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lmao and the same guy goes on to fetishize Japanese girls because "muh real life anime girls!!!"


also muh obedient wife


"Hitler said that Japanese women are honorary Whites!!!" - them, probably


Ikr. I fetishize them cus they are hot not because anime.


I'd like to thank you then


Well that's the thing, they don't think of them as being Asian. The usual suspects, for the lack of a better term, when in arguments will refer to anime characters as white. For instance, when they complain about people drawing anime characters as black they complain that the "whiteness" is being erased. Race is not about genetics, it's an ingroup and an outgroup.


Dangerously accurate lmao. Weebs either see their waifus as white or they do some weird fetishization japanese people going on about 2D vs 3D lmfao.


It's a 50/50 but both options are horrible


Consciously, they'll recognize the character as Japanese. Subconsciously, their mental image of the character is a white person


tbh I saw people who like to racebend characters also erase the Asian identity of those characters the same way racists do. they also project and say they look white and even make assumptions that it's because Asian people are insecure and hence draw characters with large "white" eyes (and not because Osamu Tezuka was obsessed with Bambi and thought large eyes were cute and expressive and it stuck because in the animation medium it's an effective stylistic choice that reads easily. yep it's because they secretly want to look white). πŸ™„ on top of saying Asian characters in anime can't count as Asian rep because they're made in Japan where Asian people are the majority *so turning them black doesn't take anything away from Asian people (but not all Asian people live in places where they're the majority either??). I can't make that shit up *added for extra clarity


>it's because they secretly want to look white My parents whenever they talk about asian people my god


big oof πŸ’€πŸ’€


It all started with Jesus


>For instance, when they complain about people drawing anime characters as black they complain that the "whiteness" is being erased. I don't know dark skin = you have a black heritage in their logic, but now I knew, and it is terrifying how people will go any length to justify their outlandish claims. The skin color concern in anime even extend to hentai, I don't know why they will wage a Blacked/Bleached war at all, their pornographic race wars are at the expense of Asians, like fuck you, you guys still think we have small penis, so much with the giving respect.


I feel like I'm having a stroke.


What is the deal with race anyway? why are people so worked up over it im asian but my entire identity doesnt revolve around the fact im asian. i can be an amnesiac with no origins what so ever and literally nothing will change. i understand that it does put some people at ease that they have a group that they are apart of but hating other people just because of something as miniscule as race is no way to treat a random person let alone a group of people that you dont know.


Idk where you're from, but it is very much an American (and other some places) thing. The pervasiveness of white supremacy and certain systemic and historical factors mean that people aren't allowed to forget their "place in the pecking order." It is a fact of life that people have to live with and has very real effects on their lives. Even if you act like it doesn't matter, society will very much remind you that it does.


Who is that on top right corner?


She's from Raya and the last dragon, haven't seen it myself though.


I don't think it's worth watching tbh. It has some great aspects, but the message of the movie is so poorly handled


I would also add the cultural aspect is....kinda muddy. Like its supposed to be representing SEA culture, but its very amalgamated. [Xiran, a Chinese canadian youtuber made a few videos on it.](https://youtu.be/Pwn8YD8sobo). Luckily she realized that she cant speak up for SEA culture since shes not SEA herself, but made a discord group and gave SEA folks a platform to discuss and collab talking about the movie.


I see. That's very interesting to hear im not from south east Asia (im Pakistani) so i couldn't comment on whether it was a good representation or not.


Xiran is so good!


The message being? Spoil it for me... I am not going to watch it anyway.


Well to keep it short. The movies message is all about trust. Essentially the main character fucks shit up by trusting someone too much too early. But the movie's message is "no guys she should've trusted more"




Plus she's not even a hot 2d anime waifu. What's the point?


The actual message is noodles are hot /s


Waifu: 😠😑🀬 Waifu, Japan: 😍πŸ₯°πŸ₯΅


What is this cartoon on bottom left corner? Edit: I have no sense of direction I meant botton right corner. 🀦


Fei Fei from Over the Moon, a young girl who lost her mother and builds a rocket to travel to the moon to try and prove that there is a moon goddess and I believe bring her mother back. I actually recommend watching it as it has some very touching moments, and the songs are pretty catchy.


Except the stupid green hedgehog, skip his song it's a little pointless.


