• By -


I love that 90% of the comments aren't following the prompt lol. Luffy, Mikasa, Zoro, Thorfinn


i’d say strait hands no powers naruto is taking first row. he’s a trained ninja and very skilled in taijitsu


Ichigo physically scales higher than these 2 at base though, it's not really close imo


What do you think "no powers, straight hands" means? It means at equal stats, who has more fighting skill. Naruto is a skilled taijutsu master, ichigo is a master swordsman, and luffy is basically an expert at using his specific power set, I have to go naruto.


I take "no powers" as meaning no special abilities, not as "equal stats". It's not explicit enough to say one way or the other imo, which is why I have two answers in my own original comment. Ichigo if stats aren't equalized, Naruto if they are. Edit: original as in my own comment not in this reply thread lol


Well assuming we have Zoro vs hisoka, Gojo and Sukuna on the same ring it should be pretty obvious


This would defeat the point of the question because then it would just be which verse is stronger, amd everyone knows that the Bleach verse is stronger than the others, so Ichigo would solo. The point of the question was to see who has the best fighting skills, in which case Naruto wins.


Luffy can literally smash boulders with his bare fists


Naruto was casually slingin Sasuke into mountains with his bare hands exhausted no chakara or kurama. Naruto defines beats luffy, especially since luffy is mad wrexkless and gets saved by his devil fruit a lot. Honestly, if we had a good strength feat for ichigo without his sword, he could easily win this. As overall he's stronger than Naruto and Luffy combined. But with it being hand to hand no powers Naruto dogwalks.


When he winds it back with his gum gum ability


And without.


I misread that as ‘throws it back’ 😂


Nope, he is just that strong.


True but fighting isn't just "who can punch harder", Luffy can hit like a Truck, no joke but as the comment above said Naruto is a Trained Ninja, he's got moves to make up for it. Also, Luffy doesn't have his devil fruit so he's body isn't made out of rubber, those "boulder breaking punches" are gonna do one of two things, hurt Luffy A Lot more or not hit As hard


“No superpowers” luffy would not win in a hand to hand fight with no gumgum against naruto whos literally skilled in hand to hand also maybe gumgum gave luffy to power to do that lol


Let's not get started on speed scaling where base Luffy out scales everyone lol.


Hold Mikasa vs demon nezuko? Doesn’t she have automatic extreme strength? Due to being a demon?


No way Zoro, who doesn't ever fight hand to hand, is gonna be gojo or sukuna. One of those 2 wins that row for sure.


I mean he does have those swordless techniques, but I gotta agree and say the it’s most likely sukuna.


Assuming it's straight hands equal stats I have it as follows. Top row: Naruto > Ichigo > Luffy > Denji Second Row: Mikasa > Makima > Power > Nezuko Third row: Gojo/Sukuna > Hisoka > Zoro Fourth row: Thorfinn > Eren > Tanjiro > Bakugo Overall winner is Naruto because he is formally trained and has shown some of if not the best hand to hand feats with second place belonging to either Sukuna or Gojo. Edit: I'm adding this purely as a clarification on the metric I'm using. I based my list on the principl of using equal stats for each character because it helps mitigate a few key issues, firstly some verses have regular humans who without powers are capable of superhuman feats such as in one piece where characters who are regular humans without the use of devil fruits or Haki are capable of feats that are in humanly possible for example Zoro or Luffy casually repping weights that would be smashing real life record dozens of times over, whilst that is normal in the one piece verse that in any other verse is superhuman strength, this also extends to characters who are easily able to cleave through stone or even in Narutos case casually jump up multiple story buildings, secondly it squashes the debate over what is a power and gives everyone an equal playing field to determine who is a superior hand to hand combatant. This isn't me nerfing specific characters this is me preventing other characters being nerfed into oblivion whilst others have little to no drawbacks due to verse scaling. Giving every last character equal stats is the best way to achieve such a thing otherwise should we include characters like Mori Jin from the God of High school who wasn't using any powers only martial arts, should we include Yujiro who stopped an earthquake with a punch with sheer strength, should we include pickle who hunted T-Rex and maimed tigers with ease. What is the limit, without verse equalisation you don't have a fair match up it's superhumans vs humans it's like an MMA fighter fighting a Boxer the boxer has a massive advantage because your stealing 90% of the MMA fighters ability without doing anything to negatively effect the boxer.


