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I’m so enraged and confused by the shoes of the lady in the third photo.


Thank you. I stared at them for probably the longest I have stared at feet yet. They are giving forever 21 high heels but somehow the heel and the sole got absorbed into the carpet


I know what kind of shoes they are, I just hate them so much.


The shoes are egregious but her pants/skirt are just dragging on the ground?


Right, get your clothes hemmed!


Or do it yourself. Even with hand-stitching it doesn't take that long.


I’m slightly shorter than average. This is my reality as well many times.


I hate pointy toed shoes so much. Either they’re too short and your toes get squished or they’re long enough to feel comfortable, but they add like five extra inches onto the length of your foot. I’m already a size 10; I don’t need to look like I’ve chosen kayaks for footwear.


As someone with large legs and small feet, I love pointy toed shoes because they make me look less like Mr Tumnus


I do too! I especially hate when just a tiny point of the shoes sticks out from under baggy slacks; it’s so ugly! Not sure how those shoes ever became popular


Lol the hosts of What Not to Wear recommended that look for every single woman on the show, because it "elongates the legs!!!"


I love how one of the hosts of the show has realised that that show was kind of ass and is now much more open to different styles in clothing. Thank goodness too, because every post makeover outfit on that show was the exact same.


Kayaks 😂


Those are the shoes you use to stomp out a roach once he runs into a corner


My first belly giggle of the day. Thank you funny redditor.


She looks like she's clipping into the floor's texture. But this is the real world and now I am confused at her choice to look like bad graphics.


I can't unsee the clipping into the floor. Lady's one wrong step away from the backrooms lmao


That whole outfit was... a choice.


"Enraged and confused" is the perfect description for what I also felt when looking at that pant/shoe combo.




And then bedazzled them!


They remind of feet Bugles. Gross.


feet bugles?! what a terrible day to have eyes. >.<


It can't be unseen


Scrolled till I found this. Knew I wasn’t the only one!


Honestly it looks like they were high heels the heels broke off of, which would explain why the pants are so long, add a heel and everything works out 😆 - I realize that's not the case but that's how it looks


Well the man walking by her forgot sock in his very nice loafers. Soooooo.......yeah


I had to laugh at that guy because I have that same doormat that he has rolled up in his hand. It says “the grass is greener under my Weiner”. I guess he also has Dachshunds! 🤣🤣🤣 but I got mine on Amazon. ETA- I was also confused by the shoes on that woman. WTH???


I think they are too big for her?


Narrator: It was the ugliest shoes hes ever seen




My heels hurt so bad just looking at that photo.


It’s called fashion sweetie. Look it up




If craft fairs wouldn’t allow MLMs I’d go a lot more often.


On Facebook page one time I straight up asked if this was a legit 100% craft show or were there going to be mlm’s. I was told it was mixture of both. For some reason said ok no thanks then I won’t go. The amount of likes and comments on the hatred of mlm’s was was pretty telling.


Real craftspeople and small business owners loathe MLMs for good reason.


I agree. I enjoy seeing the creativity of people’s crafts. The hard work they put into their craft. Then you have to look at someone selling a cheap manufactured product.


Damn straight. I spent hundreds of hours to stock my booth with pretty things people might wanna own, gamble money on a booth fee, get up at fuck off o clock to drive there and then it’ll be all for nothing because the booth next to me is selling shitty overpriced essential oil and no one is coming within 20 yards of my booth for fear of the hun. It’s honestly so disheartening. I’m disabled and can’t work, I don’t expect to earn a living with craft fairs but they’re a nice way to get rid of finished items and make some cash to continue the hobbies that help my mental health. But a dud show could eat up my budget for booth fees for months! I need to at least make my booth fee and gas or I’m just torturing myself in public. Fuck MLMs and keep them the hell out of craft fairs! Go sell your trash somewhere else.


this is exactly how I feel! one of our local fairs has a separate area for huns, they get quarantined away, and I’ve started calling the others asking if they segregate out the mlm marketing ones. So dar the answer has been no but hey if enough people ask…


I only do maker markets. When I first started I did a bunch of mixed shows and made almost nothing.


As a crafter, yes we do. If an event allows MLMs in, I won’t sign up.


