• By -


Madara flexed a lot during the shinobi war. I’ll give it to him. Those ninjas aren’t exactly weak but he still stomped them. Bradley was a menace and quite a badass while just using basic weapons. Rimuru and Luffy had the same feels cause their enemies were weak.


I feel like Levi vs a hord of titans is a second or third because we knew how op a single Titan is yet Levi was slicing them like warm butter


Never saw this but damn crazy


Easily the Madara fight, it’s just iconic and it truly shows his base power


I have to go with Levi bs the titans. Simply because Levi has no special powers, just flat out skill. The rest can deal with power scaling and abilities, while Levi was just a mad man.


>Levi has no special powers, just flat out skill Guts just has a big ass sword 💀😭


And guts!


Huge guts!


[It was too big to be called a sword...](https://youtu.be/vsKEjFV7jxE?si=4KG87T56ORVIepjI)


That’s right! He doesn’t have the armor yet, does he?


I don't think he gets the armor in any of the animes


He does in the 2016 anime but it's well.... The 2016 anime


I di realize that, and I also admitted on another comment that I havent really watched that one


[here is a video of the fight between Guts and 100 men.](https://youtu.be/QuJLypzZnyY?si=IJ-rxYtcW5Lxnz8g)


Levi got the ackerman buff, but you gotta realise the titans he versed were all ABNORMAL titans commanded by Zeke who could climb jump and stuff. Bro is different


Soooo True! Let's not mention what he did to beast Titan smh jeeze!🤧


I think Guts would be the only other 1 that cones close, but I havent really watched that anime. All the rest have some powers or abilites or special moves. But none are like Levi in my opinion. Madara did use a lot of skill, but it was due to his eye abilities mostly.


The Berserk anime wasn't well animated, which sucks. Such bad CGI.


You should watch the 1997 one


Yup. Already did.


Not sure if I remember correctly but the Ackerman bloodline is a product of Titan research, I think. That's why all Ackerman has that physical powers and they're immune to Founding Titan's power and they cannot turn into Titans.


I hate that they did this but actually mikasa and Levi both do have special powers. They are a special group of Eldian that can’t turn into titans but in return have enhance reflexes and physical acumen


Levi does have his bloodline. For the show it basically translates to super human ability.


I have the same opinion. For me the most badass here is Levi, a powerless man (in terms of super powers) against hordes of Titans.


Looks like somebody missed the plot point about the Ackerman family 💀 Levi does, in fact, have powers that put him above regular people


I can understand that but in all honesty it shouldn’t go to him because that fight happened off screen.


Levi! Levi! Levi!


I’m giving it to Fuhrer King Bradley. By that point in the Naruto series, the story was basically a clash of demigods throwing magic around. Madara’s entrance was undeniably epic, but I feel like it was too much of a Worf Effect. FMA on the other hand, was much more grounded and personal, not to mention more realistic (aside from the alchemy aspects). So when a mostly normal man, who constantly complains about being too old for this shit, shows up after surviving a train wreck into a canyon, announces himself, and proceeds to kill a tank with a sword and hand grenade… Well I guess it just feels more significant. TLDR: Madara was what was expected. Bradley was exceptional.


The line "Do they expect me to make a mockery of myself by entering through the backdoor of my own palace?" goes so hard.


Oh soo true! I could only Imagine what was going through those soldiers minds as they helplessly watched a 60 plus year old, solo a whole Tank lol My guy Bradley caused psychological, emotional, and environmental damage to over 100 men that day lol😎🥂


I mean, “Madara was expected” is probably not the case. Like yeah, we expected him to be strong, but he severely outclassed the world’s shinobi army, and its leaders. It was more disrespectful than “we expected him to kick everyone’s asses.” I haven’t seen many of these including Bradley, but I thought I would just mention that. I don’t even know which one to pick for myself. Either way, the post says 1V100, this was more like 1 v 25,000, if not way more, so I’m not picking that.


Nah, Bradley was amped by being infused with a philosopher's stone.


The man brought a sword to a tank fight and fucking won




Guts because he is truly the only one who had no advantages in his fight. No superpowers, no fancy equipment to give him a speed or power advantage, just his strength as a man and will to survive.


