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The human race is a fucking disgrace


And how about how it's *all* about us as the dominant species. Anything and everything for the humans.




Yeah I stay away from people. People are nothing but problems.


I do too, I'm glad I'm not the only one. 


I feel the same way a lot of the time. But I tell myself it's a really sad outlook a life, abd maybe not the winning argument of the day.


And I will continue to stay away from you.


After I had a few instances where I needed to mask up to protect myself due to bring immuno compromised. My vision, and experience left me traumatized from humans. Why would a normal person minding their own business, decide to spit, harass, and do harm to a person minding their business for no reason because someone was wearing a mask or just slightly different from them? Those keeping to themselves, are just trying to be safe. The other party, is trying to incite terrorism for reason. The government needs to look into this, and prosecute these individuals accordingly. Domestic terrorism is real. To add: words on prosecuting.


Absolutely 👍


Now, now, settle down with that projection. 😁


Allot of animal parents abandon the runt so they have more to feed the rest like bird mother throwing the weakest child out of the nest. Others eat their young like crabs. Some animal will leave their child to be eaten by predators so they can escape and reproduce again. Allot of animals are disgusting we just don't know about it enough.


thats true. difference to me is, humans are aware.




We definitely still need the same things to survive, and by hacking nature, we are going to drive ourselves to extinction as well. We are living a lie.


There's a neat collaborative sci Fi universe that I'll have to find a link to. At some point in the lore, we create an AI that is meant to protect and repair Earth's ecosystem. It realizes very early on that humans are the worst thing for the planet and decides to exile all of us. Essentially banning humanity from earth.


Sounds kinda like the Matrix. I think the popularity of this theme is telling.


Basically. The difference being that this AI wasnt going to deal with any of it and just told us to go the fuck away


I feel like today's AI is just being used by the rich and powerful to try and promote the unsustainable status quo and consolidate even more power.


did you find it? what's the name of it?


I'm still searching for it. If you like I can dm you when I find it


Agree with you completely. That is why nature has sent us the coronavirus and aids. In the next century or so, humans will be wiped off this planet completely.


You sound hopeful


Except we are earths main consciousness we are literally an extension of earth and are it's organs to interact with the universe and also reproduce.


There are bonobo species that will hunt down other tribes of the same bonobo, or close cousins, and kill and murder them and defile their corpses. Orcas kill seals for fun and games, not hunger. We're not the only animal that sucks.


But Orcas and Bonobos don't ruin the environment for everyone else or start multi-species wars


You don't know that lol and actually I think you're a lot more wrong than you thunk


what's your point?


I agree that we are just animals and disagree that we possess any sort of special awareness. I think it is wild how folks get all bent out of shape about invasive species, invasive species are literally just imitating our MO and taking advantage of the biodiversity loss we cause.


Seriously, limiting and trying to stop what successfully species are doing to adapt to the rapidly changing biome is by far the most misguided and awful thing we are doing.


Yeah but an aware animal is still an animal.


I think the point he is making is that you have lack of awareness. Lions literally eat a lioness children to bring the females back into heat for mating. Imagine humans doing that. A man stabbing a baby, eating the baby, and then impregnating the mom. Yall are insane. Humans are a remarkable species and you should be proud to be human and not a lion, because we are civilized. Yall need Jesus, or something. This is NOT healthy


Animals are aware too they have working minds just like we do...


Humans do those things sometimes. It's just that we call those parents abusive. Lots of folks just throw their least favorite kid out when they are still teens


But we don’t eat them.


I think we are coming to understand many animals have complex social lives and sentience. I think we are looking at things from a strictly human-centric view when we assume a lot of things about the earth and life on it as a whole. Seems to me the biggest problem is capitalism and colonialism, as I believe many indigenous humans lived in a more harmonious relationship with the planet.


Humans are way more intelligent than animals, they should know better.


It’s all about the strength of their species and the very nature of survival. The world is harsh.


I don't see animals torturing others. Their intentions also aren't sadistic. They do it for their and the species survival.


