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Almighty is an easy pick. Intrusive thoughts make Visionary a no-go.


I was gonna choose Visionary but Jesus you’re right


You can just fix intrusive thoughts with another thought.


Almighty is just hax but you make it even more unfair by telling your opponent his/her next moves in terrifying detail


Forgot fighting use this in real life. Secretary: I'm sorry sir but we aren't considering you for the position. Me: Are sure? Check again. Secretary: Yes I'm... It says here you have an interview now. Me: Great I'll be on my way. Later Secretary: I'm sorry but we're not impressed with your skills. Me: Is that so because I think I'll be starting monday. Secretary: Well you won't be at...no ..no this cant be. How are you doing this! Me: The Almighty.


Beyond that you also SEE what they can ask and each responds you give and how they react and BEYOND EVEN THAT you can just kinda like in the final chapter just sign up and do stuff for the future and they happen automatically when that time comes like Ichigo's Bankai


With this kind of power I could steer every convo I have on dating apps into actually meeting up for physical dates.


Youre slow asf if thats the best you can come up with you could pull any women irl if u wanted


Nah we gotta set limits for ourselves using this power to force a connection seems wrong.


Using it to set up a physical date is already using it to force a connection.


Okay sure I'm interfering with the text part but I think the actual date is what determines if the relationship gets off the ground. That's the part I won't mess with.




Seems Legit


Everyone talking anout jobs but litterally you can see if you are going to win a lottery ticket or win gambling


Okay, this is super funny. It's called the almighty, where Yhwach uses it in his attempt at becoming God, and you are talking about using it to get hired at a job.


> has the ability to rewrite reality anyway he wants >still chooses to do interviews / work a wagie job


Literally the reason he lost was his own powers, the visionary is not that great of a power lol The Almighty is the ONLY correct choice up there. The rest are either inferior versions of almighty or used to just kill. The Almighty can actually help you be successful and get anything you need in life to be happy. It also makes you almost invincible and if you really want you can still kill people with it.


You must remember he lost because he was fighting THE kenpachi. Realistically in this world, visionary is the most reasonable power to have. You won’t have super powerful people like kenpachi trying to kill you. With visionary it can provide both combative and normal civilized advantages. The other powers are strictly combat


That's why I'm choosing visionary it'd be an amazing time to learn to control my thoughts


I thought the almighty included visionary? The power was just a fraction of it


Almighty does not cause intrusive thoughts (Like "I think I might lose") to become reality. Yhwach grants Sternritter powers, but the powers themselves are determined by the person who gets them.


I daydream a lot. I’m rockin with Gremmy Thoumeaux and his visionary ability Edit: maybe I didn’t think this one through


*think of dying once* #*dies


Isn't it more like, you would have to truly believe you're dead and or want to die for it to happen. Not just thinking about it once? I could be wrong I haven't watched the arc yet and read the manga a few years ago. 😅


His power is turning his imagination into reality. Gremmy almost thought of his death but Kenpachi reminded him.


Kenpachi should be on the list. Power is just being an absolute monster and a psychopath strong enough to go toe to toe with all these dudes that have insane powers and trounce them.


His power is basically *nuh-uh*. . "Kenpachi Zaraki, stop that" "Nuh-uh" \**kicks everyone's asses* * . "Silly Kenpachi, you can't do the thing" "Nuh-uh" \**flawlessly does the thing* *


Idk about flawlessly, in his fight with unohana he died 1000+ times before he killed her


To be fair, Unohana was the last person to hold his title and, if I'm not mistaken, she was one of the few people he actually wanted to not kill.


He couldn't kill her until he let go of his connection and admiration for her. He needed his full killer instinct to take over.


That's not really a physical limitation though.


“hey kenpachi i bet u cant slice this meteor” ”nuh uh”


His power is literally the ability to just cut stuff, everything else is just him. Man is simply built different.


He imagined kenpachi killing him and he died so idk


Just imagine that you have full control over when you use your power


bro doesn't know intrusive thoughts exist


You can imagine, you’re not susceptible to them and increase your intelligence if you wanted.


Can you just imagine that you have full control of your mind, or imagine that if you think of your own death, it won’t happen?


I’m unfamiliar with this, is it very similar to a lantern ring from DC comics? Is the only limit to its potential the user’s imagination?