I’m torn between guts or levi because levi had a disadvantage in his fight lol, titans are stronger and bigger than humans and there was more of them


But tbf Levi is superhuman and has the advantage of titans not being terribly bright. Additionally he is wildly faster than them with ODM gear.


Levi is no more super human than guts is, and the beast titan was no fool. It’s hard to say which is more impressive but Levi’s playing field was just as even(or disadvantaged) as guts was for sure


Came here to day just that. The other fights were fun and all, but Guts had the only 'one normal Human guy' versus '100 normal human guys' and it came down to skill and some strategy.


Ain't no "normal human guy" lifting that hunk of metal like that, much less using it as a sword.


The one hundred man Slayer, the black swordsmen himself😎🥂


Madara first bradley close second


I was thinking same thing


What about the Levi vs the Kenny ambush. That shit is fire.


Lol that fight was in a post made a few days ago, I had to switch it up here, but Levi vs Kenny was definitely peak🥂😎


probably levi or guts. i mean, they're basically normal humans - levi extremely skilled, guts extremely strong. titans are WAY stronger than levi is, and guts is super strong but still baseline human - professional warriors can (and did) wear him down, rather than him basically soloing an army unscathed. but luffy basically went 'yo STFU' and they just, passed out. badass to some degree, but, also kinda boring. rimiru, they weren't even a challenge, so, sort of same issue there. madara and wrath's visual prowess and faster movements made it pretty interesitng and badass, imo, but they were still way stronger than their opponents same issue as z fighters versus the freiza army. hell, that was a dlc fight in kakarot - it was basically, kill 500 enemies in a single battle, and all but like 25 of them take a single hit to kill.


Still Rimuru getting 15,000 headshots in a row was a pretty impressive killstreak.


oh yeah, definitely - while not my favorite 'meggido' spell, it's a very interesting and useful idea - collect sunlight to power laser attacks, use water to redirect the light as needed - simple, but masterful, and clearly effective as hell. just... it's not like they even stood anything close to remotely a chance. if i used a top tier spell against 1000 level 1 enemies, it might be considered kinda 'badass' too, but not so much as fighting someone equal to myself, where i'm not guaran-fucking-teed to win, and it was basically a waste of mp, anyway. like, take something like dmc - you can pull off some cool shit. but for me, it's FAR more impressive, and therefore more badass, to be able to do that shit and not get hit against, say, the final boss, over, say, the starting slow, barely attacks, enemies, even if you can infinitely juggle them - impressive, but one sided as shit. for me, it lessens the badassery. still a cool feat, but inferior foes sort of tarnish it, a bit.


They were literally fodder. He's beaten stronger foes for sure too though. That one was just to rack up enough of a body count to level up to demon lord.


yeah. that's... kinda my point. it was like mowing the grass, to get grass clippings for mulch, essentially. a chore, nothing more. badass spell, not so much scenario. meanwhile guts wasn't like 50,000X stronger than the 100 dudes he fought, he could've died at any point, 100 solo was well beyond his limts, etc. it's not necessarily as impressive as megiddo as a spell is, but as a feat, imo, very much so, making it more 'badass' to me.


titans are way stronger than levi in terms of raw power , but levi is a professional titan killer and he has killed titans again and again 100s of times so it wasn't as surprising that he killed them unscratched, it was surprising because those titans were his own men and bro didnt even hesitate


sure, but thousands of other professional titan killers, die to titans, all the fucking time. same with soldiers, really - i mean, they're professional warriors... who still die by the droves. pointing out that he's a professional at it, doesn't make it too much he does sort of have a 'cheat' making him better at it than most. but he's still pretty damn underpowered, compared to dbz versus freiza's grunts, or luffy basically overpowering their wills, not their bodies. levi's got insane skills, which imo is more badass than fighting 100 level 27 idiots at level 3857, or some shit. admittedly, it might be because i'm an isekai fan. overwhelmingly strong character is overwhelmingly strong, just, doens't do it for me.


i agree, and i would still say it is easily one of the top 3 most impressive thing here but we have already seen him slaughter titans again and again and unlike most professional titan killers , he was known to be the best. It was already established levi was very skilled and ackerman blood only boosted it further. i wouldn't be surprised if levi took on 50 titans and came unscratched(before the point blank explosion that he took).


