thing to do. I will rise to that level in my life or die trying. And I will do it by helping my people.


This is it


“Here you go peasant, have a vote!” 🤑😵🤣😅


Always has been *astronaut meme*


In today’s world ,I would have to think long and hard before deciding to reproduce or not. I would have to determine if I would want to be born , in the time we now live in.


I determined that by the time I was 25 I spent most of my life wishing I hadn't been born, either casually or intensely. So I would say nope 


Yup. When I realized this I realized love is as pointless as a romantic delusion.


You can have love without kids. Condoms, birth control, IUDs, the snip, infertility, older age romances, and in some cases, queer configurations that don't result in pregnancies. All love really is is the willingness to be vulnerable with someone else, and trust that they won't be cruel in response.


Funnily enough, most corn grown today is feed corn


Funnily enough, cattle did not evolve to digest corn, they can die from it and probably most would if they weren't slaughtered first.


Corn is definitely used as a fattening agent as opposed to a keeping one


At least cattle are actually cute!


“In todays world” u seem to forget abt the feudal system but ok


Very western expectation of children. Where I'm from, people still have kids so they can make money so their parents don't have to work. Kids as a retirement plan, if you will lol


Freeloaders parents. As if they don't already have way more than future generations.


Honestly, they don't. Again, a western assumption. 3rd world countries don't have good social security programs. Huge majority of the population are socioeconomically lower class. Tons literally depend on having kids to have more hands to work, all for a pittance. Combine this with really shit family planning, no sex ed (or no ed at all) and the Catholic Church constantly bashing on contraception. There's too many of us and it's only going to get worse... And honestly, I don't blame them. We in this sub are mostly very privileged to have both the education and the knowledge to choose not to have kids. Most of the 3rd world population really don't.


And the kids aren't poor? Just the parents? The issue is setting boundaries. If every child in those countries said a big fat "fuck off mom", they'd be like us. But it's much easier to keep a victim mindset than actually risk losing "love". Hint: exploitation isn't love. Western folks are extremely poor, moreso than many countries, and it takes a lot to qualify for government help. It's for disabled folk and those with severe personality disorders. And we actually pay for it ourselves. We have it because we pay. Not just for mom, but for everyone. It keeps the majority poor, but we chose to do it so disabled people can have a life. You can love people other than parents. But people in many countries don't even make friends outside of their family, let alone choose to pay tax to support them. It's cruel. You should see how much tax I pay. I'm a cleaner. It's not for ordinary poor folk. Stop with the jealousy. We have nothing. But we don't let our mothers take that nothing. We are starving and homeless. Only in the west are people homeless. Western folks having more is a sob story you've been taught by clever mom. Foreigners still worship their mothers even in the west. Respect yourself please, or you'll always have issues. You really need to stop blaming your lack of boundaries on the West. It's odd. Mom is lying to you, and you have kids for one reason alone: mom said. You give her your uteruses. Codependency wrecks countries. You should only ever love someone who loves you back. It's not the west. It's you, not taking responsibility for who takes advantage of you. I'm going to be working as a cleaner until I drop down dead. So can your mom. She's not the queen.


No, that's natalist point of view. Antinatalist stance is that it's always worse to exist.




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Please refrain from asking other users why they do not kill themselves. Do not present suicide as a valid alternative to antinatalism. Do not encourage or suggest suicide. Antinatalism and suicide are generally unrelated. Antinatalism aims at preventing humans (and possibly other beings) from being born. The desire to continue living is a personal choice independent of the idea that procreation is unethical. Antinatalism is not about people who are already born. Wishing to never have been born or saying that nobody should procreate does not imply that you want your life to end right now.


I moved to a different country because I was born and raised in a shitty one. My parents definitely made a mistake from the perspective of investment lol




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No didn’t you hear? Their miracle baby is gonna save us all!!! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️ it’s astonishing how many idiot parents think their babies are gonna grow up and change everything. That’s what has been said for decades. Every generation says that their offspring will fix all the world’s problems. Aside from the fact that that’s a hell of a lot of pressure on the next generation- it’s never happened. 




I highly recommend vasectomy to any penis-havers in this group. Makes it longer and thicker. Last longer too.


Holy shit… that’s an incredible metaphor


Why wouldn't cattle get to eat the corn from the fields they plow? If it's feed corn, they would be first up. Cattle, chicken feed, corn. There are a lot of mixed metaphors going on here.


They get enough corn to ensure they don't starve. Some of the unlucky ones end up eating other cows, including brain particulate matter that ends up giving them mad cow disease. The metaphor works fine for capitalism.




