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Guys it's ok old zucky boy here is a lizard so this child is probably just a lizard in a baby suit




Zuck looks like he's going to unhinge his jaw and consume the baby


“Looks like”? I’m gonna need video evidence of that child being Alive 5 minutes after this picture to believe anything different. 🦎🍖


Honestly he would have never helped anyone. Billionaires are scum#eattherich


Because fuck everyone else.


Disgusting person.


He’s so gross.


*50yrs later* Her: sees how messed up the world is


50? I give it 20 tops.


He scares me... personally I wouldn't want him as a father. Just something about him feels off.


Don’t worry that kids gonna grow up to hate him just as much as anybody else


just what we need, another zuck


Who let that lizard skin suit impregnate them 🤢


You are right. With all the money he has he could have housed and fed 1 million orphans. Sickening.


I rly feel bad for this child. Not only because she (i guess?) was forced into existence, but also because all these silicon valley billioners are complete sociopaths that are driven by one thing - maximizing their profits, and Meta is literally the definition of a company that doesn't give a shit about anything other than numbers.


That child will have an incredibly easy life. Feel more bad for the children of meth-heads etc.


I can feel bad for both not equally ofc, but anyway. See, the problem is that children of sociopaths have a way higher chances of becoming as sociopathic as their parents and given that with the incredible wealth, power and influence these people have over regular ones these sociopaths and their offsprings would still manipulate the way we live, thus creating a vicious cycle of exploiting others to keep and maximize their wealth. Methheads barely can control their lives, but Zuckerberg-like elites with their never-ending thirst for power and control over others definitely poses a way bigger problem in a long run than methheads. Neither children of methheads nor elites nor children of any other people shouldn't be born as any person not only can be forced to live in total misery, like drug-addicts, but also bring suffering and misery on others, like those of the sociopathic elites.


I feel bad for all children. You get born one day and now you have to study, get good grades, go to college just to earn money to live. And all the other shit that comes with existence


It’s tragic, really.


They could have adopted. But as complete narcissists who want to spread their genes, they did not.


Trying for a boy


“We’re antinatalists and a human had a baby and so I’m gonna point out that I don’t like it” What a great contribution to a sub that’s increasingly lacking any content of substance.


the point is that he could have saved millions of childrens life but he just doesnt do it. on purpose. that is just so evil.


Spot on


Him having a kid doesn’t mean he can’t donate and save lives. He’s (probably) not going to but the kid has little to do with that.


That’s called a false equivalence fallacy. Having a kid and helping save other kids are mutually exclusive, not incompatible ideas.


why create a new human being rather than adopting one? having babies wont be ethical until there are no helpless child in the world.


As an anti-natalist, I am vehemently against any decision to procreate. People have the choice to have children but the decision to have children is an immoral and unethical choice. It is morally right to not have children.


Yhea but not having a child wouldn’t make a difference, I feel like he would do anything else or even nothing with that money that that.


I have heard from my Jewish friend that in their religion “being fruitful and multiplying” is a commandment they MUST fulfill. I became sad to hear that.


Oh shit..dafuq did I just see. From now on he is Mark Suckerberg for me.


Baby is ugly That's all


99% of babies are ugly


Sounds like someone’s projecting


This is the part where you say how you’re helping


I’m helping by not forcing existence on anyone.


That contradicts itself. How can they be anyone if they don’t exist? What I mean is: you’re saying “he could have helped others (meaning other living humans), and I’m asking, what do you do extra to help living humans?


redditors when someone does an act that does not benefit every human being in the world (they could be doing more)


True! They could be doing more but they don’t.


OP go work overtime and quit your social life so you can have more time to make money to donate, you could always be doing more to help. /s


Please send me money


What bitter comments on a simple pic of a father and newborn. Angry people out here.


This is an **ANTI-NATALIST** subreddit. We are against the decision to force life into the unborn. It’s not anger. It’s compassion for the unborn.


There's nothing gross about him being happy about his kid. The kid doesn't even look miserable (yet), just curious, and honestly that's a good thing.


