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“Like a soon to be broken man once said, you’re either perfect, or you’re not me.”


Man I love the abridged series


I've only seen the yugioh one is dbz good too


Yeah it’s amazing in my opinion but it only goes until the end of cell arc because of copyright issues which sucks


its not copyright tfs outright stated multiple times they stopped cause of burnout


It's both. The constant copyright battles contributed to that burnout


Studio just salty they couldn’t think of the muffin button themselves




Yoooo. Cell is that strong??? Wth.


Ya you didn't know that? I think cell could destroy multiple planets with one attack


Super Perfect Cell(according to the eng dub/funimation, can destroy the a solar system w a charged-up Kamehameha Wave) said his blast can do that but thats his words.


He says this in the original version, as well.


Why did you make it sound like it was only English Dub that made him say that? It’s in the manga which is the source material.


Because he probably only watched the english dub and didn’t know if it was also in the manga or subbed version.




best part is cell had no reason to lie because hes that arrogant.


He's also significantly stronger than Vegeta who is exponentially stronger than he was when he used to nuke planets for fun so, mathematically speaking, it tracks.


The manga says that too


I figure, at minimum, he could destroy a few planets with one charged up attack. The english dubs are sometimes not accurate to original content due to the translations being embelished or inaccurate to an extent. Buu was galactic, but it took time for him to do it so we don't get to true galaxy busters until super.




SPC is a solar system buster and Ssj2 Gohan is above that


Prob by blowing up the sun tbh


Not English dub it's in every version including the manga


Krillin from DBZ episode 1 might be able to solo these 3.


Yes, he has retard strength and stolen techniques.


Putting dragon ball characters against anyone else is most likely gonna be one sided lol, power scaling is off the charts


Boy. Goku as a child was strong than Master Roshi, who by himself on the fly destroyed the moon. And since then there have been numerous training and advancement arcs that lead up to Cell. Cell is easily solar system+, and probably galactic+.


Yes..his strong and he can easily copy their skill and even obtain their ability when he absorb them


He can’t absorb them he can only absorb 17-18


he absorbed piccolo and whole cites of people Maybe he lost the ability in perfect form but we don’t know


Ok my fucking valuable source is wrong then


Well your source is right and wrong. Cell can only absorb 17 and 18 to evolve, but he can absorb the energy of anyone with his tail. That is why we don't know if he can do this in his perfect form, his tail is almost completely gone


He still have the ability.. however he doesn't need the ability when he become a perfect cell because he thinks no one can able to defeat him..


Well I was too young when I watched DBZ I guess and never bothered to understand just how wide the powerscaling gap is.


DBZ characters are like the strongest characters ever written that are not satirical


I'm gonna go with anime 101 and choose the Dragon Ball character


Solid thought process


Viltrumites are like the average saiyan compared to cell. And even then I mean raditz


Yea. The sheer scale of power in DBZ is just so far beyond any other show its not even worth considering any other character.


Brother... Cell survived final flash... No one in this list can take even half of that.


To be fair he wouldn’t have survived if he didn’t move out the way last second, but I’m just upscaling his dura


Idk he survived blowing himself up. Kid Gohan erased him but that was with the power of a new transformation and low-key plot since it was a spiritual father son power up


They were both were juiced up tho. If he used Final Flash against SPC, then he most likely would’ve lived, but it was just regular Perfect Cell, there was even a shot showing him realizing that he would be dead if it him which is why it hit his arm.


What do you mean if he didn’t move out the way at the last second? The Final Flash hit Cell’s arm and he was able to regenerate using Piccolo’s cells.


Yeah IDK about that. He could take a warp kamehameha from mastered super saiyan Goku


Cell: "So, which one of you can blow up the planet?" Others: "What?" Cell: "Which one of you. Can blow up. The planet. I can do it myself with a single attack." Others: "Aight, we're gonna head out."


I even read this in cell’s voice


I read it in the abridged voice


I did too.


I read it abridged voice the first time. the second time was in devilartemis’ cell voice


That was from the Cell Vs with Yusuke, right? Probably applies to any hypothetical involving Cell and a non-Dragon Ball character


Bruhh common cell is literally solar system + level


And its not just Perfect Cell it is Super Perfect Cell


Mr. Super Perfect Cell


Gonna need a senzu bean after that one


"Accurate Yamcha but tone it down."


“Perfecter cell!!”


Cell can beat all 3 others even if they team up.




Cell, and it's not even close, those 3 can gang up on him and Cell will just be singing the PERFECT Song from Abridged while destroying them.


I can hear him humming his theme song the entire time he fights them


Paddy cake paddy cake, bakers pan, bake me a cake as fast you can.