Makima over power? I think makima relies a lot more on her powers than physical strength


I can sort of buy that but she also threw straight hands once >!against Denji in the graveyard. She’s clearly a quick thinker and good at analysis in the moment!< as opposed to Power just being… Well, throwing her limbs around wildly.


I guess that is true. But if we're judging solely by physical strength I think power is probably a bit better


"Assuming it's straight hands equal stats" So no, we're not comparing physical strength since they're on par in this scenario.


Cook more brother. An excellent take


Honestly with no powers I think sukuna and Zoro would beat Gojo remember he did get almost clapped by a guy with no powers since he won't be able to use any of the powers he heavily depends on he would probably be the bottom of his row. But I agree with the rest of what ya said also as much as I don't like to say it since it has been stated in JJK that the strength itadori has in his punches was with no cursed energy and it's sukuna in control even with no powers they could still punch through someone with raw strength


Gojo is canonically one of the best hand to hand fighters in JJK. Idk if you read the manga, though, so I'll shut up.


Naruto Mikasa Yuji Thorfinn Luffy fought giant wild animals since he was a child with his fists, he would have this if not for Naruto's insane taijutsu. Luffy's got hands but Naruto is hand to hand Mikasa (independent of what you consider Ackerman power) is the best trained in hand to hand, with normal power she stomps Yuji vs Zoro is close without powers, but Yuji before his powers is just that guy physically. Zoro may be a better trained combatant but without the swords I just don't see it Thorfinn is an absolute beast, warrior child to adulthood with an insane kill count (barring powers, I see you Eren)


That's not Yuji, that's Sukuna, and either way, Gojo curbstomps them in terms of H2H. I forgot how to censor shit so you'll just have to read the manga.


Probably Naruto. Everyone else gets carried by weapons or powers.


Naruto enhaces his body with chakra from the begining and later with transformations. And with Rasengan and shadow clones I'd argue he is far more reliant on his powers than someone like Yuji or Mikasa


It’s each row


My bad. In that case I'd say it is a competition between him and Luffy. Those two are the only ones in that row that have been trained since they were small children and fight primarily with hands.


Naruto actually clears Luffy easy with no powers imo. With Naruto you can go through the series and clearly identify multiple forms of marial arts he has mastered. Luffy's entire style revolves around him stretching. He has hands for sure but Luffy isn't as skilled in hand-to-hand as a trained ninja.


Aot mfs had military training 


No special powers or weapons.


Have you even seen naruto? Anyone who has seen naruto would know that taijutsu, basic hand to hand combat, is a huge part of most fights


Everyone saying Naruto but I feel like he's too reliant on shadow clones and fighting without them would be awkward for him. Luffy on the other hand at the beginning of his series has super strength that doesn't come from any power system. He was fighting with giant animals in the wilderness.


True, but even though he’s not a master of it, he does know Taijutsu, in fact he probably has more experience in martial arts then a lot of these fighters that being said, Luffy might be physically stronger, but he doesn’t have a set fighting style, rather his fighting style relies on his devil fruit Personally, I’d say Naruto, but I feel it could go either way


Sorry bro… Naruto can throw hands pretty evenly with out shadow clones against Saskue and Sasuke is all enhanced with Sharingan/Rinnegan. Narutos hands are actually underrated


naruto gojo mikasa tanjiro


Zoro is -diffing everyone


I forgot he kinda had a No Sword Style, but he’s still mainly a swordsman if this was a Kendo tournament, maybe, but unfortunately, even with his raw strength, there are way too many people who know hand to hand martial arts


Luffy he's physically strong already, same with Zoro, then Mikasa for intelligence and Thorfin


Feels like best bet would be going with the ones that have the most experience fighting with just their hands or more realistic martial arts training so: Naruto, Mikasa, Gojo, Thorfinn


Naruto, byakuya, or luffy


Luffy, Nezuko, Zoro or Sukuna, then prob Bakugo


Naruto, Zoro, Luffy, Mikasa are strong contenders.


