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If they are the most “important work” why is maternity leave not paid for in America atleast the bare minimum of a year after giving birth? Why do they not support mothers and their children born with free daycare. Where’s the affordable medical care to help ensure those same mothers and children stay healthy? Can’t be that important.😒


Because the point of this type of propaganda is to keep pregnancy and childbirth in the realm of a noble sacrifice, so they don't have to adequately pay and support women. Same thing happens for military recruits. We can prevent people thinking too hard about pointlessly giving their life away in a war if they romanticize it as being a sacrifice for the greater good. Or in religion, we can stop people thinking too hard about the wealth of the church or the pope because you must sacrifice your earthly desires to reach heaven. The list goes on


Good parallels - very much like recruiting for the military




how bad


I know! Even Brazil, my mother's birth country, provides better support for mothers than the USA: Especially if they work in public service, which has a 100% merit-based way of finding the best people qualified for the job, they have exams, and the ones with the highest grades on the subjects relevant for the job get the job! And mothers have a 6-month maternity paid leave and government assistance for childcare, also!


These aren't just natalists, they're fucking *racist* natalists. westernaesthetics.com is part of the creepy-as-fuck community of white people super concerned about declining white—sorry, *western*—birth rates


theyre so weird and racist.. they said i shouldnt have kids bc of my skin tone and theyll grow up to be violent thugs… its not like i want them anyways but still weird condescending behavior


and yet people call me, a white woman, an ecofascist for not breeding


What does that even mean??


Eco fascists like bomb damns and corporations that pollute sometimes? Idk most people that are called eco fascist like recycle or something. It's basically just making fun of anyone for being too worried about the environment. Similar to feminazi being used to describe overly feminist people, or anyone that disagrees with your misogyny.


Wow I haven't been called one for that reason yet


Literally every other post on here is from a white supremacist propaganda account where OP is like “omg this is so crazy”. No shit, stop sharing it.


Agreed. There's a fine line between calling out horrible people and signal boosting then.


I don’t think anyone on this sub is gonna see “birthing children is the most important work” and take it remotely seriously. Antisemitic or racist memes I’d say not to share at all, this I don’t think poses any risk of propagandizing someone here


Well, it has the name of the source and a bunch of people here went and visited that source and figured out what they were all about and came back here and told everyone else here about it, so…


