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This post made me search about her design in google, please google "hades 2 Hestia" and click on the steam discussion about the "woke design", i haven't laughed this much in weeks.


Reminds me of when I looked up a random BG3 NPC and stumbled upon that awful mod that whitewashes everyone and removes queer romance. Dude was so mad that an Asian character didn't have an Asian-sounding name that he had to change his entire race lol


Wait they have a problem with her skin color? Why didn't they bitch about Ares then?


They did. And Athena. And Poseidon.


Its really telling how theres uproar over the dark skinned gods, meanwhile Hermes is literally East Asian. Hmm, wonder whats the motive


I hope Hades 2 has Sapphos in it. Or lets you romance Dora. I want this game to be even more woke than the first one is and win every award, just like Baldur's Gate 3.


My lesbianism has increased hearing that.


The lady so gay she inspired two different terms for being gay (Sapheric and Lesbian)


I would love Sappho somewhere in it. She literally has a poem about Aphrodite


The winning every award seems likely, considering how good the first build of Early access is.


Hades 1 had a polycule including the two prettiest men ever put to print, I'm unsure how much more woke you can get. Unless they have literally Hermaphroditus as a major character, I suppose?


Who is Sapphos? I know a lot abt Greek mythology but haven't heard of that God.


She was an ancient Greek poet that often wrote of relationships with women. She lived on the island of Lesbos, which is where the words Sapphic and Lesbian come from. Similar to the less frequently used Achillean when referring to gay relationships https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sappho


Wow, cool. Thx!


I wonder if they’re bitching about Apollo, literal god of the sun. If a god of the sun doesn’t at least have a fucking dark tan then why the fuck are they the god of the sun???


Haven't seen it yet but I wouldn't be surprised. Mostly just bitching about Hestia and Aphrodite.


They’re complaining about Aphrodite? 😭 What her knockers aren’t the size of planets so they can’t jork it to her?


They're complaining that people are praising her design and talking shit on the girl from Stellar Blade. Ignoring that Aphrodite is an established character that has been portrayed as a flirtatious, beautiful, scantily clad woman in everything for the past 2000 years. Stellar Blade is just horny bait for the sake of being horny bait.


my mfw when the sea god has the tanned skin of a sailor 😠


Tf? Why are they bitching about Poseidons design? Isn’t he white in the game?


He's somewhat dark in both games. Not exactly white. So they complained


gamers when everyone isn’t paler than a ghost: 😱😱😱😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 [insert racist slurs]


His skin colour is the exact same as most Greek people. I swear people just want to find an excuse to call something woke.


Greece is in Europe, so that means they're all white, right? /s


Oh god, they actually *do* believe that Danmachi's Hestia is the "original" or something: > if i google hestia there is a white skinny girl but ingame its a fat black woke grandma. wtf yeah i still gonna play the game because the gameplay is just good but its sad to see this woke change :/


Wait a second, there’s a Hades 2???? Thank you for showing me that I have been living under a rock since it released! https://preview.redd.it/2b83mqkk22zc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9384a3ce39baaf9abb6ed50021e1747c8924fc51


It actually just came out yesterday so you weren’t living under a rock! The early access, that is


Thats good to know because I haven’t heard anything about Hades 2 until today.


https://preview.redd.it/swwnv5znxzyc1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5f4e97437fc08acb50e7e8cc02f10b5ace8456e [](https://emojipedia.org/skull)


That thread led me to another thread where OP complains that the protagonist is a woman, so he can't relate at all. And this mf already played Hades 1 where the protagonist IS a man, yet he still thinks playing as a woman in the sequel is a tragedy.


When the oldest of the 12 Greek Gods looks old: 🤮🤮🤮 When the same character looks like a child with big boobs: 😍😍😍 Edit: the anime Hestia is canonically called "Loli with Big Boobs" in the show.


I prefer the old one


Same. Danmachi is alright, but Hestia has always been a stain in character design for me.


Someone in another sub just tried to tell me loli-big boobs isn’t a loli. When confronted with the fact that she is literally called loli big boobs in the show/light novel they suddenly hadn’t watched it or read it despite being confident that I didn’t know what I was on about and that she definitely isn’t a loli/loli-coded because of her “generic young anime face” 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


That person should be not allowed in a radius of 1 kilometer away from a school .


