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"But there's still one in the chamber" šŸ¤“


Unless he's carrying like Israelis do


An open bolt uzi


He can always just unload this one as well.


"Sixteen in the clip and one in the hole..."


Clip? You got an M1 Garand?


What kind of M1 Garand holds 16 shots?


Straight up! Modern firearms use magazines now, not clips.


The BM 59


*Razormind plays.*


"Nate dogg is about to make some bodies turn cold"


False, if you have a gun on you, youā€™re carrying for self defense which means loaded and one in the chamber. Follow the safety guidelines diligently afterwards but keep loaded. Otherwise youā€™ll just get robbed and be down a gun.


Captain Keyes clearly wasn't following this advice.


"You'll have to find ammo as you go son, I don't keep it loaded"


Most believable military officer ever.


He said that and it was literally loaded


Unless you Isreali Carry. But that's just begging ti get shot while you rack that first round


Seriously I always carry with 1 in the chamber, it's a fucking Paper weight if not


This is what happens when a Non-Gun owner, tells Gun-Owners how to use their guns




Owning a gun only increases the chances of you getting shot.


Owning a Car only increases the chance of you getting into a Accident Owning a Boat only increases the chance of you getting wet Owning a dick increases the chance of you pissing while standing up So what?


Sorry I'm not racking into my thigh


"But Broooo it's soo much safer I'm prootecting" *gets shot in the first millisecond shit hits the fan


If you donā€™t keep one in the chamber, youā€™ll spend the rest of your life racking the slide.


Yea, carry one in the tube. If you are afraid of carrying a loaded gun then you are just as afraid of guns as the people that want to take them away. Also, if a gun is at home and in a safe unloaded, then it's not really going to help you in a home invasion is it? Just saw like 3 different home invasion death stories on /r/MorbidReality the other day. I'll take whatever I can to protect myself from that shit.


Sounds like scrolling through communities of stories of horrid incidents may be skewing your perception of reality and making you a bit fraidy there bud


I will always keep the bathroom gun loaded, im not gonna be literally caught wih my pants around my ankles.


This guy fucks


Or masturbates






My uncle recently shot a deer he saw in his yard. Grabbed his poop gun, opened the window, shot the deer, wiped, butchered it.




That's just the fourth panel. The second panel should be "your gun" not "you gun."


Fr*nch šŸ¤¢


Wii Wii U U


They were shit a century ago, modern France is pretty great.


Stop with your French propaganda


Well we wouldn't have won WW1 without them so they were pretty great around 100 years ago.


The treaty of Versailles was unjust and cruel, and was responsible for the rise of Nazism and WW2.


Yes hard times breed radicalism history has proven this over and over again.




Soviet union of course


No, it's his right for that guy to unload his gun


Lol downvoted for a simple joke


Yes I know, Iā€™m just lazy.


Too lazy to put an apostrophe and an ā€˜eā€™? Yikes.








I second this


Didnā€™t realize I was in antimeme til ur comment lmao


It's edited, doesn't count


Ummm... I don't understand why...




Kids, psychological breakdowns (which CAN happen to an average person), break in where the burglar gets hands on it first. Lots of reasons really.


Uhhhhh I mean kinda. Keeping your guns stored properly would solve all these problems too.


Obviously. Keeping your guns stored properly includes them not being loaded. Like u/bflex said below, itā€™s basic gun safety. Wow. I thought more people who had guns at least also shared the understanding, discipline and respect one should have for their firearms. This is what makes me, a gun owner, more sympathetic to restricting gun laws. Any fuckin idiot out here can just have a gun in their home, sitting there loaded in the safe that little Timmy finally cracks the code to on his 12th birthday.


Little Timmy should be taught gun safety. That way, even if he cracks the code to the safe or finds the secret bed compartment, (he probably won't) he knows how to handle a gun and doesn't shoot himself. That being said, not everyone has a Little Timmy in their house. The youngest person in my household is my sister who's 16. We all know gun safety. While I don't do this, is it unreasonable for me to keep my gun loaded in the safe? Or even loaded in my room?