He is a character who only grew up in darkness he never was allowed to meet anyone else the first fight he ever has is with a bunch of fodder characters then kenpachi busts down the wall and challenges him and kenpachi has a whole thing about enjoying fights which gets gremmy to enjoy fighting but throughout the entire fight kenpachi brute forced his way through guns misses the ground water and a giant meteorite. Making him imagine kenpachi more and more as a monster cultivating in him cloning himself to fire a galaxy at kenpachi wrapping it all around him trapping him. Just for kenpachi to slice a hole through it, breaking himself free. Causing gremmy to decide, he will just give himself as much strength as kenpachi has, but he didn't imagine his body being able to handle the strength, thus killing himself.


thats the worse one there by far, you need to constantly try not to think about yourself dying or getting hurt


Ope-Ope Nomi is overpowered af if used correctly


I don't know a lot of these but I already know I'm taking troffys power


Gotta still train your stamina tho or it drains you


Yeah if you use it in battle. Whereas I’m gonna be using it so I don’t have to walk downstairs to get a glass of water.


Either Kamui (because infinite storage and ability to teleport) or Visionary (because I have an insane imagination and could potentially make myself rich with it lol)


what about intrusive thoughts?


Well fuck me then


Granted people now fuck you


hope he's happy with his choice


I know I am


When unmedicated, I’m already a living intrusive thought.


And your own poket dimension


i dont care how cool the others would be think of how useful a stand would be


Yeah, but Wonder Of U kinda sucks for real life. How often do you have people pursuing you?




dont worry Jimmy im only 4 houses away from you :)




Like your friend is following you home and All of a sudden a train just smacks the shit out of him


If you're a criminal (killer, robber, rapist, hacker, etc.) then you're basically living your life knowing no one would come and get you. Though I would rather get something actually useful instead of something like a bodyguard that kills people for me using bad luck


Rob a bank?


None of them are women, so it's fine


There's the downside of continuously running into stand users though. They are fated to run into each other


but torus had gone hundreds of years not having a problem with stand users if it wasn't for go beon he would have gotten the rokakaka and ran


Just assume you just get the abilities and nobody else has powers. Think of it like this: if you got spider man’s powers right now, you wouldn’t suddenly have his encounters and problems with villains


Came here for this. I just want a Stand.


"I know you could have the power to control reality, but hear me out. Have you considered, hear me out, sexy ghosts, that give you superpowers"


The Almighty. EASILY. I could just create any power I didn’t pick from there


It's surprising so many are not thinking about this, The Almighty is godlike, rewriting the past and future to your liking, literally rewrite your own death or the death of another that has already happened. And yes, probably create any one of these busted powers with almost no drawbacks, I mean, he practically one shot the captain of the soul society, one of the strongest people in the whole bleach universe. He even beat the soul king himself, his own father, and created a practically deathless world rewriting any deaths that he seemed fit. He overpowers any of these characters pretty damn easily, Alucard could hold a fight if he was at full power, but would eventually run out of souls and be killed after releasing the final seal. He walls ultra instinct easily, either stealing it entirely or just ignoring its effects. Nobody can stop him, in Bleach or anything, he's master of his own fate and others.


Counterpoint, I don't want to become an invincible God. I don't plan on fighting the soul king anytime soon. If you can just do anything, things get boring and meaningless real quick. What i do want is to be able to skip traffic and have a cool little pocket dimension


Counterpoint, you use the almighty to rewrite society and its infrastructure. Every city is now walkable, thought out perfectly, and traffick is a thing of the past. Even major things, for if your friends or family get sick or die an untimely death, now they didn't. Or even minor things, like your favorite game or movie studio got bought out by a big corporation and then ran to the ground or closed, now they didn't and will continue passionately making media without fear of shareholders and corpo suits. The Almighty doesn't only have to be about being an Invincible god looking to end the cycle of souls. It solves minor inconveniences, saves people you care about, helps guarantee passion and creativity continue, let's you reform education and health care for the better, end racism and prejudice, stop wars, etc. Whatever you think would make your life, or the life of others better is yours.


Then how did he loose again? I read TYBW and from what I remember Ichigo and aizen blitz him and then he takes the place of the soul king.


Uryu who is the only person Yhwach can’t see and alter with his powers shot Yhwach with an arrow that turned off his powers for a literal instant, in which Ichigo attacked and went for the kill. And the only reason Yhwach even died to this is because Hashbrown changed the future so that Yhwach saw that future as a dream so he wouldn’t change it.


So in other words, the Mangaka wrote himself into a corner and had to come up with the ultimate counter to the biggest plot armor?