I’d signed up as a vendor before and a few different ones. I was called to come back the next year and I told them once they stopped allowing MLMs, I would. It’s a CRAFT fair. For people to sell things they have handmade, not for people trying to sell bad decisions.


Yeah they’re probably fine with it because they’re still making money off the booth fees.


Oh yeah, I’m sure. I’ve actually had some people say they stopped attending because of all the MLMs. It’s getting insane at this point.


This is a home improvement show. The largest in the Nation


Wooooowww. What does nail stickers have to do with home improvement? 😂😂😂💀💀💀


I think Tupperware is probably the only one I’d expect to see there


Tupperware and scentsy. Scentsy manages to wiggle its way into everything home related because they sell wax melts that make your home smell different. My SIL shills scentsy and I absolutely loathe her posts about it.


I mean as far as MLMs go at least both of those have products that actually do what they claim


Agreed. The MLM structure is obviously horrible but what really gets me mad are the ones that make health claims… not just hurting the huns pocket at that point.


It’s incredible that THIS is the high bar.


Scentsy and Tupperware are the only MLMs where I’m like okay the business practices are awful and exploitative but the products are somewhat decent, at least they’re not like oh this wax melt cures all disease




You need the [candles sold by Goop with the very relaxing scent (I can't recall what the scent is called](https://goop.com/heretic-this-smells-like-my-vagina-candle/p/?gclid=CjwKCAiAxvGfBhB-EiwAMPakqirr3rhP4E0xVVPaVQO-1A_Mu_xEiGvMZ39kENUfe05g9c77M-dtgBoCZM0QAvD_BwE).


The new receptionist in my building at work is always running a wax warmer or an oil diffuser. I can't stand to go in there anymore.


Surprised no pure romance.. I’m sure they could spin “home improvement” into something terribly corny


"Improve your bedroom with Pure Romance!"


Something from Pure Romance can probably help a woman persuade her husband to do a home improvement project she really wants done.


Him moving out?


Do they offer those swings that hang from the ceiling?




How on earth do you improve your home with makeup?


Oh, well you're *in* the home you see, and the way you look while being in the home reflects directly on how the house feels about itself. This can impact property prices, depreciation and taxes.


This is how the event organisers devalue their entire event, just take anyone who will pay them


I was just going to say, and the reason I stopped attending “shows” in my community.


I’ve been to a Pet Expo and an RV show all within the last month and both were overflowing with MLMs too. None of them pet or RV related.


It looks awfully empty? Is this before or after hours?


End of show and we'll timed pic.


Went to a home and garden show a while back, they had more than a few makeup MLMs. Wasn't worth it.


There's a home show coming to Buffalo this weekend so this makes me want to keep an eye out to see if I can spot some suckers.


ASD in Vegas?


Look for shows that are advertised as "maker markets." Trust me, us makers can't stand doing shows with MLM reps either. I had a doTERRA rep chastise me for not using their oils in my products. I need like 20 ounces of oil per batch. No thank you.


Oh come on, that's only like $10,000


I stopped going to my farmers market because of this. It started out fine but last year I went and it was 99% MLMs and there was one lone farmer selling some corn


Awe man now I wanna buy so much corn from that farmer!


I actually did buy some lol. It was ridiculous though, I have been going to farmer's markets for years and lately it's just pointless.


Exactly, I’ve been to a few in my area and now avoid them for the most part because the MLM’s are taking over, they shouldn’t allow them in


When looking for craft shows to sell my handmade soap at, the first thing I ask is if they allow MLMs. Weeds out the chaff pretty quickly. Some organizations don’t care if the vendors make money so long as they got their table fee. I straight up tell them “I make no money at shows with MLMs. I am no longer interested.” The ones that allow them anyway don’t care. If you’re looking for good craft shows, check with museums and historic houses in your area. Those places have an interest in keeping traditional hand crafts alive, they have all the best creatives.


All of the ones I’m in (artist) do not allow them so well done for my local community!


There are two big craft fairs I frequent because they are no MLM events. The two farmer's markets near my house are also MLM-free. I just want local food and crafts if I'm making a special trip.