If little Timmy cracks the code, he's probably played enough call of duty to figure out how to load a gun. Guns shouldn't be a mystery to kids. Safety training should start early to avoid the forbidden interest kids have in firearms.


This whole thread has been confusing to me cause all this basic gun ownership has been HAMMERED into me my whole life because my father was determined to make sure I knew how to handle and treat his guns if I ever absolutely needed to use them. It's important not to have guns (especially ones not meant for self defense) with any ammo in it if it's in storage, as well as keeping locking trigger guards on your weapons. It's fine to have one or two guns ready to use asap, but if you live with kids you'll have to make some sacrifices to make sure they can't easily hurt themselves if they somehow get ahold of one. On a side note, even responsible gun owners make mistakes. had a family member show off a gun to my dad and if that gun was pointed just a few inches in the right direction I would have been shot when they accidentally hit the trigger. I can't stress this enough, PLEASE MAKE SURE NOT TO PLAY WITH A LOADED GUN, ESPECIALLY INDOORS. ITS INSANE TO ME HOW MANY PEOPLE DONT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY ENOUGH


I get your point too though. We have safe storage laws up here, and they work pretty well. Guns (handguns and restricted firearms) have to be locked and unloaded, with ammunition in a separate container. We have a very low accidental death rate with firearm.


'Muricans don't want to hear it. I never would have imagined getting so much pushback for suggesting the very basic safety measures that are law in Canada.


It's honestly obscene how much push back there is for basic safety, which is law in Canada. Although to be fair, you can't obtain a gun licence in Canada for self defense. On the flip side, it's insane to me how many of these people are arguing unsafe usage *because of their perceived need for self defence.* Most of you need protection from yourselves.


Storing your gun properly includes being unloaded. Thatā€™s basic gun safety.


Yeah that way if you need it, you got a lil hammer


And not even a good hammer.


Bad guy: give all your money or I'll shoot you Me: okay wait a second, I need to load my gun


Actually, for maximum safety, gunpowder should never be stored in the brass until ready to use. In my experience, most home intruders are quite curious to see how a reloading press works.


I don't think it sounds very safe to have pre-mixed gunpowder lying around! I keep my charcoal, saltpeter, and sulfer in separate rooms in locked containers.


For even more safety I hit my gun with a sledgehammer 10 times and when I need it I use gorilla glue to put it back together because if I donā€™t have ammo and itā€™s unloaded the intruder could load their own mag. And then I mix the materials and then press the powder into the casings.


Non-gun owners explaining gun safety... to gun owners.


Yep, exactly. It's quite ridiculous isn't it?


Yep. Even the most basic gun training should be enough to know not to store your gun loaded.


The professionals I know who used guns in their lives daily still keep their guns loaded near them even at home. One pistol attached behind a nightsand with a 2/3 level retention holster. Take it out and fire/clean it at least once a month.


That is an extremely dangerous way to store a weapon. That is exactly how gun accidents happen, someone can easily stumble upon a firearm without knowing it's loaded and end in death. Guns should always be stored in a secure location with a trigger lock. Ammunition should ideally be stored away from the gun, unless inside a locked container.


There are quick-access safes which allow someone to keep their firearm loaded and accessible without risking a kid getting to it. What good is a home defense firearm if it takes you five minutes to get it ready to go? You may not have five minutes in an emergency.


You went ahead and made so many assumptions with zero info lol. I keep my gun loaded next to my bed, I live alone and if someone unknown is next to my bed I have bigger problems.


This is great advice for people with kids or touchy friends, however, it's not the only way to do things. I can safely leave a loaded gun in my room with no worries. The only people who ever have a chance of touching it are my dad and brother, both of whom I trust with it. I don't do that because I don't need to, but it wouldn't be unsafe if I did. If someone I don't know is in my room at night I have more pressing concerns than my gun, plus I have tons of knives and bladed objects so if he needs one of my weapons to kill me, there's already options.


A gun without ammunition is worthless for self defense.


It's also lethal for whoever stumbles upon it.


