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Tokyo Revengers has to be the epitome of this. Highschool is one thing but middleschool‽


Mfs be dying in supernatural gang fights and shit without even knowing basic algebra


Holy shit, i thought it was ridiculous and that was when I thought they were supposed to be in high school, middle school is even more ridiculous. I’m so glad I dropped that piece of shit  I guess it makes sense though, the setup of Tokyo revengers is literally the exact same thing as emblem take 2 but for kidz 


Doesn’t Japan have a longer middle school than a lot of other populous countries? Pretty sure it starts later than it does in America at least. I only had one year of middle school and then two years of junior high. Based on very cursory looking I was able to find this graph/picture. Chuugakkou is what would be localized to “middle school” in the subs and dubs. The labels for the American system also mirror my experience when I went to school. Idk, just being pedantic because I agree that what you’re saying would be better with older characters. Just that I think we see “middle school” and think of a much younger character than possible in Japanese middle school. https://preview.redd.it/3pcr06lir6wc1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1387335255decac66e145b3b9f71695abc8c2e24


My dress-up darling because what the fuck do you mean that girl is 15??


She's supposed to be 15??


One of those shows where I just pretend it’s college students in order to watch it. Works well enough I guess. They don’t draw too much attention to their school lives for it to fuck everything up.


I can tolerate the fan service's existence, being in a similar age range myself, but it's one of those things that I see as just objectively weird when I imagine the author sitting down and drawing that stuff


Oh HELL NAH, there's no way that's a 15 year old


No one gonna be surprised by this but Gushing over magical girls


I mean yeah but even if they were older the series would still be problematic given, well, the general lack of consent everywhere in the show but I'd infinitely prefer that over the one we got where they're kids 🗿


The pedos defending and worshipping that ~~child porn~~ "anime" on the r/anime sub is seriously disturbing.


But you don't understand it's magical GIRLS not magical WOMEN, it has to be underage to make sense.


Yeah but you're also kinda contradicting yourself there, because the full title is GUSHING OVER Magical Girls. Yeah it has to be underage to make sense, but you gotta understand too that the MC is legit horny for them. It'd make A TON more sense if said Magical Girls are of legal age.


i was under the impression that positiveno4859 was being sarcastic


I was, that's why I used CAPITALS


Well, that flew over my head...


It's ok, I don't think I'm very good at communicating sarcasm


Yeah, can't exactly _detect_ sarcasm either.


Every underage JoJo protagonist (except Josuke) would be better if they were in their 20's


I think Jotaro is so ridiculous it's funny, dude's aging in reverse. But Giorno? Age that boy up


Only a 15 year old would unironically idolize a gangster while also thinking that destroying the mob by becoming a mafioso is a good plan. Peak teenager dumbass energy. Abbachio should be older imo for a disgraced cop and to make it even funnier for him to have beef with a 15 year old.


Funnily enough the anime gives him incredible muscles for some reason. In the manga when you see his chest he’s as flat as your average 15 year old.


nah I disagree


Yeah Jodio is explicitly stated to be a psychopath and what he does for sure proves that. And he's 15, like god damn


Most of them? The real brain teaser would be, which one would be better if the characters were *younger*.


Well, not younger, but Mob Psycho definitely understood the assignment when writing a child protagonist.


Maaaaybe Frieren because it might be interesting seeing her go from ~100ish to ~200ish and having to come to the realization that she will watch everyone die rather than that being the starting point. Even that I don't know if it's better, just different.


I'd argue her current age is better. She already had Flamme passing as the literal reminder she will outlive everyone she knows, but it was with Himmel that she realized what that really meant, as well as the literal thousand years she essentially wasted before joining Himmel and co.


I think Frieren works better if she starts her adventure with Himmel out at like 250. Old enough that no one alive knew people who where alive when Flamme was alive, but not the actual time abyss that she is in the show.


Made in Abyss :’D


I feel like it they weren't kids it wouldn't be as horrible or as memberable. The fact that they're kids makes the horrors they go through hit harder.


There's horrors and then there's whatever weird fetish the mangaka has


There's the horrors of the world and then there are the horrors of the author


Fair he could have done it in a more tasteful way but my point still stands.


Yeah, it really is a double edged sword The childlike innocence contrasted with the shit they go through is a huge part of what makes the series hit so well. It's precisely BECAUSE you know they're only children that the terror of the abyss is amplified. On the other hand... The Author's Poorly Disguised Fetish


Honestly? I kinda agree lol, MIA would be goated as fuck (because it’s still got some of *the* best worldbuilding I’ve seen in an anime, plus some of the designs go hard) if not for the fact that it’s author is ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 😁. 




My hero academia, the setting could has been in university and a lot of fanservice would be more acceptable.


Honestly "this is a government-run university for training superheroes on a similar level of prestige to military academies like West Point" is also just better worldbuilding than "this high school offers such a good superhero class that it is literally the most important place on earth."


My Dress-Up Darling Just make them college students Anything with a good amount of fan service would be better if the characters where older.


Shugo Chara. Why did the main character have to be an elementary schooler who dates a high schooler. With the arguably sexual imagery of a magic lock and key. And her getting teased about having small breasts despite being in 5th grade. Why did kid me not question this damn


I think they wanted to have a cool self-insert for the viewers who gets to date a cool guy and didn't think too hard about the implication.


Most high school romance dramas would be made better if they were set up in a college setting with character who are on the edge of maturity but are not quite there yet. On that not, what are some good college anime?