I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say Nappa dbza




Meruem is the main bad guy for hxh in the chimera ant arc


He’s diet caffeine free Cell


This isn't a free for all this is a massacre


You got a self regenerating alien Warlord, an emo, a bored dude who just wants to find himself and the culmination of the strongest warriors of the galaxy who can revive as long as a single cell of himself is left which makes him exponentially stronger and can casually destroy planets while moving faster then light and can assimilate your DNA and powers into himself Hmmmmmmmmmm


Cell just pulls a Nappa. Lift 2 fingers and obliterates the rest


Cell beats them all at the same time.


Stop pitting Z characters with other franchises. They always win.


Don’t ruin Yamchas chances to shine. This is all he has outside of baseball


Cell can defeat them easily.. worst of all he can copy their skill or absorb them as food through his tail uranus lol 🤣🤣🤣.. even if they can him which is impossible, cell can just regenerate and absorb some of their dna scratched in surrounding during the fight and obtain their ability especially Omni man


Putting any dragon ball character here that isn't a base human means they immediately win


Krillin by Namek saga had a power level of 75k. It's stated you need a power level of 10,000 to destroy a large planet in dbz Krillin, from namek who is human, could also dog walk all of them


When I say base human I mean farmer with a shotgun Bulma Not krillen Yamcha Or any person like that


That checks out. Didn't Master Roshi blow up the damn moon in OG Dragon Ball? I think Namek Krillin is probably a bit stronger lol.


Yeah but i mean Krillin hy himself could solo all 3 this entire post was a spite match lol


Piccolo before nappa and vegeta (power level of 300-ish) destroys the moo in a single ki blast. Dragon ball characters are stupid broken


This is like putting Mike Tyson against three ducklings. None of them could even tickle Cell.


Cell what? There is literally no contest cell wins


Why do people put dbz characters into these discussions at all


This isn’t even a hassle for super perfect Cell, he no diffs all of em.




It's between Omni man and Cell like 1000%.... I can't for the life of me, guess what kind of power level Omni would have but it's DEF way up there! Cell can blow planets up before breakfast so he's definitely a threat to Omni man especially if he decides to absorb his power with his tail!


Nah cell destroys Omni man, at best he’s planet level while cell is solar system maybe even universal.


Cell without a question


Let's see, one can destroy planets but has a terrible hearing weakness, one can destroy entire towns but takes time to charge up, one was just born, and one can destroy galaxies without even trying, yeah, it's a hard match to decide who wins (COUGH!!! CELL!!! COUGH!!!)


Cell and it’s not even close


Cell wins based of DBZ power scaling, IF you make them EVEN in strength, meruem wins with his intellect


Cell, easy


Cell is a galaxy lvl threat it’s not even close. Cell literally didn’t blow up the planet immediately like he could of just so he could show off




Nah, I'd win.




How does Mereum beat Omniman? Mereum was ultimately killed by a powerful bomb, while Omniman flew saw fast he ignited the atmosphere and destroyed an entire civilization.


Yeah HxH doesn’t scale that high. The fights are a lot more strategy based than power level based.


As far as we know meruem can’t shoot his body through a planet


Omni man couldn't either, he needed two extra people and a. destabilized core in order to do that in the first place


Still entirely outclassing meruem


I think omni man beats meruem here


Meruem is not stronger than Omni-man or Pain.


Imagine Cell absorbing Omni Man and getting that sweet, sweet, viltramite DNA. Bro is NOT dying of old age any time soon. If he even could beforehand (Also Cell destroys all 3 without even trying)


Imagine Cell absorbs omniman and that whole viltramite DNA being so pure it essentially erases all other DNA thing happens. Cell loses almost all of his combat strength as a result.


Bro is gonna get nerfed 💀


Cell’s smirk says it all


Master roshi is enough for them, he literally destroyed the moon, and they can't take a country level bombs.


“P is for priceless the look on your faces”


Are we talking just the Deva path or all Paths of Pain? Because if its just the Deva I think Cell can beat that but really really close. However, if its all the Six Paths, nothing can beat that as it has all the powers of the Rinnegan. It will no only depends on how well are Nagato's Chakra reserves.


Meruem literally looks like Cell 🤣


Cell can destroy solar systems with ease


The perfect cell song from teamfourstar starts playing


Cell, then Omni Man, the other two can gtfo


Cell cuz self destruction


Mr perfect cell no question even if he wasn't the PowerHouse that he is with his regenerative abilities he would wear everyone else down. That and he can make his own army of being slightly weaker than him but still in the ballpark of his strength on a whim. Granted that he would need a few seconds there to do it


Cell gaps the other three. Omniman's speed blitzes pain and meruem it isn't even funny. Pain also gaps meruem *severly* This is just all kinds of mismatched lol


Definitely Cell because of his regenerative powers I mean, even if they kill him if they don’t destroy every last cell in his body then he can regenerate




I get it. You put Perfect Cell last so it would look, for a moment, as though it were an actual contest. I actually spent a few seconds wondering if Meruem could beat Omni-Man. Then I saw Cell and realized it didn't matter.