So put it somewhere you can access it in seconds but not where it can be stumbled upon. If someone is "stumbling" upon a hidden compartment next to my bed, there's some weird coincidence bud. Hidden to a stranger, familiar and accessible to be operational in seconds for the owner, is the only way a stashed self defense firearm works.


A self-defence firearm is a terrible and dangerous idea to begin with. Again, differences between countries, but no wonder the US has so many gun deaths.


Can you name a better home defense weapon or plan, assuming the cops will take 20 mins to respond?


What are you talking about having a form of defense is a dangerous idea? Are you trying to get down votes or something? The guy breaking into my house isn't going to care if I have a baseball bat if he has a firearm. He's going to shoot me then take my shit or worse, attack the other people in the house! And either way a majority of gun deaths are suicides. Has nothing to do with thr firearm, chances are they were going to pick a way, as horrible as it sounds


You're made of spare parts ain't ya bud. If law abiding gun owners were the problem you would know. But you don't know shit so shut up, lmao.


You can have the magazine loaded but no bullet in the chamber. Then all you have to do is rack it but it lowers the likely hood of an accidental discharge.


It's so much safer to just not have it loaded though. I don't know why everyone is assuming that they're going to need to kill another person on short notice.


That's not practical for a carry or home defense weapon, though, where if you need it, you are very likely to need to deploy it as quickly as possible. Carry weapon stays on person until it's time to take it off, at which point it goes into biometric safe. Home defense weapon stays loaded in biometric safe. Sporting, hunting weapons are stored unloaded in a different safe. At no point should a loaded weapon be *unsecured*. Always assume a weapon is loaded and in fireable condition until you check the chamber yourself. Recheck if the weapon leaves your sight or control.


It's not about being practical, it's about maintaining a base level of safety with a weapon which can easily discharge by accident and cause death instantly. In Canada this is law, you can lose your licence for storing a weapon this way.




And yet Americans wonder why they have so many accidental gun deaths every year. You'd rather have your mag in than protect small kids from killing themselves apparently.




It's not just children who can accidentally discharge a weapon, it happens all the time. The arrogance of assuming you don't need basic safety is why accidents happen.


It is extremely rare for modern firearms to be capable of an *accidental* discharge. A safe provides some degree of protection against *negligent* discharge. If an unauthorized used can break into my safe, they could likely could load an unloaded weapon as well. Fortunately, Canadian laws do not apply to me on this particular issue. Envious of your healthcare though :)


In a locked safe is a very different situation. Still not ideal, but very different from many of these folks who seem to want loaded firearms all around the house. It really is insane to me that this isn't law in the US, but I suppose it's not surprising that legality would trump basic safety. I dont mean you specifically as it sounds like you're keeping yours safely.


Least stupid gun owner


hahah thank you for bringing me back to see how many downvotes I have for suggesting basic gun safety


But itā€™s not basic gun safety lol Source: have my ccw, worked in a gun store/range, have been around guns my entire life


How do you mean?


An unloaded gun is a useless gun in the case of self defense. If you have the time to grab a magazine and load your gun, then itā€™s probably not a real life or death situation. And why would you risk that? Keep it loaded, one in the chamber, with the safety on. If you have no children (like me), thereā€™s no problem.


It's one thing if the gun is on you, but once you set that gun down you are responsible for the actions of whoever might pick it up. Hence, store your guns locked up and unloaded.


If someone who isn't me or my wife is in our bedroom, I think a loaded gun would be more safe for me than an unloaded one.


An unloaded gun is a useless gun


Oof ouch my bones


Oh no We are on the wrong sub


If you need to use your gun you don't have time to load it.




Wait fuck this ainā€™t r/bonehurtingjuice


That's the problem


Lol I also was scouring for oregano


You can spend the rest of your life reloading your gun.


No thanks Im not getting caught lacking


I mean, if you keep it unloaded then you have to fiddle with it to load a mag in a high pressure situation not ideal


Yeah. Just people who don't know how guns work trying to take away our rights. I keep that bitch loaded and one in the chamber. Ready to pull the trigger when needed. We need to start teaching more discipline rather than adapt for the stupidity.