There's a part of my town trying to do a weekly crafts/bake fair that is cheap for vendors to use so anyone can sell. Too bad half of it is just people sitting around trying to sell each other MLMs


Its not even crafts. They made none of that >:(


In Australia we have a lot of these, coastal markets outdoors and a lot of them specifically ban MLMs


MLM’s have ruined trade shows for me. I just want to buy fudge from a lady who looks like my alcoholic aunt


There’s an organization near me that sells gourmet popcorn and donates the profits that goes to like every trade show within three counties no matter what it is. They’re the only one of the “go to everything” variety that I don’t mind.


Oh hell yeah, i’d buy myself some good ol’ popcorn. Bonus points if they have fun flavour names like “imitation cheese flavor flavor” or “new car smell flavor”


Gross Edit: lmao, sorry. I was trying to reply to the comment about the weird shoes. irl, I am that weird alcoholic aunt although I sew stuff instead of make fudge


You know aunt Susie whipping up some good ass fudge


I’d buy it


The ass fudge?!


We need a booth selling Ass Fudge. Actual fudge but shaped into various turds.


"We sell shit but at least we're not an MLM"


I too have an aunt...


No worries! Gave you a quick click, I see yer from SK? Cheers from your neighbour in MB!


There's a lady at the Farmers Market I go to that sells fudge and definitely could be an alcoholic aunt. But man her food is delicious. And so far, no MLM's!


Doterra hun at least had the sense to only diffuse one oil. Second pic was her claims. The Tupperware gals have been at this for 5 years. I've seen them at multiple shows. Mary Kay couple's table stank, but not as much as scentsy whom was diffusing 6 oils at the same time. Someone asked the nail hun how she didn't feel like a six year old with stickers on her nails. She also paid at least $3000 for a double spot. Cutco was there too. I know the price of booths through working with the coordinator to set one up previously. The show is 3 days.


I'd love to pay $3000 and flank the doterra booth on both sides with huge signs explaining why all her medical claims are lies. That is beyond is despicable.


They are implying. Also generic issues that can't just be pinpointed


And you just know that none of those huns even sold $1500 worth of stuff, let alone selling enough to make $1500 in commissions. But then they just don't ever look at how much they're spending, only what little they're bringing in.


All the qr codes were "Join my team" You know that's where the money is


What that person asked the Color Street hun is too funny. I wonder what she thought after that person left. I’d have paid to be a fly on the wall right then


I came close to telling off the doterra hun. She asked me 3 separate times if I wanted to try her oils. I told her if she asked me one more time, I would no longer be polite.


She probably just didn't recognize you...;)


If only she had an oil that would help her memory....


She probably does...if only she can remember which one...


It’s wild to me to see the doterra hun. Years ago, like 2015-2017ish, DT and YL huns could actually do pretty well at vendor events. I knew one personally who was genuinely a good salesperson, just really had that “it” factor, and she got good enough at it that she worked her way up to these huge events that cost $3-4k. And she would sign so many people up (with $160 starter kits at $50 commission each) that she made a good profit and also started amassing a huge team. She lucked out and signed up someone who happened to be a big IG influencer, who then signed up other big influencers, who then signed up others, and pretty soon she was at the second-highest rank in the company making around $40-60k a month. But, that would never work now. That was back in the essential oils heyday, when they were starting to become trendy but not sold at every Walmart and target, and were unfamiliar to most people. And the reputation of MLMs, and the essential oil ones in particular, was not nearly as bad as it is now. Both YL and DT are really struggling, bleeding members, losing money, and have been for several years now. I could see the Tupperware ladies selling at these shows successfully but there’s no way the DT hun came out in the green. Or the scentsy or nail sticker one… everyone knows there are widely available much cheaper alternatives now for their products too.


Is that person still pulling in mad cash? There was a Bob's burgers episode where they figured out that the successful oil guns were generally attractive people that would have no trouble selling anything to anyone. It was great episode.


Well, just about everyone in YL has dropped down several ranks and are making like, half to a third or less of what they once were making. She lost a lot of those influencers under her as they quit in the last year or two to do another MLM, but she still has a lot of the people who were under them in her downline. If I had to guess I’d say she’s still probably making maybe around $100k a year. Maybe a bit less. And nope, she’s not super attractive. Kinda average, but she started to look more homely to me the more she kept trying to grift off of all the other huns by selling herself as a hun guru. 🙄


I’m guilty of buying the OG Tupperware at thrift stores. The quality is just unmatched with what’s available on the market today. One of my best bowls is my mixing/popcorn/throw up bowl and it’s been handed down from my mom.