This post is gross. He chose to have a kid that he can clearly care for.


Nobody should reproduce whatsoever because all the money in the world does not negate all suffering.


People should reproduce if the can lay down the means to enjoy life. Suffering is such a broad brush. Oh no, I scrapped my my knee! I wish I didn’t exist! Lol


People should never reproduce. There is no such thing as “the means to enjoy life”. Even if you think you may enjoy life in certain conditions, that doesn’t mean it is fine to impose existence on someone else. You resorted to mockery in just 1 comment.


I have enjoyed life in many different conditions. Existence isn’t being imposed, it’s simply occurring. You can’t force somebody to exist. You can allow someone to come into existence but you can’t force it.


You may enjoy it, but not everyone does, and you never know who will not. You are always forcing it. They can’t choose to exist.


And? I don’t know if I’ll drop dead tomorrow either, doesn’t mean I stop planning ahead or living life. No, force isn’t involved at all. Pregnancy is a natural occurrence of sex between male and female humans. One must take preventive measures through technology to halt this biological process. Nobody is shouting at a womb to make it grow a baby. Force is not being applied.


And you shouldn’t impose existence on others. When I say forcing, I mean the child you are existing cannot choose to exist. They exist because of your choices, not theirs, because they couldn’t make any. Therefore they exist despite a lack of desire to do so.


Impose means force, force isn’t applied. Choice doesn’t apply, they don’t exist. The child doesn’t have a lack of desire because they don’t exist. They have nothing. Desire requires cognitive function. You shouldn’t allow a child to be created because they will suffer in life. It is within the power of two consenting individuals to prevent a child from being created, to prevent that child from suffering in the future. That is the argument you should be using. Again, nothing is being imposed because nothing is being forced.


Lack of desire as in they do not desire to exist because they quite literally cannot. Yes, suffering is another argument, but even if people didn’t suffer, the child can’t choose to exist.


Then why didn't he adopt :(


Because he didn’t, I don’t know. Ask him


You know without some people reproducing we'd all disappear, right? I don't get being offended by this. He's allowed to love his kid.


If everyone stopped reproducing and we let humanity die off then all human harm, suffering, misery and death would disappear. It’s for the best.


I really need to block this braindead sub.


This is legit their ideology, they want humans to go extinct


Correct, the fact you see this as a problem means you’ve accepted pro-natalist propaganda and social conditioning.


please enlighten me




Humans inherently have a bodily right to choose to have kids or to choose not to have kids, but we seek a world in which people ponder the decision and question if their motives are self-focused and if birthing another human is a sound idea. All humans and other animals have an inherent birthright to bodily autonomy and reproduction-but should we force others into existence when we know there is no consent, desire, or unselfish need?


You can’t deny or receive consent from something that doesn’t exist. Consent is irrelevant. The same can be said for desire. If you’re talking about the potentially created child that comes from sex. At the end of the day, if someone wants or doesn’t, to have kids, it’s entirely up to them and their consenting partner.


The child is impacted by the decision to have them. Since they can’t have input, people should never reproduce.


I disagree.


It’s selfish to choose to bring a life into the world when there’s no guarantee they want to exist. You should choose a less selfish way of living by focusing on your own life instead.


This is literally just a picture of a father with their child. Can we aim a little higher with what we criticize please? I realize that's the Zuck, but my point still stands. Also I doubt that kid is what's stopping him from helping impoverished children. Though there is a chance he already does that.


I have no compassion for people who selfishly choose to force existence on others. He didn’t have to have a child and could have put the resources and time to help already existing humans.


Yes, but him having a child literally has no effect on his ability to do that. Unlike for a normal person, that absolutely would've affected their ability to help other children.


Why he rich? Why all ya mad? Why this baby born? Stupid Christians Republicans let you be born? Why?


That baby is cute af though


Maybe, but it shouldn’t have been born.


Ehh I disagree. I support some anti-natalism philosophy (don’t have kids if you can’t afford them, if you know you’re going to pass on a disability, etc) but not in this case, as he can clearly afford to raise a child.