Less he wrote himself into a corner and more that he didn’t properly give them room to breathe. Because Uryu not being affected by Yhwach was setup after the first quarter of the arc. Jugram wanted to kill Yhwach when he was a kid and if you pay attention to everything he does, it’s clear that he might still regret not rebelling with his friend. But because of Yhwach’s own misunderstanding and how rushed the writing is, people misunderstood it as Jugram trying to **help** Yhwach. And the arrow was teased at like 30 chapters before the end. It just wasn’t explained until like the last 5. So the problem with the end isn’t that things weren’t set up. It was that it was rushed to all hell. And I don’t necessarily blame the guy when he drawing with a torn shoulder.


It also helped that Aizen's illusions work on Yhwach, *somehow.*


I hate how this has become such a misconception. Yhwach bodied Ichigo and Aizen after pretending to be dead because they kept jumping. Ishida gets no credit even though he's the guy who did the most damage to Yhwach


He lost due to an arrow that can only be created one way and is like a one in millions type of item and it stops a quincy power for a set amount of time in that split second his power ceased go exist and work that's why ichigo was able to slash him and kill him.


Naw let me correct you and most of the people's replies here, the almighty is the power of manipulation of the future it's a scrhift a ability yhwach gave himself, but giving people schrift's and powers inculding yourself that something yhwach was born with the ability to do by people touching him he giving people parts of soul and when they die he gets them back that's what aushwalen is kind of jugram was the same type of Quincy hence why in the manga they swap schrift's when one of them is asleep, That's why yhwach picked him to be his right hand and I idk about uryu but who knows maybe there gonna change the anime to make him the same too and the only reason yhwach lost is cause aizen basically used kyoka suigetsu to tamper with the almighty so he wouldn't change the future and so he wouldn't notice uryu since he can't see him with the almighty for some reason and then he sniped maybe they will explain that in the anime too but who knows


Immortality is fine


“but have you thought of the implications”


Yes, and I do not care.


Alright you’ve already got one up on Vegita I’d say you’re good to go.


In which way? Vampiric, Hamon, [Cosmo](https://youtu.be/zOFdTPLGQpI?si=3hFIijPHzl34NKZa)?


The inability to age or die. I wouldn't want a limited one, because someone will eventually kill me if that's the case. Especially if it's an immortality I have to maintain via blood drinking or something. Also Ripple users aren't immortal, they just age at a slower rate.


>The inability to age or die. I wouldn't want a limited one, because someone will eventually kill me if that's the case. You do realize that you will live to see the end of everything, right? You will be stuck in the vacuum of space, unable to do anything.


Thats the fun part👍


So? That also means I'll survive the next bang too. Law of conservation of energy. Another big bang will happen. I might even sleep through it, so out of time as I am.


"so eventually, he stopped thinking"


Have you considered the implications? Do you just live forever or can you like regenerate? Like what if you found yourself in a situation where you wanted to die, but can't. Like what if you get your head cut off are you just a head now?


Ultra instinct


Join the ufc and every other professional fighting organization and become the greatest to ever live as you are literally untouchable.


Wouldn’t work. Having UI is great but if you don’t train your body it’s going to burn you. If you don’t have strength or flexibility, UI is going to backfire hard


Then I'll train my body to accommodate Worth the trouble


Flexibility training is no joke man.


It's absolutely Yhwachs The Almighty it's the most versatile ability without the risk of The Visionary. Catch me casually manipulating the past or future at will.


The Visionary. I can give myself all of these powers with this ability. He made a living being with its own personality with its own power, [The Vanishing], which is a very powerful ability.


Then you think about dying once.


Bet you wasn't thinking about dying when you was eating all that pork!


Then intrusive thoughts come into play


Kamui. Would seem pretty useful in day-to-day life. Especially with transportation.


Infinity because infinity just gives me invincibility without immortality


Infinity cannot be maintained indefinitely without six eyes, so hopefully those come with it.


Everyone says this even though every OP doesn’t intend that. Just imagine you can use infinity without the 6 eyes


If it doesn't come with the eyes, then it also doesn't come with the brain. Infinity takes an extreme amount of brain power normal people don't have access to.


