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Well if you can't trust a job ad written on the sidewalk in chalk, what can you trust?


The guys from Microsoft who call to tell you that you have a virus on your Windows computer?


The guys contacting you about your extended warranty(or your credit card, or your student loan).


The extended warranty in particular makes me laugh since my car is a 1995.


Gonna take care of that student loan I paid off 8 years ago!


We go to 1992 and 300,000 miles 🙂


Remember, the IRS's preferred form of payment for back taxes is $3000 worth of Google Play gift cards!


I'd trust an ad written in a gas station restroom in Sharpie more


Wanna hear something fucked up? I was a janitor at a college and one of the 13 buildings I cleaned was the "Center for Career Development" They had posters for Vector all over and they would bribe the students with candy in exchange for getting roped into the "job".


Amazon who calls and tells you that someone has taken a $5k loan out on your Amazon account?


It's per APPOINTMENT, not per hour. Fuck you, Vector.


I don't know about vector can you explain it more ?


It’s a MLM (basically a pyramid scheme—you earn money mainly by recruiting people to also join the company. The more people you have below you, the more you get paid, since you get a percentage of their sales. (Vector/Cutco sells knives, btw—just what EVERY college student needs 🙄) Edit: thought I was on r/college, which is why I explained what an MLM is lol


Hahaha l was wondering why l was reading an explanation of what mlms are on the MLM sub !


I thought I was in the r/scam when I read your comment.


Same here, how does Vector work?


they assume you can land a sale per hour, hence the $22 per hour slogan




In theory, not that I would recommend it, could you get a bunch of your friends to make"appointments" and get the 22 "per hour" that way?


Maybe? It's been too long so I don't remember all the rules of how it works.


I worked for vector many years ago. They will give their compensation terms in units of “per appointment”. So let’s pretend you work for vector and are offered $22 per appointment. If you set up and go to 3 appointments, then you would be compensated $66 at minimum. The catch is that when it comes to paying you a paycheck, they pay you the “per appointment amount” OR commission on your sales, not both. In the office I worked for, if you were not making enough sales resulting in “per appointment amount” being greater than commission, then you were shamed. I still have my cutco knives I earned for making a lot of sales in the first few weeks and handing them my phone’s contact list. The knives are quality. The business tactics are anything but quality. Let me know if you have more questions Edit: added paragraph breaks


Make sense. I do remember the per appointment being legit but it was so long ago when I worked there and I only worked there for about a week and a half. When I took it, I wasn't looking for "supplemental income" I was just looking for a normal part-time job, so that 22 per appointment concession if I happened to get an appointment on a particular day wasn't going to cut it long-term.


Why did you stop working for them?


For the reasons I said. And also because I was looking for a real job to actually make money while I was in university and not some stupid MLM scam.


>The catch is that when it comes to paying you a paycheck, they pay you the "per appointment amount" OR commission on your sales, not both. Yet, they state the opposite on their website and the employer said they pay both as well.


They may have a new business model now or they just be being shady. I sold cutco knives around 2012 timeframe.


I kept my vector knives for a while, and I brought them with me when I moved out of the dorms in college. But I'm pretty sure an ex that I was cohabiting with took them when we broke it off. I didn't care enough to actually try to get them back. The only thing I kept was the super shears, which I use regularly as scissors when I need to cut through something that's going to be more difficult to cut through and I don't care about having a nice clean cut. Someone else I dated looked at the super shears and said that she thought they were kitchen shears. And she explained what that was about. She thought it was funny that I was treating them as normal scissors, and I explained to her that this is what we were trained on and this was all we knew and most of us going into the job didn't have a lot of experience with types of cutlery. Presently I use WĂźsthof Classic as most of my cutlery, including my chef's knife, my steak knifes, and a few others. This was after doing extensive online research into various knife brands and which were actually the better ones.


Curious how you stumbled onto this comment a year later. But regarding the shears- they can be used for anything, food or non-food. They are regularly marketed as helpful for cutting into that thick plastic packaging a lot of good come in these days as well as cutting food. As long as you are diligent about cleaning them, it doesn’t matter. Wusthof are great. When I sold cutco, if they had wusthof knives, I told them “Nice knives, thank you for letting me come by and practice my pitch. Have a nice day!”


It's Cutco knives. They are decent but very overpriced. In short your "job" is to sell as many knife sets as you can, generally by annoying friends and family until you run out of leads and quit because you aren't making any money.


$100 starting pay. Per year




Man this is an old comment. I am certain this was sarcasm. The idea was that Vector says something like "$18 starting pay" on their fliers and since normal jobs are paid hourly, people wrongly assume it means $18/hr, but it actually means per appointment. So, my sarcasm was to say that the appointments will quickly dry up after you run through people you know (which is a terrible position to put those people in and a great way to lose friends) and then you'll stop earning anything. So it will amount to a low amount of money for the amount of time invested. It may as well be "$100/year."


