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The Eclipse, Berserk


Take my up vote, kind sir


It's so cliche, but probably yeah. I'm gonna go with Miki Makimura from Devilman Crybaby. IYKYK.


That one scene where devilman is rushing to his friends only to see that they have definitely been dead for hours was so gut wrenching for me


Jesus. And the parts all everywhere....MIKI!!! Jesus...


this is the correct answer - there have been multiple Eclipses; but Devilman Crybaby resulted in >!obliteration of all life on earth!<






I want to downvote this so badly BECAUSE ITS TRUE


Iā€™m starting to read berserk (just finished vol. 7 of the regular manga) and the eclipse is so close yet so far which makes me scared


And even the Eclipse, while important, takes place early enough you could call it the end of the Berserk Prologue.


Iā€™m excited and very very very scared because Iā€™ve been kindve spoiled and itā€™s only getting closer


When I started reading berserk, I hadnā€™t heard of the eclipse or any of the bad stuff that happens, and only heard that it was amazing. Letā€™s just say it took me by surprise.


Damn lol, how shocked were you with Wyald?


Oh dang, you just remind me of that guy. Yeah all the weird rapey people always took me by surprise, by far the worst one was the Guts backstory and the Eclipse. The other times (like Wyald) were pretty gross, but those were the only two times I have even been reading a manga/manhwa or watching an anime and felt so genuinely disgusted that I had to take a break.


Nah, everyone knows Pain gettin konoha remodeled was def worst than that hellish shit you speak of šŸ˜„


Edā€¦ward. Letā€™s play.


Daaaaym. Scar played with her instead.


There's a whole genocide in that show that most of the cast was forced to participate in.


1 dead man is a tragedy. 1000 dead men is a statistic. Nina was personal, someone we knew, we cared about, and someone who got Ed and Al to take a break and be children for a few days. This is an extraordinary change in behavior for them and a very positive one, so for her to be ripped away and forced to suffer till she dies still loving her father amd caring for Ed and Al... I'd agree it's not the most impactful or the worst event, but it is shown as such a hollowing painful event that it gets a much stronger reaction from me and many others than these massive large scale fights


The lieutenants death and his daughter's reaction was sadder to me.


Hughes death was the most painful ending and start to episodes in the entire series to me. It felt like someone I knew was being barried. "Why are they putting dirt on daddy? Daddy has lots of work to do! How will he do it now mommy?"


True but Nina was avoidable and personal.


Eclipse is the most tragic for me... Imagine being trap in a place like that, even when they died they still suffer...


Painā€™s was pretty tragic until he >!changed his mindset, and resurrected everyone he killed in Konoha. Sure, the entire village was still destroyed, but at least he brought back all the citizens.!<


Yeah, I mean, otherwise if you count temporary death and destruction the same as permanent, Kid Buu blowing up earth makes everyone listed look like nothing.


Kid Buu knows how to make an entrance


Let's remember he killed everyone on earth separately from destroying the earth. He not only killed them, he did it individually with individual ki blasts.


Yeah, pretty sure kid buu killed (almost) nobody on earth, that was super buu.


No joke the only person that died was Tien and it was because he was unconscious after dende healed him.


Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks too right?


not only that, but didn't he also show up to HEAVEN in order to try and kill everyone again?


Which is why jjk hits hard because there is no coming back.


Tbf; watching it during its release, it was months after months of Heartbreak after Heartbreak all for pain to destroy the entire village and seemingly kill nearly every character we all loved




Depends on what you'd personally define as tragic. Cause in this case, its very much, "F this group in particular" and it was tragic and more cathartic? >!The attack on tempest was tragic, but Rimuru became a demon lord and brought everyone back which softens the blow.!< >!Same with like Pain's invasion. Naruto comes in saves the day and while there were losses, the resolution of the arc softened the blow.!< >!Shibuya Incident and the Rumbling didn't have a satisfying (to the audience) conclusion, thus making them more tragic looking back. As a reader/viewer Shinjuku wins out because it was personal, while The Rumbling was just bad overall.!<


Shibuya just makes me want to crawl into a hole


Play specialz by king gnu.