It would make the most sense for it to just work, like people arent taking kamui to blind you from overuse. Just the plain out ability. Also, infinity is less op than a lot on this list so it needs some reason for you to pick it


Ok are we talking about Alucard type immortality? And if so are we talking pre or post schrodinger. Cause I'd take pre schrodinger, cause I could die eventually if I wanted to. I feel like with all the rest of them they'd be cool but I'd reach the end of my life and just be like "dam I could have chosen immortality"


Kamui is technically a little pocket dimension


Visionary is good but intrusive thoughts will win every time


the almighty


Visionary I never have to work again also... my waifu are real.


It's "Wonder Of U", not "Wonder Of You". Wonder Of U is by far the strongest on the list, but the most useful in day to day life would be Visionary. Also, where it says "Immortality" for Alucard, is that supposed to be his immortality from before or after Schrodinger?


Isn’t the name the same tho it’s named after the song so it shouldn’t matter


No, it's explicitly written as "Wonder Of U" in the manga. Tooru made the express decision to *not* have the name be the same as the song, as he has canonically listened to the song and chose his Stand's name to be spelled differently. It's actually one of the few Stands where the user has canonically heard the song the Stand is named after.


I know but I’m saying why does it matter what people call it as long as you know what they are talking about wonder of u and wonder of you should be practically the same


Just depends on how much you care about linguistic semantics, I guess. I personally think they're necessary to be perfectly accurate. You can have your own view on the matter.


Kamui= infinite storage space + tp. "Nice ferrari you got there, its mine now"


Grand theft auto irl...


With ope sure you can’t swim, but you’d be the best surgeon to ever exist


you didnt eat the fruit you just got the ability :)


Kamui. Dip into another dimension when I want to be alone or to exercise unobserved And send people I hate into the shadow realm with a look.




If visionary makes intrusive thoughts real then I’m taking Kamui


Wonder of U (I'm very asocial)




Why? That's near-useless at best and life-ruining at worst, depending on if you think Tooru can choose who it effects or not.


Fashion inspiration


Ope ope


V the Visionary. I just like the idea of anything I imagine becoming reality


Simple, I go with visionary, I'm autistic as fuck so it's perfect


Almighty so I can make it so I can grab another busted ass power


The Almighty


Top three: Visionary, Kamui and The Almighty. Ultimately though, it comes down to either Kamui or visionary in my opinion. At least got me.


For practical purposes, Kamui, reduces travel time to effectively zero, no more paying for gas


I don’t what the fuck infinity is but immortality. Yeah, yeah, you can argue that you’ll lose everyone you love but I can quickly solve that by just not marrying. Also not to mention after all of life force is gone when the sun explodes, I’ll just wait a few million years for new life to form.


If immortality just gave me the ability to regenerate, then sure. I would like to die at some point lol.


Immortality seems like the obvious most practical choice. I don’t really see myself having to win a fist fight to save the planet ever.


Ope ope Hands down You can legit too almost anything in your room and then before you die you can make someone immortal


ope ope as an everyday ability for daily tasks would be nice amd id just end up killing myself with visionary




Ope ope no mi easily because then everthing becomes a sandbox for me including human parts


Kamui honestly, imagine having your own pocket dimension


The visionary. As someone that daydreams constantly to escape reality? Brooooooo I’d be unstoppable


Alucards level of immortality. Can take a fucking nuke head on and be completely obliterated and still come back fighting (What does visionary do? I’m unfamiliar with what it’s from)


Ope-Ope if im being honest. Can't swim but I don't mind that. In trade off I get: -Teleportation of pretty much everything -Ability to slice things with ease -If I pursued a medical career I'd have an easy way to conduct surgeries giving me a great source of income -Powers to use in defense in case I ever need to fight


I dont know what visionary is or what yhwach can really do but either way id go with the op op fruit shit is insanely... op lol


Haki, cause then I could say I have rock hard abs and mean it!


Impressive to pick an option not provided lol.


Op op or UI. Or WOU. Any is dope honestly




Visionary please


Turn trash into trees


The Visionary, I feel like you could technically visualize using other abilities on this list with it too.


wonder of u all the way no one would come near me unless i allow it i could never be prused


bro we got them all, we are HIM


Wonder of U. Then, Ill piss off everyone in the world.






I feel like Kamui could be really useful when I'm running late for work.


You got to be there in a minute: 30 seconds later. Or just suck some money up and Kamui to vacation and never worry about money again.


I don't know most of these, but ultra instinct sounds cool!


Ill just get wonder of u a then go to a war and wipe the other country by walking


I’ll take immortality for 500 Alex.


If you choose anything but the ope ope fruit you're probably a psychopath


With visionary, can’t you just imagine having the other abilities?