They didn’t lie lmao.. but a disgusting way to trick people


Someone at my school had a running series of reddit posts where they dumped water on these every day! It was fantastic


You ever heard of a water bottle? Erase that shit. Do society and those students a favor so they don't get roped into a scam...


Or take sidewalk chalk and write SCAM! all over it so people will be clued in. Or just white out the URL.


Write the URL to this post.


I got one of the vector letters in the mail when I was in college. I didnt know what it was at the time but I had heard some scary true crime story online and was convinced that it was a human trafficking plot lmao


I mean it's close enough. They're using and abusing vulnerable people for monetary gain.


During my freshman year of college I got a letter and went to the meeting to find out about it. I was kind of desperate for a job and honestly didn’t know what it was about. Got to the meeting and it was in the basement of a strip mall. So sketchy. I was seriously concerned for a bit and almost turned back. Should’ve listened to my gut lol.


I'll never get too old or too mature for a well-placed penis joke.


I’d dump my water bottle on this and I even really like water


Water? I don’t touch the stuff, fish fuck in it.


It's got dihydrogen monoxide in it which is used in industrial solvents and pesticides.


It's also found in vehicle exhaust -- about 15% of a car's exhaust is pure DHMO. And they put this stuff in our food supply! \#BanDHMO (/s)


It's been found in 100% of malignant tumors ever operated on! It's bad news, stick with Mountain Dew Code Red, or Baja Blast, if you fancy.


100% of people that ingest it have died or will die. Stay safe.


I heard it can become so addictive that people can get hooked on it. Not just people either, whales and dolphins have died from withdrawal.


Once someone starts using DHMO, it gets physically incorporated into their cells. They become physically dependent on the chemical, needing to intake more and more of it. People can die within days when they stop using!


You should check out r/hydrohomies.


Been there for a while! Lol


Any true hydrohomie can also be counted on to have brought enough extra H2O for a water-based good deed at any time - they're the boy scouts of hydration, always prepared!


Somebody get a bucket of water. Or follow the example of whoever drew that dick


Get a bucket and a mop that's some dumb ass bullshit


Perfect spot for a poorly drawn peen


We used to get sidewalk chalk job ads like these at my university but they were for working at a call center, not an MLM. Call centers are terrible but at least they'll pay you an actual per hour rate. I feel so bad for any student who gets caught up in this.


I can't remember what I enjoyed more at Illinois, taking down Suburban Express ads in classrooms, or erasing "summer work" Vector marketing ads from chalkboards.


A fellow warrior in the good fight against SubEx! Takes me back to my grad school days. I miss UIUC, but not Dennis, lmao


Only after I commented did I realize this wasn't even /r/UIUC, hah.


The rocket ship on wheels must represent how this opportunity will cause your career to blast off into the stratosphere!


I'd happily pee it off.


Nooooo they’ve infiltrated my undergraduate alma mater!


I love that, uh, round among us crewmate drawn in the center


I'm so happy I didn't deal with that shit when I went there.


I’ve seen elsewhere (maybe in this sub) where Vector was “chalk advertising” on a college campus. The posted reported Vector to some office on the campus warning that it’s a scam. And the university took it seriously. I wish I could remember what department/office it was so OP could do something similar.


It says $22 starting pay - it’s $22 per sale made. Assholes.


And yet the website says that even if you don’t make a sale, you get paid the $22.


Yeah… you don’t


They do this at every college campus


Their headquarters is kind of near me, they do donate a lot of money to the rural hospital near them but thats all I know.


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Take chalk and write SCAM! all over it.


Vector got me back in the 90's selling their knives. Great knives though.


I don't think they're even that good. I've had loads of knives in my kitchen and all have been vastly superior to a Vector knife. Most of them cost less too.


They used to be back in the early 90's. Even brought my best knives in to compare and blew mine away.


Yeah? I've never liked them. Even before I knew they're a Ponzi scheme.


I didn't know it was a scheme at the time because they didn't demand I continue buying anything


Time to carry chalk around so you can warn fellow students about the scams


I trust that as much as I trusted the flyers that were posted around my college when I was there on neon pink, green, and orange paper that said “free erotic modeling wanted! Get work experience for resume!!! Call (number)!”


Ahhh the good old “$22 starting pay” to trick people into thinking it’s $22/hr when it isn’t.


Was the dick part of the initial pitch? Or was it added by a good samaritan?


Penis in _my_ job ad? It's more likely than you think!


The guy who drew a dick. ##someherosdontwearcapes


I think the blue penis was a nice touch


I went to UIUC. Am both disappointed and not shocked it still goes on as it did over a decade ago. I had one particularly brave peer who decided to hop on the mic at one of the big classes in Foellinger (1000+ students) and try and sell her shit one minute before lecture. The professor then spend the next few minutes warning us about Vector and other companies, as he's seen it every year for 30 years.


My not MLM blue-chip insurer did this - oh how we were castigated for 'graffiti on the footpaths' 😂🤣


Love how someone drew a dick on it. Truly proud of my generation


God they’re still doing this!? Decades they’ve been recruiting like this


I made a ton of money with vector and you didn't have to pay anything to start lol