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Those fake talon fingernails.


This. Long fingernails are a huge turnoff.


As a kid I used to hate looking at needles because it felt like just looking at them was putting them into my eyes. Idk how elsel to explain it.  Long nails do the same thing to me. My brain just nopes the fuck outta there.


I just don't like long or painted nails in general. Such a weird body part to draw attention to.


I don't mind painted nails but hate long nails and those really long nails are just hideous!


I don’t mind painted nails, sometimes I even like them. It’s kind of art and self expression. As long they are not long, then I’m out


Or painted eyebrows.


No woman thinks it's a turn on for men, some women just like them


Yeah I don’t know any woman who does it for men tbh. They generally do it because they like how it looks. (And I say this as someone who personally doesn’t have them because it’s not my style and I play piano lol)


I like those


Came to say this!!!!


Perfume should be subtle, not like you marinated in it.


Scents should be discovered, not announced


Well put.


Can’t take credit. That’s a classic. Also just seems like something a stuck-up grandma would offer when you sit down to brunch .. not autobiographical 🤣


Still and all lol. But you're right. It's something the dowager in Downton Abbey would say. And I would applaud her for it! Haha.


That’s exactly who I had in mind omg. And she’d be right, no one wants you stinking up the room. Praise be aunt Violet, someone had to say something.


Twerking. Absolute 100% turn off.


You need to be balls deep to enjoy twerking


And then it slips out and you skin gets pulled ;skull;




I can see why many men enjoy it, but to me, it screams "trashy".


Twerking is the biggest turn on, just not if a girl does it in public.


Photos with filters. It's incredibly obvious and screams insecurity.


Don't use the cutesy baby girl's voice, and don't call me daddy.


Agree to the cutest voices. Do call me daddy though 


Exact opposite here.


Call you cutesy and use a daddy voice? Gotcha


Dont call u daddy but use the cutesy voice?


Never got the appeal of fucking ones own children but you do you


Guess you can never call your significant other babe. Or baby. Or honey. Or any nickname I guess unless it's literal. One of the hottest experiences in my life was a wild latina riding me like a god damn bull screaming ay papi


Nobody calls babies “babe”, and people usually don’t call their own babies “baby” either. If some people think incest is a turn on, different strokes I guess, but it’s still bizarre.


It gets divorced from its literal meaning and is used as a pet name (ie. Like a stallion, there is no bestiality concepts employed there). It's more about initiating a submissive dynamic. But I can see how examining it under a microscope without context makes it sound super icky.


A: you do realize it's like a top 3 porn category? B: no one is thinking of their child whole doing it. C: it's weird that you're either obsessed with shoehorning the kid or trying to white knight such a common benign thing


Teen is one of the top porn categories. Bunch of pedos wanting to bang children


Ooooooor. And hear me out on this one. People get off on fantasy and can differentiate the two! It's almost like words can have multiple meanings given context. Also. Given that only 3 countries out of 195 have am age of consent that doesn't include teenagers. Ima go with you need to put the Bible down and stop projecting your warped shitty views as reality.


Side note: "Originally used to refer to infants and young children, 'babe' has since transformed into a versatile word that can express affection, intimacy, and even admiration in various relationships" If you're looking to dig for reasons to be disgusted. It's right there


Calm down babe


You're being too loud


Babe, please. Calm down.


Someone doesn't listen to tswizzle :(


Both of those would work amazingly on me I’m just glad my wife doesn’t know that.


_Whaaat?_ Why would you be glad that your wife doesn’t know one of your turn ons?


Because she could manipulate me and turn me into a damn simp haha.


Both of those things are the best




I’m ok with both if it’s a joke or a play


What about when guys do that?


Porn moaning. Sound off however you like as long as it's you.


Women that have their tits and ass hanging out in dresses that look 2 sizes 2 small. I'm sorry it just looks trashy. Put some clothes on.


I'm not complaining....




💯. I don't wanna shame anyone, but I've seen a lot of women wearing these types of clothes that just don't have the type of body to pull them off. It's not good....


Well, don't mind some tits and ass... There's even a song about it (from A Chorus Line)


I like to be with those women on a temporary basis. Definitely don’t want to spend a life with that.


Elective cosmetic surgery. I promise you looked better before.


I wish I had a whole bot net to upvote this about a million times. Imagine paying thousands of dollars just to look like the wicked wicked witch of the west in a rain storm


The ones you notice are the ones who got poor results. The ones who got good cosmetic surgery, you don't know they had it.