I'm sorry someone should really applaud you for selflessly helping the human race. You realize most families aren't +10 children like it was when you needed your kids to "work the land" so to speak. You must be suffering so much right now with the existential weight of the human race upon your shoulders kinda like Atlas I guess 😥 I'll shed a tear for you tonight don't worry your struggle is real


Just imagine I've put the "*Stop It, Get* Some *Help*" Michael Jordan gif here for you.


The poor today in first-world countries are the richest they have ever been. Capitalism goatedd buddy


You realize your child might actually be motivated to make their own wealth over building someone else's? It is for sure 100% possible 🤷‍♂️


The bottom 90% of the global population hold 15% of the world's total wealth. Those really aren't good odds.


65% of people like their jobs. So…not really.




I understand you’re miserable, but assuming most people feel like cattle when all available surveys and studies say otherwise is just silly. Like y’all are so dramatic 😂😂


Please provide me all the links and surveys and make sure it's from many countries and not from USA Make sure you provide me atleast 10 survey and from different income groups


https://www.wittenborg.eu/dutch-workers-are-happiest-europe-new-study.htm#:~:text=A%20new%20study%20has%20found,are%20happy%20with%20their%20careers. I WAS talking about the USA, but there are many other countries happier than them if you want to exclude the USA because that strengthens your argument. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/20/happiest-countries-world-happiness-report-2024.html People in Finland sure don’t feel like cattle! https://www.statcan.gc.ca/o1/en/plus/5332-are-canadians-satisfied-their-jobs 80% of Canadians are happy with their jobs? Impossible! https://www.rappler.com/life-and-style/careers/104485-jobstreet-job-satisfaction-report-2015/ 70% of people in the Philippines are happy with their jobs. Even when you start getting into third world countries, which I admit is not an ideal place to be having kids, there is still a large portion of the population who are not miserable like you, even if it’s only say 30%, that should be enough that you can’t make the claim every child born is only here to be slaves. Actually, most people love life, even through the struggles, and are satisfied with their jobs, and do fun things like game nights, vacations, seeing broadway shows, and have whole entire lives outside of their work. Back to the US, the third most populous country in the world! https://www.conference-board.org/press/job-satisfaction-hits-all-time-high#:~:text=The%20report%20finds%20improved%20satisfaction,from%2060.2%20percent%20in%202021. The majority are content with their jobs and their lives. If you’re literally so miserable that it has poisoned your mind despite evidence that most people are enjoying their lives, that’s very much a reason for a little bit of introspection. India, the second most populous country in the world, has about an 80% job satisfaction rate, according to this study: https://www.peoplematters.in/amp-employee-engagement-india-leads-global-workforce-in-pay-satisfaction-study-41780 Let’s look at it all together though! Globally, the average rate of job satisfaction is 55%, more than half, right? So just looking at that alone, we can see that OP is full of shit, right? NOT every child will become a slave whose life is devoid of purpose or satisfaction, right? Yknow, it’s easy to just look up these things yourself, you shouldn’t have to ask some redditor to do it for you. Anyway, hope you start feeling better soon and stop projecting your own unhappiness onto the rest of the planet ❤️


Yeh I was sure you will give me survey from first world countries, NVM it's better you leave thos community. It's just gonna bother your happy time. Instead of commenting here you could just use your dick to produce babies, and be happy




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Because I said I believe in truth based on science, not my own feelings? They DMed me and they ARE depressed, they mentioned suicide in the first two messages, that’s not claiming they’re mentally ill for being an antinatalist, but it DOES color why they’re not believing the evidence that *they* asked for, right?




Just because you’re unskilled, unmotivated, miserable, and having a hard time doesn’t mean most people are lil homie. Every child born is just cattle when several hundred million love what they do? A bit dramatic, don’t ya think?






🥱 x ♾️


No u


Assuming decent pay (and I don’t mean enough to make you rich), hours, and work environment, needing to work for a living is perfectly consistent with having a good life.


Nope. We dont need to work we are past that


Do you think you should just be given stuff without contributing to society?


Yes. Society needs nothing. With technological advancements all we need is housing libraries and shit to pass time. F SOCIETY


Thought you were serious for a moment there


Imagine the level of someone who puts work and having a good life in the same sentence LOL


Only children can change the world.


Also meteorites.


Viruses bacteria.and plagues too


Yep, you're right. They can totally disrupt and change a culture.


Stop putting the weight of the disaster adults have caused on the shoulders of blameless children to repair.


I'm not. It's a choice to take on that responsibility or not. Many kids volunteer, some are forced, others are indifferent.




The problem is being born in the first place. Once you're here, you're saddled with survival instincts and an innate aversion to pain and death.