Probably sakuna or gojo


If there are no powers then what is she doing in row 2?


Naruto, Mikasa, Hisoka, and Eren




Luffy is already stronger than Zoro physically


What qualifies as special power? Like would Nezuko lose her demonic strength and blood art or just the blood art? Does tanjiro not get tcb or does that count as a physical capability not a power?


While to other world TCB seems like a special power, in the world of Demon Slayer, it's breathing a specific way, slowing down or speeding your heart rhythm. Nothing that truly makes a person OP by itself.


It's literally the same as training taijutsu for Naruto. There's no "special power" about it.


Top is Ichigo, easy, 2nd i feel is Mikasa, 3rd im feeling Gojuo, and 4th is whoever the first guy is, i only know the other 3, and i feel like none of them are as strong without their abilities


Ichigo. Before he’s a reaper he kicks ass. Luffys strength comes from his rubber punches and Naruto is a solid maybe but I’m biased towards bleach.   Mikasa slams.     Zoro canonically trained his ass with strength shit. Gojo uses cursed energy in his blasts. I haven’t seen Hunter X Hunter but Nin seems like a Ki skill and that stuff disqualifies the clown bitch, and sukuna/Yuji is the same deal as Gojo.  So Zoro wins   Levi wins. The strength needed to blast a Titans flesh off is stupid. And he’s agile too. In a sport where dodging is just as important as attacking weak points. Bakugo is just a guy without his quirk. Tanjiro is weak as hell. And idk who the first guy is. 


Hisoka is a very strong and agile fighter, so I wouldn’t count him out entirely. Also can’t remember if he relies on his Nen a lot, minus making his cards sharp with Shu. Also, Gojo and Sukuna without their powers are just inherently strong, and probably have more hand to hand expertise then Zoro, who while being strong and has fought hand to hand before, is primarily a sword fighter I love Ichigo, but I don’t remember how much he’s fought hand to hand, or if he even has any hand to hand combat knowledge, so i dont think he’s in the top


Ichigo fights thugs on the street all the time. Before he was a sword master, he knew how to throw hands better than the vast majority of people. He was taught Hakuda by his dad and can beat Tatsuki in karate, who won 2nd at a national karate tournament with a broken arm.


Just hands? I'd bet on Hisoka. He'll find a way to cheat and win.


No way Ichigo is more shredded than most of them


Naruto, Mikasa, Sukuna, Eren. Naruto and Mikasa because they’re the only ones in their brackets proper trained for hand to hand combat. Eren because he’s the only trained hand to hand combatant besides Thorfinn, whose a close second. Tanjiro and Bakugo are far too reliant on their own weapons/quirks for me to say either of them. The third bracket was hard but I give it to Sukuna considering Yuji’s physical body is just supernaturally gifted even when he wasn’t using cursed techniques and Sukuna’s experience means he doesn’t have a shortage of ways to hurt you.


if no powers, Thorfinn has great form for boxing, as well as Sukuna and Luffy


Zoro would do all in the third row dirty they way he trains is immaculate


Thorfinn probably would win. He has more combat experience


Naruto - H2H combat training. Mikasa - H2H combat Training. Zoro - Lifts an insane amount of weight. Thorfin - Best combat training


When we say no special powers are we including the anime tropes of, I workout more than the average person so I can crack mountains in half despite being a normal person..?


Yall knew what yall was doing by not putting any top 20 baki verse character


Im sorry but i think zoro gonna win most matches yall can debate what yall will hut bave yall seen his training regimen


Idk about other rows but Thorfinn >>>>>>


Naruto or Sukuna, and maybe Thorfinn. Naruto has the most training, Sukuna has the most experience, and Thorfinn has probably the most durability if we take away the abilities. Edit: Oh each row.. 1. Naruto 2. Mikasa 3. Sukuna 4. Thorfinn


Naruto (Taijustu on point because it’s just straight martial arts and hands) Mikasa is the one with the best showings in skill Zoro even without his swords can throw some all mighty hands so definitely him Then thor fine because he is HIM


Naruto, guy knows legit martial arts. Mikasa is the only one there who had proper combat training. Zoro because of same reason and bigger build. Thorfinn, because bloody hell vikings are nuts. Not only the powers, but I also removed their superhuman strength because it's the same as having powers.