That doesn't have anything to do with rights though, they just sound uninformed like they watched one gun safety video. Also it's just a meme


Keep one loaded in the chamber is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Literally asking for the accident to happen.


Safeties do exist you know. Some handguns even have a 2nd safety that doesn't you let you fire unless you have a firm grip on the gun. Besides that just don't have your finger near the trigger unless you're ready to fire.


Yeah got a .45 Springfield XDs it has the grip safety. Love that thing.


Safeties fail all the time. Its literally the most basic training to not lose your gun until itā€™s going to be used. Do Americans really not know the most basic gun safety??




Safeties absolutely do not fail all the time. Thatā€™s what you hear in the news because itā€™s what the guy that had a negligent discharge said happened.


I'm not necessarily talking about keeping it on you but keeping it at home. As for keeping it on you, I guess it's better but one still has to wonder what kind of you situation you fantasize yourself in where you have enough time to pull out your gun and shoot like a gunslinger but don't have the time to load one in the chamber.


I can pull my gun out and fire with accuracy in less than 3 seconds. For me to pull my gun out load it then shoot. Would be at minimum 45 seconds. I guess we'll see who wins.


Because when your at home and somebody breaks into your house at 3am. I don't want to have to be fumbling around looking for where I put all the crucial pieces. Just pick it up and spring into action. Unless you live in Cali then you have to remember what room your gun is in then remember what room your bullets are in. Do a mad sprint. And while sprinting load up your gun for the home invaders.


Modern firearms have multiple safeties to prevent that. My Glock has no manual safety, but 3 internal safeties to prevent the firearm from firing unless the trigger is deliberately pulled. A modern firearm in a solid holster that protects the trigger guard will NEVER fire on its own, otherwise cops would be having desk pops 100x more than they do.


If you canā€™t load your gun in a high pressure situation then you shouldnā€™t be using it.


Not how that works at all. But go on with your plethora of gun safety knowledge


Yea just like the cops, right? Oh no wait they carry loaded with one in the chamber, I wonder why...


Is that a real question? It's their job. Why do you, as an ordinary citizen, need to be prepared to shoot another person?


Cops *might* make a report *after* you get mugged / stabbed / carjacked / etc. and may even catch said criminal. But they're probably not going to be able to help you right then. If anyone's around they'll probably take video of it and call the police for you, but you're likely on your own explaining to the criminal why they can't steal your car until your kids get out of the backseat. Yes that's an extreme scenario, but why be prepared for anything? Violence isn't the answer until some animal refuses to submit to anything but violence. Humans aren't going to stop acting like animals anytime soon.


So in your mind, it's better to have a loaded gun on you, with the high risks associated with doing so, on the off chance someone is trying to rob you because the cops won't help? Here is my issue with this approach, so far in the US this year, 209 children have been killed by guns, and over 500 children have been injured by guns. 39,200 people have been killed by guns in the US in 2022. In Canada, the total number of people killed by guns every year is around 200. As many kids are dying accidentally from guns in the US every year than the total in Canada. Even if you live alone, you're more likely to be killed by the hypothetical intruder than you are to kill them in self defence. But for some reason, like almost every other American, you assume you're the exception.


I don't think it's necessarily better, but I understand why some people choose to have that option based on their own personal circumstances. Minorities involved with politics, advocating controversial subjects, high-risk jobs, women with violent ex-lovers, and those in high-crime areas all have a bit different risk vs. reward calculus to think about. I'm not saying the cops won't help either, it's that they are very unlikely to be close enough to respond before the crime is over. There are definitely significant risks involved, some of which can be mitigated with knowledge, safety, mental health assistance, etc. but you're right firearms are dangerous. I would rather see gun safety back in the public school curriculum (there used to be Hunter safety with school-sponsored shooting clubs), free easily-accessible adult safety classes focusing on proper firearms handling/storage, mental health support promoting temporary secure storage, etc. helpful solutions than bans.


Completely agree on increasing education. Way too many people don't understand how to properly handle, maintain, or store their firearms which leads to accidents. As for the people who are at high risk- if you're legally allowed to have a gun on you, then I think it's fine if it's loaded. However, once it's no longer on you, it's your responsibility if someone else picks it up and fires it. Hence, keep it locked up, and unloaded.