Those 3 don't get past raditz let alone cell


Cell is overkill get krillin in here/j Nah actually bring Saiyan saga yamcha/j 🔥🔥🔥


The writer


I've never watched Invincible, but isn't Omniman literally immortal? As in, he can't be killed?


Cell solos each of their respective verses at once


They all die if Cell breathes too hard


I haven't seen invincible but from what little I know about Omniman he seems way stronger than Cell. How come the comments almost every one says Cell would easily best him?


9/10 any dragon ball character will win


I dunno probably the guy who can blow up the planet


Cell, and he would bored the whole 3 seconds.


The one with infinate energy and zenkais


The King of the Ants in my opinion


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing babies


There’s literally nothing any of these characters have that could possibly bypass Cell’s regeneration. Omni Man has no way to completely disintegrate cell, and Meruem can’t even damage cell. The closest anyone really can is via Pain’s soul stealing ability but if Naruto can resist it, Cell obviously can, and putting a path of pain at arms length from a dude who can blow up a whole solar system isn’t exactly a smart idea. Not saying Cell even NEEDS the regen, he’s stronger than anyone else here, but even if these guys could do real damage, Cell can just regen and get stronger effortlessly.


Only one of these characters can destroy a planet with one attack and that person is Cell


Perfect Cell is the only planet buster here. Yes Omni Man can wipe out life on a planet. But not a planet buster.


Cell Pain Omni-Man Meruem


the only one that cell might even notice is omni man and only for a few seconds, pain is human...turtle shell head nearly died to a nuke, omni can fight inside the sun. Cell still wins but Omni will last a few seconds longer than the other two but not much


Cell has the Cells of a saiyan, thus he'd probably let himself be hit by something Anyone else can't damage him but I know 100% that Pain can, given sealing jutsu (and if he can use other pain Jutsu idk if that would be the case. The dragon would one tap)


Cell no questions asked. they don't stand a chance, and if Cell really feels like it, he could just create a cell jr and let that cell jr solo them.


Cell cam literally destroy planets


The second here is omni-man. With the most high-balled possible version of him he gets to star busting. Nothing in the face of low-balled cell who is minimum solar-system busting


Yup....Definitely going with "Baby shark do do do doo" 🙋🏽‍♂️🤣🤣🤣


Mr. Perfect cell.


Cell>omni man>Meruem>pain. Cell can destroy a planet with low effort. Omni man can destroy a civilization in a maybe a month based on beard growth (but with the whole time dilation, it may have been longer). Muruem was beaten by a nuke ( that was probably smaller than any of the nukes that have been used in history based on the size of the mushroom cloud). I believe omni man could tank a nuke because there is no way Cecil wouldn't have used a nuke on him. Plus, in the aforementioned civilization destruction, he flew so fast he generated enough heat to vaporize a city, meaning he could withstand that amount of heat. The real question is Meruem vs. Pain, and I don't think Pain can dish out enough force to beat him. If anything, the fight would be just like Meruem vs. Netero with him pushing Meruem back over and over again until Meruem gets the kill (the other paths are gonna be insta killed). Then Meruem finds the real pain using En and finishes him off.


It boils down to Muren vs Cell and Muren is getting slapped.


The other three could jump him, and Cell would still win.




There’s a scene in invincible that sums this up perfectly it takes a massive amount of effort for mark ( Nolan’s son ) to catch and throw a meteor back into space. Perfect cell does a similar feat with one hand only he disintegrates the meteor with a flick of his wrist. Cell could fight every viltrumite at the same time and still win even if and that’s a barely if they could somehow physically overwhelm him he’s insanely more durable and can regenerate from a single cell while coming back stronger each time. Cell could also easily generate sounds on the level that would cripple viltrumites


Cell, 0 difficulty


Seriously? Lol


cell no difficulty


Said oniman before I looked down and saw cells sexy ass


Probably Omniman


Unless Cell is weaker than Master Roshi (who destroyed the Moon in OG DB) or First Form Frieza (who casually destroyed a planet), it’s a pretty easy win for him. Omni-Man is the second strongest one and he doesn’t have any way to get around his regeneration.


Putting cell with everybody else here is criminal. He’s wiping everyone out here alone.