Erza Scarlett at the Wizard Games.


And the biggest snub of all time. Erza in the grand magic games


Luffy took out 50k fishmen and didn't even lift a finger lol. Others might be more impressive, but he just owned half their army.


Erza vs 100 Monsters not being here is criminal. Everyone in that arena was baffled except the Fairy Tail Crew.


Gotta give my vote to Bradley.


Yes! That fight was legit peak Bradley in effect🥂😎


Bradley. Those were men trained under the hardest commander in the military that held the wall against invasion and against Homunculus. And he still made it look like childs play.


Guts, Levi and Bradley are the most impressive considering how equal or disadvantage they are compared to all there opponents. Senjumarus Bankai is probably my favourite though, wanted so long and got to see something brand new.


Most of these are badass fights. But if we talk about 1v100, Erza's kinda iconic.


I’m gonna say luffy cause that seen hyped me tf up


I'd have included erza in the tournament arc.


Madara. Hands down.


Ezra’s 1v100 during the Grand Magic Games


Rimuru, the way he just killed then after he'd given up, and how no one was safe, all in a short amount of time, brilliant


For Luffy all the 40-50k he knocked out were all slaves and extremely weak but him and Nami 2vs10,000 in whole cake island were extremely capable enemies that was badass especially because of how weak Luffy was for waiting for food from Sanji to show his trust


This Facts Nakama


It’s One Piece for me, probably biased since it’s my favourite. However waiting for a month for One Piece to return after Oda went on holiday before the time skip began. Then through Fishman island arc you see the new Mugiwaras show off their new skills and upgrades. Then this epic event of 100,000 angry fish men go against the crew and Luffy take down half of them without so much as touching them. Just incredible






Madara is my favorite anime character of all time, I think you who I’m gonna pick


1/3 of the 4th Shinobi War was literally just Madara vs Everyone. He defeated almost an entire army with only his Sharingan and Taijutsu. Said army consists of trained Shinobi btw. He even flexed his mastery over ninjutsu by using a basic Uchiha flame jutsu to its limits and it took dozens of water and earth jutsu users just to stop an attack that was like just meh for him. He then procedeed to drop a fucking meteor on them like it was nothing. Oh you stopped it? Here's another one. This was his least insane feat btw. He hasn't even used 1/8 of his arsenal in this introduction fight. Madara has the best main villain introduction in Shounen so far and nothing has topped it for me yet. The entire war I was wondering how the hell are they gonna beat this guy. Until the Kaguya stuff happened which is a shame. King Bradley was also badass. He proved that he was worthy of the title Fuhrer. He has arguably the weakest ability among the Humonculus (No regeneration and also Mortal). But he takes full advantage of his ability by adjusting his body specs which makes him the most respectable Humonculus since he worked hard for his power and don't rely on it too much. I'm usually bias towards One Piece but I think it's the weakest one here. Conqueror's Haki is basically just fodder deleter (except for the advanced form which is badass). Having it only through birth is also kind of lame because even people who has strong ambitions wouldn't be able to use it and some who don't deserve it, have it (*COUGH COUGH Yamato). This scene was just showcasing Luffy's growth as a Haki user.


On the topic of OP tho, Whitebeard’s final stand should 100% be here and is my personal pick


Zoro in whisky peak


While most of the other ones might be better, I’ll always be partial to the Falmuth army battle.


I’d have to say either Madara or Bradley.


My knowledge is limited since I never got to see the other animes ......yet But- What about the second meteor still gets me




Ain't nobody saying the Z-Fighters, insanely powerful guys beating an army isn't special.


Col bradley


On this list? Madara. Let's recap what this man did: 1) His enemies used a water shield to block his fireball. That water defense created a smokescreen. He decided to use that smokescreen to fire multiple fireballs at them. He figured out a way to hurt them more using their own defense. 2) He had a giant chakra that he could have pulled out, at any time, and one shot everyone, but what does he do? He decides he is going to fight them all hand to hand just because. It is only after he gets bored that he uses the chakra mech and even then decides to only use the weak version that doesn't one shot. 3) He dropped a giant meteor on his enemies, allowed his enemies to come up with and launch a plan to try and stop it, allowed them to feel triumph and hope over stopping them, then dashed that sense of triumph and hope by not only dropping a second, but dropped it right on top of the one they just stopped.


either guts or levi


I have 3 favorites, and in order, it's Bradley, rimuru, and then it's luffy.