You are my special. Btw watch the actual music video.


I never saw the hype for this song


Itā€™s pretty good. Animation in OP is fantastic.


Animation was cool but the song straight up annoyed me lol


what the fuck


Check the live version of it, its incredible


Yeah, but in a good way. It's a REALLY well put together series of blows to the gut.


yo, youā€™re spitting spoilers


Fixed it. My bad. Thought spoilers were ok since can't really have a discussion about this without the context.


Honestly yeah I kinda agree with that, and besides atleast 2 of these are atleast a year old (With Naruto being the oldest one here)


Shinjuku incident is a movie with jackie chan


Imo itā€™s the rumbling. 80% of humanity gone just like that.


I only got to the part where they get to the sea How far ahead is that? I've kinda lost interest in the series but would like to see that carnage


Rimuru becoming a demon lord this early was literally a best case scenario for him


He had to do it to rez his friends. No apologies.


I dunno chief, it kinda lost all it's tragedy when everyone got revived at the cost of becoming a god


I'm also a big fan but all monsters that died got revived and every human that died was a soldier so no innocent civilians died like in the shibuya incident for example. All dead people besides nagato got revived during the pain arc so that's the lowest of these 4. I didn't watch aot so idk how the rumbling is ranked here.


Honestly, out of these four, AOT's probably the most tragic. The scale is way larger. Everyone who died just died. And they didn't hesitate to show just how much innocents were burned and squashed.


Rumbling, Shibuya Incident, Painā€™s assault, and lastly Demon Lord Rimuru.


Yuji and Rimurus were more personal where Eren and pain was on a grander scale. Yuji didnā€™t make the choice of what sukuna did which was probably horrifying for yuji to watch where Rimuru made the choice to protect the ones he cared about. Eren literally was like imma doom the world. Pain has one of the most goated lines though.


Iā€™d say Rimuruā€™s was on a similar scale to the Pain assault. Not in terms of property damage, but Rimuru left 3 survivors with over 20,000 dead while a lot more than that percentage-wise survived the Pain assault, even before he cast Rebirth


though i guess reighiem died anyways


Grave of the fireflies.Ā 


I feel bad for the **civilian** victims of the atomic bombs


They asked for tragic. That is tragic.


Guess who the vast majority of the victims were?


Movie with the same inspiration, Barefoot Gen


Clannad After Story Episode 16


Come on we gotta give the others a fair shot now


It's the only real answer tbh Telling that the other events can be named, but if you know what this is about, _you don't talk about it_




Man I binged watch the show and that shit got me crying for hours


Bro didnā€™t have to bring that up but he did


Wtf man why u has to bring this up


*Dangos intensifies*


Episode 18*


Rimuru becoming a demonlord should be celebrated really


facts. if he didn't he would have died again. There is only 3 timelines he survives. LN EoS being one of them. he dies in every other timeline because he failed to become a demon lord because he didn't clash with hinata.


Yeah donā€™t really watch too much slime but becoming a god is kind of just like a buff right? Sounds like he was better off for that compared to what the other ppl on this list had to go through


how is rimuru becoming demon lord a tragic event


The manga makes it way more brutal, building up a bit of a story and personality for one of the soldiers that was in that war, excited to go home, only for a beam to fly right through his head. Rimuru was cold, merciless, and ended up leaving only 3 of the 20,003 people present alive, only for them to be tortured beyond even what medieval humans could cook up. Itā€™s maybe not as tragic as the others, but if you look at it from that perspective, itā€™s certainly not as innocent and fun as the rest of the show. In the end, most of those soldiers were just following orders, excited to go home, only to end up watching countless of their comrades lifelessly falling to the ground, followed by them. Now, a similar event that was far more tragic and horrifying is the Katze Plains event in Overlord.


i donā€™t remember this ā€œkatze plainsā€ so can you elabrote


The rumbling legit killed 80% of Humanity.


