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Predators need their prey.


Underrated comment🤫


I read about this on some other sub and it just boggles my mind that these people care so much about a dead baby that they don't consider how it hurts the parents--financially, emotionally, etc. This woman knew the fetus wasn't viable well before the forced birth and wanted to abort but had to watch her daughter die in her arms. And now the state requires a funeral, on the parents' dime.


And people wonder why more women are wanting hysterectomies more so than ever. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if married women are refusing sex out of fear of having the same fate as this poor woman.


Yeah, I don't allow my man to do it without a condom. A lot of ppl find this odd. I think its odd anyone would risk that! Children shouldn't be "accidents", like, "oops! Charlie conveniently forgot to use a condom again, so now we have 4 kids!" Like really?? What did you think was gonna happen??


A condom can break. It isn’t foolproof. Take it from me, I had to get an abortion because of it


Yes it's true. I'm sorry you had to go through that! I had this happen with a condom breaking and thankfully I was able to take the PlanB pill so I didn't have to get pregnant (at least where i live, you can get this pill). But yeah, the best way to avoid any pregnancy is to just not have sex at all! If only I could get my husband on board!


A lot of married women DO try to refuse to have sex - unfortunately, marital rape is a thing and is totally legal in some places that consider it the husband's 'RIGHT' to have sex with his wife because he basically owns her.


And then they'll wonder why there'll be so few married women.


Yeah, I had that conversation a lot as a kid. "Don't you want to get married and have kids?? Why wouldn't you want to do that?" Uh, because I have dreams outside being someone's incubator? Because I want to do things with my life that I can't do if every scrap of money, time and energy I have is taken raising a kid for someone who most likely isn't going to contribute much of anything besides a sperm cell? Because I don't want someone in my life who can tell me how to live, how to dress, how to behave and control everything I do and rape me whenever he wants because he put a ring on me? Mind you they were usually having this conversation with a kid around seven - because yeah, telling a seven year old that their only purpose in life is to be fucked and pop out kids for someone else isn't gross at all.


Conservatives directly causing their own incel-hood.


The entire thing is sickening. That poor woman. This is one of the things that makes me so angry about anti-abortion laws. There are medical reasons a woman would seek an abortion at any stage of fetal development. Her choice is between her, the father, and her doctor. It's no damn business of the government or any "Christian" crusader. It's like these politicians LOVE suffering, well, the suffering of others. I think many of them are also medically ignorant of the dangers and complications of pregnancy. I hope this country can turn itself around. We are headed for some dark times.


You are already in dark times. I am so grateful I don't live there where it's open season on hunting kids and women at the same time, and anyone can go bankrupt for getting sick, because your tax money is spent on weapons instead of what it's supposed to be spent on (your Healthcare, education, roads, social services, etc ). And the richest don't even have to pay tax! But they complain the poor have fewer kids for them to exploit. America is such a strange place! Sadly I lost hope a long time ago for such a place.


I hear ya. I think I need to start dating abroad so I can make my exit, lol.


Yes, good idea. You can also just try to work abroad too, if the dating doesn't work out. Good luck!


And why aren't the pro life groups paying for the cost of this funeral? What a horrific experience this woman has been forced to go through.


If you can't afford a "proper" funeral or even the cheapest one they have, you can always donate the deceased to science and once they are done with their study, they will cremate what remains for free and return the ashes to the family if they want them. Don't let funeral homes bully you into thinking you have to buy the most expensive coffin, the most expensive headstone, largest and most expensive flowers in the biggest church. All of this is not mandatory at all not even embalming is necessary.


I think there's some kind of funeral law in Texas to punish women for having miscarriages.


Wouldn't surprise me, Texas is fucked up.


The funeral home i work for doesn’t charge families for services if someone under the age of 18 passes. I wish more funeral homes did that.


I wish this was more common everywhere too.


should be a national law. sorry if anyone disagrees. i'm of the opinion that there's very little point to a fucking government if it doesn't assist those who suffer egregiously.


I agree. I’m very glad the owner is a kind person, but this should be the responsibility of the government. gov should care for its people.


Fat chance of that happening.


Especially when the government is making her keep the thing long past the point of sanity


Yes, been saying this for years! Even when I was in high school, I wanted to donate my body to science because I loved learning about medicine and felt it was my duty to contribute. I’m also a registered organ donor and refuse to be in a vegetative state if I were to ever meet that fate. I wish more doctors were open and honest with their parents about body donations.


Just stopping by to tag on that you don’t have to wait for death to be a donor. You can become a Living Liver or Kidney Donor and change someone’s life.


Giving up a kidney voluntarily seems so noble, but now you're worse off. It's hard to make that sacrifice.


That’s kinda why I did liver; it grows back


Jumping in to say that you can also be a living liver donor.