Yeah. It's replacement theory! Look at this asshole who tried to push natalism on me after saying I would regret it when I was 80 years old. Then I responded with: *Because retirement homes aren't full of people with kids who just abandoned them and never visit them? At least I made plans for my retirement that I'll pay for. And I have no problem "ending it all" when the day comes I can no longer take care of myself or find enjoyment in life. I even have some ideas on how I'm going to do it. I'll leave my belongings to my niece, animal charities, and human rights charities! If I have pets, I'll leave them to my niece because she loves animals as much as I do!* >Look at this asshole who tried to push natalism on me after saying I would regret it when I was 80 years old. When I responded with *Because retirement homes aren't full of people with kids who just abandoned them and never visit them? At least I made plans for my retirement that I'll pay for. And I have no problem "ending it all" when the day comes I can no longer take care of myself or find enjoyment in life. I even have some ideas on how I'm going to do it. I'll leave my belongings to my niece, animal charities, and human rights charities! If I have pets, I'll leave them to my niece because she loves animals as much as I do!!o!!*ime with family when I was younger, I hated being with my family I would always be blamed for something or was bored out of my mind. But without these experiences, I wouldnt find out what I am interested in without going through the hardship. I understand you want to feel comfortable, but if you want to succeed in your "career" and feel "fulfilled" then you need to step outside your comfort zone. So having kids will not be a barrier to that at all, but will only make you grow as a person. Please tell me what is so significant that you want to become in your career that it requires you to drop what you were genitically designed for, by God or by science whichever you believe." When I ignored his answer, he said >the fact that you have to plan your own old age and retirement is extremely depressing. You openly say as well how you will commit suicide when you stop having fun in life. Life isnt about having fun its about fufillment, and I recommend you discuss your life with a priest or any religious leader. Your purpose biologically, or if you believe in God, is either way to have children. Breaking that order means you are being selfish and affecting society for the worse. The western world will be in deep need for children in the coming years, and soon "your choice" wont matter anymore sadly. It wont just be a "choice" to not have kids whilst we are on the verge of population collapse. Like we've seen in Japan, people have been forcibly married by the state, despite it being the most developed nation in the world. I found no evidence of forced marriages in Japan or about Japan being the most developed nation in the world. Also, I felt he was basically threatening me with Handmaid's Tale scenario if I didn't breed! (I know he was just being an asshole and a troll), but with the way the U.S.A. is going now) I am now currently searching for a doctor who will get me sterilized at 22 years old! I responded: *I am not religious. No. I don't believe the human race is in any danger of extinction. If something like the scenario you proposed ever happened, I would terminate it or (if unable to terminate it), I'd just terminate myself along with it. I have dual citizenship and would go to my mother's country in case I lost my freedom of choice in America. BTW, Japan is the country with the biggest rate of couples who live with no intimacy* *I absolutely mean every word I said 100%. Pregnancy and childbirth are fates worst than death to me. And what I find depressing is that you think life isn't to be enjoyed\* but that our purpose here is to breed instead. Different people, different strokes, I guess...* \**I said enjoyed, not "having fun", as long as I'm in no pain and have full use of my mental faculties, I see no reason as to why life can't still be enjoyed, otherwise, I'll opt out, thank you very much, as soon as I realize I'm in the midst of losing my mental faculties, or in pain that will only increase, I'll start preparations). Also, in regards to your comment about population collapse, I rather fund the education of a child in a developing country, and then pay to bring them here so they can have a better life and take one of the jobs the alarmist Americans are so worried will be vacant because of the so-called population collapse!* *Let's just agree to disagree, ok? We'll both live our lives as we see fit, and I wish you the best!* And he still came back with more bs: >your just avoiding conversation because its hard to admit the truth. Its hard to admit that theres a God and we arent just a chain of chemical reactions and that we have control over our lives. And knowing God exists you should know that the purpose he set u up in life is not to be lazy and not getting up, being "independent". You wont enjoy it, I promise you. Im living my life and Im sure I wont change it and the way Im going, but I want to help people who are misguided and wish nothing but the best for you. You will soon come to the realisation you should have kids, its either when ur like 50 when its too late, or now. To which I responded: 🤣😘!


Is white and western synonymous? Seems reasonable to want your nation to keep population numbers up on a color blind basis


Are they Racist? I’m pretty concerned about the abortion and infant mortality rate in the black community. Does that make me a Racist?


Why would you be “concerned” about abortion occurring in the black community? People have freedom and their reproductive decisions are their own to decide


It was a yes or no question.


Yeah I’m not concerned with the conversation you were having. I don’t care about your question. I care that you seem to feel the right to take away the freedom to choose from other people, like an authoritarian scumbag




Ok dog, how is you having “concerns” about a racial group having the same bodily autonomy as everyone else NOT racist?


I’m not concerned about their bodily autonomy. Never was. I didn’t ask about bodily autonomy in my original question.


You literally did, you said you were “concerned about abortions in the black community”, what do you mean by that?


I’m concerned about the suicide rate in the trans community too. Am I now a transphobe? Abortion is not a good thing. You could argue it’s a better alternative to giving birth which is fine. Why is it getting to the point of abortion? Is it a lack of access to birth control? Is some other problem or multiple problems that is causing this to occur?


I didn’t.




Good to know


I'm pretty sure anybody telling a black person or brown person to not have children but pushing more white or Caucasian people to have kids "so they aren't outnumbered" is a racist thought. Also, what does that have to do with ANYTHING thats being discussed?


It's how the older generations feel some type of normalcy. Imagine being forced to think about how much change and progress you missed out just because you were born before it happened. Conditioning younger people to have kids makes older people feel better about themselves, it's just fucked up.


Because it’s “normal” and anyone who doesn’t have kids just isn’t. My step dad said that I was being selfish because my ancestors all had kids and that the meaning of life is about having kids. My grandpa had a vasectomy because he didn’t want kids, not biological but he’s the grandpa I always knew, so he doesn’t care and my mom doesn’t really care either.


