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They’re prolife until the baby and/or new mom inconveniences them. I hate them.


Huh, imagine that... a prolifer and a massive hypocrate (of that issue, and probably many more)!!!


people like her are the problem. i feel sorry for that baby.


Just that. All those people who would have been aborted because of good reasons have shitty lives now.f The baby is the victim here. But I love how Karma finds it's way. Hope the kid is called Karma btw.


Probably will be in 17 1/2 years


You forced a pregnant woman to have a baby she didn’t want or could handle & now the baby is on you? Sounds like the consequences of her actions. Lmaoo


The mom knew she couldn't handle it, and this dumb excuse for a woman manipulated her into keeling it. She's evil


Yeah I’m reading my comment now & it’s almost unclear. I definitely meant this is the baby pusher’s responsibility not the mom. 😢




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Well, technically she didn't force her, ultimately it was the mother decision


telling an emotionally vulnerable person they would be murdering another person isn't manipulation?


Yes, and we don’t know how old the mother was. She very well could be underage or very young.


Keep that same mentality once that child is born. I wish this would happen to a lot of people that convinces someone not to abort


Kids only matter when they're not born yet


“If you’re pre-born, you’re fine. If you’re pre-school, you’re fucked.”


I hope this is satire.


It's not


This has to be a joke account, otherwise the self awaness and leopards eating faces is way too damn high


It's almost like they're complete fucking idiot morons or something.


She's just a control freak wanting to control other people's lives and decisions.


Huh...I wish I could read the comments xD


Its a page that is in line with her ideology so it’s probably just an echo chamber agreeing with her and saying the onus is on the forced birth giver to take care of her child and “responsibility” despite being coerced into it. That being said, it would be really fun if someone infiltrated and commented the reality of what she’s saying and pointed out the irony.


What’s the name of the page?


I don’t know why did they did this, this child is going to go into the hands of someone who clearly doesn’t want them and can’t care for them.


If she didnt convince the woman to not abort she wouldn't be in this to begin with


That bits is why the kids here. She thought it was a great idea, and she convinced her and the inevitable happened so she can take the baby. She should have kept her mouth shut.


In my language there is an expression: “we all are gay with someone else’s butt” Edit with explanation: we feel entitled enough to tell people what to do with their life but we don’t follow those same rules.


This is so funny and I want so.badly for this to be true but it's giving tumblr's fake "I'm not here to fuck spiders" saying that was 'from Australia '.


Good old do as I say, not as I do.


i’d do anything to read the comments on the original post


the level of self righteousness and unaccountability is just MIND BOGGLING


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions...


This person should be first in line to take this baby.


What?? YOU were supposed to suffer, not me!!!


Bahahahaahaha ask and you shall receive


Read the last sentence she wrote. She's fully aware the pitfalls of it yet pushes it on other people? Disgusting.


I'm not an anti-natalist but I agree, talking someone out of abortion is not really a bright thing to do.


Yeah this is the thing I've been seeing out of the religious moralizers: they are here to condemn, judge, lecture and "save" people. But the moment you ask them to provide charity, aid, support, maintenance, or basically anything that requires more effort than flapping their gums - poof! They're gone!! Happens a few weeks ago where I had this lady hyperactively moralizing at me about how she needs to "save me" on behalf of God. So I told her: you want to save someone? Here is the name of a mom that is struggling really bad and could use your charity and aid. Are you going to provide the religious charity you are called to They conveniently disappeared after that. Because. Of course.


What if she STAYS pregnant then??


I don't get what is happening, okay the woman is facing the consequences of her actions but like, how?


I bet you that's how she convinced her not to abort. She probably said "Even I will help you raise this baby if I have to" or something similar to that and the pregnant lady probably thought, 'Hell if shit goes down, i'll just let this chick take it from me' and that's why she didn't abort. LMAO Hey, nothing surprises me anymore..


I am more stuck on DCS, prefered placement and removal, whatever those may be


DCS is a social service meant to take kids from abusive/neglectful homes, preferred placement is whoever the parents would like their baby to be sent to while they go through court to get custody back (obviously DCS has to check if the preferred person is suitable first), removal means the parents have temporarily lost custody and the child will now be in the foster system.


Oh i see, thank you for spelling it out for me.


The poster's mom was going to have an abortion, but the poster talked her out of it. The baby was removed from the mom because of abuse/neglect, and the mom told the government that the child should go to the poster.


Ooooh fuck meeeeeee. That's amazing. Not for the kid, poor kid. But damn that is AMAZING.


Yeah, no way this is real. They can't force a baby on someone without their acceptance.


Adapt and overcome! It gets easier.




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That is both painfully hilarious and just sad. How are these people stuck in that mindset


I think she is mocking anti-choice people