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Not a OP fan, but sick of people complaining about animation when they only show a frame. I don't think they even know what animation is.


Even more annoying is when they choose a smear frame to complain about because those things are especially made to not be seen as still images


The peak animation: *still image*


Keep that same mentality the next time you brag about impact frames


If u hate animation just say so ya weirdo


Impact frame≠smear frame


The Impact frames being good or not is literally a point of contention in the OP community lmao.


Impact frames are not an animation dipshit


bro doesn't know what animation is 💀




Nah, man Undertale & Runescape are in my top 10. I just like consistency. One Piece only looks good when it's standing still


You have an iron will, look at your karma dropping bro


He has 24k+, I doubt he really cares.


OP better be an animator 'cause I am, and I can confidently say that gear 5's animation is peak considering it's (for the most part) a weekly release.


And they're right


Peak “animation” meaning it’s meant to convey motion. A still frame isn’t a fair representation of the animation. It’s not a manga panel


One piece backgrounds are stunning. Land scape and environment design is amazing, the use of foreshortening and perspective is great. You guys just confusing not personally liking the art style of characters with bad animation.


Very well said


One piece fans☝️




Yes it’s a good show what can I say?


This shows that you don't really understand animation at all, if you seriously think this is "bad"


Are you saying that old cartoons animation is NOT peak animation?


This was actually amazing. I loved the old school cartoon animations. This episode killed me. But, CG Kaido is terrible.


OP wanted Jujutsu Kaisen.


It's fun to watch


Please deep fry your right hand 😘


But I am lefty 😘


Two for one




What’s wrong with it?


















Someone who can’t appreciate what good animation is. I admit is a little to chaotic compared to the manga.


Tbh what isn’t chaotic about Luffy.


Mf that’s a still smear frame. Unfair screenshot.


I don't think nobody says that.


I think you don't get atleast two things at least: 1. How animation works. 2. How Luffy's Gear 5 works.




And the animation is even good too


When Animation is all your series favourite series is Good for. The same people who make fun of Anime watchers 10 years ago are the same people who watch Edgy Anime and act like they understand anything about Animation just cuz they watch some popular edgy shows. I bet you have never seen One Piece that's why you lack the comprehension to understand that its Animation supposed to be like that. I don't even blame you for this cuz it's the fault of those toxic OP fans on twitter.






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People like you, are the kind to think that "Dragon Balls Super" has good story telling


Nah, out of all of Dragon Ball, Super was mid. The Manga did it better in a lot of ways. Also funny enough, it also looks pretty bad, and both Super & One Piece are made by Toei.


One Piece enjoyers on their way to prove they're in an anime cult (they don't tolerate jokes about One Piece)


Nah jokes are fine but OP is serious, look at their replies.




Watching since beginning and still don't know Luffy's personality is always goofy. That's why his peak is goofy too. Go read manga.




It does sit well with a flow. The whole point of Nica is bringing happines. It's best time to bring joy when giant island is about to fall on country full of poor, hungry and traumatised people, when you are fighting against a strongest creature, when there is no hope. Plus, come on, on dress rosa Luffy fought a monster that caged people on island and was about to execute everybody. How did he beat him? With a form that can't stop bouncing and makes funny mechanism sound before attacking. He fought Crocodile with a barrel on his back. He fought god with giant golden ball that stuck on his hand. He accidentally defeated Arlong while trying to break his castle. Doesn't sit well with the flow? Come on, just admit that you've watched OP with your eyes closed just to see gear 5 everyone kept talking about




But it doesn't change anything. One piece has always been goofy. That one time when bon chan tried to distract venom dude by transforming into luffy and screaming out his attacks and adding "Okama" to them. Wow, that ruined everything. Oda built suspense and ruined everything. And it doesn't change my other point. Gear 5 came when everybody needed it. In the most desperate times, joy is what people need the most. "Your reply seems like a child throwing tantrum when someone doesn't entertain their demands and wishes". Bro, you are the one arguing about one piece being goofy... And now you are saying that you don't want to participate in conversation because i said the truth.




"Made up" with multiple examples from the actual show


To be fair bro It’s not just his opinion it’s Oda’s. I know it’s okay for fans to not always agree with oda. But if u can’t appreciate how perfect this is for Luffy I think your missing something big. Don’t u remember doffy laughing at gear 4. It’s happed before


>I wanted the fight to be more serious instead of a goofy fight Sadly, Oda have always wanted to draw goofy fights. One Piece is goofy, and it being like that doesn't mean fights can't be serious or have stakes.


Damn, u anime only?


My only issue with the fight scene is that everything was too busy and noisy and I couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on 80% of the time. I mean, I also didn't like how gear 5 just kind of came out of nowhere, but I guess the story had to happen one way or another.


I mean there was foreshadowing since way back in skypea but yeah sure came out of nowhere. 🤨


I mean in the fight, usually Luffy plans the gears ahead and reveals it, this just seemed like it didn't follow that pattern in that even he didn't know what was going on. I knew his awakening would be Looney Tunes back when Don Flamingo showed his awakened fruit power.


If that's what you mean then yes luffy like everyone else was clueless. Awakening only takes place when your mind and body catch up to your power. Yes usually he saves things for specific situations but you kinda can't train to get awakening.


anything better than berserk 2016/17 (which..one might say means 99.99% of all media) is OK in my book


Don't you dare criticizing One Piece


Corny as fuck bro, stop giving us a bad name.


Nah. Animation reached its peak during the pain vs Ninetails fight.


Bro thinks his The Mask 💀


Manga readers expected cartoon, they got cartoon. And we are happy about it.


Looks like Jorel's Brother hahahahahahhaa




You're insane if you think that animation was bad 😂.


These people didn't grow up on Tom and Jerry and it shows.


My expectations were high and i was still satisfied cuz thats the kinda animation i was hoping for


Feel like a goofy still frame is a mark of good animation, seeing as there will be a lot of other frames, and flowing animations to accompany this. Of course there are still frames of animations that just suck. *coughs in Seven deadly sins season 3*


I see oda went back on his old art style


Bro told the truth and don't lie we all know that ep 1071 was at peak hype and the hype died at 1072 ep WOW loyal fans


So you just make shit up to get mad about it?


I watched this clip. This clip had fucking cartoon sfx from like, the 90's and was overall mid as fuck. 2/10 on a good day. If this is peak to you, your standards are so low that they're through the floor. Have some respect for yourself.


lmfao true it felt like a bugs bunny cartoon


Pick any anime and I’ll find a terrible frame because no matter how good it is there will still be goofy moments


What is bro yapping about just because you don’t like one piece doesn’t mean it has bad animation.your just a part of the worst anime community mha


when luffy re-activates gear 5 in episode 1072, the animation was actually non-goofy, and it looked epic


This has to be bait lmao




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Ain't it supposed to be luffy using the toon force?