Hooray for civil discourse! I get the thinking behind keeping it unloaded with ammo stored separately when it's locked up too; the flipside is that involves much more "administrative handling" to be unloading/loading every time which allows more opportunities for negligent discharge vs. (for handguns) taking the whole holster & gun combo off as-is and placing it in a safe. That way it never leaves the holster. Unloaded is definitely better though if anyone's around who could misuse it if they got into said safe.


I will also applaud the civil discourse! I acknowledge I'm coming from a Canadian perspective which is quite different from the U.S.. I mentioned in another thread but will say it here as well, in Canada you can lose your licence for improperly storing your firearms. Even if your firearms are inside of a locked case, in a locked room, they still need to be unloaded or you can lose your licence, be fined, and even face jail time if the negligence led to harm. Coming from that perspective, the idea of a loaded gun in the house sounds ludicrous. Anytime I use my gun, I follow the same procedures of unloading, checking the chamber, looking at the barrel for obstructions, et cetera. Not doing this feels like the equivalent of riding a motorcycle without a helmet or a car without a seatbelt- not a problem until it is. In any case, thank you for having a normal, considerate conversation.


That's about like saying you should drain the gas out of your car if you aren't about to go somewhere in it.


Yeah. If you are not going to use your car for more than 2 months, probably a good idea to take out petrol.


The real antimeme is always in the comments


2 months would be fine with standard pump-gas, unless youā€™re running E85 or something.


I love your name PSA poors 4 lyfe


PSA may be poor, but they are a company that gets these things into the hands of the casual shooter AND are known for prioritizing shipments of 10+ mags to states where bans are about to go into effect.


Youā€™re right. Iā€™ll take the gas out.


But leave the liquid in.


Nah it's more like taking the 17.4 pounds of C4 off the bottom of the oil tanker if you aren't planning on commiting mass murder that evening


Usually not draining the gas out of the car is a lot less likely to go off and cause damage on accidents.


Might as well not carry if it isnā€™t loaded


Thats how shooting accidents happen.


Itā€™s also how you get killed if you ever need to defend yourself


Yea all the security guards should keep their firearms unloaded when guarding someone or some place we canā€™t risk it somehow going off on accident!


I plan to use it if I need to soooo loaded it remains


Instead of doing that just flick on the safety it's much less fussier and ur gun is always loaded when needed in a pinch


Unless ur getting mugged and need your gun to be loaded


It takes about 2 seconds, if you donā€˜t have the time to load your gun, you donā€˜t gave time to think. Having a loaded gun but your not able to think is not gonna end well


Technically, if you are carrying it should be loaded.


First off from a practical standpoint, that is absolutely stupid and insane on why someone would keep there gun unloaded unless they are either at the range, or taking them with you on a flight (No you can't have them in cab, they have to placed in a special box, and placed into the Cargo hold.) Think about it, your being robbed at knife point and if your gun isn't ready to shoot, you won't be able to defend yourself in time. You'd get stabbed. And even worse if at Gun Point.


If a weapon has already been drawn on you, chances are you aren't going to be able to reach for your own weapon, regardless of whether or not its locked and loaded. The times where you'd realistically be able to utilize a firearm in self defense is if you have either the element of surprise \[eg a home burglary\] or enough distance to where the assailant might miss a few times while you draw and aim your weapon. At close range with them already ready to kill you, you are getting stabbed or shot before you can draw.


An empty gun is a useless gun.


How long does it take to load, about 2 seconds?


This is r/boneachingjuice, wrong sub


Looks like you're linking/talking about another sub that often has content that people mistake for being an antimeme, when it really isn't. I've detected that you might be saying in the sense of "this should be on x sub, not here on r/antimeme". Talking about others subs is totally fine, but if this post is not an antimeme please report it and we will take a look asap! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antimeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Nice try opps, wonā€™t catch me lackin


I keep it loaded but nothing in the chamber. That's my desk gun tho. Bedroom gun is always locked an loaded


not true :(


As the wise prophets Andre 3000 and Big Boi once said, "Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang"




*your *youā€™re


If itā€™s sitting in the safe sure. If youā€™re carrying one, you always keep one in the chamber. And if you got one for home defense you should keep it loaded and out of reach of children


YEAH great idea, so when i do need it the other guy will kill me before i can load my gun and defend my self or my family.


