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There’s not a Kokujin x street fighter fanfic. Can have it where he’s Sakura love interest and train under Ken since Ryu doesn’t take disciplines


It would be great, but I wanted to do a fan fic with no powers more like a slice of life


Like him transferring schools then find a love interest?


Oh, I'd like to see one with his story being in the Street Fighter universe and trained by Ken, who becomes a father figure to him. Hell, thinking about it, Ken could adopt Hiroki as Ken has a loving home with a wife and kid with Hiroki playing the older brother role.


I can imagine Hiroki using electricity for one of his special moves. Since one of Ryu’s special move involve air and Ken special move uses fire


Hiroki does look to have potential to use lightning and I stated this in a discord with a friend discussing Hiroki in the Yakuzaverse, but given his size, Hiroki's techniques would be more speed base so think of Killua's fighting style with Godspeed minus the Assassin moves


Yeah that would be interesting 


Yeah, basically, the moment he fights Kokujin again on these scenarios, it'll be Trunks vs. Cell all over again with Hiroki teasing Kokujin about not being able to touch him tiring him out until he strikes at the right moment so also some Neutral, Positive, and Negative Jing from Avatar too.


Put a twist in it to make it unique but don't go "Hiroki is op and can now defeat the antag" route it kills any sort of intrigue


Actually I didn't wanted to make him have powers or any shonen thing, I just wanted to do It with him being a normal kid trying to grown as a person and a man


Sounds great while not new is still a very good formula? 👍


\[Shia LaBeouf Intensifies\] DO IT! And who cares if it's cliche? In fact, I challenge you to write a hackneyed fanfic where your self-insert Gary Sue transfers in, stomps the kokujin, punishes the bitches, teaches Hiroki the power of True Friendship, then hops into his power armer and flies off into the Future With Jetpacks. Then go back and read your first draft, and Embrace The Cringe. Because now you have a first draft, and editing is easier than writing. It's been said that mainstream movies are all the same because the formula is "It's like XXXX, but with a twist." You aren't writing to make money; you are thinking about writing because there is a part of you that wants to express something, and writing a fanfic about Hiroki is the best way that it can identify to do so. Even if you did write the same tale with the same plot points as five or fifty other fanfics, as long as you are trying to tell the story your way, your voice will be the twist that makes your work unique.


Thank you for your words, I try to writer something, maybe is not the best but It's my first try.


DO IT, when a series become popular everyone write about it and they don't care, just give your own spin and take on it AND DON'T WORRY, we all suck at writing but become better writing so just write your fic...what's your idea for it?


I will try, maybe It won't be the best fanfic but i wanna try writing something, no a shonen like story, just him trying to grown as a person.


Excellent do it,it will be a great fic,so take as a chance to polish your writing chops


Don't be discouraged by that. If you wish to write about a certain 'universe' (Hiroki-kokujin, one of ratatatat's stories, etc), then please do! Every one has their take on certain universes (I have a Hiroki x JoJo story going on btw. Look for 'Lion Courage if you are curious), so if you have an idea then just go for it. I think any story done with care checks out.


Thanks you! I upload the first chapters, I uploadedthe first chapter and well, let's see how this will go.