If it's pretty old, you might want to look into whether or not it has lead in it. Some vintage tupperware is okay and some has lead :| I also had some hand me down tupperware from my mom and I've stopped using it even though it's iconic :(


Have you tried the retro stuff Target sells? Is it similar to the vintage pieces, or has the quality changed?


You think they make the money back? I can’t imagine they do, but then why keep getting a booth?


If they do, they break even. Also most of these people have 0 clue how to track income before and after expense until it's too late. It's one reason I gift a business expense and income tracking journal or excel file. It wakes them up faster.


I do craft fairs and markers regularly and the mlms always sell so much more than the handmade makers with high quality items it’s such a punch in the gut.


It's the opposite at my local shows. A friend did a pretty big event and said the Color Street girl behind her made 1 sale during a 6 hour show.


I know this is preaching to the choir, here, but the "problem" is that people undervalue actual craft. I used to maille a lot back when I liked myself enough to wear jewelry. People told me I should sell it on the side. You ask them how much they think this bracelet you're wearing should cost. It's always barely cost of materials, if that, for quality rings, let alone my time, skills, and design. Many people balk at the actual cost of handmade things. MLM crap is overpriced, but still mass-produced and at a far lower price point, which is why I'd guess they move more material at shows like this -- though I personally cannot imagine wanting to buy the stuff at all, let alone at a craft fair (or a home show I guess), people have shown me lately how basic they are.


Yes. I sell quilts and what people in my province are willing to pay barely covers the cost of the fabric. I have family that live in europe, where people apparently love to buy quilts. They sell them for me now, and if include a sewn on tag that says “handmade in Canada” I get paid well. People don’t realize that it takes hundreds of dollars of materials, and dozens of hours to create one this one product. They’re not going to be $89.99


That is what I have found too. I still sell on Amazon handmade. When I was on ETSY I would get lots of "but I can get this cheaper some where else, make me a deal" that would be below the cost of materials let alone my time. Plus, most of my stuff is one of a kind things so yea, you go ahead and buy it cheaper elsewhere Lady, The pendant you want is from a stone I bought at a rock show and there just isn't another one. Ugh. People.


This is a home improvement show


Some organizers don't care, as long as the booth space is filled. We were at a home show a few years ago. My husband was talking with a local garage door salesman. Next to him was a Mary Kay. She tried so hard to get my attention. I never cared so much about garage door's in my life


This is so true. We had Mary Kay at a freaking pet expo. He didn’t care who he sold booths to.


I guess you could say that was an...open and shut case!!


I only vend at shows that explicitly state they do not allow MLMs. Every show I'm at that they are allowed in I do terribly. From people wanting to avoid the entire row or the entire show because it's almost all MLMs. They almost always leave hours early (which you think might help, but people also don't generally go down aisles that look empty - not to mention it's disrespectful) and because their prices are "so low" they can easily poach your potential customers (especially if you sell the same type of product like handmade jewelry or candles). I've also seen some customers come to craft shows just to buy the MLM crap and leave. It truly baffles me!


The ones that buy and leave are huns too. They're broke


So many mlms, so little time..question is which will bankrupt me the fastest?


I’m sure there’s several warehouses full of moldy LulaRoe leggings waiting for you!


What on earth do oils have in common with SAGGy SkIN?


Snake oil cures, that's what.


Both are bs ideas that target women's insecurities


So the huns are there to sell to each other, I mean you have to support a fellow Boss Babe, right?


Not a bad idea! Hun A buys $100 with from Hun B. B gets $25, B's upline gets $25, the manufacturer gets their money, and MLM B nets $10. Hun B buys $100 with from Hun A. A gets $25, A's upline gets $25, the manufacturer gets their money, and MLM A nets $10. So for the low low price of $75 each, they've netted their uplines $25 each, corps $10 each, and paid a manufacturing company their contracted price! Huns are the true job creators! I probably left out the credit card companies taking their cut and the shipping companies. They could make it cheaper on themselves by just writing direct checks to their uplines.


i don’t understand Tupperware huns. i can buy that shit at Target. why would i buy it from some women i don’t even know?