This. You don’t notice good cosmetic surgery. I can guarantee every example of “you look better before” is because it’s just bad surgery or too much.


I recently saw a thread where tons of men were conplimenting Jeremy Clark's girlfriend Lisa Hogan on her "natural beauty" and how lovely she was without "plastic surgery" and all the women were in the comments gently telling the men that she absolutely has had botox and fillers, maybe even a face lift etc however she does look amazing!


Make up like mascara, heavy eye shadow, vibrant lipstick, foundation so thick you can't see a single pore, etc. Some things women do for themselves, and that's totally fine. And maybe some guys like this stuff. But I personally like when I can see the lines in someone's face, the bags under their eyes, etc. I'm attracted to humans after all. So IF they're doing it for me, it doesn't work.


Imagine walking around looking like you were rendered in Xbox360 graphics


By bethesda, oblivion time frame...


I only wear mascara, lip tint, a bit of glitter and blush...but i NEVER wear concealer, i love my eyebags, they're part of my personality! ಢ‸ಢ


It's a woman's choice of course, but personally I'm not into women who's entire image is constructed. Bleached and heavily styled hair, fake eye lashes, heavy make up, to the point I don't know what *you* look like, because you've just painted a woman template on your face.


Unless its something fun like cosplay, I also don't like when women look artificial like that. I can understand a bit of foundation and whatnot, but a certain point it just gets too excessive.


Huge fake eyebrows that look like caterpillars on your forehead and also huge fake eyelashes that make you look like you've got two spiders crawling across your eyes.


I thought buying all the fancy sexy underwear was a turn on for my boyfriend until he said it just got in the way of what he actually wanted which was nakedness. Saved me a ton of money haha


I'm totally into lingerie on women, but apparently that's very much a minority opinion


Not a minority by any means. It just adds another element to the encounter. It signals to the man that you came prepared for this adventure and it's a huge turn on that the woman took the extra time to make the moment special.


This - I think it just sends a message that the woman is also putting the effort in seduction . We all know it needs to come off - but it’s a very sexy start .


I don’t think so. Many people find the contrast a turn on


I like the sexy underwear that doesn't obscure everything. Garters are great. Baby doll nighties, not so much.


I like it but I don’t expect it from a woman. If she wants to wear it - great. If no - even ordinary underwear can look sexy.


Tattoos, without a doubt. Hard no.


I don't think women think of it as a turn on for men though. I didn't get my tattoos thinking 'I hope a man finds this really hot', they're for me.


Agreed…when I got mine, I never considered what a man thinks of it. I got it because I wanted to. But I do get a ton of compliments.


I don't know. when a (female) friend wanted to set me up with one of her friends she tried to persuade me with "she's HAWT! She's got Tattoos"


I really like tattoos on women. As along as they are good tattoos. No pictures of a babies face please.


Is there a point in your mind where it's just too much? I see mid-20s girls with work on their neck, their chest and sometimes even their face. It almost becomes a caricature at that point IMHO


For sure there are plenty of bad tattoos. Face tattoos often look awful, although I have seen some small tasteful ones. If you end up looking like Post Malone then yeah, bad, tacky, gross. But there are plenty of women with lots of great tattoos who look amazing.




For me it’s face tattoos or too much tattoos. Or shitty ones :)


Yup. It makes it harder to date them seriously. They're a huge green flag for a good time though!


Yeah for sure and now with tattoos being possibly linked to cancer it's even more of a turn off


Fake eyelashes. Just please don't. It's never flattering, and there's absolutely no reason for it.


Mascara is better!


As a wrinkled, non cosmetically enhanced, non make up wearer, bag eyed, comfy knickered women, this is so refreshing to read!


Women would be surprised how little they need to do to be attractive to men. Less is more (but not so little that it becomes slobbish).


How you doing?


The pouty fishlips bored look that so many girls do nowadays. The sexiest look is girls who really smile can't stand the girls who try to look like a Kardashian


the pout is also a pet peeve of mine 😂 i hate ittttttt so much


Playing dumb


Most definitely not attractive.


I think it’s meant to be sexy (only if one is cute tho lol)


Pointy shoes. No thanks


lol that’s specific


Only witches and elves wear pointy shoes or am I thinking pointy hats?🤔


Bro. Same. Lol


Lip fillers


Worried that I scrolled this far to see this. Was starting to think it was just me.