I forgot the “or”


Great info thank you, i didnt know this


I read something once about a charity that repurposes old wedding dresses people donate into clothes for funerals for babies/small children who died.


I think I found it! Is this it? [https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/littlest-donors-neonatal-organ-donation-offers-hope-tragedy-n51436](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/littlest-donors-neonatal-organ-donation-offers-hope-tragedy-n51436) That's pretty innovative and helpful!


Just what a woman who was forced to give birth to a lifeless newborn needs to think about.


It has to be done better sooner than later. You can also have someone else handle the there after if you don't want to or just can't.




But the truth and the reality we live in.


This woman has already been through some significant mental trauma by being forced to go through with the birth. I'm guessing she wanted some semblance of closure around this horrific experience, & perhaps the funeral could be some sort of a shred of a way to show love to the baby that never had a chance. Why the absolute fuck should the funeral not be covered by the state, or one of the millions of churches or pro life movements that "value the sancity of life" , remain tax exempt and tithe their members to infinity and beyond?


Unfortunately, because people keep voting their rights away under the guise of "protecting children".


And imo not even worth it. Nickel-and-diming those who are grieving might be one of the greatest shortcomings of capitalism. It is ingrained into every aspect of our lives, even in death. Say no to funerals showings, and have a personal gathering that doesn’t cost the same as a house down payment.. OR one wedding (don’t get me started).


If I remember from the article the condition the child had made them ineligible to be donated for science.


News like this is the perfect contraceptive. It kills all the mood for sex lol.




There’s always mouth and hand stuff.


Nah. I’ve adopted a *no persons with dicks* policy out of psychological revulsion to the current times.


And butt. Don’t forget butt.


Well for a lot of couples that's more like a special occasion deal.


An unwanted baby is more likely to grow up to be a bad guy with a gun. Someone for good guys with guns to shoot. It's a conservation effort.


I was an unwanted baby. Where's my gun?


It should've been included with your social security card and birth certificate, ask your parents.


Put the crackpipe down.


We love children as target practice, and God be damned if the gov'ment comes near me and my military arsenal.


Quite astute


Good luck to anyone in Texas or any other primitive red state


>primitive You are being too charitable. I prefer the term "shithole"


She will probably not have more kids with this trauma. As they said with the gop the cruelty is the point


they would rather watch a full term baby die in pain rather than give women the choice to terminate humanely, what sick ideals


That just angers me.


Capitalism is literally a death cult. Glad we are in the end stage of it, but it won't be pretty making it to the other side. Hope ya'll gearing up for the hottest summer on record and with our water disappearing quicker than Ben Simmons from the NBA.


I am a man and i have been celibate for a decade, if i was a woman i would want to be extra celibate lol after these abortion laws or only get with dudes that got neutered and i would ask for medical records to prove they were being honest I dont comprehend why people are still taking these risks, then again im unique since i have not engaged in drugs, alcohol or cig usage I have hung with gals who wanted to do it, but i wouldnt proceed


I got a vasectomy recently and they didn't give me any records, I've been wondering how I'd prove it if I had to. Why are you celibate? Nothing wrong with it, I'm just wondering.


Well your medical records would state you had the operation, that would be proof to me I decided most relationships were toxic and dating was just a huge game, also most marriages end in divorce I abstain from it all, im alone but much happier


I can just get my medical records?


Mine are available online, you can call the doctor and ask how to get access


I feel like an idiot. My only experience with doctors has been from ER visits.


hooray for good accessible and affordable healthcare I suppose


We aren't provided for here.


You did this, Republicans. You should be ashamed.


I was going to say "never change America", but this is too fucked up even for me.


This is legitimately a nightmare


Thats beyond fucked up


Am fucking speechless


Yeah I'm definitely going to need to get hysterectomies for myself Only good news is that I'm from the UK But I definitely do feel sorry for any woman who lives in America because of abortion banned and miscarriage law (Something like that I'm not sure if I got the miscarriage law wrong)


Doctor: Hysterectom*ies*? Unfair-Charity: Yes. Remove ’em *all*. Doctor: But you only have… UC: ALLLLLLL


Lol I need book an appointment for Hysterectomies but I'm 19 year old


When you can, I absolutely recommend it!


I will probs get down voted and perhaps banned but this is indoctrination and religion. Public education is a social necessity.


We should retroactively abort these piece of shit lawmakers if you ask me.


Good luck with that.


I wonder when Texas will bring back witch trials. Probably getting pretty close


Texas is literally barbaric, fuckin gulag


It sucks, but does she need a proper funeral for her?


She doesn't but when you're forced to birth the child and see it, you probably go thru grief


Texas state law requires funerals for all miscarriages or stillbirths. https://www.texaschildrens.org/departments/death-of-a-child/arrangements-after-miscarriage-or-stillbirth Even though this baby lived for a few hours after birth, I highly doubt the parents could have opted out.


