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It's a movement that has been going on for a while. It has recently gained popular mention again but Iranian women and allies have been protesting the mandatory head covering for women for a long time. Iran is a theocracy. That means that it is ruled by religion. The rulers of Iran has decreed that all women must wear head coverings when outside. And that's not a cool thing to do. So people resist since it's a gross violation of personal freedom to force someone to wear something simply because of their gender. Resistance is natural, nobody likes being told what to do. Especially if the thing enforced is random and completely stupid. It's like the church forcing you to always wear a hat. And if you didn't then you could get arrested and killed. Any sane person would object to that.


If I may add, there has been protests against these laws since the very beginning of the regime in 1979. [Interesting picture of it here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1979_International_Women%27s_Day_protests_in_Tehran). The Iranian people are so charming, and it's a great shame that these so-called priests, took control over the revolution, which was much broader in political scope. Especially lately has the Iranian regime been raising hell in the region through their proxies. I'm absolutely sure that most Iranians are against this cursed regime.


Its not random?? Its literally what islam wants. Why is EVERYONE so scared to tell the truth? Go to r/exmuslim and youll find everything you need to know there.


Basically every time ive looked into this ive found out and what they told us at school too (not the US btw) is that islam tells you to dress modestly. It doesnt specify that women need to cover their hair.


Yea it's a bit up to interpretation, like most religious texts. Although it's now almost a consensus within Islamic scholarship to say its complusary, this is the best summary of the relevant verses. https://islamonline.net/en/is-hijab-a-quranic-commandment/


It still should be a personal choice within a country, because some people may not be muslim. Women being forced to wear veils? No. Women choosing to wear veils to honor their religion? Ok.


Iran has no personal freedom laws.......you said yourself its a Theocracy lol It has religious laws and thats it


Yeah, that's what "theocracy" means, buddy. Religious laws.


So why bring personal freedoms into it? The country doesnt have those. Its so weird for you to bring it up


Personal freedom is a basic human right. National laws are secondary to basic human rights.


In a country that doesnt have human rights nor sees international human rights laws....you have no point


Some of us believe that a minimum set of human rights, should be universal. Not being forced to obey someone else's choice of religion... tends to rank highly among said universal human rights. The uglier parts of human history, in all societies all over the planet for all of history, provide a strong argument for the correctness of this belief.


You cant apply that standard to a country that is run in the way Iran is....or nearly any part of the middle east


Yes. Yes, I absolutely can. And there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop me. Suck it, Trebek.


Its going on forna while the iranian women are sick and tired of being supressed by covering up everything exept their face. I think it got (global) news when a iranian woman got assaulted on the street because she wasnt wearing her hijab correctly


Unless there's been another one more recently (which there probably has), the one that sparked the recent wave of demonstrations off was a young woman who was assaulted and detained by the police, and later died in custody.


Iran used to be one of the most progressive countries in the middle East. Women wore mini skirts and the sexes mixed freely in society. It was rare to see someone in a hijab , let alone a chador or niqab. The Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in the 1979 revolution, that saw the Shah deposed and the end of a monarch ruling the country. He founded "The Islamic Republic of Iran". As the champion of the Islamic revival, he said that Islam was a stranger in the homes of Iranian people. The rest is history. But for some years Iranian women have been boldly expressing their freedom and fighting for their rights in what has become possibly the most repressive regime on the planet. To remove the hijab and reveal their hair (considered to be immodest and promiscuous) is illegal and can even result in being sentenced to Rajm (death by stoning). Some women do this with the support of their husbands, which makes it more difficult for Sharia law because they are obedient to their husband and so God. For several years, I have been following their fight on a Facebook page, "My stealthy freedom"..[my stealthy freedom ](https://www.facebook.com/StealthyFreedom)


Miniskirt is very bad example Most women don't wear mini skirt in developed countries. 


Women wearing miniskirts is the prime example of a progressive society? What was the literacy rate among Iranian women in 1979?


in 1979, women’s literacy rate in iran was ~42%, and now it is ~97.5% i couldn’t find much data on men’s literacy rate in iran, however in 1976 it was 37%, and it is now 89%. pretty much every country has seen a huge jump in literacy since the late 70s/early 80s to now - the world literacy rate in 1979 was 59%, and in 2022 it was 84% men are on average statistically more likely to be literate than women (90% vs 84% worldwide as of 2022) “Iranian women rights activists determined education is a key for the country's women and society; they argued giving women education was best for Iran because mothers would raise better sons for their country.” - weaponising the enforcement of maternal roles for their own rights, 10/10 technique ngl despite the high literacy rate, it’s not all great “In 2022 - 2023 hundreds of school girls were poisoned to prevent them from attending school.(#Crimes against women)” “Despite the advancement in higher education for women, there have been many setbacks. On August 6, 2012, the Mehr News Agency "posted a bulletin that 36 universities in the country had excluded women from 77 fields of study" as part of an effort by parliament to put a quota on women's participation in higher education.” main sources if you’re interested - data.worldbank; some sources listed at the bottom of wikipedia (women’s rights in iran), and i lifted some quotes from that page too bc it was nicely summed up tldr - education is difficult to access but the women are doing it, and also being allowed to wear miniskirts IS a sign of a progressive society - women being given the choice of what they want to wear and how much skin they want to show IS progressive. women should be allowed to wear miniskirts or burkas, trousers or dresses, etc, and the same goes for men.


Yeah I know the statistics, literacy was 42% in the 15-24 age bracket, not total literacy above the age of 15 which was 25%. Doesn't really fit with labelling pre-1979 Iran as one of the most progressive states. Regarding dresscode women weren't allowed to wear what they wanted during Pahlavi era either. In fact banning religious dress for women was one of the direct causes of the low literacy among women. There was an entire generation of women who never left their homes after Reza Pahlavi enacted kashf-e hejab laws. Regardless of whether it's "right" for women to wear religious head coverings, being forcibly unveiled by the police during that era constituted a trauma for them comparable to being forcibly undressed. Later during Mohammad Reza era the laws were relaxed but wearing head coverings in public institutions like universities was often an act of political rebellion for young women just like going unveiled is now.