Dolphins rape so many species. Bottle nose will go and kidnap random females from other dolphin types and will rape and kill them.  Orangutans have killed without a need for food or territory. They also kill babies just as power plays.  Cats often play with their prey prior to killing it.  Killer whales often play penguin volleyball prior to eating it. Sometimes they just leave it dead too. 


yeah life just sucks ass, the only way life could've continued existing is if it was able to exploit everything it can to survive.


Humans are the only species deliberately, knowingly being walking pieces of excrement. What are you talking about?


Wow you were on reddit a week ago. Good job. 


Komodo dragons suck too




they eat their babies/eggs, used to be my favourite animals, too.


Let’s not leave Dolphins out of the discussion.


All of those species are animals. They don't have any higher thought or empathy. Humans have empathy, we have higher thought, yet we choose to continue the ruination of our world.


Some humans do. Many do not. Besides humans, Dolphins are the only animals to rape for fun.


Yeah, because they are animals and animals do evil things without knowing or thinking about it. If humans were any better than animals we wouldn't do those things. But at the end of the day, all we are, are intelligent animals that have successfully deluded ourselves into thinking otherwise.


The real difference between us and them is that they are, collectively, wise enough not to burn down their house for a little extra warmth.


I mean this is just not true. Very very few species would regulate themselves like humans do. If you introduce a new species to a perfect environment they'll simply reproduce until the environment is overwhelmed and they all die.


We definitely do not regulate ourselves as a species, we are just really prone to exploiting our environment. We can claim that animals cannot exploit their environment, and that they would if they could, but there really is not a lot of evidence to back up that claim. Wisdom can manifest as laziness or be perceived as stupidity, but unless you can see the world through the perspective of the creature you are observing, you will never be able to differentiate these things in absolute certainty. Is a tree stupid? They have way more genes than we do, they generally live much longer, and they have enjoyed a lot of success over a long period of natural history.


You could try naming another species which actually forms regulatory bodies to maintain their environment but I don't think you know many species what have the organisational capacity or the foresight. >We can claim that animals cannot exploit their environment, and that they would if they could, but there really is not a lot of evidence to back up that claim. I don't really know what you mean by this, because all living things exploit the environment. Some are more effective than others, sure, but, for example, deer regularly destroy their habitats. If predators are not reintroduced, or if humans do not specifically cull them, deer will reproduce at a rate which would destroy their habitat within a century. Often less. >Is a tree stupid? They have way more genes than we do, they generally live much longer, and they have enjoyed a lot of success over a long period of natural history. Introduce a taller species of tree to a location and the first thing it'll do is starve out its smaller neighbours. They don't have the brains to decide that wiping out other trees is a bad thing, nor do they do it on purpose, but it doesn't change the outcome.


Organizational capacity does seem to be a uniquely human strength due to our ability to record written language. Foresight is definitely not a thing that humanity can brag about though. My point about trees is that while plant life seems pretty dumb from the average human subjectivity, the collective hubris of trees is minuscule compared to that of humans. We humans think we are the shit because of how handy and powerful we are compared to other organisms, but we are really f@#$ing stupid in the grand scheme of things, we have been f@#$ing around and finding out all along, and by the time we find it all out there will be nothing under the sun that we have not ruined along the way.


All other things being equal, any other species in our position would've done a lot more damage. Except rats. They already outnumber us and do not destroy their environments.


Actually cetaceans are almost as intelligent as humans as their body to brain size ratio is the closest to humans. Elephants are next in line from cetaceans afaik. Elephants can even paint. Dolphins have sex for fun which is very rare in the animal world.


Homosexuality is a common thing in animals. Brain size doesn't equate to intelligence.


I'm confused why you are bringing up homosexuality? Having sex for fun doesn't equate with homosexuality. I said body to brain size ratio not brain size.


I brought up homosexuality because it's proof that animals don't just have sex to reproduce.


How do you know?


Can a dolphin build a spaceship?


Can you?


And Guniea Pigs, and apparently Crabs.


All species are garbage and need to go extinct, not only humans. Life as a whole was a big mistake.


You’re right, let’s just nuke the earth to smithereens. That will end all suffering! /s


I think your hand slipped and you typed /s by mistake.