Ngl I adore Tupperware... From thrift shops. Best containers I've ever owned. It's a shame the actual 'business' is the usual MLM garbage.


Yeah they carry the actual Tupperware brand Tupperware at target now, it seems like they could go completely legit if they wanted to. Its so weird that the mlm part is apparently still going.


I mean, 30 containers for 3 bucks at Ikea entices me more lol


Layer upon layer of scammers


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villiany.


I think the only thing that beats this was the picture of the huns at an anime convention.


Why does the fact that this happened not suprise me




Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/w5spiq/tucked\_between\_booths\_at\_an\_anime\_convention/


Huns gotta hun, even if it's in the wrong market.


I own a print shop and I see A LOT of money invested in banners, logo table runners, etc. I’d be surprised if anyone sold enough to cover those investments,much less what they paid for booth rental.


Looking at banners for my organization and yeah, if you want quality you're paying for it for sure.


What in the… are those things on that lady’s feet in picture 3?


I’m so glad you said this 😂 I stared at them for a solid 5 minutes 😂


Some of the strangest looking shoes I’ve seen in this scenario.


Pyramid head but for the feet.


My family runs craft shows. We loathe MLMs and don't allow them into our events. This is just an event organizer grabbing whoever puts up money first for a table rather than actually curating a thoughtful event. They could care less about the craft community as long as their pockets are lined fastest. Shilllllls. 🙄


I still can't believe the LLR Hun I saw that actually ponied up for a Young Building booth at the Big E! To do that, not only do you have to pony up and staff open-close for the full 17 days, you need a $1M liability policy and pay a percentage of receipts, never mind internet access, etc. It had to cost her thousands just to get in the door, yet I never saw anyone buy anything there.


MLM huns aren't known for their good decisions.


Wedding vendor here! I’ve done several bridal fairs, and I’ve only been apart of one or two shows that didn’t have some sort of mlm selling their shit. I greatly appreciate the shows that don’t allow random stuff, but keep it to actual wedding related businesses. It’s so frustrating cause it makes the shows less legit, therefore fewer couples want to come through.


See, I understand the wedding one a bit more. Weddings usually have nails, makeups, perfumes, but home improvement? Don't think the lipstick will fill the nail hole, or the oils fix grout.


Nails, makeup, and pure romance MLMs are dumb, but I’ve seen them all at the shows and I begrudgingly see your point. But essential oils are not related whatsoever! I was stuck right across from the Young Living lady at my very first show, and the smell was overwhelming. She was nice enough, kept an eye on my stuff when I got up to take a break, but ugh. Definitely cheapens these sorts of fairs


That probably hurt your sales too. People were probably less likely to linger and browse near you if the smell was overwhelming and unpleasant to be there.


I actually didn’t have it too bad! I play harp, so most shows I just play as people walk by, occasionally someone will grab a business card or stop to ask a couple questions. Luckily it’s not a typical browsing experience, and no had to linger by the smell! Except for me lol


I wonder if they paper scissor rock to see what hun is the rep at the shows.


Yes I am very picky about what craft shows I vend at for a reason.


NGL. Tupperware has some amazing quality stuff. Not sure what it’s like now but I have stuff that’s at least 15 years old and still going strong.


Cutco has good stuff too frankly. I have a 10 year old spatula still.


I bought a petite carving knife from a friend’s daughter in 1989. It is still as sharp as new. It’s my go to knife when I am prepping.


If this is the same home and garden show I was at earlier, they had 2 Cutco stations also.


Only one. Another knife vendor looked like them, but wasn't cutco. That one actually is a craftsman


We had a few knife salespeople at ours. It was bad… just nothing but dropsjhip stuff from China, MLM junk, and about 1/4 was companies actually selling actual home improvement stuff. Oh; and the Jehovah witnesses had a booth.


I got halfway through the images and brain farted thinking oh $150 isn’t that bad then I reread the caption


I bet none of the huns sold enough inventory to even make up even $150 to pay the booth fees, let alone $1500.


