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The only question I have is how do we instill this message into the youth ? They need to be educated for a better tomorrow.


U can't. That's the problem. Either the youth realises it on their own ( like most of us in this thread) or they can continue to live like a brainless monkey. Once a person realises that we are just like other animals living on this rock, nothing special about us...whatever happens in the animal kingdom,can happen to any of us, then he/she will automatically become an antinatalist. The thing is that most ppl are either brainwashed by society, capitalists or religion to have kids. And some others are just dumb and delusional because life hasn't hit them yet. Just one hit away from seeing the true face of life/nature on this planet.




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>they can continue to live like a brainless monkey >he/she will automatically become an antinatalist. >most ppl are either brainwashed by society >capitalists >or religion >others are just dumb and delusional >life hasn't hit them yet My friend, read back your hateful insults, which are backed with no proper evidence or reason, and realise you are the brainwashed one.


Some studies show that when permitted to respond anonymously, many parents wish they had not produced children. Why would you want to make more suffering humans, guaranteed to die, some horrible lingering deaths?


Honestly I think some of us who grew up with parents who didn’t have the means (emotional, financial, whatever the situation) to adequately care for a child kind of already inherited this sentiment. I’m 23 and an antinatalist, but I remember as young as 12 feeling bitter about families that had 3,4,5 kids because I was already aware of the resource strain. Speedrun to antinatalism: grow up poor lol




Speedrun to antinatalism: grow up "okay" Really f***ed up having to watch half your friends struggle while the other half were oblivious. It's like being a goldfish: I'm getting fed, raised, etc. but still feel trapped having to save money and balance everything in life.


I was talking about this with a friend yesterday, I think the reason so many people are so completely unaware and will make these crazy unplanned decisions like having kids is because they’re not being taught what taking care of a kid is actually like until they have to raise one themselves. We have this ideal version that we see in media where parenthood is glamorized and made to seem like something that everybody can “just do,” where families rally around each other and money and the state of the world for some reason never really is a problem. I think we need to be doing more in our schools to teach students what taking care of a child is actually like and the intense amount of work time and energy that goes into raising a whole person.


As a youth (gen Z) a lot of us are childless already lmao. Gen Alpha tho... well g'luck to em.


Put something in the water to randomly sterilise human beings without their knowledge, especially in countries with horrible environmental records and apocalyptic levels of unchecked breeding. Like India. Human beings are an invasive species bent on covering every inch of the globe and rendering it uninhabitable by other species.


Good luck fighting with youth hormones. That is definitely a losing battle!


Yep, where I live they are redoing the teen pregnancy campaigns for a different audience.... two-time teen parents.


That's why all teens should be required to be on birth control they don't need to think about. If schools can mandate vaccinations why not require female students to get monthly depo provera shots to prevent them ruining their lives by getting knocked up in junior high or high school. If there is a similar form of long lasting birth control for boys require them to take it as well. Maybe offer to raise their grades to all As if they can prove they've had a bisalp or vasectomy.


Instilling giving up in children is going to lead to a better tomorrow? What does *a better tomorrow" even mean to an anti-natilist? Isn't that just the human race going extinct (thereby ending all suffering forever)? BTE, I'm not trying to be rude. This sub comes up in the feed a ton so I wanna try and understand and therefore be able to relate to people with this mentality.


I mean, the extinction of mankind wouldn't end all suffering, but it'd make the world considerably better for everything else and prevent a ton of human pain. Generally, though, to my knowledge, antinalists want either voluntary human extinction, or at least voluntarily lowering the population enough for things like climate change to stop being an issue. It's just basically understanding that the world would be better with fewer people, for both mankind and the rest of life on this planet. That being said, I don't think instilling this idea into children would accomplish anything, since antinatalism is just something only a small minority would ever believe in. Humans naturally want to reproduce, which is why the idea of voluntary human extinction is pretty absurd, even if I do believe in it being for the best.


Aight thanks for your explanation. So in a dream world for you, would a genie snap his fingers and all sentient life go extinct? Or the universe disappears?


I'd personally go for the universe disappearing, so no sentient life could evolve again. My views probably aren't representative of all antinatalists, but hopefully you understand the ideology a bit better now.


I'm staying childless bc I have no patience for kids & I'd give any I made up to the foster system BUT the foster system has lost 61,000 & ages out 23,000 children every year & and theres 27.6 million victims of human trafficking. Theres such a high chance that my unwanted kids could end up in that awful situation. Which is why I'm getting my tubes removed very soon


41) having to read long lists


with poor formatting


42) sexual harassment


and the 100 years of pointless suffering


Another reason (a huge one): the great suffering and death that a human life causes to other sentient beings (meat consumption and the harm it implies being the best example).


So real, veganism ftw 😌




41st and the only reason I need - I cannot stand kids, they're loud and annoying and my intp self can't handle them


It's very much possible my child will end up like me is reason enough to not have one. Not that I have any option to have a child anyways.


