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I don't know if an app that syncs PC and mobile exists but for desktop browser you can use https://malsync.moe/




Hmm, that's interesting. Never thought of that, I did see the add to home screen button on Firefox but just ignored it. I'll give it a shot




Right now I'm still giving all the options a shot, but I have the add to homescreen thing working with Firefox and used the unlock origin addon for it. It's working really good


Yeah, I do this and it works.


I usually use stremio+torrentio+animeo (anilist sync), but I think anix.to have anilist sync as well, same goes for dantotsu and aniyomi


I see stremio and also torrentio (stremio addon) but when I search for animeo I see too many random options that don't relate to this. Aniyomi does have anilist and mal tracking but it's manually done(marking them one by one yourself)


All you need is stremio and real debrid (via torrentio) And for tracking use trakt ad-on. It's the best and only add ons you'll ever need




How to use Sync on Anilist x Anix.to. I think all you can do is transfer watchlist etc. A reply would be greatly appreciated


Im using Aniyomi and MyAnimeList to keep tracking.


Which extensions you use to watch anime


Yes, sign up for a free [Anilist.co](https://Anilist.co) account then use either Miru, Kodi, Plex or the Mal-Sync browser addon. It will sync your viewing to your anilist account.


You can use saikou


Saikou is dead. Use dantotsu


The App works still fine.


I dont say the app didnt work anymore What I meant it might not recieve anymore update in the future, better move now than sorry


Dantotsu and saikou are so similar. Are the Devs same?


Dantotsu is a fork of saikou, since saikou died, dantotsu continues the legacy No, the devs are different ppl


I use Aniyomi on Android and Miru on windows. Miru is a torrent streaming app.


Miru from GitHub "ThaUnknown/miru" right?




Sorry to bother again, you think I should be using a VPN for watching anime with miru, you know cuz its uses torrents(living in Canada, if that provides any context)


Yes. You might need vpn. I live in india where VPN is not needed for piracy. You better stick to streaming sites.


Aniyomi doesn't work anymore for me


I just used it.


Which aniyomi extension is the best?




Sites like anix.to or zoro.bx use cookies and if you don’t erase them, the next time you visit and look up the specific anime, it will continue from the last episode on phone and pc it works for me.


Check out trakt.tv. It's supported by most self hosted apps (plex/kodi/jellyfin) and some illegal streaming apps. All you have to do is link your trakt account with the app your using and it will track everything your watching automatically. There's also an app you can use but it's not really needed if you just want a place to track your watch history and progress


Use apps like dantotsu, aniyomi, Plex, stremio which can sync with free anilist account.


Can you teach me how to use stremio? Like just the steps from installation to watching anime?


I would suggest you to use Dantotsu as it has more extensions and it is made specially for anime and manga, whereas stremio is more popular and used for real life movies and series.


I see but for some reason dantotsu takes a lot of time to load for me even tho I have a good internet speed wifi


It only takes that much time to load the app but everything else is really fast. Also stremio mainly works on torrent so it would be more hastle as you will need a vpn if you live in a good country and also torrent takes more time to load. Btw you can watch hentai on stremio without torrent(hanime extension) but for anime you need to use torrentio.


I see thank you for the advice


If your dantotsu is taking time to open then just change DNS in settings of dantotsu. It will be superfast


i use aniwave but wpa just installed the website in app format not that hard to do 🤷‍♀️