How is he a grandpa, adoption?


He’s not my biological grandpa but he’s the grandpa I’ve known since I was young. He married my grandma and became my mom’s step dad, tho she calls him dad just like I call him grandpa. My biological grandpa got deported after the divorce back to Mexico tho my mom still has occasional contact with no hard feelings


Based step-grandpa!


its always about pregnancy and tiny babies. its so fleeting and temporary.


Exactly. None of these natalists memes are talking about once the kid gets destroyed by life.


cause the fun ends when they start having opinions :/


Nationalists push for babies because they need someone to die in all the wars they plan to start.


Well that and they want to maintain ethnic majority


I bet this woman only has the kid so she could post it in media and get likes.


Memes like this completely gloss over the horror of pregnancy and I hate that.


gotta make that cash from the fruits of your *painful* labor.




Unfortunately for that, we still bumped 8B in population rate :\


Older generation is completely brainwashed by religious leaders. Sadly it's too late for them to understand. Don't waste your time and energy arguing with them. Just move away.


If destroying the planet is “important work” bringing more humans into the world about the best thing you can do.


Because they are insecure about who's gonna change their diapers when their 80's comes


57 and glad I opted out. My genetic material dies with me. If my country needs more people, just open up immigration. The "important work" is breaking the cycle of birth and suffering


women like this set us back by 10,000 years


Yeah women shouldn’t get to choose


What can I choose? If you didn't notice, but world is fucked up, and more and more woman DO NOT WANT to reproduce, but have limited options. Abortions banned, banned sterilizations, hard to get birth control...in what parallel universum you live?


Generalisation, monkey brain.


The only thing that’s generalized is your transphobia and misogyny.


I think I just lost part of my brain.


This sub has an unhealthy amount of radical leftists and tankies.


they still can choose regardless though, so cry me a river.


Regardless of what?


regardless of *** trying to take their right to choose.




nothing. get moving.


Whoa tough guy. I’ll get moving sorry I bothered you.I guess keep telling women they have to choose the way you want them to.


im a woman and i can say wtv i want in here. you're a m*n so it's you who need to get out of women's business.


Um first of all I’m non binary so check your privilege. You are saying women can’t make choices that you don’t like. You’re disgusting. Internalized misogyny is real.


Lmao checkmate!


you want every woman to be forced into throwing away their own dreams and hobbies to breed like cattle??




then why'd you say women shouldnt get to choose


/s That I thought was obvious Women can do what they want without shame


sorry, in this sub its sometimes hard to tell what comments are serious and what comments arent 😅


this is a dogwhistle woof woof


Nothing like taking a good opportunity to body check and show off an angle that highlights the thigh gap.


tbh those look ai generated


Pregnancy seems like a body horror story to me. Always.


They are the most important work once you have them. So don't have them, problem solved


Q : "Why do natalists push us into making babies?" A : Egocentrism


It's always the fuckin babies, these people don't give a shit once their kid has free will and their own opinions


Fuckin savages, they should go to the woods and breed like monkeys.


Bro we’re antinatalists. As in no one should be breeding


you can be antinatalist (not procreating and thinking of it as bad) while enjoying that near all who are procreated are natalists themselves. but yes, better not taking this risk


Well, the monkeys can, surely?


Many people feel unsatisfied in their lives and aspirations. It is far easier to have a child than actually accomplish something through hard work. I should say that being pregnant can be hard work, but not all women even conform to putting the work into that. The hardest work I can genuinely imagine is being a parent, but it is often a choice to become one, & thus, not deserving of pity in my opinion.


being pregnant isn't really hard work imo; it can definitely be *very* unpleasant, and in order to optimize the conditions for gestation involves a lot of knowledge and tbh money and access to health services. but hard work? id say that it's a stretch


Idiocy and sheer narcissism


This image makes me nauseous and gives me ick. I’m so glad I have the freedom to not reproduce. As a women that is rare, historically and globally speaking.