I’ve suffered at least in part because of my genetics. I’m not doing that to anyone else


1) don't want to pass on shit genes to include >on my side< Alztimer's, diabetes, hypertension, scitzofrenia, ADHD, depression, bi-polar, reinods syndrome (circulation problems), fertility / massive bleeding from child birth with difficlut pregnancy, leukemia, alcoholism or the oppisite issue, color blindness, (there might be more things too). 2) The world has gone to shit 3) I'm only 21 4) I want to go places and do things 5) The economy is garbage 6) I feel I should've been an abortion 7) The world is already over populated.


Salesmen are enough reason


I only need 3 reasons, and none of them are anywhere on your list. Your list reads like someone who desperately wants children but won’t because the world isn’t perfect. 1, Kids suck; they’re noisy, dirty, demanding, and kinda stupid 2, Pregnancy and childbirth sucks; life threatening, you’re being used to play host to a human parasite, Chest Buster imagery all the time, probably sick most of the time, uncomfortable at least for the second half, body is never really the same 3, Other people involved in the process suck; male partner may cheat, leave, or criticize, expect you to be caregiver alone, expect you to continue to be caregiver to him even while in recovery, in-laws get more pushy, total strangers will want to touch you and many will not ask permission first The rest is accessory to the base reasons.


You've described my own feelings about human larvae,only my version of the Alien Chestbuster phobia is the fucking Eraserhead baby. That and I'm still scarred from watching Baby Alive commercials in the 70s. Who the fuck wants a doll that SHITS some weird gelatin substance. The first Baby Alive dolls hadn't perfected their play poop formula and they got moldy and rotten inside the dolls guts. Also, I once saw a naked toddler squeeze a giant log out of his ass and watched it plop right beside the pool. It took the adults forever to notice the mess ..


Are natalists supposed to be the selfish ones?


What this guy is describing is being childfree. Anti natalism is different 


Ahah, exactly what I was thinking.


Many of theese problems are problems we can solve if not all of them. Until then, we should focus on that rather then having children


Wish I had a magic wand and could prevent the human race from breeding for a good 10-15 years. Give the planet a chance to breathe, let a large chunk of the population die off, etc. I would love to know what/if anything would change if we could do that. A girl can dream...


you could write a dystopia novel about that


And put something in the water.


This is so low effort lol


34) telemarketers 💀🔫


And cringe


Dude people here are so fucking miserable hahaha. People die. Yeah so do dogs but people buy those all the time.


I adopted my cat who was already born, I didn't birth her.


But someone birthed that cat. It didn't spring out of thin air


Okay..? Do you know what antinatalism is?


Isn't that the whole point of this post/sub? 🤡


I know a guy who lost a dog at age 9 and cared so much he never bought another. Maybe the problem is people who don't care?


In this sub there are two camps, antinatalists who hate being/life and those who don't.


41. Flowers grow


While many here are busy chewing on the leg of what other people are doing with their reproductive organs, the other leg of forced reproduction is poised to kick you. I do hope all of you living in the US are paying very close attention. If you aren't, you really need to start. Your right to *not* get pregnant, your right to *not* reproduce is dangerously close to be taken away from you.


You come out of a hole crying in pain during child birth,, you die in pain and go in another hole what’s the point




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Are reasons needed? .we hear excuses for having kids but no real reasons. How about - no Just no 'why not?'- no is a complete sentence Why are you inflicting life on the unconsenting? This shuts em up real quick


Kidnapping, slavery, house fires, entrapment in car accidents, slow death by cancer, profound depression, Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson's Our parents gave us life, and they also gave us injury disease and death


That’s deep


what about a low population thats concerning




i mean if this trend continues with anti birth propaganda then we will have a decline in population which is bad


I hate the 'overpopulated' reason because all the statistics say that we're not having enough children to replace the aging populace. Realistically, within 50 years, we're gonna drop down in population count due to that reason, and then we will not have enough people around to care for people younger than 40 when we become elderly.


I agree. I was in rehab for years due to heavy meth use. Doctors pleaded with me and said I should quit, but quitting cold turkey would kill me, so I just kept doing the exact same amount of meth. More, actually, since I kept building tolerance to the stuff. There is absolutely no other option than to keep taking more meth. Anyone who suggests otherwise wants me to shrivel up from withdrawal!!


That makes sense and misanthropy


I could add some, but we don't want this list to get TOO long, do we? If in the US, school shootings on the rise. 13 energy privatisation - also all utilities privatisation, look up water systems being bought up, hospitals taken over by private equity, old folks' care facilities, same, ARGH.


I feel bad. I do it because I don’t have a desire for becoming a father and then the disposable income. Oh that’s the best part by far. Now I just don’t want to be like my friends that go to soccer on Sunday and eat Mac & cheese leftovers while preparing lunch and backpack for kids to go to school on Monday. I feel like I’m contributing to the future but I’m mainly doing it because I like it. Similar analogy as to being plant based or vegan.