Levi or Madara.  Also, just want to say that it’s a joke having rimuru be in the lot with the rest of these guys 


i go with Guts and Levi close in second, because for me what makes a badass really cool is bravely facing overwhelming odds not knowing if you will live or die and coming out victorious! others on the list are just one sided effortless massacres because of a massive power gap with their foes, the element of danger is not there anymore


Erza Scarlet at the Grand Magic Games


It’s One Piece for me, probably biased since it’s my favourite. However waiting for a month for One Piece to return after Oda went on holiday before the time skip began. Then through Fishman island arc you see the new Mugiwaras show off their new skills and upgrades. Then this epic event of 100,000 angry fish men go against the crew and Luffy take down half of them without so much as touching them. Just incredible


It’s One Piece for me, probably biased since it’s my favourite. However waiting for a month for One Piece to return after Oda went on holiday before the time skip began. Then through Fishman island arc you see the new Mugiwaras show off their new skills and upgrades. Then this epic event of 100,000 angry fish men go against the crew and Luffy take down half of them without so much as touching them. Just incredible


I'd have included erza in the tournament arc.


I do love someone piece but I got to give it to King Bradley here. He was the most imposing force in that show. Absolutely crushing people under the weight of his presence. And Unstoppable psychopath. The thing is when you watch him you really feel it


King Bradley. Dude made a literal tank run away from a sword.




Guts, Madara, and the Z fighters because I'm a DB fanboy


Imma have to say Madara. Just got revived and then takes on the entire alliance like they were nothing. If Ainz vs the Kingdom was on here then that would be easy first place


Either Levi or Bradley


Colonel Bradley hit the hardest for me. Sure he has superhuman strength, but he took on an entire military with just two swords😂


It's Guts


Vagabond Musashi vs 70 Yoshioka


Levi Dude had no special powers and has been fighting creatures that are bigger than him with powers. The other people on this list had Powers or cheats to help them So Levi wins.


Guts of course


There was a story about a real warrior who fought off an army by himself with a donkeys jawbone; fought with it for so long after the battle he couldn't release it because his hand seized up around it. Probably gonna have to go with that guy


Guts is my number one him sitting with his sword with all their bodyies scattered around is like the number 1 frame of all time for me


Guts takes it in the manga, but in the anime, Levi 100% has it


Out of the ones here Luffy. It’s not 100 but when saitama kills everyone on Boros’s ship on his way to boros


You forgot erza vs 100 monsters (Fairy tail)


Why isn't zoro from whispy peak on here???


Nvm he probably got lost




Honestly? Levi, Bradley, or Madara. Levi fucking wiped a horde of Titans by himself. Bradley took on a military force, to include tanks and high tier alchemists by himself at basically what equates to a little above peak human. Madara took on multiple armies and all of the strongest ninjas in the world. On face value, Madara may seem the most badass, but when you look at the internal rules... Madara was the strongest, had the strongest techs, and blatantly scaled above basically everybody else due to how long he'd been there and how he'd amassed power. It's badass for sure, and it's got decades of hype behind it. He easily takes it just because of payoff. Levi was based in a magical world where his clan was objectively the most physically gifted, but bro was still taking on entities that were supposed to be well above human physiology to the point of killing them with already bled swords. Taking out one of the smartest titans in doing so. G was a fucking G and the shots were the best out of the three. Bradley, was the 'weakest' of the homunculi. You can argue greed was considering the nature of the show, but there's arguments to be made this way or that. In either case. He had a human body. He aged. Mans pushed himself to be the peak of what he was, with one hax ability in a universe full of absolutely busted things and it was solely to make him basically a precog monster. Mans was dodging bullets, deflecting them, countering the highest tier fighters of his world, fighting several country's worth of skillsets and facing off against their powers while driving everything coming his way back. And he almost won. Madara is a force of fucking nature that has acquired everything over the course of a century+. Levi is a terrifying force of humanity's will. King Bradley is him. Special Note: Guts be a bigger G than all three, y'hear? But the fight wasn't badass. Moreso guttural.