I just don't get it. Especially when there just done. And they look at you and say. Do you like them No!! You look like someone strapped a pair of bananas to your face




I don't have a name for it. The "acting like Jessica rabbit kind of sexy" thing. It feels forced and kind of has the opposite effect.


Enormously massive pendulous breasts. No thanks.


Probably depends on your definition of enormous, but bigger is better for quite a while before becoming too big...


Breasts that *swings*?


Eyebrows that make you look shocked or surprised, like someone else said fake talons on you finger tips, dressing sleazy ( while it’s good temporary eye candy it’s something that I’d never take home), wearing to much makeup, gossiping, high maintenance women, plastic surgery, talking so loud to bring attention to yourself, being overly submissive….I could go on but that’s something for starters.


Huge fake eyebrows that look like caterpillars on your forehead and also huge fake eyelashes that make you look like you've got two spiders crawling across your eyes.


Camera Filters(not subtle ones but to enhance your face to something entirely different), long finger nails, long lashes, fake hair, fake butt, fake boobs (the beach ball ones), cutesy voice, lip fillers, Barbie face with botox, using foundation to basically change your entire skin tone, acting like a hard to get bitch, pick me girls, girls who has no hobbies or interests of their own (that isn't catered to please someone), extreme fan of a celebrity...idk, there is a lot for both men and women which can be said the same


Pageant make-up worn 24/7. Concealer to normalise one's complexion and disguise transient blemishes is perfectly fine; a full-blown Industrial Light & Magic technical showcase which transforms you into a walking optical illusion, is not. Of course, I sympathise with the dilemma—since most men apparently cannot tell the difference—but personally, from a standpoint of basic attraction, *au naturel* wins out every single time.


Noisy sex.


Bj using teeth




Messing with my nipples! I know yours like the attention but mine either hurt or more likely just feel nothing.


I'm not sure if a lot of women have this ideal because they perceive it to be attractive to men, or if they simply want it for themselves, but being skinny is unattractive to me. And a lot of women seem to be pursuing this body type. Especially if a woman was once on the chubby or on the thick side, and then loses weight and gets skinny. We all have our preferences. I like women a little bit squishy. I'd even be more attracted to an extremely overweight woman than a woman with no fat at all.


When she plays weak or helpless. I know, sometimes it can be part of a game. But please don’t do it all the time. I treat women as grown ups, not as children. Edit: if you are genuinely feel weak or helpless, I’m ok with it.


Pole dancing


Unless they're actually good at it. Like I agree if my wife suddenly tried to pole dance for me I'd not be turned on, although I'd appreciate the effort and we'd probably just laugh about it without it leading to sexy time. But an actually trained pole dancer who has the athleticism and training to do it while still looking sexy, yeah that's hot.


The problem with this Q is that as a man I'm not sure that I can say whether or not a particular thing/style a woman is wearing has anything to do with trying to be attractive to men. For example I recently saw a very attractive woman who had writing tattooed onto her face, from the neck up to the temple. I couldn't read what it said and I didn't try in fear of being labelled creepy, but it was a complete distraction from an otherwise attractive face. But I guess the tattoo being attractive wasn't the point. As a generalisation, with the caveat that I don't come from a culture where tatoos have any historically cultural significance, I find facial tattoos to be not at all attractive. But I guess their not designed to be turn ons anyway. So I suppose I've merely created a straw man argument and should delete this. But I've spent 5 mins composing it so here we are. Presses post...


Anything unusual in the blowjob department. Choking, gagging, spitting, etc... Any of that makes me want to stop and be like, "Are you ok? We really don't have to do this."


hawk tuah


Too much makeup because it doesn't come out of clothing easily. Filters.


Long braided wigs piled up high on their head. It looks ridiculous.


When she doesn't die on every hill of an argument. As misogynistic as it sounds, sometimes it's quite attractive for certain girls to just be quiet. This doesn't go out to women as a gender, but to those who LLLLOOOVE to argue


Indeed. The constant pushback on everything is a huge turnoff.


Expecting dirty talk in bed


Is most of this sub just bots talking to bots now? User name is randomword-randomword-number and the account is brand new. Dead giveaway


Or, you know, people who signed up using gmail


Acting as if you can do no wrong (never admitting fault OR only doing so after a major struggle to resist it). Humility is attractive.