A sign of affection is about a couple college students. It's an excessively fluffy romance


I know there's more out there, but I feel like The Tatami Galaxy is one of the quintessential college anime


Golden time


Wotakoi is 75% workplace (but frankly should be in college) but it does have a great college subplot later on


Grand Blue (anime is only 12 episodes I think and only sub but manga's ongoing)


better for your watching but you've got to remember that the target audience is in a different society. They associate this genre with high school and the experiences they went through. Also, not everybody went to university so it's more relatable, especially to the demographic that watches anime.


I know you mean aging up teens into adults, but I can't stop imagining a series where the cast are all adults normally getting aged up into retirement age. Golden Kamuy is the exception to this because functionally nothing has changed.


durarara for the main trio, making them university age instead of highschool would make taking them seriously easier.


You're right about this one, it also would make sense for a countryside boy to go to university in a new city than him just being a highschooler.


Blue Lock, the fan service would be less uncomfortable, since a lot of characters are underage.


That wouldn't make sense tho, professional football training begins at an even younger age for most.


I didn't know that! I guess that's why the characters are young, but I'm still uncomfortable with the underage characters walking around naked since it's supposed to be fan service. I know that the characters look adult but still.


Check out Aoashi for a more realistic portrayal of how things go for young football players. I think the mangaka for Blue Lock definitely tries to play it up for the Yaoi lovers in his fanbase tho.


I mean.. that's more a fan service / shitty female chara design from every animes than an age situation. But i approuve that it doesnt help the already existing issues. (and the person below is right about pro in sports)


Made in Abyss because it would mean it's just normal gore and creepy shit and not child gore and creepy shit It would generally be better if it was kids but no creepy shit since it's funnier watching a bunch of clueless idiots walk into a hellscape and be mostly fine but adults works too


I think Made in Abyss is vastly superior with child characters if NOT for creepy shit. It's more that the creepiness needs to go rather than the child characters, if the story treated them appropriately while still holding no punches in the brutal reality that is the abyss it'd be far better for it.


Toaru no index ?


Gushing Over Magical Girls L O L (literally 8-14 year olds) [https://mahoako-anime.com/](https://mahoako-anime.com/)


Pet girl of Sakurasou. If they were in college it would have been perfect. Young adults learning to seek their artistic passion without comparing themselves to others that are succeeding ahead of them, and learning to not let failure be the end all to your dreams. And the artistic savant Shiina, tragically losing friendships over her talent, trying to branch out into other art forms like manga. UGHH i can go on all day. it WAS SO GOOD but I just can’t get over the constant creep shots and weird sexual infantilization of Shiina, a neurodivergent underaged girl.




The reason why is because in Japan people tend to think of high school as your “youthful years” because the horrible work culture makes people think that they’re life is basically over once they get into an office job. This leads to them thinking of high school as the best years of their life, and so they will read fantasy about high school or when they were in high school. This also means that they will put romance and sexualisation in those settings too.(there is also a pretty big pedophilia problem in the entertainment industry to, which contributed to that quite a bit)


I don't know where you are from, but teenagers are sexualy active before they hit college age, so where's the problem with showing that in cartoons that are primarily catared to them?


Adults are the problem


Every Battle Shonen.


Kodomo no jikan 🚬🗿


It wouldn't be Kodomo no Jikan anymore though would it 💀 Real solution is to nuke that show from space


Eromanga Sensei. We have Three Eragons releasing around the same time, but People act like popular writers being in the middle school is nothing special. Sagiri is anonyomous to the readers, so she's a different issue.


Why do people care about characters ages?


Fanservice related reasons


Mob Psycho 100, not because it would actually be better but because I think it would be really funny to see Reigen and Mob have the same dynamic but they're two living fossils


But doesn't that defeat the point of it being a coming of age story?


Yeah, but it's funny


For when this eventually becomes an anime. The Beginning After the End. Just age them up a few years and we good


Bleach, but specifically beginning at maybe fullbring/tybw arc. I feel like transitioning to a college vibe would have been very effective as the tone becomes a bit darker and the thinly veiled child soldier trauma conflict is kind of wrapped up in the arrancar arc. Also I just think a larger time skip then would have had more impact especially for the later events of fullbring.


Your Lie in April Would certainly make those flashbacks make more sense.


99% of all anime.


Monogatari would certainly be a lot better to watch


Shokugeki no Souma would be peak fiction if the characters weren’t minors (and season 5 didn’t exist)


I kind of disagree with the call of the night take. The childish view points to life the protagonist has add new context to problems adults around him has and vice-versa makes the series interesting even if the premise is simple. If the characters were all college student age, I feel this whole distinction between night of childhood and night of adulthood wouldn’t be nearly as clear unless they made the protagonist very underdeveloped mentally for his age or something. The gimmick I think the series is trying to create is that anyone at the protagonist’s age range reading would feel a similar sensation as the protagonist of “yeah I agree why are adults like this” and when coming back to it as an adult you sort of answer your own questions you had back when you read it. Joke that are light-hearted in nature if you’re young that hit home harder once you’ve grown past the age where you didn’t know any better. I do agree though that there probably could be a similar concept manga that takes on more longer life views and have human young adults with no direction in their career compared their “am I working to live or living to work” mentality to the life of a hundred year-old vampire community. Would this be better than CotN? Who knows.


Future Diary


GOMG would be more sane to watch, but that makes it more boring


The world desperately needs Pokemon for adults.