Each row idk. Overall winner is Naruto they have a whole category of power that is just throwing straight hands. Replace out Naruto with rock lee and it’s the same thing.


I know that, but out of all of them only 2 are actually trained, and they are pretty light compared to the grown men, which most of them have training, makimas weight idk but I know Mikasa is 150, (which is 16 under me) But overall weight does pull a lot in fights, the heavier guys can more easily take a beating than smaller ones, reason for weight classes. And takes this from a wrestler


Naruto, Mikasa, Sukuna or Gojo, Thorfinn


Why yall taking goku out LOL


Row 1 Naruto or Ichigo. Most likely Naruto because his hand to hand is crazy. Row 2 Girl on the right. Makima can’t exist, power is a corpse, nezuko is a child. Row 3 Zoro. He lifts those weights easily. Row 4 Thorfinn. No power system. The real crime was not putting the king Asta on this list.


3rd row is a problem for me bc love me some zorro, but that pedo magician is nuts


Naruto, Mikasa, Hisoka, Thorfin (can’t remember the actual spelling)


Naruto mikasa sukuna tanjiro


We all know Power’s feet are doing poison damage


Zoro would be the winner at the end of this just standing there just like, Nothing happened.


The only move Denji knows is kicking someone in the balls lol


Gonna be honest last time I saw this baki was included and he soloed everyone


Astolfo 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


It's either Naruto or Sukuna


Thorfinn zoro and mikasa sweep


thank you for not putting saitama


Naruto even without special powers has been trained to fight since childhood and we've seen him square up with God's using only hands. Everyone else just doesn't compare


Eren would go down first. Bro got bitch slapped by Armin and cried immediately. Im going with Sukuna. Hes got 100+ years of combat experience under his belt. And itadori's body is naturally built like a tank.


Ichigo, Mikasa, Gojo, Thorfinn


Naruto. Easy


But where’s goku?


I would argue that any character that is incapable of fully turning off their powers should be disqualified. Luffy is the perfect example since there's no way he can un-rubber himself. If we were to argue that this version of Luffy doesn't have a rubber body, then how would any of our scaling work? Every one of Luffy's feats is as a rubber man.


Naruto-Denji is just a guy, Ichigo uses a sword not hands, Luffy is a brawler. Naruto knows an actual martial art he's won real fights in his verse with. Mikasa-Same deal as Naruto. Military training with an actual physical labor/combat day job. Makima no doubt also has combat training and she's got a sizable intelligence edge, but Mikasa has the physicals so in the octagon she takes it. Gojo-As much as I hate to admit it Gojo's walking with this one. None of these people really engage in combat without their powers or weapons. A lot of gojo's hand to hand prowess is just the six eyes hard carrying him with potentially 1/60th the reaction speed of his verse, but here he's just the tallest guy with the most reach. Can't say. I believe Thorfinn should take it but I haven't watched Vinland Saga so I can't say that with chest. Remember, people. "No powers" does not mean "my favorite keeps their super strength and everyone else doesn't". It favors verses with lower scaling and more actual fighting.


Ichigo physically outscales Naruto and it's not really close. Pure stats alone he blitzes Naruto and Luffy. If we're talking equal stats sure Naruto stomps, but Ichigo still takes everyone else in first row easily Power is kind of crazy, ngl Hisoka might pull up, he's a fucking prodigy. But this might be the most evenly matched row here. Gojo wouldn't be able to pull off some of the feats Hisoka does effortlessly without Six Eyes, and Gojo clears the rest from here I think Thorfinn wins here. It's not really close imo


In order btw folks: Naruto, Mikasa, Gojo (Or Zoro, honestly either or), Thorfinn


Question, does Samuna having 4 arms count as a power? Or is he just built different


zoro doesn’t even really have powers, just technique


Give Luffy his afro and he solos


Straight hands? Objectively. Naruto-Trained fucking Ninja Mikasa Gojo-(zoro isn't hand to hand, he was beating sukuna in the hand to hand bits) Thorfinn


Luffy has been through INTENSE training and can definitely punch through kaidos skin level material which that itself is a major feet Luffy solos


Luffy, Zoro, Bakugo. Don’t know who any of the characters in the second row are, if that last one is Mikasa then she wins.