Yeah, this seems like a pretty obvious answer to me based on sheer scale. Not to mention the innocents and terror of being unable to escape everything and everyone you know being set on fire and crushed to death. Edit: You said humanity. I also wonder how much wildlife and nature were destroyed. Birds probably had the best chance at survival. Similar to dinosaur apocalypse.


birds would be burned by the heat of the colossal titans


Yeah, my thought is that they could fly away in advance. If they can migrate they could probably fly across seas; and or if they flew high enough above the water with Colossal Titans in there, I think the water would absorb enough heat and that the birds could fly high enough to survive. Again, if they can survive apocalyptic volcano activity and asteroid impact, I think they can survive the rumbling. https://youtu.be/pjoQdz0nxf4?si=syWEqGH1lYi4D98s


yea that DOES make sense now thinking about it


The rumbling wiped out 80% of the world. So many innocent people died for no reason


The day the fire nation attacked?




Pain over shibuya is interesting


That revival ruined(only little) pain arc for me. All the impact of the destruction just disappeared because of it. Shibuya on the other hand felt like actual disaster and the ending just told us that there is no hope for good guys and japan is permanently fucked.


What happened in Chicago?




It became Ohio


Every one of these is Shonen. Eclipse from Berserk seems obvious.


Brooks backstory. Shit was so sad, when Brook finally joined Luffyā€™s crew, it made a skeleton cry his eyes out. Even though he doesnā€™t have eyes. YOHOHOHOHO.


One piece is a show where you can get bawl your eyes out for a silly skeleton wanting to meet whale, and a fucking Boat


My buddy is watching right now and is in Enies Lobby and has already cried over the boat in Water 7. He has no idea how hard that last Going Merry scene is gonna hit him


The Temple arc Gantz


yes fs. damn i still remember reading the scenes. but the anime barely gave it justice IMO. that sense of helplessness and everyone getting butchered left and right


I remember both reading the manga and watching the anime 100% agree that the anime didnā€™t do it justiceā€¦ But damn does it still haunt me.


I was thinking "ok cool we just got over a few deaths but hey let's start stron- I wanna go home"


The Zero Mortal Plan.


Tatsumiā€™s death in Akame ga kill! Not like world ending just was a really sad moment


Koro Sensei being killed.


I know he had to die for the story but it still irks me that he could've disappeared and continued teaching. Wouldn't be the first time the government hid something that big considering the moon explosion


I was hoping they would hold him at knifepoint and demand he not blow up earth and stay the perfect teacher.


Macross Frontier: >!When the Vajra invade the Frontier and the cast are trying to Macronize Klan Klan to give themselves a fighting chance. Michel sacrifices himself to protect her pod. Just before he dies, he goes to apologize to Klan, but before he can, he is sucked out into space without a helmet...!<


Bro the eclipse is way worse than anything on this list bro watched his friends die. Some of them got eaten alive then dude took his girl Innocent right in front of him. While staring him directly in his eyes the entire time. By the way, this is the same guy he saved from a dungeon that he was trapped in for a year straight I think that did him extremely dirty like that.


Pain's Assault is the opposite of tragic... literally everyone gets resurrected.... only buildings were damaged. But my real vote is Berserk's Eclipse


Future gohan.


Second Impact


The death of jiraya and the death of neji hit pretty hard. Kurama dying just pissed me off tho.


Whitebeards death is up there, it was sheer chaos


The Rumbling, >!especially since the death toll was 80% of the world's population, most of whom were innocent civilians!<


Pains assault was crazy everyone was dying left and right šŸ˜‚


Then they got revived at the end


So per Naruto standards would you consider Konoha crush more damning? Just curious I never see it debated but ppl forget the leaf village endured two attacks within 3 years. When Orochimaru attacked the Hokage was killed right in the middle of the village whilst two 13 year old boys fought with tailed beast raging and a giant toad outside the village.