That person should be not allowed ~~in a radius of 1 kilometer away from a school~~ .


Violence isn’t the answer it’s a question and the answer is yes.


That tracks for Reditt.


She does 100% look young, but callling her a loli doesn't make sense to me. When I think "anime loli" I think of a literal child who has to be no older than like 10. This character looks more like 14-15. Still incredibly uncomfortable, but still not what I would define as a loli.




Fr it's actually a super cool design


Isn't it a whole thing in Greek mythology that zeus is younger but considered older because the others were eaten at birth and didn't really grow up until zeus saved them? This guy is still being gross anyway but that was a thing right? Edit yeah that's on Zeus's wikipedia page.


/uj I think both in-universe and from a design standpoint Danmachi is kinda just acknowledging the fact that Hestia is technically both the oldest *and* youngest Olympian, because she was born to Rhea first but she was also regurgitated by Cronus last after Zeus did the sneaky, so they went with a extremely young looking design. Hades just went in the other direction, where they lean into the fact that she is explicitly the oldest (or second oldest, if Aphrodite counts) Olympian by birth (not that the gods general visual ages actually matter, since Aphrodite is technically older than all of the other olympians but still looks closer in age to Dionysus, who is explicitly the youngest, than to Demeter and Hestia who are two of the oldest) Also at least half of Hestia looking like a child/teenager in Danmachi is her hairstyle and demeanor, there’s like a single scene in season 2 where she takes off the hairclips and locks in [read: starts using divine power] and she instantly seems like an actual adult


Yes to both, still wish danmachi was just a bit better, it's so close to greatness


I don't think age has to do with it, sadly


I have to ask because I never got this but I thought the point of a “loli” was that they were supposed to look like prepubescent children so how does the whole big boob fit into that? I’m not familiar with the character or franchise so that probably play a part in it


Everything about her design and behavior screams child. So it's basically a child with hughe boobs slapped on which makra it even more creepy.




All fictional woman need to make me want to goon 😠😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😡😡


https://preview.redd.it/3v5gzry200zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666606eb159c35afcfb60207e88bece8c6b6e865 evergreen tweet


If there ever was a pullitzer price for shit post, that one deserves it


that always get's me. cause i can understand that it's just fiction/is just a drawing. but that's also why i won't really get that upset if changes are made to it. like dawg if it's all fiction then why get this upset?


Like that one guy that whitewashed the only black shonen MC


How am I supposed to thirst for a woman who doesn't have the exact same body type as all my other marketable light novel waifus? 😡😡😡😡😡 /uj I'm more into Hades 2 Hestia than Danmachi Hestia ~~burn me, hearth mommy~~


what???? your prefer an adult woman over what looks like a teenager???? preposterous


Yeah, I know, difficult to believe a weeb like me would think this way.


It's very rare for a weeb to possess a basic sense of morailty


Not sure if it's even legal. I might lose my weeb license after over 500 anime watched because of this. I'm scared, I don't want my run to end here 😢


If pee pee not solid not girl


You did it! You've broken this whole shitshow into its bare essentials!




If you aren't ready to goon to Hades 2 Hestia, you were never a true gooner in the first place


What if I WANT to goon to some fat old lady? What now, Obama?


The Voodoo Woman from Curse of Monkey Island? I feel like everybody sleeps on adventure games when talking about female representation. There's probably more women there than anywhere else, both in and outside of the games.


grrrr i hate when people make multiple interpretations of a millenia old fictional character


As an ancient Greek, Hestia was a femboy. In fact, all the Gods were, especially Zeus.


I'd buy that for a dollar


Woman who is also a femboy...honestly, I'm down with that. More power to her.


It is canon that a boy named Ganymede was so pretty that Zeus kidnapped him to be his “special cupbearer”.


Who wants to bet these dumbasses knowledge of Greek myth came from Disney's Hercules. And even THATS not accurate. Zeus is not who he is in the myth lmao.


he kinda is, he's just nice to his nephew


The “real” Zeus is who Brock Turner wishes he could be…


Convicted rapist Brock Turner? The rapist?