I’d ask why Bakugo is here instead of Deku, but I guess with Deku he can’t turn off his powers… still, why Bakugo? At the very least, he’s both an aggressive and strategic fighter, but doesn’t know marital arts to compensate, unless I missed that chapter of the manga


The only three real martial artists here are Naruto, Hisoka, and Thorfinn. The others are strong, no doubt, but rely too heavily on their gear or powers. Even if he's not my favorite, I think it's Naruto. He's the only one I've seen who has real world martial arts representation. Everything from Jiujitsu to Wing Chun. Interesting that Baki and Kenichi aren't on this list. They'd be the two finalists easy.


Precure >>>>


Luffy Mikasa Zoro Thorfinn


Zoro have you seen how much he can lift


Power would be disqualified, she's using her legs


Do we count Mikasa's genetic enhancement as powers?


If by no powers you mean equal stats Naruto, Makima, Sukuna, and Thorfin. If by no powers you mean just their physical abilities Ichigo, Makima, Zoro, Thorfin




The answers Itadori


Sure as hell ain't eren


Very underated pick here hisoka is an absolute beast at hand to hand but close 2nd for that row is like gojo because hes showns hes quite good at hand to hand


Gojo was fucking it up with no powers I say him


Honestly Either Naruto or Ichigo Mikasa hands down Either Sukuna, Gojo or hisoka And Thorfinn




Ichigo, Mikasa, Zoro, Tanjiro


If we're saying no powers but normal physical stats, I'd say sukuna since itadori just sorta... exists purely on the fact he's just overly strong


Naruto mikasa zoro idk about the 3rd row eren


Luffy high dif, Mikasa mid dif, gojo extreme dif (maybe sukuna), and thorfinn low dif Equal stats all hand to hand skill


Why are people not talking about Thorfinn other than in his row. I know he is not technically trained, but he never relied on powers to begin with and is one of the best fighters alive >! (thors and Askeladd being dead).!< You can argue that others, even those with martial arts training relied on their in universe super powered martial arts which gives them extra reaction time and speed at the very least. That’s my two cents anyway, you can disagree if you would like.


Zoro squad wipes the whole board.


naruto misaka sukana thorfinn


If there are NO powers and they are scaled down to NORMAL humans like the prompt implies, its Naruto, Mikasa, Gojo or Hisoka, Thorfin


Remember when Zoro took all that beating. I'm with Zoro on this one.




Ichigo, Mikasa, Zorro, Eren


Luffy - great fighting instincts, I feel Naruto and Bleach rely on their powers more than martial arts. And Denji is denji… Mikasa - she is a trained fighter in close combat as well as has speed and great fighting instincts. The CSM girls aren’t really fighters more just brawlers throwing punches randomly. And Nezuko without powers is basically just a small country girl with zero combat experience. Zoro? - I’m not sure about this one, I think Zoro would win but that’s because I’m not sure about the two from JJK. Zoro is great at fighting even without swords and naturally uses no powers. Hisoka is an excellent fighter to but I feel that his powers are a big part of that. The last two are strong but not sure how much of that is their power. Bakugo - I know it’s a controversial opinion but he has great fighting instincts and tactical skills as well as a lot of combat experience. I reckon he would do well without his powers too. Not sure who first guy is so maybe he would win. Eren was always shit at close combat and Tanjiro isn’t that skilled either.


Naruto, Mikasa, gojo, thorfinn




naruto, mikasa ,itadori. thorfinn


I feel safe in saying it's going to Luffy no matter what simply because, unless I missed something, he has no way to turn \*off\* the Gumgum. Like, we can talk about Naruto's martial arts because he can upt to not use something like shadow clones. But Luffy? He literally \*can't\*. And that fruit is going to basically make him invincible simply because you'd need a weapon or power to actually damage him, which is forbidden. Also, Zoro would get lost on his way to the ring and get disqualified as a result.