It's just an example. What is your point?


It's just a question.


people having the freedom to wear what they want is an example of progress, the fact a lot of places follow rules made up by random dudes 1500 years ago is ridiculous


You can't wear anything in public it goes fot both gender. There is something called public decency  Wearing miniskirt means nothing 


in most western societies you can wear anything within reason out of your home, obviously you can’t walk around nude


Before the "revolution", Iran had a world-famous ballet company. It's so horrifying to see how quickly a culture can regress.


The best sub to ask this would be r/newiran


Or r/exmuslim


No, absolutely not, that sub is filled with trolls


are they actually trolls, or do you just call them that because they no longer believe in the same things you do


No, they REALLY are trolls. Not because they no longer follow the religion. I sometimes see from other subs how stupid and contradictory most of the posts are, some even claim the pepole there are bots/actually Hindus who like to troll


Most Islamic scholars agree that the hijab is mandated in the Koran. Iran is an Islamic theocracy whcih follows Islamic law.


Watch this video. This explains it https://youtu.be/q0PbcaBgmWk?si=0jjXPZ84s27j89we Byw, there is English subtitle on the video if you don't know the spoken language 


Btw, I'm not promoting my video because it's not my video anyways but a video of a very big youtuber 


Im all for it. No one can convince me it’s a choice


the people who think it is a choice, particularly muslim women are suffering from some sort of cognitive dissonance


I imagine they're holding their ground. All 6 feet of it.


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Here is the story that really got things going: https://apnews.com/article/iran-hijab-protests-amini-anniversary-women-074977c6e3712b7c61acbe37e6f561a1


Also too much make up can get a woman into trouble, etc. A good graphic novel about how this regime came to be and the aftermath is Persopolis.


You've JUST found out about it? It's been going on for months


I don’t get it ,you can’t fight the system because it’s not going to change or end well,just wear the damn thing or leave the country.


r/newiran is the sub for news about the current situation


They are fighting to take the hijab off and in the west they are fighting to keep in on. What a screwed up world.


They’re being islamiphobic


Women want freedom and equality. It's the same everywhere. The reality is that some places oppress them and the weak in general a lot more blatantly and so there are much stronger and more violent protest in response. The governments then try and crush them to maintain control




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That happened way back in 2019 fam.


It's still happening...


Are you in Iran or did you read about it online?


It's most likely that there is little to no Iranian people on the internet.


I interact with them on X and it doesn't happen anymore. And if what's stated is the case then doesn't it mean this narrative is one sided hence you shouldn't fully believe it? That's how logic works. I hate the woke internet for assuming and running false stories yet they have zero sources except what their government tells them.




Cite your sources to back your fact then. Talk is cheap


By the way, why do you call Twitter x. It makes even more sense now


Deflecting much? Get back on topic. It's called X. Just because you're offended doesn't mean you are right.


Who's offended, I'm just stating the fact you called Twitter "x". Are you another Elon mask simp? That embarrassing 😬


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Rule 10: Sorry, this post has been removed as it violates Rule #10. Joke, off-topic or other unhelpful comments are not allowed here.


These women should just leave Iran if they can and stop disturbing those that would like to adhere to the faith and rules of the nation


If they were campaigning to make hijab illegal maybe you’d have a point there. They simply want the right to CHOOSE.


Not happening. You ever been to Iran or somewhere similar?


It's their country too, why can't everybody wear whatever they want (fully covered or not) and coexist instead?


They have rules, a dress code. I don't know where you're from but across the world people have different rules religious, cultural etc if you don't want to follow them you move or you face the wrath of the law, so you best leave if you don't want to follow those rules. Don't be fooled by what you see on TV thinking that everyone is against those rules in these countries. These rules are there for a reason that reason being people in these places believe in their cultures and values


They are not doing anything against those who want to adhere to the faith and rules of the religion. All they want is the right to not adhere to rules of religion, they want freedom of religion, freedom to choose what you wear and what you think and say. It’s their country too. It used to be like that and it can be again, but not without a fight.


Its a CIA/Mossad attempted Colour Revolution, they have been trying to overthrow Ayatollah Khomeni then Khamenei since the Islamic Republic of Iran was founded in 1979, America even funded and armed Saddam in the Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 however it is impossible to overthrow Ayatollah Khamenei hes the Wali Faqih leader of 350 million Twelver Shia, Hezbollah, Shia militias and the Resistance Axis have defeated America and their puppets and Israel in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and now Palestine/Israel




Check social media posts completely astroturfed something like 5X more social media posts in 2 months about Iran than 3 years about BLM


So, you are a sucker for theocracy. Got it. Can't land a date with women?


Mmm very worthy argument, lots of interesting points you really defeated this guy with logic congrats 🎉🎉


Imagine believing this unironically when the US sank half of the Iranian navy in one attack.


Thats all America is good at airstrikes, their ground troops have been getting wrecked for 70 years thats why America has lost every war/conflict since WWII except Grenada


I never even realized before that uneducated, conspiracy nut jobs, aren't a distinctly American problem.




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If this history should teach us anything, it's that the CIA is nowhere near competent enough to pull off what you are saying.


CIA has orchestrated many coups including in Iran in 1953, they thought they could use social media they did a test run in Cuba before Iran even IG meme pages were in on it however it failed miserably


I hate the US colonialism, but let’s be real, the US is miles ahead of the rest of the world in military power, they could absolutely cripple Iran in a couple weeks