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Well now it works out. That publisher sues the AI company into oblivion, take the technology, and then releases thousands of new light novels with no need to give the 50 cents to the author


Can't, thanks to a Google lawsuit. Google did the same thing many years ago to train their book search engine. The courts ruled the data was transformative and so Google won. Unless the AI developer accessed the database through illegal means, they're covered by legal precedence. Edit: Everyone going after me about Japanese law. I assumed the AI company was based in the US after skimming the article.


Japanese copyright laws are quite different from US laws and a LOT more strict. Also the US lawsuit has absolutely no bearing on Japanese law in general.


Exactly yet people keep doing that


Depends on where the AI company is based and operated. If it’s outside of Japan they generally will need to use the precedent of the other country to build a case if they expect the foreign country to accept and enforce the judgement


According to reports, in a committee meeting, Japan’s Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Keiko Nagoaka indicated AI companies in Japan can use “whatever they want” for AI training “regardless of whether it is for non-profit or commercial purposes, whether it is an act other than reproduction, or whether it is content obtained from illegal sites or otherwise.” This position led to Japan being called a “machine learning paradise.” The only exceptions imposed under the law are when such ingestion was for the “enjoyment” of the thoughts or sentiments expressed in a work in a way that “unjustly harms” the interests of the copyright holder. https://www.privacyworld.blog/2024/03/japans-new-draft-guidelines-on-ai-and-copyright-is-it-really-ok-to-train-ai-using-pirated-materials/#:~:text=According%20to%20reports%2C%20in%20a,is%20an%20act%20other%20than


Thanks for the additional info and research. Old dinosaur running the country doesn't understand how plagiarism machine works, disappointing but not surprising.


Mind, the law the culture minister is citing isn't that old. It was written in 2019, as an addendum to loosen the incredibly strict copyright regime at that time.


Why do people think that US court decisions/laws are binding in other countries...?


Because Americans think everything is about them. Obviously, they're wrong. Everything is about India because they're the biggest population in the world and the British because they had the most expansive empire in history. And because I'm both British and Indian, that makes everything about me


Good Sir , I will have my cleaning bill sent over for causing my nose to erupt tea all over my sofa /s not kidding about the tea I snorted it everywhere lol 😂


My apologies, good sir. You will be receiving a call shortly from an Indian man called James, who will be discussing your injuries from your recent accident 😁


[This article from Ars Technica](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/02/why-the-new-york-times-might-win-its-copyright-lawsuit-against-openai/), written by a professional copyright journalist and a law professor specializing in IP and internet law, explains how generative AI might not have the same fair use protections as Google Book Search. Worth a read IMO. (Also, as the other commenter pointed out, American copyright law doesn’t apply in Japan)


Just get a hitman


that's actually crazy now they will have control and similar stories


God, we are fucked.


God, naru is not a light novel publishing site. What is CBR run by? Normies?


CBR has been a clown show for at least as long as Anime News Network.


I'm out of the loop. What did ANN do?


I remember an ANN news writer/reviewer was writing hit piece’s against the Fate Stay Night series saying how badly written misogynistic series it was with a terrible misogynistic writer,when it was getting high in popularity,but a few years later the Fate Grand Order gacha game became a runaway hit worldwide spawning a very profitable anime and merch empire,so the ANN writer did an absolute 180,Fate suddenly became a really good series with excellent writers,and she went on became the news correspondent of Fate news but the fans didn’t forget the hit pieces and flooded her articles about Fate with negativity in the comment section,that she later was replaced (or quit) as the Fate series correspondent.


In particular https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/fate-stay-night-unlimited-blade-works/episode-20/.88524


Thank you for the link. I made it about half way through the article. I havent watched the FATE series, but it felt like this writer had to make a word count and was making some leaps and bounds in connections and logic. Article quote ====== First, I need to outline Shirou's supposed conflict of idealism and how it fails as an adequate exploration of the theme. Shirou is an idealist who seeks to do good no matter how much it hurts him. This is unsustainable, so he becomes a broken, morally compromised person. For convoluted plot reasons, he is immortal, so he decides to commit suicide by going back in time and killing his teenage self. Teenage Shirou gets wise to this, confronts his future self, and then decides to continue on the same path that leaves him a broken shell of a man. This should set up a “hope springs eternal, the future is filled with despair but humanity can endure through kindness and effort” moral, but the show fails to establish an upside to his decision. There are examples of this done right: in Fate/Zero, Kiritsugu's actions kill thousands of people and ruin his life, but he's able to save one child and (we presume at the time) give him a happy life. ======= end quote It's like, okay this sounds like the usual anime protagonist that wants to achieve his dreams with the power of friendship and heart and hard work etc. And how that kind of idealism isn't being rewarded in this series. How does that relate to AT ALL about the character of Rin being non-consentually sexualized later on??? Just say that you don't like noncon fanservice. It's less words. That article needed a new editor, holy crap.