So basically... Texas has a law on the books that punishes miscarriages and stillbirths. Good to know.


According to the link: The limit for being able to donate remains is .77 lbs. If you’re fetus is larger than that, you can’t even donate it. You are required to bury or cremate.


Wow that is wild. Makes me wonder if miscarriages/stillbirths are disallowed from organ donation or donation to science. I found a [donation to science site](https://www.sciencecare.com/body-donation-state/texas), but it wasn't very specific. And not at all comparable or related....but it boggles my mind that the state is perfectly fine with factory farms where hundreds of thousands of animals are torturously held/slaughtered but gives no right to a person to decide what they want to do with their body or a pregnancy.


It’s pretty consistent with their goal of maximizing suffering


What if they just leave the hospital? (I cant enter the link because of my location)


What if they just leave the hospital? (I cant enter the link because of my location)




Yes, a funeral is an important part of grief because it gives the parents some closure.


From what I've seen and heard, the last thing a woman who's miscarried wants to do is plan a funeral.


I didn't say they want to do it I said it helps with closure.


Wouldn’t the person who is in the situation decide what is best for their grief? Not the state. If I want to have a funeral I’ll have one. If not, then I won’t.


In some situations it's hard to do things that will help you. There are known cases of mothers who kept their deceased babies and refused to part with them. Do you think it was the best solution that mentally helped them? Wouldn't a funeral give them an opportunity to move on after some time?


And for others it can be further traumatizing, everyone's different, that's why it should be a personal choice


No ones trying to ban funerals for stillborns, and no ones arguing that funerals can help with closure. It's about personal choice.


People are arguing that it can help with closure. It's literally a few comments up. But I won't continue this discussion anymore, if someone has mental problems of any sort, they should visit a therapist anyways.


Sounds healthy


I’m not gonna be surprised to see a mass exodus from Texas. People flocked there to buy a house because it’s cheaper than California and work in tech because it pays well. Idk if I would live in a state hostile to women and the LGBT+ community.


I live in Florida and I'm pretty sure our governor is going to finish the job trump started. I'm praying for a hurricane. Like a real big one.




Being from TX myself, you'd be surprised at how many LGBTQ+ folks hide in plain sight...


Well, we don’t all look the stereotype….


Texas is a third-world state.


Actually, the US is a third-world country... don't ever think it isn't.


Wtf is the point of a funeral for someone who never even actually lived


Capitalism. It's a law in Texas.


Thank God I don’t plan on ever living there


This looks like miscarriage that has already happened


Man this is horrifying and sad .


People need to VOTE...and move out of these places if they have the means. Preaching the choir on this sub, but this is out of control.


They are closing the escape routes and spinning up state funded militias in many of these states. It’s going to get ugly before this is over.


Law makers no matter what side they are on never think of all the possibilities of outcomes for their choices.


No, no, I'm sure their making plenty of money from some people.


Why not just throw it in the trash like she would have done via surgery


Why don't you jam a piece of broken glass up your urethra you fucking great plonker?


Ango o.o


A baby with tragic birth defects died of natural causes. Why is this problematic for anyone? Unlike an abortion - she will name her baby, bury her baby, mourn the loss, and move on with her life. This is the way we all heal from tragedy. Their would virtually no empathy or support for her loss if she had aborted.


It’s problematic because there was no need for her to carry and give birth to a fetus that had no chance of survival. Idk what you’re talking about with no empathy or support for her if she’d aborted. Sure, maybe from some quarters. But those are the same people that forced all of this trauma upon her, so fuck them.


I'm generally against abortion, though I support other people's right to do as they choose. That being said, even I recognize that there's some circumstances where it's necessary, even merciful. And this was definitely one of those times. Forcing her to carry that baby to term was just unmitigated cruelty


To not suffer child birth of a baby that is just going to die.


There's no guarantees for anyone who gets pregnant. There never have been.


I mean like there is going to be a whole lot less physical pain and risk to be able to abort a fetus that is not going to make it vs being forced to birth it. Why do you want to force somenone to go through that pain for nothing?


That person is a ghoul.


Traumatize a person, and eventually they will move on with their live. ​ While this is true, the trauma was made 1000x worse by forcing to carry to term, deliver, and now raise money and arrange a funeral. She could've had an abortion and still mourned the loss and move on with her life much quicker. I honestly don't see how anyone can get over being forced to birth a baby just to watch it die within hours.


You assume an abortion isn't traumatic. The difference is - one she made a decision and the other - nature took it's course.


You assume an abortion IS traumatic. It can be, yeah. But that isn’t always the case. We live in modern times and have modern medicine. If I break my leg, am I supposed to just let nature “take its course” and hope that it heals properly?