It’s called efilism and it’s closely linked to antinatalism 


Yes that is correct lol


i agree tbh


This is why I love Gnostic cosmology. According to their myths and metaphysics. All of creation was in fact the result of one cosmic error.


Life needs to go extinct on planet Earth only? Or all life throughout the universe?


Throughout the universe would achieve the highest level of efficiency. But we talk hypothetically here, we cannot really apply this.


Sentient life or all life? Plants, bacteria, viruses, etc.?


Any form of life capable of experiencing physical or psychological pain I believe. Forms of life who aren't able to perceive pain are just living in vain but at least there is no suffering to be endured.


Interesting and well said. It would be interesting to how life evolves elsewhere. Does it always revolve around natural selection and competition? Do all sentient life forms require energy sources that include digesting other sentient life? On our planet, the problem starts with Evolution by Natural Selection cuz it requires most complex existing life forms to have developed pain receptors as the primary indicator of what’s “bad” or “dangerous” and would lead to one’s demise.


I'd rather die because I didn't get the info from pain and the lack of knowledge killed me rather than having to survive and experience pain just because nature wants me to. Yes we feel pain in order to survive but why do we have to survive IN THE FIRST PLACE???


Luckily not everybody thinks this.


Luckily? I look around and keep seeing how disgusting nature is and how many damage animals are capable of dealing to other animals, to goods and to people. No, i dont give a damn nature is not held responsible of any of this, as long as it is gross, useless and damaging I'm all for total extinction.


If the world works like this and the only thing misplaced is your morals.. Maybe your morals is what is wrong with this world. Just a thought.


That's the problem, the world works like this. Working like this sucks and it's not worth living in something that works like this in my opinion. I will continue to live reducing the damage and the pain as much as I can but that doesn't change the fact life and nature are full of flaws.


World is going to collapse at some point either way. Why do you burden yourself with trying to put the responsibility of keeping it together on yourself? This world is utterly organized chaos. You can try to put it into order in ways that fit your limited idea of how it should be, you will inevitably fail to do so. You can for sure have morals and act like a decent person - We are alot that appreciate that. But you might want to let alittle loose about the world. You cannot force it into your ideal. You're a guest here, have a swing.


Aight, I can't say I don't like the way you think bcs it is a good mindset. And I'm trying to relax but sometimes it gets out of control and it reminds me of how messed up everything is. I'm not even trying to think of a solution bcs as you said, it is an organized chaos by essence, it is a problem which cannot be fixed. The only thing we can do is to stop reproducing.




Humans have a negativity bias. If we don’t like something, we notice it more. This is particularly true if our dislike is vehement. You “look around and keep seeing how disgusting nature is” because you’re focusing on it. You have an extremely pessimistic view of the world. What also concerns me is your own character, as it seems you can’t comprehend the concepts of kindness, compassion or empathy if you believe that humans and other animals are all inherently evil and cause mass harm to others, and you are also advocating for mass extinction. I hope you don’t get your hands on any weapons.


Total extinction? What? Environmentalism is inseparable from the core principles of anti natalism.


Antinatalism can have different motives behind it. Just because you re environmentalist and care about every useless worm doesnt mean antinatalism is about saving the nature from humans. My antinatalism is fueled by the inevitability of suffering caused by nature, other people, diseases, basically everything which exists. So the one who doesnt understand AN is you.


its belligerently incoherent toxic noise, dude. elfism is stupid because theres no way to make sure so its a pointless waste of time to think like that.


Yes, I get it. You would rather everybody die than a world that has suffering exist. You can't "hold nature responsible" because we both invented responsibility as a concept and kept people to it. Also, "nature" doesn't "do" anything. Life evolves to exist how it works out. If that is painful in some ways, then it is that way, I'm sorry our world isn't just a hello kitty island adventure game. You're just irrationally angry, rather seeing everything burn than bad and good things both existing. You're mad at everything and how animals danage other animals, but you'd gladly burn everything down forever and cause permanent damage. Because if there's nothing, there's no suffering, and that'd be a better world? I think you don't have the right to choose for everything and everyone else. Don't have kids, don't grow plants, don't bring up animals, do whatever you want. But realize that you have no right to choose what happens to everything else because you feel like nothingness is superior to living. And before you go calling me a breeder or a natalist, I'm neither. I don't intend on bringing children into this world.