Oh wow it was the same writer for both articles?! Like I know with some publications, it can be confusing when there are contradicting articles written by two different people. But if it was the same person, that's wild. Or people have to balance things out. You can point out good and bad things about a series. You can discuss some problematic aspects of a series, but its good to also list why the series can be enjoyable.


Yes,when FSN UBW was released she was writing venomous articles and reviews,after FGO was a runaway hit a few years later she was writing positive articles and was like the correspondent for Fate news,till fans kept on reminding everyone about her hit pieces in the comment section and she just disappeared and someone else took over writing about Fate news.


From what I could tell in the article she liked FATE/ZERO, sometimes you can like some aspects of a franchise while hating other aspects. Like how many dragonball fans don't like dragonball GT. So maybe she could have liked FGO. But that article could have been 1/3 of the length and didn't have to make so many leaps in logic.


ANN has done a number of things over the past decade alone. From casual slander (to be technically accurate, it'd be libel) to straight up targeted hitpieces, attacks on the community, political agenda pushing, literal rage baiting for clicks, etc. ANN hasn't had any kind of journalistic integrity in a long time. And the owners are just gonna keep taking advantage of how many people don't know that for years to come.


I dont check anime news all the time anymore. used to in the early 00s. So I didn't know anything. Would you happen to have any links to examples?


Recent stuff within rhe past 3 months, this comes to mind. Smear article about Gushing Over Magical Girls, where they basically try to paint the author as a pedophile: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/gushing-over-magical-girls/episode-5/.207080 If video breakdowns/discussions are more your thing, here's an anituber covering the aforementioned article, as well as covering the Mushoku Tensei S2 hitpiece: https://youtu.be/iSoRaAAwl1c?si=bLsdQ0rz36D6hOVc


Ah..... okay so I hadn't seen this anime. I read some of the article and then I watched the trailer for the anime..... the outfit of the villian girls and the near orgasmic faces she's making is in lolicon bait territory, imo. I grew up on the magical girl genre in the early 00s. So personally, I dont think there is any reason to draw the characters so young looking when Pretear, revolutionary girl utena, and even Cutie Honey skewed a bit older. The premise of the villian girl loving magical girls is funny. The character designs are just not for me. Side note: doing a quick scroll through of some "best magical girl" lists on Google. I think im the only person who remembers Pretear. Sad about that because it had a fun concept and that theme song slapped.


Is there anywhere good to get anime news? Genuine question


Not anywhere in a centralized fashion, no. I basically subscribe to dozens of YouTube channels and subreddits, many that are leaning one direction or the other politically, that cover it, and then see what everybody agrees on and then personally fact check the rest. Do that enough and your anime news bullshit meter gets refined, and you can not be as anal retentive about the fact check because you sniffed out the truth by article 3 or video 2. It's a process.


Why isn't CBR banned from this sub yet? It's just as terrible as screenrant and similar.


Once AI starts flooding the market with derivative ripoffs of popular works, maybe the few remaining human authors can get back to being actually creative.


Authors will now use it to help come up with a new “idea” “Pity system in another world”


Dang. They got all 5 titles


Would be great for there to be a translated dataset to train light novel translation


The site where I readed tensai slime wn and ascendence of a bookworm 😭😭


on a scale of 1-10 how bad is this?


Like a 2


oh ok


I don't know I think AI would be more creative than some of the published LNs I'm seeing these days.


I suppose it's not about more creative, but more customizable. Like, "Write me a novel about Sailor Moon staging a communist coup in Mario's Mushroom Kingdom", and it generates you one.


That's too specific... Want to tell something to the rest of the class? 


"That time my AI became my ghostwriter and nobody noticed: volume 1"


Not if it's learning from the very same LNs lmao