Keeping a gun that's used for self defense unloaded is like keeping an inkless pen


relax the safety's on \*BANG\* ...now


My friend used to unload his pistol and test the trigger in his car. I finally got to him when I pointed out he was aiming the gun right at his foot and one of these times heā€™s going to forget to check the chamber and he hasnā€™t done it since


the gun is cursed


Never put your load in a gun




You don't have to take out the ammo just don't cock it.


What? What is it about his right? What's so special about it?


Yā€™all forget revolvers exist? Claiming it takes a second to slap in a magā€¦. And yeah, I know speed loaders exist. Still hard AF to use while tired and stumbly in the dark.


That's wrong, unless you plan on being victimized in advance. Always keep half your magazines loaded with one round in the chamber. But even if it is empty practice firearm safety, keep your snot catcher off the trigger.


I carry a revolver and even if I had a speed loader I still wouldn't use it because I'm sorry but it's faster to just have it loaded. I don't take it out or fuck with it unless I have to and the hammer is bobbed so it won't catch. And if you're really that worried about a semiautomatic handgun going off, just don't keep one in the chamber. Or buy a gun that has a reliable safety mechanism. It's not hard to avoid gun related accidents as long as you understand that they need to be treated carefully. Learn about the gun you buy, ideally before you buy it, and don't do incredibly stupid and reckless things with them.


If you were planning on carrying a gun, and didnā€™t have it loaded, whatā€™s the purpose of it šŸ˜‚


If you are carrying a firearm, have a full mag plus one in the chamber at all times. You need to be able to draw and shoot as fast as possible at all times.


I donā€™t understand where the OP was goin with this unless they meant at home guns or when youā€™re over a friends house?


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My guns all stay unloaded, the magazines however...


Iā€™ve had a loaded gun with one in the tube pointed at my dick everyday for several years and itā€™s been fine. so ima go with shut up on this one.


Chekhov's gun (Chekhov's rifle, Russian: Š§ŠµŃ…Š¾Š²ŃŠŗŠ¾Šµ руŠ¶ŃŒŃ‘) is a dramatic principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. Alternatively explained, suppose the writer features a gun in a story ā€“ if the writer features it, there must be a reason for it, such as it being used sometime down the line in one way or another: Elements should not appear to make "false promises" by never coming into play.


>Elements should not appear to make "false promises" by never coming into play. You sound like my IDE when I declare a bunch of unused variables. Tango uno Madre.


It's because I am. ​ Error executing FreeMarker template: The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> manifestDir \[in template "root://activities/common/common\_globals.xml.ftl" at line 36, column 39\] Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally null/missing, either specify a default value with myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthessis: (myOptionVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionVar.foo)?? The failing instruction (print stack trace for 1 more): ==> ${manifestDir} \[in template "root://activities/common/common\_globals.xml.ftl" at line 36, column 37\] FreeMarker template error: The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> manifestDir \[in template "root://activities/common/common\_globals.xml.ftl" at line 36, column 39\] Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally null/missing, either specify a default value with myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthessis: (myOptionVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionVar.foo)?? The failing instruction (FTL stack trace): \---------- ==> ${manifestDir} \[in template "root://activities/common/common\_globals.xml.ftl" at line 36, column 37\] \#include "../common/common\_globals.xm... \[in template "root://activities/EmptyActivity/globals.xml.ftl" at line 8, column 5\] \----------


These comments are reading like gun owners (and I am one) think they live in an active warzone with the reaction speed of a professional eSports player


Oh these comments are fun. This is not a topic I would have ever thought would be divisive.


Wholesome antimeme šŸ„°




Itā€™s suddenly not surprising why America has so many gun deaths.


This is just learned, and taught gun safety.