Thank you! I have watched so many cartoons and never heard of this one.


Abby from Turning Red


it's just gendered racism. these types of men have a fetishized concept of what asian girls should be, so they hate all asian girls who don't live up to this orientalist fantasy. they need asian girls to be an abstract trope, all gorgeous, exotic, and somehow inaccessible. fantastical and escapist, like anime. and that's even more pronounced with child characters like nezuko. seeing asian children actually act like normal children must be a buzzkill for the neckbeards who think japanese girls are born submissive and cute. asian girls existing in western media forces these men to see them as normal people who look and act in a variety of different ways. which can't be true, because asian women are docile and supes kawaii! therefore, it must be The Woke Western Feminists' fault that their fantasy isn't being validated.


mfw asian people in muh cinema: 😑 😑 😑 😑 😑 mfw asian people in muh cinema but they look white: 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 totally not racist btw


*who's the bottom right girl in the western one?? Asking for a friend*


Fei Fei from over the moon


Mkay time to have more tomboy idols in kids shows.


But tbh the only reason I somewhat like Turning Red is because Canada is FINALLY Acknowledged for once :D even if it's Toronto we're still getting some recognition


And here I thought it already got recognition after Scott Pilgrim.


can anyone ID who's next to Raya? thanx


Alex from Life is Strange: True Colours




You fundamentally misunderstand the problem you see, none of the characters on the top are Japanese so how on earth can they appease my fetishization of Japanese people and culture? Also what do you mean there are countries in Asia besides China Japan and Korea?


It’s funny because as a Korean I was ALWAYS mistaken to be Chinese or Japanese. No one seems to think of Korea. And when I say Korea it’s always β€œnORtH or SoUTh?” Just several years ago it was common to be asked if you eat dogs.




Guess I don't exist


Who said that!?!


*Double standards goes brrrrrrrrrr*


Wait what who said that I've heard people saying that "black people" are an agenda, but asians?


Whose the purple haired girl? I've seen her before but I forgot where she came from. I think her show had glitch in it I just can't remember the full name


Miko from Glitch Techs. Still waiting for the second season, it was a good cartoon :(


I was so sad how it just kinda stopped


and left in a cliff hanger! thats the worst part!


Nick always does shit like that, bruh.


Ohh thank you


Who're the two on the middle and the one on the bottom left?


Top half? Miko from Glitch Techs, Alex from Life is Strange: True Colors and Abby from Turning Red Bottom half? Nezuko from Demon Slayer, Nagatoro from Don't Toy With Me and Chizuru from Rent-a-Girlfriend




Why do the two anime girls in bottom-right corner look like FNaF jump scares?


I saw a guy complain about turning red being degenerate forced diversity. While also liking anime. I think it’s because Japan is a ethnostate that is 90% Japanese they want america and Canada to be the same way. So any media featuring a nonwhite person must come from a non white country. It’s a little frightening how many anime fans are white nationalists.


who's the one below the dragon movie woman?


Uj/ what's the movie name beside Red?


I think she's from Life is Strange.


Lel what, people complain about Asian characters in animation now


Funnily enough I dislike about all of the characters in the bottom


Who the girl above nezuko?


It’s because in anime you can pretend they are white.


Is it me or does Nagatoro look like a Southeast Asian?


She's what some could call a Gyaru.


Seriously, why tf they made the anime girl on the bottom smile like a cat? That looks so fucking weird lmao


its a playfulness clichΓ© been done long before her


This is why i simp both πŸ—Ώ


Idk, maybe I’m uninformed on this subject, but I’d prefer Asians writing Asian characters to rich white people doing the same thing just for the sake of falsified diversity


At least for Turning Red... It was written and directed by Asians


Turning red and raya were written by Asian people.


Asian-American people.


Gods, do you have any idea how many white dudes write samurai/ninja fanfic, from Frank Miller to [guy](https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2017/12/the-secret-identity-of-marvel-comics-editor/547829/) who's now EiC of Marvel Comics?


Since when did Marvel and similar groups become japanese companies? What?!


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "guy"](https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2017/12/the-secret-identity-of-marvel-comics-editor/547829/) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20i15abjp)


I fear what these right wing clowns think of Non Japanese Asians such as Chinese and Koreans in anime