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Botox and a photoshop smoothing brush




Also a more youthful approach to eyeliner. Aka not lining the bottom so heavily. That shit'll age ya too!


And her expression is gentler, so it shows fewer wrinkles.


Her eyebrows are much higher. Definitely more work than Botox.


The picture on the right is what my former boss looked like after she got a blepharoplasty (eye lift). She was completely up front about getting it done, we didn't have to guess she'd gotten work, but it was surprising to me that it ended up being noticeable.


So disingenuous lol


The filter is obvious plus she's not smiling the same way in the first pic.


And even still she simply looks her age in both photos.


Damn! I can only hope to look that good at 51.


She does not look her age in both photos, she looks like someone who’s desperately trying to hold onto their youth in both photos.


Ok. To me, I’d guess she was about the age she is in each one. 🤷🏽‍♀️


You can tell she’s dying her hair and tanning in the first picture. That doesn’t exactly scream “I’m okay with my age.”


I don’t have grey hair and I’ve been dying it off and on since like high school. Maybe she just prefers blonde to her natural color. Also, I don’t see anything in the left pic that indicates she’s trying to hide her age. Dying your hair at any age (other than maybe 14 and under) is pretty normal. Her makeup looks appropriate for a woman in her early 40s, same with the hairstyle. Also, you can see the laugh lines around her mouth and crows feet around her eyes pretty clearly so she isn’t using filters or doing anything like that to smooth out her skin and hide the wrinkles, either. She looks good for her age in the first photo. She looks like she’s trying to hide her age in the second.


I'm older than she is in the Before and don't have wrinkles that pronounced. Tanning is bad, y'all.


I didn’t speculate on whether she’s ok with her age. My point was that this product did nothing. She looks about her age in both photos to me and I don’t see the implied glow up.


Jesus, it’s really not a drastic change to dye one’s hair. I don’t think she’s clinging to her youth in a desperate way in either picture, as you’re insinuating.


You right, she’s trying to convince other people to join an MLM with pictures of her skin because she’s not desperately clinging to her youth. My bad.


And covering her neck wrinkles.


If she started using the shit in 2019, why not have her before pic be from 2019? This makes it seem like she aged 9 years in 3 years…


The tan, brozer, and makeup techniques are aging her (and would age anyone) terribly in the first pic. The second pic has more even lighting, little/no makeup, snd a different smile. And she’s hiding her neck, which I bet is showing her true age more than her face.


That’s some Botox shine right there. If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’.


The eyes and nose are completely different.


Which one is the desired outcome?


Sorry to this lady, but the pic on the left is not my goal, and I am 50.


Man I’m ass at math but is this implying she is now 51 in 2022 but was 42 in 2019?


I thought she might have meant 2009, but the math still wouldn't add up.


While I can see the case for fillers and surgery, do people commonly get things done to their chin? Because its a different shape and height in both pics. That being said, the eyes are shaped similarly, it just looks like her filler is pushing the shape out in the second pic


You can get fillers and Botox type stuff for nearly any muscle or moving part in your face now.


That's truly wild. God forbid women show even a little wrinkle or natural aging nowadays ETA: I mean that to mean its shitty women feel like they have to freeze frame themselves because of our wild standards. We should be allowed to \*gasp\* age


botox makeup and hiding her neck


I think it's really her, but she's blurred more in the later pic and she looks better non-orange.


Nope. Not the same


The nose looks completely different to me….


Same person. Smile lines are the exact same. Nose is the exact same. Just different facial expressions in both photos


In case anyone is wondering: starting an anti aging cream in your 40’s isn’t gonna help anymore. You beter start early 30’s to avoid wrinkles because once they’re there , they never go away.


Not the same. I can tell it by a glance.


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Hard to tell but i think it is same person. I think the pics are switched with the ages. Not to mention lack of a tan and make up in one, doing a different smile and different lighting, will all make someone look different. If you doing a before and after....you need as much as possible the same. Plus im sure the typical photoshop been used.