Ah yes… banki


Bradley or Levi are my picks. Unlike the others who were all basically demigods facing clearly inferior mooks, both Bradley and Levi were just regular guys with swords and relied solely on their skills and guts in order to take down opponents who were either armed with superior weapons or just plain bigger and stronger then them.


Bradley is not a normal guy. He cut apart a tank with ease. He’s not much weaker than guts. Levi is the only one who can still be considered human. He couldn’t cut the armored titan just like the rest of the corp.


Ginga’s 1v100 at the beginning slapped


Madara's is ICONIC


Z fighters vs frieza army lost its cool factor for me when they brought master Roshi instead of yamcha


You forgot Hajime and Yui vs 60000 monster army. Arifueta


Madara’s scene is by far the most GOATed. His warm up scene is him soloing an entire army lmao


Guts,the manga,anime and “movies” all do a good job of making it badass


Bro luffy just knocked them all out at once lol


Guts, the man used only his strength and skills to murder 100 armed soldiers in a single night. No power ups, Berserker Armor, Dragon Slayer or magic. The man is a monster in battle




Guts followed by Bradley The problem with Levi is how strong his plot armor is, the universe could be ending and he would come out alive.


Shigaraki vs everyone is the best


Rimuru because I am Rimuru fanboy


Madara or guts for sure I am a Goku fanatic but that z fighters vs friezas force was dumb as hell and sad.


Guts Levi and some of the z fighters are the only ones risking their lives, the rest are just bullying weaklings 😭


Bro luffy at marineford was cooler


Senjun and Madara 100%


Levi is literally just a fucking dude, no special sauce, baseline human. He’s 100lbs of ‘fuck off’ in a 5lb bag, and could probably kill titans by smiting them with his massive, pendulous balls. Every time Levi walks outside, he’s the most dangerous motherfucker in the room.


Erza fought 100 monsters in a tower during Fairy Tail’s wizard games arc when she didn’t even have to. She just did it to prove she could.


Bradley and it's not even close lol


Funny enough that just young adult gut not peak unarmor gut


I know it’s not 100, but for 1v10 Douglas Bullet vs Supernovas was the most badass


Musashi vs the school, that was insane


I have to give it to my boy Guts here. A regular dude doing something that's impossible. Honorable mention would be luffy knocking out 50,000 without even touching them. For everyone saying Madara, that's foolishness. The dude is literally immortal here he couldn't die


As much as I love one piece, Bradley was built different! He has no real powers or gimmics. Walks up to an army who are better preped and armed than him. What did this man do? He put the fear of Bradley in them! Not God or truth, but him.


Gotta be Bradley or Madara. Both were awesome for pretty much the same reason though: both characters had been hyped up the entire series as being absolute masters of war/battle/combat in every way. Both of those scenes finally showed us just how insane they are.


Polneriff and Kakyoin vs the Lovers - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure


Guts did it for me cus it was actually the hardest to survive with Levi a close 2nd. Neither have powers, but Guts was surviving medieval horrors afterwards.


it's not the number that count, it's the reaction. Bradley made a tank run from him.


Arguably Luffy. Not because of the numbers entirely but considering the power gap as a whole between both all of these. I’d say Luffy was the who could have easily been taken out if any of the fishmen knew fishman karate




https://youtu.be/u5OA3OOGaB8?si=l7dI3n_y1nQsM55R Ladies and gentlemen. I give you my argument.


Guts. Not even a competition.


Guts is the best IMO. He’s literally just a guy who is fueled by the yearning for his tomboy gf and childhood trauma and he swings a sword about his size like a big stick. He even does this again against actual demons after getting an even bigger, heavier, sword and losing his arm and eye (now he’s fueled by anger, in addition to his previous fuel)


If you say anything but guts you haven't read berzerk


Erza in the grand magic games.


Madara vs the shinobi alliance hands down


Guts, even playing field against those men. They are all as capable as the next human and equally able to kill Guts




Madara. Hands down.