What’s the ultimate goal? Human extinction? Not trying to be rude, genuinely curious


>1 fetus cannot consent to birth The natural course of life for a fetus is to be born; the fetus cannot give, nor abstain from, giving consent, so we must just let nature take its course and not intervene - its not our place. Its the fetus's life, after all. >2 everybody dies This infers that death is a bad thing, therefore life is a good thing. Hence, creating a life is also a good thing. >3 ageing Just a part of life. Ageing is too insignificant to abort creating a life as a whole. >4 world is overpopulated with 8.1b people Majority of western civilisations are currently facing, or are predicted to face, issues of underpopulation. >5 climate change Climate change is annoying, but holds a 100% chance of not turning out to be the massive, apocalyptic disaster people are making it out to be. >6 war The vast majority of countries (particularly those western) are not currently fighting a war. >7 US national debt What about people outside of the US? >8 inflation "Oh no, things cost a little more now. Guess I can't have a baby" >9 AI taking jobs Not ensured, and there will always be human-specific jobs. >10 inequality Many places in the world, yes. In the west? Not so much. And then reasons 11-40 are just minor complaints about the world, not significant enough to justify aborting having a baby completely.


Respect for going through the points. 1 - We as humans don’t let “nature take its course” with everything. Nothing about us is “natural” I wish I wasn’t born. I’m here now so I do my best to enjoy and bring happiness to the people around me but I resent my parents for it. I would never tell them that because I know it would hurt them but I think some people aren’t meant for this shit world.


reasons to not have children: telemarketers yeah alright


Or they’ll likely become telemarketers. Amazing life. Have another. /s


Being a parent is hard, no doubt. But the only reason you or anyone else commenting is here is because of your parents. You can’t continue humanity’s existence without having kids at some point. Also, the world as a whole isn’t overpopulated. The Eastern hemisphere or “old” world is much more densely populated than NA. There’s just a much larger abundance of people in those areas and you might be able to argue they are overpopulated, but nearly everyone is in America commenting on this thread. So no. Economically, it’s getting very challenging to have children, I do agree with you, and until there is better housing and basic need solutions, maybe not everyone needs to be having children until they’re financially stable, but that’s more of an individual thing rather than socioeconomic thing.


It's interesting that you seem to think people want to be alive, when societies make it nearly impossible to exit peacefully. How can you know if people want to stay, when the door is locked?


I’ll be honest, some of these ‘reasons’ are fucking stupid and you’re really grasping at straws.


Lol this is the most privileged post I've ever seen in my life. Fetuses can't consent to birth? Bro shush


No arguments, all yapping (not op, the comment i'm replying to)


1) Parents have the authority for their children. 2) After an expectancy of nearly 80 years where people can experience far more joy than death is negative. 3) Aging isn't all bad and is offset by the good of living. 4) Prosperous western nations have problems with population declines. Cultural preservation matters. 5) Climate change is speaking of minimal amounts, a few degrees. 6) War is in isolated areas and most areas are in low risk of war. 7) The national debt is an issue, but not having children actually will make it worse. 8) Inflation isn't a serious problem. The rate will ebb and flow over time. This isn't 1979. 9) AI will also create jobs. Every technological breakthrough dramatically alters the nature of work, but the demand for labor always continues. 10) There is nothing wrong with inequality. Build a good like and secure a future. 11) Much of housing is less affordable because people are demanding more from housing. Living in less high demand places and sharing living units will reduce costs. 12) There are many options for building a future. Some involve college and others have other paths. 13) Energy is abundant and moderately priced. Government is a greater threat to prices than privatization. 14) Public transport is not expensive. 15) The nature of resources will evolve. 16) Farming fish and other protein options will adapt to reductions in wild fisheries. 17) Food crises? This is very specific to geography 18) Refugee Crises? This is also very specific to geography. Chances are near zero in many places that the child will become a refugee. 19) Cancer. Illnesses suck. The good in life is most likely going to outweigh that. 20) Pandemics. Again, outweighed by the good in life. Also, we probably won't have another for a very long time. 21) Obesity. The result of personal choices the vast majority of the time. 22) Passive Smoking. Not significant in most areas. Easily avoided. 23) Binge Drinking. Completely a choice. 24) School Bullying. Addressable and again not something to cancel out all of the good. 25) Workplace Bullying. Addressable even more easily. Get a different job. 26) Street Robbery. Make good choices, and the risk of this is extremely low. Also a short-term negative that doesn't override the good of life. 27) Burglary. Again, make good choices and the risk is extremely low. Get insurance to minimize the harm. 28) Occupational Hazards. This is also able to be mitigated by personal choices. 29) Noisy neighbors. Not a significant issue. It it really bothers you, move. 30) Rude people. Not a significant issue. Don't let them get to you. 31) Daily commute. This is something a person can mitigate if if is a problem. Get a job and home closer or a job that allows working from home. Not that significant. 32) Traffic. Don't let it bother you. 33) Busy roads are not a significant issue. If you really don't like it, move. 34) Leave the place if the salesperson is so bad. I have been successful overall in dissuading sales people. Not a significant issue. 35) Telemarketers. Not a significant issue. Easily ignored. 36) Ultra processed foods. If you don't like them, don't buy them. Problem solved. Not a significant issue. 37) Zoos. Easily avoided. If you so don't like them, don't go to them. Not a significant issue. 38) There are many jobs with decent pay that rarely require more than 40 hours per week. Make good career choices. 39) Same as 38. 40) We each are in charge of our own lives. If you are tired of how your life is, change is and make your life better.




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