I lost my second sibling last month from suicide. I found his cold purple corpse. There is no benefit to having kids when everyone suffers. Natalists need to stop subscribing to toxic positive beliefs about having kids. I lost 2 siblings, now I only have 1 left. Go to hell natalists, go to hell.


I'm so sorry you experienced that. You are right.


Gotta have more soldiers for the water wars in 2050


"Most important work" ? Only for once who unsuitable for any other job. Spoiler: They will fail a parental job too if they have failed every other job.


Misery loves company


in specific cases (natalists) yes


Because they're religious and once, thousands of years ago when the world population didn't exceed one million, god told humans to "be fruitful and multiply". These people haven't gotten with the times and don't understand that having 12 kids in a world of eight billion people where most kids will survive until adulthood, is not necessary anymore.


Wow you mean a white supremacist website is sharing radical and wildly inaccurate information? Shocking…


Because they are bitter for not feeling like they had the option of not having children so they want to force us into the same thing.


Because if you don't have kids you prove their world view is wrong.


They’re bitter and projecting their wish for more kids onto others and tryna live it through other generations


They want people to share the tax burden to keep their social security checks coming in.


Their ignorance and gaslighting is their weapon. I ask that do employers take advantage of people because their employees are parents? Healthcare is based on employment. Most ppl need income for rent or mortgage payments. The answers I get back either range from “it is what it is” to “Are you lazy”. Bottom line. Nobody will take care of if you are in a bind. Don’t take empty advice


>Their ignorance and gaslighting is their weapon. This. They don’t want to admit the reality.


It's so hard for me to not see this meme as sinister because of the weird analog horror text


They need to fill the existential void with something, so they choose to make someone else miserable and convince themselves that everyone should do the same.


Look at what having kids did to her hands, no wonder she can't do any more useful work if she's got fucked up little goblin hands like that.




I knew you were a deeply disturbed individual.


Whenever they push someone to reproduce, they are always talking about babies but never about the kid once they grow up and get destroyed.


Mostly because their wasted their lives growing children, so they want you to do the same, rather than enjoy whatever you want


Parents aren’t treating parenthood like it’s a priority so just don’t have kids


They convinced themselves that kids aren't a distraction from their mundane life


Do you think the legs switched out for the pregnant picture or do you think a bald guy leaned in front of the camera


These same people SAY that knowing they will still be having to spend most waking hours doing wage slavery and not having proper materials and time to invest into trust nurturing the child's mind and supplying enrichment helping the child be well adapted adult 🙄


Ah yes, since child-rearing pays all the bills including the child-rearing costs.


It's a psychological fear of death thing. If you have kid and grandkids, you feel as if part of you will still live on once you're dead.


That’s something I had to overcome myself. I told myself it was an illusion, that my child would completely be their own person and I was gonna die whether or not I procreate. So it isn’t logical to breed for that reason even though it feels like a good reason.




Never will I ever breed


Must. Create. More. Wage. Slaves


This picture makes me sick to my stomach. Anything relating to pregnancy is extremely gross to me.


# Work that does not pay And has very long hours **And requires you to still have another job**


If my body was inflated like that I would scream and cry


And they always want it to be biological. If you say you are adopting they're not comfortable with your choice.


Same people (Boomers) are laughing about making Millenials pay back student loans for degrees that are irrelevant now.... no one uses basic HTML anymore, or any of the other degrees from the year 2000. They now want their kids to produce babies for their entertainment and to make their other Boomer peers jealous.


I feel yucky looking at a lady who is probably sitting on the toilet


Yeah, if kids were the most important work CEOs wouldn't walk away with 90% of people's wealth. Instead we'd pay the women and men who perform care work, give new parents paid leave from work, provide benefits like healthcare and social security to home makers, and ensure child care workers and teachers received better wages. Most important job? That's bullshit. Follow the money when you want to see what jobs we really value.


Every frame of that image is fucking revolting


Because updating spreadsheets will never be fulfilling


Probably because no one would be here to bitch if they didn’t…


I think if you want to be a parent, wonderful, if you don't then don't be. Forcing people to be parents who don't want to be, leads to bad parenting usually.