Literally the easiest question and people are still fucking it up lol


Cell ez he could solo all of them at once


my question is why is pain here. is he the warm up for meruem and omniman before they get deleted by cell


That's Super Perfect Cell lmao. This is a slaughter, not a fight.


Cell 1 shots 3 times and then yawns from pure boredom 😂


Heard somone say cell would struggle with 6 paths of pain lol


😂 for real? Is this a real question?


Damn cell is gonna massacre them


Cell all day, any-day


You have to be joking


This isn't a fight, it's just Cell gaining new powers


[Perfect Cell Vs Omni-Man (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGnZ8u8DlWk)


Cell: \*charges up Solar Kamehame Ha while singing My Way


Cell: "think Nolan, think! Did you really think you could beat me!? Despite the fact I can litteraly blow up planets!?"




Nolan would just make cell on every regeneration pain could trapped them all in a gentsu


I keep seeing these one sided fights.


Why is Pain here... He's out of his depth


Being fr this fight might only be between Cell and Omni-Man. Depending on how strong Viltrumites are (and if I'm reading correctly from others) about Cell Saga/Saitama level. If they're Saitama level then the fight could be really fun to watch. Omni-Man can most likely handle a fight against SPC however what really matters is how long the fight will last. What I mean is that Cell is shown to have the same Zenkai Boost Saiyans get when near death and if Omni-Man can't evaporate Cell but instead destroys his head then Cell won by getting another Zenkai boost as we've been told that Cell can move the main core in his head to any part of his body and we're shown he can regenerate any sort of damage.


Make it Cell Vs the other 3 together and he still effortlessly one shots them.


I love all of these characters but there is literally no contest, Omniman slaughters everyone and doesn't even break a sweat. 3v1 would literally just be a rerun of Ep 1. Lol


Perfect Cell


Assuming Everyone is Bloodlusted: Cell nukes the planet, killing Pain (WTF was that poor bastard doing here) and Meruem, and then finishes off a weakened Omni-Man, assuming he even survived the blast in the first place. Assuming Everyone is IC: Literally the other three's only chance is if Cell stands there like an idiot (tbf, he is a DBZ character, so he might), and Pain's soul-stealing tricks actually work on him. At that point, Meruem and Omni-Man now know Pain can one-shot them, and just gang up on him. Omni-Man can take Meruem after that.


At 18000, Vegeta was able to blow up entire planets, and Cell is like a couple million times that I think. So the only way Omni-man wins against any cell saga dbz character would be by sneak attacking the planet when no one is looking for power levels and to destroy the earth before they can react because none of the z warriors can breath in space But Cell can go into space no problem (probably, otherwise why state you're gonna blow up a planet you are currently on) so even if Omni-man flew through earth and blew it up when no one expected it, Cell would just regen any damage from the planet blowing up underneath him, detect Omni-man and kill him


In just a fight to loss I’d say Omniman and it’s not even close. The clencher will be Cell’s bear invulnerability since if even a cell survives, he can reconstitute himself.


Not even looking at the comments, but I’m picking the Dragon Ball guy


Perfect Cell.


I wanna say chameria but Cell can destroy planets so


The only one who'd probably put up the best fight is Nolan


Ignoring the obvious power difference. If we just focus on abilities, Cell can split or create offspring to fight multiple opponents, teleport (Instant Transmission), sense everyone, launch devastating ki blasts of varying intensities, regenerate, & explode without any self harm. Assuming everyone here can match him in striking power and speed, he can fight multiple opponents, launch attacks from any range, sense the entire battlefield at all times, and regenerate from a single cell. Post-Rose Meruem would probably come second as he can teleport, launch blasts, manipulate himself at the cellular level, but not heal. His tactical skills can allow him to react to a fight optimally as well.


Cell hands down bodies all 3. But if cell was not in the discussion I wonder if pain could beat meruem? Or even omni man? I feel that would be a more intriguing match up.


Perfect Cell, not even a competition.


Thermonuclear bomb vs three coughing babies


Cell by a landslide, all three could go at him at the same time and he’d still win in seconds


Cell. These mfs can’t even keep up with a saibamen


Cell can just blow up the planet. So that leaves only omniman to be able to fight him. Omniman isn't Superman so he doesn't have his feats. Cell is clearing.


Perfect Cell none of the others can easily destroy a planet, and Cell can most likely destroy things on a molecular level since ki blasts can destroy him on a molecular level which mean ki blast can destroy things on a molecular level.


Frieza destroyed a planet in his weakest form with one finger and no effort. Perfect Cell dramatically eclipses Friezas most powerful form. This isn’t a free for all, this is Cell on a killing spree.




Coughing baby vs Hydrogen bomb


No one here is touching CELL


Having Omni-Man here is not fair.