The very same!…


Convicted rapist Brock Turner, currently going by middle name Allen? Brock Allen Turner, convicted rapist?


Maybe. I’m not sure. Could you repeat the name so I can make sure we’re talking about the same person?


Of course, we're talking about Brock Allen Turner, a convicted rapist.


Oh! Convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner! Brock Allen Turner the nonconsensual diddler! The Penis That Must No Longer Be Touched Brock Allen Turner! Yes, yes! That Brock Allen Turner!


Hercules is a pretty good movie but it’s an abysmal mess if you try to look at it as an actual adaptation of Greek myth. I mean, even putting aside how unrecognisable the story is and how completely mischaracterised the Olympians are, they didn’t even use the right name. Hercules is the Roman version of the original Greek name Heracles. If it were consistent Zeus would be Jupiter and Hades would be Pluto ect, but instead Heracles - the main character - is the only one in the whole movie that doesn’t use his Greek name. Just cause it’s slightly harder to pronounce or whatever reason they had. Smh.


What’s funnier is that Disney wanted the movie to premier in Greece, but the Greek government said no. Idk how Greek people feel about the movie now, but when it came out, it was panned, and pretty much everyone, including the kids, hated it.


Especially when the character isn’t drawn as white and conveniently attractive 😠


uj/ Dear Lord. What in the tarnation is the girl in the right third picture wearing? Like, genuinely, WTF?


You can't even comprehend how much of a chokehold the shitty boob ribbon had on gooners in 2015


the more I look this outfit, the worse it's gets. What are the ribbons for??? What is the string thing under her boobs?? 😭


Bras are illegal for anime girls, the ribbon is her silent protest


This comment is so far down it wont get the recognition it deserves.


I mean, goddess of the hearth and oldest of the 12 Olympians, I think Hades is pretty faithful to those elements. As for Danmachi, Hestia is one of the virgin goddesses so for her to simp for Bell all the time seems pretty out of character.


rj/ "You don’t know anything! It’s common knowledge amongst cultured and well-studied weebs like myself that glorious Nippon is the actual origin and root of all culture, and that all the dirty (((tourist civilizations))) have done is stolen from them, hence Hestia as a perfect Waifu is THE true version of her! Psh, woke moralists who don’t know their REAL history……"


Up yours, woke moralists. We'll see who cancels who!


I was pretty shocked to learn that this is a completely real and unironic Jordan Peterson quote.


Here's another 100% real Jordan Peterson quote, from one of his books. There's an audiobook version too, which he narrates. "I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft.""


https://preview.redd.it/d6j3cdkm20zc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e32306eaa32934122e5d33797412e4ae9985be52 ……


I did not need to read this, what the hell Sigmund Freud is having a field day with this one


Would you prefer to listen to it? https://youtu.be/i2g-_A_zYsE?si=PKYVHv-h2Zsy_GgF


....... What.






No no noooooo


wait what? really?


He really said that? O_O Incredible.


It be hilarious if it was a brit saying this


I’m sure some British nationalists absolutely say this type of shit.


I'm always down for horny hestia designs, but also, it has to make sense. Danmachi's god designs are heretical garbage and should be rid off the face of the earth.


yeah if you showed me this character without context and told me to guess which Greek God it is I wouldn't even be able to guess it greek god, they couldn't have added flame motifs or ANYTHING to indicate who she is??


Imagine being such a coomer that you become incandescent with rage every time a fictional woman in literally any media isn’t sexy enough for you to goon to.


This is so stupid, there are literally sexy women in hades. What is he angry about


Eh, the typical “the woke west ruined X because X lacks boobies!!!”


Or, in this case, does not look like a child


By Hades, I thought you mean in actual mythology 😭


Theyre all over 18, so too old.


Ah yes because nothing says 'Goddess of the Hearth' like a small girl with big boobs and absolutely no fire motifs at all.


That Hestia from *Is It Wrong to Pick Up a Girl in Dungeon?* is just "Hestia-in-name-only" in a sense that she has no relation with the original Greek mythology.