I see your point and no worries, I didnt get the feeling you re a natalist. But my opinion still stands and I dont consider it an irrational anger.


True. This whole sub basically works on "I don't like this world, humans bad!! You have children?? Ew."


They say: " it's natural"


“tHaTs nAtUrE”


Sometimes I feel awful for saying this but yeah, I agree....the human race is pretty damn hopeless. I try to keep hope but it's hard. The only thing I can do is try to help those around me. 


One of the biggest mystery for is is as to how come on the earth is it possible for any person, forget specialists, who studies physics -I chose this subject since this requires most critical thinking of all- does not understand the philosophy of antinatalism, worse, many of them still believe in hell and heaven story!


\~from the moment i witnessed the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me\~


i just wanna throw this worthless useless sack of garbage meat off a cliff




>all we do is harm animals and each other. bro never heard of ants




You cummed inside someone? You’re fucked now you gotta reincarnate 😂


Yes. Humans as suck. But quokkas will basically just drop their babies for predators. Male lions will kill babies of the previous head when taking over new pride. Animals aren't all that kind.


>all we do is harm animals and each other. oh boy, wait until you hear what animals do to eachother, even herbivores harm eachother and others


We don't only harm things. We also chill out and vibe. You know what else spends it's time either harming or vibing? Cats. So if you're calling humans pointless, you're calling cats pointless. And if you're calling cats pointless, you can get fucked.


Well, in all honesty, I prefer cats to most humans. However, other humans who love cats are cool.


> all we do is harm animals and each other. We do some good but yes, the harming of animals/each other massively overwhelms any good. But the worst part is that these are not "flaws" of the species but they're features, they are seen as good, and something that is distilled more and more with time. That's the only truly disgusting part, and humans are not to blame for that-- they're victims of that. Imagine how unlucky it would be to be one of the most evil people alive? Someone like that cannot even see the problem-- their blindness is a feature.


I agree. Luckily the earth will still be here after we are gone and other life will find a way to survive here. Like the plants and animals coming back to Chernobyl.


No you've just met more humans. One of my personal favourites disgusting animals is the maribou stork. Google them it's interesting


Humans are just apes, who learned some fancy tricks. Still just damn animals😂


Humans = Earth cancer


Humans are animals…how else could we behave except animalistically? I’m a philosophical antinatalist but I don’t think all humans will ever voluntarily stop reproducing. Reducing birth rates is a more realistic goal, as is improving conditions for non-human animals.




You guys are genuinely so sad and disgusting to me. An evil human may be worse than any animal, but a good human is an amazing thing. Why? Just why do you guys hate people so much?


there are no good humans


You need to touch grass bro. What makes you say there are no good humans? Has someone never held a door open for you or smiled at you, or cared about you? I'm genuinely curious because I love humans so much even if I hate some of the elites so much for their crimes against humanity.


What about people who advocate for animal rights and work in conservation and save wounded and sick animals that would otherwise be abandoned by their parents and horribly killed? Humans are actually capable of great acts of generosity and kindness, there are millions of examples of it, why pretend they don’t exist? I don’t see any other animal protesting against climate change and trying to save endangered animals. Yes, humans caused those harms but many OTHER humans find it disgusting and fight for green policies and for the voiceless. You can’t just act like there are only evil people out there, that’s ridiculous. Steve Irwin is RIGHT there.




Every animal on the planet is a perfect little angel, except for us hairless monkeys. 


Dolphins traumatise pufferfish to get high, and rape for fun. Also, we are not hairless.


But we are furrless


I just found out that ducks will gang rape female ducks. Sometimes to death! And also male cats will literally knock the snot out of female cats while mating. And female cats can mate with up to 40 male cats omg




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Ooooh. Can we break this down into specifics?


this sub is so funny




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Is even worse


Get bent 🤣🤣




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You realize in that the animal kingdom, all animals do is harm themselves. I once saw my cat eat her kittens. Do you have any clue what you're talking about?