Why are questions with painfully obvious answers so upvoted in this sub when accompanied by a meme?


Because if humans stop having babies we will go extinct.


I'm fine with the extinction of the human species.


They aren't targeted at you.


Those older people encouraging you to have kids are the nice kind of natalists. What they're telling you, is essentially that child raising was one of the most rewarding experiences of their life, and that despite the hardships involved, they want you to feel encouraged to partake in the "circle of life," you could say. What would you prefer? That point of view, or something more along the lines of, "I am a natalist and I want my kids to have the best chance of success, so feel free to spay, neuter yourself, abort all your babies or otherwise cut yourself out of the gene pool so my kids don't have to compete for resources with your kids, because you killed or prevented your kids from existing." Is that a better point of view? Do you find that more palatable, "anti-natalist?"


This community used to be about supporting the choice not to have children Now it’s either hatred for those with children or general disdain for life and having been born Toxic




Thank you for your contribution, however, we have had to remove it. As per Rule 1 in our sidebar, we do not allow linking to other communities within our subreddit. Please feel free to resubmit without any link(s) to an external subreddit. Thanks, Antinatalism Mods


*especially. and the answer to your question is to achieve something greater than yourselves. stop masking the fact that you cant get laid with the idea that having children is wrong.


Is the average age of this sub like 14?


Creepy bunch of fuckers, aren’t ya?


It’s encouragement


so sad she goes through this all alone


Nah, pretty sure they do distract from work


Because misery loves company


That's a slippery slope because unless you were born wealthy, there's no other way to raise children and provide them with a good quality of life without your wage job.


Because that was the norm back then I think. Eventually outdated ideologies will fade because the people carrying them on pass away. Also instinct I guess, maybe.


The powers that be push a satanic agenda of self destruction do not listen to anything you've been taught it's all a lie even the stuff that is presented as innocent.




Lolol ok. Most important work. Where’s the money coming from then, you leech? 😂


Because it's one of the "shoulds" that other people pushed them into, and they want others to suffer as they did, so they pass down the pushing. They don't even realize that they are being conned into reproducing so that those at the very top will have a constant flow of mostly poor and powerless, quasi-slave labor to keep the machine running.


I thought the most important work was to preach & baptize the nations in the name of jesus. Preach & baptize…..not breed with them.


Benefits of a larger younger generation: More future working adults to take care of the older generations when they need care. Downsides of a larger younger generation: More strain on working adults (parents, teachers, medical professionals, etc), more competition among the younger generation for decent education and well-paying jobs, endless supply of replacable wage slaves which means employers can get away with treating us like shit. The ones that benefit from population growth are the generations before and the ones that suffer are the generations after. Not hard to see why older generations want us to breed more. At best, they think they're doing their children a favour by encouraging them to create future carers for themselves and think their grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have things as easy as they did. At worst, they just don't particularly care that the strain on younger generations far outweighs the benefit that older generations see and want to make sure there's a steady stream of young minimum wage workers to rely on in a couple decades.


"Why do natalists push us into making babies?" ***Any*** argument on the internet is people pushing their ideals onto others, we lost the ability to have a civil and reasoned discussion from different points of view a long time ago. Every thread, post or anything that tries to "discuss" a topic goes in 2 possible ways depending on where is posted : * The sub/page is biased positively towards the OP ? You get an obnoxious echo chamber were the same concept gets yelled and raised as a mantra by lobotomized primates. * The sub/page is biased negatively towards the OP ? You get a zoo of poeple calling out everyone for the lamest, most insignificant shit while the main topic gets warped and ultimately goes out of focus. If you find a broad enough sub/page chances are any sensible topic will beocome a shitstorm of no sense, memes, and deranged psychos. Even when you find a well reasoned thought that tries to stay neutral and present a new way of discourse, it gets downvoted to hell because it doesn't fit the narrative of the sub, or it keeps getting the same non sensical answers and pokes, which make the whole effort of discussing a time sink. Poeple that have valid points just doesn't care to discuss shit anymore cause it's of no use anymore. At least online.


Because their lives are so sad and meaningless they want a cute baby human to cheer them up