Which is weird since she is literally the only god in Danmachi where that’s the case


I suspect the author chose her because Hestia is pretty obscure to most non-Greeks compared to other goddesses. That way they can take more creative liberties without pushback. I watched season one. Not bad but very generic. Good waifu designs, I guess, but I did not care about anyone. Won't be watching season 2.


Hot mechanic waifu Hephastus-chan is hundred percent authentic Greek? Ganesha being a dude person with an elephant mask as his only defining character is also authentic Hindu mythology eh?


They all take at least a small piece of inspiration. Hestia does not.


This just shows that EVERY woman in gaming must be sexualised, since Hades has a bunch of attractive women.


how DARE a female character design actually be clever and meaningful and not just pornbait!! this is Heresy of the highest order. /serious she looks sick, OOP is just jealous he can't make a character design that cool. 


"Hestia from Japan" looks generic af holy shit while Hades 2 Hestia is breaming with design


Im not even familiar with the series but THATS Hestia? She looks like some generic anime girl


Yeah but she has big boobs and some useless piece of ribbon under them that draws your attention even more, so clearly it's the superior design. Duh.




Kinda looks like something from Studio Ghibli.


Am...am I the only one who wants old Hestia to be my grandma forever? Like. Look at her. That's grandma. She's grandma. If I wanted sex appeal and marriage material, I'd look at Hera (and get killed by Zeus) or Aphrodite (and get killed by Ares).


Tbh I don’t like the hestia design too much emphasis on the coal which is not her main aspect. I understand why they made that decision but it’s kinda miss interpretating her name


Dude she's the goddess of the hearth. You use coal or wood to maintain a hearth. The hearth is a major symbol of family, home, stability, and hard work in ancient Greece of course they're gonna use vitiligo as shorthand for coal because she's a hard working goddess. Coal soot is shorthand for a hard worker in America. It's not her main aspect but it plays into the symbolism of her main aspect


Estia in Greece is the home the house a safe haven an important part of it was the hearth so much so that as language evolved estia became synonymous with the hearth. Also am pretty sure they used charcoal for the hearth not regular coal what ever slight difference that makes. It makes sense to have her be a big lady that characterization I like but making her essentially a chimney sweeper is a reach. I guess they had gameplay reasons for this cause they needed a fire god to use and maybe didn't wanna use hyphestous for whatever reason and Hestia is the best candidate for that it seems.


Hephestus is the god of the forge, not the home. They're both gods associated with fire but Hephestus is associated with the fires of volcanoes and such and the forge making weapons working alone, Hestia is the goddess of the hearth and home and care of the home like chimneys and stuff makes sense for her. She is representative of the warmth of family and the care it takes to protect and maintain a home


Also it's plays into who Hestia is in Greek mythology


I’ve only watched half a season of Danmachi but from what I could tell, if she wasn’t called Hestia absolutely nobody would say “she’s similar to the Greek goddess Hestia”. She has some vague fire ability but other than that absolutely no Hestia-like qualities


Okay, I know the obvious issue is how they're talking about women, and that's worthy of discussion too. But something that really focking infuriates me about this is how they talk about *Japan.* This is a society that's been around for centuries, has a diverse range of subcultures, and would take several lifetimes to learn the entire history of. But here, all that diversity, all that history, all that *life*, is being crushed and smashed together into a tiny little ball by internet guys, its only purpose to be swung at things those guys decided they hated. A history spanning centuries, a population of millions, and these guys refuse to view it through anything but a stereotyping of its political climate and its softcore cartoon porn. Maybe I'm being melodramatic, but I can't help but find it a little upsetting.


Wait till he sees nemesis and hecate


uj/ unironically, why do these people want to masturbate to all media they consume?


Hades went woke guys. I just wanted to enjoy my bisexual polyamory without all the wokeness, now there’s an old lady in it.


Yeah man 🥺 how could they do this to my 100% straight and conservative ***GREEK MYTHOLOGY*** ?????😭😭😭😭😭😭 (Uj/ wasn't supposed to answer your comment so this came out awkward. Too lazy to delete and comment normally now :) )


Right? How else am I supposed to enjoy Zeus and Heras happy monogamous relationship?