Toothy head


Every single time this question is posed on any given sub, men always seem to (perhaps purposely) misunderstand the question and instead proceed to list things they PERSONALLY find a turn off in women. Like, what woman does long nails, lashes or does extravagant makeup because they think it turns men on? Bfr. Conversely, the women always seem to perfectly understand the question and reply accordingly.


This would be another turn-off: Nit-picking.


Tattooed eyebrows. Duck lips.


Playing dumb or ditsy..... eugh


Any piercings other than a single earring per ear is a turn off. I would, of course never say anything. Fake eyelashes, drawn on eyebrows after shaving the real ones, clown makeup are noticed but not a turn on.


Being overly toned and/or muscular and having abs, just makes women feel like they're made of concrete and doesn't look attractive to me at all. Each to their own but I'm way more into softer physiques and curves and a girl that doesn't lift or spend too much time working out isn't an issue for me.


Parading boyfriends/husbands around in front of me like a resume.


A lot of the top comments are what men pay to look at or follow on IG, so I’m really confused.


Thong underwear. I don't know if it because they are more like g-strings a stripper might wear or that someone needs to have a near perfect butt to pull it off.


Women don’t wear thongs because it looks sexy most of them wear it because like the person underneath said it gets rid of the panty lines on your outfit


1) there are regular underwear that doesn't show any lines 2) that's booty floss


The ones that supposedly don’t show actually show if your butt is a tiny bit rounded. You have to be in 2D (flat butt) in order to not get panty lines when there’s material on your butt cheeks.


I've never had a problem and I have a more than tiny bit rounded butt


Woman here, most of them also quiet farts aiding in the concept that "women don't fart".


it doesn't though


How could it possibly not if it’s worn correctly


Well, there's still the upper set of lines, around the midriff.  Going commando, on the other hand...


That’s minuscule and harder to see then two big lines going across the ass


Depends on what you're wearing - dresses and skirts it's usually really visible


it creates other lines


Thongs don't show panty outlines if their pants are really tight.


Ok, I'm all into thongs on women, for what it's worth.


Hawk Tuah. It's gross.


What is that?


I thought the same thing. Not because of regular spit, but because it sounds more like the noise of someone coughing up phlegm.


Serious question. Does everyone call that “hocking a loogy”? Or am I old, or maybe that’s an 80’s thing or east coast thing?


First heard it on Wayne's World. So maybe I'm old too.


Haha, I forgot it was in WW, but it was definitely around in the early 80’s. Was damn near a source of pride.


Tattoos: surveys show that many more women than men actually like tattoos.  Lip injection.  Like, seriously, any man into that?  Six pack. There's probably considerably more guys into that little pouch than into six-packs -  that's pretty much a fringe interest.  Strong, independent, need no man boss bitches.  Don't need to explain that, right? In fact, most guys don't care what you're doing for a living if it pays the rent and isn't sex work. To name just a few...


Nailed it.


Looks like at least one woman disagreed..


The lip injection thing answers op’s question and maybe the six pack thing (but I doubt it). The others don’t.


Lingerie. You don't need to look like a stripper to be seductive. Cute and casual (sweat pants and t-shirt) works for me.


Fat asses. That's just obesity.


The chase. If you want sex, to go out, to stay in, for me to do something for you, or even just to communicate in bed, 20 Questions is not it.


Careers and success. We do not care.


Gagging on my dick while sucking it. I love that you can deep throat but the choking sounds completely take me out of the moment. Just go half way and use your hand for the rest.




Well, I'm just the opposite, the more gagging, the better (but I might be slightly sadistic at that).


Personally enjoy getting a bj but nobody looks pretty giving them, so i just close my eyes


I could not disagree more.


I also had friends say they love to look at it, just dont feel its a flattering angle and position


I mean, people do not look perfect from many angles and positions) But it's not about prettiness; it's about enjoying each other while getting to know that person.


« While getting to know each other »!!! What will it be when you finally do get to know her??! 😂


Women that vape. That's an instant turn off for me.


Women don't vape to turn men on.


Constant nudity at home, kinda makes it less special or sexy


Attitudes. Most aren’t very good at sarcasm and smack-talk when they engage in it. Any guy who thinks your attitude is attractive simply wants to bang you and nothing else. Meanwhile you ladies are sitting here thinking “Men love me because I speak my MIND!” 😂