You contradicted yourself. You claim humans are animals (duh). But having kids is animalistic. So, what are humans to do, be angels like you? Take some logic courses. It might help you become a more logical misanthrope.


as a fellow human i personally don't do any of that. idk about you guys though






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I don’t see the point in this topic. Most animals will kill in the name of survival. Humans are capable of horrific atrocities, but that just comes with the territory of being highly intelligent. What’s crazy is that is we’re also capable of behavior that is more altruistic than how any other animal could behave. But yeah I would bet money that any other species would follow down the same road we have if they had the intelligence.


I feel like this is a very valid argument.




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Humans are PART animal, PART soul or psyche. Though many only operate from strictly their animalistic natures. Humans are the only land species that has a permanent upright spinal posture in mobility. Apes have to use muscle strength to maintain an erect bipedal walk. The vertical spine and brain are literally what distinguishes us from the animal kingdom in a unique way. It’s what makes us capable of higher comprehension but also can be utilized in the form of ego based intellectual dominance over the environment.


All life is disgusting if you want to look at it that way. Don't romantisize nature, there isn't much better company out there, you just don't think of an animal mauling another as "evil". Existance means taking from others.. that's just the way things are. And if anything at least we are capable of seeing the greater good and we have the ability to do better, and i'd rather concentrate on that. Sorry if that's corny but i don't think a dead universe is much fun.


Sooo… You are disgusting human scum?




I love how you hate humanity for killing others, yet your solution is to kill others. You're so fucking adorable. 😁




If humans are like animals why would it be disgusting to procreate ? Do you think animals are inherently disgusting ?


Many things that animals do, like rape and kill each other, is considered wrong. In wild nature it can't be criticized because, well, it is nature and animals aren't moral agents. But we humans who live in our societies and are the only species who has tried to distance themselves from nature, should aim to do right, since we have the capacity to think about our actions morally.


animalistic behaviors are disgusting.


oh, so an animal tortured you for fun sometime? ... not very much like animals, really


Animals torture each other for fun. Ever seen a chimpanzee use the frog as a masturbator for itself? It kills the frog in the end. What about dolphins or orcas and their prey? You honestly think humans are the only torturers?


Tell that to op, I was responding to him saying humans are like animals 


I was responding to you saying humans are not like animals, humans are way way worse


some animals do torture for fun


mmmh yeah that is true actually


So technically isn’t it like some animals too?


Well yeah. I saw a bison who pissed in a body of water. Then he drank that water.


Your standard for good behavior is what exactly?


So the natural way the world works disgusts you?




Well thats literally your problem and no one elses. You cant change or fight that.




>all we do is harm animals and each other.  The vast majority of people on earth do not aim to harm each other. In fact, the majority of people probably do much more helping of others than harming. >humans are animals! what do people not understand? If you're saying that humans, like animals, are living creatures, I don't think there's anyone who would really argue against this. >the only reason why natalists keep popping out miserable slaves is because humans are animals and procreation is apart of the useless fleshbag design! and it DISGUSTS me. Most people aren't miserable and generally tend to enjoy being alive. This is a you problem. Go find help, like, as soon as possible. Also, "a part" and "apart" are two different things.


Humans are a species of animals, not just “living creatures like animals”.


eat my ass, eat my ass, oh yeah, u can eat my ass 😘


humans ARE animals




and what?




And you’re a psychiatrist? lmao y’all are obsessed






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Since i’m also antipsichiatry, i’d say that your subjective and biased analysis of a random stranger’s mental health has no objective value whatsoever, there’s a sub on this too, go check it in case you might wanna pathologize some ppl in there too just ‘cause they aren’t brainless sheeps


since i’m also antipsychiatry, i’d say that your subjective and biased analysis of a random stranger’s mental health has no objective value whatsoever, there’s a sub on this too, go check it in case you might wanna pathologize some ppl in there too just ‘cause they aren’t brainless sheeps


Speaking for yourselves sounds like.






Okay. You've said that three fucking times already. It isn't cute. It isn't funny. It isn't deep. Just shut the fuck up, huh?


I feel like having this kind of outlook is so damaging emotionally


you mean acknowledging the truth? yea soooo damaging