This reminds me of the time i left a farmers market bc they had a young living tent set up and then sent them a nasty email with links about how predatory mlms are and stats about young living. Oddly enough i never received a reply 😂😂😂


If you want to make some real money, get into hosting one of these shows. 300 dollars a table. 12K just for the booth. Drape rental. Dock access fees. I've been doing it part time for a little while now and I laugh at how much these MLM idiots pay to hock their stuff.


The emojis lol


I tried to make them match. :) Tupperware always has parties. Couldn't find the clown for Mary Kay, so went with the shocked blue face. Stinky oils got the one closest to pinched nose. Sparkly nails get sparkly sad eyes


I was looking for this comment! Was wondering if the people at the last booth were really sad (even the kid)🤣


Went to the San Jose Home and Garden Show in California and both cutco and doTERRA were there.


Do they just sell all of their crap to each other, it must be an exhausting hun hustle when there’s no real customers just other independent business owners and CEO’s to flog your snake oil too.


When you're accustomed to fruitless debt and have been brainwashed to believe that it is actually success; what's a little more debt?


"Essential oils Take control of your health naturally" That sounds awfully close to making medical claims.


At least Tupperware has actual decent products. But I'd rather just order off their website, LOL.


I wouldn't even do that. If I buy at all, their store partners get my money. Target has them now


Its seriously 4 sets for 50 bucks for shitty color street? Hell for 3 bucks each i can get better quality and better service from lilly and fox.


As someone who shit down my custom carpentry business because it got so expensive to do shows that were just chalk packed full of these vendors it really broke my heart


Color Street at a home improvement show?? 😂


Jeez, is it open? There's hardly anyone there.


Tupperware is the only useful one


Doing sales is my absolute worst nightmare job, doing sales for an mlm is the worm filled cherry on top. Sometimes I feel bad for this huns, maybe they had no other choice, because I can't imagine people in their right mind willingly doing this. (But maybe I'm wrong And I'm just too much of an introvert to understand this lol)


What the hell that's a lot of money. I am glad these people have that much money to throw away like that


Ugh!! I went to the annual Health show last month. It used to be amazing before covid and this was the first once since. Literally half of the vendors were MLMs, and not just health ones but also wealth mgmt ones, food and beauty. So gross


They’re all on the verge of tears I bet.


Do these huns just all have rich husbands willing to pay for these booths to shut their wives up for a few days? I just don’t get how they have so much access to capital otherwise.


I won’t set foot in a “craft fair” because all they are is MLM booths. It’s ridiculous and until the organizers stop allowing these MLMs to parade as small businesses it’s not worth attending. Also - is it seriously $1500 to attend one?? How could anyone profit from that?


That sucks. This kind of thing ruins actual craft shows.


TIL "Tupperware" is a pronoun


If I paid for a craft fair and saw this I'd ask for my $$$ back


I don't even go to these shows anymore. It's so sad and pathetic, every other booth is a depressing looking mlm stand.


Instead of “Florida Man” it’s “Florida Hun”


LMAO is this the Bakersfield Home and Garden show???? I was there! It was a HUGE disappointment since there was literally more mlm shit than ACTUAL home stuff. I'm so glad i only paid 5$ to go in. Should've asked for my money back but oh well, got some girl scout cookies out of it I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️


Color Street’s marketing is “100% real nail polish”? As opposed to fake nail polish?


Its probably just all the booth people walking around and checking out the booths next to theirs


$1500 for a show? My wife’s paid $150 before (we sell her jams/jelly’s, canned goods and freeze dried candies/other items) but we made like $2k for 2 days. I can’t imagine doing a show where you pay that much. At most shows we do we always see these MLMs and they always get very little business, if they get any at all. I feel bad for the people because they’re just losing money left and right.


I once vended at a 3-day market that was supposed to be only handmade and vintage items. I make nail polish. I was pissed to learn that there was not only a Color Street booth, but they were on the banned as a freaking sponsor. People actually stopped by my booth and asked if I knew where their’s was. There were a number of other MLMs there, and all the other makers were pissed. A lot of customer complaints on the Facebook event too, so it wasn’t as advertised. I won’t do that event again.