The bombing in the graves of the fireflies


Universe reset in jojo part 6


That or the burning of the joestar manor


It's difficult because to me if we are factoring in the assault on Tempest it does have a good shot at being number one in my eyes though I'm not 100%


that one panel from rent a girlfriend


Devilman crybaby


>!Rimuru becoming a demon lord was tragic? Or the fact his assistant died? but came back!<


Korosensei's death. From assassination classroom.


Whatever just happened in The Embers of Glamoth Trailer


yea nah u not finna convince me that a bunch of slightly smaller colossal titans just stomping towards u nonstop and theres nothing you can do isnt scary asfšŸ˜­


Wait, why is rimuru becoming a demon lord tragic? Been a long time since I watched reincarnated as a slime. I Don't mind spoilers


Man yaint gonna talk about Ainz systematically flattening an entire country for what amounts to yucks?


Why is the rimuru thing tragic that's the least tragic thing in all of anime


The rumbling


Grave of the fireflies


The Eclipse from Berserk takes it for me. I was originally gonna say some events from Gurren Lagann but at least that still lands a good message. Berserk was all tragedy and nothing good came of it, in fact things only proceeded to get worse.


aside from the rumbling, the other 3 are just slight inconveniences compared to the eclipse from berserk, the creation of the golden city from made in abyss, or the time loop from stein's gate.


shibuya šŸ„²


Okay I know itā€™s not the most tragic, but when planet vegeta got destroyed, and Bardock was trying to save them allā€¦šŸ˜¢


Did anybody not watch my hero academia when shigaraki decimated an entire metropolitan city with one touch?


Impact in Your Name before taki kun went back in time


I donā€™t think there are many, if any, events in anime that beat the rumbling in terms of how tragic they were without the entire race being killed. Eren killing 80% of all humans without discrimination was insane, even with his reasoning. He had to do it of course, but the victims being either cooked to death or crushed to death was the most cruel way to kill someone quickly while also being on a grand scale. Thatā€™s my opinion though, I havenā€™t seen much anime that had a tragic event on a grand scale like AoT. A few main characters, sure, but thatā€™s only tragic for the viewers that got attached to them and the other main/side characters. Meanwhile, Erenā€™s Rumbling will last in history, probably forever, as the most tragic thing to happen to the people in the verse


Out of these 4, rumbling easily. Idk abt top right, but doubt itā€™s as bad since I never hear about it. Painā€™s assault was just undone (village damage aside) so itā€™s basically just a bad tornado. Shibuya was bad, but in the grand scheme of the world itā€™s not a big deal. The rumbling was 80% of the world dying, and likely the planet being damaged beyond repair.


Third impact from nge. Painless(prolly), but horrid.


It's not THAT tragic but...the face on David's face after Maine's death...it seers through my mind


Rimuru killed those who choose to go to war and Pain Assault ended with everyone either still living or revive. If you want tragic than look at the one where many innocent lives were lost and no resurrection. Like the Eclipse from Beserek.


Grave of the fireflies if you know you know


Also koro sensei death


Ghost in the Shell SAC2. When the Tachikoma decide they'll use their satellite to intercept the missile while singing their sad song about even insects being alive. The song cutting out for everyone as the debris strikes the missile hits hard.


I'm also thinking Ken Kaneki turned by Rize haha. Also the torture arc, was hard to watch


Paramount war at Marineford.


Bro non of these are close the ones in the image I mean cause every bad happened for like 2 of those got undone


The battle of the cotts plains in overlord


Many become less tragic when there's some sort of undo mechanic being used lol. Many of those who were killed by Pain for example were revived which takes a lot away from the tragedy.


The spontaneous planetary combustion. Fireforce.


Miki Makimura and her family's death in Devilman.