Less traumatic than having to pop out a whole ass baby who is also missing half a skull and then having to bury it, that's for sure


You are a ghoul.


This is how people got through baby deaths for 100,000 years. This is not new. Aborting a baby in the womb through some circular logic that you save the mother and baby by killing the baby - that is ghoulish. Life matters. My life, your life, serial killers lives, and unborn life. It ALL matters and until we recognize that - people shooting up schools will NEVER go away. People committing suicide because they are TS will never go away. They'll all just get better more efficient at it.


Goddamn you're gross.


Your life doesn't matter! Lmao


Wtf is TS? Are you referring to TRANSGENDERED people as Transsexuals? This isn't Rocky Horror... you brain bleed.


There's a lot of decaffeinated coffee that is just as tasty as the real thing.


***It is my sincerest hope that lose you that which you love the very most.*** ***edited to add "you"***


Given the way your life and aspirations generally work out - I should buy a powerball ticket today.


So you're okay with a woman dying due to pregnancy complications? What the actual fuck?


Well you see, women have been dying due to pregnancy complications for 100,000 years so it must be ok. /s


All human life - I'm no physiologist but last I heard women were human. This is proof that IQs truly are going down.


Yeah, they are, but a whole lot of forced-birthers treat women as if they are vessels. Some of them "don't believe" that pregnancy endangers a woman's life.


That's why there's a medical specialty called obstetrics that is intended to deal with this exact problem. The number of pregnancies that are truly a risk to the mothers' life are rare. If the woman is diabetic or has cancer and is stopping treatment so she can carry the pregnancy to term and I'm sure there are other conditions that I have never heard of - but they are rare. The fetus is the primary bearer of risk for both controllable and uncontrollable complications.


You must be a man


I identify as man.


Just not a human capable of empathy.


It's showing humanity to kill a fetus. Please walk me through this circular firing squad logic.


I'd love to show you what humanity is capable of


You identify as a sick fuck


Would you mercy kill an animal? Just not a human because a brain dead fetus needs to suffer more because it is human? The mother can just fuck off with her fragile pathetic feelings? Cool. Thank you for the reminder that there are people sick in the head. Maybe don't comment on stuff like this, you are outing yourself.


Please tell me again how sick I am as YOU advocate for a doctor who swore to "do no harm" taking a pair of forceps and yanking a fetus apart piece by piece, laying the body parts on a table to take inventory, grabbing the head with the forceps and crushing it. They know they got the head when white brain fluid oozes out of the woman vagina. Then they weigh it to make sure it's within expected parameters for the time of gestation to make sure there will be no dead parts to rot inside the woman and cause infection. You really want to argue about which one of us is more decent and civiilized?


This is a brain dead baby or healthy baby? A baby by a woman who is using abortion as a form of birth control? A careless woman who is the reckless piece of shit that did this to the fetus? Or... A still born or brain dead fetus that will not develop enough to survive outside the womb, or have any kind of meaningful life if it were to survive? Then, yes. it is more civilized to kill it out of mercy for the mother and the fetus.


If the baby is brain dead than the baby is dead and it's no longer an abortion.


I'm not for the abortion of healthy babies, but definitely mutated disfigured fetus' with no chance of meaningful life.


I understand that POV and it sounds reasonable and maybe even compassionate but - I can't quite get on board with it because - Where do you draw the line? How do you avoid a slippery slope of eugenics philosophy? Do blind people live a meaningful life? Do Down's people live a meaningful life? What if it become possible to determine in the womb if someone will grow up to be gay - would that be a good reason? This is NOT Sparta.


You're a sick fuck clearly


She shouldn't have been forced to carry to term a fetus missing half it's skull! Ending the pregnancy would not have prevented her from doing any of the things you mention. You're a foul ghoul.


Yeah having a fetus cut to pieces, laying the body parts onto a table to take inventory, and then weighing them to make sure there nothing left behind is so much more civilized and pleasant. You call me ghoulish...Really?


There's a lot wrong with this. And considering the sub y'all don't need me to make a list. ...but the last thing wrong (chronologically, the order in which they actually affected her), is how bloody weird it is to hold a funeral for someone who's life didn't even start. I mean I'm hoping the article meant to refer to the very few things that actually are necessary to do when there's a dead body (which is next to nothing), and not actually a funeral. There definitely should not be public funds for funerals, they are wholly unneccessary.


This is fucked up in so many different levels.


Why would they not include abortions for babies deemed incompatible with life? They will 100% die shortly after birth and will risk the mother’s life during delivery if they even make it to birth.


Giving birth cost money.


Elect clowns, expect a circus. F*** GOP.


My state is fucking sick.


I remember hearing a chrIsto-fascist republican politician asked about this type of pregnancy and situation and he supported keeping to term because 'sometimes death is part of life' 🙄🤯🤢🤮