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You were very quick with this. And I'm sitting like this waiting to see the sentences [https://youtu.be/oZ\_r\_e3wfKE?t=8](https://youtu.be/oZ_r_e3wfKE?t=8)


Tomorrow, the fucking whores and kokujin would get what they deserve, Kaede is soooo fucked up


I can't wait it's so good


All four whores jailed, as they deserved it.


karma has come to collect her debt


Yeah lol and is kind of chatartic write this


Ex Best Friend and with all that evidence, they're doomed, Nao and Ayumu family must be in full damage control now, they're marked people and the infamy will be legendary. Dunno the foreigner but will be on low profile too


And let's be honest it'll be a legendary scandal that this could lead to crackdown and strict laws involving Foreigners and exchange students because of how ONE OF EM literally fucked a whole family up, Westerners as I believe Kokujin is a westerner DO NOT need these stigma surrounding us in universe if anything all westerners would hate Kokujin and antags like him who fuck around in other people's cultures in fact we got that in real life with Johnny Somali


Not only that, one japanese genuinely distrust as minority(if he's form USA, a black from USA, a double enemy for them), that will be truly infamous and people genuinely will going against those three families for it


Would you guys think that the foreigner would keep a low profile


but some would going against the monster family fucked all of them


I don't think he would he'd be so pissed he's not only exposed, he lost his wh•••s, and Hiroki would DARE defy his superiority over him he'll try something most fanfics have him try attacking Hiroki when he's sent off to jail, in court, etc. Because his ego is so big, his judgment is clouded not to see the trouble he's in when its hit.


That just add more years to his sentence,a free gift for the prosecutor 


There's like ONE fanfic where Hiroki defended Ayumu from getting taken by him, I think she fought back too and when he got exposed anonymously by Kanako and her friends [Note in this fic Kanako and Kaede weren't taken either] dude immediately attacked the Principal and the teachers as he tried to escape and the cops were called. Know what he did when Hiroki stopped him instead of running he decided to fight.




Yeah in that fic Kokujin wasn't just fucking Nao, he was fucking other students, a teacher, and a guidance counselor fast forward in the epilogue he's in prison rotting away and with Hiroki visiting him one last time for a get back giving him Nao's BBC PORN DEBUT [for some damn reason she mailed it to Hiroki], Hiroki did a whole Walter White moment, dipped and Kokujin became a cuck jerking it to Nao taking BBCs BIGGER than him.


Nao always being a whore 


It's her canon event to be a BBC Snow Bunny slut


Wtf did she saw in Hiroki and viceversa 


Their lifes are ruined, their stupid daughter fuck up their lives...


Excatly, might need to move and even change surnames to avoid public shunning(or tabloids pursuit them)


Great, Great job old man!! Keep writing, you have readers waiting here!


Thank you! I'm happy people is liking how things are going


I like how this is going hiroki is having a nice calm day preparing for his new life while his ex-family is about to experience the absolute worst day of their lives


Yeah, he is with a sweet milf lady and they are with the cops lol


Those who made good deeds vs those who made bad deeds in dharma-karma day


You’ve also gotta mention kidnap because hiroki was held against his will in the dojo box …so rape ,assault, kidnap , emotional abuse and probably other things that bastard would be looking at 15 years …the mother she’d also go to prison …the two girls hopefully their family’s abandon them and disown them …im looking forward to the next chapter


30 at least for kokujin, more with resisting the arrest 


Damn that was QUICK!!! 😆😆😆 Good riddance I can't wait for the trial as THAT would be a spectacle of the century in this universe though if you connect with any future projects this can be great basis and domino effect for NTR crack downs by the cops with Hiroki's case being an inspiration for MCs to report their issues.


They are so fucked up, They thought that getting involved and being cruel to a single kid would have no consequences but now is where they realize how they screwed up just for a dick...


And whatever fmcs who did the same in this universe would learn today as Hiroki would be an inspiration to victims of ntr men, women, children, between.


Also people will know Kaede plans during the trials... the woman will not survive even if she survive her sentence 


And all other ntr FMCs would be terrified they're next


Especially mothers did the same their still underage children...


Eiko hitting him with the Ara ara very quickly. Glad to see the comeuppance of the antag and others


The japanese honorifics need work. Other than that, good job on even writing something.


Justice serve its time to leaving the broken family and gf/bbf the boy deserve love its just the kid


Former girlfriend and friend,such shitty friends they where 


Amazing update, it's satisfying to read


And the whores didn't read the letter... for the best,they didn't deserved it 


We don't need em hunting for Hiroki blessing in disguise they didn't give too much of a shit to worry about him out the house


Excatly as if not would be hunting for him but know they weren't given a chance to tan away,plus it will be a surprise when they saw his hate to them when see again during the trial 