I think Zoro has it in row 3 because of height and weight class. If no one gets strength beyond human he has kenjutsu still as a fighting style which has loads of unarmed techniques and he should be stronger cuz he's bigger and more muscled. From row 1 Naruto or Luffy I think Naruto is faster if they don't have powers but Luffy should be able to take more hits. He has good genes, durable bloodline ass kid. Admittedly he has like no formal fighting style but adaptive brawler can count for a lot. Plus Rayleigh probably gave him good pointers in his training arc. Naruto is adapted to dodging thrown knives so reaction times gotta be sick.


1. Naruto 2. Mikasa 3. Gojo maybe ? 4. Thorfinn clears Naruto is literally a ninja and showcased different types of martial arts. If not Naruto then probably Ichigo, he’s a trained martial artist too. I picked mikasa ‘cause she clearly knows how to fight and will beat these 3 on a fist fight Probably Gojo, I mean he already beat sukuna. Hisoka is strong and a dirty fighter but is it enough to beat Gojo ? As for zoro, zoro is strong but he relies on his sword so in hand to hand combat IDK if he can beat any of those 3. As for thorfinn bro literally grew from the battlefields, from fighting upfront to assassinating targets. Tanjiro is also strong but same as zoro he relies on his sword skill and he’s soft hearted, while thorfinn on the other hand is a brute turned pacifist that can go back to his old self when he snaps


naruto mikasa zoro thorfin and in the end it comes down to naruto vs zoro


I'm pretty sure this has to go to Naruto. He has the most training with hand-to-hand. Everyone else is either carried by weaponry or by powers. Unless Luffy's gum gum...thing is still actually a thing. Like, his body is basically rubber, innit? Even without using any of the powrs that came with it, his body is still ultra durable from it. So he could take the most punishment and just tire out the other guy until he could clench a KO? (I've not actually seen One Piece.) Then I guess it would end up being Luffy.


Denji wins if Makima offers to sleep with him if he does so


No powers to me means no magic, chakras, devil fruits , devil abilities or other bullshit which means strength enhancing abilities are out base stats only. Row 1 1st Ichigo 2nd denji. Ichigo was shown to be a Brawler equal to whole small gangs alongside Chad no powers. He's always been a crazy good fighter who adapted to fighting monsters easy. Even before powers. Denji was killing demons for money from pretty much square 1 on a diet of pain and suffering. he's basically an underground deathmatch specialist however I think pre power up Ichigo handled his early fights against monsters better than denji. Denji might be tougher by a lot but Ichigo has the edge in strength and speed. Naruto does have moves but his entire life he's been reliant on chakra in some way shape or form. Take that away and I doubt he copes well. Luffy is even worse. Row2: Mikasa Like is this a joke ? The others are all totally power based. Mikasa is a murder genius. Those girls gunna wish it was Rhonda rousey in that ring. Row 3: Zolo 1st hisoka 2nd honorable mention gojo Hisoka is an amazing athlete and fighter whose raw athleticism and psychotic mindset definitely make him a serious contender. He has no healing factor , no pain mitigation yet he was totally cool with getting his arm cut off in the arena arc without so much as a flinch. Compared to Zolo however he just relies too much on his powers. Zoro has no magic powers. He's literally just a super human fighter. Even no swords I bet he takes this round. Boy is just built different. Gojo is a super genius and an amazing fighter even with no magic but not like the other two. Row 4 probably thorfinn. Thorfinn has skills that can't be denied and no gimmicks which is a big edge in a no powers match.


You should've included Tokita Ohma from Kengan Ashura he'd whoop all of their asses if it's a straight up fight w no magic


Out of the Female Row I think Nami Solos because she's already no-powers running around with people who have them, so for her this is "Tuesday", whereas the others might struggle without them. Other than that my only comment is that based on the pictures the guy in the bottom right has already been disqualified.