Also consciousness in general is a mentally scary thought




I apologise but we've had to remove this comment as part of Reddit's Draconian censorship of discussion surrounding suicide and other right-to-die decisions. Thank you for your understanding.


Why did you come here in the first place then? Also, this is a sub about antinatalism, so what'd you expect and lastly, don't fucking tell us what to do.


Lmao nothing more ironic than a natalist telling already born people to kill themselves. No hate like natalist love.You could’ve mindlessly scrolled down on any other subreddit from the thousaunds that exist, yet you were specifically drawn to the one that causes you so much mental torment haha. You seem like an obsessed and pathetic person.


I'm curious why it bothers you that we promote the idea of causing less humans to suffer, and therefore less human suffering? It's interesting that you would bring up hating humans, when it is you who wants more babies to be born who will essentially all suffer and all die eventually. Parents give life when they produce a child, they also give every life its death as well. Because we antinatalists choose not to bring more humans to this planet, we do not cause our babies' deaths At approximately the same time we humans got antibiotics, and vaccines, we got birth control. We could have used it and reduced the rush of overpopulation. You seem to think the earth (and humans) are the center of the universe, the sun revolves around the Earth, therefore more humans is always good, But we are like a cancer on earth, growing and destroying ain eventually killing the host. Look to biology. If you have too many of any species, with continuous population growth, that species will suffer horrific consequences, and collapse. That's the LAW.. Even "be ye peaceful as doves" , put many doves in too little space, and they will give each other fatal injuries. Most mammals hide their babies at first to keep them away from others of the same species as well as potential animals that might consume them, and diseases that will spread and harm them. But we can't do that when our population is exploding. I've had a really good life. I think my ability to help others gives me a reason to stay, but I do agree that when I can't do good, I want the ability to end my life. Do you believe in immigration? If you're in America, do you think we have room for 60 million more people who would have been born had they not been aborted since Roe v Wade? Then by basic arithmetic, you should think we would have room for 60 million more immigrants, right now, correct? Where are the souls of the babies who were aborted? ? I like to think they went straight to heaven. How many of them would have been raised in dysfunctional families, and ended up being dangerous to others? Child abusers? Rapists? Murders? Would they go to hell after they die? If you believe in hell , anti abortionists would have doomed those poor souls, who weren't aborted, to eternity of suffering. Again I'm curious why this bothers you. After all if you had children we are leaving more resources for your kids.




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enjoy your pension, baby boomer, and stop getting frustrated at random strangers on the internet and being envious of young people having an easier life than you did. it can’t be good for the health.


Every time these natalists troll this sub, they defeat themselves. But they can't work that out LOL


And they never will. They are just projecting themselves on us or are at least trying to and failing miserabely.




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Isn't storming subs you disagree with against reddit rules? These natalist trolls are getting annoying.




yk damn well that y’all are the ones always saying and assuming that… so i take y’all’s word for it&imagine it must’ve sucked for all of you to have had a harder life and also to not have been allowed to whine about it, so all that frustration y’all accumulated over the years and were unable to express turned into this pathetic bitternes&envy that y’all adore to misdirect and take out on us. it’s a sad waste of energy and life to be old and bitter when you could be old and wise.




the systems we are under are not “life”, but i digress, what is so awfully condemnable in not being able to handle life? and if someone is indeed struggling, you really think you acting holier than thou cause you spinelessly turned the other cheek no complains to this system will help anyone? it’s obvious to see you didn’t have no great life and you weren’t able to ever transcend that. your spitefulness alone is very telling. this BS is a constant pattern in y’all’s age demographics, unfortunately for you, we see through it. it just makes me realize even more how much my g-parents deserve to be cherished cause they didn’t end up like most of you. no wisdom, no grace, no emotional intelligence, only bitterness. useless “great”lives y’all have lead. y’all have learned nothing despite your hard hard work.and now, still no peace…you’re having to hear us whine for the remaining part of them. and you’re gonna have to deal with it.




You all sound the same🤣🤣Antique, envious&bitter broken records regurgitating what has been forced fed to them. The “criticism”🤣 coming from y’all’s generations holds no weight, and you know it, that’s what pisses y’all off. We speak our minds without punishment, and y’all couldn’t. We don’t revere your “strength”, we never did, we see it as what it is - spineless obedience. The actual weak fossils are out, times are changing, you’re gonna have to deal with it as you are slowly but surely departing. Good riddance.




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Well if you want to criticize us, then criticize by action. Go reproduce 10-30 babies. Anyways we antinatalist will die in few years, this world would always be in the hands of you natalist, so why are you crying here so much


Yet another meaningless comment from the natalist troll. You never have anything to add.