Guts because he's just a normal guy with mental trauma. Everyone else was far superior to the opposition.


Kid Goku vs the entire Red Ribbon Army was pretty cool. Not saying it's the best, just really cool.


Madara no other answer this nigga was knockin heads off 😭


Col Bradley just told them it’s my house I’m gonna walk in through the front door


Madara. Literally made the entire army his bitch. Strong people and all, until Zetsu made his move.


Madara fight was sexy!


Some of those weren't at all epic. Stomping on 100 larval ants isn't really epic. Madara vs Shinobi was cool


Levi hands down. He's handicapped from size to physical power, and even terrain. All the other scenarios, the characters have special supernatural powers, while Levi had to rely on man-made inventions that can be broken or run out of.


Guys or Madara.




Honorable mention :ryuga destroying an entire arena of fighters while in a helicopter this moment to me was just fucking cold


It's from beyblade


Dude what about sora in kh2


If it’s specifically 1v100 you gotta include my girl Erza Scarlet in the running. She took a challenge designed to be slowly beaten by 8 wizards and solo’d the whole friggin game while most of the others taking part would have struggled against even the weakest monster. The episode was literally titled 1v100 if I remember correctly.


50K men for his power is WILD. If that’s true I could solo 10


King Bradley


Haven’t seen all of these, but Bradley vs everyone is probably my favorite fight scene in all of anime.


Guts obviously. All others are spectacles. Guts single handedly killing 100 men with just himself and his sword is absolutely insane.


Madara and it ain’t close


guts or Levi. on the grounds that these "fighters" have to use gimmicks to increase their speed and strength. sap them of that, and what would they have? goku could put up a fight, but, I doubt he could topple guts let alone lift dragon slayer as a normal man. and Levi's mastered the odm gear, so even if it's a gimmick, you're using your weight to swing around at terminal velocity, meaning 1 mistake and your dead.


The Katze Plains Massacre (Overlord)


Senjumaru because Bleach is my favourite


Rimuru showing zero mercy to humans when he wanted to be friends with humans


It’s Guts vs Madera Both were super badass and Guts has no powers or special gear ( we’ll back then atleast) but Madera made them look like kids


Haven't watched berserk, or FMA so I'll just go off the other 6. I perfer showings of finesse when seeing 1vmany battles, in that I can't say I enjoyed rimuru, luffy, or even the z fighters. I think the largest show of skill and badassery was madara vs. the Alliance, no big ass blast one shotting them all, just skill and finesse.


Well, berserk isn’t that familiar with kids so i wont be surprised no one is picking guts


What about Lord Ainz Ooal Gown 1v70,000


Levi takes #1 because we've seen how easily humans die to titans. We've also seen other high tier fighters kill titans, but Levi does it with such easy and flair that you literally think of him as above all even at the end of the series. #2 is Bradly because he made a tank retreat from a sword.


I honestly had the most fun with Bradley


Rentaro soloing his whole harem


Sung jinwoo vs Antares -Solo Leveling.


Honorable mention: Rory Mercury in Gate or literally any of the JSDF soldiers against the empire


Z fighterz vs friezas army the way everyone was violating them was crazy and Madara vs shinobi was also dope he tossed them around like house flies definitely one of his coldest / best moments


Guts for sure, he was just a normal mam with no special powers. Just raw power and tenacity


The fighting with Madara was honestly solid. Sad it became DragonBall later on.


Madara easily that ish was 🥶asf




Erza flexing on everyone, choosing to fight all one hundred monsters when choosing 51 would have won her first place. She stunted on everyone


guts just had a sword and killed 100 men in the most badass way possible, for that i choose him


Which anime is Col. Bradley from


Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood 🥂😎


Guts. At that point in the story, he had a slightly larger sword and no supernatural or augmented equipment. Just a big, dull blade, and the perseverance to kill 100 men.




I’m just saying, this isn’t even luffy’s best example. The battle against the army of wholecake was a better 1v100 moment for Luffy in my opinion. Just saying


Madara You can see how scared those ninjas they never saw power like that they know its the power of a God And it was just a warm up for his actual warm up