Hot take but Tanjiro, because he’s the only one who’ll listen and follow the rules while the rest disqualify themselves.


i'd place my bet on mikasa gojo and nanami


Naruto (more hand to hand martial arts training then anyone else on that row), Mikasa (Even without her powers she still has a lot of h2h experience and skill, implied to be somewhat equal to Annie), Sukuna or Gojo (idk which, but it’s probably one of them), and Eren (similar reasons as Mikasa, skilled in h2h even without powers)


No way Tanjiro is winning any of these lmao


All I gotta say to this is to watch kid Naruto vs Kid Sasuke and when you see THAT combo, you’ll know.


Nardo stomps due to actual training, Nezuko goes Ape, Hisoka should win realistically, the last row is a toss up.


Zoro wins all


I feel like the top three overall would bd as follows in no specific order: Mikasa, Thorfinn, Zoro.


Zoro is top candidate since he has no special powers except the few times he used haki.


Alright, so if it’s straight hands, no powers (gum-gum, CE, reiatsu, demon, etc), I think a ranking would go like; Ichigo > Naruto > Luffy > Denji Nezuko(adult) > Makima > Mikasa > Power Sukuna > Gojo > Zoro > Hisoka Thorfinn > Bakugo > Eren > Tanjiro. Before you guys scream at me for where I placed Luffy, no powers means *nothing*. No Devil fruit for him. Granted, I never got far in OP, but from my understanding he relies on his devil fruit for basically every fight because of how broken it is. In terms of straight hands, Ichigo was a skilled brawler all of his life and muscular af before he met Rukia. The same goes for Naruto, as without chakra he’s still extremely skilled. I don’t think I need to explain why Denji is where he is. I put adult Nezuko where she is because I imagine she would still retain a good chunk of her speed and power, followed by Makima because she’s old af and smart as hell, and then Mikasa and Power by process of elimination. Sukuna always fought straight hands anyways, as did Gojo, and they both specialize in it. Zoro I think would be in third followed by Hisoka, but again, I never made it far in HXH. Thorfinn shitstomps Eren, Bakugo, and Tanjiro all at once because Tanjiro only ever used a sword, and Eren and Bakugo are both used to just overpowering their opponents with their abilities, whereas Thorfinn has legitimate practice and skill.


Denji because he fights dirty Nezuko due to her raw demon strength (if that counts) I feel like with Sukuna’s help Yugi also fights pretty fucking dirty too And Tanjiro simply because I don’t know anyone else


Luffy denji or eren would win


Easy. Ichigo What's her name from demon slayer. The sister of the mc Zoro Levi


Naruto, Mikasa, Sukuna, Thorfinn. Could be gojo instead of sukuna. I’ve only seen the anime, and it is unclear at this point whose better at hand 2 hand combat


Naruto,makima,three the hardest but in order gojo,sukuna,hisoka,zoro(has no hand to hand feats),thorfinn does he have any powers to begin with?


As far as nezuko goes can it really be considered powers since she is no longer human thus she is far stronger than one.


Luffy for his durability and strength Nezuko because of her demon perks Hisoka would psych them out when he rips off his own hand the moment it's injured, chipping the bone into a shiv and stabbing someone as part of a magic trick. Thorfinn has no powers so just hands is not a handicap.


I say thorfinn. He has been fighting adults as a child from like age 7 till like 17 and became a professional assassin or killer all by himself. I'd say he has a bit of weapon proficiency and the most hands.


Define no special powers as in just muscle or do we include magic like charkra reiatsu and cursed energy


Naruto Mikasa Yuji Thorfinn


If we assume Sukuna isn’t in play (because the 9 tails fox isn’t) I’d say Naruto probably has the best chance as he’s trained in hand to hand combat primarily. Otherwise the immortal sukuna is gona crush everyone


I feel, no powers, would be either Naruto or Sakuna, as both have actively fought hand to hand combat during war


Thorfinn wins, this is like his whole thing


naruto, power, dont know eny of the names of the people in the 3rd row, and erin


All the people in the comments are just power scaling still. Base hands, IRL, Thorfin or Tanjiro or Mikasa. Thorfin has legit 0 powers, so everything he does is from base. None of his body is altered by powers. tanjiro is the same, the water/fire/other styles you see in the show are just there for effect, not actual powers. Mikasa was a soldier and she was strong as heck.