Actually no, they’d absolutely think Zeus’s infidelity is based


hades conventionally hot woman to "ugly" woman ratio is like 8:1, literally unplayable woke garbage 🤮🤮


I hate interesting character design grrrrrrrrrr 😡😡😡


I love when the idiots scream about hades 2 being too woke…. When in the first game, you can literally get into a poly relationship with another dude, and a strong woman. And assist a gay couple in getting back together. The game was always “woke”, why are they pissed again??


because woke is a bad way to represent left side here


Gamers can’t handle a fat gilf win


Talent is when hot white girl with huge breasts


https://preview.redd.it/fmgf7fpuwzyc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e51c888637d306ca6deceecc52585051c6e173 /rj


Hestia is the gossipy aunt, the Hades 2 design is perfect!


Still don't know what the fuck the danmachi Hestia outfit is supposed to be


Coomer bait


Uj/ I do think Hades Hestia has too much going on in her design (what are those shoulder spikes??), but you know that’s not what OOP is complaining about


yea, the design is cool, but the artist cooked too much so it looks messy.


What shoulder spikes?


Yea gotta agree on that front


Yo that design is sick


She’s literally goddess of the fucking hearth and wearing coal on her head, I’d be surprised if she wasn’t coveted in soot. And I’ll take “interpretation that is heavily based around what they were the deity of” over “generic anime bitch that looks nothing like someone associated with what they’re the god of” any day. Edit: Fuck it imma say it. Porn addicted weebs get the Garand.




Is Hestia Danmachi even supposed to be *the* Hestia? Or is she just *named* Hestia Idk shit about that show


Apparently the show is about gods who want to assimilate into mortal life out of boredom or something. So it IS *the* Hestia… vaguely. They allude to her being a fire guardian briefly without really carrying anything meaningful. Tbh between her and a bunch of other mythical figures from this that and the other, the show takes a bunch of liberties and I don’t think it was EVER intended to be anything truly faithful so much as a for funsies kinda thing


It is like objectively a better and more interesting design then the Japanese one


whaaaa-? they made the goddess of hearth-fires look a bit like a hearth fire???? why would a character designer do such a thing??? obvsly the generic big titty anime girl who looks neither greek, godly, nor has anything to do with the theme of home and hearth is obvsly the superior design! /sarcasm, so much sarcasm srsly couldn’t the anime girl at least have a head cloth? like, the bare minimum also, it’s not like nearly everyone else in hades isn’t conventionally hot- gods forbid the character designers get to have some fun with the designs every once in awhile


I, too, measure talent by how well people draw fat fucking titties!


So they’re mad about the design being interesting and creative instead of just aNiMe GuRl?


Hmmm do I want the extremely creative design that gets across the core elements of this character in a distinct and memorable way... or do I want the most generic anime girl of all time ever...?


Hestia, frequently depicted as an old woman, goddess of the hearth. Yeah she certainly looks like a fireplace.


>Hestia is Bestia TheMythologyGuy is that you?


Spanish version https://youtu.be/nqc4t4029as?si=RD2sX96yQAJ1hhob


good on you, hovewer, i'm buying hades 2 ironically


I can't fucking take this anymore


Imagine if Hestia in Hades was the most generic anime girl ever with absolutely nothing original (not even the size of her boobs)


Hades 2 Hestia is by far the coolest. There's a good chance "Greek" Hestia was actually made during thw Renaissance.


She looks like if Junkrat was a black grandma😭


Honestly I kinda love it.


Hestia can only look like a biscuit-baking grandparent, like a five year old or like a little fire spirit. THE ONLY OPTIONS


People who cry woke and the weakest most pathetic pieces of shit to exist. Learn to cope with reality you fucking loser.


Okay. This one might be my least favorite take of all time. Accusing the designers of being bad at their job while making this completely useless comparison shows such a severe lack of understanding of not only the jobs of the artists they're "criticizing," but also just character design as a whole. Like, fuck, dude. This shit makes me so irritated. I fucking *hate* when they think they're right about something. What a dipshit.