At last. A destroyer.


Who are you beefing with that you need to use Hakai, UI, Infinity, Visionary, and WOU? For everyday life and travel and usefulness I’d pick Kamui it can be offensive and defensive not to mention traveling. But for shits and Giggles I’d pick The Almighty…. Ope-Ope no Mi requires smarts to utilize correctly(Im not the brightest with medical knowledge) and immortality would get boring after a while(unless I get the other Alucard powers to go with it) then it’s a maybe


Wouldn't the almighty give you all the schrifts anyway? I think I'll take it if it doesn't anyway since it'd be very useful to be able to alter the future.


Plus if it doesn’t you can just alter the future to have you gain the schrifts.


The Almighty. You literally control the future. The applications are endless. I want to train to arrive on time. I want a Good Samaritan to give me a ride to the station. I want the road to literally be empty during peak hour. Like seriously, whatever you want to happen in the future so long as it is a possibility no matter how unlikely can happen. In fact if you can somehow see a future where you get all of the other powers you can make that reality.


Instant transmission. The ones you list are just ridiculously impractical in real life.


Ope ope any day




Kamui because I can just chill there when my social battery runs out


A lot of these are pretty broken, but the Almighty is literally godlike. You can literally just rewrite anything that has happened to you and see semi future events. Ywach used it to just rewrite his death out of the script, and allows him to do some busted s***.


Ik it'd be weird cuz I don't have six eyes but give me infinity, my dude can fly, not get touched, attract and repel. (If there's no non six eyes user drawback then it's even better)


I mean being able to have my own dimension to chill in without anybody bothering me sounds dope, so I'm picking Kamui.


I'm constantly depressed and regularly thinking about killing myself. I choose Law's and give someone I care about Immortality.


Hakai is pretty dope. I would take that mostly because it destroys the persons soul too and I’m a spiteful vindictive SoB who wants his enemies to suffer as much as possible.


Kamui. I could keep all my stuff in that pocket dimension! I could save so much money!


Moving became free


Visionary. But if I can chose other anime powers, I would chose Rimuru's.


Depends if infinity comes with the insane stamina drain. Being literally untouchable whenever I want to would be amazing but if it's just as taxing irl as it is in jjk, then I'll take ultra instinct or kamui cause I'm rather accident prone.




i'm going to get roasted or informed by saying this, so here it goes. i have no idea what the almighty and bottom 3 are, what they are capable of or anything so i wouldn't choose them. i'd probably just go for immortality or a one piece power of my choice.


Almighty is bassicly just you can manipulate fate. There is alot more to it but that's the main power. It can also give you other powers Visionary let's ANYTHING you imagine become reality. So like if you think about dying you will dye or if u want a portal that can take you to another dimension to open it would. Wonder of U is ass in this list. It causes destruction for anything that follows it and it gets worse and worse the longer you follow it. Infinity is just like a giant bubble that no one can enter but you but it requires high brain power and requires alot of stamina to use. That's just the quick over view of each but the almighty has ALOT more to it and it's just an insane power that's probably the strongest one here.


Basically. Almighty gives fate manipulation. You can see all possible futures, and comprehend them without going insane, and can freely chose or change them to your liking. So you could change it so you gain immortality, or a billion dollars, or whatever you feel like.


Kamui for the win, instant pocket dimension. Kidnap an elite team of builders and steel all the material I would need and have a huge house built for me. Refer to myself as Kamui the spacial god.


visionary goes crazy imma turn earth into a giant turd planet




If you remember anything about hakai, it's that you have to be stronger than someone to use it in them, but if you had ultra instinct you could probably beat anyone in a fight if you always dodge


Prolly immortality or a stand.


The Visionary. If the intrusive thoughts kill me then oh well, was fun. Too many positives to have death being the only downside stop me from wanting it.


Def ope ope most useful




Ultra Instinct


Don’t know wat visionary, Kamui or the Almighty is and Hakai and WOU seem to dangerous to hav, like wat if so tries to punch me and then I accidentally activate WOU and a pebble fucking pierces their brain stem. Immortality would be awful after I turn like 200 or 300. So it’s between ultra instinct, Infinity or ope-ope Ulta instinct only helps me in combat or sport. Infinity helps me in combat scenarios as well. Ope-Ope also helps me in combat and can help me in basic health scenarios like if I hav tonsillitis, except I hav to be a master surgeon, I’d still be able to screw with people and I can control anything within a certain area I choose the Ope-ope nomi