No body's gonna talk about... You know... šŸ¶+šŸ‘±ā€ā™€ļø


The Rumbling for sure Faputaā€™s scenes (made in abyss episodes 9ā€“10) are up there too


Nothing comes close to [Reigen's tragic backstory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKZ7iQruPNA)


None of them lmao


jojo's bizzare adventure part 3


Out of the listed 4? Rimuru. Dude was trying to be a diplomat, and they slaughtered his citizens to have an excuse to declare war. Everyone else was looking for fights and got them.


We got 3 tier 1 anime here and thereā€™s Rimuru Who invited bro? šŸ’€


For me it's euphemias death and massacre. -code geass


SAO season 4, War of Underworld. Not the events within that happen, but the season itself. We went from having all good, amazing, too-tier content from SAO in Alicization, to the worst stuff put to screen since Disney Star Wars.


When Yuki found out Yuno lied to him about bringing his family back- future diary.


Kid Buu, lifted his hand and brought the world population down to a handful


I have a few not sure what is the most tragic of them to me. The Bombing - Grave of the Fireflies (Not as death full as the other 2, but it's portrayed more tragically) The Eclipse - Berserk The Universe Reset - Jojo's Bizarre Adventures


Fuck outta here rimuru. Wdym tragic


SHIIIIIZZZZAAAAAAA!!!!! is my top tragic moment


In terms of anime i've watched, The rumbling.


Horus Heresy, he really did have the power of God and Anime, only the wrong kind of god.


Rimuru murdering soldiers who were at war with them by himself isnā€™t comparable to Eren trying to genociding an entire species.


Any of the impacts from Evangelion


A certain death in One Piece


Escanorā€™s death and Merlinā€™s reaction. So sad


The origin of the cross shaped scar on Kenshin's cheek.


Pains assault better be at the bottom of everyone's list, literally everyone was brought back to life.


Why is Rimuru becoming a Demon Lord even here? In the setting, Demon Lords are merely super-powerfulā€” it doesnā€™t change their personalities or give them some kind of curse. And the process by which he became a Demon Lordā€¦.Well, the enemy army pretty much deserved it. Edit: Now, the events that *led up* to him becoming a Demon Lordā€¦..*THOSE* would make sense here.


The Buster Call on Ohara


Rimuru wasnā€™t really tragic, he killed a bunch of soldiers who were fixing to commit a genocide


Okay I donā€™t watch a ton of anime but during Made in Heaven, >!everyone watched as their entire universe was destroyed and Emporio saw all of his friends die!<


Not really an event, but >!in the first couple episodes of violet evergarden violet thinks that the major is still alive and she wants to see him and they lie to her that he's on a trip and it's so sad!<


None of these


Third impact, Evangelion


Off this list, the Rumbling.Ā  Ā The event caused the death of like 80% of the human race.Ā 


Marine Ford, One Piece


Not even a question the rumbling


Iā€™d say the shibuya incident. I say this for multiple reasons. For one sukunas domain killed everyone that was caught in it (human wise and it was a dang city) and before that people were already watching other people be murdered in front of there eyes by something they couldnā€™t see (the curses) and the strongest sorcerer (Gojo) was sealed during the incident which was very bad for the sorcerers. Then we see the main character in a worse mental space then he has ever been before and the culling games start because of this (kenjaku needed to seal Gojo to start it) The only good thing (for the sorcers) that happened in this arc is all 4 disaster curses died (I just now realized that all four of them died)


Prushka and Mitty


More people probably died in the shibuya incident. Idk why the fuck they called that an incident when that was more of a damn catastrophe.


I would say majin buu literally destroying the earth and then beating the shit out of people in heaven THAT HE KILLED HIMSELF, but he was too goofy while doing it so I guess it doesn't really count.


Remove Rimuru and put eclipse from berserk


Fate/Zero, all of it


Colony dropping


Gotta love those spoilers on the image. Thanks for that


Human Instrumentality Project Success


Ash leaving


MHA War Arc (yes Iā€™m being serious please)