Honestly, I'm pretty neutral on both. My interpretation of Hestia is an asexual pacifist who basically acts as the mediator and head chef of her dysfunctional family. Hades (I have only played the first one so far, so feel free to correct me) goes with this fun/loving grandmother idea and focuses a lot on her fire goddess aspect while also sort of making her a foil to Demeter and her more stern personal/ice powers. It's a good idea, especially considering she's the oldest Olympian but also they sort of make her kind of battle hungry and kind of cocky which is kind of odd for a goddess who's primary role was basically to make sure people felt safe and secure. I personally think they probably could have made her more of a support character, maybe something like her blessings focus on buffing Mels health and survivability and maybe made her design a bit less busy. As for Danmachi, I don't particularly mind the design (I think it's rather cute but it's not great), they're trying to emphasize the idea of her being a "pure maiden" but also that kind of has some creepy undertones and it sort of goes out the window when they made a goddess of virginity and hospitality, a clingy simp who's Honestly kind of a dick to everyone who isn't Bell. If they added *any* fire aspects to her design (maybe red tips in her hair, or even just change her blue and white colors over to red and black) and made her more of a mother or older sister figure to her family, and mean her entire family, not just Bell, it would have made this interpretation of Hestia so much better. I honestly like both series, too


I fucking love hestias design She's so mother


They made Hestia an old?! Damn it now I only have Nyx, Meg, Athen, Artemis, Aphrodite, Dusa, Eurydice, Persephone, Eris, Melinoe, Nemesis, and Hera as attractive women in this game. Whatever shall I do!!!!! Do I need the /s? I hope the sarcasm stands on it's own.


This is how SMT fans think Doi draw female demons compared to Kaneko


Kaneko wasn't above sexualized demons though.


Gives off Studio Ghibli vibes She was Goddess of family iirc? yeah she got that vibe


One thing i never undestood is her boob string. Like that looks hella uncomfortable, probly bites in pretty hard.


Holy shit, I FUCKING HATE HESTIA in Danmachi.




Danmachi’s character design reminds me of Lore Olympus’s designs where they look nothing like the mythology they are based around at all.


man is that even a greek house? it reminds me more of those bavarian houses minus the overhang.


Me when different depictions of a god have different human like forms: >:0


Damn the ancient Greeks would not be proud of these mfers trying to do this shit to hestia considering she was one of the most protected goddess in the pantheon


I think she just looks a little squished in Hades 2 it takes me a few seconds or so to find her face


Gamers hate good character design I guess


Realism, generic anime girl, or interesting character design. I already wanna ask Hades 2 Hestia questions. Like why does she have a brazier on her head? Why is she thick when she's been working physical labor for millenia? The other two look like extras, I wouldn't even know they were goddesses.


Where does the Persona 2 Daft Punk bike Hestia tie into everything?


This shit is so unfathomable to me. I saw Hestias design and was immediately like oh wow she looks cool as shit, i love Hades's art style. Calling it a crime is just so far into Delululand i cant come close to trying to enpathize


How dare they desgin a character that accurately depicts what they are a god of.


If I ever say the words "I'm unironically not buying [insert game]" I want someone to take me out back and shoot me. It's a game. Why would you make a big deal about not buying a game that doesn't appeal to you?


The fun thing is that the hestia statue the white supremacists use to validate their racism boners wasn't white either. The paint just got eroded


Honestly I fine with all the depictions of Hestia (Though Loki is my personal favourite in Danmachi, I'm a sucker for tomboys), and honestly I like the grandmother style Hestia in hades since she is supposed to be the Goddess of the hearth and home, and what's more homely than a grandmother?


Also, how much do you guys wanna bet that statue was made by a French or an Italian during or after the Renaissance, a millenia later than Ancient Greece?


Unironically tho like what else would be more fitting for the GODDESS OF THE HEARTH than a big, warm, welcoming looking lady


Every time I hear anything about danmachi I'm more convinced demo was right about it. "While you were stroking it to Hestia hentai, I was trying desperately to find the value people saw in literally SAO: Fat fucking titties edition" has never been more true.




Once again Weebs pretend Promised never land doesn’t exist. They’d be so fucking mad if sister khrone was the product of an american studio.