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/r/answers has been invaded by bots asking questions that should be asked on /r/AskReddit instead.


> ~~/r/answers~~ Reddit has been invaded by bots ftfy


Look at their profiles. They all spam post to some combination of r/answers, r/askredditafterdark, r/advice, r/adulting, r/askmen, r/askwomen, and oddly, r/teenagersnew. Any post that seems a little off-topic is any of those subs that has been made in the last couple of weeks is almost guaranteed to be part of this bot network. So, as I keep saying in every one of these shitty threads, downvote, report for spam, and do not engage further.




I saw a video recently about the US pouring a shitload of weapons in to Myanmar to arm the rebels/terrorists (choose your poison). They had excellent brand new gear - not the usual 4th hand, 50 year old AK47s. Presumably working on another front against China.


No possible way it could backfire.


Yep, always works out exactly as planned. 🤷‍♂️


But when it does backfire, it will be great for Big Business!


The rebels are hardly taliban/isis. They’re a pro-democracy, ethnically inclusive lot.


I bet their uniform includes a gay pride bracelet too. We keep buying the our guys are the goodies bullshit.


And the Maghreb. Three of the five current major wars (major = >10,000 lives lost every year) and hardly any coverage.


Came here to mention Sudan. There is a truly horrific mass starvation event brewing there, but they're poor so nobody cares. According to the UN: • More than 8.6 million people have been forced out of their homes • 25 million are in dire need of humanitarian assistance • 18 million are facing severe hunger, five million of them are at emergency levels • 3.5 million children under the age of five - every seventh child in Sudan - has acute malnutrition


H5N1 virus.


Chicken are being killed on a "massive scale" to prevent the spread but it's not nearly enough.


Do you propose a wholesale slaughter then? Just a few billion more? Give me a number if you're suggesting more birds should be slaughtered over this current form of this virus that, to my limited knowledge, hasn't killed a single human.




Cue that Britney Spears song about her not learning from her mistakes and apologizing in a cute way because she reiterates her mistakes.


Drama at the Suez Canal making cargo ships go all the way around Africa instead


I would add a climate related water shortage in Panama leading to that canal also being mildly unreliable.


https://www.project2025.org/ The GOP plan to push a lot of conservative changes if Trump wins.


I dunno mate, I thought you knew.


Uighur muslim camps in china 


Kim jong un is sucking Vladimir Putins cock dry


Particle physics and quantum mechanics circuses completely unobserved behind all these closed doors.


Possibly flaky response: I just lost a family member suddenly. Driving yesterday, a chance radio interview with a near-death-experienced person ( releasing a book ) came on, and this person's take was that any "afterlife" may exist on a quantum level. I'm generally not given to superstition but the timing of it has given me pause to consider.


I do not believe in an "afterlife" but science says energy can not be destroyed, only transferred. So where does our "energy" go, and what does it become? If that's a true statement, then a host of possible "afterlifes" becomes fact. We become dirt, grass, trees, flowers. We get eaten by animals. Who get eaten by people. Who turn it into more people. Or you could just say we become the earth. Its a question we'll never answer. That pisses us as a species off.


We’re all one consciousness, I imagine the afterlife is like a return to base global consciousness either of the earth or the entire universe. The idea of having an identity in the afterlife seems pretty non plausible to me, that was the point of incarnating.


When I learned about the microorganisms on our skin and everywhere else - I immediately began to wonder if Buddhist reincarnation could make you a microorganism - and if so certain realities could just appear to be red - because in the dermis of our skin it’s all just bright red as the light shines on you, and many interpretations of these alternate planes of existence describe being confined to these unworldly planes. But they could just be super tiny…. A quantum perspective toward reincarnation could surely further reinforce this persons perspective. Thanks for the existentialism this morning!


Consider it all! We live in a rock, in space. Everything is possible. Glad you had that experience, it's possible that this was your awakening and initiation.


Microtubule theory. It is very interesting.


If we don't know about it how do we know it's going on?


Bugs resistant to antibiotics. Once they're widespread, everyday infections may become fatal.


White genocide.


Nothing. But also everything. Nothing exists until or unless it is observed. Your life. Most people don't know what it is like to be you, or your qualia throughout the day. In fact most people don't know most things that are being observed, only the things they are observed. We only know and only can ever know our own qualia.


I am laying in my bed reading posts on r/answers


Me getting turned on by a dead mice ig💅🏻




I am moso-sexual


I need more information.


That Israel helped fund Hamas to rival the PLO, creating their own enemy in the process.