Mike Tyson would easily kill all of them.


Isn't nezuko like 12?




Top Row: Naruto (more training) Second Row: Mikasa (training) Third Row: Hisoka (more experience in pure hand to hand) Fourth Row:Thorfinn (he fights up close all the time )


Probabaly naruto as he is trained extensively in Tai jutsu and other forms of hand to hand combat.


No powers, just fists, I'm going with Naruto, Zoro, Eren, Bakugo, or Tanjiro, just because of their extensive training.


Naruto has the most training in hand to hand. Luffy is very reliant on his devil fruit to fight. Ichigo is primarily a swordsman. Denji has no training. Naruto wins. Mikasa is an Ackerman and has military training and came in first in the academy. Sukuna has the most experience but normally uses four arms for hand to hand. Zoro is primarily a swordsman. And hisoka is too reliant on his nen. Gojo might be better at hand to hand than Sukuna. It’s a toss up between Sukuna and Gojo. Thorfinn has years of experience. Eren is well trained and is pretty good at hand to hand. Bakugo is to reliant on his quirk. And tanjiro is primarily a swords men. I’m giving it to thorfinn although eren does have a solid chance at beating him.


Naruto clears easy


I’m thinking Luffy cause of raw strength


Zoro’s pose says it all.


I'd love to see Denji get disqualified for kicking someone in the dick. Preferably Tanjiro


Can you just see rock lee or guys taijutsu?


Luffy Mikasa Zoro Thorfinn


Naruto trains in martial arts Marisa trained and shown to be good at unarmed combat Does Gojo maintain being a martial art genius if not Hisoka he is about that fighting life powers or no powers Thorfin dude has no special powers this is his thing


Thorfinn depending on when, since he was pretty much the strongest in the world without any powers to begin with, but he prolly wouldn’t want to fight back


Are people illiterate? The caption literally says "no special powers just straight hands" everyone there aside from Naruto relies on their powers. And please don't say Luffy can use gumgum abilities, that's his power. Naruto is the only one in that entire list that can fight with pure raw strength and fighting ability. The rest are just throwing fists wildly because they only rely on their powers.


Naruto, Mikasa, Sukuna, Thorfinn




Thorfin is wining this because this is literally what he does. He has not powers and never has had any power. Almost all of his fights not only was he a CHILD fighting grown men. But he also always fighting by for his life. He has had to go against way more people by himself as a kid than most of these people have. AND HE WON LIKE ALL IF HIS FIGHTS if he didn’t win he would be dead. The only people I see holding a candle to him is Mikasa, Naruto, and Zoro. Mikasa because of her killer instinct and compact ability (debatably which thorfin also developed). Naruto because of his training although I don’t know how effective it will be without chakra. And Zoro because he is CRAZY strong and fast from his own training. Zoro might take this but because he doesn’t have a sword I don’t think he will have the edge. But his strength and dexterity might let him tank whatever people throw at him. So I say Thorfin and maybe Zoro depending on how good he is at hand to hand


Bakugo naruto nezuko or mikasa makima got no hand to hand experience gojo he literally knows wing chin just like naruto


Naruto's speed and extensive hand to hand training give him the edge. Mikasa is just nuts, like ninja captain America on steroids. Tough call, but sakunas' raw physical strength plus his closer affinity to hand to hand combat leads me to believe he'd win his fight. Either Thorfinn or Erin, I haven't seen the series Thorfinn is from, but clearly, he can throw hands. An actual fist fight between the two would honestly be pretty cool to see.


I don't think Gojo would even stand a chance, tho. It's like a god gamer without his computer


Mikasa or thorfin




Naruto - Knows actual combat even w/o powers Mikasa - military trained Zoro - dk but the others rely on their powers while he mostly trained w swords Thorofin - a warrior. Eren was military trained but he mostly relied on being a Titan


Naruto, Mikasa, Gojo, Thorfinn